Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1880, p. 2

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v mm mm ws m 1 tjpnsul j raw a oh i ij to actm hire olmdtorjr mraonut cuocii or casaua bsartcsstinili presenile ra and i ivni cihm aft r mnuliif cvlc suit on ftiursday i cnliij at s p m satibaiu petaool at iraytirmeiiliis uineral- wndnraiiajravrnlnt s p m va i lrtc tatirlaycvtilna pin mime class friday tveuiiif epni iuv it nouns 1miur saavtces aiday prune mir t u am i3tlsp it tlaeuntmomm ucialelj atter sunday raoruloi 8r ten sabbath tjcbiot at wo am htv ii ii c msaps pastor wtaiutqmlnval utivtriaakiauny lrcectu- at 6 pm mhnui 8cos l wofciti frairt mrtlut oa w4m4dr evening at i n cuciicy orxxuuvn 9aavtocthiiidh rreaculns at ml tun babbatu scuoot at p ra kv v ii lxirlucuiuueal balmst p tn sabbath stiml at t u p lit 1 ij utattis on tuesday sad tuiirxiay evetuufa al i n pisartc baavtctauntav lrrelunrm 11 amand pnx rrtt we ttiteettdtra put surrnooitf xrtscortl ose ssitaiifa oporfiorq7aa ua jfaiv ft muririi vukut preaemiifalkmv a in aabbaiv school al i4u a catuouc 0 ir sosta of cnfpertifioi oa 1 coe lavuta kourthtnikiartneaekniotiuiai 10 am sundax befool ai e pm every rut jay rtfv eatusa iiljobtick mae auto hike presb pal luhed avery tuuriday morning si for annum in- advance gctom fo3 ifoss titcslat ilorwko ftb 2g issll shoddy podart there is a ccruil class of sharks continually working among the fardi- fnf couimtinity who from eaute catfi receive utile notice at th hands ol tlit- jiras tud uc constqueticey tlwin cpemiions at times assuoje tuknituotlt pcoportions we kouij reftr morr particularly at tie irvscnt time to ttit elasa tkh u shoddy liedtiri llhcse nterprising individuals ustiallr iunt in coaplea the better are presume ta carry on their illegitimate trade tnd irhena euitable customer is fonotl his chance of eiie from burins ubut ieltox ta eay the least victims are wially jtufled with the idea that jthe clahes liava been iccured of same jbrokea dora ndesmin at a tremebd pas sacrifice or that the goods are a part of a damaged sliiji load arhichsras bought at a fraction of their real value ia consequence mrhtle the truth of the taattcc is that they are toiunfact- nred for tie irurpcd and- sent oat fay irrespcafihle trholeaale merchants and others in the cities for the halton s s aeiooiaticn annual convention tim annual convention of hilton cuuuty hdbutt 6oboo awiuon ai held ity fc mulhodlu qlurcij milton oullift lttkand 18tblntt r large liaiubcr ut dtlrgiuscjislairgof uiuiktcts and lajincu wtro jroscul fruiujtlljaih uf llic cowily rimt jv uorsikq wissxok rev joliu itiston prwideiil n tho chair after bvuieruiuiua luihiuimr tatuticl tviotui of lb i various icuooik iu the cwuuty were irad aim tbij ke- jjatca ueneut njioited their several cliiiala vitutllr us well tliniugliout the wtlttf tuhl itlwu uuilted pio- itvas in all the diuirtuiruls uf sunday sjhoul wcrlc tim itraidvnt tin ut ad- ilirmifd ile eiuvcnlion and gave uu uutlific of thu woik to hi ttcooiiiliklted dniiug the vaiiuiw sssiuia tie iko letary then read his nkiit as ell at thu ciustilutiou uud rules of the alsu cialiob ittkltxocs sesstok dibccssiovg devotional fxercisia concluded the imidcut dt dared tho meeting ojien for lite diktuftioa af the topics uien in the irostraainie rev jos unsirorth npened the dmcitssiou pit his stlijtcl iltutraticiis thir use mid luifime md ably ouwgid on the toiiic gtviuj various examples of how illusliilions may li ued ailh good cuvctj and howinghow they re tiften misused ke said ilteirute lit stualh chuol teaching was to gtttn and hoht the at- tcuttuu uf the pujiil ta cuams tluir minds to besiege the iden of ike teacher and to iiinitess npun their triad i iilr t forv that without them could ujot be that juned iijipnsw tro tealcr i lid thcitgh valualife when righily they ars often mimiwd and such u the case when storhs and otjta are uaed fur an idea whn noihiiig is behind them and when an illustration iajused to llltt irate an illustratiou mr juut- aorths retuntka were very iuiercslitig rev mr prwton fully endoriei the ixaiker iu his opening remaibs on the subject ha did uut itka adjtvcar which were largely mads up of iaec dotes and thouhtjlhat many kpeakrs as well as teachers mmetioes went too far id this respect but thattacrel was mtoauty and futce in good illcsrauons when rightly uct rev m c cam eron- presented the adaptabilit of illustrations and enlarged on the beauty of bible iirustrattnks g re a uum er of stories irom the bibt wnicb possfced the dircctnesssoughtin illus tenting a psint- he said there was no betlet srm fur iuitntralfain than hia torr and that tho acher should lake hiih a his illistratians from oljict ur f little child coqld understand a niiat- entraiping the anwary befog a ujsu uer of others gave their opinion on of means thesj fellaws do not hunt mauy ideal wen- bad pay buyers lie farmers note u taken until the fall at which time au- fnuttiediate settlement is demanded ithe discovery that he has been deliber ately rbbtied vttl nothelp htm his came is to the wtjer and ho mest par it had tie firmer taken his spare cash to came merchant in his own neighborhood cur value for bis money oiild have been received we do not hear of many of the farmers being taken in for urn ample reason lhat they do- not feel eilted upon to pirade ihetr misfortunes befote the world fire at fha model farm one of fae buildinef d t royel about half put threa oclaefc on sjturday mot nfug fire origiaswd in the doable fweiliug ttsnit guetpti occupied ty iir ltifroh gardener and mr mahoo fatm fore man the fire qiust have been in progress some lime whin jlrs rirrun war aroused by a crackling sound and after listening for a time lheclll to tfie family who were ieepiog in the upier story that the house was oq fiie they roce wki dressed hurriedly and rushed out of the burning milding about the same time some of the student j who had seen th fite from the agricultiira college arrived on the tccne fcotne of the students formed a line between tho pnmpand the burning building and passed pails of water which were emptied on the fire but which bed little eftett in allaying the ffames others assisted in reoioring the furniture and carrying it to safe distance from the fire a messenger vat despatched on horseback to the citf to apprize the firemen and procure their sen ices mrauliinft the furniture was all removed with very slight damage finally the messenger re turned and staled that he had seen chief armstrong who said it was use ieis to take out the engine as there was no wsler snpply to draw from it then- became apparent thrt the building could not lie saved and the attention of those ptesent wag directed to the surrounding buildings which all es- ctped the fire originstediii a shedrst the rear of thq houe and is supposed to have canght from aitash iwrrel the loss is estimated at 2000 tad in covered ny insurance brought oat trhich will be of benefit to the sunday school wot kers present seooxd- isccssicx the second discussion of tie esa or how may the influence of iiannts and guardians be best cniini in the ittidy of thjtscriptuiet iros iirok srd by rev u i pirritte hut owing to mr pirrittes absence theprcsident inro duoed the sutject and brought out some good ideas on ihe topic v mr etrle thotfgbt the patenlc she did fry to influence the children by a ier sonsl perusal of the lesson with tli youth is the timefcirs turninjtog od and if negleeted until the child is n ore mature tt wass hard usk to accompl sh rev mr cxiacron we all know phe importance of the subject and he porunea of it shouldbe sufficient aroaie the parent or gustdiao lo interest in the work given to the cliild by the teacher suggested a sj btenj of questions to be answered by them i r j i john waldie said ho would like to housetjhmodel jn i eiero with hia children bat owing to i be teligious setfices of the satibath oo little titca was if ft which could be spent with tho childten mr jolmston harriaan thought we sbonld in cvry day life teach our children lite scr p lures and not leave it all for the s b bath is much pleascdwith the beretn fysson lvsves snd rccomnieodid national lessons mr r coatesobjsct was to get the greatest number jof parents to wotk sgd lo secure lis would sdvisa the uee of the lithogia and with it he could print list of questions for each scholar to snawr the patents would read the qiteatio i aud assist the children ia fiadiug t answers pansiderahle interest wits niantfested in the discuuidn and tie lime occupied was well spent wexisc sessiospeesidexts addeess hrld iu rciu church the church was well filled with an attentive slid ence tlie iresident in his address rk- uitki were interesting and well re- ieived by lilt iiearars after tli oolluotibtl 4iil been takm ftp ind tho aufloiiiiceiucuu for lliu nixt ltat sesslpii worn mitdu the iiicetlng wmoldattlby singing and iryer jlynimwere mng afior psch of tho jtddmari deirttrwtr the olioir of the jihutcli in niaiinir worthy of praiai 8kcokd day hokxixo be8si0x aftr tint devoiioiul cxctciies and calling ol l he foil dventtfulf gatit who were not pieselit the tttst ilsy lepocud jhuircltools oeh ml discunslon was titgagud iu referring to ho clanging iflihniry hooks dm iuu school bouts rev mr millsrd proiiiciul ifcrelary iku took the platform and addressed lite coiiteuliuu ott the sunday school tenchera iuwet a number of lie principal points wuru that a tenchet should speak that whioli i6 knows and u do this must bu convened mar have evurrthiug elao but if nut con veiled is uut fit to act as teacher hi- uiay tvach and do good hut has nut jin pjwitr he olherwica would have itust havu sytufmluy- aud a prsonal abaiaiiiuucc uf ii statu of each iu ihr cjaas and latlly uiiut lw a ltriug fpistls seen and read of all ineu 1 duiikcsg cdvvittse at this siago of the session dm best nets cnttiiiilltoe presented thek report slid reruuiiueudud the kppiiiulnient of the following officers for the current year president rev jot tfaiworth george town v n i wshia barliegteo j iwl nu j juiilt gwfgkli actou- s4tresa mr it coal kurval rev j pringu georgetown man com j ju mum str w s hall uoroby aw acton was recommended as the place for holding next convention the report was adapted rev m mcgregor then addressed the convention on the teacher in and out of school which subject was dijait with ins vory interesting uimnor and received the undivided alutiliou of ilia audience twenty luinuics more were occupied in discussion nd the rccvttng kjjuinied lo meet at 2 pm itteksoos besalok culldrexj xeetlxa lat the afternoon session there was a inuus meeting of the children a good audteuce was present bat owing the prevalence of illness amoug the caildrvn udt more than half their num ber were premnt excellent addresses were delivered by mrs cowan revs wl wtlurd m megrcgot sud m c canfroo lo all which the chilureu listened attentively tho singing of the children under the leadership uf mr johusfon harrison was splendid and added much to the interest of the meeting rev mr millatd gav a blackboard exercise and jit harrison iiliistrafod his method of teaching ihe children lo siu the children were dismissed at 4 oclock after which several business matters were attended lo and the following rcaolalioos pre sented i resoluttoss l resolved that wa ss a ootnnfitlee request the s1lpt tnteudent of theoabbath schools in the county of kaloa to send del gates from eacli achuollo report at the convention yerimlly as well as clling in statistical reports thunuy lw sent them 2 resolved that wo approve of the nue of illustrations in ihe sthhalh schools taken frruo the bible snd also from familiar objects around us 3 resolved that the influctjeo of paxcuts and guardtans may be best en listed iu the study of scripture by their assilting the children tn ircpsringlhe iessina given them by the teacher resolved that whilst sabbslb schools muit hecetsartiy employ such mat jial as they hare at their disposal yet to bo successful sabbith schikil eactiers thry mmt be chtistisji in telll lent social and devoted individ uals mssmbammmmmmmmmm 288 teachers and offlcem 218 of the foruior and 22u of ihe latter are re ported at luiuibcis of thtqjuirch while 71 hav beeu ailsbmuriu lt4owv vomwi wiare exabintlim ixiartilfirwrlcd 7ul4l oralwutt30 ierioi uu expenses tliirjtveo tchooll bsve railed lo s 8133 in thu absence oiwlreavurernt i christie of acton the secretary submitted tho fullowinx report caihaahujidjit jrtiuitvtiug tioo colhcmptu hi rurliligtou 15 1 3 cash tevupi supis of iifor i0- ys5 ckillcciloiii at millvu oy printing ciictilais mri millards xpurioii 79 imntiijg reports postage 4 iiutiouery printing eirraliiis rmyelljug cxjieueej tha donnokw murdor bnrfng the week very little intcreaf hits transpired in reference to th above case tlfl inquest which was to have been resuraeof on tuesday last was iiirthet postponed untiktaesday next twiugtn he illness of tho coroner dr i roaaaek bihdouaelly still continue to reooive lettera from bilparur of the conntry ooauiuing threats temorks rndiidrioos ia ereryoonceirahlo shape mrs connors and the boy johnny yet rtipiatn in iheeity it is the jntenlion ifpibe jiuionliea to keep him there intil iftea he trial at the afjires use s rnmc- ferred to the want of enthusiasm in sabhafk school workers and said tin t this wa one of the greatest rrquir tnentg of sabbath school orgsnizatinnt we require timd in which to get up work and enthusiasm must be a ps in the work or it williail the sui iay school is ons ot the most effectirs g ispel jigenciea of the day the wor c is cot only philntltrophic-but- godlj aud wilt prodace more iaipdrtant rt- salts hn auy other church organizi- tion tisaddreks wag followed witi an iaddress of welcome by ear ii c cameron pssor of the church whica was sof complete thst none ptea- ent could hiukhipself ah qnwelcom i visitor the nextspeaker was rev hmepherson whose subject wan sfiecial characteristics of tho success fill sabbalb school teacher the rev gentleman handled his subject in a ver able manner and his address wai second to none delivered during lh conventioo eet me httlabb fbovixcufc sec then addressed the audience on sabbath school mission work arid thn noble work being done by 8shtrth schools in various parts of the world his re- grviil brdnbh- tie meeting inert adjourned until 7 pelok p tu evesixo sessiox a ter the opening exercises conducted by t io president rer w meikla was called on far an sddrtes on what havt we learned in the seven years of bible study he remarked that the aubj ct was too great lo be exhausted tttj ope speech hut would confino him self fa four points only ut the bible is iohe book written byntlees than u different persons yet the book is one 3798 25 sco 1000 uo 520 2 50 i 2946 balsnce on bend v98s3 tho farewtliaddrensea irere wiyerer by iut mvrcunroocf milton and meikle of oakvill and fhe con- ruation closed by jtr metkla pirptiouuc ing the lieuediclion aoton vlllao oouboit the village council met in maultewi halloa monday erciiing the 23rd iusl meutbets all jireicub- reqve iil the ohair moved hy w ii 8torey seconded by o s smith thai the auditors ro- iorl be referred o the finance com- miflee to report hereon a next meelihgofthe council carried movid by d d cuitle- seconded by k atcgarviu that leave begiauted to iutroduct- abiluw to limit the uuoi ber of is vera liceusia and forfixiog the amount to be paid for the liiiue and ijiat aaid bylaw be now lead a ursr time cairied tho giitnitue appointed to confer with iiid xruatuaaucllcuotfrftgalicuitfl church respecting the uao of ibeirbell for tho village t jeave toruport that the truxteea of said church desire not to gnt the use of their bell as it would ptobably interfere with the saftv of the church property moved by it mcgarvn seconded hy d d chtistie tbat tho nporl of the special committee apfioiuted lo confer with ihe trustees of ihe congte- gatijual chureh in regard to the ust uf their bell be adapted carried moved by d d cliriatie oeconded hy w h surey that by law no to limit the avetn- licenses snd for fixing the sum a be paid for tie same be ait read a secoud lime and lhal the council go iulo ooiuiuittee of ike whole on said by law canied tlic committee appointed to examine and report upon ijie sufficiency of the treasurers sureties rspurttd that they examined the luretiac of th treasurei of tho manicipililyand betiara tbetn to bo responiible and sufficient moved by w h storej seconded by k mcfjarvin that the teport of the committee to examine the securities of the ireanurer be adopted carried slaved by c s 8ulth seconded by wh storey that by law nu t1 limit tho number of ureru licnies aud for fixing the turn to be paid for the same be now read a third time and passed catrted the finanse committee brought in their aeennd report as follows hart k rawltaioh itstiaoery d c roberuoocciaiublei fees 500 james matthews rent of half 1 year 3000 lxraui do you wllh lo ruber t b to toqulra so appetite in anjo a reau- lar hsblt of body- to otuln rafraifaina ileep to reel and know hs arerr fltfrs and liiue of jour yiteml being brscfco- and renoraled once snd uie tbi by northrop ft in short ima jiiem invlgi it ii a wellkuotprtrsof ibal qi en acknowledged by tbv fucultr for many jraari oj fhebenl sppe- iter sud ionic knonn aridforgenersl debllily this ceabbikiop will be found luperlorirairotbffwikmflowir hd combined si it u witb flap harry wine an i eiiolea arbmatlci t la msde an sgreeabl and pleasanl irlgorsior to ibhoiajaoi tb pfujiariia of quioine re labriluga tonic aid snli- penodie ttaalf don frequently ra peated strengthen be pulse ineresiej mumular lores sod inrigorsu ibe ione ul ibe nirrr system u the peouliir operation of nil thedldite in genprtl debilitraedaaaa ppumbas under- gone long qdcaa observation snd it is believed it alu nerer fail if properly and judiciously fdminiitered oalesi other dlsaasae predominate of a dfferenl ouarscter parsons of weak oonitita lion may take it without the least did- oultr ai it itrenglheni lb stomach and digestive organi and seldom require more iban one or two bottles io efiect a decided benefit as it contain nothing injirioui totbamoit delicate reraemoer to uk forth quinine k m hon wine prepared by nortbrop alvman toronto ood we sre inreyoo will be satisfied thai jrou hste full value for jourmoaij sold by oi i morrow actio and all modleine xwlari cheape3tah0 best the diitr ffithkii is malladto all its abscribers in a tnerica at lesi than a cent a dsy itu the ncrr c xr krwsrama m raw wnalp giving all ibe uth tern by telegraph editorisli on the most important quel- iiiis a onmprehenstve oorirespondenee column a valuable depsrlmeai devoted to hs contemporary press home and re ligious reading a weekly summary of the new books and disjntlnes in fact each nun dor is be worlds history for a day price including posts ftxc a year tbe wesxlt wrmas bears the tine relation lo tie week as tie dally doi to the day id ihu paper the nws isiaa- mitrlied ind condensed to tba aniallest space that everything may have a place its great peculiarity libuwh by in mmm arysffceae amongi iba lt olaates of tbe com muiiily this immense ejreulailoa justi fies its publisben io plscingtiiervieeat tlti0yearriid when ibe n6hiber o lubscribats retcbe 87 ooonhloh seems likely this year the price will be redoo eid to the round dollar price jl loayeor tua aiiiosr nsixmoti ijrmik expressed ct the wirscst bj loose irbo bate tried it ltbn ol dunald grant a snbacribrr irom portage la iprsirir manitoba who writes tha wmnow is sneh s necessity hut to do without ft is almost an impossibility the noathsax jlassswira m so eight pacd smimonthiy hjaslrated jpaper which costs bat joc s year to single sub scribers and much leas to clubs it is ibe pioneer of the w mass publications arid gles everywhere we receive ncmso or ivuiaeaa ver yar or tbe important woiic n la doing lu tlia biindar selool and by iheflretlde owinsloli immeomerreulstiob oreaersv 010 enplea veuave been enabled in aosk srssal fmpmresienu t it prraeilrrtce proved it hear whxt lion sv lr cash i- monday sthr ot january 1880 ff we hold an imraensft atock of men 5 overcoatat ulsters arid bova knickerboc manufacture tie stock is an nrstclaea customers a most desirable ncjass of goode suitbi pine coatev etxs etc of our oirn and cav offer to onr rgeet stocks of headymade clothi ay the country li iu pt arwftr rrn it b reetmly bnim- ib ppmu nc bjr u s luuoa 1 a tl irrdtxblon wlllmakal rtoetbturlilr uiaiirer before ool only twfnf a tjuable ripr but a beautiful one tbere laalwu 0 lido lilloa toutucpaptrvotl to sewn ltcucjls flftoob nxf an m jndowi uie ooe adrtrv2 to sonli addrifas tt sii40 umontlef to ibe oaeadiiraas tli rtample eoplea of ibaae papers seal tree on appilealmn joav oarcttl aw prstuiiaas montreal 2nd- tucs liericji its morality ia one vsrious vir- hare been liuglit in different u of the worlds history but uistun virtue alone never perishes 3rd it it given to one people 4lh it points to one heaven each pointwas wall worked out and vety nicely illas tratea by the speaker a short notice can give no correct idea of the address which htm listened to with close attaniion and deep interest rk dames preston delivered 1 very practical address on the teachers reward said he would take a text vt i these 2 19 alluded to the oljrmpie games heir reward a crown so the christian worker mutt itrive or the right every tool brought to chiist by- the eacher would be aatar ia the crown said ft waa very neces sary or ertry teacher fo be sure of his own state lest haying presented tbe truth to others he might hot be re warded du 9 only a scaffolding which was removed when its work was done would urge all christian workers to press forward snd not be contented with merely getting within the gates of the eitjr as that room was all occu pied go on room ahead thesocresrjs report was presented an abstract of which we present below twenty fire superintendent of tbe county reported their schools and the mimiriied result is s follows twelve schools are kept open nil the year thirteen are only season schools average time for all 9 j inontlii- 2132 names of i pupils are enrolled j3883 jlorej by w dv storey seconded by id d christie that the seooiid re port of the fihanoe committee u adop- ted ind that iba roevo issae hi cheqttos in psyment thereof carried moved by w h cllorey seconded by kmcgarvin and resolved that the courcll express the desitacility of the school board skingchsrge and iosesa- itn of tha funds loviedlby the corpor ation of the village of acton for school purposes and that the clerk of his municipality fotward a copy of this lesuluuon 0 he school board of acton school division carried coitncil adjourned tt 1 meet sine die serais taaaukim i whfte wheat iff lo 1 so trtadwejl spring wheat glssgcw radcbsff oau paas barley i ts83 i eg per dot batter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes per bag apple per bag ssepskma hides per ewt wood per load hay per tim straw ptrlcad wo1 dresied hogs i iz to i 22 1 20 to i 22 i is to 1 18 0 xi to 0 3a 0 so to 0 65 0 jo to ss 0 12 to 0 15 0 14 to 0 is 0 15 to 0 1 0 is to 0 atj a to 0 10 0 go to t ts 5 50 is 7 00 350 t 4 00 too so 8 00 3 00 to 4 00 0 18 to 0 20 6 sf to so gee at reductioksot jpeice tbroagbout the entire rtokk have bren roedei snd earaarileuibarvi straras basidesall this we hall auow a discount of 20 r7jr garment purchased 3 ft on eyery we offer dvercoata at s500 and 20 per cent off lor cash t bodycoata 400 and 20 ier ojnt off for cash s mens tweed pali 175 and 20 per ant off fct eaisy fievs suits 800 and 0 pai cept pff tbrcaatir- f buys pasta 62 cmts and 20 per cent off for ei ah 20 peh ce1ft0n every carmetti we show one e of the far each article is mariei in yifotn figures and no second price aib be make under any cousidnatiou all clothing uolpaid for at timer of purchase trffiworj u alloitai me discount sciica is only offered ffr strict catf l tjilehds avail fmrlca of this grand opportunity io buy clothing at rich n immense liiiwaa coie at once unite the stock is complete umvktitvlmpmlqyemommg at j fypb heavy pbesident beater 0vee- at b fytes i a- suitings trouserings in great variety at j fyfes all to de hap at low ratjss job cash j a being eleslrousaf mningar torfcuvmhe akore rcmssu m b aa 4 etuwarmlpl rrtce t caa baqrera i skeiuwaarmoibie call at the east- enl clothing store nebraska john d wallace of ponsonby co it havperton wellinrtcu bobt touldinu of exremoot apples per bag- co grey gideon awrey of krin and others intend to leava ottelub for lincoln kobraska oo vtediietday mtrch 3rd at 2 pm tlic object of these gentleaen is to visit and eximlne the beautifal and fertile buidi for uie by the burlington oad jf- souri bivcr bail rood compaay in sooth eastern kebrssla they win purchase snd tettleif pleased anyperson who desires ploar tl 7j to4 00 white wheat ireswell spring wheat ouacow bedehafl oats peas barley egfti per dor butter dairy packed butter rolli potatoes per bag sbecpskini hidei per owt i 28 lo 1 a r 25 to 1 33 1 25 to i 23 1 is to i 16 0 js to 0 38 0 64 to 6 7 0 50 to 0 55 0 15 to b iff 0 18 to 1 18 0 20to 0 23 0 45 to 0 50 0 80 ito 50 7 00 to 7 50 6 00 to 7 so 0 too 70 to join this party can do io and fall infor mation can be had by applying by letter to f w ware actus oht i jtocse and lot for sale la acton on main st a home in good condition and foargflhiof an sere of land owned by wm xicolson por particulars apply lo wm whitley 34it aoton po orgaka new organ fbom a outclass canadian maker ior sale suitable for the homo sundayschool or small church we wql sell the above very low for cash por fall partitmlsaa apply to hpafobe fexx paxss ornci acton feb u 1880 ia syrup for a majtitaitoerai marrud and ut marrlml a itteoohes yonthe 8bcsbts of lipb igoirtobyioy tjbem bentpost jiasd di ketlft tfso t n y it hohtreal tobliairwo ookyairf i i 1818tfjaniei8tj pleas stats in what iluairaait paper yni saw this w nassaqawbtli lttmbbb 8hihclmill3 peter ayer would latlmat tbat he baa on hand sthli inuls in nossajawejv tofroerlr ktowa si cartmi mills a larje iloclt or lumber lath and 8hinqlbs of all kinds and qualities i oheap so i shliirlea 9130 per square bill stuff cut to 0rdsb acton da 21 ts tbrm8 0a8h peter sayebs iijmtatioh j viiftsl la dle3 of a ctokj- if you hive not yet visited he fasbionabe west end for ibe purpose of inspaoting their lovely embr ilderies and other attrnctive goods we are now showing please do not stain upon ceremony or lose any further time an doioj so but come at onoe he widest and beat goods will he laid the table today tha various depirtmepu f our slock are now filled to repletion with really choioe new fresh foods presenting a variety of attraction not tuhy met whh at this seau ffloj uaaar wo cordially invito all pur chasers whether large or n all lo visit the fashionable weu end feeling auured that we can meet th urwans better lhan any other establishment in the trade at this partie tlarseasor wedonot jook lor nellherwould it be reasonable to expect iai ge purchases the same ss no do in the fadj consequently we never deipjse the small orders but keep in mind the old scottish adage that i monr littles mak a slsekle now ladles corns direct to us we hare msde exoluiive prepsraliom to meet your wants and are hot nd to do the trade come to ua r a o bucham fatunauo west end dxei mantu and misixerettabtuhmnl strips toteoooa yearorjsilos3 day in yir owr locality lorlsk vomei jo as wrll us rea alsi ymnke more tbsn ibe an onnt of fered abovet jo due ean fall to make make mooey fasts any 6oe can do tbe work vou toaka frum 50 els io3ats boar by devatlne your evenlnn at apare time to tbe business it costs notblnr to fy ibe boslness nothlni use it for mon y mak- luf ever offered bemre btulneas ileasani adtlrlall honorable readerjfyos ant to kuon ml about tbe beat paylnp boifn i before the public send ul your oddrss and we will semyou fllpartlenars nd nriratl lermi free samples worn 5 also free ton can then make unyonrmind for yorrtilf ad arms oborok stikbon co maine amlmahy other 11 seaitstbal lead iolnsan ijrtland rcnismsuon and a premature qrat viok8 ihoafnrtfd floral oad flbvjxnarevlnaj c prlev ixjs yearl five copies for t3w bpeelroenmimbers svntforl0eans- a trini enpiamiaia i uuu uu1 r 4 m i enne tor a sis address james vick boebest r ntj i i gommj mmmmfs sktr sreiific atcbin tp1adi ajaiut i thaof ss th crest bar llsk auaaedr an nnfalilna enrefnrpemtha weakness kper matorrliea lo- poteney udall nloeasea marasea hat beinrelvanvofijs j abase j i as otsrr- of memory ldlyersal j amltnd pin in the back umneiyof vwohpreinaturt v f tiri in onr rartphlet wniob w desire to send rree by mall ioiavery onesrth spe ibe medicine ir sold by all drniauuat 1 p packarebr six paikniia tor a orwllt be sent free by mall on ikesiptr olthemooey braovnslrr tbksiautr- sokl in croii by all driirisi where ip cada and the united slates 6y ir a beantlhil work of 100 pans one boloicd flower plat and too blwtradois i itb iv sertptlonaarthetnuriawrlsanavea lublej wllh price nraeeds and how poi tbero i ri rstii all lor a fire cent stamp in en usfc or ho esale and veu drnejittsall iernin t kicks 8efeu9 sue tbe beat in tb world plva csrrrflor postace will buy tbe ioraj juidi tflllnj how to t them tbe flower and vegetable uan en 175 pngesirlx cotored plates and many 1 nndred eniravlnts kor m cent in paper eovrrm llotile elesanteloth inoermanor nsllsh vleks ninstratel monthly mmtlnej pncm a colored pla te tn every nam wrahd 22u tmeoicke itaroiu ossi can orirlsts and evbry- aruibal1 b1dbeil cebertw i 1- for ejewtna machine and general repairs try the georgetown novelty worcs arfjriiuddijl fc main st oeorgatown ptottliti smsarsp

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