Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1880, p. 2

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lt vsr n i j7ie neutpakrra map of busy life u fluctuations and iti vast concern 150 rr not b paid eubecribeia atiiri paper dimntinnesfiu il qrrewlikrai i except at the option of the pnhjisharj advertise- ments per line for the first inadfc- and s cents jierline fori each subse- quciitiripariami- rrf k ftl cards 10 lines or less 1400 per annum 1 square 12 bnes per annum payablein 6 months omdteol insertion any special notice the object of which ia to promote the pecuniary benefit- of any individual or company to be considered- nn advertise inent the number of lines reckoned by the space oconpied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil bastiact bates ontcolamuonerear- ihalf columnone jrear uartevaomaraefae year one eumd six months ilalfeuluffiii six months- qaaptr eolamnstx niaoua gae column bree months haircolamn ihrepmomhs quarter colnsiajireemontha i- ft3 wtneeitediskastckrgfilaccdtd laeljvtrijisikxf advenlsemenis matt be paid f n advance cbafleesbr contract advertisements most be nthcomre by 0 a- m anknraajr otber- wue they will be uft overfall the lollowlnc eekv moore kdltoriproprtetdr yolume no36 tmco sso- b5m jotp 12 00 20ro 12 700 bvsneass jflbbctosr j xtfrilwbz -stis- iccj tv graduate of trinity college 3 p s hem- ber of college of physicians- and surgeons office and reaideace at the head of fred erick st acfon l i vt ifogaevikit d iccps j31 graduate of flctoria college resi dence comer of mblanl frederick streets consultation daily from 8 to 10 a ol and sto6 n veffiteb h- clare barbiser j- qaebecr 8treetgraeipfi vlkjjiw- vfeke lk biukbn ballus kill street actio aornce ores etcar fumitti ttpchemstbeet u licensed auctioneer for no counties ct- wellington and hilton orders left at thejfrxc fnnss office acton or at my residence in bocawood will be promptly attended to terms reason able patekt8 ntnooiiii and properly secured in can ada the united states til earope pa tentguaranteed or no charge send for printed instructions agency in operation ten yean hekby grist i- ottawa canada- llecbanical engineeriiig solicinjof ea- ntay anddranghtarnani ztjo layr office next door to- wallaces hcfcei itilton baeht b e nicklin uks this opportunity of thanking tlieir friends and patrana tor their tery lib ertl support in the past and trust liiitlhey will jontinue it we have always on bund a lull supply of t aoton 0nt thursday march 4 1880 wlioi6 245- pqgmr bread cakes bras- ogttfitrpiffery fruits- canned fisji oatmeal 1 cornmeal grahtun and baok- wneat flour c c all of which we are prepared to kii at bottompirices for cash in cannecubn with the bafcery we nave lust evened aa dyster parlor arid wilt serve orstcrrioevery style we hxve aho cqatantly on hand atoot of oysteri io both can and bulk cheap leapjear and of course the ladies have the privilege to pop i a bachelor at iorty oherifih once again a hope that my chances are not vanishm b at ere winter frosts can thaw t may tellame blushing maiden thatil take it is the right way onr positions nbreversed i have got my lesson ieamd i hava gat my part rehearsed she mast mee qilitirsr aaviniccb rr wih no reference to her p mine will be the right to ansvrer astaamma what a bother it will save me and expenses too not small for of me is not expected trotting3 oat to rout and ball i have had my share of these things though no recompense i saw still im single anotwho wins me asks mai come now maidens ye now verging on the shady side of life do notlet false pride detain yon if ybn would becoinea wife courage be not- shy or backward pnt year faith in that old ssw faint heart never won a husband ask mamma it 36y3t5r sn5j5ts supjual at siortjst aoiico aa vtoidiai oaics mait tq rriir bb nicklin sbsect toca almost itoo late the tkavellees life and aooident lus co of hartford cona i am i going aaf helen chlrek arentqltccutatthsdowof the one room higu uj in a noisy tene ment house in nijw yo k which lie calcd home 1 was not the wedded bom he ctreauted of twelve- years be wrlie even tiling etlphle in fie way of rarokiidaccldinc insurance satej tav scsurity ttnqaofttoaes- mple doorlt mid witulhe lismlnlon i aaverjmcrit or tne recurlty or canadian policy uudere paid up cab capital g cooofkioo gross assets 49s 67774 total liabilities 351173437 hatuf to folicymolders 1js6mz31 aues ilarrileiys agent actoii ont bokinios hotel actok eobt agnew- proprietor the new hotel is fitted up in firstclass stylo with ncw f onu ture commercial tratelleci will nndgood 7 accommodation and commodious sample ttooais specialattditicnpaidtotiiewants of the travelling pnhlic bar supplied with the best of liquors and cigars- sood stabl ing ajd tttjtire hostlns uattles cuikaos mainstt acton j- agent for the bell orijan rasnnfactured fy ueurs w bell co ttielph orders left at his esideuo rill receive prdoipt at tention for particulars see adv on other igiwiitt trial- i- chasoame202ii dec 10792in p eschalfge hotel actok w nanttjiwyjgroprigtor mr camp- eili lite otlhe baaanthouse near gtvb statipn takes pleasure in announcing to his many old friends and patrons that he has recently purchased and refitted the boyal erchange mjjneatest and most comfoi able style andia prepaed all who may favor iffm hi the moat com fortable manner choice wmeaiildquorsv cigara and cool summer jinnks always in stoefc stable in charge of ac attentive 5 cmtler the patronage of the public is re- spectfuuy sobcited andno efijrt will be jjajkedtb give tbevery best attention federal bakk of canada gwel p h a jr p h a gekekatcuasetxc icsisess dake dejfts and bills of kxchakqe bought ardeold dep0s1t0iis are allowed inierestat the rale pf five 5 fer cent jier annual in he savings bank llep rtment and sir 6 pr cent per annum will be allowed ok deposit heceipps provided tbe- money remains fnthe bank riot less thatrsix 6 months anil three 3 momhs notice be given ot is iritbdratral- f thohas y grket kanagfr all for sects r i am prepared to pay the highest cash f price fprj aujilaisses ofeamh and sheep skisdeliverfid ait my tannery lace leather censtantbn-hanii- tameb hooee tnifs jtrites 1 fdmp8 vt- e adan of superior weirand cistern kimpav whfehyfillbeput in on short notice eepairing promptly ctone t moderate jioso saws filed oand ast igive ima callshoponfreder- ick street onposffepr ljlwiy reaidence w e adaifb the cumaxtoiwiirade at crowes iran works gaelphi ahead afijj ri fnrgmiflml parposea iron besuv prljbqard- and shears made of apeciai hard iron cheap f 14 cash kew veenbeatbtoves metal jyettea jand castihg y y j- jqhsceowe fefe is raayed or stolen advertisements of xjjsthis nature inserted verycheap ia the 7vaotonfan pibtss the beat local paper of c satton co srf afi ateif earn tiebchats and farmers alire should advertise and support thoactocifiri paris the best local paper of halton co pabt8 and circulars of every j deacriptionereontedneatlyattheaeton fsri psiaa office the best local paper of j f fore when be ntlmed lis viijedictory dt yale when itelen girdon liluilied and bmlled at llie jtptilaiualliat greeted liis aiipeamnce ourbe stage kor was thtroacliing figilfe beside llie win dawsn the untijfj print dress with thepreitr sullen hoc rd tlmuucomb ed goldea hair mi cli like the graceful belle of whose 3iujiy lie bad been so hottd so bii to ujouonolize ujou that golden day hi wife looked up and caught tluv expif ssion pf pity ng regret uran hia dark and hmdaouie face hr brart was full of angry rebellion against jier- blf against him almost agxinkt god why do you look at me like thai f she taid pnvisuly i know hat the room has not bien swept and that i huvo not made ray toiht for the day my toilet she laughed bitterly when shall i make a toilet again i wonder i oij est ilia fashion in- new haven who would blive it now 1 and oil to tliink only to think what uiy life might have been if i had been wise her iiuslundv face darkened over 1 1 undeistand iie exclaimed yim meariif you bad ufanicd paul kayden instead of me how can i help sticb tfionjlitsl i saw bis wife yesterday morning when iwkij out sbe was driving t6 the railway station ou their way to the country house for the summer i heard tbe footman say so to somebody when j he went to biij the pickets for herand oh wha5 difcijence there was lie- tweenus two ko wonder she hag kflit bsr betilitj howortder iieiuw kept bsr inind beau cyand heauh andyouth and hapjiiness thy are all goingaway from injebecause we are so poor l i better days may he coming love said the husband lfter a pause 1 hive heatd of a good situation this time you kuowt if i get it it will be a stejjpingsione to other things of more consequence- 1 aon when lam rich you know well my diuliugj i shell refaea you nothing you have thought eo many times- jfowy o fern oit fieofrfufemu to nic that betta days were cwe at hapd borrmxrt and meaty icrmt and eyery time you have been disap- ok eopen everf weefcdar fcom 9 pointed and we have lived on the same osntn iii ir w the aavings of years of steady toil bad been loal in ii moment had be not labored faithfully ever since for her support j for bet- nngrateful sake had he uot stooped even to tuenul toil whenuo other employment ooiild be procured and now she had sent him from her- iincbeered by a word or look of fond ness wliaif some accident should hap pen to the- train by- which la was to travel i what if he should never re turn 1 dur a monient aire sat dumb almost paalyzh tfibauqce brtbattdea there abe sprang froiii her cbiir and rushed to the door she would call hiu bick and ask him to forgife that careless cniel parting i she was too lata he was already in the street a moment later she heard tbe elirfll whistle of the train he was gone tlie day passed oa sadly enough thought after thought came crowding into her- mind lb unsettle and reprove bar they bore their fruit in leas than an hour after icharles archers departure bis home wore a different aspect by nightfall the one room was trim and clean as willing hands could make it before tbe clean windows a piir of- snowy muslin cur- arns were drawn shone like a uiirror and frouimts open frout a bright welcome tq the absent piaster hashcil out flooding the very walla witijivarmth and light anil summer ereulug thougb it was both light and warmth were needed atjsuuspt angry clouds ro6eiin the soutbj and tlie raiu came sharply down willi n accompanying wiud thkt knew little of iis own mind and yeered kliaijily round continually from soulli to east amid tbn wailing wind arid over her with rather an anxious face we shall do nicely now he said making a warning gesture to some one in the background helen gave a great sigh as he took her hand oh why do you bring me back doctor i have driven myihnsband away to his death and t hoped i could die too i blamed him because we were so poor doctor and 1 w hardly kisa hiiu when nje went away this morning to lojk for another place oh ihave been so cnjel to bim and now j when 1 was soit foritf and wheu 1 had resolved to try to oe a lielter wife god has taken mm away from nie and he will never knov bow bitterly i repented how do you kndvithat he is dead my dear r asked the doctor oh i saw them bringing him up the stairs anil i heard them talkiug about hie ifot abont you my dear butabout poor little lira gray who lives in the room at the back her husband was badly hurt on the train when it ran off the track this evening we thought he was dead at first but since then he has revived ud i feel sure that by clods merer he will recover before loug bat where is my husband tben x crii helel- starting up- god has been very good to yoii too ray dear said the old physician is he alivel where is lie 1 olijtell me f her every gesture struggling le- tween hope andtear herel i the doctor stepped back from a dark corner of tbe room a full figure rushed forward and clasped the donder- ing weepiog wife in a close embrace is it you 1 ob is it jon1 she ei claimed- bursting into uars oh ajgoodstory jndg bay the temperahce lecturer dropping raiii helen archer worked qliorles i have been so miserable since canada loak baskhc co h pahr sjlvtxgs baxic coe2teh orjakes akd vtxe sts six per oort iatorisi pail oa bo- jcsitsrf5i5wtiijai4s iaestaxpdesx recobitt board of directors d bciirshorjteq piefficient vtj eekks esq ot 1j0u p waute t co bnr- ilnton vipprpidfnt j w kosibobou h iltttoirilign hbait stdekav esq hamlltnn ritotas bnkruakn eqkelson uid jdibr xasd birton j v riobt dgkvakfcq ftirmtltflll i e k chishouc eaj uakvlte wntkeeakm uttcoreciown hkueiftik d c b kxow eq itanager cotton hiii dunuas k m to s pm dj dexteki manager aiuis78 borribu life was rue discouraging umh any persbnin want of a good seffc of harness either sijfgleoe double ihocxd 0ati it r creechsmsapdlery abaon ttlirre ther can ant better value for their monethananrrlacetnihe county i good assoetjrekt of tetrnksand vjalises on hand alt of which will be sold cheap for 1 cash 865eepalring prorabtly attended u bobt cbee5h vclonvfebsttj a week in your own town and k no capital risked yon can give i the bukbiesa a trial without ez- pensff the best opportunity ever offered iattrioaejrffling to work ton shnm tryoffiing eibemittoa see for yourielf whatyou can do at thebusiness we t offer no fo explajn here ton can devote all ypnriifl or only your spare time totbebuaiiies make treat pay for every koar- thai yoa wprk women make as maeb u men send for special private terms nd partionlars which we mail free 5 outfit free dont compbdn of hardtimei while twte such a chance address h 5000 customers aiftjtbeek f 00t shoe store toccak bpi rra i amlobtsettekbibaaca in acton lhantb go away from borne to -t- matte yonr purchases call at i know my- dtarest huttbis is reillyl good news itrust and hope if you will kindly kiss mo and wish rhe good luck i have faith that itwill come i he- bent downhis dark eyeawist- fully searching hers for one glance of loye such aa he had sb often seen there inhe happy days of courtship but love so far ug she was concerned be sometiiues feared liad flown out of the windows of this lome when poveity entered the fceatj the dust the dia cordantstreetci ies without tbe shabby disordered room within tbe general sense of her own nntidineaf and the galling memory of tbe freshly beautiful summer costume worn by the wife of aul ihayden as sh lounged inher carriage on the previous day all tlieie things combined to banish the aitec- lionat glance for which the heart 0 vainly huagered and to make the wife parting kisa so cold and formal that it lingered like ice apoti tbe young mans iie aa he tnrped away 1 j t he said nothingj but the 4eep sign thatseemed to cojne from ths yery depihs of a tried apd overladeiji heart jnlentljlapproabbed her she caught a last glimpse of hig face as be closed tbejlpbr- he wore a look flf repressed sorrojw that would haunt her toiier hjiitig days what j evil spirit had temptedjher to try hiui kb i was it bis fault jlhat by the sudden steadily on at nine oclock the train which was to bring her busbaud home was due- her last titk was finished when she dished up bis favorite viands aud set theiriicovered over with a basin upon the hearth to keep watm she leaned from the window look ing but through wiud and lain for some sign of his home coming she wore he dress ho liked lest her hair was arranged in hia favorite fashion of braid arid purls she had kissed liiin coldfand beftbsribuvns witjr ber bert upon her lips she waited to welcome him back even if lie returned as unsuccessful as he went what did ihatlmatler sho tliouglitaa she glanc ed at ha window of her opposite neigh bor jwbo had been left a widow ouly one short month ngo only let bim return to me safely atidi diako amends for all she half ithought halt prayed aa memory recalled the countless titnes in which she had grieved him daring ihd past halfjyear judo oclosk came and passed yet die aid not hear the usual whistle of the in coining tiuin halfpast ninp and yet no footstep on the stairs j her heart lay like a leaden weight in iibr baaom the color- faded from her lips and cheeks and her bice eyes grew will with silent dread at ten oclock she beartwsasiwiise no- longer she leff room and ran ao vn the stairs with a half formed- pnrpoee in her mind ot inquiring at the neighboring station about tho kggard train dimly in the darkness she saw a crowd of people gatheted at tho outer door of the tenement house- they were all talking coufnaediy but now and then some words broke plainly throngh the medley of sound kis poor wifil said one voice- how is kiio going to bear it i wonder it is well for her that she has no little ones to look after she is nothing more than a child herself anyway mak way there eiifd soma one outride we must cury ihe upaiitirs which room is it audsome woman ought to go up befura us aud tell jibe wife ths crowd and parted between the ranks eix oieu came steadily on ward following a puliceman helen knew him well and when he loosed up the staircase and saw the slight figure bending forward and th 3 pale face full of a fixed and settled horror- be tnrned agtin to the crowd arid calljd out one of yoti women come aphere to break the news and take ber away hejadded in a lower voice it- ja no aigbt for ber goddnatured bridget siccarllijf came forward and ratt up the stairs t where helen stood j yoall come birck intol ypur roonj wid me my darliut sna said putting her strong arms around helens eltnder waist sure itll destroy yon intirely- to look on at the likes of thatl bridget ia bedead 1 asked tho pale lipay painfully sorry i am to say that bo is it was the itaiii my dear off the track tliey say and ten strong men killed outright tieside bim that they art bringing up from below ilieien frll senseless at tbe irish womans feet ihalf ah banr later sve btroggled slowly back to life and lonelfness again she opened ber eyes to find herself ly- you went away ho could i j treat you got you can never nevar forgiv me or love me agiin 1 i j as il 1 could iielp loving you at longaa i live helen i and you shall lie sqjiajipy after thia- 1 have found a good place iatiall have a good salary aud tomorrow if you are well enough we will take a trip into the coiintry together and find some pretty little cottage where ybuoau amiise yonrself all tbroiigb i thia beautiful summer among the bird and flowers 1 oogeri want- in bneof his effbrts got off the follow ing hard hit at moderate drinkers all those who in yonth acquire a biibit of drinking whiskey at 1 forty yeiirs of ago will betotal abatainsradt- driinkards no one call use wfciakey- for tears without moderation if there is a peribnin the audience wbmf efepevienoo mlsarteliii1et him make it known i wiu account for it or acknowledge that i labor under a mistake toll g and fold ing bis arms across bis breast said i ofler myself as ono whose ownex perience contradicts yonr statement are yon a- moderate drinker t asked the judg i am 1 i 1 howloiig have yon drank in moderation v forty years and were you neyer intoiicatedi ifever well remarked the judge scanning bis subject closely from bead to toot f yours is a singular case et i think it easily accounted for i am remindei by it of a little story a colored man with a loaf of bread and bottle ol whiskey rat down to dine on thebank of at clear stream iu breakiug the bread be dropped some of the crumbs inlo the water those were eagerly seized and eaten by the fish tliat circumstance suggested to uiedarkey ihe idea of dipping lha bteadinto the whiskey and feeding it tp them hrt tried it it workod ell some of the fish ale ofit became drank and floated heipleaaiy on the surface in this way he easily caught a lurge num ber but in the stream was u large fish very uiilike tbe rest it partook freely of tha birad and wbisky with no ircailible effect it was shy of every effort of ihe darkey to take it he resolved to bave it at all hazards that be might learn 14 name and nature he procured a net and after much effort caught it carried it to a colored neighbor and asked bis opinion on the matter tbe other surveyed the wonders moment and then said sambo i understands dis ww- da fish is a mullethead itjaintgot any brain f in jother wudsl i added tbe judge alcohi i ifecti ontytne brains and ofcodrss thoie laving none tuay i selillik a msurrlage fe for ten dollar the eov praikini tho djtingnul ml pastor df8t johns episcopal cburcli at yonkers fell n goodwiy j bedv maitiafee olucr was 2 aiy ing one day fa convenation wiihji lawyer tbatbfmojibied to uuch ltbariwsi generally anpposed flie conversation continued for some lime trhen finally the olergtman bald jqthe javyer j rell now will yon agree to give juo ten dollars for one halfofmynext uiarriago fc f i j vj certainly i iiy was the ready response t 3 s- f fjoojr afterwdrd the doctor pbijerva i ai liawas returning houir ti roitio couple in a waggon in front othts joor they bad come to be oiirried the oowmony was dnly jierformetl the bridgrpom held a brief icodaofta ion with the bride thenturaingto the clergyman he said doctor tbe timet ace very hard voir have a number of children ard though i cant give yon mu i fought lowbuld bhui something that vould leasb rbengoling out c6 the wagon h6 brought in a small basket and carefully nncoveriig it ha handed theastonishedmiuister a young ttrtiyaiitra vimiitprbnii noting tut vou chartcs and oswt j r the storm of laughter w god has given yoo back to me that will bo enough to mrke happy said lus wife giving iiiut the tender kiss which she bad refused him that tnoin- ing ifeveitheless the cottage was tiken and the summer was ss happya time as moitals may ever hope to enjoy thia side of paradise i onie 011 their journey thither after a shopping excursion in tbe city- they chanced to be overtaken by themag- nificent carriage of paul hiyden niiilionaire mia hayden resplendent in a- toilet fresh from the alette of worth sat therein- she wa brown eyed and pinkclieeked and veryhand some yet her face loeked- worn land wearied it lacked the loofcof truift and perfect liappiness that jhelena wore 1 j helcncaiight the iotnewbr t aniions look that her husband turn eduiidi her as the great lady drove slowly by she smiled under coyer of i heir pretty silken shawl herhandstolejinto his if ever to one moment bad she for gotten the lesson of that long past stimmer day never had she ceased front- thanking god that it had been given alihoughlvcaine almost too late do it now etorai of laughter wk icb followed drove tbe moderate drinker suddenly from tbe house dont live a single hour of yonr life without doing exactly what is to bff done in it aud going straiglif through it from beginning to end work play flady whatever it u tako hold of it once andfinieh it up rquarely aqd cleanly then to the next thing- with out letting any momentsdrop between it is wonderful bow many hours these promnt peoplo cuntrivetomakpf a day it is as if they picked up the moments the dawdle 16st and if ever you find yourself where you have so many things pressing upon you that you baldly know how to begin let nie tell you a secret ufce hold of the firstone that conies to hand and yju will find the res all fall into file and follow alter like a coiupany of well drilled soldiers and though work may be bard to meet when it charges in a squad it is easily- vanquished if yon can bring it into liner you have oflen seen the anecdot of the man who was asked how li accomplished so rabob itr hib life 5 my fathertanghtnie was tbe reply when i bad anything to do to go and doit there is the secret rtbo magic word raw a clerical call bev ebeneser erksina was a loig time 1 minister of ttio moorland parish at port monk in the county of kin rose at lasthe got a call to a higher living in stilling but thought it proper p conceal bis intentions from ms pedpie for a time llie matter however got wind pid au old wife accosted bim thus weel sir imuuldycreaun tae leave us i wha tauld ye that v said the minister wh ianld me irt een tbe clasii 0 the kintrysir ay but maggie said the min istef- i the claaholhe kintjyiis not to be rdiedupqri has ye nae bettpf authority than that t ayvi ba6i sir answered the tvouan its been a gey dry simmir this nd yet ye baena basn sny peats yet thats no like as though ye had been guan to winter wi us weel margaret rejdied the mtn- liter ye ken wo are the lirds sirants and it behoves us to obey his call if hehas work for ma in stirling you inow it is my duty to perform it feucb cried the old woman call here call there tyo beard ibatslirling bis a great muckie stipend and im thinking if the ird had gieu ye a ca ovei by to aucherool poor parisbj yn wud eer lutten on ye beard bim couldnt reap him oul of heavon tjulljiup j post haste the minister wended his t t luwyna an ir closing what had occnrred ibddresscd toehe disciple of blackslone the reniart lii perhaps yoa would like tobe let off from youi bargaih f 1 oh no was the ready ajnswer then holding up tlie pjpy which half will you bavetlie head or the taili asked the minister finally lha generous divine pocket ing the ten dollars gave the whole of tbe puppy to the lawyer but tbeteis one thing d be said of- the young mans consistency thern was no osten tatious display at his wedding 1 how to pa8vn examination in law enminerdo yoii smoke kir i candidate i do sir examihtr j hnve you a span iar i candtdate yea sir extending a short six xuiiuer nojr jliriliaijjihvfirjt duty of a lawyer 1 candidate to collect fees exanimor ybight what is the aicond i iwiease the umiiher of iris cliontsr examiner when does your position tawurd your client clungel oaiiuidntewiir making a bill of costs examiner explain candidate then we prcapy the aulitganists position i assuius the oliawcter ol plaintiff and be be comes defendant examiner a suit decided how can you siaod with the lawyer 0 inducting the other bill i candidate cheek byjowl examiner tenuiigh sir vou promise tobe an bniauient id your profession and i wish you success ifqw sreyou aware of thu duty you owe me i candidate ipetfebtiy euiminr describe the duiy r candidate it isio invite you- to dnmk examinerbut spyppse i decline 1 candidate scratching bit headftkero tho kind on the books 1 cudoot abswer that question exnrainerjxou are right and the confidence with which yiu have madotbe asueftion shows youbavo read theiaw attentively lets r take the drink jad i will sign your certificate a modern danlet little dtniel maxwell wa jbe name of tfie naughty child who teas tip oefore his honor tlie other dayj for breakia windows on the sabbath my young friend itwill never de to let ydo be fooling aroiind itrbis fashion at all dont you know better than to bo cutting up pq sjibbatb dayrariswirmetiaf i jbiit tbi staali prisomr onj said booboo in -it-j- come tell mquick dopt you go to stinday school f 3sonostr v yon dont tbatvodd botyonc mother tells yoo to be a gooijiioyj and the teach a you to say yonr jniyers dont she i- j jljtnno i j ph yes yon do tefl ma wait she isi on going to bed ery nigh t p she sbu snores sobbed the pris oner v there was a 1 titter and lis honor looked a trinedisconcerted buy said 0b idont mead oil- lying liown what does she do before that f- too- prisoner looked- throngh bis- teare j oc through tflemdtiiaa8 pocket be said r i owgl 1 u the kappieeaa of man depends on no creed sad no bookjit dependaon the do- minioo of truth which ia thoedetiner and savilur the ueasiah and thai king of glory v- 0lorioo- unghfer thou manloving spirit that far aiime doth take the harden fromtbe tfaryiack that doth lay aalveto tbewoaryfeet bruiaed aad cut by bints some time ago one oc arkaciai most videly known statesmen woo is now dead ars passing along a street in little rock when an old colored man who bad once belonged toiiim approached took cf his hat and fanned a band over bis white wool as he asked 1 1 marster gin de ole mair fifty cent j dan yoa area robber kow f asked tbe astonisheddarkey ope4ing bis eyes around which rough shod nge had walked i didot you see me put my band into my pocket f eah v wei you old rascal yoa rob mo of the pleasure of givihgyoa- money without being asked the old niao reeeived dollar j bowed almost to tbe ground wliilf ieajs came oat and coutsed tbrougb tjid aged prints arpucd his eyes he j replied j r i i marster wid such ajieartas you hab and wid abrahsm and isaao and de lord on your side i dont mi hewas coronsittcdisinco riglble- 6harpor thaa a lawyer a wag of a lawyirwas sitting in his crffice the other day doeply engaged in unravelling some knout dueatipns when a gentleman entered ud inquired r this mr z t the student of black- atone raiting life eyes from tbe legal book before him replied ifyoii owe me anytbing or bare any bufineas ia ray linr then z is ray name if you have a claim to prescbt i am not the m an if you called simply for a social chat roil can call me hbyntine i propose to presnt to itb 60010 no busihass in your line jj have 1 of twentyfive dollars i wiai ybu to washtbis fanltilkatliy the sudden ijagppberown bed with ibejund oiabawarvfeevbraied aad cat failure ofuank jartbe grat panic theneighoorhnuijigshardic tj r is i collectv andbardingtlielawyara note departed toeall thenextday jassoon is be was gone the lawyer asijertained that it was one of his own promises to payi tho next day his client appeared andedrtiiied wellwbat sbijcewf lall rightj i tave colwted the money hel it iai lew itiy feesj handing him fifteen dollars poodr said tbe client i fl bave made two dollars ndu halfb operation how sol said the lawyer ti iwell- replied the elienf i tried au j over the leity to sell your oote lor w- what an4cefp yonoattjonear jwvbidjnrtin4j1ialfi6xoblda m nuotc 11 i isr j doit 1

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