Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1880, p. 7

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jest sskujul jhi p 5v est r r ii hi- nrwrhyliwf-ri- 7f 5q r a 1t yy i hi r strcbhmng of pter folksoxa bsaow sdtan wffr dfrfred to jaw iwti list e may irot- at itash bt luke ixli sl tnsttosoospelweeiwtem howfeterlnthedeyiotold p wuiifted i tad now ttapuei intervene sin tatiiessnebjle time end scene aufted j i tutin desires is jreetand small lj eirtioteei5tn4ejl i c are tempted 7 x6tonebowbrff dehor great is byhlsststtenor estate eampmd p k6horijao safely guards i r but he by some demos of his gsoiebrtfir kohflsrt hath amor so complete bathe at pierce with arrows sect its centre for aa at last the cock wol crow j yfho hear the warning voice but go unheeding tfllthiloe and more they have denied thomanofsoranrscruc5l andhleedih- one look of that pale enffermg face wfllmalaiuioolthedoesdlagraco t otweliaess ve h4h be dttedtfll the strength 01 setfoonoelt be changed at length to meekness vtcrcodsof the soul thougi healed vrfll ache the reddening cara irmsf and mafrt oonlosaton lost innocence returns no more 5 wa are not what we were before traasgreaiion but noble souls through dust and heat ilnefrohi disaster and defeat the stronger iandconsclous still ot the divtne iwlthin them lie oa earth supine ko longer ktv iiosoteliot infioiywf jf ajarf m light pitedr iy v 811anc there 5s a silence trherehathbeen no sound there iiasilence there no sound may be la the cold grave onder ths deep deep sea s or inidde desert vhere no life is found which hath teen mute and stffl must sleep profound ko toloe is hushed nolife tzeads silentlr clouds and cloudy shadorrs wander free that neterspokecrer the idle ground but in green ruins la the desolate walls of antique palaces where van hath been though the dun foi or wild hyena calli and owls that flit continually between bhriekta the echo and the low winds moan there fl true silence is selfconscious and alone- l a it is not death that some time in sigh this eloquent breath shall take its speechless flight that some time tuaie bright stars that now re- r ply in euunnifi to the sun and set in night that this warm conscious flesh snail perish quite and adifas ruddy springs forgeto flov thfit thoughts shall cease and the immortal v sprite 1 belappedinalieacuyaadlaidbelow- it is not death to know this but to know thatptous thoughib which visit at new graves lhtmojpigrimsee r so duly and so dtt and vnen grass waves overthe pasteway there may be then ko resurrection in the minds of meh toraeoad j soma shatpargi boir people oje ticttrnizad logenility mlsappued carioualtlesof crime hotdfceept it would appear rival jwellersmtb affeotioas of the ahirper hire is twindws bay of guying tke reot- mine boat two gentlemsny looking men apparebtiy of eabstantisi tneaos but tvhonneatity depended for a livehoodoa their fauddeni ingenuity af- ter having spent avreek at a small country hotel where they lived upon tfaa best of eyerytbing at li determined to msie move ana witching tneiropportanity ia- titedtfleirunbuipectinghostto sssistinthe eonatnnptionoe etbptue ofbiaotiiwine to invrtation wbiob wg readily accepted after a buitabte prologie one of the guests erpreesed bia willingnesatobet the land- wdfi that thelat bould not v- stand before the clocm perfect hlendefor i1iak an hour moving bia weight from one fegto theotherand winking at every tiet the pendulum delighted at the pros- pect of ioi a speedy addition to his capi- c boat immediately closed with- thedfferandfentboaiistically commenced bis undertaking during the performance of biehit is scarcely necessary to add the swindleri oontrtved to let out in quest of a kewfieu fortheir operationa the land- suit and battery and vowed he would bring bis action lor blinder i well the land lords solicitor considered fail client wu getting cheaply out of the scrape by paying down fifty pounds u i toidtfiim for the wounded feelings and the wet clothes of swindler number two 1 i a awellmobsmin once made a wager with a gentleman that the latter oould not ci a tenpound note from thtilnstaf both were staying to a puoeindiosd a apdfied route the bet wjilic and the gentleman with igrimnil- r ing the note within the liriingjpt fflliatii the presence of the swindler started toab- oomplish his object he had nearly arrived at his deitinitiou when passing a place en cumbered witn brick timber and other j3aimfl maiflrif wi bis ttlnntiflti ed by a little boy earcning amongst the impediments and crying pitiously the gentleman approached and desired to know the cause of bis grief the boy had lost a tenpound note which had been given him to get changed and be wu afraid his father would kill him by thiitime a crowd st- tracted by the roars of tie unlucky lad bad assembled snd the builders materials were being thoroughly overhacled a con federate among the crowd managed while engaged in the search to knock off the bat which contained the coveted note its owner naturally stooped to pick it np and replaced it on bis bead instantly the con federate collared him give itup1 give it up 1 he cried give np what demand ed the gentleman endeavouring tctset him self free while the crowd leaving off the search began to throngaxoundthe sharpers victim givfe theboy bia money his ten- pound note you thief i shouted the swm- dler the gentleman anijrily iprotested but the awellmobaman cut him short by ex claiming hes got it men i saw him put it m the lining of bis bat the bat was instantly etarhined and conclusiya proof obtained for why should any nun be found carrying his money in bis hat t and despite the smuggles of the real owner the note was handed over to the boy confeder ate who immediately made off with it while had it not been for the arrival of the constable the victim of the aonspiricy would nave fared badly at the hands of the infuriated crowd the kind- of swindle which has for its preliminary stsge an invitation to young men to inspect an apparently valuable pipe or article of jewellery alleged to have been found by the vender is very frequently practised in the streets of large towns pr- ticulacly the eoglisb metropolis- and no doubt proves very profitable and realises many times the realvlue of the articlei the questionable morality 6f sucb a pur chase most however materially detract front our sympathy with the deluded what conjunctions trouble the conscience of the swindler as he spreads the net for bis unwary victims may be gaered from the sentiments said tohave been recorded in ih6 notebook of one prominently before the public a few yesrs-ajjo- same mea have plsntyof brains and no mopey some men navef plenty- of ener 6a brains surely men with plenty of money and no brains were made for men with plenty of brains and no moaey unfortunately t for his personal comfort however the law wai at variance witbihis philosophy and he was found worthy of a prolonged term of imprisonment wnicb is being accorded to bint at the present time quite recently a piragrapb went the round o the paperswnicbi feme revealed a fraud accompanied by no ordinary impu- dance mrs gladstone the wife o the -ex- premier acknowledged by advertisement the receipt of a tenpound note from an an- ouymous donsr among the subscriptionk to a charitable institution in which the lady tikes an interest some days afterwards she received an epistle requesting the return of the note as the writer- on resection considered he could not consistentry give the doation he nota graeingiwitb mr igiail stones politics t enoteacoordingtothe paragraph wis focwarded tothe address given but it was subseqfaentlf discovered that the individual whose conscience was so very tender respecting political matters had evinced no scruple in cancelling to bis own profit the subscription ci a mare honest maa apropos of certain extensive forgeries of tenpound notes in dublin by which so many respectable merchants were defrauded thefbllnwmg ingenious mode of getting rid of a forged note may not be uninteresting a few years ago on the afternoon of a certain day whilst s welldressed man was itf king into a jewellers plateglass window lrrcqllege green dibensnd leaning balf on the glass half on tie atone pilkr he re- about sous notable men da duhoojajjienojtork w ul for tome tnsefe wu l o baron feverlnalsj wisbom in 1 ju si wu ordained in 1838 thi crown piinoe oi ed to accompan nrtwritat caasii- w nt m -jwjjgctgy- -i- 4 eeuaious gossip is bis spare hours from bis present heavy duties lord ilytton has been flirting f it t and they wooldiare but sillsr spurs on water stoups sawlnevernane i was rather lively last week and yon wfftt not generous but judicious and jnsb in pattuffphsappitwste uuiagj li m scarcery dossutacb be anrthngeiae in tms 4d ttaj all the plessanf df of king street and the tiesiietiinh3binkthit i those wnoare tronbled with tne bines would just take a stand np beside me fori day or even for a few noun they would go down cnredjthankful and fully resolved to appear in the shape of several poems hither to ontranslated of the sweet lingers of persia hafis sndferdaohand 1 metrical version of the famous prayer composed by haroun si easciid among other curiosi ties the coming volume will contain wiu be a literal rendering back into eoglish of uoores inlla eookb and irish melo dies torn the translatibn into periiin of whicalordljittonis a mailer sm atyr krdxr gixxbiios who bis just succeeded to a baronetcy in england is a siior clerk- iu one of the branches of the ndbu aadcbunitybank the- oriental bank has at its- branch in hong kong sir williun johnson theninthmiuoceislon to a bstonetcy created ufarbick the bait ov england obnats imongits clerks in tbreadneedle ifcteet sir augustus leeds birthe deicendant p an ancient canlbridgeshire family sirhenry page dick descended from a trusted servitor of charles i is clfc in the brighton bank c9t35tv0s- moltiz replying to ialetter from a sixon artisan who jbad requested him to use his influence with the emperor william witha to arednctioh in the german army nitesr who does- not share the earnest desire to see these heavy military burden reueved which germany is oanpellbil to bear v and adds tbit a nippier condition of ifjairs cannot be at- tainod until nations have arrived at the conviotion that j every war etenthoogh victorious is a national misfortune even the power of the emperor is inadequate to bring about tjjia conviction ths foreign journals detoribe at length a ball recently given at vienna at which all the members ci the house of bapsburg were present the emperor wore the uniform of a field uarshalljand the collar otbe golden fleece with the stars and badges of the or ders of leopold od one snmired the besutyoe the empress who was cbiriningly dressed in mauve satin the train of the robe being of great length aad richly einbrbidered in gold a bd silver the peculiarity of bcr irijesty cofiut was that she were bee hair floating aver fair shenlders and only compressed 6a the upper part of the head by a diadem o emeralds and diamonds strauss wonderful string bind played a march of his own composition ss tbetr majesties entered lord wu soon found at bis novel taafc and ereatedno sniall surprise smoag the mem ceivftl from sn eviwesigned passerby a e lrstctass altera- bd and stock ictcn lbvi c misirf lev goode1 ediutso ed attbe le to ibow pa cbirgeol juelphv kosl colds and generxldj- lauojui t ih most isai usjlfra- t qsjcspduas -sand- nepwitarocpoan perbouic bers his household as speechlessly sdiernated from leg to leg iavsia they spoke to him- in vain they told him that customers were awaiting the pleasure o an interview be metioned to them to keep away the sfiuck at them and as theyper- served intheir efforts to dislodge him be grinned at them in powerless desperation silent anathemas flowed 60m his iwmking eyes the news spread the neignloutapoured in sud- denlt gone mad t whit a pity for his poor ebildrenl but the time was up the self- imposed task was ended and theinnkeeper ceased from iis labonrs to find his wager a myth hfs cashbox goae and himself the uublngji bethevillige perhaps it was tbe same sharpers who when desirlons of cbanging tneirabode 1 vsammoneufbewaiteranacraftily indaced i bini tojoia ia blindimanstbuff eacb being blmafdlded in turn the waiters turn to be the blind man came when if be caught i ehfietof bis two playmates he was to re- oeive aiguinesiand a bottle of champagne i hbcraptaboathfrefiarchedtheoornera i tbey wetwctifiy aiders hat he woiim find them hegroped under the table he tried 1 the chimneynad every place which could aflbrdconceabnentto a rat and at length i jerked the bandage from bis eyes found the room deserted and rushed downstaira to discover tnit henad been dnped and bis employer swindled i this remindsns o a story ot two fellows whose money was almost entirely expended mdwlio determined that a lotel- 1 ikeepexsbbuld replenishing 1 fiieu purses amrdingiyjone of them i giving up what nioney hehad to the other entered tie premises of the selected yictirai while his confederste kept out of sight the visitor inquired for the landlord to whom he propqundedtbe query can you give me a good dinner f 0 course the reaotttses of the establishment weresqual to such a dsmand and in a f ev minutestbe f good diniserwaa served and dnly discuss- i eel then came the question hi psyment i bat the guest had no money- and pointed out to his host that bad tie- possessed the needful he should have ordered what he i had consumed in the usual manner that he simply soagbt informatioa f concerning the ciutyo the house snd the inclination o its owner to supply bim with a good din- oer and was much obliged for the same a policeman was called in bat his decision leaned towards the impecunious diner it might be considered a debt but the crimin- si law oossld do nothing the guest dei parted the landlord ground his teeth not long after this number two arrived with the query caa you give me a good dinners a smile of terrible meaning crossed the landlords face tesyes f ireplied take a seat he hastened out and returned with a bucket of water which with his own hands be dashed over the ap- pliqant for a good dinner who thereupon jumped to his feet sad demanded an explan ation of such extraordinary treatment ha ha 1 laughed the incensed boniface as he glared about for something wherewith to chastise the object of his wrath he hal rou fellows cant fool me- twice in the same way the visitor appeared astounded the irate landlord appeared anxious to kick the visitor out a violent scene occurred the wouldbe guest wu denominated a windier and a- robber the officer of the law was again summoned each made diaxges agarnrt the other- the infuriated hbrfoadedmbb solicitor the visitor de- clared thai he wu perfectly able and will ing to payforwha he reqnired exhibited hismeney threatenei proceedings form- tremendoaspush which- sent his shoulder through the glass but without injuring him in the least the proprietor with some of his assistants rushed out seized the unfor tunate man pulled him intqthe shop and insisted that he should pay the damage done which was estimated at nine pounds odds the man protested said it was no fault of his that he had been knocked through the window against bis will and pay he would not under any oircumstanoea a policeman was called in who seemed a little doubtful as to whether he ought to take the ofreader-inchargehutthapro- priefor would hear of no compramiseibe- tween paying andbelngremovsdto prison the pohceman therefore informed the of- fender that he must accompany ttim to the policeofnoe where aninquiry would be made into the of the break age the man still protested strongly add pointblank refused to gay i he said that he haidecasionti leave py the moil-steam- er to holyhead- for london in the evening and viwed that i they attempted to keep him it would ooat them fen tunesthe sum demanded and characterized their action as moasteruus and unjust bat the propne tor would take no denial j i so r seeing no other course 9pen ths nun agreed to pay the pounds odds under protest hut threataed a speedy vengeance for their inso lence hetenderaiannndredpoundnotav and received fascbanke bfninety poudds some ishillingi and took hisdeparture ragnglike a madmaa atthe unfair treat ment he had- been subjeotedtotbe hundredpound note was afterwardsi found to be a forged one and i the clever scoiind- rel had moceedediin getaag over iinety poundrfocithy sh- mgenioustrick worty of better cause -t- w oddpspnlar snpersfitfoiii l white specks ou the nae are luck this tuperstition is iajnsny the msrquisjf salisbury has written in aleadin editorial in the london aoieia crushing- attack on lord derbyscareer as foreign icnijter which is examined with an accuracy of observation and knowledge b the s ilieut points which betray an interest and study iltogethcr biyoud the journalist though lord siusbury was an able writer oiithe bumdajf sauw before taking affice lord derbys reply is looked for with great curiosity for though he is of the order p sleekheadedtmen and men that sleep of nights he is ichoterie vid combative and no- more utely to ieart the last word to liis noble telstivej whom he bates thin dtat qwchjrvouldleaveitwith ancient bmov since it has oozed out that- the foreign secretary wieids an iiusubodized pen on the tiikj that journal nu greatly increased in popolarity taiprinee o wales is retrenching his expenditnrey vrhichhss beenoutdoirnone half in each of his residences the time has come however when the assistance of the prineebisbecomeinecessary- notin these- rioua flbmaiatxatiba f the government but in the entertainment of those who govern the queen his bpnossd this ss- sumptiop fori the last three yesii but at length consents to deposit in hi 1 bands if not the globe jeadsasptre et sll events the visitinffhst andlord chimberlsias book theresponsfbility is nit of mere evening recertfomaudgarden parties but involves the more seriousbaraesrofbsnquetiagssni royal toasts and the prince- who has been compelledto reduoe his expenditure through heavy debts contracted in this very task requires a suppteraenttb hisincome al though it is known that in addition to her immense income she has laid aside 9000- 000 andconld easily aftbrd this her faithful commons are to ho asked t j vote it two reasons at least for coming to such a uge resolution in the first fuce asoor parson would ssy they would see to many glad faces that for very shames sake they teuld not help brightening np under the genisl influences 4m would steisomanata onei and with snui terribly good reasons for being so that in the prosenbe- of siieb sorrows they would actually be disgumtd- with thimselvw for yen imagining that they were rathtr sorely treated or hadany reason for feeling other wise tbap both glad and grateful ah its a nice place the steeple for clearing the vision and making folks see themselves snd others uwell in abne true light away from the smoke and tho dust ofthe ttiest aiwell u from the biliousness snd bodily aonjeatt which sometimes tempt folks that aeiuhy comfortabls to grpwl and crumble as if jthey were the most heavily burdened and the mist severely illused persons in all creation if 1 1 had some snarling old codger up beside me at this moment with his glum face his rebellious stomsuhhiswellnfled purse and his unimpeachable broad cloth one of those men- who are- always frying and frettinz about some thing and in the midst ii all their icomfortssre saying wlihrthet old heathen humbug most of ui have heard about all this avafleth me nothmg so long as tfordecsi sittetb at the kings gate wouldnt i give him a talkingtyoiibet i wcuidi the dreary- old fool who does not know his owainerciea and has citenscd drunken away bis stomach to such au extent that he has to spesd as much dadoetors and drugs bitters and bilts fpills sad psds as would keep half a doien o poor families com- fortibe sll the winter and if si spent would mike himself fir more comfort ible snd far more selfforgetful you old idiot i should say to hiin if i had him fairly to myself np in my own belfry how can yen be but miserable havent you year in snd year out for nobody knows haw long eaten as much as would have kept at least two men in food and half a dczn in drink breakfast lunch dincer tes supper and nobody knows what- else why god for- give youhawcaa you be anything bht mis- erabnl dj you think your stomach is to be treated lice an overloaded and over driven donkey and nevr strike out buce in rebellioaaad protest v if yott doyore a greater fool than i took you for why man alivi look at ill these half stsrved folks and be ashamed of yourself turn over a new leaf give all your fine food to thepoor and kve oh porridge or bread and wjter threv times a day cast pjiysio to the dos and the brandy bottle elonjr with it not- forgetting thewhiskey the chsm- pagne and muob else that you have wor shiped u the very elixir oflile youuke to have a good tane of course you do and theres the end of it with all yonr sour faces yourvlujubrioat- cbmplainiiigs and your horrible confidences with the doctors who can scarcely help laughiogin your face 1 daresay nothing would have pleased you better than to have been on that trip with the governor the two dootors the senator of the college of justice and the general lookerafter of the lenities etc ko doubt the hst of all the good things these frllows look with them on that months spree nude your mouth water snd led you to wishes which had a frightful resemblance to prayi era if not to curies whiskey brandy baccy ifcri it wu altogether too tsnfsffing fo you not tohave been tberuw tbiytmtghrnave taken you hid it been for nothing bat to siy grace for it does not seem to me thac there was the ebost of a chsphin- in the whole jolly and somewhat thirsty crowd test you might have wrought for your passage meals end and drinks by merely saying with- the brothers cheeryble at the right momenta for what we are about to receive fcc to be sure it was an awful pity andyda would have enjoyed it 1 do 5 on think so if you hid done so it would as i have the best reasons for knowing have been more thin some of those actually engaged did ilau abve i yot unadulterated sin- entlish 38000 whom are laymen 11 number of clergy in the episoopi oh of ireland is decreasing greatly tabliibment there were 2 j30 po re are but 1679 a sfiariek of 1sf a xnucryious sppsswtboif thvlvii mary is reported tna chapel in ilrelsni adreds gather at nr wihtjax unairthly hjglrtm one offfie windows fig ures snd the like and pieces of the plaster o the church are earned away for their mimculous properties tskmirjrsrraentm ani conflict between himself and the jesuits io england and says that the bishopshave only asked for instructions from the pope- to supplement the constitution given by bene dict xiv in 1753 the great change in the position of english catholics since that time havmg given rise to a number of duties that could not have been foreseen in lilt docu ment and which fall upon the regular clergy engaged in thecare of souls eseu arhpon the aeedlar clergy thz japanese 8un4sysohools diupprove of the fictitious tales wiih which oar library boeks for young people are loaded they vfant tree stoses or none a number of aiperican and british sandaykhol library books have been translated into japanese bat the youthful japs refuse to give heed to these which contain fabulous narrations 1 the story books which are announced as foundtdou faci are considered auite as bad as the fittest rominces dry bu- graphs snd uni ileresting memoirs which the american 1 hild long ajo laid aside as b res delight t le jtpinese mind beoause of their rest or supposed historical accuracy telchuroh of eoglaod sundayschool lo st jnte- has mafleamngemenfa for the cen tenary o efnudjiyschools the programme comprises simtltaneous services and meet ings to be held during the centenary week from juiie 27 to july i throughout the united eingdc m snd the colonies special services will bi held ia westminster abbey sad st peulsjcathedrei there wol be a covereaee at timbeth palic- where alsoa gathering of children will take place tax american hew testament revisers represent seven denominations ci folows dr t d wchlsey cobgrepational new haven chsirmsnj prol jh thiyer congregational andover mis prof ezra abbot unitarian cambridge uiss dr j kbarri methodist j kew jersey j dr tuomix chise friend pennsylvania drthoward crosby presbyterisn yorkj prof emothj thx only variation lie quality which will ever be found iu myrtle navy tobacco is in thedegree of moisture which it contains tbbacco is a very ready absorbent of mois ture and in unusual states of the weather it may become a little too moist or a little too to suit the tastes of some this is a however u the essential qgity uthe fcbaccco 11 not changed its i ustbf is ottle slower cr s lhtle faster according to the degree of moistuie that ia ajl taeturser the plus the greater the moiatureaod many prefer the duk id h caddyv however the preference fir either canbe met i d jfpepna and urer complaint is the direct cau oi sereathlte per hut of inch maladies u bllious- nu indiawloe bick headaebe ccetlreneu nor ji p a j tieut and other cuitreuiai trmptomt t lspepujlor oeniumpttte thers is no reme ij so u victoria hrpopbosphltes for sale by sll dealers it takes a whole legsafnre to ibaige a mans name a worn in can change hers by the act of a single man jb5rts5 gt4l49g toroszo snub manufacturer jfsjaim jruitas ju fitwis sktrjmrne it barrister attorney cfiff wattms0 litlaidc sut i file llanufaoturer if 3a riaa tkai gmtast 15 smrtmme i paraiture- eoaain house ptuce raid nl caniito- jfdrt h f mi pnr pirroee uoulowas rauseichhoh0 kottoes mirror etc deilrsioad jr wnolt- aelit b 1 uxttstytjc buoa lvmuxt- 20 lamfrftusbid chromo ciftlintwinwiu motto wth tum 141 kmisitf owdca ku n first- cxiiss impkovki turns lotwla tt tailiocotlttitffrfart a illiaflikiog ch1cuti 50000 io louu t percent h t hilu dtluiulieriflg peminebtl cared tve 0 circqun mi tdtunoniftu tuldrtn 1 atakkeecraik3tra updop orbnn ajnutitoia 13 ajdeuidt rtrwttui rwoto sheep marks ggssa por list oe vaiiublb 1110- x pertly u i coan joioiord oot flatstcoun- l domirtoy appljg johy bk1rd woodslodc mm- bate lv buver and uickleplat- us in curlage or other korlv kalyei rprlo sbpttfd to ordss esjevtaw 159 1 i lit lieetwarimov i w mttlillolumpcvoo a sljts and- at adsltldebi ga irronlo hurrah for manitoba i the first eirarsiontrainforif anitoba j a- wttcgribf oh weasday 3rfl march 1880 for paitieolan apply encloeloj s oept itamp u b- wi rjr i t ti e hak1toba usd offiqe 84 king st- east tororsto m lyon alexander lkpoatebs and ulsvl aotub r 1 of photographic goods mouldings prames phromosvwottoesi picture eftatts c l28bay street torokto r puast sou rts musraatid fatsmcae the london wirld wingof dukes and their doings eays- that the present duke of wleleigtou if ftmiiiar to all the omnibus drivers iu eondonv who take a plea sure and pride in pointing him cut and bare alwavi i some anecdote about mm to relate bis qraceis also a haceusi in his way and fond afsskmgpopularjtsratstor to lunch in the house of lords onhbrse- baokesnd on board hisyacht she- duke of butland is an imposing presence the duke of manchester madeans3ellentand ener- fatio president of the collegiate institute atisslmost a nonentity in the politicsl system of the couiitryi tbeduke of nor folks religions creed necessairlly cuts him oft in a greit degree mm the publie life in england but though his prsence is insigr nificsnfrbs snfecedenfs and possessions constitute huna gret noble rand the bo- man citholiocfarrobinthe united eing- 3om5mi2niyorgimiatibnforadvertisjng his l doies of weatmimster bedford and- portland it rqay besaidtba- ln the minds of the mil lion tbeyae chiefiy identified with un limited territorial ownership and with the leases oflindon ipuseiwnich are peroeta ally filing in at meonyenient times to been pantiv tlbe iiiiat devonshire is knosm as the father of lord hartiogten and is associated wjth chatsirorth thedake o kortbumbehiudtiotd brivy seal though he be is generally regardedas a myth since northumberland hotisftanditslibndiiap- peered j whilei we knowledethat ssrry qeorge bowiettisduke of qevelandis perhaps chiefly copsnp tothosewhiihsve carried away a grateful recollection of the hospitalities of eaby- i -i- j and iourueys togb 2 the cro of aben indicates some approaching disaster this is alliedto the scotch proverb tthist- ling lasses and crowing ihens areio canny 3 whoever findsa f6urleafed trefoil shamrock ehould wear it for good luck there is an arab superstition that eve brought a fbnrleafed uamrock from para dise t wis composed of coppervsflver gold and rbamond but broke and disapr peered at her first step outside the gate great happinesa would attend bim who foundthe scattered leaves 4 fwboever sneezes at ail early hour either hears same news or receives somepresent the same day i have always heard in reference to sneez ing once l wsb twice a kiss three times apreseni 5 buttoningthecoatawry or drawing ona stocking inside outwiil cause matters to go wrong during the day on the contrary my english nurse told me that putting clothes on inside out was extremely lucky but that the luck changed if you did it on purpose i ei szirrxkzst it is said thit a girl who can shed three or four fears at critical moment and follow them op with a quiver ing sign can marryi all around a good- looking blonde who does nothing but try to mush the- episcopal society for promoting christianity among the jews has missions in eighteen dioceses it is said one hundred and thirty jews sxe ministers in the church of england j i trveluns oai uty roctqaiatts a very remarkblerafrhivjust arrived in this city according to col hooker of the iron mountain depot day before yester- daywhena passenger train from over the chicago and alton road ran into the union depot st lonis a urge cat jumped from a car and boarded the iron mountain train wheuthetrainstoppedvat walnuteidge for supper the catgot oft and went into the diningroom with the passengers after supper the proprietor o the hote attempted to detain the cat but he he was that kind of a catrilawed and spit until he was liber ated when he boarded the train when the train reached this city he got off and went into qleasona hotel and commonplaced ly took his place aa though he bad reached bis destination i f it has been calculated that the annual number o deaths throughout the world u 85693850 or thatin other words 97790 persona die each day on the qther hand tte balanoe of pjpulation is more than kept upby the births at the rate of 104 per day seventy new lives are ushered mj every mm- uteof the24bonrs j worbyitetatds rathers than forwards work itthmmdbefc the work u begun is makes one fmtfnl fonri the temper aid disturbs the peace of the honse holi one who worries lsjs care thfete aie certain evils whi esmnot be overcome we b4 of themand not add the burden of worry why pid 1 there were ouarrels manifold in that gay gubernatorial party- and believe me nsd you been there you would hate occasionally sulked snd quarrelled like the rest how oould men do otherwise than quarrel now tnd thea with so mucb uijuor and so many cork screws the thing was impossiba itwould not have surprised me a bit if there had been two or three duels ss the result of tbit great big ftniemit had the days of duels noteo far disappeared ob and what rending headaches they must have had i vtte i tseyb taikft two il good illco- pathio doctors with tbemi none of your poor homceopathie mike believes but real good honest ortbodoxbolosmakers who give their patients a good drench and shake up their merry thoughts with a gregorys pooderof the first desjeo otlixatite ability i aye but you old atrabuious heathen bow dare you envy and grieve at thegood of your neighbours gourmands when you know that to day there are no more foolish looking citiseus tnin those ssma jolly fellows who went forth on that most delicious tare without the proper fear of either ifowat orthe jw before sheir eyes youdare to grumble when yon might have iookfidas ridicurous as gamou did wbenj witbths air of magnificent absurdity he knows so well how to sssum he exclaimed i was told to jpsketheirj somfort5bie ididi why i declare tnive been talking s- long in imsginition to that grumbling old fool that stands squarely up totive fall meals a day withau the necessary drinksj tips iiid to base a headache or a horror tblt i bad forgotten where i was or what i wu abojit and biilnearly got invblvedmjenivhileatr gdnnebttua jfaynoiwsr-oe- something equally bad j thank heaven the spell was broke justin time so that glacbneyertvill have no ob either in apprebenduig the edit ol thi nkw dcansios or laymp the cath- duixiciocx under the ban itwasavwy near ibave thougb i must aoknowledjiej y dwight coi tlonvl new haven dr a c kendrick bptist rochester n yr ishrp dee bjuscpil dels war i tf m b kiddle episcopal hartford dr p schaff prei- feterian new- york dft charles short episcopal new york dr ea- wash- barnepiseopjl new york i till ftev j griffith in anglican minis ber of wales has been using severe un guige towardithe church- u says sourisbes in the churches but bricks and mortar the architects and builders and decorators make a good thing of church money bui thepepples souls aie wander ing away from god farther and further svery day jtbe great work of spiritualis nig thr in is left to poor helpless young wo- lie r referring to the women of the siivs ion army jgod knows they do their best and i pray god toblesi them their inten tion is good and it ought to overwhelm with shame snd confusion of face thegrest spirituil aimjr of the great church of ng land who receive all the spiritual pay i the archbishopa the bishops the arch deacons the jcsnons the hectors the vi cars the curates 20000 strong counting heads yet a few young women going itbout singing andsbouting seem to have a treiterholdnpih the masses of people that we hive ir tie seusandtlie social sydney smith asserts that there la nothing which an englishman enjoys more thin the pleasure of aulkinesstof not being jforced to hear s word from anybody wbion may occuion to him the necessity of reply- lsg he also pleasantly remarks god bis given ui wit and flivorind brightness and laugbtei and perfumes to enliven lie dav s of tnan pilgrimage aqd to oharm bis pained stepsj over the baniingmartev and the great tshiyist addison wisely insists that there is no real life but cheerful life steel said i am persuaded tint every time a man smiles but much more so when he laughs it adds something to thisfrag ment of life he has another piquaot remark wbero he refers to i sociality gpnvenation never sits easier upon us than when we now end- then discharge our selves in a symphony of laaghter which may not improperly be called the cborus of oonversation a firstclass property for ttle in 0 n toim ot thillratsssk oil roa t g it b ruir a tpttjndid nu for houlir itoe apply uiqhrrrekdatdilfcipu coorer- ook tialeoheip to j cose tx es svujots ss in tmrd conceuion ind 2sa tht foartb canaidm ifeunrthon tvj grey iwcfmeoodiadtimberedliillrth tubjfer clkksqffttcowffoot ttrqet wtf tjrono devonshire cattle- food best ik dbs john tambil hmnt toronto artificial llmusehuwa iairttiamxkiiii chcp tint priif it pruvinci kxhibltlon ton dob twunidnuij oa tppllcatlon- 6uislutioqsuir- nfd mdretir j jooas a spy praytoa otu i canada pebmakeht lpan 8avikgs cot pidafcu toul w jtw tucsmpidjlotqirkmeyijitllittxti i qatvk- 6n tno itxyotmblt ieraoy loaks hay sjfl beaid irt onthdsinaddf und ytin vblch u tb stvt plin ever dtulied or the ndenptlon of dftbl or iadby oi4 arjaaf iuuiqubu u may b gted on i lied mi modente nue o intemt mos for iqiormwou svplyu vie cotspuyt appisvu eft or io j herbert mason marine diricr ocmpinj balldlbg tofodlo st toropa v the maasasoit radle- carriage weight from ts puiur living wattrsvsbs ar htirie power goal rapplf of ma filtared itrj 8mi hteikuuuja 81 hinton c t w i likni samriw rabnei old pr in- uj iti- fc l uis3iirfiiiaom5ali l to tht xfipj fcte we infita fret kotthw est docrioton buiiv co tqraoio oat bees and honey btuom iatareslsit inl lor m cjjaliro pln mppffm lor li 1 addri m kltlii latxwx bje j12pt- cothorni oot tse ofplciat press for amiteaa priala tram s r 8 l8 zm price from h outfll frm um th pelbli 0 old presa from 960 to 1110 i w b eeatt aytbiu i ooertttoq ztt if re- send tor illofltnw ibt of outfit alio iu eti tor aibtvwtii dov to priotpitlu or rmctcmdff oo0d- piokiiwentotodta i iniro djrtny itt eipbriinead- phytlelib i nlllr s of tfaetr ova iox oahr ftooomaio- irtuiuyditiaaiecuioiitpplt i spadxdty tjfisoasas of women enclomitimi ndilila dr eiratifitow t j phrslciaii inaacoroichaur 1 u10eohbftilrodtn the canadian air gas machine- fai ractinoti lijfctlarptlte dreniojji mjlislacariflctiiirchmpubtc nihf hotl stc call and eiudna hhfl tnacnlhe la opjihon fl j0bep1 phillip3 sole mimrfactuhriltitaibr tnl jxvdtwr it out street vest tmooto scii totqrealar and price list l oitch me sgajnatthat work of giving sppropristo sdvice with the necessary illus trations to old greyheaded reprobates with red rubicund looks 1 paunches that are com fortable snd truly respectable great coats theres an old sinner that i sometimes see ouking street exactly be the kind i speak of qh if i told all i know of hint wouldnt his wife look unutterable things and cut np didos i indeed she would and with good reasons too good honest easy woman that she is but oh dear oh ma 1 whats all this i hear about a uedioo play ing boh juan at a great rate cither with ia pttient or a patient s wife upon my word whither are wedritting in this city of schools colleees phqoeopbers and booksellers to sy nothug of churches snd clergymen it was very natural for the frail fair one to pack her husband off for medicine when ber ttr em wu lying perev not below the blankets but below the bedl now ladies dont begin to blush the cat5xdbafcck is a modest wellbehaved and mostiocnrate timekeeper it does extenuate and it seta down naught in malice it sms awkward too for that dear kind guidmao to stumble in the dark on the wrosg pair of pants with the mighty nioe roll of bills in the packet 1 away yon viflian not another word what will become of the face of the oaibxdbi l clxwt a bid cmmnay a landscape ps inter is making a sketch of apeaaasts houaerhsual bit of tree and old root sunk in a utile the peasant ccmes to look oyer the artists shoulder j youre getting alonft weu be says thats mv bousetto the bfe theres the hic stone nhimney fd knew it any- whefe- artist continues his labour bessantjoh 1 ssy it i vere you i i wouldnt pnt in the other chimcey it isnt worth the trouble it smokes sbom- inibly i j ito exwue for being slofc no pernio can use boscmiss gsaiiav sractwithoatgetting immediate relief and cure iryia have the first case of coughs colds or ponsumplipa or any dueise ci the throat or lanes yet to hear from tht has not bewoured we have dirtnbnmd every year for three year over 2400y0 sample bottles by drugguts iu all parts of the united states no otner nunnfactmertf medicinesjevergave their preparations tneb a kst asthis go to your druggist and get a bottle for 75 cents and try it t wo doees jsalreuaie yoaaunplflcittles each j l tikinm the new powder for whiten ing the teeth stimulating the mouth and pc- riiying tbe breath the brightest neatest most perfect toilet gem extant ask yonr druggist tot teaberry price 35 oeais fiflia fe your horse colts cows fat cattle calves sheep pigs and fowls torutfi bent and cattle free sold every where more agents wanted manufactory 48 john t 8 hamilton attokxasnlsiisterustrinths eves oi a poor jctrl bets fstltidecuoteaiaes xmk oarres drr- sue- dim eyes are itpulstve ta tha ifas of all beeose ther tell at dlaalsatlos orerlndeltenes ixeeswr to rsioedxtben directs ass vietona boebu aod ura crtl uie fn tedloloe or diseases of tbe hewn uto furtslsbj iluoleristll per bot tle mllbsro bmrtkr phontiroprietotl forfeits underwear in fine scolch and canadian goods at prices as low u tbe low est go or send to coopers great american shirt factory 109 tonga st toronto slsssu isnvias baszcr- pussoki toolusodindde aye tsjcu trlsd ctenmeans to cureyourstllt lcnnm ot physfojocical law is lameutable bat tiouted carrtm in us tnia tneatai aad phjsjad otkness which tf iiecjected tj jutted faults la hopeless tabecfflliiinan rf ut or early death tosvotdtnlsif to be restored ui asoii i mwhooj txucx sor onr dorm but seed rvur name acdsddtms write if pwo also seculstiaip aaticd will receive iu piwculsrsia iued eofelope hsssurum rociosiriirnt addrms proklalrtorogtoxlatsrlo hal1burton 1 orwtftrt tarooi a- blebsing 10 womaniond a totlsrfett tmi edlcafcor pippflhltr teflt he soqnvia to jrttfsuid fliw tow mr oioi hone send 3c lutnp lor ircaur oatuiiilajj mu psr- add wk ame lia tbpft ild hetlth boon cot- bor- tofjarvli tod qarrtrd mrwu tornovl osumtu c comfortable pnd oonvenlont rorilck chlidren it- isf lovaluible veilal nteo recommeod it prices vtlnla the reaei o an 8ad foretrcalar jostpateated e wilby manafactarer tbronta the best itfj hiiitlkbiiakiaimdii3akxtndbf fe dixon co csltbpbshbt kr05tx- bead it riwtf sendlor all ceeolde has star quotations oht winthetoohbyns slavonic haemstbie i renewed ejeirows snd 1 hair in a while hmuj of nliidte ttti mople m pw cpant ol vori who i ioesiakdoellhef bom their ililh rear and taring oe hut thm 1eart has quauiftltktd ao new turn dens w ny efrertwed rtmt tit century rar-ifstltjnnlils-ai- dhaslf ffrccsstv iuielstfit west toaolto t tie heretofore unpseinnt oxif aad- ir- asture his tmareai6red b iehemlc u process abd hi ilmple hair dreerln it mw a inltranrihed j wbolesiebv norttrop lyoiio fls loujea neil apotorostd fl jsl imprbvedbiuxmnd andthe htmaa crocut 8wi irill cut tuut nd uj- ia crdcr kiif er thin in other nv ia lh world titer tn mjctj- bctaitd ouljiij i e h- smith s co eft- djtthsnses inj sold by toe bard v iware fsadevety- weatutikethel istotieeiof reiiioyal indsothotel qiloecb bbowjt who iua or wvcral je been ooanrcted witii the ainurfcfln utte u proprietor betn lttitb inform bk tnenili ud he publlo tatf the winds0e hotel qtiraii zing and york fits where iio wul be fihtied to see his old fatrou and i lapporters the windier l n the heart at the citr tnd is most excellent fltud op and lamuhed throcshoat sad will b toanised in inch s sjr as to fulr sp- bold tbe ehsneur which the american bote ob tained under er browns milageroent erery tttentlon will be paid to the patrons of tbe windsor and sterylhios possible will b done 1 1 add to their comfort aodeonvenltnce a qlci mxnnfsotnrer has ailed in western city and stuck a host creditors gffliifrn have maeb plaaiore m iestifrl roil thamertttfof nsr telkrwdil for oatward doa jn iveleviar pain from bprahis bruisea bams hsurslsiaite7uvbti1duss7seuaiicl used it la mytasauy tor these purposes snd found t io he n of thenowt eoeidous sndsaathtas remedies that i i w rfhijsbeal bstste asent torouto aacrrs gen grants tour brand the world 1 1 fastest selling book flow offered exclusive territory or terms addrss at once oberboltaer co berlin m 1 whetitwllldo harvsros peetoral bttaun aoan the irritation of thsmapqs auabraae ths broochlal tebss sad the lnnjt snd wffl be fotmd eiciedinsir vsjuaws ta deaieeudoooshssadaud dust it ttaetaajlianars tseuuwemsli rscivesbcse edtfanutbmtfcbc andwfll proj raraabls d son for iffi br tt dttieri prioc o oeou per bottle where tfta mother wa hb ntik tha ijjirt tooth tlataiofimprorod cbtispiod eehpstin ihort all ltlodj uod psutero fadndinir the nur ira proved chuaplon 8ph0 rpunory steam ehginesv -and- boilersi sawpalmt mills httkpthbopqhoct beaftiiyr hantrers enlleya c 1 also tbe utest unprored gsteiaxs 3e jneltilifesons eplajia4e 8treet toronto f the toarmers tejecau keep topb hoaistka aitbcam asd hilltet t ustso in york cattle feeder i at skfm xf than ihei cah bbkeftdtstoobsjort olxiofr vtixhoct xt stnasboen tested by ths most sue- teasfnl stoeralsers dnrrnc the last ten yesrs snd proved to be tfumiionltr r- habis and superior to an others prloe bo soe and ls0 ner box a dcdlarrecsttalssflcofeeas huoh vmrxa a oo tobosto bell organ the followins is what mb hague savs abxmtthobelleraf to hecher esq aeent fse utni vibrated orjans st kontraal dais sovn hindlnsroa a cheque in mnaent forltabuomie ors i porehmd tm roo i oanact bat sr tnst taa taarwmeat le ol a strtc and joalltr whlcb i did not eappeae capable ot belra pro- ocod in canada tbe tone l pare rich and deepaad uu ealects that can be prodocttl bj oombldauon of the stops art charming messrs bell oo art wbe igatahu oa their sncceeh in dotelopins tb m to saub aa extent u u mxtutm in the instrument joa bare sent ma wiathivtlkmlaeasd nmnoenthnt sales iretuurbuist-uh- stmed o haotjx oeneral hanari mer bjik orcroda secelr sjirer lfil and diptami at ero-rta- v daleihlbwn jst1 becehetbuurllow aod diploma at dentro nial -lsre- beodred internalrnal medal sod csptaaa at sjdoejr itisran ign becdrtd ooit ifsdi forparloarprraas at pro- ttndal eswmuoil i j878 bscdred orur ioiii for parioor urtaos at in- iustriatbsafbitlo- rurozuo 137g guelph ivv-

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