Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1880, p. 4

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i u tbsk tihe tablt trains leave actbnaa follows oofso west night express tomato mail dikipttut etirwv r cj r jiuiaittd 111 obikokist ightexpfeaa gilt mixed iday express western toail london mixed i l05i m filotuml isptn m pm jd7pm 410am msavra ll3qim 440 p m 9jpin mail tike table x ltu ckceited frrtmllieasi810arn fromtnrantaimnl win ivt l7pln vrotn rnate nd fridays il7pw vrom kuatcbbull 83s am on tuesdays ind friday from hpeysldej 880 am on tuesdays and fridays 11118 closed going- wett an a m mnlit tsasv iij- p m hall tor toronto 1110 am kiratcnaifll mallvhoqamoataes lays and frldeya i sueyslde mall 10 am on tuesdays and fridays real tared tellers nnst be mailed is mln- ates before ctotlnt tithe tmircujaiue jnikeauon suecesj stttarickla tfy jafrowt yesterday no service in8t ilbsif next sunday fjftft qreenoei obshe lintpt thectoffinr taciabii morsikc march 4 188 tl r-eira- axdcorxtr la ti adi ot springlike weather kobesb undcrowb are65r latest visitors sidewaxk clelning has been a light job thi winter measles and- tjpboid fever are ptenleatln hilton pot away yonr nlstcr young tnau but keep it in a handy place cooirrt council met on tuesday 2nd inst fall report next week the georgetowvifemh came daws rather hard on one of his brother cotems last week s 7tmjsgiladie8irbleto support husbands ruhiotbe likely to ask loafers to marry themereniaislearyear messrs john r berber gorge smiandherwaiiamtra5ieticenf cfemmtaaionera far halloa county fow that spring is aboutdti open ah3reopte of jrcttuicphotos therariot forget hiu of tlua c vicinity birests wboireinferested in the education of their children ihbahl occasion- ally tiait the puhltc achoola tc enconrages bbtri teachers and papile k mechanics uastitftte hii been organized in georgetown and the villsei hjve liberally- enberthedt a fnnd f qr the phrchaaenf a library for the institate messrs christie heiderxon 4 co je given their hay scalea a tbpronh ovpthaaliag and now the farmers and others asing- the scales uq depend on correct weight ifricrftra ibeft tfc wwiwojor aree men with as many team have len 6 iajrel in tlt vi l litycijlectujg sc ipirt n from th farmers andathexsrradouanihuag tn trtr now begin to think but otder mg your seeds i j ilfi 0 c boo o pad acton friiids a viiit lut week lii qwixo to lixtery blroarlaa8i oess hasheen dall daring theixatweelc r rjuoiojoca lidvertising iaeufe to hrinn large ttturns to increase yonr buaii nest reputation to add to your acquaint ance j- v a oektleitis who bag been iu canada for 89 yean- says he hasjnevex known so mnch rain 15 fall in the winter as daring thispresentseisop jj tce received a call from iit w silc lavish of knox college toronto on tues day our friend loiks well college life ap- parontiy agreeing withhinr k ia abouttimf fprfew maijla saear b scter hibitioniol what was left of last years supplyj -j- z mr malcoimmceherson of palermo formerly of this vicinity spnta few days it ith hifrienda here during the week his smiling jconntenahce was- welcomed by all his old friends and acquaintances firiwelc srhaios rev creee whohas beeaiieumbent of st albans cohrehtin this village for the past five years preadied bis farewell sermon on sun day evening hut to large oongreatianv ffe left this week for his new charge jm but the weather ialbtpaof a char- which would hardlywalfrant the exr- erehal ned rlgton it ft named jjjatr of enterprising lumber nyaill late of oargmv itagaweya a few milea west ol this village- who is huildinu up a village in itrftoojgkortpoiofkffjiiibli as niafee mulrfjrvt a acqcirtep fletoljer and jjtcpqn aldthe prisoners in tiie case of jicleod andersonvi g6 3inrgtaryv were acquitted byjhisjjpslqr judge filler jast week the brakegmah sninmourd to appear as a witness being udhle torecpgnixe them as the par ties who boarded the i eastern trsin ou the morning in question turther evidence might have been brought against them had mr mcteod- been able to attend to the tnitef rhieh warnnfortunafely prevented through illness j j a aestlehaspf tbromtocamenp to iuspect the freestoaequarnes it camp- bellfiuev belonging tii mrd d christie ottse flvtf of- cnrlitiit fienderiori t co gs receptly and expressed himsilf very well satisfied with the quality of the stone heiaidthat if it coqd bejiacchaaed and cat is cheoply a the ohio stone toroufouilders would give itthe oracrj forever 30 car loa3i hire alreid been received from toronto and a number of then will be em actcn post qrrtci from the rr- port of the fostmasterqeneral for the year ending the 30th june 1879 we cou he fallowing particulan regarding the vcton post office the gross rerenne from ale of stamps etc was lo62g0 salary of ppstmofctf r298 during the year there were awmiiney orders issued representint s canada 40763 for united states and 818362 for greet britain money orders received and paid canada 319741 great oritoin j5007s and uuit- ed states 2875 commissiun earned by postmaster 1963 the talariei of post masters are computed from a commission a percentage npdn the correspondence posted at their offices i stoyssi im jjf stoves oh ib at port couofqe rw if oqtlajr ii messrs r ie isicklin teceivedoigrder tor a hnmber of carloads of ice to lie shipped io r jvetroxk fjat owing ioltesoft daj the ice in thier pond became too thru tojmof any use large- quintitfea areyoeing jhipped from gdelph to cincinnati andflther american cities fefffjietelpli water wjirk which pjjejjetuserconsttoejjon for a year been completed the engines itfere started oa monday and a preliminary test made only a slight pressare was pu on everything worked in a highly satisfactory xnaanerkljfciisorangu testwill be nisde ip ployed whea springpens pferitic cffsceitt prof earring- tbnwillgive a splehdjd oneratic concert the sarnjak in th temperaneo hall acton tuesday and wednesday eveu- ings mrl and 24th inits the scenes repre- isented will be those of any hay field a chiindevstorm will come up daring haymak ing aud the confusion and hurry experienc ed ia housing the hay wih ie fully uortray- ei the conclusion fit the piece will be a kpreseutatiiiu ol a merry earvesthome tfrentertainmentwillbe well worthy of patronage and- ve j bespeak for it every anceeaa j at hills lilliiicry 0vcrciats s- almrge slock of auindi of stoves jiut ncdotdmaimjaaurtdoflhtbeitotialltf of iron tlit finttt finith and ihr mott handjtovie stqt in the marht pauls tests cook of ail sues ai thi a icell seij always st0vbs very lowest pric did stock of t hakd jk rfce i rriruiie wrttercf tte very beautiful pqr which was faand on the street ddr iqij the past week begmaine nrith the fol- iqwing lines jrvoald call at this gfecaclffca r tvvtt v i hive her manuecniiv- t jjoaht thfa the su ure fire doabt thit the san doeth move dialit truth to liar but nttfrdauitj loft tt we welcome tqaur exclinngei list the triple link i neivt and veir edited sheet pauiaio iu iwroimiw uiran jx ieduibft ytvmcwk iauvoiedta ibft wlhiirafflomchtfeiiokihp tsftaaifdicicncts and eenenl litratore et is atriuionthlv jnarnal of 20 ctildnjoi idd prinlss okxaaejapefr j take l it lit v tbe bible society rneetinficibeld in fie preslyteriah church isit evenjrig wa very well attended as yet we hare hot learned hov the bollectora succeeded in canvaarng4hair several wards- rhoos reliab bay wten- ii it rtt ai short as oats and mixed with their other food itis said that- while it aavea bran shorts and other food idwinter it pntsbc flesh aa rapidly as anything that fan i giveuthenc k farher namenrtjjiyfrig near milton had his lirnj incl aheda with their contents ofhayraih etci burned about seven oclock on friday raorninj it i issuppoaedthatitwastheworfcof aojinr cendiary insured fort 1so0 tee 0 mixta agrichlturalcollg will takevater from- the tuelph water works acdis from the citygaa workso au of which will be anexctbnt ikn fnr allconcernod the maihawill belaid dat- ing thecoftungjspring hcrahl- rr rr teachers associatiost t he h-el- ton coaut teachera aseociatwu wilt hold its recaur halfyearly meetiog it sfilton oa the ilth 12th and 3th inst ilr mc- will be present and take part in thej vsriana sessions a good programme baa- been prepared and an intercatia meeting is anticipated c oir tucsdiy evening seme sbira drels effected an entrance into grace church hilton and left mot of the cushioned seals and even the communion table in a damag ed condition we hopethe perpetrators of the cowardly trick will be captured and aeverely pdhished for their waiiton desecra- tidnrfelhrrchproperiyr zl passekc2r itatba ix issifbar- i the foilowioe are the- prices i from aprnebfj the principal points on the jgreat western division oburrs i i the following are the dates of the sittings of the- division courts in the county of halfin for the year 1880 i no 1 mnioxori friday jan so feb 27 march 26 april 30 may 28 june 25 aug 27 sept 24 pct29 andjnov 2g no 2 oaxvillx jan 14 march 3 may 12 july 2 sept 8 nov 8- no 3 gbohoxtowk jan 20 march 9 may 18 july 13 sept 14 9 no 4 acroy jan 20 marcrj i0 may 19 sept 15 nov 10 i j j no 5 nissxaurarjl jan 17 mar 8 may 17 nov 13 no 6 nsxeok ev bcalrxatoir jan 13 mar 2 may 11 july 3 sept 7 nov 2 clihks or divisios cocbts no 1 fm fanton milton no 2 e kalmer oakville no 8 john holgate georgetown no 4 jae matthews adon no 5 8 elister oomsaot sselftr t07a3sly2s campbellavillo ton zavsibonahsira oassjaas woas abs spaoiltlbs awf kill be executed on the tliortesl notice a good stock of superior quality cheap cheap cheap cheap i to clear out stock boots shoes at 0lt prices no 6 b miller burling- mosoitekt we- anderatand that mr duncan tltewart of eaqueaine has k warded to messrs mcquillan fcharniltoo of he wellington marble works gaelph the contract for erecting a iarce monnincnt lirthis hariatplot the monathent will be manufactured from red scotch granite and whenlerectedwlll be tta nuesl iu the eeme- 1 terr we believe mv stewart could not havplacftdhis order in more reliable or miponsible hands as this firm has lately erected arsnrnrber oc iitjjb monuments f n thi rtcinltyjend iakvery caje hare given the utmost satisfacfian the wellington msrble works earning noted in thii neighborhood for the superior work pat out jqs ieidr 25tli nlf mrs james of brampton jcelebrated her 100 th birthday mrs james with her has jand 2hiii- or a hher mem- alxiat p casore m recommending it to the members o tlieortierrrrtl ilarbosiitywrttone of inr ajcton vbuuif tnerjj mr prter lit it ib litaof thp firm ojf jfmckhb merchant- tsilora vt tiiisiie wis urited in wuckrkpqgdraiipli oi biriin kikr fuv imerlyof tliuvlhgecwetiireje nt o the hewiy niritierl coiipjelourcaiiiiir ruents and wish liij jjapijy and frprcwyi j it it j iiu jifciiajtwaivyfci wberl teieitywaaldv1cmlipiirfoiimera arnl fnif ooy mompsrfttoniiryji wv iif kripw iiorli wripdejaj mijie ireeinily pbrmaeiatsn rrffruraiarua6raiiit cmli bf maopfteavq4itieftijt but lferx seolt a bawse wliii tlielrralatabte aster on eve w rui ti e prohimwiilelr is afeatlu meifctne ainmt iflpal ttliator prote w lij- e- 2cik ikaqte nawseoos cas- uirtiliurofrehldjjor4aiiys it l palatable kndarbiehoaa frtce 35 ents or pfrpf to ememeitliit the dtmimcra floyetmncnfc donofc iasne 4 notcaj aabflu rwdifid ifew veararo presided in giiaconyiorovfiijiijf aoeatarj few years tick ilri jainealfesided wi ton ia bramptin on the above dar tberitde farjrfly tathvtiatnber of forty semgifla atj tier aons resiaeuce jehtza wary iwtmat- 1 rae vrna epent noflcob worth attention i the cash stoke nor is the time to bay yoartea your coffee jourj currants kaisins and rice i j your toap your tobacco at ho old price j yoiir apples your vegtablef your bacon your fish your tabs failsand brooms the best you can wish j yoar esences your bpice yonr sago your starch for prices ate rising in doable quick march 1 i so now ia your time ana do not delays t for as sure as you do youll have more to pay j j then il you wbuld save call on a vy green ti j for his prices are lower than ever before seen j a w green the latest atvles in etiit felt hats atj fyfes best value in 5cc tea acton at j w manns uxdehctothikil good at j fyfes good vafue in 50 cent tea at b hasletts new store seplemher lctti 187s while live you live well k c hill baker- acton 1 would respectfully thank ray numer ous customers in acton and the lur- roanding country and villnges for the ioantifjilpatronagejlhey have bestowed on me since i starleh my bakery business in the well known stand almost opposite hills grocery store and resides osering my thanks 1 would solicit a continuance oi their esteemed patronage in the future as in the fast ray i j ril and cheap dress goods lustres i winceys flannels blankets tweeds j i notadvance in prices vh 3 bales of factory gotfon just in secured before the recent advance a special price- and dont you forget it- the famous 50c tea is still selling at5qc pices guaranteed lower than in anyadjoin ing city town or village v jl secqmq m mwe jailmg on the those present represented four genera tjons mrs james has uutirrccently enjoyed good health later mrs jainei of brampton of whomj refer- eocos made above- died oagaaday at the age of 100 years andifive days she cele brated her 100 birthday en wednesday last by holding a reception a newly mirfied couple rj from acton attactedsmuch attentii street satnrdiy not that- their rkimtnt gave them away for there was a marked absence of white veils white gloves and oven white collars they evidently thought good deal- of each other and seemingly didnt care a cent who knew it they rode in a hack and clasped and osculated each other rightliefore the people beingfutterly oulivibus id their iappmess of the fact that theywere attracting the amused atten tion of the grat unwaahedi gvcfpfrfferald wepresunie the herald intcndedit to be artltur instead of 4aanhe compositor and prtafreadermaking the blunder ye iave uuiyuitiun tofjemfthatrrrenarainationj andtnesiien verdant yonag coaples in rnir little j eij j jll lt it 1 iirj tw raised fropsjsrsareasiu fbeie- passed in different parts of tltia counjqjjthe alter nation of therlinres is cleverlv done- but the lettered one remains intactof course aiiypersbn accustomed to handling money or who would examine them for a minute would not be deceived bjfttieni but might take in the uajrerji- y i cax anvtbini be dene by a ionj snfleiiug community to pnt a sfep to the publication of the frightful pictures that disfigarehe globe daily of the chief actors in the donnelly murder jar has cntthem aiiout theip in what be calls his- chapter of horrors w audjthorrid loakto lot otengravingsthey inafcw yehaveheardoseveral cases of mhtniare resulting from a protracted study vif th fl i county but enough can be found in the remote and uncivilised carriers ton to suffice for bath coahties of welling- court- qa friday rydrr and mntbe alilj- bphiel evipry ialv lot axes vp iwjr iw jpxoronfo and hamilton 2575 anttiri xl guelpfi and ffpa 20 ndoradi8trhomi 824i0 windsor t 21 sarnia andjnersoli 25 tha jreatewfclfoinadyever pisoovered- qatnlrie tconsinreil the greatest remedy- knoirn but we belleveu has itaeovialirnol lta peer la- tne product of the cxl fh nolhtng- ua been dlmmvred to equal rjod llver oil as a balder and- sstatir of the heyiy in uiinanmption andalkavastlria pfsi orders hunts nsniinpsk is inp irrd by ua ruiaaeh propertl-s- in seotfs gmajsloa or rare ml uverslii tbtsoblecuou l emir ly overcome and combined wiihthelty pephos- nkuexrutmenaswaa itn tbimmni vio- j5ieremlyeverdlcoveied vodtdst do lieap yar gives young 1abbs attlenianvpnyfleget ii niaking love perhaps it does hnt no re- 8perejonnj8ianjrillliaia a do with yonng ladv who takes a nr mdsttootcwe huesviman yonng4fl io ehnrolria fiwramf aarrn rribifcand qckimjjne- aaorji aa eaa4tgypptiet jniritiujenniaftaert is dismissed nd hea buckle trj trf irjiuog snan aii4epott byrr home nofrianyi bon big brother for mercys sake to shut down i on the job and give usnp more such betutly carljhrteffjeirehiry eet mr bfieesktiiis gendo namehis beenitbe fanmlcof tbe pn some iimendvehareithingibhave jlfeeh said about him lit will birreraemberedthaf hii tectared herein december last and also canvassed the citizens oftha villaue fiirjiur aeriptioqs in aid the waubino suffgrorst dfifreeroah who gave to him on these conditions aronsed alnspicion in his mind thafcsomethiag wrong and telegraphed tie mayorot coffin irwood i aajth ing if apersoh by tie name of breeze had nthority torcoilect money for thia purpose and received an answer that ho person by that name had engaged- for that purpose tfherrthfc doctortwore to an lniormajtion under gj m iefi imitrtstrates last wthnlt messrs hiram w jytti3ughlio were brought before the beevevjaidmeasrs i christie stoi4v and ailan j j pa f or trialcb8rgpu with d- attoyingtarot and other property on main st hvrfeurday iight 21st alt the ec- cuieiwftit to the eeeyebtnre the hoar for tf ttvl pd acknowtedgecll iieing guilty ofthe charge nd werejiwnling to make amends for athdarqagea -brinr- to their straigbrawardnessiacknowledgtn their gnitttne reeve dismissed them after they paidtfcelcostaof the daae amounting to 52artddamagesict thevifrioea property uijtt ltoalolers f mcknxie swbrthevrv serioussharge of misdemeanor thepjisoiiesi fi imtm ft3wrae ni0 i trates t pqsibpnathetri to ihfl thereqiest ta tl the newest things in soft felt hats at i fjrfev i- orstersfrisik oystert receive daily at nicklins bakery picture framinft done ajt less lhan city prices at c w hills j j j nothjka jo rurpasal those ten dollarsuitaat jfyres h tl cheapest ilotto frames in tbe countrrtobehsdatc w hiljs f get yourself some cabinet photos while they are cheap c vvj ifkill j if yon watit anoldiy durable anil cneap suit j fyfes is the place to go ckeapest- oysters in own fresh and good atnicklinsbakeryj them a good line of black cashmeres cheap for- cashat bhaalells new store fob the latest style ioipromenade portraits with jhandsomei easel and frame u hill i herrings j like huron herrings at james matthews cheap j i c w ittdr photosjapber has introduced a new lightning process no more l6nsiuings 1 i prevextios better than ciire bay a good overcoat and prevent catching cold yoncanaet one or ssoiam- fyf- b hisfett basalmkeaftntity of good apan tea for 50 cents having purchased it before the rise in teas it ia ertra yalne j l i- mleave vour orders fdr millinery at once everybody will want a new hiit or bipikt for the holidays christie henderson co i ij 1 teas- try james matthews bo cent tea t i the best yet j i i estervrise messrs mcquillan it hamilton of tne wellington marble works gaelph are doinc the best and cheapest work in canada being the first to introduce firstclasa work at low prices iw importing direct the best qualities of j marble and granite 10tf gests we are mirins the cheap est and bestfillinp ordered clothing to be roandinthe vte do the big business we do the pneef richt we hare the bin stock to chooseifrom ca11 and leave us your order mobieod ander- cfadvco- manuijotli housei while my isnpjily ot bcxsajid cakes are aneqnalled battsoao oissf pscult7 orders for picriics teamectinsrs or social gatlieriiics promptly and tlieaplyicxecnted ou gliort notice jteasxxni i kotioe all person gindghiedtfiihe 1ttive ttlli please calmndsetlle their accouuts by the i5tn lusw jj t kajfrojr biflisiadirek fclcffltlkg hqubkslots in village the ofaoton tek followixc pafjpertlv3 are- for sale for terms and bartculnrs apnly to h p hooeb kenl estate aeeiit freeh press bnlldliur acton j 2 one tmrdof ah nnr with franifl honsain rotxl eouaitifin tule loulapniable lux 8 uh bjwfrstreet opromo dr afrfffiwt onefliui ofuiarre no wufch is antxi ellent rouuhflist- houe irth bpludld cellefr and good dst am and vhxi yoan oiclutrd of timctimf fruit irtei ersy leiirm ofpay- kasflagaweya raent nnsnaliahoia j0nm19i con 5knbtaghrya ai new uwelurgihonse and blacksmith good infid whop ever lilng lntuodcondlon a heusr l tjqildlngi ald jteboesl a 1 i cfot25cn2 rwitrl sr flrgclafs form nooacefaatfruhdercuiuvhuonloacrcb knapirbattu a acremmestuiie quarrfnd rs- imulodfrjicod cednrtiwiitnp twogtiod bxr- ingnrcitnnion luettrtii tjohe rort r bnd fwrxraraevw1 o lublenloi lni bcarylonln farmlsjiiu wed fenced ttiere isiis4 r hrlcfcyardolthelarm ineod work inorder tne property isaboni or a inl i grsaspd l t i asother tmaf3ionajy last t and kfeisrs christ ud- allan jps charged hy mr alexl laaby with molesta- tjouancl uisjltinffijgnsge after la trial rptandj a half hiaf the prisoner was committed to the coiinty jail for thirty days athardlabd a put in tbe pwe1i tnati hjipdi eds of sorts ol psbb corn sweet corpb3tfuce trtfps wniatoea beets carrotscucauibani melons radishes i4fnis6nions etc etc each ariety praised byits seller in an important fluestion right choice pfjeintis will tetuhi many dollars worth more for tin wf wf spf r e m f ill enrjten flejpjiill trilectdiripeterj jhfnieojyther hirfiest anthoritv in fncp matfeiraj has tttswd side br sile awr00 varieties of tbhlbte jarden woiictsjvpdheiitm the results in twtrianaffiiiemluhsi for march siinhrhneba much other irrencali- seasbnnblm pufbrniatiot illua- iyiwwaver i0i jeirgnrvini and islorie w3rthtljecost of al wbow vewrsjsplieeripf nn bich u onljl 50 or copies forii drasoejopbbo nawxsrk awtbppnbliahers the clearini sale at jlarn moth llooce grbrgetown is still gnlg on all kinds ofgoods reduced milliu ery ifsutles furs buffalo hbbes dress goods avtncys flanielf headymaiie clothing uiercoats f weedsjelc great bargains will be given come and mak money bysavingit mellon anderson co- 1 jfnlii 6r lie vlfinee or jcwnanbboui 2mjisfrora ltk station from corporhtldn lcwoandbnui 2 termsn apillciho to hi office parties havinp houses and iota in the vii- inei or laitnsln tbeiriiololnc lowiuhlpsfiir sale wltt flndltioibelrtiilerfsi uihavelhra inifrted in tuls llsil xocharge unless the properly i solu- i h p moore r kealeslaf jssen elonont mm furniture eurniture fealing hat as no seeflon of furniture wasfcppt in town and that it is always requireji bavepurchaseef a sipckoi the various lines required snd ampreparediclse4ttb6nioat teason- able prices parties wanting anything in that line give fat m a call and n con vinced that they can purchase furniture as cheap in acton se9n be procured in guelpb or georgetown ctnderltakiivra tbe csuole ifcdoxain in acton on the 29th inst the wife of mr peter mcdonald of adn c the aitab i ilcsradosx mccutphsoy at the kfanse acton by the rav d b cameron- liu the 1st inst johnhespsddw to mary janflmccuteheou both of rsquesing mcsab coerioril at the residence of mr fl j hall on the 3rdlinst- by tbe re ptait mr pataty monab of actou to lira gorrieill of berlin late 4fthiftluaei jjaissy fishxr in actn- on the 1st inst oy bav b hobbs atithe residence of the bride mr john eenney of oxford i kent oa to uargaret ann fiiher widow of the bite e fisher of this village i- tjis at8 v 8oott in eaquesing on the 26th ul mr scott sr ared76 years ami months cianstr in stratford oh the 27th alt willie eldest siin of rev- clrment form erly pastor of th methodisli church here aged 8 years and 7 months great clearing sale xow eommencej anjl continue for the next two months to nik for spring stock now in pioceas of manufacturer i cill at oxce a50 seccre babca1n8 icsortntcaair htiletonsloolt opperwyndmm 8treet crelto far johm wor8fold oo ouelph wm im -for-tftb- fkxi rwinlrfinpt in ihis wi onij- btanlly an hdfllul a rlrtf cla heans furniibed hea required 1 partie iudeiitetltn nio by aikbec6aittiiiit plft ite cnil kote-au- 1 either noujof i aqdfulptonc ai intend toplm my booksod toe jttt ieo johx speiht cor wiiiow agnea sla acto bj iifbr- horses ana a mpjrrilararileti n jlxbiyat bonie niarte by the mdptnp canlthi not re- quini- dflirrt yon jtpo mai i topoev foxier ftrk fortib ttim at antfalilg fclte tbe wirrkjs hkblaou pleamniit idwwnabanraaweuri gn rlgbttii til flh lfe wraewiio ac hi jtolice willkettduatielf addre net nree nnd nee for tbpinaelveal qoxiir qiifiiand urixu jf 0 5 bwajmitoy hv wm it ar laynz up i- rgi una tr monpy adjlret teubcovahbhtitiiiilis- oattle mb two itomtbs stores at cost slg qf tbjb ltxp never flotjh fed lawson bh os vonld ppeilfnily infhrtn the people of arun knn vlclnuy ihfltltipy hnvf opo- i d in tbe pre o- lie oppofclle tfr aft oavlnijnldence- flour and feed1 store aid will keep constantly on band a ojliloekot floru of allhxi8inkdjng family flour r j bhokwheal flour i i grba ffour meals corn meal out meal i cracked wheal bran isoarnbebdrli t fine fiorts chopped peaaj choppewyau muted chops oats and peai j and all kinds oi fitd usually keptjin a hrola tor p jfffgootlz deliccrtd toemy hart of flip vitluge as toon ui ordered- j- ggtm call t rapectfiitty tafifheu uiwson bros aetoijni51880y y fail mm atitkm ontario

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