Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1880, p. 1

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h ig escnt loing tared liuarjr the 1st be- ibolorwt 45c i i sterling pwces dres 1 lot v f- i y u ten ecuu lind let i ieptt jdocif aiso- st da h llpfe- ida iralde iisiiii- evssar is published v i ivear rwitsiur uosikb ar a vl editor proprietor it vat fats puma jprrarff pxmusaiifg uqvsb net pooriometlcdulchcrcil 1 tims tho fiuat fszsswill bo aunt io subscribers postage paid for 1100 pot an num in advance sleo if not so paid no paper aiaecuuiuaod till all imra ore poid- execpt at the option of tuo publisher iitxsttsixa ritts caaaal advertise- jncnu fi raupcr lino for the first inser tion and 2 coats per lino tor- each subse qtient insertion cash professional cards 10 lines or less 100 per annum i souaro 1j- lines jilm per minnm payable ui r nsonllisfruaidatoof ijjsertioa anyspccisl xctice the object of which s o proaioui the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to b considered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the snarse ocettliiod measured bv a scale of solid xoapacoil otic coloron one ienr a1il3 ilafcolurau one vcar sv0- ciaricrcciiarsaace rear v telt n- cilseia tu months s0 falretcuuinvts months totti cinartcrcosumnttxmonllis l o uie eolamu ibree moctls 7- 30j half column tnrenontlit- iroi quarter eohmiuytiree troulht v 700 arteerlls merits wluimtrjeeme directions wlllbelnsetleiltlllrrbmanlchkrcrdreconl- rncly transit- rr itdvcrtlmni mutt be rtl in atvaiee chances for cntript ailverlltemcct6 must be in tieonlieoy 9 a tn on mm itays other wise cies till be t ft over ut ulc loilowlej weefc h p s10ore tmttot proprietor excelsiq f iivv iwt basket b1 nicklin ttka tuia oppoctumtj- orthnwdgitueif friendaand patrona for their very lib emuppott tntlipiahnnlmiil jiut uuur viuooniinua il vta hare always onhund a lull t r vi aupplj of brief smea ultra marina with flookingaof whita fields tender and green adayto dthght- i maideu o awoct looka qu at the door thoroja aotno one to meat 8uymethlai before cstrss j7iffjiorcmr vt h lowky m b ji l grainaj- of trjiitv collcfe bread- cakes bm oonfeorioheryy pnilts conned fish otmaal cornmeal graham and buclc- wheat flour ifca fec- all of tchich w are prepared lo bottom p for qa8h in coaneetloa vluithe lufcsrlr wa nkv ufl opened an oyster pkrlor l c i s mem ber of college of fajicians and burgeons osce mi residence tt the head of frej- crlct st acton and will serve orsters m every atyla we j litre alo coas tmtjp on hand itock of vt uogakvix 11 d m c p s lovsiera in both can rjid bulk cheap xx cnuoite cf victoria college kesi- oiilv irom s solo lonsuititon o to g d m ubtil 5lojuui biiausteh quebec street gneph bsixcu oetkett5iittuehsihiia slllt street xetfitz ciomcz ort cvnir fttiitta mis to oris be nicklin ai postman in payl a moment of douw a watnoiotjtltti i abqfiua jritht a icucz tor jott 1 tc5srasld4g bctcre on the maid woald hurry btteaut and thua ia delayed she gains the dooritone a minute too lata the post has gone and o had jiifs kite a handkerchief wie the letter conccala till opened at night whathlissit ravaalal offer of lova- of hand andaf heart a prayer eat above that naaght niay hem part 1 skies starry aoibnsht bells joyous ind tree a tveddhiffat night as grind as can bcl and hilc she repehta adda ihoiuaudt beside 1 w i the travellsrs life and accident lasco ofhartrari connt i write ctf rytmne fcurwuein tie tj- cx ireittix ateitleiillaxirkioft ftovrmtit or ibesecarlty of casdlin ialicy liuucrk pi up ch capidi fim gross assets 419s g7tt titiktseomsvexx10xsixpe jtiul liivrilite 351173437 jl rircrilt cad propedy itawl iu ciu i v to policy haiders f 26 943j3t ids the uiiacd stltcs in il crape p t hkilstilalet licensed tluctionpcr for the coiietiia cf wdhiitoa mu hiltos onirv itit il the iizix pprs osce artec cr tz rjyrqzilczce in htcvu will u- irocitilh- ttleidtd tu terms rciioimbli tat furririd or na ciiargtr tknl fcr peaetti istracgii agncy in opera tioa ten years hexrt grist j i lutkilsos attohsyat- lav sjhoxcr i chasoen dc ulace itdcr lj wtiiictb iijttl mjltcii ti 1 tip taro cr it 01 21 lox hotel acton itodt tjrt5jr tlv uz httd is nietcisa ttylo vllii new fum- mcrcal trjviicrs vvj iiud gosd atica sail corjolioos siniphj spj ttiitaca piititotle wsiiis cf fe tarciiin j pallc biir fapplil vrtu the lqsorind cigars- sood stkbl- ing an i wteiitte hcstirs 0 kuafiiles calilaox main st acton acat cor tie bii orjicn mnufactnrel ityitnt avbtfuicoiafcpu orjtrs- iaci it ui narciic will receive tnsinpt at- tcntijo- jfur psrticnlirs e adv oa othtr idde gije hia trizi i chai camealox rotap exchange hotel acros jss canpbcll proprietor mr cimp- bell lte ft file eaic house ceax g- t e statj32 tihtspjetsare in announcing to liis ratiiv aid friendk out patrons thi lie iup rtty purckvsd- cid refiltea the rytu eichaisga in the sesist end mct coinfort- able ktylej and is pcepired to secern rnotute t1 who niiyfvof ainit in the rnot cani- forcible maziner choice wines liquors cigrr anil co ezminer drinfcs alweys in eiock tuble in chxge of an attentive hijcr ths pstroiiase of the pablic is re- fipctfuily eolicited n noettart will be rptred o the rijry best attention i tm prepared to piy ha highest caih pre for all cliioes rflitib and sheep shin dehrered it my 1 uiiutiy lace leather constaaitly an imnd j i i jaaces jq0ke pj ip3ptpipgipu3lps e adsnii nnpfoctarer of superior well and cistern manjis trhich vrill be pat hr on short nptlce repairing promptly dent chziges tnodemts ahatsv liled end set give him a crlh shcp on freder icfc street opposite dr lfj7iy6 reaadence veadairs mhe m cliifax plow 3iade at jl crottrev ircn works grielph h khead ofauoqinpiitorriforcnerrnirposes irbn bsm steel iboartl end shears made of special hard iron cheap f h cash kew fences stores ettl leaoce ihd casting cf ae kinds john crowe qteayed or stolen adrerti cements of w thii nature inserted very ellcop in the acton ftc 2icks thclxt ixatt najier of hilton co j meitchasts uiafarmcrfiidikoehoah advertise uid euppartthe acton fcee pctir the bet local paper of halkrn co copvds billheads and circnare of crry descripiierecntedniilljattheactou pare praes ijscc the lct local paper cf j halt hi co- j mirpus to foticy halders james ilaltdetyy igent actii ont federal bank guelph branch k gireaalbxscing icsisess dose drafts cud bills of exciusge bivjkt and rold depositors ire allescd inierist it the nkte of sre i5 i er teot per annual ia the savings bank dep rtment and sit 6 per cent perannum rrt be allowet ok deposit lecipt provided tb money reauiat in thebink not less thin ir gnonihs and hirer 3 raomha notice be iteti ot is tvithdratvvtl thouas y grhet jfansgir select ffsaoaff an unselfish le0a0y in dr hartleys prirst office one xoi3iiher day tvd mea the docloc himaelf and the aouoc hi dear fc tend sat facing eachotper tlta younger man was deadly pu but hiaeyes wete iteaay and his voice firm as iw mid i thank you doctor you have liven very kind the doctors fjee kind one always ws very crave a hi answered yact lave anxd mo to he uupra- fessionally candid frank and thia iu- tenriew baa been u jaitiful to die as m nut kirnnd ids roice gtew hiikty since yiur father a death ma kw giw he first place in my heart i fctiow lliat jl ant riclt and have cakadi loam barkikc ctnratr savixgs bisk h l i xi t 0 1st raanysocilled frielida hutno one else to uice in wis the sad reply you forget alma alma has pronjised to he my wife tut she de not loyn me frautj yoa alttaureiy mtataken i rpofce toostrtmgly aluiit gives mo sisters love we have been as brother itnd sister ievtr siace we were children i but she has ptomiscd to marry yoa beaus she ittattzht it her daty to obey my fatter you wees not prei etit at oar betrotlikl since ttiif iulerriew has heen o piinfutty candid tlteady said frank mmt o tbereii no fear about that laid the doctor with a unddeti uiiitover his eyet you will aeudfur m il jou need niel i will see yod often waahie reply and then with a lenderueu like a wo mails lhe young man added i will oak you to help iih aa nuicb as vou can kuiwiuf it will ba a lauorot love to yuu j ttr- wuihe toy you are mifcipg woman of me for two pfeat tears rolled down hl ai hu tipuke hi lonely man bavin years before lurieu hi wife anivlie lovely children and frank chspuiau filled a soaa place in his heart tob well lie knew that before the auiuraer rosea bloomed vhere would be nubtber gruye aver which to moavu another yold iu his desolate life ha watched the ilen- der erect 6jjurfi as it paused slowly down the street bijjbiuf heayily as he aiuuered j it may ha heat ao life would be taeettr if alma loved hint 1 very steadily frank chapman walk ed to bis home where alma alill lived with a widowed cousin to kcrp house aud appropriate sits grundy 8lie was in tlie small sitting rdoia that was cosier than a great drawing room when frank came in soinetliioif inliia pale laccy y eyrstunww w- manly tendemeu tir frank was right when lie taidsfii loved hiut a a sis ter yoa rre ill sio ctied her eyes full of ankious tear yea i he answered sinking into a cusliiuutil chair i am ill dr hart ley has been giving tue soma advice- alua put a cushion behind hia tend and a footstool uuder his feet wonder ing a little at hu passive acceptance of au invalida place it was not like frabk to be willing to l fussed over and a vague terror ctme into her heart asjhe suid gently what did d r ilartu say v he says i muat give up my easy work thecaie of the este and take perfect rest i shall not u obliged to give up entirely alma but i shall want help i leonard waltou ut rats auiltct aamyilbyyrrjaot friend a quick rush cf color cmo into almas sweet face her eyea aroaped a utonsnt then were raised bravely to meet those of her betrothed uncle thought bint a good lawyer frauk so dr hartley told ui do yon know why he lett wetitwirlh i i l ways tliouglit he would be my fithera partner since i would not siuly law j there was a painful agitation upon lie young lawyers face as he replied you are rery kind i ahull study awl hen you do not need me aud htye little time for pleasure but he found his self denial was not io he hccepted frank ouud a thous and excuses for detaiuiug him to din nor to tea to fpend long oveuiuyx in he cosy sitting room and wlien alma would have left ihoiu he asked trilling services that iteptr her hyliis side aux chapnian ith tell ypq what liaa sad smile let ma rerv near my heart t been because my jfather no often yioke of hit wish that should marry my s fcr- cestiatit iii oa oa i cousin thati cever liouglit of auy other 1 woman as wsaible sweetheart or wife but it was so when i was summoned he left becausa he he was not quite happy here war the hesitating nsweraud frank did not nrge his question every throb of his heart was a torture to liiru as he watched the lovely face downcast and confused and knew ttmttt wuuld be lighted with happiness whoa he could hot aw it smile i von will push up that title table huuik luiai miafe am b pjits cf slttfii vpstiis safest- axd best security board of direotors d b riltsitotjt eirresmeit ttx kkkks esq of joau wadle co bur- lliiiian vleeprelitcnt jw uosiboectt jiunarnlran hfgit mcritiv ej umnlltim ttkxak hcjxicakii eqhellon cut jiatktiisdbarton rotrr iicsvan- fq luiallton- b cchi holk kq uaavlle wn tbecv as m h titonelawa linartfrir mu c b tsrowj ej- ifanacer cotwa hihs ijaii hmtv lilin- on utolskolcin mine fe mil imrimai ard ok toiy unit sm-otl- e open verf weekdaj from 8 amo5ptn i d dexter jariaiter attl ii ist8 any person in want of a good sett of riarnei8tihec slvgle ob pokble t h6ctdcmi it r creeghs tetim aoioisrr where ther enncel better vnlue forthtlr muney than anr raee the comity a aooo asictjtrktois trunks and valises tiausjid allot wnlch will be sold cheap for t ehj ssjbepsiring prorabtly attended to iofttceeeoff vckinfehetl home from paris on account of aty lathers illnei ijfound alma filling a daughters place at his liedide lender luring and dutifnl as aha hid always been the day before he died my fathec called us both to hint and asked ui to promise uf remain true to each other to marry at loon as a bailable time of mourning had expired i aaw that aloia grew pale and her hand was csd tu ioa in mine hut i thought it was grief for tltedoss of tho only father she hadsyer known agilated hor arayodsuriit jt4uiiolp trnswo now that ifb does not love niet siie sfirinka irora my caress fodlaliilfoavtid tie- tc7sartlny yon were my fathjaracrjiifiienttalfriend wertcp06tajjily nehihim while t wits iavenrjpfqcan vaif tell niawho has won ajmatt heart u i v toil tbiiikvvueu yoa have a rival p r l tiling ihsworhd lor9 aiiove her if it were iiot so there was a ijibment of silence be fore iher doctor replitd cyduiretrjemher leonard walton p fntlik chapn au started ostliough be ty f asrkerliinyoiirjvmtownai a no cspitil risked yon caii give 111 he business a trial without -er- pene the best opportunity ever offered for jthose willing to work yoa shtuh try irthin elss until yoa soe for ycaxsolf what you cati da at the business we offer ko room to explain here you can devote all your time or only your kpare tiine to the buiinfisst and make great pzy for very lir that you work women make as mucirai me2- send for epectalprivite terms aud pirtxtture which we mail free johtfitfexei dontrcomnhun afbard thnos- wlifleyoinave sdchacmlncc addreas s j hallbt4co portland sfiijic wanted this week at fitccextnil boot shoe store roccairrorpctrea sqqts axo sgqjss aorpbwririlbaiwxt r in acton iua to 4ktlr irnm banc ia wjnke yonrpjircbaseit caustr had been si ling sty fathca- reared outof d iffioa hoy a begfifxr lie srity a jaoiier bil not ihfi less niin of talent rt3ptlvr upder f onr fathers cai he stlriiej lawiand proiriseid lo iwconie aleadfagniri ill his irofiasloli hut lji y9irgo beleft wefilwortli ab m m t i iit vn a a w nt wpll and f nvetuipctedfhe cause 5000 customers o btil now yoa think iaiuia refused iiiut f i i jhink yoiri fathor itojo j lilis si loe as n-vhin-bne- i renieoiber no some words of bis to which i vantid tie obw foin tlifl time pvntji left lih4mvkxjuusfpr tintvtfturri al thoiirfi- hieler ppk mm hkiy to lhaiutwjuiutil he waii ill- it bostcaj teehiog aaaajpnulic otrfrhosnfiuprpfesaionj r e htttjio onjlolljir tukmtwhich ft llva auiilcl teri l f niatriabjj6u will help me lie said smiling and then he kiawd ber grave as a brother might and saw her ayes brighten to be of use to him it was a biiefietter he wrote asking leonard walton to teturh to weut- worth and take control of his affairs urginghis need of him strongly but makibg only careless meution of the liberal salary he offered we were friends before i went a- broad he wrote and i tutnto you as friend now hy father liadcoufidenob iu your ability and i dare to ask your id now when my falling health orces me to coufide my affairs to other hands it cost leonard walton a fierce struggle to accept this offer to answer thiiappta had it not been that hu owed a lifelong debt of gratitude to frank chapmans father he woujld have iefnsed to return to weotwoilh lo alna j he know that tht fact ot being trust ed with the niauagtnieut of the large estate that was frauks iuheritfliice would givthiut at once an honorable placa in his proleion bnt had there lieen no other pleu that would hot uive decided him jto word of love had ever passed his lips in almas presence but his whole heart was in her keeping and when ic wttmoi6iiet possible to hide this he had left wehtworth h knew that the dearest wish of bis benefactors heart was o see his son and niece united aiid he would not try to win alruifs ioye though his heart told him i here would be somo hope kefoiihdfun tils return to avent wortly that frauk care had already fonnd him lihotidthg place and that a private office was fitted up for him in ihohoue that had one teeu hts home rte wasvhckedatlhe change ih the fatw he lmd ust seen in fiealih if the hollow eyes ana luffuw cheeks but before he could speak frauk was grave ly welcoming him lkavwj t tt tied down in yonr oldroom he jsaid gently so ionw fitted up an office for i pito other olisnimitttjiiu dw iwdwgjnw my n old stove to fceriorcttffwi wieoaia id oiir plteonitthebost wle it was ho small part of the painful task frank cliapnun had inuiosed upon himself to accept the position of iuvulid iu the light of his own generous hea1 tj ho tatl thosh around him and knew the comfort it would tie in the future lo both atuia ana lvicnard tobaof use tojiim so he bms exacting oc all little invalid alteniooi and submitted liatlently to leonatda care and almas petitug j s it was painto htm to sen how ainu avoided leonard how hard she strng- iired to be faithful to fier promise to him lut he felt sure even this rain would be addod comfort to her after- icardt afterwards the word was in his heart always but norer on bin lipi excapt in the confidential dials with i dr hartley they were of almost daily occurrence little guessfd- lionaid x to lululi- a untiringly s a detective gnnilf aatia- fied that franks confidence was not misplaced christmas passed a day of quiet interchange cf eifis and good wishi and the new yeat was three uionths old when one morning very early a hurried summons brought leonard to fraiika room he found hiut in the grtat armchair in which lie passed his night lor it had been long since the distressiug heart disease had permitted him to iw down alma was there gentlj trying to- help the labored to spiraliou by funiug frank aud dr hartley stood near the window ineas uring drops in a wine glass the invtthoa eyea lighted as leonard came in and he motioned him to come near to him leonard he said in a low tone kept steady b a great effirt the time lias coma when i wnt yatl and alum to answer frankly what i shall ask you two papers are under my hands ana ot which i wish to destroy after you answer me i am df irg and alma is free da yoa lave her p yes i loye her wis the grave tender reply and you- altna forget thst jon were lioand to me by mistaken duty and tell me if you love leonard f the whispering answer reached him only lint he smiled as hesaid dr hartley will you burn this paper p as the last ash fell from the grate he gave another folded paper to the doctor 1 ft is- my will he srid quietly there are no hard conditions ia it it simply divides mr projiertv with the trembling hand aud my friend aud ire smiled iu lonarda face i have known this oiutt be lor several mouths siidyorthiustno mourn lor ino too deeply only almas smothered sobs and leonards broken words ausweitd him and presently he stid doctor i would be alono with ycu i for in his unselfish love lie spared alma eyen the pain of death straggle he felt aiproichiug only his old friend stood by him as the gasping lueath came more faiuly only the same friend heard the broken words of prayer with which his pure spirit took lea vef lire it- was a culm face graceful with the great peace earth jannot give that alma and leonard gated upon when tearfully and solemnly they clasped haudsin betrothai accepting the inherit ance of love aud wealth so nobly given them hodera definitions of commer cial terms bankrupt a man who ctyei everythini to a lawyer so his crediton will be sure to get it v assignee is the chip who has the deal and gives himself four sees a bank is a placa where people put their money so that it will be handy wheo other folks want it a deroailor is a man who dont know how to apead his aioaay and gets tha cash ir to show min i presidentsis a bigtat man who promises to uisa tho joli and afterwards aaldets il a director is one ot tbosa who accepts a trust that dont involve the use o either their eyes or their ra cashier is often a mas who midertakes to support s wife six children and a brown atone front on fifty dollars a month nd be honest th tramp triumphant acitunn of north sydney was pick ing his teeth at his gto the otheruooii after a hearty dinner when utnuni came arunud the corner and hailed be fore him no ess p said the citizen i hat no food for tramps i didnt itsk you for any did if answered the iiian no j but fou look as if yoa wanteti to replied the citizen iiweli laaiit jiiilpjayjopks bat i tin lllttpbivi inf tor- h i gcsi you look to me like a gentieuian yeea yoa haves smart intelligent look about you well i hope so id pick yoa up any whew from the common herd i would curitiuued the tratupj as he geutly rubbed his back against the fene well thats pretty eood saidlh citizen as he stroked hiawhiaker but whats all this ulk about iii tell yon i am nothing but au old tfamp i donl know buck wheal from btoojicorn whileyua know every tving give me a chance aud ill give you one c sea you have yot iwo cords of wood at the side gate and ill make you this offer if joirll make a speech loo minutes long ill saw that wood foi nothing if you break dowiuyou shall give ma s square dinner and ill moyu ptglorfru-to- i to vary th the citizen very well ill stand to mr bargain the citizen threw away huttwthihcklwio 6 tub bwa bail gauies pulled oat his watch cleared his throat i comes back to talkme blind about audlkgan fellow citizens we arc called to geher today by a cotnniou impulse we liars dietw bare metj we have we hsye j yoa can try oaca more i doit want to bj hard ou you observed the tramp as the citizen broke down xryj the financial question this tiro- tbusiencouragtd the citizen led off with r s fellow citizens you hare patiently listened lo the longwinded remarks of he has told you that the n f is as good as free trade he has joldjouitiut he has had the impuderice- to befllat tliai isbi has told voa told you ill giveyou oue more chance said tramp aa the breakdown seemed con plete but i wont take it replied the citizen yoa go around to tho bsck door ind iil tell the gifi to set you out the best dinner youve had in a year and dont be inns hurry about leaving the table either r- the she was oartain wayne county farmer had some wheat stoleu slew nights since and he was so sure thathe knnw who ihe thief that he came to detroit and se cured a warrant for a certain youne man living uear him whtnthdcase came up for trial ia justice alley the defendant said hecuum prove an alibi ii i i ii i i his girl a buxom usa of 325 she took the stand nud swore that he sat up with her from 7ocloakiu the evening uniil broad daylight next mot ing i people can very easily ba mistaken oliaerved the plaintiffs lawyer i dnut care i know he was there she replied l what did you talk shout i lovev she promptly answerol what time did the old folks go to bdp- j i gave em the wiuk about ten ocl kfc sure he was there at midnight are yoa p j yes sir why are yon sure p she blushed looked over lo het-lov- er and lutighed and gelling s nod to go ahead she said well sir just na the clock stiuck 13 tht oliuiri jumped out of bed up stiiirs and holleied down sarah yer mar ants sortie o that catnip tea 1 and we jot such a start thst wv broke the back uf the rocking chair and went ovet backwards keiplunkp jtlieii thn jnry must understand tliat you were sealed on hamuels knee f fl object put in samuels lawyer and h is honor reiuemberud the days of i his youth and sustained the objec tion j tlie mistress oat i didnt yon know you were lying wjien yon said your mistress was ont p asketl the judge of a fervant girl in a new york court yest did wua the reply but it is the custom with all ladies they arealwaye out to some people it would have been most nn fair had the servant been held in any waylresponsible it was not her ho at all and it is doubtful if the lie was iinybodyv lie is not the word for ii beirig out means often simply engaged it is a necesssry eqnitocatioh without h we would best sixes sod sevehs all tha whils eefttsetoseoa collateriala are certain pieces of paper j visitor and yon hiakeder voar etipiiiy as good as gold due and payable on the first i bay yonr are out and she whot offend- ed she may snspect tlia ruse far shft day of apnl assets bteajoaottst of five chain and to this may be added aint a bad one practices it herself hnlshe csnno know- if the unceruintywvea her feelings snd keeps your friend john iid mis 8saacript to iwr husband one etehinj lsit week ive been retdldg ihe psjier thats nothin grontid joan ire seen people before mblf raid newsy papers yes lot there sre kererai thfafsi in the paper i csat ttnojermund thendonhtb4s 1 wbatdolbjmsuiobt john f what b strik eayh a strike ii whee rtrnck nd sanscrfpflkn ishes from his cigar i i dunt erasp your meaning itactly aid mrs 8 with puzzled look jiow theas strikers hsjre stopped ijll lie railroad trains in tbe ooltnbry vtliy did ihey to it t to prevent uni from running yei out why didrfp they wont reins to ran p r because they wsntef more money br running them j do they pay morej for stopping rains than tor vanning jthein t no you stjpid woaiin then why in tho ljprld did ihey top em why diiful tev ruit wore uf em or run eiu futtr t seems lb me that would y better j marvannyou will ever anrround feiig re gotten up pntjiosely to bother wdojefi sjw hares a column headed bse ball what uiuaiielcailvonvp djoi yon know wbijt huse ball is i hippy wjiuiu 1 you have not jived iu vain v hero it aays that the hartfords could not collar gumming curves what under the sun are guuiuiiogs curves p 1 its the wy lie delivers the bill is the ball chained f no you booby tiieihjw does he deliver itp f i mean pitches it ob now here jt lays jones muffed s ball after a hard run w hat was the ball doing after n hard run v hadnt yon better oonfine-yourte- neaich to the obituary and marriage columns mary with an occasional yes bat john i want to know theres sirs eacketiojer tbe way ffy foula brtice biu sky scrapers and jail thtrte things j for lieaveua- sak john what is a sky scraper p compise yourself old woman yott are freadiog no dangerous ground tour foet ire oh slippery rocks while raging billows roll beneath j jlercy on me- w hat do yori mean p i mean my dearmadam that whec- ever a woman begins to pry about among these strikes fair balls basa hits daisy cutters home runs and kindred susjects shes in danger of being lost i well i confess im tanipieteiy lost to know what the newspaper means when ft say addy stole abase while th8spectiioreppisniled hwro6 come to such a mss that society will applaud a ihiel i why wsst addy arrested now heres manning put out by start assisted by carey and i cant see that he did anything wrong either jemima christopher 1 here it says that pike flew out i doot be- lieve a word of it i never saw a man fly yetand i wont believe it can be done till i see it with my own eyes john what makes these newspaper men lis so botrible t john wis asleep and mrs sanseript turned gloomily not to any skeptically iq the letter list for information news- papers were not marje cor women an innoebat abroad the other day ilia police at the union depot nuticod a feeblelooking as he several times displayed antte n roll uf bills he was cautioned tqloek out for pickpockets an 1 cunlittnca men wouldnt anybody rob sn old nan like me would theyf he innocs atl asked the warning was repeated blip no jogged atouudas before aud after a time was teen in consultation with two allangers wbo hjul waited around to the whurt an officer got him awar from them aud angrily said didnt i warn juu against strang ers 1 1 those fellows are after your uioney 1 but how can they get it when i have it in my pocket and y hand on it all the tiluup well yoa look out yes ill look out but i dont want to ba uucivil when anyody talks to me i like lb tali bck tbe strangers soon bad him on tbe string again and iujibout hai an hour they left him in a hurried manner and he sauntered into ike depot with his wallet in his band j theie 1 youve letem bealyou 1 ex claimed the officer how touch did you lend them p i well they wanted twenty dollars he sldwlyireplied j and you handeditover of course i i gave vm a wtydollar hill and got thirty back well youll neveraea tbe bill again i kinder hope o he chuckled as he drew 4own his ejej bisa9oun- terfeit wltioh my son iououiii troy and being as 1 am very nld and innocent and not tip lo the tracks ol tlia wicked world i guess ill get into theears be fore somebody roba rhp of my boots i if any one should come round coking lot me please taj im mt at home 1-r- dt troitfrte pre a uttle pner pat u a osagemev im proves tl flavor j grafting wax ma mado by molting togethetfnrpoqbdooommoh rasiu wo paasds pf beeswax sa i mi ponni of tal i6w utdbentedm tba ikbarfinoool j weather idds jnirts oa pmid psora alj taworafittbiraw atjrje-a-j-

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