Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1880, p. 1

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s ken doom jatatalrncmorth hill strati ttam ith fmpun will be ml m subscribers pesjuee bald lor lop per in nam in sdvaaoe i il50 if not pail no paper diacoutuxnod till all arrears are ipald ctccpt m the option of the puuiih vrriinsii rtttr tsua3ruie- moau 8 cents per law for tht fifst inter- tiou and i ocau jier lino fof each subse qucht inicrtian cash pwtesioiut cards iii enes or less thcoo per annum i square it linos j5oj per annum payable in 6 mouths from date of inacrtion any special xolicc the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any ihdmdnal or company to be conaidarad an advartiac- ctat the number of lines reckoned by the space- occupied measured by a scale of scid konpiral caxtaaetbatcs toc column one rear lialfeolmau one year quarter column one year w t n ejjcma sis moaioa kslfroloain fir mourns acartereatamestr months itkrulftsbgnlfi- iaartereaianin three months iso xitfi svoo soat 12 ai toj till be trwled uttrirbi4an i chirjt4aceori- urty tranicr advertisements dm be rm in advance cnxncit fcr contract a2vertsemenuntcsl be in trie office uy 8 ant on ktintaysodjer- viih iof ittawlnr wle toer till be it ft over ul use week h p moore tjltoriprorrielar bpsmsss slbsctor wh lowrr jr b u c j s i grs2naie of trinity college item ber of college of phyiicisni arid surgeons oew and residence at the head ci fredt erlctst actea vr hccarvlv m d ii r p s ja a graduate of victoria college resi dence comer of jfilt and frederick streeta cohtaltzfiaa daily from s to 10 t m and oijsoni a lister il clark barrister tronra ik street x irrx rvrsv fsmir licensed- auctioneer for the counties- flf wellington and ilallcn orders left at the fan piaas osoe acton or at my residence in pjxkwood willbe promptly amended to terms resabnshle 80 if not o paid jloton qnt murdarmarch 18 1880 -htjaeino- b e nicklin take this opportunity of banking their friends and pitront tor lliffrrery lib eral ropporc in the pit n4 twit that they rill oonrtnue ll vv navs altrayt on hand t lull supply of bread cakes- buas jasiaz- 6 0 n p g gti on e r y fruits canned pish oatmeal oornmeal graham and buct- wheat elour ac esc all of rbich wa are prepared la aell at bottom pr10e6 for 0a8h tnconnecuoa with the bakery r uarejiukt opened an oyster parior andirill lerreovstersnieteryttyle we hare also coastanllyon band a stock of oysters ta both can tad bulfci cheap j pternr r k b qystsr etppira supjllcl it null to cntr b b nicklin x to ploutffc and rake andhoe a ud it forth crom h country home aviibtiu buodlff oahinuclcj audliouckelw 6qetlutiawimute of willluew m aa ick to met my fttrttiaeeattfar vt- he lud ill merrily if ijaduiaksaatwaeide i cxji ploulii dd nke md hoc he coaad hicriawll iu uto city ttretu whrt ieleb oteu lircid ttcu tciuidit lore tipon whoie duor i a pucxtd limply tcad f waatcd boy uuuirfl within f wou tatd biiafc t co avhtt cutyoadt toiialy throaght i csa plaagii aad rake apid trac thftmtkhtutiaukduthfchoaat id add it thatdlvhc cied ko tid the ivay with taagae of joy i cia do s heap beside i eta harrow the raand ir diy i0d aod c4ttrhc ced and mqvr j ioa hutt ui6 coroviithrtah w wiu as to ijluach ud rate md hoc a etaw of pride wis oa hi cheek at he stood there hit in hind and tweettwatcut kith fiith w bleat tiutjiuhejp jdsja dettwc it luttfyourjiejolytjuiyri yoall do itid bunk k cc thaaph we owa no field with fgcocroat yield for to piomh fnd rakci and hoc theictyt thitfipljftkoht i to battle fith the etrdii as it the stirt kept up his vicrt aad guarded hitn fruai tviii and wliea ta after vers hit mine was baked withblauki co he bleedthedy pirns that way for to pldagh ondxave and hoe tifs i4ac0idekt las co of hartforttt conn j wrlie efrjii luc otlrsble ip the way of ample doncit m ijr with ttie lctnlnloa i j gave f i metit jor tue security of caiuulixa rallcy ilo4erfc setter ssittlxq the stolea potatoes a detective sketch j paid np cah capital patents for ksfextioks es- j gr0s f limocslt and projferlv secured in can- total liabilities la the umted state aiid europe- pa j fcorplll to potiey holders tent ursiieedor no charge send for printed instructions agency in operation ten tsars f heser gkibt ottawa canada 3fechanical engineering solicitors of pa- eate and drcughtsniari t d v lav solicitor in chancery c office siathesox attorkey-at- anceryic it door to wallaces hotel hilton domixiok hotel acton eobt agntt propriety tie new hctel is fitted up infirstckas rtyie witli new furni ture ppmrnercial trirellers will find good iccomraodaiina and commodious safiaple rmat special attention paid to the wants cf the travelling public bar supplied with tht best of liquors and cigars soodstabl- i aai btfrt hcstiers rhiitlescajiecx i main st acton acut for the eil orzan manufactured bjltaara u bell aeph order left at hisreaidenc win receive rmpt at tention for particalara see adv on other tide give hini a trial chas cahesqx dec 10 13im potjx exchiyge hotel acros xv jas campbell proprietor ifr camp bell late of the roasts house near gt r staiidn tshes peiore in announajtohis sru ono 00 l351l734s7 i6sj7 jailesttalyilervs agent actocioau federal bank op canada 9 u e l p hb r kh oth a grkeabikcio krstses daxc drafts and btllh of exchange fought cud tm depositors r allowed interest at the rate of fire 5 per cent per annum in the havings bank ieprttcent and sir 0 per cenj per annum will be allowel ok deposit lieoeipts provided tbe money remains in the bank nomess than cii c months and three 3 months notice be giren ot la withdrawal te01us y grket manager casidja loan bakkhccqmpaky ooucck orjaiies axn vtsrc sra eealacitit03sr turn old friensa andpatronsi fett ojsf jqltcrt pil0als- ihle style and is preriirdttacoqtnishe sll who mat favor him in the most com fortable manner choios winea liquors cigarfland coal summer drinhs always m stock stable in charge of an attentive hostler the rjatronage of the miblic is re spectfully adlidied and no effort wql be spared to give the very best aftencott ultras list ne i j ed tesoaiasl szitf 5d best recurl rtashfoeektss i am prepared to pay the highest cash price -for- all classes of tmt unit sheop rjhnf delivered at my tannery lace leather constantly on hand james 1c00re security it was at th tirao when tint queen of the jotato family tuei etrly koae first uide its appearance and the tceno of the story wsin lvcoming co pa wruin the lituifa of hurguea- rtlle adatn waldrmwas a well todo 1 fanner stock breeder and general tradehtr country pti d tee who not only kept a sharp era tipon the lxt breads of hoc cs uud cattle but who was also sate to secure seed necimry to tbe raising of the nkistapprovrd crops upon hit fxriu following his custitu he leurued of the excellent qualities of the erly rose potato before one of them had been seen in bis neighborhood uul fticb coufidtnee had he in the vaiiety that be ordered frcmi the nearest avait- alle depot twenty buehils to be sent to bis address by rail this was early in the spring several weeks before- planting time tht potatoes arrived on time and were ott exhibition at the railroad atation one whole day before itr waldron took them home f and as they were in bags aod as the owner was very accommodating aa well an proud of his acquisition everybody who so desired had tlte privilege of ex- amiuing them xnd chey were cer tainly beautiful- potatoet the hand samestjovuiy dcciaiel cvijr seen in that seiliori and another thitigtbaa the intrinsic nleiitb of the tubers canted them to loot particularly beautiful ffinflttiyg r jiflfllglw 7 board of directors d b cnrsttouc e q president j wajcee bajofixolio kaldie co bur- uugton vtpetdtt j- w bosibubgit it a hainlllan hcgix ttucear esq hamlttoa thoicas biscuinn eq elson ctrl ias laitd brian toht dcirvaiv tlcmllton tjjt eps edmbs ftjjfpst v e d manufacturer of- superior ej and cistern pumps which will be put in on short notice erairiu- promptly done furniture mr tnd repaired charges rndate 1h saws filed fn set- give him a call shop on frederick etreeti opposite drtxrsrrys resaenbe wbadams t clciat flow made at r lr-rt- i i beam steeitboah and sfcaramada of ss cheap f cash xew v btowaocetal refers casting joiesr crowe strated or stolen advertiemte of 3- mtahed very cheap in the actoajk pats the best local riper of r hilton co rt j nirerchaxts and farmers alai should j i advertise and support the acton farx paras the best local paper of saltan co c ards billheads and ciionlara of every dttcripfionereenfedneatfyat the acton faxe paras osce the best localpapir of halfrjiicb kkcuhkolk kio uatrme it rc oeorcetown ei kqeiftrk m d c bblosreq ifanajer cotton 5licj dundis jfofle to loan oa rial etialt ta xaroa to imi bomvxre and oi ccay ferntr swjttite open every weekday from 6 amto5pm d dexter kanacer aoj u157s 7m harness any vferson uvwimt of a good sett of harness either i csansctuit w r creechs f rspbutly aotom where they can ret better value for their money than any place to the county a oood iesoirruextor tbijnkb and valises on hand alt of which will s sold cheap for csahi teepairing prorabtly attended lo boar creech vdnnfenjst f a eee in tout own towii and r pv us capital risked toucan give 1 ii i the businesfs trial- without et- v j pense tdieliestopportmiityfiver offered for those willing jta- wurk too ahoold try fldtmig elseantil yon see for yourself whatyou can do at the business we offer 2fo room to erplain here- you can devote ell your time or only your spare time to jhe busfhess and make great pay for every hour that you work women make a much as men send for special private terms and particulars which we mail free- 5 outfit free dontcomplainof hard times while voaha re such a chanre addreta h aulijettcopertund jfaina 5000 customers wanted thlswetk -xctstastrut- boot shoe stoflej gqc cax bgf flgf if soars md sees amocfiniesaaif am la aton than b so fttay frora home o make your purchases call at paseed and at that time a potato fit to eat was hard to find mrv7aldron ctrried hia pofatoea home and stored them id an old build ing a sort of half underground barn at a considerable distance fnm hia dwelling it waa so early in the season that frost might yet be troublesome and the owner put the potatoes in this out of the way place became so much of it was builtjtitotbehillsde that frost even in winter could not fnttkeitsway into tls protected part of it the ulierijrere aafy dtpemted in the iiasettiect of the kill sidt barn bmydobrfeeaiediy a maasive jjkdloak and thus matters were left to rest until the planting time should iome a few days after storing his new- potatoes mr awroatakingadvan he rubbed his eves and look a second look mercy can it betpojaililii 1 he lookedjin every direction and even went so frr as to ascend to the loft above lo ace if by any poasibla hocukpoctts a portion of the tubers could have been kpirited upthere where be had left leu full bags of choice potatoes with two bnahels to the bag he now found twrf loor bags and even they had bean ripped open and ovet hauled yea 1 sixteen buihels of the beautiful the really priceless potatoes had been stolen during his absence he stood for a moment dike one dated utterly bewildered but when the fitst shock had pas8ed1ieiraitand looked and secured the- door so that no one might euter and then sat dawn and lesected of course the uotutota had been stoltit and ihey must have been taken hy some one ho kuew of their existence and where- abottts also the thief must have beett uequaihteil ilh the premises aa fur the mode of entrance it might have been by a falee key or it night have beeu done by picking the lock it was a spring lock so that when once un locked the relockihg was essy who could have done ifc i it must have been somebody who knew that the meu folks of tua erfibliilitiietit were away and not liable toiolura in a kurry that would point to an acquaintance but in did not like to euhpect any of them 8uu he rousc find out if possible who waa the thief flow ffhouldhe do it i afrlhffhadit hetrpaeatia went out carefully lockiimaka duor temtd hiut and putting the key in his pocket and he knew that ho alone of all hi houchald possessed the secret ol the theft and he meant lo keep it so ite did not mean that a soul on earth should learn ftoul liitu tout sarthing had happened out of the way and witli this determination and with the key of the hillside borndoor in bis packet he weut about his business as usual he was very soon satufied that wo women who had been left alone in charge of the house during his absence had no idea of the disappearance of the potatoes and he alio readily assured hituself that the neighbors boyl two of them who had looked tothe otitis while he and his hired men had been away had not the slightest suspicion o any wrong at the old out of the way barn- 4 week passed sway during which mr waldiun went about his bmtnest ua usual once during that lime a neighbor hnifatkwi him if he woull be willing to sell a bushel or half a bushel of his new seed potatoes and another neighbor had questioned him abeut the peculwr properties ot qualities of the eirly rose totato regarding rot and also tit regard to the time required for them to reach maturity ripeness but the men had bolh been honest and sincere xad he had anawered them proiierly atiength on saturday afternoon mr waldrqn was at the postoffice where a goedly number t of citlrena were assembled awaitiug the arrival of the last mail of the week by and by his atcentieq was arrested hy the pe culiar movements of a man who had twice approached aa though for the toes i am one of those parties hit other h the tltlef the msu heard ida tvprds bo sijnifi- cenlly prjnoiidced and met thu keen penetrating gate of the shakers eyes a rheuieiil of dated bwildtred silence aiiathcn his knees shook beneath him- and the- blood forshook his face he tried to spesk but the words stuck in his throat it is of ho use sir s jdleigh you fancied j hadaiverlise 1 my ices hut x have not f have at home a wife and wo children besides the help upon inyjplace and not oneof tliurd has the least surpioion l i have lost a po tato as i told you before the tact is known only ttrmyself udlo the ihief i hive wditedaery pauotrtlybfri6viirg that if i held my peace i should know in theend afleratimo luke sijdleigh gained strength enough to tak the farmers hand and beg of hirudin- gxaping manner that ha wouu comeaway where they could peiik iii private aad out of doirx in a far corner of a horseshed the culprit begged for mercy he had the senso to see that he fas delected beyond the possibility of escape diuial would only result in a searchvariant and a search warrant served oa his premises would make his crime public he had nererjet ppered beiore his fellows as a felon and if he could escape that dreadful fate he wuuid do auything he would pay lo the last penny of his possession never tnind his further pleading and never mind the adaiiniuons of the really tenderhearted farmer suffice it tn say that but few ollherpalatoes bad leen used ao ibat moas oftbem were relumed and as mr waldron rould thus hae full as many as ne could require for seed he not feci the lots but he would accept nothing in the vi of remuneration save the mans humble acknowledgement and repentance he felt himself more than repsid for the few luben missing by the grind sticces of his delecfive acheme twice turuetawa7 wldron- recog nizect him aa luke sudlcigb a man who lived ten miles or mare away and kept a boardinghouse it might lie called a small tavern for the accom modation of the workmen in an exten sive machine shop and he waa himself a machinist by trade what more natural than hat sir waldron should thiiik of the icissiug potatoes in condection with this man 1 his feeding sd many hungry mouths would account for the desire for the esculent tahers while his knowledge of the use of fine tools for working in uiebthc would solve the lockpicking part of tbe mystery the thought went through waldranr uiinii like anab it left k eoiisif- ecable hghl behind he moved o as to give the man an opportunity to tgedfa caw weekaiijeftejenthe unroti gjj ihinr hd fodo it privately if j 1 aav np nlnnrnit tsriiri nt f- t l ojf l at thawsand the season prplowipg when tlierewbsndtbirjtrrofrwork tobe doner on the iarra nitchett- up a lepan of roa uteri arid took his wife and little iaealoffw ytafe pear relativewho jivedtweoty ntifeiiifetang nsetijtpj to be gone two weeks and h so arranged matters with the boys of a neighbor batjiib two hired rnena farm hand andc gn tnignibeitaeif week at thebnletitne- adam waldron made his visit and enjoyed it anojit theend of two weeks cpae he retained to jiis home refreshed add waldron asses led with a nod on the day rollqwiiig lu the bait toot as jsiidreighsavv the fsrmer by himseifiiiaiiiot comer he advanced pope rnore fu a forced smile uoa his face and offered his hand how d you do str waldrouj hope youre well quite well thank you how is it wkh yburstli f fair to middlin bat 17m pqkiu along its hard times though rough en a man that has to cut ibis cloth invigorated return niefdeioccurredjihira that he would like to see how his exrlyeose potatoes stood itrr- so he took the key 4rijnf anvatftdraiyevf his writing- aesvwliere tib tiad pttlh for safe- keefing ard went forth- happily as it rvroved aloiie he reached fha nid hilt side hsrn and epplied bflkey auittle time there vst tfonble tire key did not move freely in thejccl 4 fength however by an extra pres- feufcisle tsjijj an removed the lock ind was soon in tfce apart- jnedtwjierem6ebad deposited the bythe waykrwuldronwithan effort so palpable thst it was easily dr ifted vdyottever find out anything about them perlatera o ydurnthem at yon lostf yes answered waldron with a bounding emotion that mystery is solved to mt entire sstisfaction wsf i declare i thats good hdw was it f j ill tell youssid wnldrony and looking aquarelyi into the mans eye and lowering hjs voice to a loer icef biit increasing iti pwer he addel-r- r there are biit two parties living who knew of thediwp our olrlc anna dickinson grace greenwood and btbets of that class have given so much of their time to discussing the tiriportant matter of feuialeeducjtion that it would seem as if a ere the girls trained at home tu the following man ner ilie wise heads would have some liiiug elfo to talk and rits about teach them thoroaghly the following important things slf reliance and independence huw to make bread and cook well how to make shirts not to wtar false hair not lo powder or pjint to wear thick warm shoes to wash and iron clotbeg to make their own dresses that a dollar is only a hundred cents to darn stockings ud sew on hut- tons to say no and mean it or yes and atick to it to wear calico dresses and not feel ashamed of lueiu that a good rosy roiflp is worth fifty icohsnmptives to regard the morals and not the money o their beaux 0 sialx s pjsjs jjouvms asrhrt didjjrsaholil peaaufrotiiiytwrnof thoseu- nb iu uki r uutuii perate and dissolute young mont to keep a house in neat order with everything in itaplace that ihe more one lives within ones income ihe more one will save that the farther one get beyond ones income the nearer one geta to the poor house that a good steady meclunic without a fljtit ia worth a dozen loafers in shiny broadcloth acconiplishuiments such as painting music and drawing if they havi tbe taste and you have the time and the money that goa made them in his image and iio amount of tight lacing will improve their appeaikince a telephone slory this is the latest telephone story a proud graudiuamma who has only just been promoted to the honors of that happy relationship is awakened in the dead of the night by the inexorable beu tilamma dear comes to her tie frightened vcica of her bejoyad- but inexperiencod danghter i am suie baby has the croup what shall i do with it f urandmamma replies that shewlll call the family doctorandbe with her anxicus daughter in ampment sie awakes the dootor and tollshim the terrible news she hasiearnetf from her daughter l i he in turn requests to he pnl in tetephohia communication with the too- anxions mamma lift the child to the telehoheand let me hear it cough lie eonimands the child is lifted aid it coughs tliats otuiboroufs he declares and he declines lo leave its house on i such smalt blatters he tdvfses gfandrasmma also to stay in bed and all anxiety quieted the trio aelthj dawn- hippy foe the night rilrkipk this hiibjt jtorsuch worant caitt hita over beeii milch pitictlced by liiriihud lo such all alaiiiiltg client lu it- beeonie prevalent that- now al moat everybody will enrieavortoshirk their dty whpn that duty presents itself to theriijmind eeculy if thi duty is onerous or dlsngreealilt avr have often setn people in trying to shirk adoly make trouble for them selves by ibis very neglect il shiuld be rtmejibeledj that we camiol see llie end from the brginning arid we often fiijd the beginning of a irohblevo rest just atllixiilt in bur career where we shii kid duly men at ibehead of the beadof the state j men ntlhe bed uf sociallife men a ihe head of re- ligiotis lb lies j men in authority of every kind km frequently shirkpng their duties aud thus bringing theuselves into diaiepuie becaiise their neglect has drought trotiiiw on thoae who loalcup to theui for idyice stany men who have become papular anioug their w lowcreaturej have been vested with certain honora bet they ir thirkiug duties which should be performed by them have tost their- popiririty and the honors that hrd been reposedin them were talrjn away in this way as wellas in many others does the re suit of otic pratticing this liabit injare us then looking at their fearful evil aid contemplating tht- results we should ask oaraelves thi question do we shirk duty knd if so in wbatway t young people are now cultivating habits that will cling to them for life and letihera not cultivate in them- elves habits they kdow to be sinful la themselves aid whuelhlfwfeartar ccnsequencesio themselves hava many examples of men who never shirked a duly but weri always at theirposta performiug those duties that were incumben upon them and these persons were by their fellowmen lojkid up to by their companions and pointed oat by their relations as represenulrte persoris whose example it would beprofitable lb follow sappbsing wellmgton had shirked inthe battlt tf waterfob rd 1815 oi napoleon- at austerliiciu 1s05 had the btiaini sirked their duty at quebec in 179 1 or the ctaua- diaus at queefastbn in 1812 what would have been the consequence 1 these battles would have resulted in defeat to those who conquered ud nations would hsta wept at the neglect bat those are latge nliers ydo say then ietos go io thr ytioih of those comniariders do we find wel- tiugion neglecting his duties at napol eon shirking his work no they perform even the small matters of life with cate and as thy giew in years they becotho hduoredv and br slill obsernnstlik ruleaof their child hood audyoutb they have trnmbttal ized therhfelvts and their very namea have become household words iu cou eluding this articje let ua- gives motto tbe nm of ike paper iag aw to of ma tmruwhbmiteut his tiirdtihob oysters to frylortnriri vlbj- draait few then took apaper bag- fullxdi stlttrlt and iatfrwitvmfcftj wimmllj tqor tjiree joonajdtlio baf mcaii to melt and jefiim laatstkon tm lomotneil0mot watwlbe oyife tfwe rofjiwttalfflfttev will leavsi tbetmidbt l j vhuw rfildehoi heteh6is expected a ffidfsped wonjin is jiu ttipg tli jeuusih ingtoociielo llitsuputilli tod wondering why her iuttiiai3i i not cooie yilh tht oysurs presently a nbiw as 6f lisd peniiil in lift teute saluterliett tar aud she goat to the door and opens it to find him taking tbe pen cil out of tile key hole not seeing the oj tiers she asks him if he baa for uptien the oystcrsj fdrgbuerinolh hie ing says he he walkanp to the table und aka for a tat which is given by the unatuipicioiis wife worst acsidenv vou- ever r jaetjj btjdahe truly oldmari s nis baiid blrtolhlstoffrtoiit pocknwtth four oysteis a little smoking lubucop land a fueca ofeigarsuitls blippr i sey hicjer was eajd he is lie ti l hand ddwuiri ttvoditf jioiw bringing up five oyktem a piece of euyeloieaiia a jnece ofwirethatwat lined asybail to the pail gpt all my phicoclals full said he ss lie touk a jargk oyster out of 1 is vest locket tliun ite began to go down in liii paiils pocket slid finding a hole in it he said t she big hicjslers goue down oy juopsers teg sposill find them in my boot and be 8ht down to pnl i off bis boot when the lady took theplate of bystera and other staff into tholitchen aftd ihrewthein rinto the twjll and tde t put iiko to bed and all the time be waa trying to tell her hdw thetbag bnsted tist aa be was in front f all saints 0hic3lhedwl zfifrpii frtt eru rk sh knew all aboat it j ust about midnight the other nighty firif men in k detibit saoon sat- look ing at a fifth toe fifth one was drunker than the other four while all men were created equal some men gerdrnrrlrtwiceaafiitba cb it will never do to send hira home in this condition said onepf the four after a long silence noitwoiild break hlsswifevhtart added a second- but we cant leave him here and if we turn liiin out ths kiliqa will run htm in obseived the third t ive been thinking ihuietl afonrth he has a telephone in h is house here fa one hmv i will make it my painful duly to inform his wailing and anxious wife that be wont be bometb nbt- v he wenttd the elephbhegotbr calland began sirs blank idesire to cornmunicate with you regarding your husband well go aheid y he it- i iii ueaumfhse itatrv iaaatng from the lodgeroonylie fell snd sprain ed his ankle are jounreit wasnvhis ieckf she asked -r- r it is not iserioos sprsjn hnve think it better to let hiiu lip on the sbf in the attteroolntintiljmcrnitfg seat assured that he willlmye the beat of care we jre doing ev j stay broke in asbarp voice ton bundle hiiii iuto a waggon and drive him up here where teari keep him non for your dbservanie it is this i when jbidjetlunul that drnnk feoes u ha duty presenu itself ir small or great i w0 w bec m matters perform that dnty tc the best n of yparabtliiyuuuatlhe proper tiiue by dbseiviog this motto much pleisure will ba given ybtlrself and others and those who do not observe ibis rule will while wondering at your snocess give you honor and- praisei t a tha f mocpe in onrjfdbaa colligfubvit why hr prsrindttort a maid quite dd becoming anxious abvut her matrimonial chances recently concocted a plaaj to deceive a young fellow as to her ege thia is the way ahe tried it the aid family bible contained a faithful record of jail births marriages and deaths this volume lhej toot fo her chamber and selecting the birth page bhe managed by dint of scratching and writing to change the date of her birth to aperiod eleven yeart later thun what it had legitimately been recorded then the bibie was placed on the sitting room table- in a conspicuous manner that evenine came aloug the- expected lover he soon begun to fingexthe bible pages and finallv leached the birth lecord where and heu he discovered to his surprise ihit his angelina war just one yearyouiiger than he he thongtrt it strange as she appeared older he kept iris mouth siiuc and continued to umbleover the pages next be began reading the death list and mafia ihe very abtouishing discovery that the radinnt maiden according to the bible had actually lieenbjrn tea years alter the decease of hef lather the yoimg man quietly arose and bid angelina good by and now that eternal vigilance is indeed the price of liberty- r-r- didnt aply to thtm two of illinois beautiful daughters driving out on ihe plank road near ilydear inad- jh out il ties tleepy drunkpiit jkaterqo hia head thats lis way i always do will you let me inform you j jpsr i v tbn1 stater on ttlehim dp here fur ylvtuoat night now aud it will lake me llalf tn liour to get hi boots offi and jiush hioi up stair- i remember pour water on his head ind yell fire in hianar y a fearteanotrntlltbl judge 1 occe heard this anecdote of judge parsons the great maxsaehtisettsadro- cate and lawyeir it is said that being about lo try a mercbantile care he oidered a jury lb tie biiiumoned and atnoug tbe narue waa that of colojlel thoniaa h perkins thelrdiog mar- chant- of boston in that day and a personal fritnd of judge parsans when he officer nwde fits reliira he laid down- fifty dollar- billvetdre the ilndge what is that i said parsons col perkins bays he is very busy today aiid-fireferfi-to-paji-hia-qoe- take that wk to gol perkins said tbe jndge siid tell win to- come here atcince and if he refuses bring him by force when col perkins appeared tae juduej looked ster at him ndt said what do you nicansir by sending sit on this jury v col perkins rfcplied- imeanitno disresprottp hbcqurjourionor ul j was liemejtlmaylingput h ship for the east spdiea- and i thought if i paid my sn j might be excused j fitting ohtittipjfor the east for a inan aqd horse tepljetj the gatekeeper thp cbarge fifteeni cents well 1 out afiliuiwayufor we aie two gals aud a ruare gt up jennyl- l iawl thostwo eheery young frinaw dnshed by thnii of tout boated is bursing the paltif wbioh4t wms cbicage were stooped at the toll gate indies sir shduted ihejiidge r and akktd 7v hdwbavnrfitthacyba iraalilbto howjuuchis itr out a snip for the baatlttosesf vyour tonofi i do not udorataud rsikpeatthenyj4sllojna is it that vou are able to fi- obt ship fovtbc iifcrii 0o ji the laws of your craia o ikir tkyn adininislered if tlioj would nave no ships- sirrjtbbjilrjilvj viisduty t solioitr s with th jury jilzi

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