Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1880, p. 2

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v h man chureh directory ttmditrcaukator ttsana ssvicui sundu imvaemnrlojo a re afcdlsoivni chwn efurmocaiuiaenrloe kodan nqidayttilntalvl ra baftbam lebil at ia- prayermeut ueoerai- wilnredayartattkiruaj youn pplv imtimajtctiuodtivni ulblreta friday ivmlntjtym kly ii haa tutor nojrrtruk skavrcca uouaj- iymc tax t it am ludlpti illrermoalmeditei alr nhdat moraine efervtot 0ati6alhtetk6tal y rkvd b caktkaok puor jih titjkit10uc xtot soinltr preachlnfst p abbatkjciool al am prayer meeuns on wsdaeiday eventnt n p a ncaai or ixolakd ttaattckhunday irtacblnf al kit pm- bmmm ecucoi m hint rfcv c it dec acambent antt wrticld- a p m ftbbta sotted nt x fci p in prayer hetlbjoatudeyaudtuuriay eyeuluft ait pm j dtsotlt saavrckviaiayprachns at 11 a m and tpm rrarueunc tiiday atpnl 1 mniodirt utseotil j jwsitfeserttc vornontioitwirtiik st hume vmisy preacjilut al wm a m samxiilbeloolatrstam cxrttouc cac mile foala iceac otcorikmlitin ok lac wa jttxavtnts fourlutnqdayluehmanluat laam satkliq ftcociatxpraerecynunday 1 rev batuck ixlfoartsa idart fu63 if ess tncexeir slakstxamaxcx is 18so it i i th intonunt act the bill for the unconditional repeal of the insolvent itw was read a second slid thitd time in the senate ait fridar aiii paaard it oaljrrrqniret the assent of thcgivcmcrtonunibet thelusolrcnt act with tho things of thepast theie was caiuadcrable opposition to tbn bill ia ttie senate especially tiy the senators from new brunswick though hon mr hopes aix months hoist was rejected upon a vole of 17 tc i grtte exception was ufcen la the abolition of tire act upon the groaud that there is no dominion act which provides or theeauitiue distribution of estates arid- the pnxralore id the various prov- inees is iutte different oae fact which no doabt had much to do with thppasa tth hich the repeal was allowed o pssiu the belief that the qorerumaa will iaitoiiucb a siiuide hill to reader wssihle the etriuble iiatribalioa of the asset of ids irrats it is a little remarkable that ia kew yotfc whtre they lare had t short experience of a kpeal of iusolrency ltgisrttod the cuaimereial communitr are agttatinj for c fudtnl insolcent act but it is btien said with mach truth ch canada is a good number of jeus behind both timet and faaioos it is to be hoped that we more sure ftr nx alt cooziettce our motion is slor enougt ilonirtol uarr lailioratioh to oanada the aitetvior imctaturra of a good cusc from the old cocntty is cause for rejoicing and we hope the insnr maj continue and next summer reach tho large proportions anticipated the visit of the agricultural delegates t ut jr will dowbtless prove of great benefit to cafiada and blessing to nunf good scotch pecpli now toiling pamfally at honie fcrsltght recompense and with alepjer hopt of future im provement in iheir conditwn sir llac- kenzie editor of the celtic magadttt iarerness bv the ghring desenptiouf he hai iven of the comfort and hsppt- ness he found prevailing among high landers aifil their deaceudants iu canada will be found hitvodone very great service byth to his ielluwcouhlrjmcn drfhinr out a utiserahl crifctence on the highland ctcfujtnd to thts-eoon- a curious historical fact bs been nn ztfihid in connection witk the present movement in america for the relief of ireland it appears that over two centtfrit ago the position was reverted and that when xew england wa desclaled tjy warfare in 1676 and famine was impending a resael wax sent from fjuhliu laden with provisions fur the colonists in boston iv2 per sons were relieved by the distribution arid the total nutnlier of reciiienti of iiish ijeneylence throtiglidtit ue england 235 1 the present urhh eorribaliotis are a tejaymetit with interest of this ancientrdeht of grati- tade w m- m v hagoweyi ifflma front our aiea erjrrufanim- i george elelcber son of mr jeremiah flewher utarted yesterday fur- ne braska his bmther tiiibert wiiit thtit fcw wbeks iiace analtook up k stctioj of und i the jfehodirtepiscowi church at oomorrpw have comjjiced a series nf rerivil seryiees it a renortadthat the credit vklley bico tcnd moving he sutioiv near the ojelph road catupbellville a young mens lilirnrr aatociation hn been 6fpnii afcktiafcliiiuirith mrdayid r7a1die bckqtit1i as its president rthis assocfatiba meets every 8alnrdsytenidg in the knatcbbuu the bddulph tragedy ait tae pruolan cvtwirf or trtaa an immeusa crowd aiseutbled at the court houwj loadun on saturday afternoon to hear the decision of the magislraue it ut aise ijrainil the men accused cf tlio niurdor of ike dpntiellys the auiletice was largely ccmpoteilof frieudsaud relaltom of the ptjatvners tile lattccwora lirotight up froui lh cells si 215 thejr were diwwedin their lwl clothes aud look ed round the ouurlroom with smiling countenances and nodded familiarly to numbers of the ipeclators notwilh ktiiiaf- thit smiles howuver truces of euro snd anxiety couli be discerned in jheit faces snd they moved restless ly kboat in tneir chstrs eager to know their fate 8cuire peters and fiaher lojk their pliers on the bench a few minutes afkrwarda wheu the cumt was called to order squire peicru addtrsung theprlaoncrt asked t if they ihcd to make any stateulent from tach and every one the reply uniformly came j uilvc xotttlnq to sit squtro pcteta then said the exam ination of witnesses by thoabln counsel both far the prisecutiott and defence betng now corcliidid it is our judgment that wc find siifficieit evidence against tho prisoners lna- before us o scud them for trial tiefotv- s higher tribunal we thetefororcoinnut jkhhk crnillj john kennedy martin mcliugmin 1lioms rider james ryder and john purtell to the common gaul to await their trial at tho asiites and there to be convicted otj discharged br the judge va 1 jury j the dccritan fell siltnllyou the court no one seemed to exct any other it is altogether piobtbln that the case will be tried elsewhere ktbrtka to tic cfltor of tie fixe preu deak sir having been reqiested by some of my acton friends co write a short and accurate description of what i know of lebrasfci i send you the following which pfease insert in your taper if you deem it of interest loaitf of tour reader xebrifct li ditretly wpat of iowa iwteeo the jtu and isrd parallel of curfh latitude jod the 5h ana loith deptes of lodgitudewet from green wich it exenjs 12 miles eit from the alissourt river and has ao average width of 2q0 miles southastera kebraiks- has been called the swiiserund of amena biy wsrd taylor says of sutheastern xetirasta after a trip hy team the cotintrti is ouejofths most bwuuful i ever looked njiiu the editor of the uurul kvc yorker pat it thus the finest gar den mould in thesstecf new york is not whit better than the average nebraska soil the sail is from three to ten feet deep ted is well adapted to all agricultural purposes it is fr from eric and the plow uever strikes a stoaejso imagine if you can farmers of rock bound riquesing tie pleasure of such ilowing xebraakt u not behind her siiter states in pro ducing fruit ai she look hapreminui on aprtl mt che centennial robert burnett piesutentof the fruitgraaert aasociacion of ontario in a full report of the fruit bej saw at the centennial says we are sure that the mxjuriy of visitors would coincide iitb me in according the tlm to kebrasta this fruit was from our south eastern counties the iiimtta is geuial the mejn temperaiare for january feb ruary and ilarch is 20 above u ro the atmosihere is ciesr dry hracing and exhiliraticg huudrejsofsetdereaho came hreframother states on accuuut j cl illhealth will give attestation do the curative ojuiititk if the climate i tothose who contemplate eaminjj to keiirkskwe would advi chemtocome to gage county gate is one of the souitera tier of counties and ie 36 by 2 mile and hkia wpalitiqn li 8500 we have three railroads the bur lingtoa si mttsauri river krihe uuion facificv runntnj nntclt and south thriiiiib the county and the atchiton xehiaska running throush tba north eaxteru art thus we have good markets it beotrice firth wilbe and other oiutx in the county tuere isconaider- able land for sale in the county and good hind may be hid as low as thrfe aud four dolli re an sere corn has been selling a i winter at 22 cents wheat on tue average at 1 potatoes are now 60 cenia owing to the brisk competition in agricultural machinery iciafae purcliksed much cheaper here than in ihn eaitetn states where it is manufactured good steel walking plows can be had for 20 sulky plows from 40 uj gtjo a reader ofthefeeepedk winhes to know haw- we live here well he might xist hiipself hy lernsinj some gud wot fc on physiology of coaise we live on the top shelf when we cant hive cke we are willing to tut up with pie suft cial cm lie had fioin s to 7per ton our wells for the moat pcrt are bttrdand we have tojga front 30 to 160 feet for water thene ells aril bored hy conttncorn for 25 to so cent a fiait ak we have a hrd law ihe lxnse of fences is no required thongh a line hedge that will turn stock can lie rai in three yean- conltkccors will pet ip harlied vile fences that will turn hairs aud cattle at si per md cattle are herded for 1 pertteaaifcjr the wesson edncationnl every ntighborhaoil hs fine school hin snd we ure ar superior to oor eastern friends in this reiiect ax it was no trouble to vote a heavy tar on siieciilabrif every district has a handsome school house with all the modern inprovemunt 3r real estate meii ar doing a brisk business snd the volume of imrnigca lion promises to hs greater the coming spring lhatiever heretofore lam yonra very tnily- aj h wabrex ksn gsge co- ftebnuikfl march ihi880 blbu soeiaty the a nnasl minting 01 the acton bmscluj ttibl booiely u heldiu llto priishjlorisu bureli aaton on veduetdafmiiojij3rd lint john speight eiqi pratideat in the chair the uieetlkg vitsuly oiened hy readitfg a kjtuottpf scripture sad prayer when ihi president called ujiou d kentlermiu ectcury to reatl tha ieport of the coiutuiltee ax fulluws to the a sa ai lilttttty of lie society vitrexetjiita coaiuulue m accord anca with rcqiiest rcoeived from rev mr malilay agent of tho socio ly ttaui- ing wednvsday 3rd march as tho date of the annual meeting caued the usual pulpit itmimtticements tu be nmd aud alro atlvei tiled llio sleeting in- the fkee pkess iuttpsier the uufavoralile state of the roads combined with the very unfavorable weather dnubdefs ill prevent uisny warm friends of the bible socielyfrom being present in accordance with tho custom of fernier years collects a wem appoitrted tu stuvus the trrioua divisions of the biunch and rtqiuhul to make return to the treasurer it kisxihle in time to allow a full financial statement being laid before the meeting hut ewing to tho unfavorable citcuttances ikfora reierred tn a number have not vet been able lo complela their work your committee arc however much pleased lo be se td feport hat he subscrip- tiens so faras nceived are on ih- whole in excess of the atini received from the same divisions last year aud trust the woik jet to he done will in crsase the amount beyond that of former years the committee destre to thank thoi collrctors who tire not membore of the committee far lieir fcindnttf in undertaking the work a well as fur the very earnest manner in which they diacharged heir duties feellrtg that the sntu renlited to a very ennkidcraide extfnt deiends on the effurts put faith by earnest collector tlio co nmittee will eo soon u teturas are fully made pubhvli a ststemeat of the entire receipts tn the nwrpaper and would recommend hat it similar disjiosition bclniade of the moneys as has len made lor the pust two rears viz 120 to ihe b f bible society 20 to the vc bible society f 5 to the montreal auxiiliary for the bilde distributicin aniong french canadians in lower canada balance lo rejilenislj the depository sll of whill is remiect- fully submittal j d iicsnersak sec the depositors rfiort was also pre sented showing sales of scripuret during the year f 2082 sud stock on hand 19 i moved hy duncan kennedy and seconded by rjr r hobbs the report of lh camniittee sud depositors be dopcei carried jtoved by rer r hobbs seconded by jas xiallhews tiat the fcllowing peraooi dinstitute the cxicutive com mittee cf the actoti branch bibl- so ciety far the tnming year vis preaidut jaha stseiiiht vicepredcats all reaidcat minitterc scctrcai d hcudtrxrur dcpoilar 1 dcbriitio coaunittee ieter maagsr il warren aia till k little alct kccndr wir brown arch campbell i kcuacdy joa eyfff and lux maltbew rerjrr xlsiley of turinto gent of the society then delivsm a sery interesting and instructive addnss on motion cf d henderkin second ed by wm brown the thanks of the meuuj5 were letidered mr slaiiley fur his aidreax after which ihebencdie tinn was pronounced by rev mr hobbs hornby hams from oar own carrcfpoadeulj ektertiikext fn the natter of sidewalks thejsmsll rilugs of hornby has set in example worthy of imitation by ether puces of inttlsr kiianl liy not a lew hrger sincn tho pjcl wak set on foot over half a mile of walk iri ueen laid which hag amply reiid ex- pfndltuie and gireu good snisfcion in aid of the sidewalk- fund a oiuaicai and dramatic entertainment was held ia the omngihall of the tillage on friday evening 27th ult the pro gramme wax carefully prepared sud carried out to the credit of tie per formers and ilea to the satisfaction of the audience while one and all ex pressed tueuuelves gratified with the evenings entertainment pronouncing it a complete success on account of limited pacei we are able to give own ment upaa only a small part of the programme in the dramatic part f the pi0iramma the selectiou from the comedys of school for scandal and the humors of the strike aie worthy of tujitico the acting of the alter giving example o fwhat amaleutk caa acconplish by careful study and thorough practice the former giving a brief hutrhuuiorous view uf the blessed tranqnility of mktrimonisl life in tli musical selections the playing of mr w h abrey soprano violinist and ifiss minute fux aecain- uauist wete deservedly appreciated also were theisongs by air abrey and mrchas mchogh which were tend ered iu gocl style snd not without hnirty encora received any malarial aid until i used your remedy amofur truro n 8 mj h u vary bad with liter complaint but used lliaetioshuntes kerned and in a month wai si well u b had aver baan in us ufa i km oo in budnea and with you lo lend nut thtse dosen by steamer a wood comeeuo anys i that ha baa irted h ketnedy for liter complaint snd lrpapils with great luocess i imta alio mctl the shoihuneaj f ilia and find that hey ate as good as any 1 erer tried hsxrt krsolenta k y aaya is wife was imeumlyafflictad with dropep- lit for a long time we cooiulted phyilciaos of hieadlftsrenlichooli and rtoelted no benefit do hm lakeo threa bottlainf llierit khoibooeei homed jr and is how bentf ind well kfcv oiixtcotr iar mr uokeniia tfortlugiulleredframanartsck ofhbu kisdini and was unable to mots wilhbut help j hut nfler taking a few bolliei of llieshajliorjees wu able to walk si well si eier trloo of the remedy in pint liottlei f i j pills 25 oenti a box cold hy all medicine deslen w amsu a mllliocrif apprentice apply at ooco to christie hendenon t co actaa wsnted s good servant girl apply im uodiatrlv la mrs d licujnoit p noruev fl raicncal iiatadsjaisia- i preparsd to eieeute ahythiag in his line id the lt joaaihle inauacr and iu the lalcit style iloulhly cattauieri it ipwid rux a call is lolicitcd j lywokoek h olfik and lot fou salt la aotoa an if sin st s hoam ia good coadtiku and fourlilthi of su sen of land owned by wn xioolioa for pirticalsri apply to w mwhitley i 3ft acton p 0 jotice to ttttspasseiis notice ii hertby given that any pnon or perions foaad trcipuaiag pu my preaiuea wiil be prosecuted acoordinir to isw 37tf r r m0kr0w jltsu a frazbb ttox at rncfleal lam hir haaafartarrr it tjrtparrd to nuke to order switches crowu brsidi puffi or ipj thing in that line on ihe rhortett iimice salisfactioa garanteed charges fcaionihfe i orders taken at the raatdeuor if iln zv moorfl ccirncr frederick and chnrch st 3sir mrs a fr a zee h olst blotto bfcvt the andcmgtiecl will rent hutoaie lad lot iilnl4 nearthe ixilcif lutioa fc ctcuc mmth ttaaxblc ft the loose cauuiat lie ruouic uii faatmcr kitcheo gial cuura pa ihe irem mi hud wtr cwatettirot thcfe ii ft lubte na the lot apply fuitneditclf t hit rtioc or on ihe urrmimc u johnvtrcoxkell c szm b8c wic hottkixr accnostek auctiok sale hocseuold rurktttttr- wm keaifret will tell by public ac- boa uf mrs- t s armitrmu tthtrptu- i imracdlttciy trnrth of the rxitviy ti- tiaa oa sitccdnr mti init il her houe- hald faraiturc tenuc culi 1 auotiom sale farh stock implehtts aa aoclioa al ot farm sloct aad im- plemootrwill take place ityot 26 con xasugsweys oa tneiday april 6th 1880 wm hntrtet robert parfci aaclioeer frprictor auction sale a jia1il rok n marrud and unmarrm it uaelim yoa tkai 8mcgmt8 of ufb how to enjoy tfctna sent poft paid on receipt cf s9 rtj n y momtrial rcluhixo coauikt 191 st jtmea st plfai dale in what sainali paper on ttwthli j navtjsaaawbya iitjlibeir- 8hinglejill8 btii ati lit waullntlriautiatba raa en hand at hit mlll in kinwya hrmarlr known as anlili mllu a unr itcek of lumber lath anothinqlcs of all kinds and fioallllei oheap so 1 hhlnglea 130 per haaare bill stuff cut tq order teem8ca8h peteb savers acton de sb t9 flour feed store i law son bros toaldrpctfuwj inform the people of actrik aiw vculiy uixtther uvaimn tdla b prpmim oppoff dr mc- oirtlni mldeac t hear what lion says great cbh i discount sale monday stl of jawsairy 180j we eommenceeta grand cistlng sale of onr exteosita itock ot se4dvladls clotuusd we hold an immense stock of imens st boys suits fine coats overcoats olsters and boys knickerbocfcers etc- etc of our erro manufacture- the stock is iff fimclass shape and re offer to our otistomers a most desirable class of goods- flour and feed store ibeat-rbducowxn-raipe- tbrooghoot lb enlire8lo bavt btenjnlade and eaen article ia marked in pliio bsurei baiidesall this we ihsll allw a ducouol of 20 pf eenu oa tvoiy gs ment purcbaaed j j- we offer overeoals at s 20 per cent off for ou bodrcoats 400 and 20 per cent off forclh mens tweed panis 178 andsoper cent off for taah bcyssnits 600 and 20 p cent c ff fcr cash boys pnnia 102 clrts and 20 per cent eff for csah sld will fcpntan ijon hand a raltitckor florit of all livd8 isclndisa fsmilr floor bnckwhtal moor urahata floor veals cora uaal lat meal cracked tt bait brao coktm fcborts fine shorts chopped peas cuoppdjsu mixed chops uau ihd pass and all kinds of feed ainally kept ins hnclasi nora fgau gaoth deliceredta any pari of the eiuwje at toon at ordered tfita cntt it ritikctfulhj toddled law0n bros acwnja- issou m stephenaon ircn floys the erceators ri the estate of he isle sydney smith ej have imtnicted the undersigned to sell- by public action at the plow factor m urn village op acton dx thurseftj- 23th march 1830 the fouosdng lot of plows 30 6tasnasfl3iroaplo 2 han dler 5 stashiaioa iror hsti 1 iah- ut 10 eleia ganrpiow c seoahuil pioti the above plows are all manufacturd from the best material farmers come and secure bargains terhs sio and under cash oter that amount nine months credit on approv ed joint notes sale to commence at 1 oclock sharp wc houtssit auctioneer 1 jaa qoldie etocutors d cameron i a mcnwraith fortiie stoves at cost at i havills sicxqf tub lajte scon k bownps the c4dle stevaht in pocyaide on th 11th init the wife a donald slewart liq of a daughter e ckate sicpiiemok tn ppeyiide on the 11th inst the wife o r mcphcrsan eiq aged 74 years j e mcgarviiis drug stbreheadr read carefuiij- 8ircbt oraoiixtsophiaibarg aajc i was asacled with dyipepila or nearly our rears myiunsi becoming affected tnvsrds the fsat l vss induced to try the tihojhpnejs remedy after ueirij three or bur bottles f felt mach batter and jainedscrenjfh rapidly my health improred ileahiiy and rapidly andwhen 1 bnd akan three or four bottles more f iraa quite restored o hesllhand ttrenntli and hava experienced better health ihin for fdrty yeara before i had been under the treatment of a nliraber uf piivslciansbefota but nirpr r- l a quarters fpr the castor oil u pw ia t arm pcrfeoj j- acrectiile lo cfafl- iranaammtamwnpawe in la bunactur the properucs of tin oil tint prodacrf paio ind gh- par tie duamaied xadllu rendertd dot ofilf mild tad plouant ia a sctioa bat tbaolutdr ujtcicm md pajauble it u prcemaoailly the finest laxa- tire tod cattatnfc bwwa tnd n remedy tor cu littttw coxtfupujbn and ill iftteslmil- dcranza- meott ft ft ooeticajied tnd i destined to ate uu plscc of crude oil iad sudnsic pflund parpl- tiro for ule brdl druqfcbtt tjcnatbot iu daatamutrrlt 20 per cent on every imm we ahoar one of the largest stocks of eeadymape glothla w the country v each article if marled in plain figure and no tesond price off be made under any couideratioil all dmiug itot paid for at ural if yurclimtt mil so biatlqitcjthcditcuuxt ultich it only uf ered far tf rid cath- tbleos avail ijourteica of mt grand opportunity to bupdothingativck an imiiuait ditcaunl cuuteai once icaik the dock it complete j d williamson co m mp m i c- j 6ne of the largest cheapest ahd best assorted stock of ftthatso v in the county at iiyfes i cluisties at celebrated loadoa hats cr ftifes shop dominion boot shoe store ebmtey son mais btreet aotok vouldtntimk lo the peopli of acton and lurra indlnr ocuntr that ttaey are now recdviiiuiererrist8tck o boots and shoes vhtoh viu befrant to eonidl of an auortment supsrlar a icfturul qaaiity ajii stria at tfuafutui to any ilock lie retorow reef ired ia acton ait i ladies of aqtok- if rouk not yet ihe fuooaile test end rortba phrpoi ol lihvir orely einbroideriei and other atlinotite goodi nete opw nwdo not aland upoa ceremony or lose any runhr tim in dointso llxtcsdw at once ihafwide1 and best good kill l tad 00 the labia today 1 th tarioaa deparrmenta orour hock are now bued to repletion with ii vfcniot new fresn goodi preiealmg a yarieiy of attraction not hrttuhuhuleaitof the rear we cordially iailm u pnr z ii lr lareormall io vialf ito fashionable we- 1 end urd thatwe eummi wairwans hitler than any other eblabmenl nt ihatrade at this piticqlkrieamriwedonotlookor neither would be reasonable to expect i- large purchaaea tbe aume aa weejo in hbe fau oo gently wenerer jdaapise the iu11 order but keep m mind the old icoluili adage that mony llltlei mak a mnekl now ladiai come direct to ni we hare made eiclnsire preparallona ie meat your wanu and sre bound to do the trade vi oome to ua a o btcham taiairjuhi vat end dreu maatlc ad millinery eitpbluknnt owjfk 33 jl2 adok wojld ntlmala io the peopl of acton thai ja has purcliai l lie butcher txiilum mely cnrrtwloii by mr r blory and lhl h ha a wars oil hand a liritclail luck of beef pork iluttoni s a usage r flsfjjictc andhoreshyilrlct allenllon to badnsis to cciire a tnlr ibareof the iatrtjnaie of- the 6tblui mbardeutcredalany time lo any part of ihe town tebilkcash acaujbcwctreii adam cook everything sold cheay for cash tu taooo a year orfilo 3s a day inyoar owtfocajuy ruk woman 30 lltnn many max mora than tba amoaato fcrtdabote noonaean lall to mak make monevfait any oofcan soih work youmasfn u nouwevcmr wjnlntaajjara time to the boilnew it cot nothlna to try lu j mrr osrfibe buxneai fleaaant nartctl nworabie tteadarmyon aatio z will about tn deal pa yl f fmm tha oubue lend nayouraddru and a t aenijou full partloulars and private trtmi b imnrn free mmplei wor s al iraei y andmanyoihai than make no your mind or rmraelf ad- flrcnommtthv i oboe mltbon 60 portland maine bare fpenric medici vlojkfs y luvftrrtid florl qu- aiw werjclr ooecolord n u a 0imrio plat andm illnarrailoir hb de- uustobl ff or 8 kepuuiflr icrlpunniafthabaitrlinnrsanaveaeublai lith howt pjiw ihem in onr cuitomsnd eepsiring pepsrtlj all lor a ura oetit sump in boailan or ment we are prepared to execute all irders entrusted to ui in a moit aatiaj factory manner i j nothing but the belt malarial used in toe shop a call loliciiedv kennoy soa vcloni moli4th 1880 or the galrie of vx liwyerlay 9erroa vicky 8eeus are tba best in the world fivs cinto lur tnalace will buy the flobai ooidkihiliowtosllvm the flower and vefetabl warden its pst rlxdolored plaietand raany hundred encravlnsa rrr id ceuta in pnir wve r j jloulr aleaaot cloui ingrruanorentuib vleal lllinlmtel houmly mkiaaldesj pasw a olloretl plata ineraryntitnlhtand many fln eni rie cpw i tkaoi nak- tiaot i vkt drtal toe nail beaactr ad ndfalhde eurelhrbamtnai weakrebper matbrrhea im- potend and all dliteaaaa tbal n mv follow iiiu- senretaxmgqnnsee of helf- 1 btner is of mamct unlienal i aisliadt f1b is tha motvihonpramalnteiqidas lerlmieakalbatiaadtoliiaabriy urcnuomtunband apiematnrqrte wkull partlsilaw la oar ramphlel which wf dealre tonatrtiy mad toetrrt due erthe bper iflr medicine- la fold by all dnuslitaat 41 pepaokaieor six packafta- for h nir will be ii rrea by mall on receipt or tha money byncvrrilrr tbrukatmbmciseo rwii fa sold in oonby all drtawata ay d i-tery- whereln cdada and the ttnnril hvaleby ml wholeaalaaadreuirrealtitsaji i 1 i i pic wv5 a year si bpnctmen camber many fln enaa ins ipleafcr a aintfnr 10eni i lrlil eolir for j5e is addrcia jaukavickbocbestirnt for sewiaj wachine anlt general repair try thegeorgetown novelty worla abch- mddetl 22tf main sk georgatown it- minibtex a t -m-

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