Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1880, p. 6

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v hssix tra joariouhi staffing wim rl whit portioo otber milomr dh you expect itoto4tlkjr1l uttlrjrtetelrliirpdtrsl topped i li jeeijaaieturaljuloryjutalheraatarlo twacorniaropped ithd ttttttr tee in acorn drop froma mal- u ji deuoecis neuieawsnafi t j bmtfeauiaf mnte1 l- andumwttlwladiwhlspend the watt arhid it sa tht chancier sad roa oortt sol ta have jiruued to aim in last upon tha tide i tret ora ralltima for you ajy detoeud 0 je- blaulj of j wife i he reachoed in a voice of indetcribible joy my titling f and ho held oat hit irmt towards her she placed her two hinds in hit he gretpi them quickly lad drew her towirrlj him 41 if he would crush hor to hit heart 1 bat some- thing indefinable perhtpi the absence o ul pinion from her lurprised innocent gtxe stopped him a saddened subdued expression spread oterhiltietviibhtt its rapturous brightness as oomdmth3 impulte he raised her hands and dgmf hit ahipely held with minly eotefihy pressed thenr to hit pauute lip ra j afc though ia n bsttti in ctlni xaepttlm postest andeft apt toolhinir ulm- wtbutmeynrtiae braih boiuet flj mr tool yet bitterir tlrjrtlhjtutjl moums njnoirt oh wlty ob rtf i ty aninrhionrnti3rroctestl a unkof love i imn confirmed old bichelor wmnchu myiiiter my deir comptnibil udkoaie keeper it 1 confirmed old maid oar tuyi hire reached nearly to the allotted spin 1 of life and the greiter number of these have been passed in oar little home in the dingy eityi where i hive pnotiied u 1 iiwyor for to many ytin wehite lited there 10 loog thit it hu becoma almost ptrt of oaf- selves it it thepliee tat saw- toy first f client ind better still my fint fse ernjji 1nimotnrfyet ohhcmiweatundit k the plane where i hire icored my tueecises and itrirentoobliterate my defeats fijemeierenyeirx btcksir enpcrtmxn- jjigtiibfl43ti client of mine died jeiving his onlyhijls daughter to my eire bf hit wqi he left mirnlind qnngetnd eterything of which he wu possessed to hit daughter the mil hid beevmide shortly liter her birth hid left him 1 heartbroken widower tb town hia grief he plingod intolhe wfldeatbceneaotdbiipation deeply mortgxring his beaatiful estate to meet the demand such endless andcoetryitritag- bnoe entahodipbniini upon enmining sir eaperfi paper found there waa nothing bat 1 proud old name for the orphan prl to inherit the timewoni grange and beaatifalpark with its krngfe oakt and igreiding atenuestrthe honieot tiie jlaralanda long before the norman wfleam osnrpedvpoor haroldi thronewenm have to be soldto paythe old mxn debts istroggledv hard te avoid a sale i had to give way in the end and the home pf centuries seemed doomed to fall beneath the hammer rethelmarsiand soon after her fathers death came to reside with us she was a tall elegant girl with a fair oval flci the nose was xather long and inclined to be straightsits stiffness deing redeemed tha finelyfcarvmgnostrils lie eyebrdwi were wemormed and boldly ronnded formuig almost complete arehetotertheiirgi insnil ey giving to the faoetrdssdliiniopeiit tamfreasion delicate- cherry hpa dimpled lit their corners the upper one shaped like iihidi bow and soft wivy browrrj iar threaded with golden gfiiit 00m- pleteds face which was almost cirhdlikv in ibvpority i shrink from thepainfoi task of awaken ing to the item reality of life the poor girl thrown homeless r penniless upon the mercies of a cold wg worm before iie hid nnnibered seventeen years it was a iireary itotember eveningi and the sound of the wind and drivingsleet withoatjnadb the drawn curtains and piled- up fire seem the cosier by the contrast x long days work had tired me and in dress- iinggownand siippersji was enjoyinzthe luxury of a quite pipe and ichat with an bldfiieni v t hadknbwn xjrthierthemton since he waa qnite 1 boy he was the sole repre- jmfitaflnivbf the great firm of cothbeit 2eriston co eastlndiamerchants and astsuch ths owner of great wealth he had atirtled me by aiiangmypennissi6n ta woo etheljbc his wife i looked at hi i hitherto imtoudhia by womens- love i dreaded the ripened passionate strength of j ipsch feelings now that he had attimed his primej vbsiibjs manly- beaaty compensate for the twentythree years difference between their agert it woold be more like father and daughter fftin nusbind ancl wif this wasthe sole objection that i had to hit nroposilj hit character i knewta be an- impeachable aid in the matter ofsettle ments he was everything that could be ex pected he offered tojparchasei the old grange apdj freeiagitrrom its encum brances settle it ancondttiomlly upon ethel li letme tpeik toher in your presence he pleaded i ask no more if she refuies meisiibiarittjut it wilt be hard was moved by the warm eager tones of the hitherto reserved snd silent man but love is of such omnipotence that it is not always safe to say him nay if he cannot get in at the floor he wih jump in through the window l thought it best that ethel should ansvvev for herself so i rangthebell and 1 y j taii hersime- we neither of us spoke dnrincefew minates that elapsed before we eard her footsteps very beautiful she lookedas she entered the room her black mourning dress utterly devoid of ornament fitted tightly tothe figure its severe simplicity suited her classic beaatyj the black colour hrmging oat in strong relief the delicate jjsirness of her cempleiion her soft eyes were still trenjnloos with the grief to which- j she had given way on learning that the grange would have to be sold fori had cowardly deputed to my sister the task of teffing her the hitter frnth cutberf rose as she approached and placed achiir for her at the side cf the fire facing rde when he atoobetween as one hand nervously resting ohthetalie ac ceptmg the proffered seat ethel foldedher delicate hiindstijierlap and quietly waited for me to ezpisinfcr whatparpomtlhad senforher is as feir words as possible i unfolded to hercsitttderts prpposalsi concluding with his genierons offer to pay her fathers debts ahdlsettle her homeon her nnoonditiaa- ady if sounded as if i were offering her fr bribe x atardmercd and hesitated a little while speaking it was nripteftwivbat i didnot feel thitt snoald have been jistified in concealing it ffont her it formed part o chthhertf s offers for a few moments shev sat quite still with her eyes cast down i was beginning to fear that shehad not mdersiood me and that i should iave to cbmmehce my task again but my apprehensions were relieved slowly raising ner- tearswollen eyelids while a faint flash suffused her pale cheeks shelboked at cuthbert andin a dreamy measured voics said as ttihe were-repeat- ing some assertion to herself toitfsne half questioned and marsland shall not be soldi cstbert winced at her calm caiculatiiig tone andmaalindshaitnotbefeldvhere- pheav in isiijydlshipomted voice he mored from his jlicetill he stood fac ing her and in raradponate- words is if hht very soulwas speaking fddrassad neerft v gthel henlsa wtecanrdo or j say towin yonrloyei tcanoseryoii an unstained name vji koine yoor- fathers jr home and wealth but do not sccept me for these tike meloc love of- myself thaii yon loro ine- that yon- willlore jtou r yoa give me everything mr hanston she said i have nothing to grre youbut myaelfahidded yonrielffhacrieiriaskfprnothrug give me that and am morethan else tjoptent sayitaglin eepaai these words titer jnerwturwifei oithberv ind he glaioeierlif thnr low but disfanet the longdfor words cme iwfllbayodxwife cdthbert i j n five sammors hid come and gone since fstttierl ttcf fia jtandiagintiequilnt olovcitychurch had become one l thewtddiniby ethels own desire wu veryquite no friend wis f resent ure my litter ind myself a holy uilding few solemn words and 1 tiny circlet of gold few scritchti of tho pen and all wu over a new ufa aid began it wu igtta dreiry ovembor the cat- tains were drawn and the merry flames went crackling up the chimney the kettle wu tinging 1 weird melody and oldtom tilt blinking hit eyasfn the cheerful light on tehtftdlypirriog terrible nlghvl ticuimed mary plating in her pleasant oooupition of buttering he muffioi to liilea to the tliit which shook tho house and to the pelting of the rain i dont remember tuch a night tinoo ethel and cuthbert wen engaged wait a if tango thing that wu never heir from them now it ft more thin sir weeks tinea ethel wrote 5ou may be very wile john the continued with tiiterly ontidun bat i think it woold have been better to have hid ac little lou wisdom once i dont think there is much happiness to ipare in that home itor it it to be wondered tl a cold grave reaervod man such u cuthbert heriitoa to mirry that child heiiod enough fa be her fither i wat about to defend myself igiintt this accusatiou but was ttoppod by a load ring ing o the bell who can that be cried miry chopping the knife in her astonish- ment for anevening visitor wu arire event with as she opened the door and walked to the- head of the staircase to litten- jolrn john she called out as she harried down tne stairs cathbert heritton at im a living woman 1 1 hastily followed her to welcome our un expectedguest where is ethel i ssked as i warmly grasped his hand and assisted martlm to relieve him of his wet cloak and wraps ihave left her at marsland he replied rather curtly i thought kot liidng to press the q oestioa or to aik frtp prprnttimff t tbmm the subject and we returned til the hright room and deserted tea cable bat somehow some unnatural constraint seemed to have fallen upon us some presage orthadow of evil had entered with the outside damp and misery and chilled our warmth cathbert tookthe seat ijplacedjforjnm in front of the fire aed spread his hands to the warrd blta we tat in silhncayhile mary wu directing martha to pot jometmag on the uble more sabstantial thai muffins i looked at cathbert and was sadekedat ma altered appearance the jet hlickhur was plentifully streaked with grey bat it was hot the changed hairwhich troubled me the greatchiilge wu in the face the cheeks were drawn and hollow as if by mental sufferngiand the eyes were sunk and had dark rims romdtheni he seemed annoyed at being so closely observed turn ing to me abrupt he said in sharp voice- j how loogffillrt you to prepare a dees at separation a deed o ieparation heaven preserve usi exclaimed mary in her surprise lad agitation poarihg the tea into theiugsr i basin instead of into the cap that martha had jaat brought for mrs heristoh without heeding marys exclaaiatioa or waiting for iny reply cathjiert rose froni his seat and placing his hands on the mantel piece leaned hit forehead upon them so as to conceal his face ia a low hatfcy v gfcfc tnilag his full- rich intrrionevbe said it is best that it shouldbe so he spoke masingly ss if answerihg some mental reasoning or thinking aloud rather than addressing us i have tried to outlive my folly he went on i wasmadtosnptxke that a chmrianbceat of the world and life could love as i would have a wife to love it wasmyowtt fault i bought herwith martland hit tone grew rery hitter here well she has blighted my life but the may retainthe price she shall have marsland aadah i have for herself and our carboy his voice was agitated as he referred to theirjonly child man aboat three years of age conquering with an effort hit emotion he raised his heio snd in calmer tones explained- that he intended leaving england and as he contemplated never returning he wished to appoint me his sons guardian and truttee of all his property for the lids benefit snd that of his mother mary wiiteohill he had ceased speaking pushing the tetray from her she rose from herseat and went to his side placing her hands on his arm with a loving gesture and a tear diraramg her brightlhlacki eyes kaif gtjysithbri tt it this yottareabouttodof j doyoa fally realise the seriousness of the step yon meditate taking 1 ra then with- tender loving words she besoahc hfm to explain- his acmduct soothingihim as she would aheart- broken rjiitd he listened to her quietly las she continued r you- hare told us nothing that can jastityyott in leaving your wife rjciaaem tafanoytfaitanehasno love for yon how do ynuknow it have you ever really sought her tovel ton areso cold and reserved and she is so ysung poor dear that she may not understand you ihajve known yon since you were as high as this table and can answer for the warmth of a lovmglieaitfcatitisverysensitite- kfee thesnauit is but too ready to shut itself up in its shell go back to your wife- tafcei her foyonr arms sad pillow her head upon yoax breast her love wilt soon thaw the icy reserve of your heart and set free the warm stream which is now imprisoned the unhappy man only shook his head despondingly i taw that mary was begin ning to lose patience her voice grew sharp as she exclaimed iihavenopafienoewithtuchfolly you havenorrlgnt to leave ethel without protectoreven though yod do think that she does not care for yoo what is your wealth tj her in comparison wih the loss off husband and of a father to her boy f he looted at her sadly as he answered yoa have not heard ill i f eel tare that she is innocent innocent v interrupted mary with a gasp df astonishment r pray god she is hut the imt awtbtrv the words were shot out with a fierce energy of passion and his handsome face flnthsd at the mention of his shame loyeaanotherr f mary repeated the words mechanically trying to gather their meaning then rna- denly as their import became clear ta her the valiant little woman started her eyes flushed and she thrust out her hands with dramatic action as the cried in indnjiant tones at i am a living woman cathbert heritton itisfalsef fgentlyigenty cried soothingly would- nevefbriogso serious an acciiaation against his wife without tome reason 1 have very doubt jmt that there has been some mittakev which it capable of explanation painthat eriedcttthertcattiy throwing a small noteon to the table i took it up and opened it the paper wu strongly soented and had a small gilt monogram in one oomer the handwriting was bold and flowing the characters vbeiag formed io that dashing style tdopted u frequently by women u by men i read the words slowly to myself and tried to keep allexpreaoon from my oe for i felt that cuthbert wis closely watching me the note wu veryshort ind ran u follows monday night my ever loved one drop me ifiae to say when old qrnmrsi jfjroni reipaof and muter i invkoat of tl an revoir ma charmanft till then your own oxomthot i i silently handed the letter to my titter bat like 1 true womio jtggnijtyp her lips ind toldmt to keenwto myfiif jit wu otiwbite5hirissbr neos letters t which bbed it to uaueaki ushecvand hehetduted before he intwered bat at but oonfetsed that it lad been brought to him by a discarded maid of hit wifea who told nicn that the had found it it tihaiiwwiatflf samditai iter ittiiiraii had given to her a marei nett- raiiirkoa mtry jvafi log to oonclulton like the rett of her sex women generally by 1 kind i of instinct tranage to hit the right nail on the heal while a male mmdit gropin j itt way through 1 morut of logic icartfaji testing mfln iu be made liferi het in the dumps becioie his lei habmaoffjforthreeorfour otherdiyupartsuiuelr it tolcipsrterwbrhoar liatelgat to olear the olood frota the englaeers face aod uam in reply to the queryhe laid it it a queerthlngo theres my engine oneof theoertonthe road in perfeot or- der otirf two yeirk ouaiaoietoraifof pal with the best them a month ago each lup wommi with hop ikip and jump alights at the goal nncxhiutted ana tonccirnxrtdr nafarjerfctjf hawiyed soma strange freaks among the feathocd tribes thitsea- on nitunlisti and deilert note the ar stffwi ftanl ioutfi afirtei- to staph en llswstett tails ot the fleav uri of otwlbiyaopit4uty of the pattoleoold itlneaajiel oatrlchen abhiplcdofyajikmkotionbooa 1 for 0itmatt waiutyui froaitliekrfiirxjaa i moaaelbsy clapeof good hopa jin 2 18s0 thb pretty httle iidtmrl towa hiuway utwaeh oapatowaod fott elizabeth the leading botuat ban are prince vincent k oo flamming muaie and hudton vreeda i co who import direcffromkrw york and bottoo the really live nun of the place if mr frank barry who in connection withm madia and mr miller boilt ihe beautiful utue maaaoicihall mr barry it foramott in every entsrpriie teniling to laterett the commanity liaaocial artiitio oruteriry way arid hit genial hospitable and liberal nature and great kindnen to t make hint most popalarihea also matter of the lodge here and one of the most sangnine believers in the fatnre richness of the ktratara gold field cohoerning which very little it know in america or twas going to say even here wltaia afew hoars of cape town there has recently been ditcovet- edagoldmine that will ifeel tore shortly astonish the world here is an item about it cold i cold i gold ffttulfc tetgopss it kossh bat inn saislsa shtsa i ro divilop rr i to lit editor of lit moatl rtj ajtituter- sje 1 1 wu utterly astonished yesterday opon hearing that the three little gltbulif vials fall of virgin gold thatwefesbowh me bya gentleman m cipe town the other lay h aotqauyagha u oat of tie earth himself had fen-discover- aekiratari near gewge towi aid within fea hoars jonrbeyef this town itfld mat atilou to iknowvwhy long ere this thii fact has not beenihown declared and pablished to flwgrtwoidtrgelad that the people of tint colony seem to bo to atterly maufferentto possession of thur hidden wealth that will aatnredly electrify and utonish the nations u did the califor nia gold fields in lt3- there are at this moment hundreds of capttalisf s explorers sad experts m saa francisco alone to tay nothing of hew york and london who if they had seen what i hire would instantly ffock to this beautiful land sad not only f- almott 14 quickly at fata writing this letter form c company bat have hemachinery started and practical workmen and minert on thewty to reap the golden harvest that ia sure to be their reward -vwhy- mr editor this beautiful little seaport town which is now almost atleepvat least it it to as to its belief in its magnificent fntare4 would teem with popalttion f real estate would go up 500 per cent and its merohah dise trafcoand oomniaroa increase a thousand fold wnflerttte ooioftj of the cape ofgoid hope ffoulovbetfie new el dorado toward which the feet of gold teekert from etery clime would turn cape town become la second san eaocitcoyand thaeip via winkle dutchmen awaking from their twenty years sleep would find this neglect ed and uhappreciatadtlahd blooming and biotsomingas the rose and one of the richest on the face of the earth up their and let it be developed at once i youtt c stxpset massbxt mosselbir jan 23 1ss0 the xarahm district where the gold has iost been discovered j his been procliimid y the colonial government as a iajniag locality and tjerefora i want myifrrends in rfew- york to understand that theyhae ss much right to coma over here instate out claims ax a nativeborn citfuov ntilyf a smallfee being demanded by the gofem- ment for allotting claims tie adjoining district called oudtshoom is one of tha moat prodnctfre in the oniony rielding wheat barley corn data brandy tfbieoo andmaire tha ostrich it to be found in africa onlw and today mir- bswy drives mitoseeln ostrich firm this basinets is carried on to a great extent just- think of a pair of good breeding birds being srorth 300or ii500 while bmt amooth- old sell for 10 ai single feather is worth 15 or 20 shithagai selling- in loudon and j snppoie in isw york for doable that sumv i the rcatcadfor thipti aftsrcape town u the safest port on tie cdsjtiwre being here good- anchorage splehcsd harbour aid capital facilitiis for folding cargo the siidard and union ihpteu are very fair for this country aid two llirieji fine chnrchee of stone are in coons of erection one dutch the dtherengiish a weekly paperfiounsheshereediw byirjosepn powiie i toshow you how yankee notions sre appreciated itetms say that some three or i four weeks ago a ship amvedftomeostbh direct consigned to messrs fiemming k siudie and stocked with evarything front a set of bedroom fornitaro to a hoirof matches tootmckt f puyed on one last mght and they were hot only immediately ail sold al rattling profits hut tha ship wai mstahuyaent to old boston for more t v when 1 left iioadoi on oct si i was told that donald carrie k co the- grssr shipowners were going io establish a ragnlar line of ateamertbetween kewyrfcaadtlia capeof ciddhope ihd iim enterprise will pay well foreventnally there will be agrestdnsinesa done between these twocoentrieii if sfeniway orohickeriag would send an agenocone or twoof their shperb pianos out here they would reap 1 goldea harvest yon in new york teem know little aaielre lets ibont this glorioat land but let me teulyou there art hnadredt of thousands af dollars to be made t her and the sooner snemigrttiun of enterpr lire yankees seti ih the setter for tb andfnrtheooantry j can a caterpillar baaam t a caterpillar wu receatly found on a bridgeportjwindowsill by a tarvanti and 1 her wat carefully nlaoed upon thekrea wi where it woildbeont of iahger a day so later the ladyof the house tiw the eater- piuiax an the doorsill and it war again placed oh the will for tafety thiswia rf nested several times the oit finding its wsy to the dobrsfll everytimfc khf the lady prbeured 1 hoi the end of wnioin wu leftopen snd placedthe oaterpfflax jbt it vthelxucwas then plaoad on thaywall the caterpillar teemed to know hit home for on several oooisiooa when the iady re- moved it from the box and placed rt tome diatadoa away it would ihaitify crawl back and oiter its old quirtart whentho wea ther ia very cold the box is taktn into tha hoots the caterpillar has acted aver ainoi it w fottnd ac though ft tanr ft hid fallen among friends and u thongk ittooa dact wu governed by reason hadnt the least lit of trouble in miking time no matter bbw the track u or tha weightof he train she wu ready ot tha word held hsrtteam beaatif ally and she setmad to unberttaod every word i uid todsy the lidtwn la the toundhoum growling add tpattaring aod acting as if the wanted to pick fan with 1 gravtlpit anything oat qf ir t v not a thing been looked trioe and we cantfind tha leatt e alirtii over exoaia for her oondacl shell get over it 0 t day ortwoparhtji if the doht woll panlat har howf eat her wont freight or itdok triiii tva wan it triad a doiea times ind it most ilwiyi works wtll itera ifaa bow bright al new dollar ind handsome at 1 piotura and hi be fifty dollars tut there isnt tha lent thin out of order shea limptyihlkiiigthoume ua child or wo man and i know what tirted it three weeks ago whilaon my ran ia with the night expreu the justwanted to light oai 1 for ill the wu worth she took tha bit like a running horaai and if i hadnt ohoked her off thed have biaten schedule time by twenty minutes she ictrd mad- right away and in running twenty miles she gave ma more trouble thin i had aver hid with her ia a run of 800j she lost tteam tried to foam over choked her pomps and when i wanted tnore ttenm shed llide on her driven she went right back on me that night and has been sulking araand ever inoev r do lu engines do thit v not all out many of them some df oat begin to cut up and get an their high heels the first dsy ant of the shop ai if de termiaedtbbe mastir while others will be at obedient u yon please for two or threi yeartand then all at once play you tome liusty trick peoplaj sty that a hone is next to a inao in point of intelligence buft sometimes think the locomotive onght to havsthat place- vf e engineen do not look npcithehiiujnachines bat almost it com- psnionsindtve known drivers to talk to them by the hourj i feel awfully down tnthemoafcibojifniy pet is this your first expeiicnce with talking engine i xafjfriw tfiiri- sir yean ago when i jvat fnnning outcf chioagn wett e hid ten yean addad to my age in t boat twoihiniites- thadjafine paieiigerenginei acdaf wereiths bat of friends tor over yearv xoe 4ay when we wero boomiag over fha country asiorty miles in hodr 1 saw a farmers team stilled at a highway crossing- he hail 1 big load of koodoo his waggon and the team was t pair of young horsesl l i first caught sight of them they were danciag np and down and not trying to pull 1 pound- had- the old farmerwai on top tfi4 load and putting 00 the-whip- good snd itong new v honest- iy believe that ensine wanted to maah thinga siie suddenly fnressedjmr speed and when 1 reversed and put odtha air brakes she plunged aad kickwt anif- almott nmpeitha milav whenrttartedupai she wu lulkine aojl i hid ill i could do totnake time she wu off all next trip bnt i wouldnt give in on the nexttnp she showed her teeth and they had the glesmof a lantern of death iyoa tee i hid prdart to sidetrick tt i certainstatten for the atlantic expreii to pins me and ray engine sulked awl growled and threw me several minutes behind- timej there win little to tpare wa reached lie station i ihadnrawtithe train about half i way off the maia track when nry eoginastipped deadttili- 1 yet sir j stopped dead still and that without being reversed or 1 brake applied and with lieam enough tdblow off ii tu dazed for i miaate and the fireman opened hiseyes like one teeing 1 terrible piesare- jast then the atlantic wnistled i jumped down and ran to the pilots expecting to tee ivbarrioaoai but the track was clear 1 leaped into the cab and gars her mors steanv but not a wheel moved more yet bat the stood there like irock 1 condactor brikei men snd passengers were thenting sv m sad the nntehman howled like vpadtherj oacame the atlantic aodiallaljte throttle openwidi kets you savlbi ia s thiver now stthe recollection i tio atlantic always parsed as on the fly bat that night she had 1 party cf ttek- holders aboard who wanted to get off it tnis station and she csina to a- stop sad saved jivriilwislabghter at would pntha alhtihuladitiatcrnpwhere shad tuvoljhrojghjwp spring ears tliok gjbw i fojfine of white at oni lettlout birds may it uncommon it tjwadenfwinged which came in few daji igiimon j rat of other biidsfrosteapajiacr it is pf an styoolcwottne back and hat a white breast tht green spot on tha wing it changed to 1 dirk col our a female widgeon that came in re- i easily from op the san joaquin river it of j r ooloatfe tnrbreittl while the hack it of an ashen hoe a mad has ihot at bordaa island ibont two montt igo u mottled on ba bask hiring white spots tattered through the usual eoakof blank tha brent tsofi blniah eut with null white feathers intermixed the crown ind sides of tho held ire hide and white a pair of valley quail were re cently thot by george eikarenkittar of saanville san mateo county that wert white all over uwbodr with the exception of the etarkingt on the breast which rttaiu ed thtij wonted oolour a brown tad white salt marsh rail killed at alvlw aw moothi ago by a tporttman of thit off y it another fresh freak of nature never be fore heard of aataralitit ny another if 1 white robin which canto in lome time ago tha bird is nearly ill white with an occa sional buokfeither t la 1 e a bflrlmdj j mli a striking if not pfatnraao oelooking ig- are of a man can be teen in axewjersey town ha it drtuttd la am fcirtj ivtfa ht- metlbaat for breeches kichlag to hit knots on his hud is 1 ragmdedged hat full of holet he it goldtlind that may be that it to uyhe imiginet that everything had the hoe of gold 1 at say rata he gather tstieki and stones under the im pression that they are coins and bouts cf hie treuurea hoarded in the swamps where hedwefu he calls at the thopa for adver tising cards and imagines them binkbillt and the bright colotired placards of patent medicine vendonbe treats as united stiles boads ha cries and wring hit hands when anyone threatens to enter his thantyin the swamp ud spends half the sight counting over ha fortune- in fact hdseemi to enjoy we ss well tho miser ho lirrds real gold and the commuhitys stock of wealth it in no way diminished thereby ha is a living caricatare of men who find pleianre simply in accumulating money aod proeare noother advaatage of it for theinselveis or others mbb opmplete and finest s took of oarpettf flobr fqil glothsv linoleums ifattingsy mats rugsj evershorfflin canada wepthis season going more etteusirely thin into fujtb carpets and wjmake sisttotxmw 6immab also crosleyti find other best makers tapestry qarpetsr common cjnalityy tx8selswe do not intend fco parrjy atook of thisaeason asttey arbyerfunsatibraotoryg to handle particularly for thepurqhasersi a they hcjvnot the appearanoe nor will thejgife- anything lite the wear of atapestry carpet at the same price- t rhur0h oarpets a specialty petlei golden griffin 128 to 132 king st east toronto 1 w rt vi uwinu 1 m tyrlatfot kfiutlmiitotir tllwit o ia br lexmlexbaiieis vlclati l bacha or un kunejiot ducum ortrullcf fa t bdiuuj itdder fcmj txmplnf itfnfnibditit ibfl t iled by d6qht at thw itaof tfa frfieta m and til 11m llwd or unlhano eqaiaad hit efubilstied fur itkit t ida rtpoulfott a ptfi tniiit of iar irtdliijr phy- ildim rocomnieflduklur u lathdi pne l for fdebtilldeilcr aansts qeo grxnt toarriad tlc world- faint tolling book oor j06d once obetholtier fc co ifcrlu pictche hf visiuigs friioss amokos tc deijerr icndfor wbolsiilfl u j ilutwk boa toronto i 20 lordly ftaic ua cniior2q pli motto titumnylqe kuiicdc kwtam sheep marks sapgdal yoosg frco jungke-turqtito- doypurown printing ke- process icexpeorive profitable prints from 257 fci 15q copies vithout inking- seaet ii sealed cprglopc hd ct f hocloaav croghill tis sfaadard rre lnfliiiancfr oof j dnrm 1 recent pleasant visit to the city of hamilton we toot occasion to interviey the secretary of the ahoye namei company ba vug fretaesqy here tofoie tpolrinfavoar- ably of it ve felt interested in ascertaining the result of it operation for the past year as many of cor citixens are- interested as pouoy holders sre take pleitare in pladag before them the fjuotring facta relattve to its business its premium receipts for the year amounted to tg6w7 00 while iter losses were 124900 or only 36 per cent of the pretmnms received which exceed the- premiums of theprarioua yisn of 21000 showiag that the company is growing rapid ly in the cosdence of the best class of property 7is 8ihc the company rta jorganized io japri 1877 jt his received nnrpremiutl0 its eatfrelossei including thasevjfadjnstmeat amount to the comparatitt jfflall turn pf j47o0o which again ettablisiftha that the company from it oataeiijai heenpatrphirsd by themoatdeairahleclisfaf insurers we excuse theciteans of hamston for the last pride they take in gnotingtave 8tanrlara one of the most suooenfal of that citys many suobetsfnl mooefary insftitutioat wei think ohr friend the jwrndl qrf powanre msy tafily repeat itsremartt of ilatt yr ani taytgain the standard inenrancs compsny uto becongrstulatcd on fhapnan- uer in which it has thus far earned the naif it hat salacted tpreiua aittttiitt ltd jti i i falm impression it it generally supposed by physicians and thepeonla generally that dyspapsil can not invariably he cared hat we are pleated to tay that gbixss acoot flowxb has never to oar knowledge failed to cure dyspepsia arid liver complaint in ill its forms inch ss- sour stomach cbstiveneas- 8iok headache palnitttioh of the heart indigestion- bad taste in the mouth 4c out of fhe50ocx5 ariei- bottles jojdiast year not jf single failnje jiris ireportsd but t o roraplia entity letters recdas ffomdggitof three drlwiurelieve aayrcasetry it sam plebottles 10 cents regular size 75cla tryilt thb ornctah faces for amtlenrt fiinla from i a 1 16 1 x 11 pries from oalsu from nu tba peskt card press irani u tc 110 ow u mea at tar- tine ia cptnuoai ror aon seodioruuitutdnnoomata alto 10 a fjr tmplt uo lo print plsin ud lnei esros hoocid- 100 klnftt west torjtuol i fifti dec o h smre cat 04 food bestirtirse 1 john innbers jjiiml toronto jfikst- class improve trvith- king- iueclei 56mi lo low at r ostit 1 perq s tlmmehinb enrsd send ckralui ud li- maladi mummofin latiiat loom or b runcii initilni e 1 ada ttjda it eut toronto qk nfsv e guaeaktei ix ura faum i aty to food eaergctid aavtatan roongnisii otrfirrtd bewi aufflp- fur pvtictiurf gustzr kaxofacwslna company towou oniutoi buy 4nly qtiiaha bakin fowd uj mnitnted ckuom for 1880 ti dot pbted tnd will m auxqtd fru u ih intenllnj pqrcbmen who lend their nanw ind po addn 1 firoen vttro with ntlbe chnfrol sti grain tc will plene kod heir orden eulj prim 4qd umjilei on t ppllotlon eedmui toronn uld hurrah for manitoba tfts 2nd excurston traill for manito k t wnistabtox wednesday 17ti march 80 foe pirueatati pply endocibg- eent oamp r wprittie ifjlvttoba usd office 64 kjnqst eaffmoronto artlflclrl limbs ffiffissi qumq i pint prixa t prorincm sxtublilda- lon don- tectlmoaiiif oaipplicatioa- btjsf action gvs- tintdl addrem i jdoajtaibos water water nixlaiatd pui clifi eta- send fotcareoiirto axal g fiuraoyerarweu borinr6a in dm icortd for qnlct- kver wu ben iij it hijt rl himqtcn wm itmnt0 oriiiuttvid whi8treocwau- free ticwt forspld uaij sumgbrcnoar iuaex ipcr teabetry tho fey powder for -whiteo- iag the teeth itimulafing the mouth and purifying the breath the brightest nesteet most perfect toilet gem- extant vifc yoot draggitt for fnoe5enitai- fiaickbsfeed your horses- oolti cows ratctije calves sheep gt and fowl tbotittffotm- and vatlte foot acid every wnerfc more agents wtnte4 manufactory 48 john 8ts hamilton i tbs tdflpecns ft becoming- quite popular in tl lor oil is tkobeoanuiis tstj pepalarirkreuudf be cooliltfns- bnlset prktos bimissltf horte- owbercsn dnsiceaabimlv sctvas bmises qdls bcntcliei winish ei it is lh nical tffeettte remedt kqovu rjnparailaled snecosa sail ihretuniogacdlhshcrased the firemanlltioit at seehja ghost imobrtiepatengertswardied dowuoa met and x believe i should have taken to the vroods if aehaage hadnt come all atdnoe no 40 seemed to rear right an she made i plahge ortwo andway tvoot like a bolt of lightning and i had the hardest kind wortto stop her- oh the idinr i iheydidatsay i wu drunk tnd they knew i wasnt asleep but they suspended me until tieyloohed the engine oyer she was inperfect order and they tent her out on the acoommodation with new- driver what did she do but bang right into train at the etafion and that inth all aieamahat off and the bar thrown over i borne folks laugh tt as ana call it superstition but they never lived tin an engine cab ask lay barber if his razor doesnt get off now and then and refuse to shave until laid aside for crest- ask any horsetrainer if his horse will maker the same timg two mornings alike cvenifrtheeare and feed acd track sreths rlrna r lennninginand eat o this city art nnjfaedf of locomotives all built ontheaaiablan sndyetnttwoare haad- led jutt tdkt oat of twenty built in the itr s i ham piorii wiwanrtnasame one can be dirunezeovl tee ome urns usoptlasi urtt diet md tsepiiis the tho obpmillflie sneeflss of tietorucotopoand syrap ot hrpopbosjhu4s unfair to its iwvsrlail ia utompbt one eomplslhts- leading- to ooasonip- tioaandgeaersldsbui ktertoaevfao ts ever tddd if his experienced fi rrom lis os tod titer reeammead it vubpteemre for sals byslldealers fos gecta underwear in fine scotch atpricesas est go oraend tdjoopert great ameriran tch sai the 1 iw i cunsdiangcxsdssrtjrieesas lovs thirttietory 109 yongi ttsoronto what is bronchitis croocaitis issainasmmsliaaottbeaiaods irninff o fee hnmoisltabesor nnslter mnuestloas oc tlia vfndpipe is its milder form it iseommordr oslisds told on the eimst tiw vsoal rrsrptois am houie nest dry eougttus1it degree olfewr followed by exnectomion of isneuti tlurst hni tad ttternrdi oopioos- ia thrmvm fonnt tan t don fevvr oottgbaddo st tas chert etewutefl yield pilnr it another eeust petted a third will be faithful a fourth treacherous snd each one will hawtheir peeahar trais and tncis id no more take out one of these engines without knowing hernecuianiiea than youd try to jumpaeroet that pit im be all in a trembliforfwrlhed ditch tho whole train no tir they are at near humaa at ma chinery can- be mtde and the mora human you treat ant the better it ifforbollu soma casbe coaxed tome must bo punished soma seed waichiog and- once in a while you find one which will dodge danger keep uer time and run herself yon dreani of the curlyieads tsckad up in bed at home i iiiiiiv tht regieiiil mania teems to bespreading hayond tnevfronfiert of eupei iiw of ik nnahrency narrowly esosped being thevictimof certain malign sorceriat wlnck- it jrav suppoted would prflvtrfa tal n erapinih old isdyof bonoorat thecoartandhertwo tosufeapgewah and yoong htaait the old lady at the harteoisalmsupyth the rtfuted obecoroelia jiaanoitsitith by mariyniinani pii tai her hair cut order that it mtit bo impoale for him to mirrytpsr the woddber witch has had theirrjrd brkndeovwjtn irtt ironen lei fprebeand been oriesignrvl to a con- vent etr two tonstreflok to deattu 8alin sepyarfhtt alt a died her death being attrihatedtd atditeaae at theneclt itptotiaienphobirmfoistrangslatioh ivsiioyuix for i fence jpcatt and then gtihered pajfe blet and tinned it parsatits dav titer day the evidence eccumulafea that the myrtfekavy it tie peoples fa vourite tobacco the demand keeps mcreta inr and from every oewreiree of eonsumeri tho have been seduced to try it the evidence it emphatic in its favours its genhina qaalitres always bold the friends they have once nude these quahtiea will be kept up to thar fall standard by the manufacture of it it it to these qualities snd the reason ableness of the price that- they attribute their marked success to the gaikty they will adhere at all cost and also tothe prioe if that be possible os file occasiofl of one of via crars na- merous recent ttcapes an odessa justice who foresnri nng b ttuit to eloquently ox- horiedplsintiffai3 defendant to mark tha bloated oecationby settling- their oiffttenoee kbit they agreed to do to and the justice j got aboliday- hell have anpiherichance now tojha mmthittt dbmaioa tjsknttaorvorrign li 3 slampu intormauoa free mspwim belli yx cb torouooqc silver andnlckle plat ing in carriage ox other work knivesj ports j spoons castors ate- ripllifd toordbb bitobluhd 1s9 i r ah ben work vamjitcd i w mliiliohamp st com v m s1j snd 15 adelsids st east toronlo beijs and hpney riots iaurtti ji craiiar ocspsrj- 13t sifaafpaiwtou t tiw ffandiaij air amcijin thim ftjcfalna u for flffhtin priviu fi loflli flottiiaria jiaiiuc hilil hcffr cili tnd exunidfl tbe mirftjna in ipcnufft joseph philup6 iota minaatarerfjani indfwitisr it kjffl blxttt wtsrt 1oronta seai jje dnjol tad pnoe 1w croduce jus y trodacej lnvtntion ik immediate r and ours of j tatojiatoavsc reality the proprr- offers rtor- umts 1 onlyl his best sin gle imperial trus haucbce persona otnmited mean thonld bcffeb ko iovqeb price ijbt and pamphlet free pbof eaas tcronto ont each prtjaqf the t l 1 r -jc- v3 un y over t oooooo acres o choice v arxatng loads l di soap west etc i aaun riuuy lunj irjultdiim ji pfepe aa eaddolpi st qbleigo uli hal1burton s mqaro qfi7iqtbi balliwailsnn tad village lots ilor tale- t bloufield kamgcr cuxsaji ufni and enusvttioaoo hiunnrtonknerw ac bsines toronto sttdronia l childrens carriages babiei wilby t hqm qndltibpai tiro doqtrt m xdv1m dllmqnds vctxxjxj crtnt j akdrhe iipprovddiamondandtliehraiikii cronvcut savn t01 eat tuis lad luyja brder kmj- er tfajui uy other nw la ihe wnrid they in nuwiu- uctand 0 br e- h- smith co st otiwiiisfi md sojdi7the hatdwaro irade -erery- whire wi no oflmr w ijo naktytha jlom tooih usfilaidij imprared chttnploa edjpk la tjjori tu fcifldi and ptuenu maadlq thq kinr inqirotialqliiaiploa- stiirtsscwwtb n bronze rtters mm other a skin of beeiaty e jov j b f f6mx qpubaa oriental oram or migleil bp m ion besntr mssiood the letfoi thmy tesriiadino bsmjett vc lastt it to be sore lh pre psrsuoeii pro perfymsde ac- ceproo oooatcr- ieit of sinulsr nimc rbcdls- llogotahtd dr ujssyrtaud toatadretox tmt or t pstlent at m latin xol mm tiad i rmaukial scroud- crwtaauslsattanyiiefeuja rtmprtmra t- atsri rmucre boopis rsaorss mperaaoot oilr without injury t tbs tdn jjha t qodtjo ot prtp8an4 sl iftrrori for ttlalry all dnysislssndfancr ooodl dcslen jhtdutbootlhstjtllclsutts chnadusod europo alto veohtalt drorsistj lo ouada u foiion lytiuibnmsu9ioradtaxodai jftili 1 ckj ud carry wtka co mon4rj the a i i t wtttitttm toboztto bniflli mtvnnfsottirer mltkurbauul- ftatgam8iuttwnii bajriibi attorney gwgtatlmtcdd4laljtrt fornitrtrb 1 otlatia ctkca7rhmt botteui fioosd pitt bed vctmdittlsrtr iriti prop bell 0rgan tttofouowinsiiwbatmb liaglffi says about the c bell organ a to heclitt etc asiiit or buts oaltbratsd or sua at koatosl 7 dsiarttn htiidiasyoqchtqatiapapiftat or orpn i porctaaod froni jov 1 cu- utrunamt it o t gtvlt ud krppomoapama of batot pro- aotif pure rich tad dvp and it combtnatioa of 40 can hxbp tcb botajps ahp cirrte pit aid aiisht st dmra yortsljirecattle feeder at tkm ckmtt tthalt tnci aj mm kept in f4s sjrt nmonxriruuvttp i ihs beta asud by the most tooi etatrott6etrt3tntt datnue the last led ast tend- proad to be ikorqitghig rv prtot5cfee and axoo w an a dollar box contains sco foods rrdtthirillbbaoa toaokta aot bat ufifhit tb laitnwztmt ti of x itylt ud aiiry whlekl did bo urpp laood in ouku ttis tow iipqre rlcn tad ttp ud lh tttpotm ubau otn ba produaed tb ttopi are chuftlnf tfettr belli co n to beooofrhiutdoo tbelr tacoea la developlaz tha mtkaudnn to raca tn n- utat ir tottiifaf t in the inttnmwat yvn hite tent m nttlf ibmkauufi-vaia- i iemdii yooii kul otenl uammt merttiuu bufc cf ood ibmtiml innjjt iitfa 1st reoeired bflrer kadil ind diploma u prortd ciiertflmaoii i istl nearvlttiltwrhjaljiiidiploiamtqmteq- nki lstd eaccirod iflurritofmu medaj md dtplotttl at sjdnet aantil 1s7t ocoeirod 0 1 jcdrjju for ftrtotu or tnt m pro tidcuekbluuga 1st3 meoblfwi oolr uaui iotpxtuxt drym it iods- l l luhlblflou toronto 1379 bella8i quelph j 7t- j fijiskfi ji es

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