Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1880, p. 4

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little ft ad littlefiands little fejtiijid little hands little movring whither going come to me ipray 1 bnne the sweetness in its fleetness oi the early flowera ah the blessings and ctrewngi of yonr snnnjr hours tssatomqiiwvf wii clouds or skies of blue wtlilh pleunresoome with treasures setiltcbtsqtulrrj l little ones along mavthefbear the darlings whets tin air is- foil of fifing 1 v -c- 1 little feet ami little bands t teexe wondrous fair i 3jentlj blowing never knowing any thought of care to its breeaes if it pleases j him who goides oar way r n ou again w stray give me cent and you may pitch one of these rings and if it catches overs nail ilfivcasii v t that seemed fait enough so the boy handed himi cent and foot his jrinr he stepped back to a 6take tossed his ring antl ft caught on r of jivsais7 rt j will vnn take six rings to pitch sgsin or sir cents lsix cents m was the answer and two dltntorestedienvolene6 softie 3jg ago a lender hearted stronger of welt to rft exterior piiuriw bylhe broad itotio steia tof wareuw caluelral neiceived a poorlydressed woman ctouolied at their foot weeping loudly and wringing her hands in deep icibolafioi tooched by bet- evident distress lieatopwd aiid nsked what wm the niautro jkmd gracious sir replied the eobtlng woman i am the most uhfortudttie creature in lie world i flrantto get my baby christened but tbe ojje dumand two rubles and 1 have not a single copeck is that nil f observed- the pitiful stranger vukartmi iifetttblo ffiptegotitraight ft tiit pope pay hiurfris christening fte and bring rue out the three rubles phargei witlujtjyful promptitude the recipient of his bounty entered the church whence she presently emerged wjth three silvef niues whisb she hihded over fohvt foefattov- express iug her heartfelt gratitude for lis timely stiocor and her surprise at his ajpareatly disinterested kindness wjup4 wquj jjjjqnswered the ubil- anthropist with abeaming smile your agtonishuient 13 uncilled for you see ijai one ut tlios peopla whocan- not bear to contemplate the unbappi- nesa of their fellow creatures i must always- see joyous faces around ma besides everything concerned in tins transaction baa ptofited by it the ope- lias got his fee your child will bb christened yonr mind is at ease indlhave derivjd three good silver rubles from a benevolent action and a bad sre rublenosc tv vi m ly ispfe three otatrpteces wereput in htabaud he upjciiijliatoiiid withkiatie had done and probably not having an idea tht he hadydooe wrong a geuueihkiratandui near had watched hhn and now before he tad time tqhiok ahflat and join his eoa paninhspiid bis handoh his shbuldfer my lad this is yonrfflrst lesion in gambling i gambling yhvq i touke yoiiifennyi4ohair diiyonnat ertr i smtw nottrtttheuiandhf were not fcbeon yoa won them jjurt as gsbttni fin mboev- yon have tateu- the hrst step in the path and that man has gone through it and youcan see the end now i advice you to go and give him aii cents back andaat himtfor your penny andeu stand with the world an honett boyfipin qj had hang his head fdown hut riised itqasily itj his bright open loot as he aaidfilldotit will n soonbeforgotten heran backjnd soon emerged front the ringlookinguppierthaneyar ltetouched hisrha and towed pleaaanfly as he ran aay3p jouuljis comrades thatwas an hooetsehoy 0 g how rcwira it sj ttlie door of a bla4stziith cfafip oacaa avenue tkc other mortihs when schoolboy not orer nine yef age came along viik eeatf ta kit eye ogvof the ftroap aafced what the matter bay fill doxra v fcifc ive rofc a hardritlimetic lessoaanjriecfcfoefccke4i wastlie jjet wsevrt ajejj9be g-bee- on fntctiona thcmithbstks -teov-tafnei- iotiie page and read rcle l find the iea4fc common mal- tiple of the deaoaiinators othe fractione for the least common denominator by each dennminawr aad muttiplv bolh term- of tae incpsm bj the quotient bhtainedbyj eah dejmmo yj he rtd the role aloud and then aaked if anyoue coold nmierstand rt l all ahook their head and he tlea continued e1thmk0ihrald gd to work fld dj thej enebmmba agitatoth i woaidtfeea erowe c parraneltaccofdingto the intrinsic devutor- and pojicttiatetha thermometer i so woaldl answered every man in chorus and one of theny added itve work ed em out that way a tionsaod timea l sot ofie of the men ah bf wliom were in bastaesa and had made money f coold even understand thewprkingof the nile much ie rarka6ils byit and yfc it was- expettm aat icne yearoidiiby bhoddgo ia the blackboard and da every sum of- hand parents paradise we were machimpreiscd lately by the brderly behavioaitokixefamllyoecliild- renparficaiarly at the table we spoke of it tooajho8t and ne pointed to a- paper pinned on the wait on which were vrritten ercellenfc rales je saidhkaveeacb child who obeyed the rules a reward at the end of evevy monthr we beijced a copy far the benefit of oar leaders they were caledf enles and regrdafciofls farthe par ent t paradise t f ihnfc the door behind jfou withont alamraing it j j 2 nevar stamp jnmp or run in the house j sl never callto persons upstairs orin the next room if you tsrisli to speak to them kofqaietiy to where they are 4 always epeak kindly and politely to the servantgif yoa would have them da thsame toyoa 5 when ld todo or not to do a tiling by either partnfc never ask wby yoashopttl orahoald not do it p- tell of your own faults not of those of your brothers and sisters 7- carefully clean ihe mad and enow off jfocrj boots and shoes before entering the hocse be prompt at eveiy meal hour 9- never sit down at the talle or in the parlor with dirty hands or tumbled hair 10 neverinterrupt any conversation bat waitvpatiently yoar tarn to speakr 11 never reserve yoar good maanersor c tny b ift be equally polita at home and abroad 12 lit yoar first list and best coofidant be yaor molner drcl4ak johns st ladobatory f7w3dstkewyorkcity lais op jwueir uvr l t 1 l1x3 op jscixt ott dtsp4pia lver dlscates ftiftrs tlrftuj itheiima- tlsui brqpiftf heart dutast t sttbmfcbsltbot ejoto h jlan i tsoooagextsiuteeolisiseci- 9000000 bottles vtis syrup possesses tiiriid rropirties tt stranlmm the pttvnuieln th ipnllviii- rrhlch coavirtn te stsrett and napirnrtuo rooi cinema a rjgcleosrla pttjiuic easier 7lrt nndprfcvina erih fod intfce slauvuliv jftholurdlcino vtkoa fmtned- rttlf efitr aulas lhh fctmclioiuaa olljud u prersnted it net npcntii tirzt itxicts von t koft it ttegnlitf fbotrelt icpfia tlie rlaad itqsrct ilin xassjxte rcnanrisic fcrrrztbqirtndri7tljrctoie icctttia cltifeeold jntcdrfiidiaakmeftw itppctmlicporpflf f flic kitia and ladacec ttecithrffrhratioa r itntaraeies thfthreiirttalectpoiscaliithe tlivj vllz nnttc scrcilaliteipciis and ad nciaer cf yr dlsciscs end inisrcil humors tfafira am 33 efititscciplotcd 14 lis mannsicntre aaitiez3be aia bytiacmt dpdiobabeorby tta syst aad lceula cere otdj seiag ttxirtd iz ai- toegreaf sale at the rigpt house is going those nllvvbdl cantidiau jweqds at 50c iadvertisertiast week at frtliii 7 to 12r nr ml f value have a great 1 uxi they are such good value the adies kid frlmp r pe eir present off very fast these larg d of ribbons marked down wo m htoan 1 f edringsnudflouicrigs direct from the makers at st gall xhr cheap a itliebbt market io the eaormoiis sf otlcjust be- 00 a quantity pf enlored s matetl downrom45o to carpets haro goneuftal fiirling i notr there are aw pieoes bote iclants meriqo tiretws nos 30 and32 king street east hamilton close to hughs on street hamilton fab 19 879 pais or tmz e07i33 e5is of suili sis tlk rtid tha voluntary testimonials of persons who fisve been cored bytfaf ass of lha elood puriher jsrejjrjsipeias tt- x fit scrambles biscotctr i have sometimes heard little folksyyes and saafynatgevoaesjtmhijeet to ttadyiajf their lessons because they conld not see aar good it might do there was once a spaniel dog which had been wel trained by his master and knew some my pretty tricka scramble conld never see the ate of walkinjr on tjro legs jr iunipinj thrboghahoopbrairettinglhedoor when coninundfd to hut 4e loredhis master and he wis willing tobe onegjiofcngjrg mneh better tharthe and who was so kind to him i l thye was another dojj iiring near by of an illnatured race who qnarrelled all the mlilsposed animals in the neishbor- hoodjrle never learned any thing hot to barkapd bite aid was a terror to all th dogs who woald hare been his friends had he pemed them hi broke his ehain one y when scramble was passing his tbe lord prayer did yon ever think short though it is ho miicu there is in it oh it is beautiful like a diamond in the crown of a queen it unites ft thoasandsparkling ems in one it teaches all of us every one of usi to look to gods our parent our father it prompts tts to raise our thoughts acd i sires above the earth vho art in hiesxea- jt telta us that must reverence our heavenly father hallowed be thy name it breathes the saints reward thyiking- dom come i a submissive obedient spirit tbx wtl bejdoaa xazth aaitjtin heaven and dependent trusting spirit give us this day our daily bread and forgiving spirit forgive us oar trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and a cantious epiritjdelivec us from evil and last of all n adoring spirit for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory for ever and evar amei kenue and flaw atjiim with i his month wide open and hia tajlfeallin sight- the frontor of the offiahescramble lived was landing openjnrt when the poor spaniel was nearlyf aertken by bull for that wis the dogsruime he bounded into the office and itandibgon his hind legs ummed thedoor io bii enemys face and wm aafe- then for- the first time in hit life ke aptimnatm the valpeof education so it is wttljuttle olln they find as tej row np that knowledge of all kinds is sure to be of set vice if properly used and often is ofcthvgwmatdfuitat when they least expect to ned it i ewi6 i it ooo4jitorihian beauty of the mind tnov like personal besety riniamot ithotjttrthingelseflme isieed u afitecf positita defilncies iaoijesy art alpnabefofkuies attend well to your business be punctual in your payments consider before you promise dsretodo right envy no man faithfully perform your duty go ngt in the pith of vice have respect for your character xntsrest yourself in thecause of charity join some religious society know thyself by careful study ijie riot for any con deration mike friends among the good neverprofesswhatyoudonotpractice occupy your tmein4iscfuliiea postpone nothing that you can do now ooarrel notwith your neighbor recompense every inan for his labor q sve something against a day of trouble treat everybody with kindness use yourself to moderation vilify no persons reputation watchfully gnard against idleness xamine your conduct daily yield to superior judgment zealously puisne the right pith so logf of confidence a detroit grocer had a patent inouey drawer attached to his counter the other dayanditwas no sooner in working order than his clerk tendered his resignation j yon going to leave 1 why whata the matter asked the grocer i i dont wantto stay where a person has lost confidence in me iiayoa refer to thatnew till yes- well yoa are foolish 1 havent lost theleast bit of confidence in your honesty bat iiimply argued if you ha less change to squander outside i could have more of your time in the store loss of confidence the idea is absurd the satisfied clerk took off his hat and returned to duty ilt forest wellington co ontoin dciy stb i was severely afflicted with erysipelas for two years and a snort rial of yoar irfrllau blood srcup effectually careotmb v mk janet akeusos i tlrer complafiif- mtforest wellington coqntcan deib rtx i have used your great ladiau blood syrnp for liver com plaint and have received great benefit therefrom f recommend its use to all similarly efflicted i nels01x cak disease of tlie stomach ilt forest wellicgtonqo ontcan dejie eta this is to certify tint your vaiualile lediaa bico1 sjtup cured meof cramps in the stomach j vy hi carkow i best hedlcluel have ever used lynville norfolk co ont deae sik i have used a great many medicines but a better medicine than your indian blood syrup cannot be made ltis thebestbood turinererer used i peter waedl consumption windham center deae srn 1 cannot find language to fully express the praise which in grati tude 1 would utter- torthe benefits have received from your ercellent indian blood syrup it has done what doctors could not do or failed to do i was suffering with conssmption for a long time heavy cough esin in chest shoulder and back and yjmr indian blood syrtlp has worked a perfect miracle i would recommend ailto give it a trial i wjrcuxjrintihir dyspepsia j aylmer elgin co ont sia i have used your remedy for dyspepsia and recommerdit to all iles j ohn far hikg a valaalile lledlciiie a i have used your blbodsyrup and found it a wonderful and valuable medicine mqs bexsey1 eedfcikd aylmer ont splendid remedy for dyspepsia sia i hare used your indian blood syrup and caused it to be used in several eases of uysnepsla and found it to lie a splendid retuedyj w fr white aylmer ont j i j fonud as kecommendcd his i hve used your indian blood syrnp or dyspepsia and found it to be as tecommended j john w gillet jp i aylmer ont i j an agents testlniony 4 0n fak i have used- soidthe indian blood syrnp and fiod it the best rem edy in use for iyspepsiaand as a blood purifier j xiewls 3eto bhenmnflsmj i str i have been troubled with kheu- matism for a great many yean i your indian blood syrnpls the only one of many remedies that did meany good 1 recommend i to all i i ilns cats caishotir kenyou glengarry co ont b haskett would assom ik to the c1ti- zesof actun and vioiiv tliat ne iia j usi pvutu lu ijis uew rremsex a well iclcejea stock or t i mcoodsj groceries crockery fcclassware and tbat he is prepared to sell at the most ieasonnble prires forcassnd kouldretpctfulljsohoitabheof thir patronage country pmobucz tazen in ixctlaxge- eememdcr tue new stoee ilust- east act re a ha9lett fctjn nocjblh18a al3eet 00llz92 geammae school bjiis7tlb tiii school oftri lit fdileicing adranfaow 1st aateiolati01t every year candidates from ikis tshcol are passing thetsaminatioisof the law saciety cnuncilof fhysieinns and sur geons mairiculatijg iao te difereot universities with few or no rejscliobs i 2zl tsaohias in 1877 1878 end187v nearly all the stuuenls competing made mot satislac- tory examinatinsj aud tlie school is now prepared by its enlarged staff to give the moft thorough etinding to candidates for certificates of ill grades ted couliffiicial biplokas lie cdvanfageslnclude not only the complete prattical sutriculun f lie celebrated easlmln college at feugh- keepsie n y precisely as taught at that college but gives the further d vantages ot grammar history composi tion elocution or the languages if required at no additional expense thomas c watkijs hamiltois tuition itichaehnii klcry 15 weeks bvttlci irivnnced fijjo tuw ilmartr 95 60 triruy 10 wet ks 650 bolruand books cin be hialnbulldlns orofiuill53jer week 15 w8ks commercial training f o jrcari tad rosas included for particulars applj- to t- i j bjaciues dd phnprtfanl or u h da vis ba com rrerclalliser g t hill for grocebies liveh7 sale 6c stab ill 8trekt is where yo fuyou want a good and cheap article in ml- tpuatfleysoa japaa lics er sua j pstdsr if boar les aoton u can get firstolaiss rigs at reasonable rates gooi commercial erigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to anyjpart of the toivrj allpartles indebtedftotliis es tablishment are requested lo pay up without farther delay save costs proprietor ontaeto business college belletillej ostabflo i els ii syrups spices- and tobaccos of all kinds ejesh ksji sieet l- i l k t i l el stl 1 p it v w- h w and most complete factbiy ia theldomiaioa 140sl00- igest ixeaors ever avartie i to aayjmaksria iae world atfaj and diploma at cinitnnia1 gtiitdal cmcldijilninj utsjfiicy australia tjtgold medaj ai proririial mtxibiiien faronto gigflliyfieii mcard at industrial exhibition tonato 1876 18r h9t8 1879 we are 3tst in now manufacturing square and upright the maket correspondence solicited senjcifor illnstrated- catalogue hailed free address domikiqn lorqafy bpwllaiiyills company oktaeio- bjiirdware of all kinds gleahg sale 0f i paiktg astd oils hixges a2td loces i kails glass k puttr salt by the barrel cash j all cheap for go to- hilils hill street acton- uvtaiuo business collece bellevitrje ftqujnjxn rk is noted forkie tiuroaetines ol its work ana the iracucal beaefiu ot its teaching its principals arp accnantants or practlcil fxpertehepjanc anthorsof the ivst worts ou boofckeeptnr and penmansaip piujiished its students after soiitarooghlhpcourse are comietent to ail good post tit ns or conduct business themeelves rarents and youna men are luvuedtesendfonh coheve circular whlcb with 8ped- dnnsofpeninacsliii is mail ed free j address bdblskmt 4 johvsok ontario business couegc belleville jhew boot lhoe shop i ewimq machines ca satttdft7- uteact we will cdumench aneslcnsive stpnt reduced pricea ofjoursrstclki drj giotl miilinerr mantles nd clothing on account of ajtehr tfuns ia the kusinees ertniordinyrr liargans may be expected and will be ctvea as thu i a genuine sitie to reduce our large stock if cvecv cusmmer- in the bnyal city anilcounty of pellington and 8uiroundii2 countiis wijl aye tiuij and money by coming direct to m stewart cou v- i j and attend tlis jteat sale of dry goods sjlts jlahlles miliinerjr flarmea blanket glnvvshosieiv tiidercohing and fanej- good aspeeul lotof lheap tweeds wkch eannot bow be duplicated ap fashionable and cbtapj will be offered a select 16t of furs new reduced nricei ai th dyspepsia and indigtstioni kin your indian blood syrnp has cured me ordyjiepsaand indiges ion it has also effectually ouied my wife oi same disease- jjltlktos joussos coathaai ont solo oenoral agoats t crcaaada noethro47man soaistoaisipst xorontp also agents for mother nobles healimc 8vrup an english discovery which k well known ds a valuable and effective blood 1 purifier throughout the world 1 w williams rpould respect- fully intimate lo the people o acurn nd wcjidlv that he lias opened a boot4 buoe shop in ibe ouildint opprite tv hsioreysqlove foresou una btbkst actok anyonslawautofa lufastantial and good flltlna b10 9t oh shoe sbouidbotfailtoleave their orderatutselaod sspalrtnff a sjoeialtr ud promptly w wlliilams robt attends to acton sptw 1879 atteation i atteatioal geonlne ilarnerg bazaar pat terns full suits only 25 cents slsaiv asd xxt atsjahd boktot dose ovte w a u th4 liriat stvlis vfrs e u pass rtishes to iv- 1x kormtbelsdlesofaclonandvlclulty tliat site has lately learnt the french modoor cnttinu and fitting and la now preparedto give even droatsr sailsfwtioa than 7opoerlr wedding and fiinralflosreisembslmed dresses and jackels cut nnd a perfect hi guaranteed hi a reasonable price porrttllshandcbupibau and bqpaets eoto i meskhpaas i i r aeonasoaanaelph cbaine acton isprepared to call oo persons reguirinf i either sewine machines or organs he has agencies feom the jbestrnnuulactarern in tbe country and will fruarantee satisfaction to purcbasern terms very rensonabe oricrs left ot his reftlleneeornddrsdedtohlmto aeton p o wm recoive prompt attention j chaixe belttys gctide to fihegant wjritinq beattts guide elegajit writing is a rorfect selwnstructor in pjenmanbhip- byibe aid of which jounr people may beeome cood wnterslu averythnrttlme it cor8uts of a boos of fifty fages conlaluirg aualjsls npd ex nianatlons a largp or copy sups for practicing beaulltul ornarucntalsheei and a bnndaome case to- con taliitdn th- whole pfilcejpqstpaibsl address jboblnson a johnston i ontario rclnessloec belterfiii affeatswbiiteel obliging and attentive calesnicn lo cnaider it no trouble to how goods uring the great bduced saio positively no goods vhllje charged unless br social arraaqomtnt wm stewart co guelpti 50 painua ji5c pp nunjse for salev by all 30 to r onfto o nt i o i- semulsio rure cod llverl m lhi -j- ijwith sites of lime and soda chronfo vougbit scrofula lniamtlm and d1mj octbeblood0imtl0 vutlngileftttrof children it not tuy contzim the welt known adhki- 1 1 pftly tdwfiac tstsf iprrtaitkm combine th t ifo ougbi scrolala je blutr jyoteemed rirtaea of cod liver oif ip nomacb bol ia addltko the vpodcrfatibuc tod ufejivinj aicd that tin rcnediaj p9wcofbouiifclweely increased pbjiidaru urfvertaily ickaowledt the wperiortirt moftliucomithimffxdimmedfcmetalltiieabove diseases ltbnotdnlvbcfiakklefw but much m rre readily aromilatpd byae ttstem than hfacod uwim h trr tfv and puriln t ugitingurtn

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