Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1880, p. 1

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mm ct4 h vwj is pobllaued dav fwww frxhhjbbltfq next door to maturtlstchwrcd smi oyreef j jo oni tram thefbctpurafflwsentto subscribers postage paid for 1100 per an- jilim indvuioe81h il not bo paid so paper discontinued tin all arrears m paid except at the option of ilia publisher adveansrsu rites casual advertise ments 8oents per line forthejfirstinserr tion and 2 peute per lialoreelijbabba- entikeaioa professiorialgards 10 lines or leas m00 per annum 1 square 12 lines 500 per annum payable in 0 months from date of insertion any special notketbe object of wnich is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an adverfise- rqent the number of lines reckoned by tlae space oceunied measured by a scale of solid kospareil y costaaot rates ope column one year twcq term8looinadnoi tlienetctpacr a map ofbuty tnfi tfe fluctuations and volume j agton ont thursday march 11 1886 hatf eoltimn otw ywr i 5a w uarlatoouilnoisne jrear won oneciftumaslxxnontba b e nicklin take this opportunity of thanking their friend and patronslor theirvery jib- eral support ift the past and uttst that they will continue it we hare always on hand a all apply of toon 12 00 2000 1100 700 v balrilama six months iturtroolaninelr mahtfttt kjaeeoraniq three maailu halfcoiama ttreemobthi uartdr column threfc months aavftrtlsebckiritboatfplfitairecuans ctl be inserted lillfortjid and charfdaccoril- inglr- tnkpsicirk ndvertjeenxeais mn6tlj paid a advance t chances roreontrict adrerttiieeacntk must lw la the office 05- nm on lcoiwityskahet wise tuey vil be left over uu uie tolioine veefc moqre- editor ft proprietor beswss qisbotost xxt hrlcwry ii b if c 2 b yy graduate of xrinrfcr college mem ber of college til fkjdchas ni snrgeoiis officand tesincejtb tlie ixeail of ered- crick sc acton j3 graauiteof victoria college bi- dence corner cf 1gh nd rrrederfdc- streets cohsnltatioa daily from 8- to 10 amind 3 to 6 om austeb m claek baseisteb 4 r quebec street gripli i r brisca 6eficela juttieiri bcuolnc 2ui ctrcet acfas aromcc opes rrret fstdir6 yxt ee5ktbeet v v licensed auotiprieer for the cottsties of welhagtoa and hjton orders left at the f jsss osce a or a rotrordcpce in eockkood wtii 1 promptly fireasd to l t reasonable atexts fokikventiqps expe- dinorcix wii properly secured in cin- adivtlie united fitoui kni ttece pa- tat gisrsntesd or- no caargel send for printed icjtraetion agency in openfioa tea vtl grist r r y ottawa caiiad 3ecri2bicdcngiaeeinig soucitara of pa- teafe and draclifemfin- jd sfaaesokaitobket-ax- iir solicitoz in chancery fcc ofiice next door to wthaces hotel milton bohisiox kqtetr actonvsobt aghew projrietcr tike new hotel is fitted up in firstclass style with new fnrni- tare commercial travellers will find good accommodation nd commodious sample booms special attention paidto the wanto of the travelling public- bar supplied with tho beit of liquors and cigars sood stabt ing and attentive hcstlrs main btr acton i aent for the bell organ inannfaetnred by ilw- tbeu coefife orgert left at imtedeaoe vttl reoerve rompt alv teation for particalara sec adfe od other fdc gire him a trial csah oameroy declq t oral escbakge hoisijlistojr if aa campbell pa-onriflte- ifoiinng- beu late cfiliebossmhoase near gxb- etatk3artaktaeastiremannomicingtobis many old friends and pstrons that he has icecently parchased an i refitted the jboyol jexchanga in the neatesft androosfe comfcrt- xka style and is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him in the most com fortable manner choice wines lienors cigars and cool summer drinks always in stock stable in charge ofaa attentive lostler 1 re- pefouyso5icit eftortwill b spared to giiaethe very best sttenfisl c abh fos eeks- 1 am prepared t parthe highest cash price forab classes lamb and skins dfihvared at my tannery lace ta3cbs hoofie pujips i etjiies u mps w e idama mafrafacbirecif anpeoor- well and cistern pumps which till be pot in on short notice eepairing piihnfttly done charges xxqdcsate also aarws filed and set ibri hhkicail guog ratereder wa pobfsr euas bread cakes 6 o n fe otioltert u- ernits canned fishi otmeal gornideal graham and buolc- wlieat flour c c t all of tjhichwa are prepared to sell at bottom prices orca8h iioomiecuon with the bakery t naw last opened aa oyster ypawoi andwill serre oysters id every style we hare also conf tantly on hand a stock of oyleri in both can and bulk cheap uumum vu viiy4 b e nicmin do nof pay tlie printer t o do not pay the printer he doesnt need your dimes hes nerer abort of money vhe never feels hard times jut by tbur lucre dont be rash whatdoea apriawwaatwitneaah 0 douot pay the printer twiu no do any good he never sees a grocers bill he never touches food justjceep yburpocketjboo closed tigh priaietnaajie appetite do notpiy ffie printer he never wants ntwclothos he bays ndhatsnor oatsqpr shoes as throqgh the wotld be roes dont pay the man whb wields the quilt he does not run a tailors bill 1 1 owe- do not day thapnnter and then my friend some day yoall eoihe from the division court withheiyycostslopay tour pocketboot will cloe with eaee when ycu have paid the legal fees i ssiscr senoiae iswiho k wife i tbere is about as much common sense as romancdnlb iollesft sketch cabdfnri that re5ktt0ar will pardot us f or theinmcvonofa and sritn the weight of its luxurious bur- den a- neat looking cart arova up froui hlchluko jordan alighted with a quick eltiatic stop quite ii contrast wiiq liia forniedy easy leisurely move ments y good morning mr bilkini i un derstood that yo wanted to buy some lttttertubs and ciier barrels- 1 think i have soma hat will just anit you whose inake are they asked the old man as opening the gate he pacs- ad by the wjigad mine replied uke with aa air of pbslonatileride mrvbilkins examined thetu one by onj f theyll do hi fed coolly asheset down the last of the lot what will ye take for them v i what i asked y on for six months ago to day yourdaughter fit the roguish uinkle iu the old mans eyes broadened into a araile tohye got the right metal in you after all he cried come in 1ad come iu x ehouwnt wonder if we made a tride after nil kothing loth luke obeyed moliy i bawled ir j eilkins thruetiug his head into the kitchen door molly tripped out into h entry- tueiound white arms were bated above the elbows and bore tracis of the sovitantto marry mvdangh flow he jul been oftmg her dress uhrmahrsaiafhvnierbileins a neat gingham over which was ter jouiig jnahj r4j tee trivelnlifiesj w iai o of ffurtrord conn rite everyttilnr teslrsble tn the wv of life and jcoctde lusaranee ats iibxr fteuitt vciuertltaeli amnte deposit mtde with tbe lminton qoveranit lor the lecarttr ot canadian follcy holders paid up cash capital 6co000 00 gross assets 479867t74 total luhilitiei 35l734a7 hurptus to policy solders 128694537 james kitthevys agsnt acton out federal bank of canada a gkse2aibakrka bcsistessdoke drafts and bills of excbzkge bought ind told dbpopltors fe allowed interest at the rate of five 5 per cent pernhuat in the savings badkljep3rtmeutandsie per cent per annum will be allowed ofc deposit iecefptsprovidedtbe money remains inth banknotlesa than sit 6 months aid three 3 months notice be liveii ot is ttilhdrawal thomas t greet 1 hanger canada laafrlfe bakkhhtcompahy a siisisftak5t- coesebor lixis asi vrifssts six r tlttt xateiest-paiareaps- rjoiitsol51 laiamrsi sifestfjilh betbcuritt board of directors d b cejshauc eq president k witkmxsesqorijotitiwaidleico bar unaton vleefretjctcnt wkosebcaarr uuhamllnn- hcabkuex4y ejhaintou- tiohasbtscajtedjq gvtijuiifiajabttr rttb7idnsvkpj hamilton rkcath0lkesq oaavlila w feeak m u georgetown cb fixdw esb otanser oottott mum j- uanius sorrowers and on dv term jcsarbdsce- opea every woeiday frcitt s to spmf i d eitee hanager iaini78i vr t wjsmr rpee rmaxplowkape at bearn stesl board apd maaejof spectiliari nrotv fieap sltcaslu kew pences sovesietal letterb casting of all kindvr a j0hh ceowe stbayed or stolen advertiseinenta of this mature inserted very cheap in the actou tkccfuakfthe best local paper of haltonc vfebchakts aparpieis alife ahcail jvl advertise and suppozt the acton fux jaias the bestlooalpaper of haltoa co any pefton in want of gopd settrof eaoctdcxilwit i t mix r creechs sad acarpt where they can jei better ralue for their mbneythanonrrlacelutheoounlj a ooon xssortkest pv r tatjhks amj vilises on hand nit ot which wlllbe soldebsap fpr chshj y orepalring prorabujiat tended ia y 9p yctohtfeo sat c akijbbinhoads and circulars of every descriptira executed neatly at the acton jaaa bazss office the best local paper of etlfan v a weej in your own town and no capital risked ton can give i the business a trial without ex- pease thehest opportunity eyer offered for those shdjng to nflc- hoidd try nbjhing else nnta von see for vourself what you can do at the business we offer no room to erplxa lere loa can devote all your time or only yourspare time to the business andpjakegisatpey for vjecatyhoju that you work women make i asniuchas men fiendfor special private temis and particulars which we mail free joohtfitfree dohtppmplaincfhard times while too havesuoh a chance adore h altstcojoraimd maine 5000 customers at th cbta- boot sboe store xroukorrrrm 8qqf b smoxs tjrjft from tlsadyiotpesv despitvnls father indolent effetnip ato ajjwhkii vaa miiinly chebiultof his ufcibop iuke joidap wasa fine looktag mloyandi not easily wbved fronahtsfpbasessifiij buthe colored and grwcqufuet beneath that sharp scrutinwog gazevi j y4hitispoke to musmary- last nigbtj ahdie referred wal to you jy thepmmnnsace softened imollyu a good girl a very good irl he iaid stroking his chm wjth a thodgitfuviirand shedeser rei t goodhub4ubr what cantoudoc t- tlie vonog man looked rather blank at this abrupt inqjiiry if yon refer id my abilities to sup port- a wife i can lassure you 1 1 know that you are a rich man luke jordan hut i take it lot- planted that you ask my girl to marry younq6 your property what guarantee ei you give me iu case it shohldie syept away as it is in thousands of instances that you could provide for her a com fortable home l yuu have hands and- brains do youkubw how to use them t what can you do i tinswas a style of cateohiim for which luke was quite unprepared rnd ha stared blaudlv at the jquestioner without speaking i believe yra managed to get throngh college have you any profes- sionl- h r kosir i twagut i rlsvetybd an tradet ko sir my isther thought that with the wealth i should inherit 1 shonld not need say- your father thought like a fool then hed mncli better have given yoav somerhonrst occupation ad cut yoo off- with vshulirig it bight have been the miking of you as i is what are you fit for t here you are a strong ablebodied young man twenty- four years old ana never earned a dol lar in your life you ought to ba ashamed of younsele and yonvant to marry my daughter ifow ive given molly as good advantages for learning as any girl in town and she hasnt thrown em away lint if ehe didnt know how to work shed be uo daughter of mine if i choose i could keep more tbatthoho servant hut i i dont no more cnan ichoose that my daughter should be a pale spiritless creature fuludfidyrjiejisisnd ajl sotts of fineiyialniehlsisiistcsdof the smilitigbiyiiyyedyjlifcliefijid hias the u idid say that she should not marry a lad that had been cursed with a rich father i but shehas taken a foolish liking for you andill tell yon whaslwdj to wofkyand prove youreeifho be 4 nrah peifect yourself in some occapation idbntcarewhat hit is hoaesttthen to me and if the girlis willing she isjotirs ias the old nun 8at4thrs lie deliber- 4rfy roserfroof the seteibf the noich and wjritlniifthe house f pretty ilarybilkins waa waiting to see her ibver down at the garden gate their usual trj8trigphetnetrjl ing lignrfadjftoprhereyjs whe notiied hiseohev disconiltedloqk father means well she said as loka told her the resultjjofliis apilica- tion 4ndlm not jsuret- hes about feguttfoy jtf seews to- tt5 jcft j every man rich bt pacrisnihiio we qme occupation j then as she noticed lier loreis grave look totiktjyrs v ti jteer toincill jwait for yuj xulce ij lukei jqrdo- eupfdflly disappoared froni his accustomed haunts much to the surprwe ojik gay 402iates buv wherever he went he cinied with hi those jrords which were lkbaowerof strength fohiswui 111 vait for y ou lnkeio2 3 r tjijdjluftcjieclrhi aiiron but sb looked as winniug- and lovely- as she i always did wherever she was foaud bhshlushedandblushed and soiiled as she taw luke andtlien eyes tipou her father waited dutifully to hear what he had to say j the old man regarded his daughter for a momeut with a quizzical look moll this young man mayhap vottve seen him before his brought uie a lot of tubs and barnis all of his jown make a right good article too fie asks a pretty steep price for eiri but if you arewilling to give it well and good and hark ye my girl what ever bargiiin you make your father will ratify as mr bilkins said this he consider ately stepped out of the room and we will folio his examplu but the kind of bargain the young people made cin bygtfduyyoonjuctm by wiidding that followed luke jordan turned his attention to the study of medicine of which profes sion ho became a useful and influential member but every year on the anni versary of his marriage ho delights his motherinlaw by some spcciuiers of the handicraft hy which he won what he declares to be the best and dearest wife in the world somebody lores he two orthree years agothe superin- le ident of- the little jwaudem s home in r- received one uioruibg a to- iji est froiw the judjo that lie would ccmo to the court house he complied diectlr aud found there a g6ip of so ien little girls raged diity and for- lop beyond what eeu he was accus tcmed to pee the judge pointing to tl am utterly bouieless knot friendless sad mr t t jcaniyqp take any of tsesetyj certainly i can take them all was prompt reply all 1 j what iu ihe world can you dp with them 1 mmttmke sonun of them tlio judge singled oxil one even worse in iappearanco than the rest and aked agaia i whac will you do with that onei ill- make a wouiau pf btr mr j repeated firmly and hopefully they werewashad and dressed and rovided with a supper and beds the ert aioruing they went into the school- loom with thachildreu maty was the uame of the little girl whose oliance for tetter things the judge thought small during tho forenoon the teacher said o mr t in reference to her l never saw a child like that i lavs tried for an hoar to iet a smile nd have failed mr t rnm nf jm gt srtb beo aim- in aeunlfian lolidjiftajlfn nalro jonr purchajei children aft critics i mothers roil have little critics around you r psss justjudgment oh your actions aud their respect for you is increased or lessened by this leading of your character but the iiisusnoecoptrois them all thesame as if they did not read the signs eo ckarly trod tire yontnuke very iutfch such as yoirnreyptrrself r y the cliildien know very well fof whom you bring out your best things to whom you speak in your blandest tones and on whom you bestow youi sweetest smiles- seo to it that too besi efforts are made for those you at in the habit of speaking well of nt mitter how prior and obscure tliei may be be very cautious haw y- receive that individual of whom you children have heard you 6pesk d respectful words the children know when they a justly punished and in what spiri the evil caused by a baslyjblow aa unjustfiecree riiiy never bo eradicate f parents should lie especially carpfln 1 nai to do anything theioselves thai j hey teach their children to be wroo i remember when a-efrijd- sarprisin a beloved aunt on a sunday afternoo l mseinga papc she called me to he i and sifid i dobt tell yoarunclcan iriji give you a penny her in 111 ence over mfor good was lost ifo ever t4 ivart concern 150 if net so paid 1 whole no 246 bat her face was the oddest he had iver seen soi rovful beyond expres- lion yet she was a very little girl only ire or six years old after school he called her into his ifece and said pleasantly mary i have lost my utile pet i lsed to have a little girl here that would wait on meond to on my knee ind i loved her very much a kind ady and gentleman hi vo adopted her ud i should like for you to take her jiuca and b my pet now will yoii v a gleaniot light flitted over the poor childs face ind she began to under stand hiifl he gave her ten cents and told her that she might go to the store nearby and get some cindy while she was out be look tvvo or three news papers tore them in pieces and saitf tered them about the room when she wliirnpilhamldi mary will you clear up my office a little for me and pick j rip the pipers and see how nicely you can make it fookf i she went to work with a will a little more ofthis kind of management in fact treating her as a kiud father would wrought the desired result she went into he schoolroom after diuner with so chaueed a- look and bearing tliat the teacher was astonish ed the childs face was absolutely- radiant- she went to her and said mary what isiit 1 hat makes you loci so happy v oh ive got sbmejone to love me the child answered earnestly as- if it were heaven come down to erth that was all tlie secret for want of love that litleonos life hid been so cold and desblie that she had lost childhoods heauiivi faith and hope she coul3sotai believe in he realityof kindness or juy for her it was he certainty that some one kid loved her and desired her affection that lighted the childs soul nod glorified her fica mary- has since become adopted by wealthy people and livesina buautiful house but more than all its beauty and comfort- running iik6a golden thread through it all she still- finds the love of her adopted father and mother the points of law you see boss dars a nigger libiu up my waywhoorter be lobfcin car of said an old darky to thecapluih air the central station yesteidiy whavs he been doinsr how v waal salt hs full i lent biul my ax an when i wanted it imckh braced up an fold me tat posseshun was nine points f law an refused to gib it up yes waal de oidetidsy i sent de ole woman ober an she borrowed his buck saw an when julius cura for it i tole him jist like be answered me austood on my dignity well i bad nine poinis o law didnt 1 1 yes not a vagrant t soiria weeks fgo n poorlv dressed and seedylookirg person about filtyyeaisi old entered the pot at detroit ndiroceeded to warm liis hands at one- of the registers he niado no en- ouiries jiboiituiail and after be had wnlcxifing aroand for two houre a policrinngot hisiye on hiui uhd asked siy hid man have you any business heref i tfjwell no wis the jeply- any wqvk to do 1 no i kinder thodght td lay aff this winter ajuy friends betel kb i 7 ijthink youire a vagnmt con tinued the officer as he took another lookat hiin imabb i am sighed the old man j f and i think ill uko vou down jvell ill go along l itete officer escorted mm to tlie station house recisted his nam aiid then proceeded to seach bis pockets each one peuned out avadofmoney making a- total of 1600 why didnt you tell us you had this mouej-f- demanded the police man 1 why didnt you ask- me f didnt f say hook yoti for a vag rant and vbu didt deny it cither tuou know aujibiug rbout your city laws quieily reuiarksd the old i iukii i ivo got tw married daughters andt come to buy each of vm- a 600 piano for kpw years but if its agin any of your laws ill take the main for home im getting purty old tend dont want na fuss with any body lyel- you might have saved your self all this trouble said tho officer as he etcorfed him to the street doiibmeutiohit wai tlie answer itiloofc any trouble ou your accouut its ihll right and youj neednt thank me im always willing to oblige any body who cn apprccuto it purty cold dey isnt it v j an old gentleman from the east rf clerical aspect took the stage iruui dchvr south in ante railroad diiy le joumey was net altogether a sal ne and be was not reissured by tln ht of a nuiubar of rifles deposited iii die coach and nervously risked whipvp they were for perhaps ybnll findjofit before jau git to the divide was the cheeriii reply c aiiiong the pafsnngen wa a pir ticularly t seemed tohiiu fieroelocik- iug inajn cfirdtd with a lieu of revole- ers and partridges snd clearly a road agent or assassin some miles ou this person taking out a larga latk asked stranger do yon irrigate t if yon niean drink i do not do you object stranger to our ir rigating i no sir and they drank accord ingly i after a further distance had berri traversed the supposed brigand askid sinngt do you funiigatet 1 if you mean sniuke sir i do not do you object stranger to out fuiiiigii ing f ko sir and hey proceeded to aioket i at tho dining place- when jurifrjend caitie lb teudur his money the proprie tor soid vour bills paid wbopaid itf that man pointing to the blip posed liiglrwayman who qu bjiug asked if he hud not made a niistake replied kot at all you so when we saw that you didnt irrigate and didnt fumigate we knew that you was a piiun and- your bills are all right us ljong as you travelwith this crowd weve got a- respect for ha church j on hot 1 it was no hinli- wayniau but a respectable resident ot denver k good samaritan ohejlin the well known philanthro pist of bteinthal while yet a candidat or the ministry was travelling on one occasion from strasbourg it was iu the wrnter the groonda were deeply fn oilb m and ihk lnavla jil wanted a utile exercie will an crdinarylikiking rayellerwcnt into tliedlnlng hall of the union depot thb btber day carrying a nice satchel he walked up to the counter put down the satchel cuued foqa cup of coffee arida pkceof pie which ha devoured leaving his satchel by tho counter he sauntered to the other side of the room andentered into conversation with a gentleman there i a policeman coming in and seeing the ialchel apparently without an owner picked it up and said hello anyone know unything about this teysterl tliits mine 6aidtho traveller better lake care of it or souie one ill steal it f oh i guess not im on old travel- lit j the policeman walked on in a few nliriutes in came a drapper 1ttle man looked carelessly uixjund saw the fjeh yrrjflfii walked 9vqrjp ji catclctsly picked it up andwas going for the door when the owner saug out hello ivhere yon goingl going to a hotel i well what are you doing with tlist- satcbej v going over to him thats inysatcfiel hand it over ibut the diapper little man held on to it andwitlioutahyr ado the traveler knocked him down a- time or two and was proceeding to poljsh him off nicely when interrupted by a policeman who sejiirated the men and wbucjeceiviog an cxiilanution froiu tho etranger tho thief escaped the trawlerjiut his satctel dovn hy tlije counter where it was before and vent to tbeotherside of the room tocontinuelhtconvcrsation i the jwlkemau eyed the satchel tiion lie man an j walkingoyer to him said xqw aea here whatdo youmean by letvirig thatlwg over there wba sort of a giiiieis this anyway t well ive been travelling for over six weeks arid im ipiniug fora little gentle vxqicise ihats all baid the lraveller one pleasaht snnsbinf morninr late n octoberlaafmnnerbilkinawa ipmilti in october nrfifiiing np tjm gtaperfne ntii front tod good toifconraad hisjriind ire jars thathbreatened to cfeilf a6wi enjoying it f fan points am de law a oood doka 1 an annesville clergyman entered utica irarber shop and assed to hii his wbiskersiuinimidl thef w9 e quite guy and the barber w wis miking politics or scandal like tlie guild in general and neglecting ljis business supposed the miiii6ier wmt- d thenndyed he ccordinglygot oit bis dye stuffs and in twenty minnles the veteran preacher wiis f f aiisfocpi d into a younjf an festivelooking repi e- sentative of the clotb througlioittt i entire operation the mimsterv tai id we absorbed and he did not 1 prjee wmee the operation or the change liit appearance when it was finiihi d meeting friends in the street t hey v id not reoognjga hlmand fihollywheri lie ehrinecd to look into amiryoryhe i it- edforan introduction wtloit refiect on before he dared to spat wheti he renlized the sicoation he lostnb time in returning to the shop arid imvirig lis face shaved dean f him so ne tfaie- to get acquainted iih hibife- some of jonr ribathat yon re obliged ppon hisretra homexhnttliejpke was to wear thiigrent leather biptaget she expurnjni tliatcit ooli her new wideocftj how manyooi sed off dont know exactly j waal dils what liodders me fur dat nigger saw dem nine pints shet up dis lef eye far rse pitched do oe vionian ober abarl an walked off with his saw an my snow shnvilto boot if 1 had nine ipinte he mils hiivoliev bed ober twenty an chen denhe didnt half let himself out a puulatf r porooii most hnpassable i he had reached the middle of his journey andwas among the mountains hut by that time was s exhausted that he could btand up no longer he was rapidly freezing to death sleep began to overcome hini all power to rsist it left him he com mended himself to god and yieldedto what lie pit to be the sleep of death iiv know not how long he slept but suddenly became conscious of seme one rousing biinund waking him np before him stoud a waggondriver in his bine blouseand thewsgion not faraway he gave him a littlo wine and food and tl e spirit of life returned he hen heljif d hiui oii the waggon and bronght him 0 the next village the rescued man was profuse in his thanks and offered money which his benefactor refused it is only a duly to help on another said the waggoner t arid i is the next thing to an insult to bffer a reward f r such a service then replied qberlin at least toll me your name that i may havb yon in thankful remembrance beture go4 i see said the waggoner that you are a minister of the gospel please fell me the name of the good siinaritan that said oberiin i cannot do for it was pot put on recerd then replied the waggoner until you pen tell me his name permit uie to withhold mine soon he had driven out of sight end obeilin never saw biro cgiin childish expectation it was quite cold itj the i par the passengers were slrriiikinjj upjntp r smanttpam atpossifiley vnd look- ing straight ahead into nothing with fipwiiing visagers a veiy littlh boy was suuggled up in iris mqthers arms v the train stopted at a station and lid laid an i goiu home mamma v yes dear pupas home f ys are yon going to see papa f yesdesr tbe child lifted up lis head and looking eagerly into his mothers face enthusiastically exclaimed when papii sees me hell say come here you peshas lam tbe sniilo- which illbmiaitea the pabengftv faces nion this bvtburat of childish eipectition drove away tne frown and brought them out of theuislves fv- the rest of the journey achieago young man is rpported to have said s he hugged his wetheaf t in the dark deiot on his return from a journey oh my darling why didnt yoiivritw of thirt what is it cents fdrtho same work he enquired spinal disease i or have yon dhrlpcated what llielextru two cente was for and for two cent ji- r speakieg of goodpesa calls to mind an inciderh that happened in one of our shops this week shewing agnm tho poor sidaiof frail dumiinity a man from a neiglioring village weaiihy und well known as a generous giver to various inttiuiions and- vet close ji8tfd aiid penohons withal was having a little job done in a shop iihd as he came for the work ah iiisbuim who hid worked for hiru said to the men see nic boy bis soul for two cent it the sameltinie laying a twocent piece upon the bench where the werk whh the rgenueriian beeing the iuoney after hastily looking about the room to ore that- do one was looking picked up the money arid put it in his pocket when he came to py for his repairs he was charged twenty reven ceiita as he liad geotrally roid but twentyfive after sortie urging he was tjeritlt- ju formed that it was to jy for the two ieiits lieiiadvickiip he quickly left the shop e10qoexce jk comiios life 8om of these mills 8eiriiniiry graduatea ean throw a very powerful stream of words from the engine of heir cultivated in tellects but they cant bluff everybody the other daj a fully diplomaed mia of eighteen walked into niusio ilore on kearney street and mkedthe clerk for a song entitled demonstrate hy ocular proof the verdure of my sepul chre and us he iwnded her- i copy of serttliat my gravels kept green- and nikfd in thirty five ontsover the counter he smiled ltksly anot said is the ditty known as argentine filaments intrripeised with thdlahraate capillary attractions a novelty to ynur auricular repertory v she oonoludedlo go back to ecltoolfor one more jeat n this is getting to te a well padded world there are home pads footpads hip d hyer pida kidneypadt lung- ptds and stomach di ana some one will soon have a pad for bd beada a teacher endeavoring to familivae ivi utile girl with the varioiia countriei of the weavn hctniiiphfrc wwi titllb f vidonce oj sncceati fiudly askerl if i were to irarca uoij llrrongh the esrth and youwr tojo through at- thiieud whrrei would you jkonje ontf oome bir renicdthchim why id erne fill of the hoje inias t tfl hole v

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