fare ttzfflfwtfr v jlfc i i lc mi irv i w vvt a rj xtiiowr citu ui or t ksku t mnvwi- ttittvk imvauuti 10 ju h tot tad lutviu uuhi atu r mot ultiv civic- dud on ptiurulaj evtulitui sttn tttiluhu miwl l pmjoriimaluft ucne- wnlej tyownlab t- m o an ccop ttlirixt ingttwm lfule uwbriji ireutnf mtu hky ukaun- iwur rkfctbvnu nv btvtcc k lne mr nt 11 tn todu tl thchiiuoa tu no imipu t c lunitrmo a tto ic tsutaluktlitodu l am ut 1 duakcuin iutuu rgi catlusal rawml tkot tutiuih li ijcrvcolltir ou wejaoulav tncili ftus m cncficu op rouo tfaboalu ttcuuol 1 m rkv o it ktctikumtat iuhtivt 4 i iu abliitti foiion htzoptu itu il t i ui bfctvicttudlrrchoc6t it k maud lia imcflfuo tluf mi a pra ucruouitt crutvetu one ntuviorfa w croruu oc jtmt 5 tkavrcc uu iai prtueuluc nx 1033 a tu sabbiuuhciauiusna tn j cltuoucl 0izfuijvarf7kirawai iff aw ttvt cs bownh itnmjr luctcii mouth tu 10 am 8udttj- ot s iinacverj suiu ii- tarttit l itaarccu mkt 1ctqk irte puisk pil lucj crcry tuutttuy morning 1 for annum in advance an tncsxt at moauica 3to ifgss 13 is8u opening of dominion par liament tha second session of the fourth par liaiucnt of the dotniuion of canadu opened last thursday tbe sieech from itm thtoce delivered ivy the governor general foreshadows it yit amount of wotfc for lherevsenutivi- of the people several itururtaet imt ten ire 6 come tip for tieir consider alioo and ibecolcclive wisdom cf the land have a hard sessuau before them from 1 reading of the speech we learn ibat ttie q icitioa of devising imaum fur the relief of tlie suttcrtr iiuk i to be coamtltfr4l nnd tuoiilh ciqdjc bts as yet done ilulf itrttit direction e ttut thts ill uot le be iriod tie united stites kujjtxud aus- trnlii and otter cuttntrtes vjjo ire tfu in noliy m tlis urticultr mrutrc ani to be intrcductd to tuikt reudt fot the influx of ltajiigntdts in tliu tiruig knd trust tlut tifriilk tclircuid u ili aelet saiubli weu cnmbe cut uui oi cjeartng the ibrec hut ccmjietruc u jttnt the erojii iud ix fc afvr tl ctu till f hrrest tuecinsdnu fc e rxilrx will recevo- ctuctiua tue ludutr question is to be cauiidered ilvajiutr ire tobedcrued to irerentnntitiii of the snffcring of tle tribes in tie tie nortuwe4t great uumbera of houj tre ihvu vtth ix3br ttn gotumoienc to ieent tueirtarmnj sevettl chxnges are to be mide in tte unsl is the et in curpotuting ill tnnti of the nouuuioa esp nert year tanking wil occupy a consider able ainuant af attention during the session and ptlutment arill buve to decide whether to reuew the chantiter at the different banking igititutioas or taie the baabs ander guremcient coa trol tte insolvent act ih alsbare to be dcat tiu in each a manner a to gir general satkfaction the civil strvico the inland revenue- laws boniintottlinds public works thf moaotei police and the question of the appointtent of a pennaneut repre- j aenullve in london are all to lie con sidered rd as we said before pal la ment has an amoant of hard work be fore it we trust that the scenes of ust session will not he repeated but ihit the prsceedrap will be conducted in an impartial and dispiged manner and that the member will forget personal difference in iigitlflling for the good of the coantry a oentonarian a vttcruu ol numerous battles tntcrs on bis ttmik year many pooplu ru not owarf that itt iho vidutiy o acton ljo a mutt who lis full the waiuilh nod hiuilai of aicr loojummtiis wliila v ohiumg wuds atiu lijsty nilitj of a intuv wiuters lw ptiisvd orei itm ltcnl such uatici is thuccke utidallhuugli thu tiiis lata lioiiiht juy mim wuutkb and uthur tiittlimtluk yet lc u tolerably auuut i he was bom at hay scotland or tliti utli tebuuiy 177 mid when iwruis uciu ixqmud lu 180j he ilv- mlttvd lumtell 4nd va enlisted mu tin- llujal itilleiy tliehrjt tiiggc- ulcul in winch he took pdit wsa it vvalchuitu when the english under sir julm maoiv witf asistiug the spauult to defiat napoieoua ettuils tu becou tuaskf of sum after this hr jived uiiuu wtlliugtoii in the btllle at vtttorts hu ciiituru of st sebastian lii 1s13 aid tlxe souuiug df i lu rtuuiaut of soultr army on eulei qiiudav 18u the hut cugageiueitl in which he took nil wistoe battle of vauiloo wilil wliuu all aru so fuiulllal duuug tic heal of this lat- le ua bat ou his hotte ith hvord in jutt himl and ciauil in the other and us elluigtou scuiig his tqture- rowiug lluuuer ktmll uouilul a cr luh aud prayed that either tiiijlil oi blubber uuuldcjujc mi jlcdyualii ojuld have touched the kutxlwi gtn jial viuh his saurd and deuctl lleattt the worda teultvnd hesats the sceao was iiupreaiuve the b title iijiuj on all ridta aud thecjuiitiaiidei un his knees asking the ruler of all for htlp oue arm raiacd toaru hereti ana the other graspun the uuih behind wuich ha was ltinltu then aftei i iu battle as he kith several of lui comrades rode oter theiield the horsej louietnuca up to the tujjiu skills m human blooj he saw their brave geu qiul weep like a child over the deid bodies uf the fiieu men it waa a nevertoliefotgotteu higbt lie receiv ed priza money and a medal far this utile an i also got intdals at vittorta nd st seutstiau ou tire ut of may 181ghe receivid uu discharge and in lfc-3- hi em rali4 to catithr unit liuwilnj fanihy ecttiiug ncjr tue prtsent site of acioo in the tovvnbip of equteing km alter his atuval duitu tailed hue unustujld tulbtn him of his wife at oue sou five cut uf seven c t jrea jre vet living wjule he lus lifty giaud children and a score of great grand cut dru cuing to the heat of the close fiiug at uutrlliiq ills eusliht ikwuiv tic- ijird aod duru the last fifteen j lart ite has been totally bliud ititt cyuaidt r mg v extteuie old ge his ilth is j underfill it feood ue 6udi the iliost of his tiue at the retidnce o mr george kjilut a sia m w about a mile from tbvs place althojli le uccuiowclly visits utliers of hu descend cut in the neighborhood tsqueeing oeuiioll stewaitnown 7lli fub 1880 thacotinctl biel jidrimsut lo adjotun ieiit xhiireflvfitttliechsir mem- ben nil nn tho minutes of inst iitcling woi tlicu rend and confirm- i moved by mr lindasy seconded by mr gibuiu that the townahip ai aossor for 1880 be iiil tha tun of one i liiiiidrod and flfly voltata for his tet- v ice r can led moved by sir hluirlrwj kcoiided by mr gruhaiu tal the following nc counu b paid i y the treasurer vu llait kawlintou akuxainenl liolls xolices ic 135ll dr slair ik hniimiliori of mrs kuglsh a lunatic 5 carried moved by mr mcenery lecondcd oy mr ouliuiu tluil leave be granted to introduce a li law for uio hi point uiut of uitu asscasir for the towusliii of e quesiiig tor the piescut veur and thai said li law be lead he firal time cvirifl m tr d by mr lindsay seconded by mr urahuiu that the buiu of 5 be granted lo mm stuclair she being m indigent ciiciiiustauod cirricd i moved by mr g alom mcoudod by mr bhoitree1 la u flii tutus be uid to the undeniientiouud tariea for duumgea doue to then llvicks by dogs viz i robert hteaait 80l 1 jaiifva murray 133 william fisher 300 carried muved by mr lindsay arcondid by mr shoitrted tha tho ky law to ap point an asewor fr the car 1880 be now itad the second and third times and paused and thai the blniik lw lilled up with the name of geo w black cariid moved by mr shortived seconded jj mr mceuu that the tnaiunr piy to the uiideiineutuiued mrtiesae fillows oue dollar to john r mit chll alienor in dogur one doltai o william center furgforge llaitleva dog tar alio dollar to jimes vuttico error hi dog tax stitv fire cenh lo ptos arthuni for repnr of culvert q3 gh iiuo aoj twetva dodan ui lobu mickr he beiu la ludijrul cir tiuulanct carrietl moved by m mcetery seconded v mr lndav thai tho accounta of this muni ipdily as audited fitr ihe jear i87flbe passed bj this council itud that two hundred and fifty copies uf the same be printed for distribution carried the council hen adjourned until saturday the 3rd april niit niis sagawaya oounoll a tlcerogal upset princess louise badly bruised lord lome slightly bruised a valuable jewel mlsstnir i the coveed sleigh in which her royalhiglmess and his excellency attended by colmiel mcneill and the hon itrg langham weregoins to llid drawing roocc on satuiday eveniufl was upset as it passed out of thi grounds of the government fljuse n was dragged about ioq yanls vvheu u waft most providentia stopped by the hon mr bigot and a groom vvhcl were in ore of the sleittha which pre celled tho viceregal tieigb the prin cee received a severe contusion ou the aide of the head and the lobe of the right ear was bim cut mrs langliani waa much bruisl on theuftaim hit excellency received a light coniusioii on he fun bead oilooel mclfeill waa u li hurt doctors grant and baldmjt were tn immediate attendance the brmer remaiuiug all night at the govj- ernment house xud the princess it progressing favorable ou account of the acedeut the drawnigtooui wnh pestnond her royal highness jewels wcru recovered fiooi the sleigh efler the accident with ibe excepiran of soaie damondi from her tecatice j t is said that one jewel he lost if bigby prized nd filued at r t jpor authorized the biddulph traoedt tlireeofthe risitents idcntiqcd at ue luquest at the inquest on wedretdty of list week the ev idetice of johnny conuor as taken ue njales that he was ai the donmllva to assist to feed the thius dunng the absence of thorn is donnelly who aras going lo grantou nert day alont two oclock a man fahoin he identifies as jag carroll the constable came m- lo arrest old don nelly and jack the old man got up and drested went into tbe fcltcbea and asked tom if he was handcuffed and received the reply that ha was tiiit a whole crowd came in and commenced hammeting thm with sticks tom ran out doors but was brought back and hit several times over tho head with a eptde they jet fire to the bed under which he had hidlen and all ran cat of tbe house he then got out and dressed and ran to pal wbaleuv and told them tint a crovd of men caute in aud etiased tbe donnellys aud he thought the old woman and tom were dead after this lln whalena and connor went ov er to the fire saw bland outside the front door but could not get in the house on account of thi neat aud smoke he identified two besides carroll thouiso ryder and john pai el there were others whose faces were ot blackened whom life could not recognis i the inquest was adjourned until yesterday so that the accused men crosserainilie the ines several uttlierarrests have been made mprlaonmont of tramps i we notice that he question of tho imprismnient of tramps wai lately brought up in the county council of iiioce by the following resolution that lnconfeqnenceoftliegrehtin crease of trumps who are becoming a heavy buiden upon the county thai this council do petition parliament sillier so to amend the vagrancy act trat ble bodied tramps can be mi pusonedm the penitentiary fota petiod of from two io five jears pr otheiwise a pau a special tramp act ami hat the waidin do at once telegraph io the wardens of lha vai ious couuties asking them to co operate in thif matter i there has hjen an abortive aiteiapj to kill the impeiial familr of rjssia by laying a mine in the winter palace five soldiers wele killed aud uiiilvv five wounded the mine waa laid uuder the fnnrdtoom of tbe palae which is immediately under lha dining lul 0ing taanaecijenaldehy vhe imperial fmuiv had not omeietl tue latter al the usual time the explosion made a hole in the floor of ihe dihiug bull ten feet long by six feetwide tin ej plosion o curitd at jit itobut iho usual dinner hour of the imperial family i i the council mot mrnuaut loadjoutn- lueuc ou moudaj tbebihpeb mcm- lars all pieseul the rcevu in tho hair the uuuutes of last meetiug cere read and confirmed mavcvfby mr mvniiea seconded by mr wheclihsu that the sum uf 3 lie mid o d fnuor for flour furnished r mrt woodarl mr wbeelihau moved seconded by mr munes thai the sum offlij b- paid to john etslsrbrook tuwu- ship clerk fo- legisteting 6t births 13 mirruges uud 32 deatbs as certified by the luspecur ou mutton a ely law for tho appoint ment of certain township cfiicunwics introduced and pasted tne list of othicts may i teen at ibis tflice llr whctlihan moved stc mded bj mr meuiies that the mm oi 1 la- re uuded to a jackson being an eiror tn do tar far lfa9 tbe do 4viug been killed previous to the return ol the asseuuieut rjll on motion the auditors report vat received and examined by a committee of the whole mt meuziu n the chair vvho rqiorted lhat they had caie- fully eriuiiiicj he accouulaaud found come and it was ordered that the auditor u i vk fc of 0 vacli fur their services mr hntchcoa moved seconded by mr watsuu that wui ljim be aud is heieby authond aud empoaered to collect taxis due thla muuicipality fortili aud iay the same ov to to the township treasurer mr watson moved seconded by mr wlieelihau that thesuui of j6 be paid to akr nichjl for repamng a bridge on he htth hue opposite lots 30 carried wm logie was authonzed to pro vide- mrs deforest k suitable pn n shoee the same to be charged to the wuiijcipkltly mr wheelihan moved seconded by mr menzies lhat the reeve is hereby instructed to sign the transfer of lease uinde by john b hyde lo william canol and wm f danxpaugh of ihe city of toronto mc wlieelihau uiovd seconded bv mr halcheon tlml messrs wataon and ramsey bo a couimllee on lielull of this council lo interview mrs moriaghun in icgarrt to the ptoposed removal of p mcgarrigal to edward curraus willi leave to move him if aid committee tbinkn proper to do so and report at the nr meeting oflhit council v on motion ihn council adjourned to meet again ort monday the 3iddny of may next at tha hour of nine oclock am applicants foi grants on roade and bridges will be lcceived and taken into consideimion none o be received after said date jobs eastebbhook tp clerk oanadlan nwt tho ico bridgoarnhigau it tolid fixtuic maniiobiv lcgialotnro t proogtitd sal u i day foil gairv man but htm earn- pleiily mcid on trio lisiluro will prerognt about ho 25ih tho cstitnolid cosl of tho pumma panal is 83000000 liuc favorable rtpoita come from the newfoundland fishing gtou litis a kora soolia woman gtve wrtli o five oh lid re a li i icicla and two boys laot sunday threo have dhd since a dental ii given o the report that russia has been sounding berlin and paris bunking firms with i vioar to licsvyloan j the grand tnmk rullway direclofa announce a dividend for the ust lialf year of 2 stetling percent on fit at iirefrrcitre slk eiilr in monday morning a boiler in j ijidda salt dtrrick was blown i jiiecss killug john gilligan who waa liiaking some ropatrs j in the bout raw last saturdxy b- twsen bovii and llawdon tin former won br 12 ifluglln ho gave his oppon ent four lenglhi sturt a rise of ralera in the atrfinw of ohio and kentiukey have cutel fioods by which tntlli house and tail olds are being swvpl away the colleclion takrn up at the morn ing kitd evening seivicta on sunday at tho church of our ltdy fir ihe irish rclif fund amounlod lo 508 i the consolidated bmk till resume payment on the 1st of march ci editors banks and the govnnmeut withhold ing their claims for the preset 1 on saturday the etuperor william lad a retum af bis abrtuiiog tuxck of giddiness and fell down ataire al the jjsflin academy of vocal music a gwr braxenjan flamed ma nruier bad lita arm mauicd w jltr wiile conplingoars at the governors road aiding near woodstock on salurdiy it is assorted thai the united states government has purchased or is about to purchase a pair of coaling and naval statioii in central america with it is r hiutejj tha object of eauldiahma a i h kr ewt bend carefully smobi osdoas bopbiaiburg aaji tvoa aflecied wi lb dyspepsia lor nearly lour yeari my luoi lacomlcg asacted lowatds iho liui 1 was induced to ry iho khoihoneja liemaly after ulnf threo or our bottles i fellfnueh batter and gained ilrongllj rapidly my health improf l steadily orfl rapidly aud when i had lkn linen or four botlles more i rrss qulle retloird lo bcnlih tad slrfnpdi niiti bute rxpeneocrd belter hrslln ban for forly years before 1 had b en urdcr he tisulrnent of a number of physirlans before but never recclred any mnttrisl aid until 1 med your rrmey a mekit troro n8 isysi he waa very had wllh liver complaint but uwd j the blioahuneea kemedy and in a month was as ell aa he had eror been in his life i urn nov in busineu and wish you o send me tlirae doien by learner a wood comeounuyi illiat he baa tried he kemedy for llrer complain i and dyipepua with rest success 1 have alto oaed the sliotuuneai fills and find that hey are aa good aa soy 1 rer tried i hijrbtkncooeneva n y aays hy wife was inleuielyifbctad with dysprp sin for a i fug time we consulted phyicians oflhrcedillerent tchoou und received no hentfit fchenaa tjita hrco bokles of he grei huihotiees kemedy and is now lienly sad well i utv onvrctt iy mr jirkenno bolting sullered from an attack of libeu- madsm and was unable lomovewiihout help but nfier taxing a rew oolllesor the filioihoneeii was able lo wnlk aa well aa ever price of the remedy in pint bodies l pills 25 cents box bold by all medicine dealers hear what lion ays great oabh oh 11 l f actox bibktt while wheat i 18 to i 20 troadwell i 23 to i 2 bpnng wheat glugcw i 20 to i 22 ludcuaft i ij o i 18 ll 0 3s to 0 m peas 0 co to 0 a birley 0 50 to 0 m etg per dor 0 12 to 0 15 liuttcr dairy packed 0 u to 0 16 j butler roll 0 15 fo 0 181 louloc per hag applet poring shccvslmi hides per crt wood per load hay per ton straw per had wool dressed ko tibtra aibkets flour 2 75 to 1 00 wiit wheat l2 o j 25j nmiigtthcat gisi0w i 18 to 1 23 redelaff 1 3 to i iih oats o s5 to o w peas 0 60 fo 0 65 barley- 0 50 to 0 53 errs per dnz 0 15 to u ic batter dsuv- packed 0 16 to 0 18 bjut rolu 0 16 fo 0 18 piuuiea per bag- 0 40 to 0 5 shoepakmi 0 80 lo i 59 monday 6th of january 1880 we commenced a grand clearing sole of oar extensive stock of retdyhade cunhlnd s fine we bold aa immense stock of mens boys suite pine costs overcoats ulsters and boys knickerbockers etc etc of onr own manufacture the stock is in flrstclaes shape and ve oifer to our customers a most desirable class of goods- s g 51 sftreat reductions in pjliice 2v ithiougbout the entire 8ioe haw bren made nd eacn an iele u marked in plain f jsgures besideaall this be shall allow a discount of 20 per cent on every o ou to a ov v 7 00 to 800 3 00 jo 00 0 18 lo 0 2d 5 50 to 5 0 zajmenl purchased uew canal route a son of john snoke of saffjrd- vilfe was killed in a ruiiriailtbuisdsy his legs being severed from his body a large circular saw after which lailh arms and head were cot off dealt was instantaneous an imitation of a bill formed oi t of a dominion of canada 1 loe is beine palmed off on the unwary in belleville and district the iteration of the figures i fairly clever butjho j4wl oox ia inuct hv peron apples per bag wool urcascd hogs 00 o 7 50 s 00 to 7 5o 0 50 to 0 70 0 18 to 0 20 s 90 to 6 00 ttorse and lot for sale la acton on main bt a honsajn good condition and fourfit tha of an acre o land owned by wm kieolsoa por particaurs apply to 1 wm whitley uil acton p 0 orgak a new organ fkom a srstcusa canadian maker far sale fnitl d i rr n i r s s u small tthurch m will sell the above very- low for cash for full naruculaas appl v to h p moore fte2 vzzss omcr aciou feb ii iss0 a valuable gold deposit five fe fn width has been discoveted in tbe aouth- wealern portion of the township of sfsdoc in ihe vieinilr of felletleys mill the find ii reported lo lie verv valuable and is now being worked through the menus of buffalo ana kew ihss purchased the barber bhstie fprmer- votk capitalists ly earned ou by john warilen in the shop opposite storcjs giovo works end will according to be mondilv weather i conlmos the busiuew in first claa ctty j i rj nrioulyeia ihe same place rrco s iicor wcf wilsoosr amekican hair cttteb rcyiew inuied by the canadian mete oroioicd service lha mean temper- atnre during january w cciistderably atiota tile average at ill stations iti until io it was probably the wannest jmniry ever recorded the excess being from 10 to 13 degrees tha duchess of marlborough in a letter to the loul mayor aajs the danger of a famine in irelmd appears tn bo over if tl e cha m niillic contlntiek no t in ireland need be allowed to die for lack ol ftxxl but the committee to bring their labours to a successful close must spend over 40go0 per week six weeks more an old farmer yesterday deposited with ihe huron and erie savings soci ety 1indon qnt eight hundred sover- eijns lin brought with hiut from eug- iaiid seventeen years ago and ha since had thera hid in the rafters of hia dwelling his bto found tbe money and induced the father to deposit it in a place of safety i a sweedisii farm labourer named chair andrews wotkiog for thoa grcenslade of london township uiadea furious and ntiiderous attack upon the latter yestard ly as he wna working in his garden the ubsault was quite un provoked the assailant nsida a revol ver the swlgle lasted rajf on hour when at last the swede knocked mr greeuslade senseless the swede came to these pulls only three months ago he is said to have run away from stockholm with a young lady of for tune whom he mihsed in england nnd has followed evil since expecting to find her in this neighborhood he is a very poweiful ellow and apparently demented verv moderate a call solicited and all will be con vi need that he i the bear barber that ever earned on bmvoe in kron hjur cutiu and shavmrr aad all pactv of the ouviral in promptly executed ladc hair switches nxantrfsctared to orde i kxmxl von run married anclurmarrlod it teaches you the axd- iiow to enjoy them sent poti paid an rueipt of jo rfl hrtt montreal rrnushtja cojitaw 181 st james st plessalellvwhat montreal paper ousaw this 4- we offer overcoat at 500 and 20 per cent off for caah bodjcuats 400 aud 20 er cent off for ctub mens twied panis 176 and 21 per cent off for cash 20 per cent on every garment we ahow one oi the largest stocks of readymade clothing in the countbt l uc7i articfe iv marked in pluia figures and no second price witi bfmade under any coutijeiafioiu allelutjitmj jiot jaid for at iiac of purdafevitt not be alloucd the ditcouut tihich oulij offered lor ttrict euih s tlilenus avail noutttlzet of thit ijrand oipiniiriiuij io 1st clotlitirj at uth an iiumaue dietvuni covin at once icliile the ttocl it cvhijute t j d williamson co at j fyfss s1avt teesidbitt beaver 0vee- i coatings snitingb trouserings in great variety at x fyfes all to de had at low raxes fo cash sins th6aljw the abote l0 wu1 fte bftre- ch brer i call at the east end clothing store aljexeel an invitation ladies of actox if you hive pot yet ilsited ihe fashionable west end fqr the purposed na8sagaweya 2z u 2 b h5 k shinclejriills peter 8ayers would inilmsu that ha baa on- hard nt his mllli- in maseaaweja ibrmerh krjowu as caiuvs mills a large sioeli of lumber- lath and shingles of all kinds and qualities oheap no 1 shingles jjhso per square sill stuff cot to order tbrmscash ietek savers acton dec k m 11 you mm iutj w spooling their lovely embroideries and other itu active goods we are now lowing please do not stand upon ceremony or lose any further time tn nm so hut corneal once the widest and best gootli will le laid on the insp shod domj so hut come j vhl noua depskmenu of our slock are now bljed to repfelion irilh the various oepsrwe b a tarfe j rf attraction pot uvtrwith t ealt srdihliy rnvfte pur satirwjlwhtobaw wtt end tedme l hon senato miophersou of the eniuc fs swtotisly til oemngs ejo ie nienueil t kideau hall n cor t i i e during ibe journev fioui own u ilc hrll he musi keepivo giar over a large quantity of gtain is stored awaiting higher prices one thing to be con bidored ia tbe loss by shrinkage and waste in the granarj unicrib wheat in the granary ia subject to injury by the weovil und grain moth this damage may bo prevented to aome extent by ehif ing the gram and inn ning it though vho funning mill corn atow i r rrao h rat8 nd wre a vermin pioof ciib may be made liyovring iho posit ami loe riti wltu tn or aheet iron which mrv uepriited foil preiervaiioo upeaker have immred a soveie tdd as he r n l r ti low ov hese eau will average issbttphi- pencils papefi imga a the lueseoi moment of tinting iii ufa is trembling la the balance civeriepoit iay he it ic- coveiiug jo per lent and often move of the value ofbogrilo but t bjbt in pailj qr wholly avoided by oaio and iirecauton ft v4 o w ft p o q o hacyards peotomal a ii st for iho speedy a permanent cure or constat coldi and all pliejue i t iho throat and lungs thwtcao meei tueirwaoa bekenthao any other etnuhm f nt rtnllrade at thitpaucularean wedonotook lor uellherwoulu in the traae v v duronaaes the same as we do at ihe fall offiu- mall orders but keep nund tho hwluhww i now ladies comef direct to as e3re made exclusive preparalione k meet ouv bound t0 d a o bucham fosmonoweltest end drtu xalkdmmenetdlukvatgtipk ciimi iearorio ailavlnjlrtirownloeallly b school books of all kinds states ritkx women io uh m many muke mor tbun itie amooni o frred aboe no one n lull to make make mouay nut any one can doibeworte youmakefrom ooulo2 nb hour by derounn yoor evenldgs ari avr lime lo the business iicoeu nothing to try tde business kolhlni like t for moopymtkj uig ever offered oeiir bat in ess dleajant r ptivc i fre snmple vam alto ire yiqcaa then make up yqutmnd for vorrself ad- hlform sbtrs specific medici -raanejaark- tie creafcbc- itsh beiseilr an onfaulnr tarelorpemlna wekceasfsper- maiorrbea 1m ellens and alt iseases vtial ibllow iitie mjst reliable tedsains unrnvandwa- etable tejnes tn chemical union vrlih the rttract of wild etiorry llarlt aud liquorice in thir fresh and unaduuer ated forms anil is ttie roost pleasant aid effective eomblnnllon thai can be r rellforeureof inuttntttdt flwul oultv a bcaullftivwork abuse ms lrxs orneinott tttnvtnatlassitatirrpiiijiii- bae i imnoual vlfltaprenatpid k 5 ami many cihevillaeasesthaheatfiolnsitt portland ortnsumtuoaandajematdreorave mtrtih paitlenlaw lin onr ramw which arv ileslmta wndtteatl one arthe hpe- lljr siedlaiie 1 wtsaffcl aiilorv hvecectbtamp aimjji secured with a view to permaneuti flower plate tnd lscrlpuodsoniebesirforeai wlia pricejvf weds and how hoartcnijt coujlj cofdi qntf injtucnzq whooping cough catarrh atthma a cult and chronic bron chitis aeutt and chronic pleur- icy spithng of stood and alt ducatet of ihe lumji for sale by alldea1erstl25cperbottlo ulumra bcallrr reirua rrepa toronto pns and in tftirow ihem loerfellsh or yiclwbefcusara toebs in tbtirajij li to ev r jaby l drutrlsa vt e paekajror sftj i for mcorwwiheaeut free b inaionieeeiei i of lha mosey hyadriw svlra 11 sold inxcion by all drvmins aud i where iq ciada aud the dl buw all wholesaleana rell urwlpisajl trva csrslor postefe will buy ihe ucidt teluoi how lo sl item the klower and vegetable warden vi pucetir z colored plaiei and many hundred ensravlngs for 60 ceula in paper eover flotlir eleeantclolh jooetnatiorenaush i vioss illustrated moihmvuailnea try 4e for 8ewui machine and general nsffyl tutcq eldbieia 22tt maust oeorgef- r ii5 rat u a quloreu plate in everynnm to snyflae xoara injtj- prlcvtslai five copies lor 3 os specimen n asntforlooaolsi jlrllegilesforola m jaatavikoeheaterny o o juli ifelgreiws actfftj