i e- ii fiu b 1 m 8 pfe hcnwbtst cucttcu or casapa ind ulcn clw sp riuocilagsrvle- imoh ntufli eu6 iim ihu sehml m tiilructm i i ttdnmcyhtlikfcliia wbcpsp tu r e -earing- tjviu lllol cirk e rldaj reuisiiij khvju lianas fai rtriirrrrtav sfnictli diy irwe inr tilt am nu i xei- vtmituu elael ttlt lim iav morula service riiiliituscuotl hsjaru i j itcvlultjakkmlklllor cisgrcg it sal vkitvicrs a i rjirti kl vtiii ou we ticlt eve an tt imci1s ai sjg pm i ckru ur gvulasn vmi tr 11 icll 1 iu crviot ijvda pan ribviltt bclutai ul u- n tn s i ktv q it utdaoorubeai i rirrrist kktlftwni iy inrehleial u ttu tod p ra jawi uii ivtv vet t j p w traj t kett gbu rutkfay ai ruurkiir eveulup it 5 p a i i msctck kkavirsx- sua in lcwbh at it am and spm ttaermeuocfiliajas pm uttuaotst krlscurau que we ii or cwrau o janvsf kcavtrc uk iiy pieacwis at ida a tu 6ahtatmscuxklvjljttia evntouc 6ctxitkvxioc cirparaliot o lco sckvkes koorttimudlnechmonthat 14 t m sandal- sckmi kt x pm every sounds i krv tavuta uoitouttut- uanidey luiagiue lt huii who would uol cvjrd himt it tt a deprnd tat live without tloru goods till uo ai lake mult y iu ma pocktl and thru let hint go where he mil god tbcin tt ct ptlcos the- merchant will soou find tl lo hit tdttnug to giro him the value of his cush pstinem iu tome form or other but even if bo did uut the fanner woald gta agreat deal more by triits keeping hitrxpendiiurewtihiu hit income than orcn b luviug tttoiuy tluit it tallj- hot hu out at eight per wnt tntemt of hiriug ctedil the havec ofwa pertniw hiratlf talrvcli it to the utmost doiug s largely catli butiticw wuutd oaahlo tlw jtortkipcr to reduce frratlj tho tmoitut uf credit he accepts from ths hileala met- chtau rpak actqk free pres i patuhcd arcrjj tlnkiaj- koroini si far auatim in ad7ance pattffq3 yge8 rcistititoextia fat 5 isstt tke eree press tih tliit iteue xb mako consider- tide- iatprovebient ia the dress of oar vpt whiclt we think gires it a better apprtnce we jo issue a half sheet eapjjemeat citiuinmga large amount o reading matter we purpose con tinuing the fuptifemcat- ktitii- firing opens thus cieing- our roadcra plenty of gooil reading matter during tne long triuter lionths oar tnlecription list is ttly iucressing i ia number and vi lire no doubt tie improreaients we uva made and the additional read ing matter tieeu tu hting us a urge cuuihcr of ner 6u jscribera titosa of ocur readers who afe indebted to ua for tbeirpaper will kintly aj up assooa as jasttile as all are airare that no luiiuciscan lsuiafully carried on vithvat funds kew school buildings at the htst meeting of the board of truteetut actinl school diristoo tho cauntr iusptctjr 3r lfttle gare notice tht further acoiiuuiojaticos wocld tare to b peon led at tie ehblio shool as at preskjt eacvof thejbree dpartmcnu hj more pupu than the laa- allosrs and the attendance in the third durtmut 5 to krg tht number of tbe rapiu could not ctkl seits nd that the urge number con fined in this room render it unhealthy to bjtb children and teacher mr little recammeukai that at present the board maki arrangements for i temporary rbim tuid secure the setriees of another teacfertho further pro posal that tlty plot of grothd to extend from olj 6ciioat lane iparchaie a trisnjalar romsir g 5 smith tha corner irbere the turned to the north corner of tha psesent school premises this would ml trga the grounds tnffi- cieutlr for any laiminga arllich tatild require to be erected credit kot that we arc sttibg our as ve kope on it ncrprs of prosperity ietut consider whether we can dojiotliing to avoid the miitakes which as we all see hare bcenthe ouse of our past trouhles oas of these is credit almost every farm in theconntryis mortgaged and terr manr of these mortgages repre- tent in large measures security for store debt and the merchant at whose stqre they rer contracted if he is not tho mortgagee is as much of a snfferfer s himslc tho simple priacipla of pavasyott go would do away with ill thhr time was when the country was new and credit at the store was the settlers only chance for life but even then it ess lis duty to lessen the amount of hfs indbtednces year by year sd the year ia which he did not do so might fiirly be looked on it i year of failure ta old nettled countries there i is little excuse for this the only or at least the first and chief rruon why nany merchants do not deal tor ciili is that they are afraid of offending theircustomera who consider tlinelrfs insulted by hetn asked for ready moneys particularly if thay h pen to be in ftitier oircnmances than v i j tme loor fellow thittisjuathegianing and ncwiilyjiieeda such ashistapeo to getaoiig hit the poor- stroking ftlloi- uikyartberfileliiurivinrbet uirihati the ipiiarently wedihy firmer for he feflsiii dfbt cud ia lessening it year by year while the fanner and his family are-junkiiporn-lo- themselves growing pbarer tusteadof richer hnd art perham ianch notrer insolveosy for authorized l laborer uiechanio or clerk who hat mors than twentyfive dalura ow ing him from his employer ia liable to have the excess garniaheed la tatufy the ctaiait of hit credlturt but i he heavy twell who deignt topare hit nailt tt th puhlic txfwaae in government odice ta fnl frooitll wh reipoasibil- ity to hit creditors it ia- been d- cided by th court that tl s iitariea of uersona ia theempay of the oovrra- ment are not subject to the laymentof taxes uudr th toad of income and further that stch salaries oinnat be gsmisheed far debt theres something wroug somawbere county oouncll th council met on tuesday it two oclock- tho clerk in the chair members ptescnt slesars buck clay clements cluholm etenienon kerns lindsay menries mcivod ilcenerv sickerlic readhead kamsty kobiu- son white the necessary certificates of qualifica tion were filled with cue clerk dr back moved seconded by h robinson thit john rmscy be warden f jr the current year capt kerns moved in amendment seconded by jcr ludsiytlat col- clay be the warded dr buck sopfxjrted his motion in a brief speech tha chief argument ad vanced being the rule which has remain td for some yelrs past in the county couuctl that the warden should hold uffioe tor two successive yeats tnd that a violation of this usage now would bea ell crion on the ability of mr rmsey lb discharge the dnties of the ofiice mr kerns said that in moving his amendment ho did not entertain the idea that it would bea reflection on itr raraseya ability re thought that no council had a right to com nit ikuc tcceetsocs in office to the selection of any particular aunts their warden ilt wtotespoke in dror of the mo tion iirifcleod said he was a modest in dividual and like mr white did not like to advocate his own claims ho read a statement showing that all the otber municipalities in the county ex cepting georgttown and acton had shared the honoc many times george townhas beea represented in this coun ril for sixteen yearn and has not had the honor once he was however cot a candidate foe the honor tnd would support the amendment kr cuy explained that the rale of electing the same man warden for two successive years was adopted when ilr jfcdougall of oakville was in the chair it was the time when the agita tion in favor of the cv rsilwar was in progress and it was desirable in the interests of the county that ilr mc- dougall thould hold the office a second rear there is no rule laid down by which tha council is eommilteil to tha same raau as warden for tweare it is eighteen rears since he held the office sir eamaey said that as the other municipalities had had the honor far two successive years he iatmed that for the honor of his township he war entitled to it for another year jlr henderson said if such a rule as was referred to existed he cjuli only say that it was not a good ant there are fifteen memlars in the conn cil and it would be a long tirat before the honrr could be given to all provi- jed etch held the office for two success ive years there is no moie hardship in breaking through the rule today thsnthete would be a year hence the yeas and nays being called the amendment was tost on the following division yeas kerns cbisholm xicleod ilcenery henderson clay lindsiy7 nats clements rjadhead buck slckerlie eobiaaon ramsey wlite 5etiees8 sir rariifey wse then declared elee ted and after taking the neeestary oblijatians took his sit a cotumittee was appointed to strike the standing committees for the year and the council adjourned for fifteen minutes to enable tt to prepare the re port council resumed the following standing committees were selected finance messrs krns white mcleod guy anil clenwnts roads and bridges mewire lindsay meories readhead mceaery rubin- son county building messrs white cuy cblsholm clements ramsey printing messrs buck henderson mttwl while education i messrs kendferson kerns mekerlie llcenery rmsej contingencies messrs cuy clem- entabdck mr j i mathe8pn waf selected by the coiiocil as cue of ihe auditors mr hm swilzerwas appointed the other auditor by the warden 8 1 ry lfea mr mcleodmoved that the sum of 500 he dbtoled by this council and school books of neuti to the l chwa of mtttiboiuuh for the relief of the lrtthj mdislrei lie said iu thit way the mm would be borne rouallyby ihesfiolo oounty mf john tulouy was retppofnted truitoe of oikvillelligh bebool mr d whcelihtn wts ra appointed a director of thh cv railway mr white moved that a sufficient number of copiet of the rules of tliit council be primed and dutruutled fot the ten i of the raamvw itrried mr ktrus moved that 100 he graiit4 to the utltiu agricultural sjcioty caaicd atttmphd suloldt a desperate atuiupt at iaicid win inkde in iuolph on salurduy night by a man named henry paltciaou who reunved from ljuioli a few mouths ago- itb hit wife and family of thieeryouhg children it tpiwiirt lliat ha had ueii iu a very low aula of mind tnd wtj afraid of hlmjelf and family being starved himfifc who had retired for the night heating strung noises got upaud wont into the next room where her husband was ud found him d- libetnlelr striking himself on the head with a hatchet she attempted la take lie hatchet from him but did not succeed until he had inflicted another gsh in his head after securing the httchet the went for assistance on reluming the found paltersoa lyiug in- seiibl in a pool of blood medical aid was at ouc procutet and patccrxon wax taken to tha hospital his wounds are tevcre but not cccsidcrwl daugerous auexciiiage says we would urge upon thel people of each community the necessity of giviug their local paper the most cordul support th iocat papt is what gives strangers their knowledge of the character of the people of the country where the paper is publithed and iu proportion to the support given will the journal be conducted the town that is not able or which refuses lo suppott its local paper lacks the enterprise that will bring pofperity to the counlrj- and draervet to sink into dw4jr but that town that has a live fearless and energetic newsjiaper sud thre are many of theui ia ontario sendi the intelligence all over the laud aid the people know that such towns are thriving scd prosrous it i of course the proper thing to suliscrilie fcr it least one of the urgo dailies hut the grst duty of the jeitiim is lo tniport the local journal for the sake of patronizing homo industries if for no other but the return his wilt receive will far outuieasure all that it will cost canadian haws the city debt of toronto is 5800- 05 the bill for incorporating weston village was read the first time in the legislature on friday last and was passed in committee on wednesday they must pro luce urge women in the northwest a lata number of the gudstouo kaa notes the pretence in that townof mrs thomst ritchie of beautiful- plains n w t who weighs g3q lbs and u said to be the largest woman ia the korthweat the princess louise arrived from england at halifax on monday eve ning by the bartnalion the passage throughout was as might be expected at thia season quite rough her royal highness suffered severly from sea sickness throughout the voyage eaiut srmwnnhies about two weeks since mrs t adsinsoo of this town astonished her visitors by treat ing there to tome very fine ttrawbirrics we believe the strawberry vines had blossomed in the open tir tnd being put into pots asdf taken inti the home there matured walkatoa telacnpc a probably fatal accident occurred on saturday in ennismore a man named maurice collins was working at a sawing near the machine when the saw flew out of its place striking him n the heid breaking the skull tnd indicting a terrible wound the idcfll was trepinned but there are little hopes of his recovery a ciinsvillo family lately had a urge washing of blankets to do aiid the hired girl accordingly procured four quarts of soft soap or th purpose leaving it standing in a pail overnight the man of the hoase by mistake mixed bran with it and fed it to the cow tha cow still lives and the washing was postponed for a week a connection was made to day be tween he eastern and western section of the grand trunk companys west ern road and an engine was run over the new track the comuanys system now extends from chicago to the atlantic and it is estimated that fhey willbe ready to do fieight business over their hewiine in the course oft few dsys mt gibaon of hamilton hag given notice ola bill amending the liquor license act this bill provides for increasing the penalty for selling liquor without a license aud for the immediate cancellation of licenses on conviction for selling- liquor on sundays mid after seven oclock on saturday nights and for withholding licenses from ihe pat tiej go convicted for a period of two years a very serious accident occurred in ghu on wednesday afternoon usi whereby a young son of mr j m lnmsden received tncli injuries ts to esum grave appreliensipn the poor hov in ooa with the son of a neighlior wasplaying in the burn at the time and hadclinilied npytry neai the roof when he nnfortiinatdy sliped and fell to the floor beneath adistonc of oyer twenty feet he ws pioked up in an enlirely tincpnrcioui state and conveyed to the house he is pan recovering all kmds slates ouu iiujoruat oiut rtwufjeikbsss jltnirlv luuughl out bv the proooedlui of ihe igihlalivo cominitteo on luilroad accidents on tluuiday it ni ad duced in evidence lhat for ten rtl fetri past no nccldent had trlsor on tie nnrtleiu kailwty froni fiogt the cutupany having ndoptcd lb i simple inexpensive unlhod of inrtiig a pie- of woutt- initio fiog a nudel was exhibiifd slibwiug how this could he dena a ljinak- imiehitaict by ihe dealh of hon u ieirii of murtlikll mich ho died intenrte i is quite probable that mr p 8 pirrfn the wellkoown confictioiier of loudon aiid mr samuel pcrrin ol detroit will share ihe fortune of iho deceased which is placed at 4000 0 ip cash mid property the dce ed wr llesideul of the national etnv of michiguu for a uumberof ye rs previ out to which he was eitged in milling at billing bridge near oluwt a nan named baborin ind his wife qutrrclltd in a drunken tiro on wed sizing an fiesday last tnd ho wife axe detlt him tnveral hlos head inflicting fatal wound died in ureal agonr on sttni mg the evidence of he two of saliorin goes fo show that tie deed was provoked by ftrqntnt aid terrible bealicgs and drunken abate resented with such a terriale result a verdict of murder wtn r turned by the coroners jury on tho tho man y morn uughlctt which the ia tvtr becarrlat barrar tiertea tlmo n wnn tho vrr raenl 00 o ncdl etn lu a ioiimiiom hk too- iv-i- lt bataa lie f toanl ta rumteflje 0 oui f llcilor uiiick livittd upoa wdh i fe fuf tln to immr kw lint l all tiplr avtrird toaof lo stt kau 4 d-r- t who have nraiarwt an emtliloa or tata able cufar oaituitlieeliluealontfor if l a llcl- a it aortal d lut crl irouul is iml in fei tuem no iciiaae iiiiatiricvlt tbemlroia usjaatonraach pricesseeau on he verge vf he grave such s tbendilionif motet a walker of perry n h will conjettion ai tho lungs and chtonia ca arrn two bottles of the constitutioi ral catarrh kemedy entirely rcilored ni a to health aud lo uie his own words built up my whole i vstem the rxi oedy it for sale bv all druf gists wait alt fcld tw to kkulvk a cacoat iie trouble same cough tuned by an a cumulation of phkgm in he lliroal opicially in the morning exr erituced mouy by persons affected with chro lie cstattu7 can i relieved tlmoit iiiltmly by taking a teaspoonful or haj rtrds pect oral balsam which lu the i drantage of being harmless to ihe stoo aeb tnd at the same lime improving u a appetite cheapest and best th daiit tltxbt it msi ad lo all ilt lubscribert la a mt rid tl less loan a cent a dajr it it the ncstcatxtwaiaratt rartia wld giving ail the latest inewt i r telegraph editorials on the most imp riant ques lions a compreheouve cor rspondence column a ralu ble departs enl devotea to the contemporary preas lame nd re ligious reading a weekly m nmaryof lh n w bookjind uataiinet n fact each number it the worlds hlstor foraday inceitftading postae 3n0 a vear the wcttlt wrntem born the sirre relation to he week is ihe daily dot lo the diy in ibi paper ihe news is fora- marited nil conifented lo the smallest spwe that everylhin j my oavo a place lu great pccutiarilj hi n by its ciacciatios or t 03 rents amongt the let clasiet of the com munity tills immense circ ilation juiti- fiea its publishers in plaein the price at lj veir ud hen th number o subscribersjreicher 3t000 which seems likely this rear the price 11 be reduc- edui the round dollar pricifl 10 a year tuc alillos csavi1cocj ortki x expressed of the witxeas fy those vho have tried it is that of don im iranl a tubtcriber jfrom portage lapriirie manitoba who write t 16 wrrxist it such a necessity thtt to do without it is almost an impossibility the koctutwtilcsstxat is tn eight paged semi monthly lllus rated paper which costs hot 0o a year o single sub- eribrs and much test la eiubi it it ihe pioee of the ivmrcss pubflcttions tnd gies everywhere we reerive udvdsciisorrvidi sen cvetr yprorthe important w ztt it i dotnt in hie ftanday scoool aorf b r uie mretme owlrtt lo itimmruecircula loa ocoveril- 000 opl we nave ien en bled in max ercmirnpmventenitlo its ar armies even at its pctent trice lllaicn enllj-bnlm- rraredm irprutnce ity iliea julnndlaatbl uirder viiicit will make 1 iu cu balttlfitfd tuaueverbroie not only b nr a valtable tap r eui a beaoiifal one here la alto an eiiliaalalulspaperdvvotel a i sosdvscacm ctkciobralecare as fnlnwi r id corts tn tbeincamre 2 s3 endealo uif nc ncklrmc 3j so copies lo the one addrw 1 1 601 uj i cs m the one sdihess j2i kampie lipid otuieae par leni ifm a aopllcall ni jonv rxmctlt i pctliaatts moolreal j bead cart fully- samobi ijsoonkt sophtatburg uji i wsi slleetfli with dyspepsia fur nearly lonr yean my luncs becoming afltcted towaidt the lax 1 wat induced lo try the hnoihonom remedy after utliig three or four bottles i felt taiiob batter and gunediirength raplllr my health improved tlesdil and rapidly and when 1 luid liken three or foar lollies more i was qulie restored lo henltb sod icnetii and litre experunced belter henlllt lhsn for forty yetrt lefore i had b en order the treatment of a number of physicians before but never received any mtleritl aid until i ated your remedy a mckay truro n k isyt he wt rery bod with liver complaint but used lleihoionee kemedy and in a month was niiablltt he had ererbeen in hit life i ntn no in business and wish you to rend ma thrte down by sleamer a wood conseoon tayt that he bit tried the kemedy or liter complaint and dytpepiis with great success 1 have also i ted the bhoiboneei fills and find thtt tbey ire at good m any i ever iried btxtt kwo oerieva n y lays if j wife was intensely iifihcltd with dyspep sia for a lung time we consulted pbyricfsnrof three diflerent schools and received no benefit fcbe hat taken three bottles nf the great bosnoneet liemedy tnd itnowbesly tad well rsy iohfott isfs mr liokenne bettioj lufleredfromsn aluok ofkheu mtliami and wat unable to mote without help but after faking a few bottles of the khoshonees was able to walk ts well at eter prioe of the remedy in pint bollies8l pills 25 cents a box bold by all medicine dealers u- v furniture furniture foaling that aa bo salacilon of furniture was kept in town and that it ii alwtyt required hate purchased a stock of tho various lines required and sm prepared lo sell at the most reason- able prices parties wtnluig tnyihing ibat line give hm a calf and be coo- tinced that they can purchase furniture as chesp iu acton tt en be procured in iuelph or cieorgelown undertaking ah rrtittaciu in tilr jtptirlrant oon- iuauj- att hmatt indrrt cfamueaiia furaiieu then ialrrt kotetall prti indcuct in me hj eluiernotcor bo it coautlu r- tnd iujlone 1 idtcnd la cj mr boatu oa ibq slfi jec jotlx speight houses lots ik the village of acton tux fouownro puortictia aux rotsalt for terms and partlcnlars apply to ii p houki beat estate atfent free press baireine acton 2 ooelbtmolsh tcr- with frame haosmn rotl cnndlilt title laulspouble im- mltals kttcsslon s uo lurrilcrt oproltdr horrowx oaefllh of n tctt on wotch la en excellent roushcic hoa with rltxud eeur and rood elttern and well yoaac orchard of cirstcltws trait irccf eitytecma ofpay- ment f jraasaoawcta i on lot is eon 5 knaiiirera si acre gsied hnd uwcdlrr hens and btarftumuh thoj2vcrrtlilns la coed eondit on a hetter erccocm not be had all balhllusa and fecets iu aicelleiuennilllnu mruwo i lot 25 con 2 fsqaslt t flrstln farm nf 100 aces 82 teres uiidercultlvallon 10 acre marie boao neres llaiestnne quarrieknd ra- malnderirodredriwami two rod bear- ihtoreiiards on ilie fnn hoiitte lart k and part nunc bam and stables fnv lard htavyloam rtrmlsall well fenced there is tlfcva hfie tyardnu the farmlnttod work ing odr tie rmpert uabnnt i of a mile from corpontlon ilmlit of the virste ft vclnn anl ikhu i miles from fl tksutlnn tvema aappuealiauuibit omee parties havtrx emiksnrii iol in ho w- nf- nr farmi in the ijotnlnf lnnhlr ale im dud it u their iu rsr lo bars i hln inttrted in ibli kit ko charjo unteta tie property fa sold hpmoore real eitae atenl aeton ont acto hakkltll whftaavhett i 15 treadwelli 1 15 spring whett tchugcwl- 1 is kcdcuab i i 10 oals i 0 so peas i 0 58 barley 0 45 ktg per dot 0 12 buttcrdniry picked oil butter roils 0 15 potatoes per bag 0 is applee per bag 0 60 sheepskins 0 60 hides periewt 6 50 wood per lod s 511 hay per ton 7 00 straw pec load 3 00 wool i 0 18 dressed hogs 5 50 igleiru hakrgts flour white wheat treadwtj springwheat glasow ted chaff oats pets barley ttgps per dot butter dairy packed batter rolls- potatoesjper bag sbeepskiot hides oer cwt httperjm apples per btg wool drcmedliogt i75 1 18 1 16 115 113 0 31 0 60 0 20 10 15 0 16 0 16 0 40 i 0 80 6 00 1 6 00 0s0 018 5 is to i 20 to t eo to i 20 to 1 16 to 0 35 to 0 65 to 0 5o to0 s to 0 16 too 16 to 0 50 too 81 u 0 75 to 7 00 to 4 00 to 8 00 to 400 to 0 21 to 5 75 to s 00 to i si to 1 02 to 1 20 to 1 16 tooso to 0 64 to p 65 to 0 16 to 0 16 to 0 1 to 0 45 to i 7- to 7 0 to 7 6i too 7c to 0 50 to 6 75 rtlexdeks wajited tendons will be reoeived tho under signed uri to 15th inst for twenty cords i good green bardwood two feet long bee tl and maple to be out from standing gw n timber also 6 aards of good sound 0 j y hardwood wood to 1 piled in the tchcoi shed by 15th maroh j h p moore i 8eo dl board of trustees acton feb 1880 -i- r- it 1 m peihdls paper- weekly globe ore at tmprvymnts ifi 1880 thebtstt theubkst tfle cheapest ix north america iet fee8st8ibv muiioseabed i brsed ii ptjbu0aii0i on the tnd of jiatsur 1880 the f hkiy clott trill fek mother ol them opwd mtyim latht muxti of lihprotcmen hut ht mtln- utnal u or dtulr lortr nut ta lu ugh poti- uoa u the leading hmily lewspmr or brltish amerioa th toereufair nettjly for gmi itrletr of ntauiie naiter a tub vtski biitm mu to iiv dada the newt from jt ijetiota ol thf paninlba aiiwtthatirigdtstittaonup bu ttalfftd exnedif nt th enurptdciit q tn wnur own much betood ercn lu pnpent brm dimetaioin commtniarisvtttitieirtckor thf nfr 7r thtiref or la form ot th pfr tui 1m chinjreg from lbt ot to sowlumn wer totbuof ocolamtv paf ud tbtltanh ot each ptf rill ajfo be to extended u tn pr in ftu u tnereftm at rcftdltt nutter in eifch veeka ebet of neaxly u eolnmna beyond iu prexit lxk j tui tjt t4diuni to the ctpftdty of ibe ntper till eiuble tv bill of fxn to be prowcled wkly prtthftbly more nried tod intertunc tinn u inr before iccoaptulied in hit wty lounitt tbe uterftiy mfttter 1u be mhcb incmiea more mce irin be derotjod to bousuhold ftod eochl tstlri tad the africulutnl peperfcnent will be rettlered more efficient thin erer before kotwitbitndinf the eret enburemenu ud imfirotemenu to pe mftde the tumaal nbecrit tioa to thi wbut gloss will remain u here- toforeonly two dollars per annum tent postso fna to ell nutft of chniiuind the uniud sutee pejftbla inriruwy in edvenoe the oitjb ratesfok1b80 wiw is 14 wlfcowi fbr i 4 ooplee end no to 10 m per oopr 11 ft w ifof hear what l on says gre atro arh discount liaie motiat 5th of january 1880 we oemmenced a grand clearingsale of our extensive slbek of uemjyuade cljttilnj i mineneo stock of mens boys suitewfine coata iters and boys knickerbockers etc- etc ojf our own ths stock is in flratclaes shape and ve ofer todtur desirable class of goods we hold an overcoats manufacture customers a throughont the figures besides gajment purchase lire sloii bate bten made snd eacn article it marked ia plain ill this we shall allow s discokht of 20 per cent on ttery we offer dverfcoafstt 500 and 20 per cent effior i bod coik 400 and io jier rnt j pfffor cash mion xw pin 175 nd 20 r era t- off forj eaah 20 per olsjera nost l areat reductions w rice cash t 1 i be t suila 300 and 20 wi cent off lor cash boys pbots 62 cents and 20 per cent off for cash gent on every garment i ve show one ol the largest stocks ol reymxlde clothod a the c0uxtrt u madi triuiiat edclt ariidt it marked in plaia igicree and no second price vill undermiiy cousibtralwuj- m dvthhg net paid for al time opurdase be allooed the dikowd xihich it only vfered pr ttrid cash j ijllfrvx taiailiovrtelrai of this pruiid oyyxirf maty iff buy clothing at i uch an immtutiditaluttti cuiue at oiice ichilt the stock it comjilde j 0 wllliartlson co s6iimtimsikgqaljtetlap at j fyfss heavy psssidbitt 8s bsa7er oves- c0ating5 y at- d fjlfels i suitings rrouserings in great variety at j- fyfes alt to de uad at low rates for cass deisc desluns ef rnnnlns h- stock lu the above koods wffl a jj aaered at ttellowmtroislble wrt to cajhjbojera- caliat the east encicloviingtdrer j fyfe an iijtittion ladies of aotok j uyou hite not yettisilei the faalionable west end for the purpose ot inspecting their lovely embrjldejies and otbr allmelivegoodt we are now shawinir dtoase do hot stand upon eerernnyfardose any further ume 1b- doin so utoome tt once the widest end best goods will u laid on the ublelodsy e i the tariansdeptrtmenuor our slock arelnow filled to repletion with reallv choiite new fresh goods presenting a variety nfttracuou not usuaily met with tt iw sean of the jti we eohwlly invite til p chasers ntietner urge or mill lo tisitlhe fashionable west end feeling assured that we esomeet their wan letter than any otter establurbm j nt in ihe trade at this paucular season we do not look lor neither would it be reasonable toexpibt large purchases the sanie do moie fcu consequently we never despise thesmhll jrders but keepin m4 the old acottisu adage that j monjflltlesjiakametls- niw ldle5come direct to nt we thryemlde eiclasive preptniliont to jrtjw waijuaudre bound to do the iflt come to us i ai o buoj3am faaih wat d drett uatle mdlliemuiaat f i m 1w r ntotsoooa yearorpiosai i i i 1lwaoy inyenr ownlocillty vlll lsorjsa women jo rs iii ifwrllamiijitijrniore tfj w more than mi atoojict o i frredotxwe no one ran all to mate nri moiiev last 1 do the wort ybnmafnis0etsmoj ntj- hour by devotlnv yourovmilnth arm aire itlmetnthebnslneta iteol nohlnj to iy the business fuiinlue itlor money mat- lot ever oberea beh hotdeas rtevant ami it toilj boqdiabln iwailar r4io k- o nil nboni vh besipaylrt busln jmblore i he oobue solid us your addles and we wl 11 senijob dl particulars nnd pjlvtle terms sibavg rfeluic mj oki thadtmfc 1 i tjradcwajti ttie fikaeear- 1 llth keateav an nbfiuldf curetnrfietatal wearemspei mrtlorrtaea in- rolency aoall dtmeasea ttrinl iabnequenee ofself- abate ihhtuta ofrnrmot bnifenallimrttndkpalnla naok i vwontprematorf om anl i any other ulse tlbat lead to u sl at 0 1 1 it orw l rreei artllet lqri 6 a reel yon w 1 or wlitx oalno any oat is st hbtrty to ret up t ttlb ob ut cnrprwpoiiibflltj bten dab pipnmsybs l atpsrattly todidtr bs or any post offlet ailhble parties sulnf op chibs irljl te rep- plltt with ipedmsa copbt of tat ptpv gnut ta opplleatioa iinwttuvaiionwmwserrtroliiotui t to post offltt inantabrtttlalar jov nine tdllllnsv tterilns beniltduioes may be teat by ponoaty order btnk halt nejstered letta or by txprat tt our rlik 1- oijsoialmmluarwtwusdilrtftedtothe qpte ooyfsyr ranstt jovur nbtcriptuiu wat te ttomm ttli data imrthttnttimam3maaxwummmm4 t rtpunt of titer betar tawrrataavesewbles i with prtcenistedf and how m trw them aillovalhyecd8lamp- i biwjrr oltttnl i -wj- j v1ckm8erus am the best in the wnrkl fiva usvts if ponisjo will buy the flora i jnidt telllnthow toaei tbrra the klower and vegetable elnrden 1t5 puge x lnliredprhie many hundred engravings kor w coiitv in rtut cover- it ir eltvant ciotn ingrruanorenrllkh vtbhvrulhjhntel monthly jtaaslnem pigu 3tv rts piawfeevery3wravd mnvflne gnmilna price 1125 n year pi e coplea fortioi specimen nnmteni 11 jattfmlptjucrltoldnriiairiimtt wblop w desire to send tree by mill bewjr- nie itttbe rpe 1a mtdleltiejatelrlbs w j urati istml 1 tpaekeeorlx peaegt tor l or wl be tent free by matloaiectlm 6th iinooay bjnovritnirt tagtibatili trawte- cjn eia ftjlh in acion by all drutmlkt udnvxf e tin caada anrt thattnltdq wholesale and retl drcrdiiwir j ft antforlocan r slrllenr4ifor25cs adihvs jeac-nclttter4y-t- ad wlnlsigoom troauxab ins audrfvn- oltkl slalkab 1 i i i par sewing machine aadgeotrtartpto try i hegeorgetownjji telly works i abch i iddeii msto5grgi