Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1880, p. 5

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roixe fqes cqbxxb i sow- sew and so f f l sow sow sow -ifcfteftaftwmim- f kiasbifcjialhh-aay- vp vwhwlhecwlarcu are at play i stowing stoning close i y uaby wheat and rye iu bed so the children may be ted so go eo sew sew- tew- vj5o the motliurs iiv i taywtv alllbcdly iile the children are at play- sewinp sewiiuifst away so the children uiy have frocks troweers coats aud pretty sock v soeoa sow sew eo so they sowibdsw s andoaniy this is whit the farmers do s put an e in place of 0 this ivhovv tie mothers sew- sjijreyso toi sew foryou 1 suf bout the v so e0 eo l iy m he cwd be trnsted i alfred wfj but sing one night about euu- nj j qeti slether was getting anxious for she j always wished him to be home early a t neighbor comi ug in said a number of boys t r- hai k io me fa skim e tbauftht alfred was site though to be with theni so sai the mother bepromised ma i liewaadnot go there without my leave indhe ajiras kept his word he never told me a lie j but seven oclock ciin then eight and mother was still watching and glistening for the step of alfred but it was half past eujht hefore his merry shout and whistle j were heard when he ran into the gate confesfl now said the aeizhlor- that i f jlyanj have been tothe river with the other i boys aud si kept away tiillate i how the boys eye flashed ntii the crini son mounted to hischeets j j kb sir i told my mother i would pctereatherewithout her leave andioyou hmkktrttitdtelajui thelptd junes to find the cows which had strayed in the wood andldid eotthiukl should bes so late james coming np the street just then cainain to tell us he was afraid we had been alarmed they had been so far in the wood it midetheuilste it getting home i vi i thiakiid the lieighhor turning- to tjba mother as he took his bat to go home s5 thereis icomlorfcm store for yon madam such a boy as that will make a noble mam 1 kuyniius once when ids teacher was praying a pu pu who was in inveterate rhymester saw a rat opoi the stairs and laughed aluui after the teacher had cuncluded her grayer vshecalledthe biy turward and asked him whathe laughed for the nrchju replied isaw rat uponthe stairs ionang op to- hear your prayers soethreatened toticig hita if he- did not immediately make another rhyme upon whickhe quickly repliedy ru herell stand before itiss blodget i sbesgoingto strike and ishaiidodceit aii immediitely took his set amid the laughter of the echool- this reminds as of an anecdote of br watts j to whom when a boy itwasso natural to speak in rhyme that he could not t avotd it even when he wished to his i father in order to break op the habit ctfireitaued to whip him if he did not leave off making thymes one daywhen- he was tilboutsjd fnlsl hii promise the future rhyme rtitexbursvthfs tears and on his knees exclaimed jfray father do some pity take and1 jriifno more verses make how be violated thii promise the vorld gambling at ohureh fairs a isoston olergtaian hue riven ironipt nolicefroat liis paiit ihrtiany church in the city running a gambling brunch at its aire lie- will proeecute fottlnwitli and lie in a true dtfendtr of law there am be but one conclusion from lnoru1 law on this topiary lijbicb christian conduct is ui be weighed viz tluit oti wagers gmli buakeln wheels of chance and similai modes of miking mooey nt church fairs ace sinful in- defensible intolerable demoralizing why domintsteis quiftly iguoiej tues bins errn takeep iruce or discharge a cbyircb debt or bocure tbtir own salary v tlieyopta a booki with satan and tnaka biui creditor such ninisttra desprve expulsion frodi any church wbicu they mislead the members who will insist upon thin mode of financiering deserve a like tale and outsiders who wouldetep in and nin the church thns ought to have a christlike church to upset the tables ofeuch moneychangeis how an unfortunate flock ihust be weeding uponsucli ruinisteiial stifisx let the church put awav this growing sin knows v a life always happy- wcx u mcan f e johnsons tftegreasleat labosatoivy ffw3dsleworfeclty usx ojp jxmit ctt the rww rouaeilang v- i 1 thpse allwool canadian meeds at 50ciadteti8ed last week ntfroni 7 to 12jc per ynrdless than theft present value have a great ritjrtlieyjare suthood yalue the ladies kid jglpyea reduced rom112 to5 orepiii off very fast these large lots of ribbons in arked down from 45 to 10c hencannstonisliingsale the embroidered edgings mid flouucuig direct from gall in swiiierland iare beautiful gopds anid extraotdiunry cheaii as swftzerlandls the bfert market in the world to purchase them iii labor beiug so very low tbere the silks iiavp ll l l liimoalf iifkn h fl 1jl l h fore the bijduty bdonetenipes muked t 1 r u m i 20a 1 hey are riok silk and beautifalwteied the brusteli eaitoeu nlrked down frottfjlti to 1 1 2j are ripting lively brussels carpels hate godeup ti sterliag in the rritiah marketeaud ladies wanting lie bestbriuielsoarpits will trom 25 to 30c per yard b purchasing at the right housbnotr there are a few pieces of che inanue clothr which were marked doijn to about half yriceitill on hand they areiin both black and cojors there are a few of lliote inlanu merino dreswa still ielt which were mirlcej duwn from 8l0 to 15o and from 4 u2 call t nos 30 and 32 hamilton feb 19 1879 pwnt out it off nobody expects that a dry goods clerk can keep his mind on every little detail of the business day ia and day out without abreak that tkey caut do it was witnessed in a wood ward avenue store yesterday when a wooian inquired for bedsticking certaiuly three different grades rplied the clerk at he pulled down tle ftuf she gave each grade a long and close inspection and finally said j does this tau colorwear well eh t wear well t repeated the clerk his- eyes ba a customer rt tbo other end of the store yes we warrant this piece and you see for your self that it is a perfect match for your complexion howuiucu shall i cut offf j- that- olerk miy never know why that custotnerross with a bound and walked out door on bee line but if ho ever meets him atachurch fes tival shell do lerbest- to make i dceary for him ambash scales lleckoa that fcales of yourn is in inibush ecalea nint it f iriquiretl u countryumn of imk grocer as b took the siigar and handed over the miiney ambush scales 1 what do you mean whos ambush ambush why j know rrgbiv ambush y undttstund whatambusl meuna idon yev wi11 i should hope so mr wood ruff ambush means hid something hid rsom cuncealed it wit lieres the dictionery ill just read it to you exactly wht it means sost you wont use it wrong- ufter this hera tis ambush to lie in wait for f yes thats it squire tjont go on further to lie fu weight fur two cents if a man would keep both integrity and independence free from temptation let him keep out of debv franklin said it is hard for au empty bagtp stand upright v fnuss sosii i dttbpepalvet diseases fvrr fflriti ttheicma ltjetfsin- dropsyl heart ihitdw cuioiuness jiervous debility etc ih83esise2ist kswst tj haa 1 o joo agnxts cxte sons stcce is jo 9000000 bottles i7ur fjny posxssa varied properties tektibilatm tho pytrouno ia t pattra wlilracaaverts the b tare a aud wptrof the ftoi ims atnccm a dsekacr in pttrlt camenwlnd andfoarine of ih- food title ttamnch if tbemdtcta ii cikeafinrawll ateltofi coxio tie fenacmirtfuaunjud pctcatcd i ic af u npoa lt ltter j itncts u3ou iiiekltiaers it regaute ic barcu itpatflcatilobload i it qalmc bo erveasi-ctem- icpradjie dijttk icnaaruiic trrrrlellnn4rotleatntm tc came ctf uo old blnad pnd mrktk nw rcopcs ihopcrrcf tiio fckiutldd iadoce healthr hcrptutloa j itstitieffis thherfdixiytuetcriioniijue bli wiii ecicriiesbaoiclxiitpais nd all imaiier of eiia dfsav endiniersil humck- j terc arts uo bjfcitsemborcd in t euhbiacrre mdttcaabotatsn tytiocort d2hrateboiearby tae 50t cid factils cre etzljf tdrz rtfttrd id ei 52ie of lis3tffltp3 oc king ptreeteast- hamilton closr to hughso street- f siee can h i- il t i v i festivalparty of old arid youngthe questaoaxaaaaeed which bcason of life is mostihapyv after being freely discussed bf the quests- it was referred for answer to thellost hipon whom was the burden of foarscore years he asked if they had noticed a group of trees before the dwelling andjaaidr when the spring comes and in the sift air the buds are breaking on the trees and these are covered with blossoms i thdnkaow beautiful hi spnne and when the summer comes- and ainainbirds are all jjnuag thehranchesi think jiow beantif nl iriamiqer i when autumn loads them with eomen ffntt and their leaves bear the gorge- oni tint i think haw beautiful- is autumn aii wea it is sere winter and there is neither foliage nor fruit then i look np and throughtke leafless branches ail codld pejrer onftl now i see the stars shine through m b 1 a m p i 5 x- l jjftpwrjgsarrels begin rfcwo little bovs were talking together wtien cifsiensaid twish i had all thvpastarehuid in the world the other said audi wish i had all the cattle in tie world i7 jhft would yon do then said his fneaxl vhy i oold turn them into your pasturelrnd i so you wouldnt was the reply j 5fesiwosll ij tbutl wouldnt let you i wouldnt ask yon youshouldnt do it he screamed j i shoujd ton- shant i will and with that they seized and pummelled eactother in a rough-arid- tumble fight suohis a- specimen of causes far which people often quart eb the longer we live and the mare we j think the higher value wi learn to put on i the friendship and tenderness of parents l slid friendj i fens happiness springs mainly from j jjiooarale troubles which afford the mind a healthful stimulus ijnd are followed by a ref ion which prodnwj cheerful flow of jepirita it is hard tdpersonata and act apart i iodgi for where ruth is not at the bottom jtumil always be eudcavoring to return sndwill peep oat and betray hjrslf one time or another- r philological jlob said tom which is twjnost dangerous word in all the english knenaga to proronncsv dont know said rob unless it is a eweafiug word poohf said-tom- it is stumhled because you are sure to get a tumble between the first and last letter si ha said rob now e e one for you i found it one day in reading thapaper which is the longest word in jdl the english language 1 v yalatudinananism aaid tom promptly ixo sir j its smiles because theres a whole mile between the first and last letter ho ho 1 cried tom thats nothing i know a word that has over three miles between its beginning and eni- in -r- i sow whafg thatf asked rob faintly beleaguered eichtimed tom tri umphantly ths affabla man a mother and babe were among the passengers waiting at the central depot yesterday she had the child carefully wrapped up and this tact attracted the attention of a big- fellow wftta three story overcoat and a maty satchel in hie hand sitting down beside her ha remarked cold weather for such little people isnt it i r she faintly nodded does ha seem to feel it much v con tinued the man i she shook her head is it a healthy child v ce asked seeming greatly interested c he was up to a few moments afro she snapped out hqt im afraid he hag smelled so much whiskey that hell have the delirium tremens before night the mangot right dp and walked out of the rooi and was afterwards seen buying cloves and ciunarhoh i itofteu happens that what we eet for nothimi is the dearest thmg we have speaking much is a sign of vanity for he that is lavish id words is a niggard in deeds- eetthose who would affect singularity with jaccesi first determiaeto be very vir tuous and theyj will be sure to be very singular l r sucn as thy words are such will thy affec- tioos he esteemed j and such will thy deeds as thy affections and such thy bfe is thy deeds if stman does not fnake newacquaiatances as lie advances through life he will soon find himself alone a man should keep his friendships in constant repair be substantially great in thyself and more than thou sppearest unto others and let the world be deccivsd iu thee tstheyik in the light of heaven kic2 02 wssi e0t1ks reid the voluntary testimony of persons who have been cured by u of the elooo purifier caress erysipelas mt forest wellington co 0ntt deik sik i was severely affijcted with erysipelas for two years and a snort trial ol your laillali blood syrttp esecuullyctired me mlis janet akdekfion llrer cottiblatxit mt forest wellibgton co0nt dk4k tltt i have used your great indian blaod syrap for uver com plaint and have received great tenegt therefrom f recommend its use to all similarly afflicted nelsos oakr d iseasc o f the sto macli mt forest wellington co jntlcan dkie eta this is to certify that your valuable indian ulood syrup cured aie of cramps in the stomach w n oureciw best ilcdiclne i have ever fcsed lyhville korfolk ccj unt dexk sit i have used a great many medicines but a better medicide ban your indian blood syrup edenot be made it is the besst blood luriierever used peter wardel i haslett would asnouxge to the cltt- zess of acton and vicinity that ne uas just opened in ms new li eniuw 4 wcu iselected steclt oc drycdods groceries i crockery glassware and that he is prepared to sell at the most rensonable prices forfaash snd would respectfully solicit a shire of their patronage j country produce taken in txceange j remember llie sew store j i- mill sti east acton- haslctt acton decs5llil5 azbestccllea grammar school 2sllsv1us ootapio f itschsol oferilki fottoving advantagu j ereryjyear cundkiatjfs fiomthfs school are passing the examusatioasof the law society council of tfbysieianj and sr- geons uutrtculatipg into the different universities with irwor to rejtctions snj tsaosixs in 1817 188 and 1879 naily all the students competing riaileraoit salisfacv toty examinali ns and the school isnoir prepared by iu enlarged stall to girt tha most thorough blinding to candidates jfor certificates of ull grades 3rdoomlsscialbipl01fas j the advantages include not- only the complete practjcaljiumeulumtf tha celebrated eastinsii eolleg at rough- keepsje n y pretisely as taught at that college but gives the furthtrd vantages ot grammar history cotnposi lion elocution or tha language ir tequtreal at no additional expus- tuition ffichadmat kivary thatry loweeti i8ek 10 weeks tdranced n 10 w frlmarr board and btxiljg can be hadtnbutldtnjr oronuidt atssierwecfc 15 weeks commercial training v for 5000 fcard and booau inoluici for particulars apply lo jj b joltjesi3d phn freilaenl or m h davis bv commereul maitir c t hili sale bqard stables i carisnniption windham center deae srit i carmbt find language to fully expressthe praise which in grttu tude 1 would utter tor the benefits i have received from your excellent indian blood srrnp h qas done what doctors coulji uotdo or faijed to do i was suffering with consumption for a long time heavy bfugb pain in chesf shoulder and back and your indian blood syrnp has worked a- perfect miracle i would recommehtt all to give tfctrial cunsisusair dyspepsia aylmer etgin co ont- sie i have used your remedy lor dyspepsia and recomme d it to all iles juhnfarihig a talnable hedlciie sir i hive used your bloodsyrnp and found it wonderful and valuable medicine mrs betsey bedford ayunir ont splendid remedy for dyspepsia sr i have used your indian blood syrup and caused it to be used in several cases of iiyspepsia and found it to be i splendidremedy i w w white aylmer ont i tonud as kecomdierided kittt i he used your indian blood sjtup for dyspepsia and tound it to be as recommended jotln wcjtldet fp aylmer ont j an agents testimony aylmer ont srs i have used and sold the indian blood syrnp and find it the best reni- edyin use tor dyspepsia and asa blood piirifier liewi budsh rheumatism sre 1 have been troubled with rheu matism for- a great many years your indian blood syrnp is the only one of many remedies thafdidineanygood i recommend it to all ilrscxth chishouc kenyon qlengarry co ont dyspepsia and indlsrestlont siayour indian blood syrup has cured njeof dyspepsia and lndiges tian it has alao erlectually cared my wife ol same disease ltttktox jotfxsoxt ccatham qnt- solt qeitral goite fer 0aa northrop l7mn so 2i 7at st tost toronto j also agents for motherhobu 8 heauno syrup an english discover which is well known i a valuable and effective blood furifiet throughout the worlji mill street is where you can aotok get ifyqu want apwdand cheap arul in touae srisss jipaa iblack ercha- pwdsr sl4 bugsu j syrups spices 1 ite lrargest aad most oprnplote highest honors wer awarded j to any- haker ia the worlft i fglfifcddl anil diphmaat cwunniul j rfstsltdqlanil dlplonual syateij jggold medal at frovinttal xxhibikoh toronto hfittyhesl atrard a iixduitrial jlxmbifion tforonto if 6 im 1sts 0 fresh and tobaccos all- kinds axd sflteeti firstlass eigs at rsftsokable rates sqocl commercial rigs an eiriass delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goodslo any part of the town v i alt parties ladebtedliotlils es tablishment axe requested to pay up without further delay indsave coats e4 attiersj 7 oktarto business coliiege bellcyilu ontirlo bustutss college belleville tousden ik lifjfv tsnoied fnrihe thcroughness ol its wort jiud tue practical penclius ol ui leacbinjr its urlflcipals irn accountacilr of prvctlcal rxiicrlfntkjaoiuoieofhf hfit ok ou xootfceepldc its students jftergoiitlirouffu lhi coarse iire comfeieul to flu good iwliii nsorcondttttjqeiiittas ihenirelvei farenlsunl yoane men are mvitltitasendrorih ioilicpc clicauic wtueu tui tsiei-i- nv us orpcumaubblpiss mail ed free atdrss j ewjblstox johksoic ontario bustuesx oottegc r bltevlkvpr of i all kinds paints and oils hikges akd locks silils gla5s putty salt c t cash by the barrel all cheap for 7g0 t6- hislxs mjll stroefi otoa- cans la5rr- sewimg machines jxdwibootl shqesliop wo are now manufacturing square pnd1lrtght i i v i best in tble market corf espohdence solicited send for illufltrated catalou8 mailed free address j dominion ortsan company bowmamvillb ontako i l i- i i isreni iovsiiwpe o o otto i o o or 0- 30 00ttl sbk 4 toronto ont 7 i 4 j a vj t xjcipsi j cliarinc sale of s oa sattiiiavest wwilliails would respect- l the rjfk ol robt gra1ne acton acton ad tletnuy that hehib oru boatttlstioestoplntbftdailuldtqpiiybitew h storeys glove worss oil m tll arkeir lsprepaiiocalloaperon roqdlnnf actok i j- either- sewing machines or orgnntj anyonaiilwantdf a icbstantlal ndl ffood flttlnj boot or shoe shoaid not failto leave tnetrortler a ills slant sspaitiijf a ssacialttaaisipmstlif attisadel to l w witttamsi aetonscpt 5 1c9 attsntion i attention 1 1 tenalhe harpers bazaar pii sterns faltsuitg only 8 cents stejlw atd extr hats asb bosftzis dox qyrr ih alxtkt litcst styles mrs- e h pass vlshesto km fokm tbclaoiespfacionttndviciiii y itiai she has lately learnt ihe rreich mode i cutting and fitting and is now prepared lo give even oroator stktufction than fonacrlir weaalnjand ninrat floweis etmslmjj ureases and jackets cot and a perfectltll cunrantetd hi a reasonable prlcdj for htyiuli and cheap hats and bouaon 1 uo to iii r8khpiss 1 tit btaeontesgqaaie tte has agekcies from- the pi best manuaelarers tnlheconntfg and wul tnaraptf e satlsroetton id pocnseni terms very remonahsv onlrrs left al his rentdehce or mldresttdw mm to aolon p oi wtli reeotve proni nt attention b cbilke ibeamwa gd1de t01 1 elegant writing rsafjguide etegaxtwrttilic rerfect selmnsti fetor in by the ad of whlcll joanr people may 1 become cood wriurs in a very khortume 1 ft oisnatiu ofiv r booi of swy jii containing analyttt abd ifx- olanaiton a jarfftvombc ot copy 811 pi for bnetlelni a bwalltal orhafaientm tbeet and a handsome cue to eon tnlowrn the whald price postpaid tl bajitsttaa jrtnatbi i onlif lo hoslaeituollct rjm tjojotruvfii akofltt wantd wewillcottimence ah extensive sale at reduced prices of bur ratelasa dry gbodii miuinerr mantles pd on account of altera- fiontla vhehuine8eitraordihurybuimns niay he expected- and wiu bejeirei as this la a genuine bale to reduce ourlargetock avertli j and bnrroundm g counties m v oeiveb as mis is a geuuiuu bh 0 irvlcustomer in the royal city and county of wellington red bnrrouhdinz counties will save time andtnoneyby r mm- memam- l smd tltend this great sale of dryriooiib sjfmiftttintfftnety c planiieblatiktu01ovea hosiery underclofmhgafria farley goodtv a snaculjlot if oheap twesda wjiich euu not now lduphcirtei also a lelecl lot bf tura ne fiohibhable and cheap will beaiiffdred at the reduced nicea obligin ind attentive iileanien who consider it- no trouble toahow goodt 1 i i i j- b v duiing the great rpduced silo positively no good will ise tttged nnleas by special arranffeuient i 1 v r j wm s 00gruelph t above t hamtatttamlslea twialsvyjldruktart jipt bottle

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