Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1880, p. 6

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i i- f qasbit rawibiw imgitt tdectnihlfcftfotu j j jbtfflgss doofcwhlle whoating neat schuyler net lost hi wy a4alrnort frcte u djjttfc i jieswalmobioinexrmimphu mb ejidhiujevmeyiryymgrberj wwjw- i f ak upturned boat with two- dogs fioabng on it to ill th wit found- br hinting prty mimrgm gveston imp yftlluk batoj tort8mitk toothis gun a cmbjte for life with the content ofhis shot ponekan wthlegfi june a uter otltbertyt miw laments the hunting tea- tra i osas 03rjiwitisns4ihimhtba went horre trio a htnt with ote leg tola to ah3s eesclimbioga fecmyiieiilhe- inggexof farguiciaghtsd a karly ul cait iaoobs was ibont toinooiiieagnl while n bond hit lohconer oftthe niooth of the chester eiver mdrut helehot tret cturi ibjtbasvof jliuldaer- 1 yesriijhittji full iidrgangwo ind withahole inhisiide fherrsdfgooe hunt ing early in the morning caet hlher stcce p stjbieph i cjttick when he caught sight of game and huson carriel the load of shot inthejbackof ha hesul simcetwjuiuqfst michaels ilcl it years old pulled hit finh from a b 3at and new hexwvjrii ray nothing about tiw loat jiw ilhecould be assured that he jrill not lose his life hlhahkikicas 1 f tuhoboth 4iass rskeothui gun f5ibit a partridge ffia fnend cuartey weatoralrt thapharge iubia fdtehea and ida wife elrtojpbren arc nowwithoata potectorxi v whec they fonn4thebodij6fiitii watkina of dtcitnr el jcho hd gone huntingrhe hard wss graaijihg the gun and the ofter the uitina and ifdli charge of jmnloihotwsj iniseeck j- t the acisninimesalfeof seaatorttade hampton of- sontb carolina contracted a disease that resulted in his death afew days ago while dear hantinginlliaaissipp and a deer hunt wasthoccaaiondfthe accident which nrcerotaled the foisdf cue cfthe senators legs hioaps to sfctera and ccisfers hesutnv pqujssju jrears cf age of vonntotcn c6hh at beach fond white atatiag 1 r lohgmeadow hais boj were drowned in- t3veconncch5utieit riile stating recently edwaed ktxtt 10years of aje i 39 kijilifc pit ty 3d of thecanal isaac j dodd tfaihol while coasting was struck by a rnnner and injciel o he ill die t wkhcosatingon citadel hal nova scotia two yonrig men atracfc abarbwi wire- fence the teaaohis ecedtothera ehhei baxtee of eaton bapida ifich went fisbing on narrow late throneh the ice he cxnhfr a hig string of fish bnt lost hit life i is atteniptinz to inmp on a rold peddlers sleigh the little 5yearold son of landlord archby of the glens falls hotel new rklcathiiifc jobskiegixajoss alide down hill brought rora nnder tlie hielsiifapassing horse and the next seeing done m his home was by a surgeon m joimnies jcrehead t the- stearoia on jof ilr locu of deerragfjmeiwhlferigonaaladlojuied with tihdjfeu off andthealai passed over his legs mangling them aa that he died a ptn belli jyissimttentj- brodiei wentthrtfttgh the ice mforenieet of water andw x alexander jumped m saved her but rninedhishroadctnth the siiyearold eon of alct stewart london while heing drawn oa a sled by a boy was thrown aafer the- wheels of -fea- fcets waggon andtiuecl it is nearly three weefcs since frank swarthont ofwayhe village jky went oat on the ice on little take with his skates and an are he is snppcsed to have fallen throngh slmxs ahzes was attempting to c krojrpectioaatainsevaa when hit loot slipped add he wenfahpoting down the mountain 250 teet ife was badly used up but will reoorer seeased wrists btrktd ihins and peel ed noses are plentiful among the youngster of hassichnsetta the 8year old son of foaeph morands cf sinrdervihe had his t akhlt fractured wiile coasfinc cixee blackbces patrick hayes and hervey donnelson boy fell throngfc the ice intjnion eatk poad ichicago and were rescoad afjerneirjy drowning jrrjha whohadgone totseiraid idee deteeans of caasville ky saw her three children break throogh the ice of a mill pond unable to essst them the mother- was- trahtibrrcftsyctere iatt rescued although in an unconscious condi tion isntciius if altera- fed and stoct igtm tfav r t a a feaciieof her two childrfiii who were fiotuf dering in the riirer fcxmgbrakeafhmagfa the ice she and fcw little son wex drowc- i canningiiiniwe is yeari-ou-ana- ot oiompwiitiua crtojj1te coimticiitemreaffecoaic treeoe them were stating kid hreikna thmogh the ice other weatlotheu tr- mi scriptural ficapeeotua n s fsmotis 6amctaar7 aa insintuum eocrecy very cool afldorlmajidwait homdldptttos prchaiidpnyi v n ami this pious person woadared atdammciatfottfl tbnnderea gftiart soma lrwtches who hadblnndaroo in t s lane forgotten day then ha thought otir ealdpraicieriita speos of dsnett oat of reach or ring that may he out drdae but he- hererhnrta bar- feelings 1 unseemly harrfirrcvaftjincb r miablkqc stealhigs uncler whleh the tichahigreai bob tho people 61 tiiabtatc tia as i ahouli be surely wa are for religion aai can urteti uiie demttrely to tha oft-ra- peatetale fotto have no part or lot in these old sinners raokinixottea sto6d scandalously bt in scrapes that ought lolfilthejali ciilttitfldmiiiasdefinltarfail t5ome disciples haro reported different duty that ttialorddid vthfltt he corned the rich and sordid and cp- faclitepoorsndineefc r istienha itxraettche- uioneycahgers fcnttex plaiaed to jotiah grocgert points abdiitthefrortotvlangersthatfllhiate ha rich then squeak when the heavenly land they beet t but the ptasent dispeusatim sees s vast exassarl atlcm- in the harsh denunciation that la written u the tarda i kov the rich man fslnlstour bait thjt lppa- not its sattjur when the marblecutterb graver his suowseiui life records l and his heirs divide his hoards oaeiei byj3gil bs hes hat agses tteidsa attthpa or a ion kinaiigs i ltttle qcees c c paetitl chapter xtl costdccet j sow joiksa gim ftht debt 1 but joanna does noebleep at laest tx boms she is excited aba wanta to ba aline tqtmnk alia ma lm imj bylrvjtstoa samexollesot him yet tematrt a ciotb on the table a flotrar givgnto him by lao nft1 an on thawiadowfiill itiaohiinrheia4hinkinghaisrareiy absent from ber thcragbta he u coming tomorrow with ids cousin olga i ee most not know not yet not trt- t in these dim plans ot nets fcrthflffttoie tea ngure does not appear she trieaio pos tiim there bnt she cannot t a weetwitrtlieo and already the abrupt men tion of mv nsxae sends a hush into the qt mfounutttaee iaitsothen andhe she is the sweetest little blossom poasible a tender gentle adoring little heart the sort to sit at her husbands leet and worship and eee no lonlta kointhe picture of the future joanna cannot fancy him try as she may kextdaytieconiesaadwtthhniiisoisa ffjntr tnon v j3r tmrnir is very busy in theso days and dis ease and deatii are tery busy too in tha great metropolis he and they do battle by day and by nigntne has very little time to give them at noma fever is spreading and whx notbe stamped out the weather is hot damp nrarfav oppressive real fe- yer weather and in thepsstuantaalpuriiaas many lie ill unto death these joly aayj he is indefatigable in his proleteianihe seems to live ttt his carriage he mgtojoottaggr androbuitasnais his fiawless vitality his mother t and begs mm to space him waif bnt in connne home an this sultry eteninc ored fla- grim tick roams and the- grim laces of poverty anddisease he sees a vistar pjiili btanding m the parlour atomus ifeht fmr upon her dressed insome ganiat laukycobe that ndatsliknacloud wttjy over the carpstj her gomm oraids twistedccianemamottaiomid her fiprt1 w jtn rttr fimihny at her throat he consnponhimlfltsuoiatliocs o raptare hetanotbeeatfcinidngot heratau and she isbetdre him dream o light ot lovelir nasshastandsqintestfll oulta pale mabls lor a moment toadiaace or speak loohng at her it awtooraeslorrabljibint slightly muling and holding out her hand- a von wring v swoon at my leet- doctor ijdo tfrbegi wpold nptinow inthe list how to bring you to resitlsltnthafiesn s ishakehanasandsea howmmatferlng- lyamaiedyoalooktobasiire ind yep w prataoipakiyaimcth4ve known i was earning v- itadtegottensaysirlatdarv the words are not nattering but he san holds herhsndand gski at her as thanhhe could m upon my word t bnt it it just like you ahoutof sight out iomind leo ihd tout mothernad not orgottensul ifin have no memories will you coma in jthe hduso is thine ownor do you mean to stand staring indefinitely ton remind v the ciuntn- twain who sighed and looked sighed andlooked sighed andtoojed and looked agata stnngttanlhmktnlothelinlnf- room it jtu lamores u waiting over roibiklangei taei1ib4 3 owl that isooirssitobwata- ivii- tjkronbjtyeiahterprtha jeroworshippeti this tatriolgaano eot not ivm honours sake he has ww eone6ntsmgeanaedtonjrtwtetathe is lmthstothtroittiyptdh6ij a haettoed conn mother withoit jsst of danger herktflrafcmeditothe ggfsws toshow a cktrgtd- xuelph j in is pda j xhe tiritt of mp- thethrih of the hssona of eoropeaaex- gmnlised by their ating depoaited in th banks provided to receivethem it 2mrtn edmiauirratrngeirtffleirrerprbparea by a french atatiatieran u de malarov u ia a eoavadientoihreader tojturn the francs 6rrrinch currency mto ponude sterling the- ttaira compare the years 1674 aid istsjaisi show that m that period the depoarts throujh- earope rose from 280000000 to 3so000000 an incrtaserf 3s per cent in the united kingdom the htreest amount deposited in savings backs is to be foundnamely 7i000o ptus- aia ranka next with i55000jx0 and aus- lritht alow up tturd with 64840000 the fteack iwptking classes nolwithstaading theiraacriiesior the war raised- their de- poeits vl the four years la question from 229200q to 40600000 ah increase of 93 per centj while thajincresse saved by their prussia foes although they had all the war indenuitty in their pockets was only 32 per cenr this is almost the lowest ra tio of progress in etrbpe as italys deposits grew by 46 per cent and those of austria multiplied twoselvea fivefold in thfl xlnited kingdom the advance diiring these four years iris only 15 percent bnt then during the thirteen years preceding 1874 the increase had been 55 per cent the moat tttrikipg feature in this return is the progrr at made by austria and france evidently there is aspiritof industry and economy abroad which if it faa not thwarted bjr the military eatabliahmenta the oouscnp- tionsfand the warsttat prea wbejwjly upon europev would accomplish wonderful thioga for the benefit of pnmanity- j aatointhatolao c ba like that she adores strength bravery ua- awhlchaheadralimbttinncn and lamarteott artr that rreng wof dntvand enjoys hishome clrcla jruh a rest a teutttawnot untinged wfi atej to tit scckttwtoeltjtam-ta- a jleaaub w tn- siethat he is almost afraid ojjt jtankils there mar lad mrs tentnor tooiis auresent rxihturearnestlv tostrsajbhott p- to hear and njfu ft jj yarid0memtal afw laagwirithrrank arestowtagrittahojal marbytha handnox villa wbmo4atm but onsgulstatatlme ttat me joamta uatthj otlayingsoruysoftrythat8hostrm fiwayngds fiiherproseiiilhereibt ffiiimofpoi of peafr4t nit tfobtteamdnatioai ttf ntannar hf ila effort on them ail mid her tiigiiig charms cawlrer8ry4iearthis- vantoriibeirttched 01ga bays bo laaghiagly iheia ready jo listen forhonralfjoannvwiuoalyiih ipllpt itiaw tentnijcmya yonvhare wyitched tqarriina hm wild she li onder tha soell of musical tsxchantreafcl what wpmiy is in that rolee of yourb- that you tteal our hearts througlidnrebrat i thia is ivory racibaar- olga goes with the ma jority and does ihorqjwe to her ole fpel l clear noble facethrvjuiatirellhred tnannerjl the siren oharm of vqice yin golden opinions itomnot 7 never sawejiydna soehangtidii thatqiflt jaacna ahe bays uahlaughirfc half jtetnlantiyi toltahk sheisinjchttlyihstanlcaanoi resietlthere is sort of charuiabdttt her i can not define it irat pexhapa you oahaee thateom- pfluonalflpihiinbplcaut oneaelf- i and why in spite of oneself is olga ehould one try to resist f j akwhy we were iltiys antjontic yotf fcnotr- anabotoucahkeit kaw ieally you are aharper sighted than i 4oojc yoa to be i thoudityciil sair nothing tnitliule leos rwnfe what ialvin cxteti oo do you imotwhaiytihazfi baying leol what ialeotoljer i i do notifcnow- what libkrmay be tcf you atthis present momenv aays ojga coolly but if thing go on she till be mrs livingston to yott before fong dtja we go fast my mend fetor heart goea out through your eyes itttema i jjid onlyttd months ago ha proposeaio ma 1 what a crashing blow to my vanity 1 as for little leg but the door opens sadiiiftia leacaraos in with joanna and the ousircs port ivingston covertidwlth confuklou as with a gttrmentind olgats sapphire eyea laughing with triaiicej i jadayaed by- jdsnaas iweek haa nearly merged into two they hofd her by fqroe ft seems mrs asbotifspieetingeyaa legs plead- mg lqebftreys pleasure inharprolculedetay the ventoora are atfll hers livingston is every day and all day every day almost at the villa 1xjnaeworfess hordaaever ipareti hint- self as little aseverand really look haggard and ql ba mother and- joans watch hmiwtfhanxion eyes and what they fear cornea to pass olgas aero goes down on bis hattie- nalai but facmgfcni fighting the foe until he talis prostrate and conquered aivl then there are tears bnipanic and tetror in the bright lihlehouselroldend sudden scat- tering oxti hfpt circle and in this hoar jo- aana comes forward to par her debt topay tp if hteibe with her life ebeiscalmarufselfpos feised where aniidiimay she takes iiivmgstoa aside and speats to him u one having author ity i last night t pdfca fogieotfret she calmly sarheieltthlscarmiieorahddiiiwhb could rely upon mil ha rrffirladito ba tafcon to the hospittil at that f woald not ber ol he wished me to go but that waa stqlmore impossibia thenwa decided wtrntto do youm otw ton must leavettt oncevvititsls tflsa veuuxoc and her mother and leo with you to brighir hrookif you are wise london is not safe i renwin with mrs abbott prof esslansl nurse is oorning acd his friend pr biorgaa wul attend toobeyls the only wayin which you can help 3 and with the belp of heaven geoflrey will be re- stored to us soon but oh joanna the young sasa cries out it maybe death to your shasnnlesritlsaonlletfcltgoes to his vry heart i j h if heaven pleases but l think not i am so strung so well i haveheverbeeaillinmylife and i am hot hi the least sfraid t do not think that forme there a the filtestljangert butfor yourjconstaftndleo hertjniay be mucntta thera away ftank and do mtcxitafl hers any but as for himself he has quite made up his mind to it nasnot been unliappy though iv waa this te ig wiqiinmm wbion isae htm break w afarutrtly- itniriioda zjonoe bnt now4now iopptrtoe viaitsitjorjg m tyltwmbedmartml r he mnharfflylovtiertietter to stay- hb wspoflhisaifo tenet leu pasaionwill mirab tha t is best in himaiii fife must never sndwtf will consump hfahleteai out his heart 5iihlongmgs andregretx m joanna speeds on by diyaraatby night on her long ioorpey to her mother her predictidh has proved toe aha doesnot take the more e wul tatfce them wtty he answers forrrtjnnajgherazryn- ha doeanoliratmi sentence f he ferns to d then suddenly he comeaback and clasps her eiqsery nvmg arms and times heragolnan again- t j t god bless you ray own darling my brave noble goodnearted joanna and make me wor- thvof touin4he time that lata come cbipteestii the tt1ce ct soses olgaiventncrr andsfnlolhflrtihaleo are taken away koiwiliinyat rehietag sndunder loud ef on olgas her heart burns as she thinks ot oanns there ia the post-pf- danger by dr ijaniars side and shfliihexe eelnshly safe and reut she says uttle what is there for her to say and i pridaia very strong in-olga- teathar they see thai she is pala that as the days go on she grows thin as a- shadow that she zanders about like a restless spirit that she- fistaha tireathlasaly tdtfie report- lrcingston iirinojiilysjmairrtfme8day for they nave not gone that vould nave ewai toocruel ahdlrahkhoters constantly about the ts1 hitettteptk the doctor waylays the nurse and trf es to catch glimpsaa of jcacnk there art not many glimpses of joanna to be had ins literally lives in he sickroom she e3aaestnenighayvgili she snatches brief naps in her clothes whfla abs insistb upon hismotfaer taking her proper restj ko bister of mrayno adoring wifetcould have watched nursed cared for more derotedly than does the j and the days peas the long sunnyrwsnmer dayti- teryuiing that maiufftl akilt ran do ttat rfireleis nursing caa p ars done and they tnumph there comes day and a night of agomaedtus- ngusaj and waiting and hearthreajcnigltt in which qlgs yentnor knows in her affony that if geoiateyxernar dies all that life holds of joy for her trill jiia toomght in which leo- weeps and livingston roanisretleaslyftni joanna watchest andwaittiaaidprats f l and as the day dawn and tcarce unces of ssyi she never t but tor her youwould be a dead man lint geoffrey does not eventry to thank har ihfire are tluhgs iot which mere words he they narer so eloqiient are apoor return- oiners berarfafllmiherwitsiiwars andgratitedehis mother his siater mrs tenjaor- j olgfli says lituebuviti3at bef joanna looki ihe is very pabin these first days with a teiibft sort of look mher hlue eyes butnetialdaiher self well in handedevenjoejuu way disappointed trgnjhflt su proudly calm ace 1 oruywhtrntheysnygoodbye dcesvgaimpbe rf- olgas heart appear 6w if the ut to sy nd they ra alone bha hs held 1 pat faer hsjjd kt fixss with tl amile mid- the conventional good- wishes for a pleasahslourhey ybuddenlvihe uinga her eima atttond betfc and holds- her almost wildly to nerv- i 1 ton have saved his life the whispers hairing her again and again i will love you while i lre for that andsfaaisgohe joanna leaks after faer glad relieved ttimepfa- iht smfle tin her face it is so then she says softfy irtspite all in spite of piideismsaglidflqvert terr glad and now they are all here and the five last nuaerable years seeni to drif away ahdtheoid tiniai the uma of irosos comes hack leo tiiits abbott woodto hec heaijs content no one objects audiwanders sadly under the frees and- downhy the blue summer set through the glow ing rooms speaking of her mothera refined taste- poorpapat leositendar iifrufl heart il sad for himyet beautiful st wal- burgasi with its radiant baints oh golden back- grounds the- ertmson ami purple glass casting rays of raiabow light an the coloured marbles of the floor the carven pulpit with its angel faces tramwhich mr lemvs meek counteniiceused ta beam down on them all up yohaxfsthe argan yharamajmna- used to sit and play ilosait andhaydn on sandsy afternoons hovshent how serhisher m w s lane cnaanbertrttttite piston a qhiist blessing little children its guardian aagels onhrackeu her books and toilet things all as they used to be r here is 5eoflreys roomvbare enough and with out carpet for his tastes were i pre tenia tnrslly austere inthosedoy with lota of spacer aid little else except an iron bedstead and tableland chairs and bookscictjurseeterywhere books andshorridskeltjianina closet an wirebvahds dismal skull grhming at her imder rumb xeogetsbut ftsquickly as may ejwith a- shudder at geoffs dreadful tastes her first visit leaves her very sad and thoughtful she loves every trw in the old place every room in the stately house and it is never to be home to fcerany morel it is joannasand of course she is glad of that ko good too good can come to joenna i but f or all that it makes her heart ehe she may come to it as a visitor hut deary dear ahbott wood will never be home any more ko one else goes not her mother not her brother they driven in averyother direetion never inthat lergoes often sndfrequent going hlunts the first snarp teeling of loiwiandpain- anofher senaer at lowund pein keeneryet follows this- what ban she done to prank he is her friendna more ne avoids herindeed he is never ber escort if be can help it bo he cannot help it olga in her iraperioaa faahf on orders hhn to go and take oartfof too and not let the chud borne to harrn moving ebout ajphe lab tries to assert herself and summon pride to her aid- but leo- in the rote of a- haughty maiden is a faqurcthe sertdtive lips tpiiver i jm 5of blessed pninkltlngaitmteupaadiamiitmiarwart pale too arid worm and thin he doea not speak his eyes speak for him donoteotne near joajmjaysiremember fafc even in that aupreme hour prudencei go htmie and tell them all to bless god f or as geof he goes and tells his glad news mrs yentaor and leo cry with joy hd am full of oritspoken thanksgiving hut olga is eilenfjandnraenuy iharisei ssing gadoy endoint anigoee to her ririfcsitfonrfcnabr beandmniaina bowedspeechleasnioaoialesa akmg- laiigttine and whether it is fori geoffrey she ispraying or joarinaevercan te inijvet thqpgfit fckvff placetkowhere in the t mnch like home me aa brigfatbrook- it is alesalnn breath she stands leaning against browntteo ttunavnerhafinher haadtho sanshine siitine down tmoiher hkb 7 rain of spk piakcarntate dieher braidodr fwgf reeoiabmwoorl jtoehainp5 sitw in a rusae lhafrnaarirmkarinlton 3si sinkand tilitv and amusjitrtw f l thldi4 fiiie evemns b for targets 0ea u br his side joanna is plarm 97 isnsoty her taca tells nothing the othersare he supremely so outside there is the summer darkness the stair thawwsperint wind r rrrie t it is a pfchmi ha will reall to jt dinj 5isstator has met sfias wnd thexpealist with some surtirlse and errrems enrsoslty andso aha is joanna jwahy howsttmidot herand rank not to have recognised nor at once but she has so chansedso improved icas wild wal oardonher aha trustafor sarinrasmoch after alh she 1s privflegod being snch a very oldat ouaintahce haj- she congratulate hart her tbicelsenchantmgshaenviesher whenevershe has irsow etrmlng that they should all meet aeain like ttds and so onmorfl than cwtsacfonsmoeiqmtethemannerotsorae lalt young grand duchess so uplifted that she can afford to stoop and be sweet joannasmllesltlt an nottmioarrassgrnot overwhelmed and resrra vottaatly oka does not dream none of wem op- the double secret she holds herniamjwto idvfagr stonis so stavply that of a fctend ban he i ajlg unoonrtortibfo and urges rtalertmvtan i wait waicisall h woi say it is her an swer to geoftrtytoa whenlhe reiterates his wish to r known her teal- position jto the yentnons oh wait shesays ben scions picwiina auio u rrr n i i tonsfltlma aeeperi perhspb than mere arert id- mjffltionlahiffeye i 5imnhc7tathg larnfayrsndhave been for two oaya t to leo it is as though they had nayeroulftea it tiie villa the t faces of frankand olga everything seexas as if ihebad only left la riohieiid preswretn iudottoiwmore only her aldiiorne she haiuurt seen she longs to go but dreads to ask fuiir many cose- ia and wate its frgtkioe fuu minjr a nip iataien f and olotea jcl co to blnali unseen the desert sir the i screen oaten there tii enough if or all that l it r tind they obey her shhm a atteagwni tola centla toaima aad tttnakea itbelf felt kie kiosher6ninmdamdnitota it she hseatffirae to set the mortcrooksd things itnlgbt a little indeed is revealed she has discovered her mother oat in sanfrapcjaco ar jowina is golhgtojoia nertheraneritweek- it is berjln- tenton to return with her and jnata another brief visit to thflxarnara- j aftertbtjtmgrttl gunws at her itb a hfm with nraghtneafil her own s very vomahbnu uni tvlngston declares ih disgust itih aftnry ten times harder for r jrney t h thatavartiogt olga- la an exception olg piow- that she haa- gotteh hfin safely here leela alimitlese eohtent but she ioe not coddle bhewatefaeatno re- tutning appetite the igmwing strength the grvln return to life tmdfaaalth wiflla gladness mti thnifctnlnaaa tordfl atb wonk to tell but she pets not sttall i she treatt him a trifle mora tenderly perhaps than the geoffrey lamar vigoroua ofstrengh and life pf ffpme weeks beck but feel as she may olgi ventnorisnotpue towearlieriieartonhfir aleeya fnr any man iu or wen ibheual sgrouialovblyyuunghosiesar foil lot ail gentle i care lor ithodonaiert of her gneati hut geoffrey is her mothers especial premheeand to her mother she quietly leaves jjjjiajll i- it is rather against his wintrulh to tall ingi dr ijaihar la heretat all hut verylittle roice was given him ini tfce matter his faint jobjeetionb were orercujedoya tast majority axvuier was tn tout hishetaimost twfore he jmew it h colonel tontaor bad come forhia tdfeaaa daughter alarmed fox their safety and finding the patient convajeaaent htyl initedafevr days armabdnatsdhtowaiwilllt the viua had been shut up and the family are safelyhere racnpersting iathefreafa se4oented breezes of brighthrook and olga and loo at least in their ntdenheartb sopreniwy happy- far frank ana oeoflreyveu their rosea axe in- those days he as the heir preraiiptitq of a didphes tarr rich mian hi these days inairapennijeai hasarx aocttjr able to earn his naily bread andlittiff j more- and for all the best years oihaufai seema likely fci be pp hlmbeif ko r says i do notftnwtheqjstion ilwulho tight tcr aikitlrbcallir hdteg yotrt paraon oepbij ffrsr slndthe doctor tella ihehtall that toher indefatigahle tmrslhmore thananytmng else do tbeyjowe igeoffrejsue i pdid not meanr this raxdh olga te say any- thjb4ihathww4iin3inteiof layasili 1st meayyet naa ran ojgd i loveyon wthnwwhcleneart j r there is 4 startling- pani ifisa yentnor catches hex hrealb bat mikes uaolber atou roncemightnnevaidthswithsomev agoodgia thataaynas gone by itovedwurentiiettolglcanrecall no time when i did not butlheelnfifl came- thewuo1e and inaertfadugkt toaeytjakaaini i did not for k6you ijarejeoulfl jouterejhil air woman hjl the waddformetbutlnevar idahed to mtt you more isiat trevinadnesrlay put who is straige thin hra two lqoucme we haraniflirrairihre j unart7onrlefltflbnv rher ii youcan ynqugraan sptmhereelfhrn certoinlynot tharnleq jfer t3eoflryhe finds have been wiser for me huhad hmjseuyieldrigteeaitnhtayto the pofothertywwef it did not nan dayb and itliireateus to tai fatal spell i tithowothertoyeitwas diflereiit ha might harehoped tttaanaw hope toxfla- only be eaofeeriisirtetop he bait lovedolea ereraiettohe eah remember it seems to him and eras when he ttooughtrher aligned to livingston had btjped f eehng ean- fident of being ato to bold his iwn with that binlwiieatungh totbr6rialb hha mtaiaa uragu tc i ii eyes grow aewyand deeptiith tears hardtyhold back i whg to maka prank dislika her he usednottobelikethis he used to be nice and attentive hd polite 5ut it is so no mere he goes with her when he taast and talks to her sfter a tymstratsed jaahion andloote at her furtively and seems guilty when caught in the actshy should he ldofc and glance hastilyftway thsreia no harm in looking at her leo has a secret consoiousness that she is not had to look at i2iflcannotbe entirely miserable over the loss of her old home whue she every day grows more and mare- miserable over the loss of ier friend i and the days go on and the weeks pass and the end of september is here they haveheard from joanna- ifrslabbott has hadhriet letter vury brief blmhaewaolr- ed her journeys end in safety she has iound her mother baa taken her from the asylum and after a week or two of rest win return she- sends her love taafl there isjw mare- i it is singularly short and huainastijike and to the point- she writes to no one else livingstcn hardly knows wnether he is borr jliew-j- he haaaaked her to write hut she made no promise in -a- fortnight she w be back and thenr they will bear the annouuea- ment of his engagement betier thentney wouldhaveimaeamonthago i after all it is m well hejraited 11 sing pjeanf in joannas praise how he grows a trine weary son y au true no doubt wfflteyofherathiabesttart helookactossatxeorhittinglistiesslytmough la agardeh chair her hands tying idly on her lap- ier tvwiroe esm pale and spiritless fheaois black arfeaheatyhnded and timdtooliing the sweet f znouth has a pathetio little droop she lbbk4 sorryl or lonely or something he starts up impatiently and goes off angry rftlxhhnseu his fateallthe world and now the lamara begin to talk w geofiwhideedbaabeenlrapatiently talkiagol itaiid tmnidng of it f or some time but has been mat by such a bictm of i epjttach for hfiuseetnly haste that he baa had to desist bqt agatnslua betteriudmaentan4howhewmgo his wort awaiia mm i dr hargan writes sarcastioally to enquire if he has alien intoabip tan winkle slnmberirp there iamasylvaabfepy hhuow sa ia perfectly well agaiano pies tavajidisnx calf bejju forth to detamjiifn andhis tesomtfohtstaian- 3sirkhtqwhe goeav- hisriother canremam another jweeki if they choose whila he hea the villa put in arner they do choose pverwhslm- edby the hospitable pressiig of theyentnora and so it is decided the last evening ha conje leo is away pa one of herldng rambltjs and jar a wpnder lfving- etbtilswisiher v- i v t liiathdlwir of sunset colonel tonrnor ha daughter aklamarliaget on ths taij ae lovely afterglawthe axqumta wseughtof ttperfect september day yet lingers in tha sky f- afciriasalhraemcnneafreah oni4na oeean an4saratjiealeephignncerf iqatba toaj woser llda theliousev the elder ladiea sit mttt ttulethe colonel f taped town to join them l tieageoflwy throws hiniaelf on the arycriep grassrathauraredsfcera longdara ramhmg analwithatnilfle seats herself ona grassy toblletoeeby i 1 cr yi knciw yon are usedapv if yofl touli hirt own t nhe is aying- anv and do notraindtou- f easing it mtheieast tenmiles isasmuchssl wmtotvttr do once hear h wahamly wise of yoii inot jet fully atrcng to ge aafais youdidv i- m heaniwersr l ant sa strong as evrt waffinmylifa lmlght have gone a week igq with perfect safety my walk whtdo me nq hann- andfiwforthelasttiaie there la apause his voice is regretfulrit is hard to go a utuafrqwndeepena between miss yeatsors eyebrows i 1 11 hate last time she says petulantly i hate saying goodbye every year i live every friend j part- with x jmtqit more and more theyiate the twaharuestr most hateful worts in the language you must like it though j appeaf ae desperately anxious to say i anl get sfifofba j i selookanp at hetr sie is very lovely bat aha tsalwaya that hvhatuesohherlapherdqncate taceis era- so utile flushed trrex so fit tie rethlant herblns eyea hive almost an irate spartle she isjdreaaed inpale blue crisp silktcoql a cluster afpmltroeeb to her breast smother in her hair she looks all azure- and roses golden hair and flower facet r he torna away hie eyea slightly dasaled xtoyoubeuflve thafcr he aaameuythat ntllul it i confess tou hara talked of soiling else but going ever arnce yintenine and now you frill leave us tonorrow thotigh the neavenafau i rht would have bee wiser tf ih4 never ue he aaye stfll very guietiy i it would ne the moment a ntw ww aayais tnrt jchg yon aeedo yon not kriorw tne nei not bbe answeraa still jpetalajnv althoiumthe deepening flash onher cheek teqs noibiar atory s only know you are very derverse ana are longing to be off among your fever patients anuto catch it if potatbla over a y rm tbytnaoaraif idwmld you cawu i heart is yours jjerbapa jottaxf that tam totell ytmthu itisptesumptian wftj jyu will not- lohfcaa it nrithat ugbkljva have been such old fribads olgi that you jwill listell tity ibrgive roxntl btfiaskanothmgbut thai j k sa ti imeantito go and say aothing all this time he liasjhardly itirred tram his recumbent position hardly jet touch of the excitement thatthrulrhhn creep into his voice ntutbe mpiivw6ikingof loveiniiing anayetiu full dreprdsbal passion aawi llre i tneuit to depart and make nosign atlnylove iisiitug- eihanhfyittagmeht aid after all it can d no harm- you can and rwfu take my dreamaaltjl me anu teel uie lees mibercabae f or- knowthayouvhoadimderjrtodd if twete ariirianlwouldpleadtetydijlaru it is that am soaosolutely poor thai gives tie ceuragcrtoekkat all tfoevaiyyoukttow a frewnianrhopeiajaeotirard iwhen we nave nothing to j hope for we j hare- nothing to fear bay ygufongijame dlgasnd are still my friend la6pitofis i l will isj itahe answers with greateffort- sniuyottwisl he turns and looks at her surprise inhls face little else certainly thr is no gleam of hope ha has settled it sd corapletely with himself thatifr is impweibl fihii cancare for himvthst it is notfor one talttobiireplytoupsettiih thei r qlgvhe sifs v- v her aegd u averted- harcheek crimson bar jrneisthfer lingers pluck nervously at grass ad wild 3d wenu e saysvagahj and this time there u ions lash of delight ixi his pyes breaks oat cuddenlr eazmot v ieel why will ybnifarceioe to speak i will not speakr wftlii gash irorq tnecreat blue eyes- ic bherisesuddruytolunrlfeet and scatters a showerof pinkjetau overaar lover and over the grass- koigavss ahfae cart say in his whirl of aroaze- mmitineftodmitsolmflnewjot ihers is a struggle thea ail atone ahe btoow and lightly as sob tonca taistiertiowrr herlips rest on his fotenead hyancenlevbmernow saysr pushed rrightwned at her own temerity breathless laugaingtyige p j as iheifpqaks aha turns ah4iwiftlyasafjwn fiielsgqne -j- ir i it how wijjbjjdgoonhtb i think i is oddriaay- ificbbfltt languidly and unlike joanna hhe never haa wbima vtayaboklihe wish ui to tenaafnhure in stead of going i home as we ought ta receive berr 1 i- another week has gone by nine davav mdeedj airtleojand her motfier are ttth the guests of the yesfcora qeaffrsrhfla gone back to trie villa home as parprerious fsrangomant tohave it set inbrderortnemand7esamehis jahoura one day totter thanhelmtendedhb has stayed and bothfanieshfllre- bean exectri the won newa and jetuotcperhsipa so very greatly mcnayehtrimgcesathis qaughter etowlratnilea la all his life hehas never eoortxa- dieted ms darling be is nardtyjlikahrto begin uow and he is not ambitioua of adding- wealth to wealth jahe if andwillbe aiwxyassmclently rich she aqol of john abbott 4nexuinly never would nave araamedof obiecting to-ypmr- lamarja as aatrugging young aoetor he nrnc tllb8uwriiiyofherf iu he ia no lortnnejinnter of thai the ooiel la well aasnre and olga loves himrhis i joenna what io you mean t she lays hexhond oh his tihfpy fienrly but verynrmry r l hot now prank later i mdst first see- leo i want ber to go khafe 0 awtt wood ithis rnnrning dbaraa ianqy for saying what lhave v say in the dbmtitlhil house that sbb loves soweuaiwhawbhe4hqyall wreeogoodto joa2maitrssulwillive uahmcfa there i shall not ret to yentnor yilla and if when leo goes backvyon win iiomein herstsd say goodbye to you aawell d4aarmnngbnt her eyes look dart and ead he seta liis hp even they ajepale gootftyel joanna whacaretou saying there is to be no goodbye betweenusairymare you are mine xclalnvyou i am doing to an- iiouhoe our- engagement it l useless far you to object x am j ah well she says weaxfly wsitwarr un- feaiitemoanatleaat iamklittletirednow andjid diflpiritivhiiis xdonottsni to talk of ittjyoujmow brighlning suddenly land whiting- imet an old friend by purest cha streetp offianpwiieiaea ttwusa good trsee him tuihoughlhadereryrflaeon to be ahamedr i- was ashamed too- she laughs and colours a little f wnnrheaaks j ganrge blakepoorgetrgiii 8o improrua so brown so manlylooting and so prosperoua he is torand proprietor of adapyat there and- doihgweli trflfr didnottnowme i stopped pirn however and made myself known rmade mrawiijlhiin tooi am happy- to aar what a wretch i was in those days 1 lloojc badenowandrwonderif i betjtouneversaw anyoneao glad aahe waa to tneet me- and as iorau the gqodiatarfl things he said eboutmy changed appearance and so on but you wonldmink me lrtgntfully coneefted if i repeated halt- what la to point is that he has forgiven me- and forgottenime eoiacus bis old f ancris conoerned he is engaged to hemar ried anato quite a rich young lady isnot all that pleasant newsf i but frank livingston fa not very deeply inter ested in george blake or ms snecesaes- editorial or matrimonial j he ts with disquiet by joannas manner ha fears he knows not what she laughs and talks lightly enough but underneath it all he seers resolute purpose and he his learned ta fear her jnnetola resolutions yfhybnoul she connect manama with lads f wuat does she suspect- he baa siziven haqdtobe loyal and true bnt those deep dark eyesaxe not easily de ceived the drive isnqtavery long one but tilence has fillloniboreither houae- joanna is inet is welcomed by the yeninors with nattering warmth la embraced bv leo and hereaother with- effusion and nnaqy baa an in- terriewtwitfi the latter isdyv it sjipt lengthr but mrs abbott is very pale and grave when it is- over and there arvttacea of recent tearg j crffbe ooattitlgd t tjbhuli tamttryktk3saw- it u imgortani w worlahopmanipnlatioa tojrememember thitj i a piece of caatrafeel be- niaderedhqiahl in cold wa- tfir heivngeruthe same egexntibn bo pehormed oriipiece 6 wroaght iror iir jbukcecsg sfix intimately li pound of moiaate 1 pckindof bestiboneblactin ty fia pwler and ponjotioiitd oil tbed add uiuieauj oarimg wnose neaxthoman baa beehable to tziueh i t- he grasps gtkiffreyjs hndwith frankj soldierly taatandfor thftq hooxt or loogqr anjt aiterammuhwaterueaa wnec- casaary to gtre itjthe proper ooruifltooce beok beod two eupfau oiaweet rail t two oupfnli of b0nrjdilaintb whicli put ote teispoqnfo i of cbetoically pare oda obe otpful ot dark mouaaea wo and a hail capri at ot rye or gribam tioar two and a hu cvparol oe ooarae indiaqmeal and uttle salt mix thoronghlyand then pat m a ronhd deep pan made for tbv paipoae 7 inchea in diimeter ft tbe bouqui 74 incbea at the top and iochea-dee- ojver lb bottom rrf tie pan hteolmapet jtvelrbatteredot it wiuiootyt lheii warmth j thre lifne maih-rmgio-whamlwouldboon- er givebflr he saya cnvuahy- fortune ah wall andfortune is to be won by the willing you am at that number i am- sure if t fancied her fortune had any thing to do with ft do you think i wotdd ifstea like this itlabeeausoleouldateniylna on the truth of the lad i have known all his life that i savyes so readiiy isiaka ber happy geottrey ell is said id that- ckmhaiyuucgbenioredeliglit geoffrey finds the whole v lajnguflge inadeauaie to niswbiits in- the way oftoahks irsyehtnar is cbarfmedfie wnbdeeirest friend is the one above ail othei ima would havcboaeu for neraon as well one tiling only is a drawback the story that must be told the pni bar sinister oh the spotless lamar shfaid cmitlutcannotbtoidnownat until foaana ro tana andgltas penidasksn- some- mt ot it he drops tjeoesearflyobaanre hefare he goesv koulans are armed for u4 pweentit ia understood thai colonel and mrs tentnor 4 not agree to any tarjb e flfiyjjiarjtolgafmamup ybqimindtowiut whila yon winjppawwyl baoayadeciaively it mustbe thouiihbrsjjementl wolnolhave herfattereawliilflsotpimslowiyapw itiaaotukiltriiueriiieaecarci they wffiihakeirjtherpjlaitowait tgoetan4 olga ia petted to- her heartfa wttre aid core pnmk anotheri olga surely she jkvthe moat fortnnattrilnthe worid l r and flow hare- ir joanna coming back has oome indeanriisjwitliatxatreyairaady iaitimtiljjamyoqf what she writes t have something to ay to yqurayleo thatl prefer to sayhneret l it is nowjlale xai- iconday -evening4o-morrow- mer4ingwizinghe9er i i timorrowo6mab tranxia at tha station to ineet her tooking jraa ahdahiioaasheliat toxntpm latbiiittldainiaanthroipyftfi far as leo is cbheemedhaaskrwnnpon hunifattdla- l tinctly avoids jiac he la trying to he true wttfe att 5c taighclfjhgmdaynm1a7ieetae wouuyt uy on and dcs thobefr oan trying ta think a great deal pt joanhs end her perfections whe- ttfliihaagreerorjqohemeanatoend this as- fiornajshereurii and lettiw worid know of ibefcrelaaionnta ejeahothat i ha willnotaaj whlaaaart him- belij he wminmaly tel jhenleorill under- stantt they- wul ttrtrietly married and go any at tmee andjlittleleb wtu jrargetwabe is bach childand be happy witfc t happisr man- j i w i the tram stopay snda tan younglady ia a grey liensad atfmsllmsy grey hat alights is joatoflt irooking hrell am bright and almost handsome wi bhe tomlea arhhmoa out ber hand frankly atght of inuvbut ber manner is more that of a coohal friend thatf ocltha wmnan he if going to sawriratf ybi are cokmg be aays your loraj journey seeina to have given you added bloom joanna youarhaafixuanyjoae it must be a yellow rose then aays tcaone iangniiiaav aeu rariea nyaabloom 1 am sorry i compliment ton are looking tij not had a jummerr it but her glance ia keen and arrent of meaning in her tone htifinahee slightly and flicks the wheeler lightly with his whip t j it 1 believe but i wnrfajeaeent nowthatyod tip auhavemiasadyoujoanna something abapmridjygi backs rhave saaiy thank you hearinoilika sa js gtntrri that is a good rrieimatomisime howare tteyas7weuki r unite well jko doubt you have heerd the wpnabrftiewattouaawgeotreyt ftea i aatr lnm teaoyltwas npfc such wocderiul newvj idid not faw with surprise when iiheardit but of oauxse i am de lighted mow than delighted she vm have the noblest husband ta the worid and she is worthy of him youawsureyouleeinb jeeioos pang ftantr iaagsng- 1 ko one i ihill give my fair cousin my bleas- iag on her wabdingdsiywlth the soundest of hearts wltererkhe ii conoarned and your mo ther r he aayi shifting akfifully from what be feels fo be flangercus ground ton have brought her back safe and welfr i safe and well thank heaven almost as well in mind as intiodyne might haveieft years ago poordajlinft tftture had beenaoyoso to oka ber htankvl febl thatraywhola fife whlnot anf- ee to repay her for what she haa suffered and youaaowelieaooepte4 mo- in s mopuot es child aeeme4 to know me if such a thing fcomdbe toanble and come with me so gladly 6he oanhard beir me a moraent out of her alahj- irton xtiannfalr to jqot i aftnroawl hj dear rant rjtanbrto nights meanttoe she ia tththe pzniet- sor aad i xzlcsan i haw not cans to stay- 1 haw eomat bartaee erenrs gxata oa tai7nnortatbusineaaand vartot it lejlh jou innistseuollrslr- vi be iaattieaen4mnb their names in thia eon- joncmonl heporaipiiwwuteasheleanslh- mrttolooaisner the bank 01 id btanojiniei not tha impetaonal thing which ijettiioimitia to day ecceotricitiea of m player forced hia xts jatttfi the hanker aiisjjwri blaoo teplied that hei nen thegaihdletet door and began to nanibiijrgw into the tall what do yon mean sir r aik- ed the old mas toixsev- wbyiliean to hang jon uhioivmiljbp that buroaa andjuyjlw jtmo said the 6thar nucjnimaittnalattac was nothing to be done bntto the money if banc hid hs rgjerstitioos like hia pai tone anavrh iheffat itiin4acario playing pstehoe all 4vftiidg6 by the results how mart herlank mn fitasper- ingingemrny pncelaystfhsnselfat homlorj toe day hot and kims blanehadoino cutioto4he garden without a-auntrnhwjlalrilfikirlfiijjjht- a very ptetyoce whia petthiia and m bunc who hated piyiifg imay ajna3oma tried to winback thel tabre he wend take his chair vhioh one o theatrvanfshisttnid toartnil he put dorn jjuh- then lost i sfkr many losstooka3af staid at the f ableatili ihey oiomdrbj thatttinie x the umbrella bad cost 91flwfraner from vi reraoicm anecdote we jjauier that hi bkncvonld lure ne a tosilghli bad gambler a gd pamhliliaekshis good luck with butjv rod learecil jjayiog when be ia not mite tein- ixatf gambler has ho sluck when hejawihiun bitwka hi btafciek wuwdmporwlcfii7iti mv biau6hd 1 thxeqrjgs ojhei2ietauer do earn the worthy ancle of mr brty lyndon the vshaltnaxiojnm at the cud- table is 12 000 frabc- beyond whnaamn a plajer majri amiiicraaiebia uajisit the treat garaa that hmu spain- fo these limits whio make tbe fotfejeotibeiank for theyitop all martlngawa of doublipjtool nrtctwlovilagnmax ha asked m bjaoo to lemrinvfais thiaii- mam 0octfiiccv ftfiicbtnktr coarteqoaly iaaaeole laiwisito the rictarianaoarca borrowed aouts from the bank to tlvhitqcbtfck jiptaiit m blanif wenay believe jjejftipr- riere to whoaiwe owe mnchoji this bio- graphical infonjiation had a genius or ad ytrtuement in atonapi aiin many other tojrni aeauiftjai on goodtridaywhtch dfawa greavncowaa bat too ci6aei reminds thesfematoro the spring ftivai vfadanii in anclaot greece si blinc seiled the pioitniiji ns pla- cardtd kice with aidtertisemiiib in these termis k on cood friday the bank will iuly take half of ito usoal advantages a piwlikoiiiintecarlo p aosney fi i i arr nrf lifc- t r mtnwhocoinsttheertptraarbe in ways inpre oc jetjijkijjbowojjivibrtain oomtede kiodtrihiers has left a legendary fmp at wieahaden he fnniiii not a way of atoppingthe gaahy which the rooms were lighted hauiuihlictstani well in a mo- meat all was dark and the count was off with aa irofuicii banknotes an4 aamoch gold is the aomijor thejuamieonida csff ceil from thetreaaurehouaebf croesus j jpotdttipawihaci brerioualyttilated fit hight the fooma warftugble with witlij ponbd wateiv tfae whotaiaawed lnpntw-wanlibijiwii- steam itivar a ketueol not watorlor turoe honra then bake half an hour inthff tangeoven ft u teiy nice toaated the- second day i riataiidkeajxt fo tarn oak black so as ito cause it to rtseinble ebony l iwood ahoold be immersed for forty eight hours in ahot fatnrated solution of alnni and then brushed orerseraltime with a logwood decooliorij prepared as follows s boii ona part of btlogwood with ten part water filter hroggh linen and levaporate at a gentle heat- until the rohime i rcdoced one haf every qnatt of this add fmnrten to diteen drops of authratcd lolatioa of indigd complotoly nontrul aftet applying this dye rnbthe wood wt a aaparitea and filtered aontionof rardigria iniiot aincentrabtd- acetic ted uidrpeat theoperation unoi a black nt the- desired intanaityii obtained j i- ihnrirf vikioafctake iti iarga hand- al of lavender bloaxnnaand tha time quan tity of fane mint rue wormwood and rose mary chop and -mix- them well- pot them into a jar an ounce of cani phnrrthtt has biaeh diiablred in a little alco ieb shata in i srathhesren of b poor in threequartaof attong clear u s togfc m the hot aa and at mht plunge it into a bo l of heated sand afterward strain aid bottle tha kg ail pnttinginto esch bot- titi a omte of garlic ahoed to havbitery clear after it hasbeen lottw for a week jairahohldppnrii off csrefbiiy from the aedinunt and tfuter it through olbttiegps- per taeutasbihebp6tlrsahd ratnm the tinegar to them it should bo kept very tightly corked it is used for ibrinklihg about iu- tick- rodtna and also jn ttloaodamp opprcsalve weather i inhahng- itha odour fnim a small bottle will frcqaentiyprerent fsiatness in a crowd j rlt ia better to make itinjonr this vinegar is o called from an old tradition that daring the prevalence of the plagne in london the composition was invented by four ihieveswha found it a preservative trom oouugiori and wen by thatmeana ontblod to renuin in the city and eicrciao their profeatioa to great sd- vamtte9aitecmoat of the inharnninfi had jed v j c6frn- correrpoodeot aats for a re- omptior rhakinggb34 ooffee- ia axperi ence of folly 25 years housekeepmpj enables ia to furaiibthuwpljl bay a small ojiantityi twoppojia4 javaadd onehali ponndmocha four parts jaya and oae part mocha ih first gives flavparahdthejattei bodf lit should be gtodld jilt before uslnjjmaifcliy percola- tion ot ryteritg vi ajfreochbimih wipaf- hetpie4uhlepoonal ior eachnpiraon anil gent bandit chioged his rnttiod rbelmn- aged to dek uudar a divan is the jom auibtayedthare when all theoorapanyaod croupiera had4par3 ivjiialjrai darknesa aad ailenbe crc eut iirtited a dark ian tarn and uncoyoredthejrot ta ble- vithairflnraiaiigflnffetilht sued thewiteaoi all jhe rd ooaisaiibnenta so tut eoieajiajeo- ter tium rneit day he backed wiaiii and oanrallv jiith crweai baiariiisaioua croupieijhadiearked eiamioei- the roulette- wbeal vvjujont tlag wtwnk-bjrayeriedastijjiiljgwjai- rsnjemaut pi mp z wh m ibave hrohght her dowh with you to ve her even for a few davi be boiled bntk rnmqteor ao too much boiling dimi cashes the strength of the wafer pour th water upon the cuffee in quantity a moeh u it cocetisiy or the nnmber of cops requirei if is well to hav the oof- fee- pot vanned before mskingaod allowed totandofl he raiiaer where itwill be kept ami utct to boilvisavd- the milk wanned- not boiled and the coileo served as heaif j is pomiblesfterlmakiog now with reflrence to the coffeepot vt ijie sometimes found iven with ttie mat acr pnloaa cirethat tiatinco84epotwoid bacome oiocjid whibbrjjtbtiaiji oolhnit- fol would impart a d ad meullio cloorto tteicaffee wherejsstahuld always be of a rich dark amber j colonr peri ectl y clear thia is now obviated bynaihg one of the new agatized jrort ones the particnlars abve given iare allilinpleitillthayareta- aentialandneiriy any faiook may ob- aerve themlibd do d ubt will when the ohcennda that by so doing the may hire a good cop of coffee- after a busy and fa- tiguuig dayof bnahresr pranded off with a good dinner foppeloff with a cup of coffee made u abotaddetita mellowing infln eoces a man may withimpnnily ba aiktd by hia wife fora camerahairahawl or by his daughter for a aeaukin acqoe and if hii irarse ia deep enough they will almost cert eut y hare their rtqaejls- many friends at ray j table have said how do you malujuch aeuffoittandjow luiminrai i peipi wjaay tnaitliey uen me daffyy t ajt he ilisd ualaea y imiflinaj itwlinte hafavooiitahuok 8comdri hhvijiave abtthe eiveifprthaseiaioj tqeaaares watch the tables and awefpv up tb stray money of thenobbastvaat j rthiahajfeijed tons to dottmtansmateur tioa remvying oar aukefo aoflietelpr j wief tha ama teur proved- nrscorwfalqnojihe acounarets hit jipoo a really happv thought a player hadjea largeaum oigowo rd when it wajdwbled and- doahied- again tw ionia roiled ijdetmjtedby the owner to roftdoflapacetteiasiaar wber8theyprosporedadlevajsej4lauis a thief yrho was ippking knwyujjand thbheidcr9idiajrra alepawar icj it- and of tbejatenhoiisef tbrohbarjalitbe litter succeeded 8jiing so owner of ths fnony id v8rjwill yji if o mo a fnyoael jihav loni on the kvirij j t dare nottaju them np jtoijny fa- tberiulaw has jast ajieted the roooand t hivss promi4 himtbat lwjij anvrjjjiy iheotherjbofed pfitijycnketilntjini spiecea of gold atjd ikisfrajierwitdpre- sepiedthem o the inwpua guardian at or phan moneta i it xnxk at marian dnd chose a seat in the crotohdf atltree aisiiyfoei lrni tha gronndaa 4 plico to mrhif liiucide by thooting vj v- a litebroor magistrata lately gsvo a pickpveket a light sentence for ateaicag lady pockethandkerchief and mnudert- ed opon the stupid faahioh of sroaring pookate behind to tsmpt thieves u njlius got anigr n a diieoiajrjti -af- qooperstowpmll and shot atbii opponent bht missed him and killed bystahaer akbgmbredeliberate ajmxhobisd a itcbna uhie sod another spectator fell dead- fhre is a twrfaot r- for fnr parif ladiea amffear oreaaea il tganti4jnen capvandtnniniuiga for coati andmoceoy er tbo latter ve trying to briagiu afaahjon of a handled years ago and cany muffj when siauog or iralkbg qooe jopoa a fime a small muff waa reoognixid t- part of t military uniform v tams wit day of excitetaent id the hotter farniry at bofttlo piter matter was a dronken scamp and early invthe raonring he whipped biswifa 8oon aiter- waxd she and his son drove hia assay from the house he retnmodj st ooonsend 560 mr setter in tie anni hoireat to bed where sheliy until the middle of thaafter vj ivll pne for tseoopeerppt the water ahonld noon when ia hot her again causing a dangerooa wound in tha- neckl then he shot himself in the head a hour laser he fired another bullet into hisi rhaad and jumped into a cistern stilt neither ia dbal i tffl colbaail lion of belfort dcslgoel by m bartboldi as a ayrntol of tim ebnragaou s resistance made at b kortat the im when paris was belief d haa kt last been elievrd of alt the tcxowiogs ahi boarfiogi that safe bithettohiddenthnjmview it now stands out with very- fine effect against the front of th roa on which the jtrebeao or fortrraajhif ovrrlopkafietowijtavtrat it u hewn qo tof jmmense block ft atone of reddish eolonr jwtfproauesi aa-overjower- iog impraroh of gigantic size and strength star ly eight years have beets jpeathiits execution eauaicipakik the grandfather of the famous author o the darwinian theory waa physician of note in tha lasavnturv and smoag the country- folk- had tie reputation pi being a sort ef magiciip aajf oaniisnwnoe to himaelf hi had what waa rare hose dayai spfskiog4obe lbifig hia itudy and cpenipg back of tbtchesvfirb- plim acyrmtry hs alttter ahdratwaitoglorattmiiras idijfire whichiod become vary tanqahly 113 a a aja- m tha depths dlfa 1 ooak iliaaol jom the house m mprw tero 1

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