Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1880, p. 3

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tw wrrj iieliable lkat tbi k t1be tabu tniulmvc ictotiaa folic ws oulmkmat klhl kiprctt 1 05am t iconic mail 0 lm in day tlxprcas mir u etprcsa oafl raised j to p in vi7p ni g0ij0 oast kiphl kipwu gait mired ioam 9 t2aru day eiptcn ll3uaiu- western mail mp ra loadon uuwd 8 m p m hill title table miutiauui from lue rs s 10 a111 prom isivi madrid i he ami slp vrom icaatchbtill 5 atn on vi em frldaj ucsjas fratnsiksjuie sjasni un lucdajt antf frtdajs mil closer joint feat rli m uc kaill is p m hall for toronto 11 10 am ktutchiuumalutoqa m ontocslajt and frldaja 1 bprlda mall iq a ra oa tuesdays ani fridays retvueted tellers ut be mailed is min utes before e oln ume tohnabbuoei m hbts flu thoiuom uorxtvv fes it isio tows jlsd oorsn rt7 a- k t fcaksa una jtrj cellhuckistiauroalimi i wall ultttol itcoi of kotcj of rory 4or pttoa ooti coil in4 wool j majontr wighigte prieo fcflm 5a us which i is jnjiroitoaju ehaip for euh- thauiortmwllseomslot 0iuai1 t mo if yo iniw a stovo- its sill his also a tplcul lot at ltau lmwtxii tal worytbing jthlii linn tlatir ftlltladi cieip qauto uehim- cs1 sxtuiidar is su valentines day a good del of gniia la comlug- iu gjod- sltihing hope tfc ma coaunoe a moult jtllx london adccriibdr annual li to hand nd is 41 lint it vns rtpreenled to be the local legislature has voted 22550 to tbe onuno ncaltiirii college tee issefisor wit kooacftmruociec j li tear tiiu ytir lie usaes the hov oi c t praperty la acoa bch joi dirmao disvxac caalcslrx the mau rlia vvnx uke ptjvei becc tc can tuirctr cce hs iarentd tnxciuoc kitfc wluti he can coou hit dmoet bj- the inwte cf lis ncgabors druaney we have received tteffanad seed cxtajoeot mr win cenie toronto tb t bat u pofuy luastntei ci ciesr la- cltle iiutructacjr to those who enaye ui c-r- desic 2dw that the cfcnijmftk and nev yesrt hohltv i orer it will be jnst x s wrll tickt chd tad sec t yoa ire cjxff to do with ycarteif on good friday tad qacect ilrtldxy t at the iftstaanual mpetingrf tli ue cocnty lol held in gcelple oa uie3nl ist itmxnaifiimoasivdeeidej m yxah iam0 aanihw ol rtmiiasai to farmf of the bojne t haaulton wix rcry qod one foe s fcbraary far there ee totac eery cood-cxttle- cltered tad these vere knapped np at advanced fijpirea btfyeri were rety plentiful md esgr nl i tile difficulty vu had in dic- ispoung of the many ammalf offered a urge niitnbcr of beeves xcce parefcaaed at rery adraaced surc to lc delirered en b r uk irt of hay herald patteaaosjjtfae gaelph bandsman who attempted ttucuic is natestlf tiuace and requires constant wxtcfcicjt to prerent btim fciilag- himaell there it o doubt thafcjc t jonnial and the labor expended on our mi fl jxc foqowiae ta what us jta j stk mt tor he would if he had x chance kill his wife hu children and hxntaelf lcltnug thit a that iz the only war to get them and tim i aeif out of the stite of cuery cxrdatarrav tioa he belierex them to be in phjccailj hia coodiuon ixnot diiigercta dua saia lader foa d tfcdrfatta in rtbdicamtlttl iteslmlf isullmt ift ijsa ti1illlliwtja bfesed ji scboi satsrrkirattm xaraiairta w i kmsna sdrw hau asd wbts cil frrftrtmn bemd ffinr mdal ud dbiam afcl isemaihaavtoam low aaj eneqred 0 xbl or fklsr taoc10lj lieu brpirlmr iricf p torwotq wbell guelpk i thb imperil clutliffl 1tfktamiiqaajul ltbe eolli an o tfc- ss ajuntef to uu wnatfr is rcoond udiiimrali eilautt mt vm dmmknnnml3 sodfaemvattt we tticill from itr e hemitreet of ksnif oa wedneaday ifnahafctie -chapman- of ilarfcliam is a payiflff her acton fnenda a ruit mr m- ftratbroofc of toronto fonrer if of iu nllag is intoirn on tuesday ur harry jtapoan formerly of tie cajr- marfcfrfft economist gave ca a cau yester da he waa ea roirfe for 5iitcfieli here iie iiar aecsred a utoatfoa an tiie recorder net koa wist patee we bi before ct the first usae of a ser joolil pahliahed at rapid city ilaa tlie pitxr baa feeen chrutened rapid city enierprue y adltcr wat fanner it ia puliluhed by ueaan fun t garrotter botii of whom hate leea connected kiti oatino joarnalt tke de- pablication u printed oa tinted paper contains 2sc ianxns of intereafans i jeadmjf matter and it veil totted ia the tanfa of the community in- riwdt it ir pab- 1 x tied we beapeat for it a p rotpexooa career taltov eefoek assoctatrov- at tafereceflf annoal meetiug of che halton jeform aaaocutoui the fnllaraijf officers were elected george smith vrecdent vioeprrndenu hasaapiireya i eamaay aadt ilebcet trafalgar t 0 tt right and w a larence esqneaing j home v and s warren jfel03 drcampball and v hardbottle ifilton j brothera ear hnrton v ghent acton d d chnslie georretoirn f barclay oauille wm mccraney the crecntare committee of acton on ision of tke aaaocutioa are xi kennedy id speight aaa hall and if a j or allan yqvuusitz all 6o ire ny o- couot in a bntlnesa financial or aobial aenae are benefitted aa often aa theic names are feroaght before the public that the great the innumerable adranugra of advertuing- it u the most cftectire and moat legitimate way in aduch to become known in a bast nets f enae no person in cither ancient or nwdera tisief has made his mark jn a bnsiness a political or social pout of view vbose name had not become popular by pnblioitr obscurity is the opposite of popularity and all are obscure who are not generally fcnoiniand haw can a person in business llecbme sjjewn who does not ad- tertise school books itrccta pecteatett a erybuiy tippcaranw and oar mccdtuu report buiiuqis good buv tmcs 0ng lo ibo good fclcthmfl the factonca aawmihi and ood ard of the illago are tocciv inglargc quaix uuea of wood and timber i liat lent couitueticcd ycfilerday it bcias aik wcducada ttood friday uill be on oiq scul of mrtb and eutur sundavi oa the ssth march firg tip hotel occupied by he watbat campbeluviiio ns totally del- locd br fcfc oa ttiuttday morning uav tae buildiug u oacd hf ur w i kidocy r urset wtulo slcasra cimau lrccdcrton k cof horse atd sleigh was lornioc the corner near this oece on tu dij lut the ilcigu km upct thromgout theoccupanu ko damage titr fall whevt notwulisund toj open wifllcr vc understand that tta cau wheat crop ia thu icuut looking ktnaraabaj wcll this rfwrj fortuuale a the uumberof acrec sown lact tall far et- cis that of any prcnooa season iitprqmutem the pulptt ia lac vfttaodifl church ts boinr moved fonrsrd cvttii feet and a platform will be put mat the back for the uss of the ciio r v o be iieve the change will be yeeonwd bi- the of the conrrcitioa the im provementa ate expected to be computed b sunday aext av uxvlst clxiu kr f h warwick o ocdensburg forwards us i a circular itaunc that he has not diiposcd of his general advertisiok acency as staled in a circular issued by the literaattotiil printers supply co of that crtt a few weeks ago he uys their idea ii to mis lead the pubbc and that he has entered an action against them for slander persoval mr s w galbraith formerlj publisher of this paper left town for toronto oa ilondji morauuc ilr galhrailhv nlan friends ia u mcham will regret his departure from ameegtt as aabj h genial behavior and courteo assess he had wan tte respect of all wvaykan timet sektexced wilham and ttamak cuckv the two younc men tned and coo ucted for eetunc fire to ilr john buu hams barn wrre seutccctd bj hu honor judge millcr aa laho wi th omaa ano 3 ear in the central pruon at toonto ad tlliani two years in the provincial peti teuuarj at kmcitoo ffeorotrii rcrtfd like dil 3areout komhlac patu- neatetiojja poetof huclacj o n d tnnbor fine be nr wrnie antllnff more forcib e r pilntej in of tne to e ij rajiio lqrdjxpfplabroactilitand coatmrtanumplr natal th pain and doe not f trite nt me root o the tllficsx ho dlffre rf ttlcvrftu seat emauiok of parr cod uter oic wiiu ujpnkihpfcuea afumeatktkolx itcentlraudiiiudut asu petaitftsui ilff wloti ssttni and rellel u certain to fa ow ana ilcu tt isperrccuy aretantetotte tiute a false ecjiok the hilton pipers of hst ce gave credence to a ntcor that sir geo smith ei-maya- wan appointed supeadary oupftrate at lakeol the ojds but ilr snith informs us that be cu not tppojiud to each oiie tad the nnlj goandfor the rumor is tec fict that h nxxne wax submit ted as commissioner of tb hungry dretm offeassuhe thir- t sty of water tlie dropetcil of drowning the guelpb ftbmary cxttle fait tuesicfcorneauh to etij yualtb be wire o every aiment and if sofftfring irom dtseaaea ot the kidney etc u victoria buciia and uva unu if taken in time jus great medicine wilt prereat englitv dt ease of tlie udncj a diabetes ete ind ja a poriure speffe in all du- earex of the urinary system for aalc by all dealerf- ooe avsttek we are often asked why we cant funnah the face peesk to sulscribcra chper than the larger city weeklies our answer is that oar journal hza a small circulation compared with paper u aboat the same tsoii theirs when tt is taken into cons deration tht the cit weekly is made up of the ty pe- set far the dxdy electiox of officers- the annual i oaltlltku thu luglafft who tu tcrcd mujsin mrlcod audcrtaa k coi surq lost oock ncrc arreatod m toronto thty were brought to glorelowu aiid the ucargctoknmagistratcibqauhomfo milton uhcra they lio ia jail awaitufi their trial before judgo miller their uames aro ed mcdonald john mcgrtth and alfred fltchcr a ntw idea the luelph minis tenal aiociatiou have piwied a rcjwluliaa asking chief licmiljan of lhcir city to take lich stops aa will ptevcutljoatig raon from loapgtugat the thurch doors of he city when the iccvkes hao codcladed or fthile ihecougreitwaare duauuing in reffr- euce to the above the iferild uii tho jaanfl fouas who go to church baudsy evenings to sco lhcir girls home btulc of holdinjc kn mdiguatiou raw ting to protest against the recent action o the ministerial association sisaiva class mr a campbell black of gaelpu u giving lessons in vocal music to a class of about seventy papds m the presbyterian church jtr clack is highly spoken of by the pnss and his papils hero are well pleased with ins manner of teaching and taj that he commences his course of initntction hith a thoroagh drill in he rudimeuu of mcilc thus uj icg solid foundation fot future ft ark a ertnd concert will be given m the course of two or three mouths we understand that mr black is open to engagctacnta for concerts socials or other public gatljjoringi at reason able terms lit pro vettevre tl tfcratd novr appears in a n georgetown v and improved dress and has been cons djerablj enlarged its columns have been widened and length en edand it now cot t i k i larger quantity and a more interesting data jf news than it ever heretofore contained since mr s diltx became proprietor ol theferawithas eekl improved and no v the people of georijctown hive cst canfe to feel j road of their local journo ani we are certain that if the mercham give it a chance it will not aloae itself improve hut ill ettenl their butratts in a eatisftctorj manner e wish our bro cotem every snecesx brutal oatrace a esj his come ut d roirnt ilea where tlis tnlmmcj xthcr f in t pt ra t n ct it 1 fcuflerlicfroniavioleniatuckofora pw 1h threstencj everj rocmcnl o tptmltuie fa- tallv atuulty refated to fpon 1 zy ua a bo he of i sou s compound stjp of ii 1 ci eny rtln t afli itfturtd bv tt neictilxir th t tli tow it wjldlvpth little siaccrcrtms medlie rellprand7flta sp odvrciv v ildonv wud cherry nt- ver wl it lc pleasant to mice ndiseoaillycr2ctctiosfor rh uwn or alnlts in tnmi ii bllli clironlc liro icliihsor ii1ls thff toi c protvrtl ktftlip vwilclifttj btrt iro fulls bro ctitlntn pluaad its e mtlnned uw will befoicd to tncrett tno ipreiltc improve tn dtctf lion an i c v e ton ani vigor to tho whole ijitcm t e ittreecslrm b tueslioll more la ro urtiouthan tqc sodkii atidtlfos wb may tcon my will prniite diner the 53oorltie soubyxlluriikhu u took place in oafcrille feb 3rd when the following officers were duly elected bro i d lindsay w c master j h jackson d u master j cotter c chip c taylor c sec j l udiij c trec j b lindsay c dofc v b smith c lectarer this coanty will celebrate the coming llih of july in hamdton miltok cabsltal between fifty and rtj of our skating citizens attended the carnival given by the stilton club in their nnk on tuesday evemug last they siy they had a very enjoyable time j seighiog wax excellent and our lads and lasses know how to enjoy agoodslcighnde during the tnp one of the rigs broke down but no senoos damage was done our brass band accompanied the party and creditablj discoursed music in the mtlton rink and to te publc on the streets wonder if the milton people will taia out as well to the next acton carnival a sore phocf a wholesale grocer in kew york who becsmc nch in his busi ness s3 s his rule always was when he sold a bill of goods on credit to immediately subscribe for the local paper of hu debtor so long aa his debtor advertised liberallv tad vigorously he rested but as soon as he began to contract hu advertvwg epace he took the fact aa evidence that then was trouble ahead and he iuvriabl went for his debt said he the man who feels too poor to make his business known it too poor to do business- the withdrawal of an advertisement is an evidence of eakness that business men are not clow to act upon we can iiw truthfully say that tbe herald eivea more reading matter than any other paper published on the line of the grand tmnkeailway between guclpb and toronto and yet the price only 1 00 a year or eighty cents for the balance of the year 1ss0 georgetown herald oar brother of the herald should nottorgst that tbe few press is pobluhnd pn tlie line ofjrlie grand trank llailwa between gaeipb and toronto nndet by compari son it contains 42 colomna of reading mat fcer while the herald with its recent im provements contains only 32 or 10 less than the tree press and still tho tnex frew ia offered at the same pnee as the herald school books htgyaf yellow oil is one of ihe sorest remote in ihi world for ilia cure of rheumatism neuralgia ijnnta- co pmii aud bronchial complaints deafness eir xhe cramps sprains bruises gl- bt ff jomls wellej lands sore h pplei slifi seel chil- uaudt wound cuts fcora lliroit stints oflmccs shoitness of breath or any di tas that are pjinlul or fcare wo hive no hesiution in rfcoromentng tt for anv of the abare compuinu and believe it the qui kest ncrt most perfect combmauoq knoaa lb remoie pain from almost any cause and can- be ued either mlerolly or prternally for particulars eee wrapper occomptnyiup h boltte tor sile by ail dealers pnea 2j cents olrlalon courts th folloirjs are the dates of the sittngb of the division courts la tho county of haltoa lor the yesr 16o0 ko 1 ilrltos on tridpy jan 30 feb 27 icirch 20 april 30 aj 28 juno 25 aug 27 sept 21 oct 29 and xov ii xo 2 oievnxr jan it harch 3 hay 12 july 2 sert 8 nov t xo a acro jan 20 idarch 10 kay 13 sept 15 nov 10 i no 5 kissmiwrn jan 17 mar 8 hay 17 nov is i no 6 xelsov fc bc3tjxgt0 jan 13 liar 2 slay 11 july 3 sppt 7 nov 2 clikis or drnstov corars no i wm panton hilton no 2r bilmcroakville no 3 john holgate georgetown no i jas llatthews acton no 5 s e luter campbelhrrilla no 6 r miller barling too attempt to poison a young woman 1 a young woman named margaret joyce was found on bloor st toronto on saturday in a lowj etute and was tekfn to ihs mugdalti asylum she tliints a young rusn named terguson who had un keeping company with her uteairjted to poison her by giving her liquid that was drugged shesajs that sha left her home in georgetown some three leais ago living in strat ford and hamilton subsequently and csmtng to toronto aliont august isst bhe obtained a situuaa witli mr taj ipr at tudmorden where she re mimed far a month she there repre sentcd herself as a mauled woman hamg kft her three children with iir father in georgetown i she complained of illntss frcquestl audsfmed to be oonstantlv brooding cjur her troubles the tuith appears frolu her deposition to bo that alio had bein botraed by a young man soma monlhs before and that nil her sufferings both mental and physical arose fioin her b ing encienle socn lifter leawng mr tavlura she went o nn abortionist whone effoib resulted in a miscarnnge aftei re covering from her tiekness she fell in with evil company and went still downward in i be path of vice being intimate clu fly with the man whom ihe alleges has poisoned her she ia still in a ery low stite later tho police say that margaret joyeert the j oung woman who allege she was poisoned by ber paramour is a well known character liad that ithisltej not ureeiiic is tho cause of her present ailment a nitflit or to ago ln dixou o little cliamulalu street quebec while lying asleep 111 her bod hating by her lido her htllo eliddol two j oars old woko up with ihe puuful icuiation of louiolhiag gnawiuk it lior faso potting up hor hand iho oiartht hold of t uu rat winch had its teeth fsslcnod nion her noio she tried lo pull it off but uithoul avail until she tat upright 111 bod vvhcu it fell off having given an alarm the peolu from auuther room came m and ducjveted tle ru luding under tho pillow of lha bed evideutly awnuiru id chsuce of renewing the attack die rat s killej and lr llenchv calltd m to drcia tlie partly eaten uose it is fortunate tint thx rat did nut ntt oi the throat of tho fluid luiloid o tho molhci nie theyiiava been known to eat child rcn while asleep on sutuiday eveninrt a banquet under the auipices of tho ivpogi ipbieal union wasgneu in xlm st nielolal holl the spread wag an excellent one and was pai taken of by a large number of the craft and invited guests mnyoi oreilly presided aud the even mg was spent in a most enjoyable manmr stoves stoves ohcap notices worth attention tut latest styles in itift felt hil at j fjfei best value in 5co tea in acton at j v vlftnnf uvdekcwtixiva good and cheap at j fjfea good value in 50 cent tea at b kailetts new ilcrc all the newest things inioftfelt hats at j ffev oistfrs freali oystarj received duly at klcklm 1 bakery picture framing done it less lhan city prices ato ff hills noniiva to suipass thoia ten dollar suits at j fj fes ckuapest motto frames in the coautri- to be had at c w if ill jet yourself some cabinet photos while they are cheap c w hill fkesu currants and biiisms just received at curulie henderson 4 co if von wnnt a noldi durable and cneip suit j fytes is the place 16 go cheapest ovsters ia town fresh trut ctiad at icfclint bakery try tlem a oood line of black pihmeres cheap fur exsh at b boslctta new store tyf gooe wanted 160 pounds live goose feathers christie henderson t co jtvst arrtted a kit of no 1 com meal at lawioabros floor b feed store rok tho latest style in promenade portrsils with handsome easel and rrame cilill herrings lake huron herrings at james matthews che p i c w itill photographer has introduced a new lightning process no more ion cittinft potatoes if you wish a bag of hrt elsss potatoes cbcap delivered call at lawcon brot floor and eeetl stre peev etio liefer than c ire bav a tood overcoat and prevent catching al1 ca b haslett hss a laige qi sttitv of good japan tea for so cents having purchased it be the rue tu teas it la ectra value leave vour orders for millinery at once everybody will want a new hit or b nnrt fo- the kohdftj christie henderson l co t teas try james matthew 50 cent tta the best yet ioc pieces of dund6 cottons just receired bupht before the recent an vincouflst deo now is the time to secure a bargain in cottons christie henderson co esteririse messrs mcquillan i hamilton of the veihapton marble u orks gnelph are dome the best aud cheapest work m canada being the firllo introduce i fintclass work at low prices liy im50rtmg ihrrrt fl th trtt n lru pnyl 1 uraaite u 11 at j 0 hills x urgi sleet 0 all lindi of a to ves ut rtemdmanujaetvri of ike uil quality ofrvnthtfinett fnuh and thr mo iandiomt stove ill me marw cook stoves 0 all tuti at the rery lotccit prleu a veil ulteltd itoel 0 t i idt w a tt e always ox hand aeb spz0ul7is3 and mil be executed on me thortat notice a o jjtt o luxi a good ilixlf tuptrxor quality ehtap 00x2 airs ssskor t0urs1l j rttpiembsrltihirtt 1 gests wh are making the chean eitandbestfittingorderedclolhing to be loundin the don mion rte do the lug business we do the price rieht we hira the hie stock lo choose from call and leave us v our order ucleod ander son co mammoth house x img tine la safer twenty 6ve years of endurance with catarrh is a long period of annojanca and misery mrs e j flander o ifanchester n h ater going through it all writes- the ontitulional catarrh remedy has rescued me from intense suffering and almost the grave this medicine is for sale by all druggists the clearing sale at ihe mam moth house gforgelown 11 slill goleg on ail kinds ofgoolt reduced millm ery usutlee furs buflalo kobes dress goods inciys flanrelf ready made clolhhu overcoats twesds eto great barfains will be given come and make money ly saving it meleon anderson co no i ton unsfnot h perhaps ihe strongest anomalr tn homan nere la to sei 11 tie euildr n cry no lor m dilne bat bo it is when lacy lav par tnkeu 1 1 heou it bowae a palauble cortor oi tlief e irrlmrmacu i- eal etlll have ruals slits hllhertl noxloca drug n positive aetlehl- nd cno thnl i a pe are nata 11a inallip cnoil 0 parluve ail ajmlttnebei cnclal mcu at casloroil butare restralrcdfrom ukinc it ly me re- vising trste this itioiils 10 science hsi oeen overcome price scents bales of dundm cottons bales of while cottons bales of dutidaa shinmgs kales of onrulian ducks in checks etnpeand plain without doubt the biggest purchase ever made ofne lime by any dry goods houie in halton secrred before he recent advance on most favoorhle terms rnd will be sold at decided bareaios 1 flo blow christie henderson co aoton grev sells tueap he has instpurchaed a ntw stook of all the maple groceries for oneh and below he gives a list of articles nbich he is selling at the popular prwea named all frpsh goods 12 poands of sugar for one dollar 11 pounds of sugar for one dollar 10 pounds of sugar lor one dcllar 9 pounds ol sugar for one dollar 12 pounds or currants for one dollar 1 2 pounds of kl ins for one dollar 3 poundi of fen for one dollar 2 pallons of syrnp for one dollar 6 gallons of coaljdll for one dollar cnn stobs main 8t a ont while you live live well j t eastotf baker acton- i would respectfully ihanlc my numer ons customers is acton and tbe tur rounaing country ana villages for the iiountiful patronage they have bestowed on me since i started or bakery business in the well known stand almost opposite hilts grocery store and besidesoflenng my thanks i would solicit a continuance ol iheir esteemed patrouage in the future aa in the past ray beead will be secqfq ro jrojvs whde mi supply of bens and c1kes are unequalled bailssad 0ajefd epecuwt order for pfcnlcc tcameetlna or social gatherings rrqiiptlj and cheapb executed oa short notice j trsastok t0ur8kivaflj oaies 01 factory uotton just in secured c hiu j recent advanre at special price anp dont youflforget it milhlkmv 7 mantles oyercoaits pants vests ohfelap 1 cheap cheap to cuar out stock soots shoes at old fxtxoss 1 dress goods lustres winceys flannels blankets tweeds y no advance in prices 3 bales of factory cotton just in secured before the i the famous 50c tea is still selling at 50c pices guaranteed lower than in aiiy ajoiniaj city town or village 1 lightning co rouses lots imhe- village of acton the follqwixq ppofeptis ake for sill for terms and particulars apply to h p hooke real estate agent free press baildinff acton 2 one third of ah acr wltb frame haasela rood cnedltton title indiepaiabie im- mcdl de ijcejon 3 on ujwtrsml oproflu dr urortowi oi efiuliorfin ncrcon wnlcli is an exireni n ocucwt houe wltb bj- lend id celur and good cislcrn and well ounc orctiard of rins claa fni iretf e terms ofpa- raeuu k jlzsag 4teta i oalotls con 5 vat ajjaweyr 2f creit ifucd laud owfllui c hous and blacksittlih hfiop ezin tiling in food cgodil oa a bcttr c coolrf net be had aj1 mildlasi and zsqx ca vi i lot 25 con a fcwiaeli ffftnrtlai frm of 103 tc es s2rn oide reutuvaunn loaerrs marl ban i acres umetoqcqunrrtpndre- nialndfrccod codretram twoj- kd lcar- ingnrtiards en the frtn ho w rart lew and rurt irarat bain and etablei lev innu ik ar loam farm la all well f need tbcre is iimh uricicjardt thelarniinifodkork insorder t e rroru uauonlj 01 a mil fr m corponikan llmlix or ihe mlinge of acton an iobca 2 mlc from i t tuiulton terms inapphcallou lo this office fatties havlnchoaienrrd lot n the ml- ihff or arms in tt e adjoining tovnh1rc for naje will find it lo tneir lulertf to have ttu ra intcrted in tuls list jo charga anleu tbe ptopertr i fol h p moore keal eiue axenl acton ont furniture furniture feeling that as no selection of furniture was kept in town an i that it is always required i hare purchased a 6ock ol the various fines required and am prepared lo sell at the most reason- abs prices parlies wanting anything n that line give h m a call and he coo- nnced that they can purchase tfarnilure as cheap in acton as can be procured in gutlpu or georgetown undertaking ah rcqufipmentft in this department oon uutly an band and a flnl rlaai hena furnifebed when required note all parties indebted tn mo bv ellhernoto or to v aorvjuuc viu please call and initio atones m i intend o eixe my books ou tbe slit jeo joun speight cor willow a agrjfls sit actor ont eg pi e4 02 a o o 02 p i i i co co u4 c3 q m u od 60 j i s- sr o o liglitning v i furniture at cost r o n i e n great clearing sale of ftteitir be 1 kcr commenced and will ccjntinue for the next two months to make room for 8pnug stock now in pioceof manufac lire 1 call at once and sectee bargais itsxor tac est ik htslatnn block upper wjndhim amet cumm env i john w0r9f0ld co ouelph fok the a 110sth ouaranuea til a any at borne made by tbe indutrlrais capital not re quired we hl sum you uen wumsn bn s and girls i make monn faster at work terns lbn nt anythln elte tbe work la itgtu nnit pleasant andiuebas anyon can go rlkhlni th ise wbo me wise who lee oils notice will bead us their ntldre a gt oaea and me for ihtrfltelres uamls ontm and tsmn fre now is ui time thilredy m woik arftlnjneirplirgesnnaoriiioiyt addreu i trufi co aiigiwta maine tfbxr two jfoxrms stoves af cost j -at- havills stgjf be faa la vjft solootobkr schotbooks slates penoilsat j tbi mcpr- flour feed storb i lawson bros woald tpectfab lnfiina tb people of ac tou ani vicinity tfcattlldy hare open- ed in tbe preoiliet opwieu dr mo- qnrrini neidebee flour and feed store aid will kaepoonausjor oa hud a niiliiocko flock of all li fds bobdiiic kamiljr flour buokwheal klour i unluap flour healh corn ileal but real crmoked whet t brsn 1 coarse khortia n fioebbor t chopped p chopped oiti chops uata and peas and all kiodsjof feed tlstuu kept in hrslcjaas ttorif k tail goofuddivtrtdtotmjfart of the village at toon at onfcrtou i acton jan ii1880v vins drug i

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