Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1880, p. 3

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r mbbmjmnii cravd trims tike 111t11 hicscb tiblt trains leave acton as follows- gotkg west night eqiress 105am torpnta snail n 910am day erpress l2pm coxites g-aftmix4- 6l5pnv 707 pm p solkd tjist sight express galtihiied 410 am 942 a in day express 1180 a m western msil 4jpm loudoaniirod 930 jim t 0 hallttlhe tabie mlls received ttfimatie eist stlo iuw frottltrtulinl thevsl 5ltpm kriiai cnatclibuu fcis atn an tuesdays and fridays frjiapeirslde 830 mun tuesdays and fridays kul closed doing- wesls am unlmf east cis p- m hall cor toronto lultlllni kailchaallmallw0amdntaesiaysand fridays stysfae mail 10 m on tuesdays and trtdays restored letters must be mailed 15 mln- ates before closing lime r tkcrsijav morxikc mipca tl issq new- ad vetcseuexts house to rratjuo mccoouell locals christie henderaon k co xricau dr ilortow 1 lolsl a w greea locals j f fe auction sale plortsrj locil w e adsms auction sler parkfc kw hits j fyfe salve kert atkinson to farmers thosgowdy k co j in plait iff every tid leading store u waioijii ani slrtiiayptmcfttfl 9eoe7s4aj9 lory lai jiaey uooia stow ornate ealvss spsas ialts gold wei- diaj slsji it envelopes note papr pnrses spectacles t 9i uotlo stqtto frames berlin vvoo r 0dillanffyncit watch when yon vant mi- ot iliese eooas rne largest stdcfc la town isdottr town and corjty i 1 i- asothebtoueu of winter theeeit a big thing oil toe just -r- hot currinnie made and repaired it w e adams pump factory q the futprc mr t albert moore whl dvj preach in tiie kethodiat church on sunday ere nearly 6rerj- fitmilj- in milton j haa been ttacted ith meslea there have been teireral fatal cases yictst botses gelpb has 398 vacant hoases hamilton ha 54 ottawa has 659 and acton has not one rocewood ice mr j htwer lugpf ctceiph ia gna5ei atrockrood taticg oat ice foreuipaient to hamilton eaely- bathik ssveral of the msrafi esiploed in cutting ioe have accidently j i 4 ad the pleaanre of an early ljthe they rtia pronounce the kater rather cold yet s conifatr too teoe an exchange truthfully caya when people are displeased with asythjnc in their piper they lay theblame oa the editor when anithing etritea them a particulsrly gpodv they wonder who wrote it maece faie it tbs fair last thursday oite a number of fat cattle were ou the grduuitbut we believe very few sales wte made several fat cattle buyers were erpected but did not put in an appearance ve hope the fair will be attended with better success nert month peneiuiju fldr hj hallj of berlin was in town yesterday ilr joha siceee of parry harbor toc- merly ot a ctoa- is ia town str philip hematceet and wife of pecfc michigan formerly of this village are i spending a few weeks among their acton friends thef botttajoy good health and loot hale and heartr b0itebpaokko a montreal but ter exporter writes warning farmer of vtcateni ontario hot to use sprucetabs cs hatter packed in them will be worth lees by several cents a pounds than rf packed in white oafc the spruce tabs to which the cwresp anient particularly objelts have loaifntting lids and are made so poorlv that they will aot stand shipment it is poor economy for farmers to porchose cheap bitter tuba bscopraaika attbarecentihagh school eramiuationa held in gttelph ilister louiaeaydero this villaae 13 years of ace j ww a candidate and succeeded in puaing a most creditable examination on thuisday last he received hia certificate of aduiissioo together with the following con- gratulatory letter fromthe head muter of t the highhool me louis p stmea i peas sia t encloae your entra cer- jti t lik hi tultiuu that you etotxi at the head of the lint at the recent examination- having made the great- eatnumber of marks ishoald very much like to hire yon attend oqr high school v w tytlee head masttr thejabove ipeaki well for master cnrder as welljaa mr tmoote head master of acton public school under whose instrnc- tion be had been previous to the high school examiaacicuu r ag mwtxgiteiiv in order t si o w how an itemgrows we give thefouowiog f ajewel of considerable yalue belonging pi the princess louise has been missing since the late accident ottawa frtt prut it is said the frinoeas louise on saturday iost a jewefat ottawa yalusd at 2001 mardrial wdaui it is slid that the priac- cess louise on saturday lost jewel at ottawa vdi 20000 bottom tracd- fep it is aid thatthe princestuise oa saturday jgstj- swel at 3 ttawa valued at 1200800 chicago tfrna it is said the princess louisa oa saturday lost a jewel at j ottawa valued h 2000000 st paul imar patit is7jdthe prracess louise ou saturday lost a jewel at ottawa valued at tribune it is 8sidthqprinceas louise op saturday lost ajewel avottawavalaed t j200000- cotjaroneiteoioat worm fowders no uneuiuloyed uien m towu ndv- the ics tf you hive a crosacut sw p to the ice fields you can get a job cwvett prospects are said to be slim for a good crop jot clover this year owiog to the variable weather t the clinnidt ad rocales union he- taecn waterloo and berlin to ptomote the common interest ot the two towns sraixa hocse cleaning aud carpet- beating has commenced a certain sign that spring hat come uotwithstandinr the cold snap eldek k inderson of hamilton will dy preach itt the discnjle meeting house actod ou sunday the 1tth at 11 oclock am and 630 pm vtj w d lyon who baa been visiting friends in milton during the past few weeks returned to his station bat portage kcewatin last week left over a report of the bible society meeting with considerable other matter wasreceived too late for this week but will apptar in our next issue 7 the waterworks are prodaciug novel sensations in many a mans inner con sciousness people are sampling the water who havent touched it or years gutlph worthy of publicity that au ounce of cream of tartar dissolved in a pint of water occasionaliy drank cold is said to cure the worst case of small pox in three days special meetikgs rev r kobhs opened a series of special services at beth- leda methodist church crewson a corners on monday evening the ineetines are being well attended parliakestaey paperh we hive to thank mr d bobertson m p p for haiton for keeping us well supplied with parliamentary papers during the entire ses sion of the local legislature ixckeasixg we take considerable satisfaction in stating that our subscription list is weekly increasing and without any special canvassing oa our part a good local newspaper is sure to be appreciated featebkal visits we notice that fraternal visits sre the order of theday just s mm rc- tis cvuirtmirca- perhxp3uch s feitoreof social eivjojment mifilit be appreciated in this vicinity if tried appoiktiriikt rev- w j pitott his beea xppointed to the inctaabency of st albtns chnrch actob owin to the removal of rev c r lee ili- his iu- augantl eeraioa will be preached neit sab bath eveainti severe accidejtt oastturday uffihtixstss sir john lindsay of lime- aouse was waiting home from georgetown ie fell through the bridge t the 6tfa line ffe wa badly braised but received no seri ous iniaries we hare before us a copj af the canadian faemcr which is now pahliched in s new form it now contains 16 paces of well edited ard welt printed matter lit is the oalv weekly agricultaral paper pub- lisliei in cvisdz and deserve wide cir culation among the farmers of tho domin ion sokk people the nhinatnra of meanness i eremplified in the man who tafces his local pxper for caveral years with out paying for it and when he receives a bill for back dues sneaks up to the post office tad tells the postmaster to send word to the publishers to stop sending the paper- to his address tee first sod of the skugeea vul lev railway was turned at walkerton on friday last by ilr hclay president of the coiupany mr david uoore vicepresi dent chopped down the first tree the nsd is to be built from walkerton to monut forest there to connect with the toronto grey and bruce railway for toronto lukact- thti bare of jfr bowman fsquesing which was destroyed iastthura day morniof was set on fire by one of hia owndaaghters while laborinf ander insan ity she is now in milton jsil and will be sent to the lunatic asylum as soon as a vicancy occurs it is stated that this ia the second time ahe has burned barns of her father avif tall- valeixg oa ifondny the- roads rere so bad that the mail carrier mr m hemitreet performed the trip from ililtonto hornby drumquin omagb and borne on foot rathfir than risk a horse and buggy in the ruts a tramp of eighteen miles over rough roads and encumbered with the mail bags ia a good afternoons work champion it rs said chat aa old irish lady at ailsacraijr makes salve which when used strictly according to instruction giren never tails to cure if stall curable every description of open soce including cancer and kinds evil thing mar be well worth the attention of afflicted ones write in ratjp atkinn ailaacntig ont bcj knots all about it equal to telsffraph it is not so many years ago when telegraphy was looked upftn asa chimera end professor morse si vlslonarr we ail jcaow do its wonders mow recently pimnnaasls scomed ine idea tuat caq- oit eoulrx be raads pleasant to the tune bat mempi seod a bowne villi their ralauble outor aubhve troivecf tie protjlfm wnich is a eat in mejlelue ifmott cqral to tnxlol profe sor hoie- ills not tne nanseouscas- lor ii ofocrchildboods days ltlsrtlatable ind agreeable to the taste price 23 cents a little laiie thegakville ex press of last wfiek came out containing a full report of the recent sabbath school con- veniion held in milton on examination of oac bro cotem report we find it to be exactly word for word with our report which appeared the previous week and we also find that onr worthy brother forgets to credit m for the same kov we have no objection to the ezprets or any other of our cotems ctpyinifany report or other matter of interest which ia found in our aper if proper courtesy is shown by- giving credit- bat wlien w spend two day in reporting a meeting a was- done on the occasion in question and then see another cotem insert itjin matst in his own columns without credit we confer him devoid of those characteristics which adorn n honorable journalist i for children tib guelph owia to be held fat cattle show easter fair and fat cattle she on wednesday 17th inst the agricul taral society have decided to give no prixej- this year but prizes equal to those givei heretofore will be collected among tin butchers and cattle drovers so that the in ducements to exhibit fat stock will not be less than in previous years pall wheat there has been borne fear expressed about the safety of the fall wheat but up to this time liter due exam ination we do not hear of any senpus com plaint the luxuriant covering which its great growth gave in the fall has protected its roots and nowshould the spring be favorable the prospects are good there is a large acreage under this grain in the townships around here the greatestllemedyever discovered 0utnne liconsldred the greatest remedy fcuoo butwe believe it ha its equal if not its peer in ine productof the oki fish xoiuing das been ulscovereu to equal cod liver oil as r bulderand sstatatr ociue bolj- lu consumption una all mastlng- ols- orders bui its nsefuinessts inptireddy ug oaiisetuis properties lugeatls gmajitonor pare cod liver oluhlsoyectlou uentlrclj- overtwmeian combined wuhthenpapliac phlles oriime and soda it is the most valu able remedyeverdiicaveted scffool isspector it is- under stood that mr donald mccaig is to receive the appointment of school inspector for south wellington in place of mr somer ville resieued the appointment is to be nude by the warden who is empowered to do so in cases where in immediate appoint ment is necessary until the regular meeting of the county council which can coubrm or otherwise the tempeiary appointment of the warden jvreury the school bot now is ihe schoolboys soul vexed with the turbulence and innate hunkednesc of the weather the skates are like taras harp hanging mute upon thejwall their music dead the sled is nut to rest for long enough the marbles are taking their bst sleep for the winter j there is nothing left around handy but the shingle and the poor boy sighs as he thinks of thenutnber ot times that same shingle has hit him in the same place it beats the poets pleasures of memory all hollow buthe still has the pleaurea of hope to tke ice harvest about a week ago messrs robb bros of stratford came to townin search of ice for packing and shipment they examined or morrows pond audi findine it to be of superior quality and good thickness pur chased all the ice pu the pond and immedi ately employed men and teams to harvest it about 100 cords were teamed to one of bennetts hotel aheds aud packed in saw dust 30 cords toa building near thegte depot aud ah ice house ho feet long 24 feetwide and 12 feet high has been bnilt on the shore of the pond and stored with the apparently valaable sub- sctuce this building will hold about 30j cards and will be filled by tonight daring the week between 50 and 70 men have been constantly employed in the harvest the most of them working each day from 7 a m to 12 pra as well as the men 10 teams have been hard at work haoliug the ice away from the pond the ice will all be taken off morrows pond by touight the men will then proceed to kicklins pond for a further supply messrs robb pronounce the ice ou morrows pond of a better and purer quality than any be fore harvested by them during the season nicklius ice though cot quite so thick is of a good quality it is proposed to ship the ice to one or more of the american cities during the spring in addition to the above messrs a e nicklin and r craine have a gang of 40 men and a number of teams employed storeiug ice at kicklins pond they have erected large ice houses and intend to eather a large stock they are working under a contract with messrs ralib and will rcceire a certain price percord for the amount they store- tnere money in it the ceadle bxebec in georgetown on the 2nd inst the wife of mr john b barber of a daughter mcxhollaxd in esquesing on the 9th inst the wife of mr geo mulhullaud of a son tug altar cole in esqueaing hn the 9th inst by fiev r hobos mr heory e son of peter cole esq to mils mary jane sec ond daughter of john nickel- all of esquesing the gbate mccototeox at ospringe on the 8h inst mr john mccutcheon aged 53 years roe in gebrgetownjonthe 3rd inst geo hoe aged 13 years 3 mouths and 7 dsys sou of dr w j roe slesee at liraehouae outhe 23rd inst wife of mr john sleaser aged 20 years 3 months 14 days actoic ilaliktts white wheat fl 20 treadwell i 18 spring whsat glitgow 117 redchaff 1 w oats 0 33 peas 0 55 barley 0 50 eggs per dor 0 12 butter dairy packed 0 14 butw rolls 0 15 potatoes per bsg 0 45 applee per bag fr 50 sheepskins- 0 50 hides per cwt s 50 wood per load 3 50 hay per ton 7 00 straw- per load 3 00 wool 0 18 dressed hogs s 50 eietru sakkets flour white wheat lreadwu spring wheat flias0w red chaff oats peas v barley eggs per dos- butter dairy packed bntter rolls potatoes per bag sheepskins hides oer cwt havper ton- j apples per bag wool dressed hogs i i 75 i 27 1 25 1 25 i 19 0 36 0 60 0 45 0 15 0 16 0 19 0 40 0 80 7 0c 6 00 1 00 0 18 450 to i 25 to i 23 to 1 22 to i 18 to 0 34 to 0 60 to 0 55 to 0 15 too 16 too 18 to 0 50 to 0 80 to 75 to 7 00 to 4 00 to 8 00 to 4 00 to 0 20 to 5 50 to 3 00 to 1 28 to 128 to 1 27 to i 23 to 0 38 to g 65 to 0 55 too 16 to 0 18 to 0 21 to 0 45 to 150 to 7 5 to 7 50 to 1 20 too 25 to 500 nofless worth antlon the cash store no is the tim to buy your tea yotr couee jour ourranls raiilns and rice tour soap your tobacco- at the old price j your apples jour vegtables- your bacon your fish your tubs pallsand brooms the best you can wish your estbnces your spice your sago your starch for priest aia rising in double quick march i so now is your lime and do not delay for as sure aa you do youll bare more to pay then it you would sate call on a w green for his prises are lower than ever before ieun a w green afee monday next a wgreen of the cash store rill receive fresh bread dally for sale hats from 75 cenlt to 25c at j fyies pest value in 5cc tea in acton at j w manns a good felt haf for 75 cenla at j fyres good value in 50 cent tea at b hasletts new atore osrstees fresh oysters received daily at nicklins bakerj- picture framing done at less than city prices at c w hills ckeapest motto frames in the country to be had at c w hills get yourself some ckbinet photos while they are cheap c w hill if you want a nobby durable and cneapsoit j fyfes u the iplace to go go to de harrows for dicks blood purifier and indian blood syrup cheapest oysters in town fresn and good at kicklina bakery- try them a good line of black cashmeres cheap for cash atb hasletts new store foe the latest style in promenade portraits with handsome easel and frame u hill herrings lake huron herrings at james matthews cheap fctoves stoves oh cap ofiuuii mi new lightning process introduced a no more long sittings clovea seed at ctiristi henderj son ifccas aconspundid samples the beat seeds always offer first b haslett has a large quantity of good japan tea for 50 cents having purchased it before the rise in teas it is extra value try dr morrows german hal- sam for colds coughs asthma bron chitis croup whoopiug cunjh and consumption leave your orders for millinery at once everybody will want a new hatorbinnetfor the holidays christie henderson t co teas try james matthews bo cent tea the best yet feltitats chrirau henderson k co have fust tohandijfen lot of the newest styles in gentarfelf hats call aud see them a splendid hat for 75 cents einerprrse messrs mcquillan hamilton of the wellington marble works gnetiih are doing the best and cheapest work in canada being the first to introduce firstclass work at low prices by importing direct the best qualitiea of marble and granite i0tf ducks denims white and grey cottons flundas sbirlings all at the od prices at ihe glasgow house these goods were ordered in december jut bffure the heavy ai eajee you caniiotj get tbe same value anywhere christie henderson 4 co gexts we are making the cheat ett and iiestfitllngordered clothing to td bund in the dominion ve do the big husiness we do tho prices richt we ht the big stock to choose from caf and leave us obr ordercleof aader son k co slaninjoth house new prikts the first of he season chrisjie henderson k co aclon hare just received a largeline of new prints beautirul patterns the choicest goods always ofler first seleot your prints at once as repoatpurehases willbeatatanidfanced price christie henderson k co the clearing sale at the mam moth house georgetown is still going on all kinds ofgopdi reduced milliu err lliutles furs buffalo robes drs goods wincsys flannels readymade clothing uiercoats tweeds etc greai barg sins will b given come and makj money by saving it meteon auderaon co j i ikvaiids do yon wish o gather beih to acquire an appetite to enjoy a reguj- lar habit of body to obtain refreshing sleep to feel and know lha f erery fibr and titsueof your system is heing braced and renovated if so commence at once and use tbe quinine wine prepared by northrop fc lyman of toronto and in ashorttirae you will feeptbe whole sjslem invigoiated and strengthened it is a wellknown fact thai quinine has been acknowledged by the medical faculty for many years as he beat appe- tiierand tonic known and forgeneral debility this combination will be found superior to allother preparations and combined as it is with fine sherry wine an 1 choice aromatics il is made an agreeable and pleasant invigorator to the whole system the properties of quinine area febrifuge tonic and anil- periodic small doses frequently re- peated strengthen the pulse increase muscular force and invigorate the tone- ot the nerve system the peculiar operatio1 of this medicine in general debility and as an appetiser hai under gone long and cress observation and -it- is believed it will never fail if properly and judicionsly administered unlesr other diseases predominate of a dfferenl character persons of weakcoostitu- tion may takejt without the leasi diffi- cult as it strengthens the stomach and digestive organs and seldom require more than one or two bottles to effect a rfecided benefit as it contains nothing injurious to ihe most delicate constitu iiori rememoer to ask for the quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman toronfo arid we are sure you will be satisfied that you have fall ralue for your nonj sold by g is morrow achn and au medicine dealert vt j c hills i lrgeloci f firo fa rzctivtdmanvjacturtd of ihe bett ovoiry oflronthejinetijtnitk andihemott handtonu slote in the markrl boqk toyes if all lizea u ihe very lovett priot i a vsell telecied itoci of jri zst w a k e j always ox kaxa i aysraottcrhina r ase specialties and will be executed on the thorieil notice d p a it o i l a gooel ttock of superior quality cheap com2 aot sestf or yourselves j s i mtu j ct hill t- iwliile you live live well jv t eaxpir baker acton l would respectfully thank my numer ous customers in acton and tbe sur rounding country and villages tor the bountiful patronage they have bestowed in the well known stand almost opposite hillsgrocery store and besides offering my thanks 1 would solicit a continuance ot their esteemed patronage la the future aa in the past my beead will be sbcqwq to jvqtfe while my supply of buns aadc4es are unequalled 2axls2al case a ep3cxaitt orders for picnlcsteamcclinas or social gatheriiigs promptly and cheaplylexecoied oa short notice j t eastok votice all persons indebted to the ubtve will please ealland settle their hccouuis bf cne ittb tisu jvt kasrros i houses lots r in the village of aotoa the following peopeetis are for sale for terms and particulars apply toh phoorfc real estate airent free press balldlmr acton 2 one xbrdoahrcr with frame hoai in pood coadttsoa tllle iatjiipuiable im mediate pcsseeslon 8 ja aowtrutreet opposite dr iforrows ouenuliorad acre on wtifch s an exceuem roaphcsthda with silendld telur rod good efttera and wcil younir oicliard of flrsclaas fruit irees easy leims ofpay ment xassagaweta i on lot 18 eon 5 xrsaetiwe7h jf acres gucd land dwelling hootte and blacksmith miop ererrlblnsia eoodcondicon a hetter chance coalti iqi be bad all buudluji and feaceslo eicelleieondulotj- zhquksnorr 1 lot 25 con 2 esqucsu g first irps farm of loosc es s acres uudexculilva lion 10 acres maple basn i acres llmeslndcqiiarrlcrndre- maioderrfxxlredirfcwamp two fjood bear ingorchards on hie ftrtri houkc rart ioe and partframe bam and stable lot una heavy loam farm uhu well fenced tnere salscmbrletyardca the fnt tn intr od warfc inorder tle propert isaboiit ot a mile frrrni corpbnitlon limlta of tbe vucse of vcionftndaboatamlksfromfstkbtauqn terras u application lo tbu office parties having bouses and lots in he vll- lflk oraio3 8la thexijolnlnp ownkhir far ale will audit- to their lihersmo bare tb m interted in tulsusu ko charge unless tbe property is bold h- p moore keal esiats ajent acton ont fiirintiire furniture fsalins that asno tolootlon of furniture was kept in own and that it is always required i have purchased a slock of he various lines required and am prepared o sell at he most reason able prices parlies wanlinganything n that line give hm a call and he con vinced that they can purchase furniture as cheap in acton as can be procured in guelph or georgetown undertakingr overcoats j pants vests oeep ohe ap chbpjo to clear out stock 4 boots ss0es at old pbices dress goods lustres v winceys flannels blankets tweeds v no advance in prices mkm i -lvite5s- 3 bales of factory cotton just in secured before the r recent adraupp at special price i i and dont you forget it l i r the famous 50d tea is stilly sellinglat 50c 7- plcesi guaranteed lower than in any adjoining i city town or village i i i i lt cjhtnimcf m co co uj n- a os to s b0 o 5 4 a a m m to farmers tekids go wd y ool lll maktjfacturers of the reaper -and- gowdys celebrated gang plow -also- chllled joliiter plows general purpose steel honld hoard plow howers bakes f annina mills tnrulp seed urlu i lawu mowers cc qits us a call bsfore purchasing eleerlism j rftices lower tnanjkvkn hit important to farmers to knou iuluy havi purchatect fit estate of levi cotiitt tsnn and can famish parts tor diidauo repair any im- plments manufactured by that firm i i thos gowdy co guelph ont a11 reoutrtments in ibis department cou- slullfaii haodand a rinf class hearse furnished wher required 1 either nou or ts ceoatllli rlee call and settle nl once a i intend lo ole mj books on the slstjec johx speight i3or willow it afnes 8t acloi ont 300 a mokth rtiarantefhl si2 a day at borne made by tbe industrious caplul not re quired r will start ynu men women boy and ktri make money faster at work for as than at anyibiqj- else tbe work is llht and nlgjwatit bind soon as anyone can go right at tna wbn aie wise wno see thft nouce will sen d as their add re b at ouce and wefor themselves costly onwt and itrms tyf e isow li thfi time thwe already at woi k aro lay ine a p large sums of money adiress teuraco angotitft maldp blood purifier ifor horses and cattle they li o furniture at cost i- r o v3 rr great clearing bale of now cammenced and will contmue for the next two months to onke room for springslock now inproeesa of maniifacnre call ucsofiazcsaia l at oce and secure babgajks t j 3 hssielnn blocs upper yodham sintu- ea john w0r8f0l0 c co cueuph never fail acton qntaiio

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