Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1880, p. 6

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m r tr aoseij v mm while tha unp brule wit itill itniaiug at the chaia to get up the itopi they manigod to ret more chains tad ropet on him to tint thy three him down they that writ to watt to ccuqacr hint ttawore out big cuk oa him fared toidi of back that into hit iranlr ind funki iad ears jibbed pitchtarki iato hit iranlr antil it wsis 10 waanded that ha coald not iwnd it beat end tortured hint cor many heart until ho litenll- exhutmd ladeotered with blosd and then ho horrfd 8tewisrt ctaren who hidhtmiaoharm itsedhim hire jrott not cnoagh v and ouftai rite 1 howl in kily jut u it mm might flure dene at much at to toy thit ho hid uow elephants neter era rlclaat they in tomatiaict mliabieraui bit oarer mtlicioat and tnurdcrott- tho bull iro the ottning ofelephaiit8 wittmnljmuactjof their inm- uiaie 4 teroclty a mymithtbntnthoctctttluinei for itteotr yean uid frank melville stxakinjt ot oltphanta i once rode forty talk o the back of ote oldtiopoostib whetr i wat only ilx yiert old indeycriiaco have been around where they were end had cnjkskunitict tot ttudying their wtyr i dont mat enytnew inlunite luotialioa wftathent una tint bat ia farther hive i real ubfaitiob for mi daring tirf tenl- inr tenon when i era no t trait fat the raw the mxt likely luee to bod mo tt in tfat rioinity of the tliphintt latter et apt u test thai way l arm t fair lante a year tiredof witclllirjt farlhtyireelwayi doing something new ihawiog ho inlelli- geit canning and i miy lay diyilish they ire- ibey anderstaad whit it said to them u wyi u meet people da ud think ibaat whit thy want to do jatt u i person waali i hire seen elcphenu igtin ind ipia whoa they thought nabodi wu iboat to watch them perpetrim thetu with in inwaoity iaiwiiduigdettetion tbt ihamut ttof roald hudlytmt it it no oqeoch- moa thing aria elepbwt to pall op the itk to which he ii chiined g toi ccod hta ooatiiniag oott or cirroti wrench oil the lock nif ihs lid at lufcwutt pat down thalid igila return to hit puce pake the taktt to which hit chiimt futoned but iato tho nmohale it aunt ot ec ind itinpit dawn with hit foet ud than whoa hit keeper oometho will lookt iasoccatit umb bat it yoa1i witch thtbeut until tht sun begiat caning iboat the robbery oc the feed bin roill obeervs la imatod twilkle in hit wicked witchial tittle eyef tfaitthawt hit enjeyauat of the titaatton the elephintit tlwiyt on the lookout to pity i trick inciatioaily ioito i jickct or i ihirt wjbere he cut get it it lad he will whea he thinki himicu anobterved dtliber- itily pall trv- battoa on it tad thea pat itbick joit where yanwt it lid thoruilt he findt it tunny when yoa gtt nud i aire tcca twa of them get up t cum fight to ittact tho itteatiott of i third to thit i oorth could gt tchtne to tteax ths ecd i o the third spoiking of the elcahtatttindcrttind ihg o wordviai mini you he kaowt their meuing u word wufcoat iny oatsputing gestuius tacit a yoa atreto mike to the butt trained hone 1 remember in incident with that ami tippoo stib tint t rode oawhca i wit t boy we were goiac iato pnirie da cmen tad he w let go iato theriver lephut u very load of th witor ini he wu ocjiyins himtelf immeniely with i crowd of i tappjtc i thaaaad people looking ou to tee the oom- art he wit uting when i fellow etma aioag wih t moattraat big kowfouadliad dog thlt ho hid t mott coaceitod notion of the dog had u the aao uid whipped t etpeclilly u they grew old at tacit timet thcygtt thcittaddeanioaacoatrallibla rege tach u cutdt lud ind won be to waitever urfog thing it ii their wty tbea soinotimet however i jnodteopctol cte- phutt it ipoiled by t otuel kteper there m john nilhint- to oiltod titer hitfitit owner for iniunco yhilo elcyiiat bill hid hint to chugo he wit u goodii in ele- phut could be bat if tor cocley hid hint iwhilaiathe johaobooa thaw hecotia ladtail they hid to kill him us killed i ejnile elolihint ind a mitt otmd bill ivtrl i think thcaitfrtokfortcrqermintawn i they killed him j an tlephutt it wona ihm tay other wild bent when he it wicked bociato he hit co much intelliroacoiapltantag deviltry ladcuaaiag feroaty in cieraing it with hu terrible- power ii ut clephtat ciul ulk hed bo t mitch ia caieactt for mott men and they da ulk tmasg ihoaaolm ia 1661 wheal wu tnrelliug with miy- biet thaw wa were geing to indepeadeace iqti tha tou whore mr older our ratni- ger lived tad u it tu hit own town he wtated to pat as tome ttyle there so he hid thrcft alephtau hitched to the bead wiggoa they were uadcm ot coarte beuy l tnull caw elephint weat dnt uiry i littla lirgcn caw clephtat wit tccead iodsaltntery big ball elephtnt wii betweoa the tail tt wo hid to crou l bridscxaioj iauthetowa awoodeabridnj forty feet hirh over the rocky bod of i ttreim thit til tha wtter hid gene ost of whea you came to t bridga with elephiau it itat pj u yoa plaue bat go u they plane xhote throo moved ta ttowly thit g m xm n 1ht beir ta the fellow thought could whip uy thing ca the elephant ud he tkced him on tippoo stib vnak kuh who wut tht ekphsnti keeper taggettud to the ntia that the coatnet wit too big tad tht dog teemed to hive each notioat nimtclf for he aitrwim iroandtippoo ind backed ithim t that teemed to lanoy the elephazit if tor a while aad friak jut uid quietly take bin tippoa the next lecood tippoo uat him aroucd the waut taotoct himuaderthitcriad ihockhim there it i man woiut t rigjthetttoaodhim up fall thirtr feet ia theiir cught him cu the noaxttet hit taskx grabbed aim iriia lad long ihisi out oa iore dead v oe why that dog looked like a handkerchief tippo8aib wit the grtndett elephxat i ever taw he had taikc tea feet long tad when to ni mad he was able to dole their potato together ortpread them apart at he liked ia a way tve aever leeaany other elephant da when ho got a chtnci to kill anything ha would rcfr knock it down then put the potato of those tremea- doa toakt toother and dropping oa hit kneel would drive thote poliiu through whatever ha- was murdering or mash it iato thegtcuad with them at ono little town itt iowa where we were stopping over a sasiuy wo had a sort of canvas enclosure around him where he was chained to s ttax toe keeper went a way to his dinaer leaving a watchman in charge a him a young doctor came around and wanted to ketiatolht eaclotxtrs to look at tippoo stib he had bees to the show the day before and tees him there but ho wanted a quiet took at him the watchman told him taa beast wit dangerout tad he had better not ro near mm bat the young doctor al lowed that he knewau about it that ee- ptntnu were docile intelligent animals and oewat net afraid of them ai he was as confident and seemed to know so much abbtelephanta tits watchman went to his ifinwf when he came back tippoo saib had uterauy torn the young doctovs head off hit body rnsomtrte ohio i thinkitwat he got ttabboni and ttruck at everybody that came near him and in fear ot what he might do if he got fairly started they killed htmthot him in the eye with a very large rifle baii and settled hon i was not with tht company then and a desperate job it was canada vac c t f dtv o mrr tl phaat belonging tnmay biet combtnatioa when i wat wrth them we had trouble first with him in chicago where we were thowing in an iron bonding near the court hoaae he had one of mv untrums but be- fore be got thoroughly started and went to breaking things they tripped him with ropes threw hint down and beat him until he hotlered wfcictt is the token of tub- mttaioa bat the fit came oa him suddenly tv few days afterward and he opened the proceedings by knoclririg down one end of aitbaro and walking out into the street- he wandered about doing as much miechief at- a tornado totting hacks into the sir flirting sloops acrosttte street tearing down signs and lamp posts and playing ths deuce generally bat he dldnt kill anybody not that the citirai c cnicigo gave htia much chance for about all he could get to te of them was mat- tails disappearing up ttiirways or vamshmgia the distance- ano they tarned the bridges to keep him from getting over to the north or west sidet of the town finaelly the keeper gat himuxv dercoatrol ihea they seathimup to itr maybiet farm at oelavao wuaontin with the rest of tha menagerie to winter and that was where he played the last act of his life father and i were training our harset there at the time and canadat keeper was endeavouring to break him for some ring performance one day the brute got one of hittpella upon him rushed from the ring out into thfi rttble yard tnd began anindit- enminate slaughter of the mmar ia that enciotnre in ifew minutes he had killed two imffaloet a stored cow a sacred or a couple of eiti three or four hones tad pdoieav tniawhitecaaiel- he wooldtetis ja animal toss it up in the air catohit on hittutkiu it came dawn ind thea either s m or trample the life oat of it when ho d killed everything in sight he salhed out for downtown the alarm had gousihead t of hint and the popalar eicitemcat was past 7 descriptian- a trap was set with a wng chain and an enormous block of stone to en tangle his lege and hold him the chain wat is thick at any log chain and fhe stone j which had been intended for a corner stone or something of the sort sad had a large iron ring in it wit at big at a burtiu- when the trap was set a man ran oat in sight of canada tad the elephant who would rather kill a man thin anything else took after him the trip wat tucceutul to iru malting the chain aad stone fast to him bathe kept right an and would hare cught the man who wat a fast runner if bothhadbeonkopttotbeleroltoad but the inu jampeddowa into an annniihed cellar of anew home ud ran up a- narrow sight my clattering behind him fortunately stotte wat too large to past up the flight of stapled there ttockwcdajd againrthe stooa walls on each aide canada was fast atlatt but itwu a mighty cloee calttor the weere fall fifteen miaatecfraiag fifty feet i wat sittiogan too front of the bud wagroa and could just feel it move and that wat all betsy would put do an afoot try to shake the bridge wtfh it put her weight upon it gradually and than send back a lenas of the qacerest little grunts ud whinnies that you ever heard td fettltaa and ha woall antwer hec in the same way samearaei lftry would ida ia their coavemtioa- jatt it we gat to the oenlre- at the bidge than wat a crash uvl saltan dropped right through front- betweeu the ahaftaand clean oat of tight like tlullct would sink ia water and the other two darted across to saud ground each glvtajc a trigtttcuet yctl asit made the pluage tha baad wtggoo with tea matictaur the driver tad myself ttopped jast at tho cdg rf the kale through whictt sttluit went down itprtagaltud thoaledtothemtticianttojampoat they tlldil to except the tromboae player a fit denttcher who had droppedhit iottrument in theeoafttica tad who rote up ud laid ko t i dont got oust midout dot ioitru meul well we ran down to fioltia he had fallen in a sitting posture tad there he still sat groaning dreaifoliv it took twenty men and tea harser vith bloaks and tackle to hoist lira to hit feet with greit trouhla we gat him cat of the ravine tad up to mr oldrrs fsmt where they nursed him for a week they aunt him lad umi inimeat on hist by the kegfal bat still nothing teemed to relieve him he jatt lay an hit side groaning drcadfaljyi asd toochiag the cod hi trunk to aae eve as if trying to call at clio a something there that taotiaawu tutioed at larf and the doctor went to work to examine the eye toe inxtmt ha touched it siltu gave a nig sigi of satitfacttoo aaittretched himteil ottt ac ixaeh cc to say titatc tk nlti t lookout tor that the doctor palled out a sp threfrouarter av long as yocr little nner that had been broken from the bridge ud goae in right beside salttat eyeball led as soon as that was out the animal got up and commenced to get better poor saltan ho wat a fine felhiw with tutka air feet ung and great brass balls en the ends of them in which long john hie keeper used to keep hit money as he gat his strength btckhc gatdaageroax tai about tea yean after hit tail they had to kill him i saw little betty tt dntnkiat a fiddler onetime ud she wat a funny sight we were showing late in the fall ut indiana in very severe weather some ntoakeyt ud btrda and snakes had already frozen and betty showed thai end wat tinerine greatly from toe cold laag john went to manager older and laid to him youd better get tome whiikey for betty or shell freeze howmnchp hereart are just beginning to freew get three hucketx well they knew that was two for bettyud one for loaz jvhn but when it whiikey tu got at he ordered only you thouii have teen the tavern keepert eyet stand out when they ordered three buckets of whiikey for two driakr betzy drank all they gxret her ud got staving drunk shed stagger ud roll orer and pick herself up and pick iraig john up and tott him on herbck tni sort cf laufa and hed laaghl and it wat aip and tuck between them which wat the droaker eiephsntt arc very fond of whiskey or sny tort of liquor especially if it billots of red pepper in it ud they ara not only fond of getting drunk them- selves but they are very oonsiderato of drunken men i never yet knew of an elephant hurting a drunken man that lang john iwhen he was staggering drank would go right up to saltan or canada when nobody else dared to go netr them ud would fool around then and swing on their tusks ud tots their trunks ibout mi go to sleep rightdown by their feat and they would not only not do bint uy harm but wouldnt let aaybody else go near him until he chose to wtko up and my real drunken man can- do pretty much what he pleases with an elopeant the most interesting fact ever reported tbout elephants in thit country it the now seemingly well authenticated story that the cow elephutbaby- now in cooper 4 btlteyt winter dai ming iaphfladelphia it goiogto have a young one ii that it true it will be the first elephant calf ever lorn in captivity i hilisve baby it the queoa of the troupe of five elephuts to which tha belongs she mahacet and bosses thea all ud they teem perfectly devoted to her i saw them crowd together to catch her when the was falling from a breaking pedestal one time udtowetedhefgeatly to tie ground let her call for them uithey will rath to her copiitter whit tiiodt in the way ud they will not sllow her to be struck or hurt they ill seem now to know hercondition tnd conkquently take icitraordihiiy care of her but she has alway jeen quaen among them she is naturally wiser thin any other elephant and the kindest beast of her sort she will not break loote bsnelf or do uy mischief the will bat tarn the others loose it it pleasant to witnett their tf- fection for her lad how thoughtful they ire to guard her igtinrt all risk they will not let hetget into a dangerous place cross ing a bridge that might bretk or a ford in which themighfc imlre until one of the old male has gone over ahead ud trumpeted it back that ill it tafe for her i said elephutt would fight any other big beast and to they wfll buttherearesome that hsy dont wtnt uy trouole with sni that i dont think they can get the bestpf andonedftheteiiihe black rhinoceros j saw one of those devils set out tomakemu- chief ia obrien t practising building st frankfort pa once ho ynk i double horned lellowbut they had sawn hit hornt off short which he hadnt tense enough to remember they billed him fcr seven toot weight ihdioitnppotetaatliemarthate weigbe4iprobabrythreoton- bemore they wore gatuicj the uimili into wsggoa cages prepiritory to starting out in the spring ud when they oime to that black thiaoocto the trotibljl tffgio if m ja i pen oppotltt tk vioor- thoy bsiked i cage an tgiinlt the door rtn t repeutroagh it ud made it fait to i ring la hit nua on tht other end of the rope twenty men hang oa a hold himif htirtod to mike a brcsr and thaj im wu hko t htwiar youd tie ap laataniboit with they put pouloei ia llm aoroat frm tha door of hit pen fa ths ikpbjg irairds that went up to the ci door tad to thai point ooaiod him along ill right there jth i grunt otted hit hud lust once ud broke that rope there u a yell oulilde ills loote i and thou taenty men weat over the fences like birds ind some of them i dost liut atoppod betas ther get to philadcphit tirat urtctiaiag my hones in the round house jatt oauido a wooden parutioafreht- where hi wit ind when i heard that snout rut up stain to the lot ud looked oat from i door above whore i hid a full view of tha whole ptocetdnga when the rhinseerot found himieulaotiha went for his iiitirtl eomniw the elephutt that were ted japan one tide empress the oldest ccjw tlophut in th aoantry wit among them she wis u asiatic elephant with thort fettle tutka first the buok brut went for four small elephanu aver ia aae corner and tosed them about drove his noio under item heaved them up a the air ud trtiuseu on them damaging them to that twa of them died thea when ha got them ill pijed ap in i hmp hajuadse rash la uather direction a tgdr iage stood in his wiy ni he lotted that up as it came dawn it broke uii lh4 titer ipringidg oat leaded on hit backt with one oath he oiught the tiger igaiuit ho wall ud killed him then he aptet lercnl other ceget bt fortaattely none a the luiatik got oii ind u he saw nothing about thern lo kill ho pissed on ktxthe chirgedonoldjknpyeit ha would ptuge in under her belly ind then pall himwif out backward showing that he wat doing hit best to out her open with hit terrible hornt which 1m forgot hi i been tawed off she wat ul lo that the couldnt esctpe tad wit ctcaaing for help after a little she got him iwn uf u trying to or her short tatkt iuto him whencoaley tha keeper cute in with i short hitohct la hit hud whcalihettw himtbe utthdrui- noccrdi grt p no doubt iupposlng the keeper would toon lake care of him bat u quick u a luh that deril u loan s he wsa on hit feet made a rush for co jlty so suddenly thit ithe man had not time- to jump slide to tu etttsjit upon hit note tod with him there the beait mile t dive ft the wait to el him at he had tha tiger but by sheer 01 luck tht- rhiaocerott note wat pohitod straight for a litle da s io instead cf frwlty being utaahed cat ajtinst the wall he wat shot through iato the stable tt if he hid been fired out ot t gun luckily the door wit too narrow for the rlruoccroi to get through but ha kept trying it until cooley picked biouolf op ran hack at him wita tacaxcjiadkucutiu w cuuevct th cyct that ulinjod hit sight with blood thea tht kepcr dirled iu behind him by liother door fad ran to the thiaoaeros s pea blind m h was the hrulei followed aim by either sound or kent to closely is almost to catch hint ud plunged into the pea where i wat again seated bg tt ha wi liatblsck rhinocerot wit it nimble u i cat it would make ycur hair ttsnd up to see the ower mi the quickness ud the dcvtliahaett of the beast livniia rwotllit toronto kew bomtotoal i cm notice tint hentnr i tfnimna from tho coantrf oomn is nu clw icqutlnuace he ilwiyt cxpitiaui n tht viricty of thingt toil ire gaiaf on in toronto ud the number ot imuiemeau thit here lighten the harden ud monotony el mm yoa have tlirtyi looutolng m nittnt twmia hi cobtltnonuryiau hair jills minute a rapid i peraoas deaceat oti saow- shoea tu uiitu icol cktticu givet tha following isocount cf the perilous juraey of itr f tl wccudlet who cside the trip from ute vjjia ihe uoiriog fork diitrict to lctdvitla oa ninety coiloa ia fear dtyt and half s tne tint eighteen mileieecupctd three diyt of ttrdlabcur and ifoaint him to iadeaes4eac camp two dayt exit of three he wat withoot food having taken bat one dtyt tupply on start ing tie difficuliiee in the road were tppeliiuzt heavy wet soowc had laden the treat in utt euou zd soaked them full of water cold weather frcae them solid tad strong winds cricked them off their itumpt like 13 many matchet taic earned the narrow gitlch to be completely filled with a deate brush or thicket of their aaowedea braoches the high perpendicular mi heavily timbered walla cf the cuon forbade any attempt to scale them mi to pass this all but ioiunnnan table obstruction sfcctd lest stwithat he must cut hit wty through or return j ha chcee tht former course a light squaw no wat hit only tool and wit almost useless from the fact that the wood w at almost equal to rock in haeencrt he had calculated on nuking independence camp the first night hit pvoruioa wis gone ud therewncthag toldo bat toil oa or he dowa and die riightcame on dark mi cod ko velvet howled to keep him company nor was the roar of the moun tain hon heard xothiog broke he death like tiwiae save the sharp thad of hit little txaafctluatincfx byitnefa- end foot by foot through the gloomy defile so patted the night the day the second day ud late in tho afternoon mccudlen hag gard pile starving and completely worn oat critj id up to the door of l cabin ia in dependence camp he wat warmly wef comed and tenderly cared far to that in the moraing lie feltlike purtuitg his way afierja hearty breakfast he started again reaching tho foot of the range at the head of jindepidenco galch at 930 oclock tuesday tomiog another hoar took him to the irimmit he had a drawkoift with hiei aadhe stopped to fix his snawthoes the edges were leaved down udthepole was sharpened then securing everything about hijibcriaacarefully ud bracing him self forj he perilous descent he male the start tpc crust of the saow wit eke ice ud neither shoct nor pole mtdethy impres sion oa jtp thit rendered uy tttempt at steering or slowing uteleav ud an idea of the rspidity with which the descent wis made miy be had when we state that it wit jutt tea oclock when heloft the summif tad four milot below where he patted t cabin he pulled out hit witch ud it mark ed teveit imihutet past showing a speed of over a m3e in two nunutea it wat while on this descent ud at the highest speed it- tained j that af ccudleu pasted through tlie most jurnriaent peril of thej whole tap at ha drew near to timber lino a tall mi sturdy pjae fully three feet ia dismeter loomedup directly in hit course hit hiir ttood oh end it every effcrt to swerve to cue side of it proved vain ut til when with in a few feet of the tree the mow had her cime a jittle fioaed by the inn tnd a slight grip wat taken by tho thoet udpole eipectug iattiat deathi ud with the men- fallyuttered prsyer of qoodbye idse the mah threw himself over ill hit shoulder touched the lurfice ot the tnow a tharp ripuithetreewaipissediniafety on down through the timw flew the slider udeddn the foot of the ruga wu retched inttfetyi from there oahe used his legs with such good effect that the twin lake were reached it fire oclock in the afternoon of sundiy hcciudlest having made thirty- eight htuetthat day monday morning at 1030 hi left tht lakand it 1230 two hoort liter he wtt eating dinner at the grindhotolia thit city tho tnowthoet on which thit ttip was made ire worthy of meation hfccudleti hewoijthem out himself it his cabin their length it thirteen ftet nfae inches euh while the guiding pola it thirteen feet long idccindleta ii in expert in their use hav ing travelled perbsps thousindt of miles upon them- in tddttion to hiitrtvelt in ill thsnbteworthy mining regioni of ameri- ci hajhsitiiited ud medthe gollfieldi cf auirolia the diamond beds of africa uct oft or nbtable foreign mining countriet- he uisramrtedlyidelirewevertht hit last trip as detailed above is by fat the hardest ud mott perilous he hu ever made he will return to eoaring forktini few dayt br the tame route and to get bi grind bounce ud i goodtniay other things betides to be sure 1 whit under cr meredith will uy on uy given oooaaioo anacarcel be orethsdowed they are itwiaryesotpie ud morris the buuett pack hotie o a man ever known lacs ltpidas mikec i third u distnaght snd holpleu u their wont ooemiot ocald wub fly the wy im told this isrlisowot ii greitly nude np ot ordinary a losjtlng lot of oommonpltcet m rtjr oneopw wish to moot on l samsw twy futkitlut dvull toinllruot tux caratwut ctcct huiekoitituooneladcd he maitbe h lupplett ud most titiilw of homins i a not to turn iboat thit tai i tbaald know on the contrary i heir plenty ot young ladies crying oat that this qaeea cityof the weituiwfally duh ud kindred iplrltod young gents reecho the cry ud endorse the threnody it it dull lomitimes whoa the ttreett ire muddy beyond description he llieitrct clotodthe v il 0 a gone or u siting sun buka oat of torn mi johnny hillim wrtniod up in lit owa wool when there it no fool body ihdtring about the limed to nuke an by bit queer rcmiriu no punch ud judy shows no dog fights no diank women ho wrangling itrcet preacher no cheap john no roluckiag member of parlitnunr no begging moaatehuk no travelling hortor no unnethlni or other out of tho couinmaj it it dull i uknowlodgs slmoit it bid u ia i country town bat ml quite yet upon the whole there k n be worthy coantryou lays uyi iomefhffl we have had a great deal ud neat of it very spieyiadeed fint ud foremoit there wnot caurujlha grud antclau murder which we hadmoominoa with alllheooua try how that horror hat been worked up and oo mitfike i tee biggatrautiu the roonlry daring thtselput dtyt has been wiuura donnelly hutphotogripht hive betnita premlam ud hu chirscterirtic excellences have been proclaimed oa all house tops juhn donnelly hat also been photographed in hit coffin udhit old rnini fcetrl udlungi have bien discussed if not exhibited in a wiyud to ut extent he would havi been aitonuhed it could he only know of ill the thingt in thit mortal world which ttfr man and aiciuau thcra to u extent and ia wtyt that are very peoahar oomoend mt to a good mcroer it bjattcrvatiou hollow tcople cry cut la horror but thy like it all the same it a like i fight between twol dogt or a htirpolliog snd a scold botweca two wtaicu cr the urioui utict cf a drunken man very horrbie cf cjune but yet withe certain kiadof attract tiia about it which the ordinary run ot humanity would not mist far the world ab get oat i jfoie tocgaet hive been iostcd tadmoie domestic couvottiiiju hat baca called forth by toe biddolph murder than by all bcaojnsiialuv lirewotk lad ill the exbortationt snd encyclicalt of the pope himself vol snd there have tlrcidy been uy number cf beta on the result some think tte mardcrert n ill be foandeut sad hang some tgtin uy thit the rupe i not vet twfitod ire tnt the liemp is not tot sown by which these rrgulitort wilrbe turpended and it it at natural u uy thing thtt they thould bit oa lucir favour ite theory aid try to earn in hooeel ptany on the gru 1 linale sare iihi everj ten- piper mm ought to hwk hose bj mar- deredtlvi djaaellyv for it his pat muy a dcllarintotfefrpackorrand llo nterrite they hava iliorrn ia nuking the ractt ot it hat been a caution well wdl were all mortal tad ttllibe snd ill i change at any rsto thagh tithcr a violent one people ace reading ihe papers who have uot loekel at tkem fee yean aud some the deataeaa of the central prison will give anything f x a ribrest wilhthe lttett inltlutoace from the rat of wtr secood to the murder bat only scoood was the opening ot tha tirul opera a that ihe oeotrtl figures were keilsoa mi manning but pctaiy atut- ciagt hes a wouderfal mm iamiaaing tad she it a wtaderf ul womtu ho said le had not rebuilt fie grand tar uy love of mouiy or uy heps ot being rrcoejua forhit oatlty tut aimply from love ot tie dramar it nt all right aad the peo ple looked serious ud believed him though tn r wotd it vxmed kiad of funny at it were the ilea ot alexander manning sptn ting money oa purely c ithetic princi ples tickles a fellah to awfully tait he scarcely kdows what cither to do or ray at uy rale it ia not far me to say anything ta the wty of tmendmeat if it pleatet mr manning lotay so ud tha peape to believe him there it no reason why i should either critia or object peace be with him ud his self sacrificing uurpriie i am at fall of failh in hit diatntcrettednett ud good tarte ia a little child is on hit first tcquain- tucewithsaataclacx what ia all that hubbub about the san- day school teachers it the central prison snd the government cabs sight hundred dollart for cabe ia the coarte of a year whythatta little gq i and hot only thit are- we rfiby gomg to have th jonlour qoeitian revived in the name of ohriii 3im- self ud sundayschool teaching that would be tine and first rate it is fun to think ot quaahee being relegated to the cabbyt teat ud even the honett jirrey infected by the vieatol hit white ud re ligious face turning up hit rubicund note at the r ecrd tp ood isntr in ebohyj iti at good as a play bat there are tame wf ally queer imectmeit of weak bustlinir consequential chriltisns of bothtcxat still st u pottible that there miy be another tide to the story and t u devoutly to be wished that than may far the bald bare ficlt at stated are shockingly significant ud clearly intimate that iua- pustet vuj be reckoced on even in the better tied god hat made cf one uood all the akliona to dwell oa tht ttee ot the earth hathe if ipinnedimy faith to the metaphorical coattatli at tome folks i should have doubts ercn soma religions poople ire ithi convinced that the nigger ii the miivtng link cr it uy rite part at it and whvt iboat tht irish belief fond tabttbe iter mr miodoanel hu tikeri the whole thing specially under his care well retcc be with him lt him gq in ud win in the meantime who it to get he cash col lected tar the irish u usaalire at lively is kittens in mutually denouncing each other at the biggest rogues in all creatioa its to like roger at coarte well uy haw it woeld be t ihima to let poor psddy die fromittivitiob so by all means gat ter op the dimes ud go to work thoitrn it is u well to remember thit we hive pooreyen in toronto ud a good mioy j ud pretty bird ap it that and so uiilaniet number two hu teen the light ud the soul ot gbldwin rejeioet and it glad it it really too bad for people to be siying thit it it not nearly so good it nambet oae wis thitt jatt slmys the way there it to muoh jealousr and ill will ibrotdi ud lots of folk dont like to hear tha good english ud clever incisive writing of their most intimate frieuda always prais ed indeed i have heard people sty ia u ipologatic tone that the byllziuifi stom ach wat- out of order when ho wrote j his second go ud that it the time he wis u ing bn u uchoritet fira of dry tout the legt f locuttt ud i iponful brlwp of wild hooey bi the fact as it miy there ii to be found in aambertwo as innusfber one what the scotchman fell ia with oi ainingoniehocpihead ud detoribed u a great deal of very fine confuted feeding the senile may set its house in order for tha signs of lit destruction its ia the air ud will soon be on terra firma john a it eeemtis to have no iuoceisorbat it is to stud forth a true genuine ud uniqei po- litical sfelchlsidec without descent wo must just wait and tee i can oalcutite on surviving bat muy i tin afraid have a poorchance aad i hare got til this length withoat saying a word aboat our i august house ot pirllaoent it it altogether qultietoc bid as diligent at beivert uie meabeti thereof udu locoenful as the irobitocu ot babylon or even more to iaivo them slone mowat drivel steadily while ha hurries no mtns cattle he ii really a wonderful little tnm i lake u espedally good stare it him everj time hithnffletabng the ipmerheht on the iminjiideat the jloriontkinu street 8o eletaptkmlire going aoiitni gen grants oar round the world i fsstost selling boc k now offered exoluilrt territory l lot rmt iddresit ahco bcjlin wheit t bronct ibs orodctiluc l ut afiaminstlt n i ih mueul liflksf ofm lpnoliihiilorrmillrmlnc loos m u laepipe i i iinlmerfunaulsiomawnlf calw s ests en the cam tti was rrtirtoau srt hotrts- eett dry e ujh t illslit degw 4 lr roll i1w ttpectorillon re macut it nn i lltn indier eulod nthtflvr onus lr is mre irsrr wujhsnd otrtfon tl lh ctjlrtcbcli rlelt lorrltklileioiitrli tocwtl busei t uie nlie lime dor aft iiit dtt indtmtkak the bols open wtttt hstjsrd 1uiaor wm other mild puraatlra 1 mifloeiiirakeous j chrislia nilstoa went ikitiog with the king end queen of spain on the like it ossa decimpi kill the 6oae of argyll thinks oar iky higher thu eaglith skiet it oomet higher but we matt hive it the creni press kagcnio hit ordered of he sculptor boehm i aurbla group of life lite representing tht priace imperial lying dridonlhi ground partly wrapped fa- bit cloak while u ugel it crowning him the popojitioa of south ansfrtli cip- ilsr adoltidey ii 803829 f of queemlud 110810 liven per out of whieh ire coi- nete the irei of qnmuiud orjaill tint ot the british islaods fruce spuaportigtl lily ud swirieruiid j krapp tarns out 300 cannon of the largest calibre every month ud often doable that unmber 5000 in two years hbiabit- teoed oa wir in 1810 the firm employed 10 men in 1843 100 itodeymuytheusuls of opecitivet drew wegee rem him the richest yoalhfal beirett ot the day in kojliqd it miu miyoardgnnddioghter vtt- coout iftynard she hat 20000 a yeu ia land aad large aoaumalationt of money mist maynard made her debaf it t magni ficent vali it her teat a essex last monlh a peculiar velocipede is used oa nilroid track a kioue by telegnph repelren it his two wheels like i blcyele which tun on one track and aver which tht rider tils while a similar wheel for toadying rests oa the other tt ack twenty mile m hour it practicable with it witt uid jonet trielodramaticiliy my home it a little hcwen onearth 1 never kacw ur ost who wm reilly la a harry t cuter hetven wit ill thit robin- ton uvwered but it wis noticed that jones started htimswtrd u hour earlier than osual that night anambcr of germaa pruicethave- m- aoanced thir iattutioa to bi preterit it 8l petersburg en the twentyfifth univer sity of thi cxari acaettiaa to the throse- iaclndipg prinoo frederick chirles of prus- rit ho iireota the emperor all tht regiireutt ot which the cxur it honorary colonel will lend dipatalioet eoasistiag of the oobaelt in oommead same offieert nonc imminioned offieert udbrirstot of each recimsat j frsact it compltling nternal mprove- meuta an l urge scale ud it la u indica tion ot her pratperouf condition thit the can entertain the idci ot such efbortta snd expensive tcbemrt the gigtatio plsaior the xteoiion tai aaioa of rtilwiyt ud eualtjthreughoat the eoanfry whereby something like 16000 mile will be tdded to riilwiys tad 00 to rirsrs ud dtarlt will probably colt nine millurdt of frwetj or 3ooodo000 iterlihg it ii otttoatod tuit it wilt require twelve yeirt tocctnpleto tha eiactttian of thit scheme i the lectria linht it sot without its dan gers some time ago i re i hot morse i of caiheo dropped ram one of the lampt it the urlliih uueum to a lihls usually cupiedby eiders meatsnt were it one liken to prevent the recurrence of each an tccident but not with complete lacern for a hw dayt later a similar oo of red- bot eaboa fell from the centre lamp to the tabeof the taperiatendtnt of the raiding rtn upon pioce of loose jpepex nhich btgta to kindle into dime toil howertr wit speedily extinguished it iijcooceivtble that a spark muhc da inetrwrthbl iacsage to some unique aunaacript or other priceleji example of literary production large trmipareat glass or uc laucera have wu saspeaded belaw each lamp aoi at to inter- cept my ttrtr p of carbgn which msy happen to fall in the future it ia even pro- pceed to try the experiment of lighttag the room from outside in which ctee the daw ot theoentral put ot the dame would offer i moat t ftoctoal protection the inspectort of rtcloriet in prassii are working hard to put down infut labour at berlin thirtythree faeforiet lure ceased enrploying children ud in the othn the are only tunc underhyearsofiko the tame h been the cue ii aearlrallttte provinces nouhlyin the district cffraakfort-on-the- oder where ia the j30 cloth faeforiet employing uqoo hands there are now only 1500 minors thit being a diminution of 23 per cut sincilstovwhfleinlhediitrictt of cologne coblutz tod treret the total namhor of children employed hit ftllext from 5smto i234 ind of these all but sixty oae are over it yean of agr the iaipectoci lake great ctre ilso tuit proper unitiry irrangtrments ire made and that the matters aoiuuiey tin 16 protect tmrwrkmeu from accidant oae cariiat fsct brought oat by the inipectw in weijhtlii it tit wuderiag dispctitioa of the woikmea i hi iottahoct i rcaaafietary employiat 2 bxndt fa which from one twa hundred them leave every month j 1 i falsa impression it it gentrslty supposed br phyticiant ud fhe people generally thit dyipeptu cu aot inwritbty be corecj hot we are pleited to tay that gtxcig acacm i flowjb hu aever to our knowledge f tiled to care pyspepsia ud liver ojmplatht in all its formt tach at sour- 8tomachi cottmnets sick heedtchi pilpitttion qf the heart indigettiou bad taste ia the inouih 4c out of the 50000 dt ten botdw toi lait wtr not a lingle ftiluie wit repotted but thousandt of comnlimenfary letteri i eceived from druggistt of wonderful caret toree dotet will relfere uy oue try it 8m ple bottlet 10 eeatr regalir liis 75 ctt 1 1 j teibery powder for whiten ing the leoth itimalating the mdnth ind purifying the bretth j the brigatett nettett mott perfect toilet gem extent ask yocr druggist tor teaborry price 35 coats fuukea feed your hartet j coits cat fit ctttle celrtt sheep pigs ind fowl norfeyt beth mduttlit ws told every where more agents wanted ilianulictorv- ajohn st 8 hamilton 1 tjnparajlelod suoceaa 1 toe anpsrsllad sodoscs ot victoria ootnivratid srrunof flrtophoshiw it owirur to lu stvrriu ins wismpos over oomnlslnts leadint to eeosaoip- lloa sad tcimrsl debility every one wea hu ever trise it hss cxpertiqcca i mmealtu bsaellt from us uk tad it errraaieqd ft wtti pleasure for sale bjslldeos 1 for goats anderwtsc in fine scotch tad canadian goods tt prices as low u the low- eit go or tend to coopers great american ihirt ftctory 109 touge st toronto tbilteletitkiuitisbecoailrisrqiilte pocalsr ut ill nuts eten it bu been ituruiuced utttirda tel low oil is slo tmcommz vrr lmpaisr is 1 reattdr lot csilblatas bruises bpratat buros ttc hon ovnars srs j braiset gills attains gi 9tu touost bmaii manufa tarer ictckirurnuhu ju viijc isartnvr barnawr it a torney q it tnitm w itia j l filemanuwurer filet refill ros jrahani 3j surtinv tumi turn oijuwa ftlfivfc 97 ymg4 etrvt e088in hot se paux tftut orca kprkll frua prop tjictuiuj vioquiurai hiaue3 chhokoj x kfalcoct ulrrart etc desk 1 sand for whofcsale gtk j hittts bloc forenlo j 1jttlf uise55dcliro3mcriirtofljrliatm eti m lie muucml xuna nt try ii buy only veooihre canle food bess ix u8x c j ri tfaauf toronto tontafio bam tin powder artificial umbsdarafftlsautwtkiad cbtf flnt irttd it protlmial eaubliiou urn- doa tatimotualroasppucaula knisfsctloa us- ivatefld addrvis 7doax tos dnvlt out rulsutss ujulsli lareodd cviut till tcvladedrtcsris tnd name tics ittxiltr ftartl chre 10 ct o elcjinl ut j it i tcvlad edrtcsris tnd name tin awftortlctiroajt iocs oeicjinlu rutlom0 cabt hj lartnoll on salle ohea1 to snefu4lii ilii la third eiacecifcxi tnd tsl la fourth calces don tfelsnclioa cogcrt ijsictiidimllliiileriliilcaii rcrier cttkksox t co ii front slice- cf tironlo pok jq clitdsui childrens carriages qmj1 slelzhce txptm wfcjyotw tic biitfei ttuatmorftt ftttott tnd tfhovtoomt 5oc 119 ind ul birtim7oi strmi wi toronto oat 8uf aujwf rwtjil laonnraesu id a nalttl wallufkoriaf for qnjck- uad hisi ku e- etc kettr wm bt vyi 1 taljuallle fauil ok tue a torthlctt olflks biticwbtjfiie lot tl 11 wn oro le a iiyjul ts kiikttu r4jj- rtxiloxh rd nm hone lor riij brt dutu md ortjtli jood icdi vdicuj m ni 1100- o tf uaktttw ctiorcfj itnt ujumk i uaiiovettinuve pr ttjc orrtctal iprcsfl of tmlui pitnufroailk lio 1 1 11 pist ran k 0ulu rots 160 tb ptikl card phes3 inai px u 1110 0n le mir mf tat ia ofmftwiru my tunc soad toe ldajwiid ilit o en flu w qoodohild lklarilwefttinta silver andnlckle pkt- ing in carriaga or ottter wutt i eaivn forts bpooru 0utorsietc rgplitit n oiwbh biuuulti 1k7 atbeet work frtmutiu 1 w icluoaamp 06 sjhanasl ajeuijn st ln torsoto gold the canadian ait qaa uacbine ifctsj ofcjiiae li for iqrtiua irttilt dvchincm milk ictorio clmrcfcot iblc wi t uijut tic c u aad uuunr tua rmtjne in ptrntl a it jieu iuilupd- 3k afnafftctanr lambcr thd ft r ii kiac arioi t tir to uoi fur dtmkr ud pric igc i stammering want esses eartd fr ilia 1mm lata 100 eared a ontario derlar lkret jtr feftt furdreiltrs im utiantmu xdlrit lonook urauietu ikokntrrrbinmriituvndooortaijica narircte is adelaide lirvet eml toronti- orer imixftm aereej ot itvrt fuming t i in n7vec wem seeds reliable seeds i f veeetable ud flrrwer beektg aire been before tne cicidiia vnux lor tsrentynlne teare and t clim list tier its maarjated la traaui rspfscfptltyb psicisd oal-a- iiooue beiaufnllr illatniel emuliiiir ill scefcarrlntoosstionfoeiie tocenfol eolittalion cjejsshfcsrvirfia ewe porstoet ac ua3vtibislwdindatu be rattled free 14 ill ippiieuill johnairoeco bead qiowersi samiltoiw oanatsu osfsr it extntltrr tor carina- santas 1 sctmteties wlniall etc it la the meet coccure remedj known br looking tt the qaotationt ot the vir gioia tobacco markeu it will be foaad thit the highlit price paid for fluert whieh is the tobaccowhich fornu the body of the plug very clotely oorretpohdi with the in voice price of tobacco leaf imported into online ai over furuflfthi bf all the leaf imported into the provinoeit fjr nivy stock tins fact is iffioial projf ut the claim thit the myrtle rlivy li made of the toest virginia leaf r tit loss ot eonsutaflooal vloar olssaset ef uis sidneys sad bladder- email omiptiliiu snd iu diseases ojtttmtlnf las bad ruts e tbs wood or secjopanjeabyasbulrt oss low stats 01 thi tytten ctosn br niosd iesms viotw btebi ecdva drst has no eqoii sndnas ssuousbkl fur tlseu srlaerstwtattoa igtsat nawr i oar letdlnj jy sldins reeotansadiadaia it la their pruitce far tile by all dsalen i haliburton ffeltmlntjs oftheviotoria l raixrwat rtrei tod tutses lou for sale c 1 blqkrieln ifusr caudlin umi tad emurvstion co lulibiirtoo or near vf c balnes- tonjntt5lttryrju j rrw i ram s ahwh oettuoa tmmmtr jtrfffefc coftnmioost bees anp honey jt blciiattd3 olt ba jij n colborn cut utf icisf pobo- u m m in vfto teod theif ouat w tx1 1 tw futiicti vbo rttti i ntlbu dtuwt cf btd 7rifi kc will loas mnd tbeir orticrt mir pr loa tvnplm on tpplkniioo hurrah for manitoba tha plrrt excursion train formaitoha wlli btakt os wednesday 3rd marpli 1880 t- putleolsrs applv ncctiii t rani lump o r w erittie ifutltuha ivsd office 64 king st east toronto roptruer deslrlni to trodncsli great ltentlrmljor the inxmedlats relief and ctmv ot bnt- tanllatoovertlo- eajity the proprl- tser ooars l for ose uokth anlr his best bia- pslm aerial trass huffw ptrsassof umtfed mean shon bctteb kotxtsgol prtoe utt and pundhlet rree bfa paop toronto bat to farmers v017 cab kmp yovk uoiutm ako cattle fat am hiiitwr rr rroo txdi vorkshire cattte feeder at xem clmx xbalt tubx oak tui unni rtkm cox timok miaatoi7t tr- uhai been t s by the most sne- esattttltlrmtrslmii crarurtht last ten yianaad prorsd to be laemieaty n- vatu and ntdtttor to ill others we so tie and uo mr bat 4 aoliir box contalas so fiedi htjoa iqllzb 4 oo tobosto v euwif 63 vlog eity ml tut osr latest ipiproved aisj machine cntj- offa afoot loc in j minates awoo- phesehtwill be pven fotwotdenwhc can saw as raachin the old way as one muk saai with thit tmchine circniari tent free w goes 711 y labs stvoiinjia the tie follotnn if wbat mr hague sjti boattbe bell orgaa dulfia u luitdlair joucbtxtoii ia ptttaett foe be bu tblnrt pryn 1 paixitii inn joo 1 air id bntmtlh h imtrrjacot b o istrle uut htr vhtch i ddnotnipix mpahteoi beiijr dhk octxi tn omu tit tooo u parr r ch i4 tit mjt th effcta thm cu beprcdutlr totabtutioaa ue hot n caurminif 1cmsk 0cll 4cc mb in be cqqrnta 1 i mi w tordttto fontario isptas6ikd fcj futfstliatj catuokt diiamqnds va 1 ijti out jkdthc improteddiamond mdtkehanlaii cnahcalsiri ciuciifxsterdituordtvr loos er than taj- otecr uv a liie wurid ttjcr u nu-vu- iictiiwd oca far i b he smith oqu st cathatinos wd bold by tho hardware iratja every- whe tuo no other vce um nuitf th lknct looiji uttnljj imprornl olianpou gclime q hocv ail ktai md piuarax inclaliair uio ne impruttwi chaiptou gataiajiiibs saw wdl8l cl tlco wb ta be etmrttaiiedj3a their dtrejopinrui mtaulicnr ut factisicz lea tu takhuctt inmit tastrajacdi tiq tn taat a i vcimu ijheb4lrp ndrttaiiabfutiak i- i rjiiaiajmrtniljv w uagck l geni hialrcr xere ati btzi of ofcaad icontrtal jrttmr- th gfts flitsoitod tffltorktijaaddpiottailprvrtrrv ctl eihbiuoai ri37l- ikcdrcd stater modil md dlplonu t cetmiw 1 nul i v ijm etjodrwl inlernttfoial hcdil mdeunlcbm 8jnty aatrra j lar received only ittdil or prtaai orim ii pro tlndtixjbltioq no itdd oaj u4l torp orw ivlidni- r t xi bxuuthn towfcta 579 wbellicov quelm j a stun ot jbeauty is a joy foroytr d r t jtvuix qo ub aud8 qrioitaldeani of magical beautifler ittnores- tan pimples frees- lee atotn- rstcei and etwy bleniltn ol baolr f it bu uood jibe test ot thmj- rears id 1 so bsraet n tele lttr be ute the fee partloa is prp pwlthmdeax- siuio eoanbir- t c slralkr nsme thedis- tintiilshl dr total uia rjssszi 7 crete es us um larwuj vz tlu sk trsjara hair itlhmillrilufr in ths kln puto hewturt 8 bonist and kerrj wstloafc on ueassr patkntkd 1879 t lstfs whet ob lh hnk and an jth4 itmoant ot spnuj- pressun can lewaliled ccardliitteuiwutjtobsdoaa rtostrursoiored from thi tab kl it tt tstlnj of time v 8th bmrlnx hver ssd tatewm tbesetth sptim icv t 4 esrrjw tbv wcler otto tab r5 the indiisltialorks wstwrtck btntt ham1lt0k oht

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