a5ai t ti 1 i im r r r i r nnx nriimwiiiimliniwlagg s3sssmmnmwkansi3it 1 ir r 1 ti tens xu kiooiui we knew each other tirtuo well v uea sbes ere lit ul ul fur before the mariani ituul u tied queily wadded lr but uo- u hanpiueva ikv at ivor trubietod p i halts at tlio tint quarrel letch lias touad the i the r one hia f utu mackblcrtawildhive ntovodtt friends lu coaruhiita rosj j vi i ujoa uadbccati utile titurc as open u the ii j bat aa yoactoose td mo jour fsulta and make the dark seem fair i there uo one bet jojifrtetces to luaira- voa bate uie uh to leu- bt this adrtoa id give to sou kacbolhcrnfsutalo lean and then correct jodr own that jon true happiness rail cam tit not tod ute ilthajh the clouds lwu verj daft o cr- head firsirc torjet and mcud ipm j tac prcdodi joldoo thread i how mm hands hie ticen unclasped ad od heajls ealt icred w ulc j that uadtrtded ahoald tuve utaa the chares m the uile that ihoul i hate icaiued bef re the storg itid cratlfed the 1 1 sjuuu fair ah i stripped tl e tetjtcrtftc of fruit a bear and to fnrliear to i john smith to irrenrcyauie individual wha u always lit trtiulile anton the vtduuis at t8 pdic court thiriuocuin affllu irnpicstbl soha sutli eho w fcqoan llit- world ova j iuh lodj waicliargid wnli iruuir druul itil duonkdj- iwi la deftukuf u itvcueat nt dm d hits toto tlw citr tresa ics tcut to v fo- thnv lt the icrtinmlili juhasuiisiiiipm troal uiik it few days ign utf rst n winnipt cu tli clihre of sttetliug cwt but kxclltknl at titullcot he ens fcutcle i jl 1t k lining tettn mj bid 1 if nu fraturcd at st lo lu bo ml from scxffuuiiis mdneirli bufciliinel aitutoiuj t sreibue 13 f poit hul h ducl xud at c brir4 drunk at ncvutlr tlcuvuiato kingoa tu todf uiui oat of towaoa til nj would hx gttca bitu feathers oaly us erpeiatr at u stairs titiij tija bucket of hiisils urjas he s de ctmt of itc titl fithtrs were too mtrenf h fel down btrnt gtrl uid citl him at kit 1 r pcfc fitu veflosr btfing eojis ferer at sa frno he waa actme as lettfenait to kitrnev tlie agitator la texai he hun for ttexliag horses and vet e ill lire to tpiear fore the police llagutrate in tht- cttf and be e d t xnilty uf 5 tor oa a beojtr but he had iweefc revetig yhea before uie jaatio last fc- he ra as meek and mdd tx a ittde child and hid bctreelr a word to my j the tjiceniia who ptcke hia np iwore that john was rety drank in fact boutexooalr drenfc and w whooptnf it up la a hrelf manner etidentlr forgtutn that there waa a maa nek orer ta hull the irrtprttaible denied tint he was mnar although he misfit hare been drauk nererlheleis he m fined for being drjmfc and daorderlf and w hen taken to the dungeon mow tfroai the haluof jaat ce he concluded that fie would fill out the indictment made ignnt hno o his own aatis factioa the tackefr he raued m the cella could jlidj be heard lu the court roauj lie ng tt a ptartocw ehixiutr denr who can ttaia tiretlld lu tue ardai man fcuislfth- maii in a very loud rcci with coal stove acconipamnicnt keeping it up for some time autil toclec aecirelj- m a 1l but this did not cl ise ttu mouth and he howld hfaiaeif hoace before thi pxkr was re to traosprt htut to th caatle where he now ta and will remain fir three we to during which fame ti w hoped notbinswiil be heird of uu utecrrtsibla john s jlltli ooieitn 01cm au active tool ueref train reify chouta tech plcuartu u recreate much lad coat little fill the a arid ailh ood deedt and oa will till it with j our ucu hirj lta ictaoa mail be addicted lotho wile let ilbeltio heuverj jouu ix e try to thiut more of others thaa o do of ourtchoawa luall seldom have a gruitiuec as turesumg separates the alicat from the chaff o daca afil ctlaa imrfr rtue and honest the sclieai of met arc like the index of a book j uicj kjiut out a hat is uiott agree able m theto ho fortunate it is tlialwe caanot see our lic as well aa out face wkett e aae into die tooling lau a oet taj s oh the was fair hut tor there wlat becama of the bauiico of tha huueta he dw t stale jcuet ujs it uat the color of her hair thai troubles hint in choosing a helu taatqw tha color of line iaouey 14 a hat mloreata hi at mare udom and troth the dftvpnnj of the lj are 1 utuotal but tuuuing and deccp- ti j the uieteois f the earth after glitter in for a momeat aost pas awaj co oae ever lew aijoaug ant hand tome ctrl to go to the cx t ti late fur tee iratu if hf t to htriclf she is faort hkcl ti be half au hour ahead epeujl d the tele rajh okrato- is a ouog tnxu hy would it be do iiartn tli t fcuu l coutnbur to pick the poole tf hilt the photo sttttt tte iuer is btsauite helafi 1 ict ires pillix1i urs this is an old joke but llilt hat pictures ao i good oui too fred she sud j oadoa t know what t soothing iquucccc jou have on mc mi urhfli fca whuyercd saflu whtlo a tladbtht ciijic tnto hu ej es ea it be t x yet ihekid when ou sre here i alra feel inclined to sleep srum are liuie thmga bat thy are sometime soarces of lxr streams a helm 11 a tittle thiat hut t coverr the coarse of a laxtealip a word a fro wo ail are hlti- thingir bat powerfal fotoodocenl thutk of tlua and mind ute little things keep year word sacredly t keep it to the chtbl rcn they till mirk it iccccrtlan act botl else and the effect may be a lasting as hi i a mait whom dr chalmers tcprtd to manage s diaorde rly bnndaj school kept his ciside open durme prajer and a lea one loy thruat a pin nta another he march ed aft th aisle still praying and cuffed that boys can sad west hack again pray iaf all the war after that ha ra master of the atcoauan for tl boyc thoorht that a man who could watch and fray hie tint coald not be pat down tei hiajrcr on rxcoed hen are the two meanest men on record the awret of a cloth mg raakink era in boston irrptoy thirty five uls who from their poor cra tags contnhatod 2 on thaalstvic luy and cave each of the two members of the firm a prttty albacx oecapywg a half hoar to retting ready ut making the presents ion the two mean fellows took the ctfts with ready smiles acd oa uj dat deducted from the wages of the girls time maoej for tte half hour they had occup ed in riving the albums w liyert sale board 8table8 mill street aoton u whore cm can gel firstclass figs at rea80kable rates good commorcial eiga an eitireal dellrery wiigop aill meet each expreti train and doilror goods to any part or the town- all pnrtlcs ludf bfed 0 ills rs- tabltshatettt re reuetled to ny up without futthor delay aud sate cosu ei liattlice promictoiv immense reduction in prices at thes ierlit mo ja sfettkws -for- k darkay wahfs a po box groceries hardware markhtl down 10 nboul htlf prices l diet rrquinng mantles holm n or ojslers should call at once ai d see he nlonihint bai gains at hie ifiont hotfsi file of hw ulsters tastko i down from j ww 81 50 frooi 18 clo62 froine 0w3 ram 6 60 10 4 wand from 7 60 to 5 0 these ulsterf are warm and eomfrftubl lor winter wear and fery little over lair price millinory greatly reduce i in prices pattern hnlsand bonneu put down to half heir falue see the hides anil jboya pelt list for only ijlo bereral pieces of good hybincklnsnleclohsmaikeddown ohalfpriro ixcellentdoublewidh black nmntleclntba for frtm so to h and tsll prices up 0 3 50 r rery ilia goods abenadrul lotofclnldren mcnnq tresses marked down 10 less than hair the cost nice merino dresses for lie ab ti i to ll 60 vtcl worth from 1 60 to 350 piloa of other toods reduced in the s me proportion aa w atkins is determined ihej snifil b told to maaiyoonj v f mils spring goodi to purchase which wlblfam r w i kinii sails for europe bis week ktmerober the hiobt uohik is about twioe a large aa any t ihu irtj o aud l orainmed full of goods both in iha stores and up itain the carpels have boen marked down and are selling off fast see them nos 30 and 32 king street east hamilton close to hughson street r iwtouurmstc thomas c watkins hamilton yycmiti n haslett asvounortothr cltt r acton it li vcluliv tint lie uujiisiofnidlu tils new icnilicsa wll delected alack ot cry goods groceries cacckery glassware and tlat le istrepared to sell si the mi it resonbe nits for c ih i rid quid rfipccirullv toll it achate of heir i atronapa cqustr prquucd taken in kcmcmhcr lie xbh store ililt sfc east acton b ha3lett icton t c 3th l jaiset cotlsaa guam li ah school 8sija3tills otftajio tin sdtol oftn he olloictaf aicanlcjo lit uatsiotlaxioltr erery year candi latfs from this rchool are passing he eliminations of tbe law society council of rtsyslciins and bur- geous iatrlcunlip into tbe different nltcrsllles with i w or no rejections sa tea0hse3 in 1877 ib8 and 1879 nearly all the rtuueuts competing malo mol tatisfac pry cxamlnau ns and tl e scbool is now prepared by its enlarged slafi to giro tha mo t lh rough imltng to candidates for ccrtllicaies of oil grades 3rd oosilttacuj biptmts the advantages include not only the complete pnetical curriculum of tbe ceel ruled aslmn college at fough- keepsie n y piecuclv as taught at that college but gives the further d vantages ol dmn mar history compoti- lion elotiiton or tha languagea if 10116 i a no additional expeuse tuition sflchaduvu flthnr rnaiy ilwitta utck loweilli iwtfd fllw fllf i rtmarr mr 6jo ut eoikd aart loobf cm behad latnlldtnr or ouu i i ut fi fi2 i c r v c k 15 woeks commorcial trslnlhg j for 3000 citl is 1 ejosu laelulol rorpartleaataaltt to j ttitlde tjirp icrflaent or it h ham u acommereia ttai cr rheumatism m how wlrn rttart was found cdrraotr eexe feess7 la the paint shop of the detroit house of correction is a man whom we will call jim and who u a tern tonal ptisoner oo a life sentence up to but spring hs was regarded aa a desperate dangerous man ready fur rebellion at any hour he planned a general outbreak and was given s way by one of the conspiratorc he plotted a general mutiny or rebellion and was again betrayed he then kept his own counsel and whthj never refusing to obey orders he oheyed them like a man wtuxinly needed backing to make him refuse to one dy in june a party of strangers came to visit the ins titution oits was an oil gvuthtnau tfio others ladieejand two of the ladies had small children the guide took tpneof the childreon his ana and tin other walked until the party ikgan climbing stairs jim wa working near by lulkyj and morose as ever wueu the guidejsaid to him jim wont yon help this little girl up suirst tue txmtict hesitated a scowl on ins fao and the little girl held out her hands la him and said if you wjll i guess ill kiss you i hia scowl vanished iu an instant and be lifted the child as tendei ly as a father halfway up the stairs she kused him at the head of the atirg she laid how youre got too faas tne too he blnbhed like a woman rooked into her innocent face and then atwed her cheek and before he reached tfifl foot of the staug again be had tears in bis eyes e7spjice that day he has been a changed aan ana no one in the place gives lees tcoable maybe iu his far awai west ern home be lias a little katie of his oaro jfo one knows for he never re veal hia jiner life but the change so uicvly wroupht by a child proves that he has a heard 1 ja man aduedl another mans doe the i of the man whose dog was killed there- iore proceeded to whip the man who killed file do of the man be was eon of the man who was the son of the man whose dog was killed was arrested by the man who was assaulted bf the soa of the man whose dog tha man aaailnlted and killed 1 he wasnt a uieiulier of the ltme kiln club but ht hwl a whole wheel barrow full of phi aphy and logic und r his ancient locking- plug- hat as he entered tbe post offiixj and said he would like to reitt- a bar the chief clerk was ready to accommodato him when uieappucadl said de terms am cash i apow i yea sir i is dar any trust p so air job- moit pay quarterly m advance jes so tart mike oit a deed of dn yore bor and your quarter am ready j the price is twenty shillings per quarter of three mouthj explained the clerk v the colored genlleman jell hack at the rale of x va a minute but slowly advanced after recovering from his shock of surprise and replied twenty sit ihngs ebeiy free months an trust i ostaeio business college belteville oktarlo i guess not den why omiuo busihe33 college bellerilldi crocicnci ck im s t noted fohe l c rmiri neac nl lu work ant hie i mcucat bent cu or ttt icncufni it lrtactpals are accountant of pcetleil irert nevrtlantt os of ih tirat oks ta noofc lceeptnc and reomanalilp u buatied iu klotdents adercotmhroota theoarfe ure com laol to il i good rom ucoccoii4a tbastoefs uieruieivts j f arenis and roant men are lavilcdtosenlf rlh c- lleco cucaler wlueti slid ei- m as of prnmarthltut mail led free addkaa isoblscok t jorjiaojr i on arto bajincn college i brllevuie wewbootsshaatsho wwiluasi3 tvottld respect- t- dm iautnjtt 19 trj- pec te or acton nd vlcltlf- lliat ne ivn arenml eootsboebdplrt tuc oailalncipixxa k it ktorej- cilovo wortifqa ulll tittket actok anyonla vintof iqutantui tn food ctuug boot or shoe shourtlnotfailtoleavetlielrorderatufsslatid atirla a joculty ii prsmjtlr attesiod to w williams acton rapt 21 l79 sth does dis lgncble govvent try to tub mi sah i look at the idea i km rent a hull bard on tudianna bt for two dillars a montli nab an yet dis ignoble gurulnt axes a to pay twenty shillinga quarter for a post offus bor not half as big as nne end of a manger i wasuthaa in d woods sahno sah an you can kep dat hot eay an dis ignoble guvment kin pass my letters frew ik winder gab 1 kissing tha wrong man the great western railway platform lop don was the scene of a ludicrous miataka recently a yonng lady jnroped from he steps of one of tha cars ot the accommoda with a bound a beoevoleat looking old reutlemea with long ulster and snow white side whisker was standing directly in front evidently watching for a friend she drop ped her travelling dg and wiln more than the osasl demonstration displaj ed on such occasions threwbuth armt about his neck and impnated several souadiotissealipcra his faoe at the same time mnrnhinnir ob papa 1 che startled old gentleman pnahed her gently and said in a smothered tone some mistake some mistake she sprang back like a gazelle i oh i thought you were lather voaii excuse me wont yon certainly said tie old boy smacking his lips and amihog but you yon nearly smothered me jghe afterwards found lfer papa bnt the iravjost ffort had exho- ed her and she merelygare inm 4 cold sort of a kiss fact j attention i attention 1 1 genuine harperg bazaar pat terns full suits only is cents stkaw ato fxlt hats aso botvets doni ovta ix all rax latest styles m tlaj oa t hill -for- hagryaltds yllov oil for rntemal a external nse clreafeit fare in the world give it one trial nil t wkldf c ll t crre uf iii om uduisrtirulii sritllc go spfi nc ito uu it in uintt ta ncv d vcflcnrnit fptain irtil atu i et mlif vcci lit iln tcir lr nidttcctu prd i-uiui- w imh mii ct ti r at miirt i ircf mui ers oc hit hi oritr iea- hiibr iln uio arc it it ll oi iv an elf- f vct bn h h fun ill prl mp tl ut il i i rcrv pcrfjcl rard hac tti n trvl bj d tx atuisituf ptto rcc4 to betlif ben rtmtmj- fjr re uict rujcrtr clf- epvallf g1 rr hab aact bcau fur saftr by all zkavrf f jc jxr bvtitt toeovto gftoceries if j oa wi nl a good and cheap article in tcuaj efa jtpor ilwi orgte pottdot te as if etissra sjrmps spaces j ana totaocoe oi all kinds teesn am sweet 1 1 the largest and host complete factory in tne dominion hoxloo 1 highest honors ever awarded to any maker in tne world fygitdil and diptoma at ctnlenmal t3 medal antl diploma ai sydney aiisiraha ftgatl hedxl at promreial exhibitton turonlo fujlicst aicurd at industrial exhibition toronto i876 isp i87 1879 vve are now manufacturing square and upright i i pianos best in the market correspondence solicited send for hlukrated catalorue moiled free- address j dominion organ company bowmaaiville ontario i scott k bgwnes palatabl castor 09l is prtxoc4 in n fara perfectly tjnaaile 10 cll irmiaampteaaraxcocrtoox ja itt mari qirrg the pnjr6a of the od thit vrodjet pun tnd fk- pswarcriiiamaiedtii4itrt rcndtaetl fotocj tnilri tna pteaat ia ii- tcuoa but toco alclr uie as tad pjdxuue it h prccmincsdy the mat lua- uve tad aiiurtic kivrni ud u a rtruedf far cot- t venae cfenf ipiiioa tad aji in dcrango- mates 1 1 it tnjcqailled ini k douicd to uic u14 vuictlf crijdtf oil krd kit dnaic puli t od ptuv- tivcl fah ale lry is drgtf at ts cents i boo tic poatutatqrll rs ev h pass wishes to ik kottittbeculesof aijipnandtlcditty toil i lie huhtef letting iht re cli taiatic cauiag and riuuift and it bo ir prepared toglre even aruitwi satiailactioa tu roxmorty we adtnr nnd funsrai floireik embumfd drraek nd jnekeu cut una petrt at rarftntr duta reaonabif ptiw forhtyliih and cheap hu aud botiiou mes e ti vnu j 5l 8t aeorcfiuhaaajtfgafilph ci ef hard ware of au hi civ paists and oils uikghs axd loces i kailsglwsiprjrrr i 8ut 0 t by the barrel all cheap for cash ao to- hllllas mall street acton organs i sewinc lyjackines j o o o o d o o o o o q mmt 5 o 6 6 oo 6 o a o o o if 4 150 jmoivthey peinnuaj 15c pen nubun ton tsale by au b00 iyhi19gg mjlt uil v v a it fv i ck j toronto ont msssji craine acton plirsllological jonmai iipreparedtocallonrflrjoniwialtinr itlf taown in anenca tad europt binf been ettbr t fcwjewssyis s ssssz 8etrtbtrnwiicror otkans has aaencre3 fr0m the place ksass kslsro in ail hi pk- jr iu owe vis die studfe ats inciuduif phrsnola jtl best mv unctarers in hfeonntrj- aid tmi i vm r wl eaamrue nntsftcion to riirrbssen sanau make uihe ben pliaiioa firaieral nreo j t very essoi able owers left t his 2 feifcis ssa residence or uddressed whim to acton p o catarrh oftlarrh of 3syttiit handing carttfbr constitutional catarrh emadj- dropping ioth real ajmofiiocflofefrjf eadafihp palux in tthaaldera back acd ktdneya nod enuro hreajtlng iwvrn of ilia kyutfltn cared by conguuiuooa cfttitrrt roued acrelrorttrearinodinpcared br constitutional cawirrn rpjpojr catarrh vrtth dto plnjn 1q talrovi caninirftliiptor wrufiflnf dtxsin falnai lntldiina waktie of klttp7k tmmhjutirrelitednjilm eetnint y madktw br use of on ooulc of cun ituatlrfnfil catarrh hiudr a mta cared of catmrn of 0 ytnn itandtnatfjramorcodautatioqaicaurth kerned ful itudnt pf hbiuanaiam ooc of thcie keadi bohadthaut impaired hit eleifrht oubflinttklntorailteifld know mfideiitma mottclear i t j i howtorah chjuacta iroabm with dronplnz p thwrir tcrmithe jwatalunowpiatum m 800 rtnngflnr bokliif in ifcad ami f atfiu yr ftitia uen rtdimed tvm 1 fciarirmmibcn hreain cured br constltullotval catarrh ivuceau vhen the prcmiaiu art iem vctnucztia muu be received with each lobscrij xafr nlay me the moit of htmitlrc to rh sutn ieriberufa tbe phrnologioai bust i tjin bwi i made of plaster of pan audio lettered ts it craims to vhow the xact tooidoq of each of the phrenological onpni the head ii aeaxiy qfcrire andtety oraaaental deternaja duct oa the tcmcruble or mamei in parlor office onludv aad until recently hmiold for ttoo thii with the iuditritod key which aceompaniei each butt tnd the antdepubluied in the iptnufal od pratwci phrenolonr wutenable the reader to becchae a luccett- guide 1to remedy catarrh with allltareotitlarfymploni forien van m fast verting on consump tinti rorcd by teas lian har boitlca con stitol onalcalarrv remedy bones mine nose ealen out rnsrnott eooe mind impnirfl eared proonftiltu llonal catarrh remedy caurrti wlib all it lithlorne attend anlsenred by kmir bdtlcsofihroodsli t 4dtlal caiarrrwdy- r- i o lsbr kor jaata lu ftp msjutrylq swhue i dtjreia axtoa muu be received witb each labscripnoii to pay pesttft j ns i i jctoau ani tht expeoiecf boain ui pteuaa p buat nalck arui bs isal by eapros or tftuta ut w raulur tuejui be sent by eiail postpatt oi we h1 tiljjmj tad hi oc hook proaltri how to emcata raa aausmaiii arracndm sadbrdtacriptlrecitnlar tfcad arnot at la pi 0 ordos drafts en jtev vtnlspt i peaswiarmtejaats wibiilnq wanted sind 10 cents br speapma miaver preaiiiica munvr luis alc br asad m tti pa cr frtr s hid mplewbicii will be sent free r r fif tolls fcoqjinbllskar tie rar av rwr battta qutde tin i to-r- btfamtro elesam ritfts beaxty s is a rerfeet sell lnstmpor la penmanship bysho slil of wbieli rooor people may become coou eliers in a very rhortllme il coosltta of a soek of fifty jii eonlalnlt analysla and n planallolia a large prroher orcop upsftritltleln- aut heawlrutornamrntalsbfei and a handsome caae to eon uvlntftln ui wbolf prioe postpaid tl adilrrn bebluaaa jakastaa boiarlo ifustnosaljolleii ualtanllo akents wasted 1xteusiye clearing sale of 00088 on saturday rest we bill commence an ertonsitesale at reduced prices of our sratelaai dry goods mtllinert mantles and clothing on account of altera- tiona in the business extraordinary bargans may be expected and will be uiven aa this is a genuine tale to redooe our large atocfc every oatjmer in the royal xdily nd oinnty of wellington and surrounding oonntirt will saye tiuio and money by coming direct to wm stewart cos and attend this great sale odry goods silks mantles millinery flannels blankets gloves boaierv underclothing and fancy goods a special lot of lheap tweeds which ctfrt not now be duplicated aw i a select lotof furs new fashionable wd cheap will db offered at ti reduced prices obligipg and attentive salesmen ho consider it no trouble t kow goods dining the great redooed sale positively no goods will be ehargerl nnles by uncial arrangement wm stewart co qudph i scotts emulsion pure cod liver oil s qf limjs asd soda m t a m am 1 a ara at tact nvtu qaqtrreifn tor tumiudlaiftmi hypophosphites qf li wsi f m ncombhestba two best itaj chrastfa twksi loratmls bhemssuit- bulty andiau viaataaj dlaasua efolsl keaelnwvlttomeicoduvooainafcnatnal mc bta sa4blicuiwbdetea took aad 1 awdtaatbsiswatwiitimboaaiwlaiislti saperic ytoes cfdcoeamoi fam keitcln aysslu oua jju dnsc ttrenetb aacl ekor to tbanwoole body at sdoss bs son and ask fee stents can it nosaay taw a a jaffawitjihsijv sitebyiadnawtsartvaatbaa t