Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1880, p. 6

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6 y cats ewni out v e- iplsjo tfaefifkttrc u t puot ut itttpte ridi some twelve milei loots ketweatj tfna ivcasibeiaiojutsr e inula wldia t4m tooth bank it act taon thsa kat ot high ike north batik teas shove th titer avwrinandrad feat the face of the rock hid ragged look imall lud tudet hiring occsrtol wi usm ta tinw treat rtijiog from sixty tt in height to mere ttnbtjrrtwou the tableland almost to ui d ot tie buk qi howisoa kid i fain oc 160 sons along the river whin the fcsjik u utbast- hrshoass it ipkiant on tanoufad by trait ma sad it it leu than the width of i squire icreftom tho nt also an the titer bank it the ls0- sm farm ot lastm w hotisoa on a recent afternoon it abouts30 oclock george ho wisest ithile torking on hit bra heard i noie eta that produced 6 y i giie tuaini i duster o trees sad saw lore of eutii disappearing in the river about hilf i ddnsr teres were taken off joitut hotitont farm by the lud tide is tan minute the rirer which- ni ibxrat fifty feet dee it tint point snlloted up- the vast ouantity of earth thai wantinto it bat rendered mare laillor tnd the width of the channel tic reduced to oae efgbthof inrile wnea tho buk vix tub- merged t tire tea feet tu thnim up as the opposite bank which rushed inland for fifteen miles oxer the level oauatry electroy jag buildings uprooting treat ud scatter ing the fences the scene it described it hiring been tarnse tvau erlge who lived on the bank from which the ids took place sras tasking on the opposite tide of the i rirer he tit ought by the tire end swept sgsinst tree ud other obstacles tod finally- cut up on t heap of dviru when fecadby hit sans he was unconscious ud hi died fbar dtyt liter the rirer it the place- there the iind elecnrrdreeamettrtngspeirsne- eitfnr fnnt two to tea feet ibore the sur face of the titer ire mae treat itudin tt different angles tome of theni u straight it than they stood on the ibigh buk tnd otfaerc leaning ud partly covered with earth the tract that tent into the rirer tit in-shxpe- tike 1 half moon the new bask revests reddish light earth for shout trelva teat from the top under which iss stratum of blue clay some twenty feet thick ud all the earth below that so firs it if noble t mixtax of eotris gnvtl and sand there aw hurb eraetc along the btak extending initnd for 150 feetotffiore the imnreuioa it that tull more of the bank till go inta therrrer the next tind ctorot rit kkdy to prcetrati miry of the fir treet en the bank beoon their rcott hire bees 4coened by the frcojsent dp craekt that hire been nude among thent there are aereriljtheoriet at to thf cxate 01at by thevat tat rhttcrie of pretence it dcrer to be compared with tho iteni logic of honctt lir- fn i jt stitesuaxs tmbitioa eta only be tit- itfiod tilh high tnd hononnble pceition i poliicitnt tith money httsricxa are nude even by the txtt of men an enjliih ctcrgymtnpf thajmt oantnty in at eloquent efawkxflii goodnou of the creator in liwiyt dijui the largeet rirert sot cloae by thtut pep- ototttlotnt bsortcts oirdxutiloittlvh4t lry alight opinion of hnmta nature ho uyt in effect that yon cant tell what a man it until yon hire gone over t miltdim in tho taniboit ahad ihea it it oetter to keep ihe itorcroom door bolted pauk8 whoar eojlttantlttying that thcylare free from prejadioe are generally mortdrjadieed than othen though they are not aware of the fact they are fikethe old lady tho tfodired that the wu opea to conriction bntihaking her head the added that the ronld jut like to tee the mail who conld oourince her tai bridegnottt wai not prctont at the timeappointed for a imddith- it harmony tjfa tha bride who fctietr h laid tit courage hid probably faitod him somebody ingeeted that a horn be bio rn tacallfuot tnd thit wudono arecponiive thoop wtt hetrd from tho toodt near by bat the young man did not appear tfatil a tcosting putr troojht him in by fmoe it tu hot until he became fearfut of toting the girl whoaepatiea give way- to anger thit he mattered enough eotmge to ttoe the ieremoay tami it a gwat ilefl of ihim charity in- the world ud oat rcry littls of the ronaine article which like good gold will itind the tntt of the craable if to an going away from oar enemit aad ner expect t lee them again to can readily forgive them batif we are to remain in their midtt we can htrdly retirt the tcnntacohtp payforiia injer- with another injury there it a rictdaai of religioa which clcwily reeemblet that of the taia who uii tyw i freely forgive him at tar rat until i get a good chanoa to pay him back hiti you ever cotne aerou i caa of people tha alwayt manage to hror the blame for a wrong act on tome ooo die and who invariably make tseouelnt ost the in jnred party they areaot tho matt agree- able peoplttn tha world far the ijcpie ret taa that no matter what they do they altayt mooted in making jos feel that you are the aaeakthiff after all that mac ii one of these folkf hat been icoldin me foran hoar and hat told meat leatt forty timet that ttble a dollar from him when the ttmple truth if thationly ttole fifty oesu i dont tint to be blamed for what x dont do t3aln0nlmtwn curious qbieciulm of a elaht chinaman from outusmbbm 1 maiele iti kail 1 t 00 n luwia tn tnrrt rttrf r- tfimpihunfmi n the current sndernmed the bank for many feet eating out the boa eraret and land when the water riaee u itdoet in tta eutq i mer in coaaeqneuoe of the melting of the i tftot on the iolud mbuntaint along the val try of the fruer the thompaon aad other rirertvaner rhanhel will be opened be tween the dirphued earth andtnener bank cad in time the obttruetioiif in the rirer willditappear llltht boaixon therirer near thit point were either doatroyil or throwuhighahddcy cntht hank an eld reaident tayt that many yean ago a land slide occurred that carried t small bcuts into the nver th6tecanta were fortunate ly abaent there are many other places along the river where lied tlidat tpgeir a be more qkrely ia- oocnr than at mi pie eidte i george horiaon wiff rembre hit house farther mltod and jnttaxhoriaan tqi pay taietooieterilacretietiof land than here- tofore a lictlfr ahore the ptaoe there the ahdaoecnrrtdrtif a alope of ten acres on which the orner wia preparing to build a nrrfam hocae hehatchangtd hit mind iadihshoue wiih hailt- farther btck- from the treacherpct tjaak r i i i w graray wrtttgjmmfc ijl euice roi te iaeptiorfeimindert of the ptlutku wbc rriiei eadway aocijenu are not ja france j and far that reason the one ihlt lately occurred it cojhylrnuots cwuexfjheireaterilinn it was perhxpc th iirat socirlent tinea- the- famoux one an le y st gerinam wtierein admiral de- watitjmlie aad 200 othar ticarns per- iahbd which hu heett fnfly reottad by the e praa tad thk cmamatanco it only ana to to us hiringtakert place it the- very gates of rfarili aecidentx which occur at a diataoce frtm the apitai ire generic r hsthed spat qnckly at pnesfhi a hall report ix fur niaeto tin rrowipapenoathe day after the aeaaily 1 ttdi balder ens appeart cs the mqrrst sod oa the tnint day the public receive intimation thai the accoaitt of the acceot had from the nrst been grnsary ex- aggented thit ttite of things inset from the fact that the farvgreet railway com- rabaier save com v an nnderrtaodinfr with awwipiper cosowetoci wt us of never urrifying ths puhlio overmuch every writer isjahretedwiiji i journal efuyf mflnrnrw can mapplirarim obtain frer rat caany imefccaipecineicntriieyeratia these favours are also extended to a great anmber of sesaaaa dtputhsvenfaetiv and sobftefeda tearttw phiytrighti and icton trirtliirgt tnu the aiwequence ti that tin railway companies secure in a general way the good wili of ab who trite and talk most and have the ntramaaut share is fcrniisg puhhs oaaniaa agsinttj aaoh a king as thit outaidert havb no chance whether they claim damaget fori acctdentt oc agitata fog i r oomfattt they are shouted dowuwnks great ciarocr- utacsattheyittempttabancisy safaej timet an hooot cewtptpet wiii take pare with the aggrieved but nt out cue its eaaa terapocariea promptly acaiae it oftieaua that it of attempted extortion the aame meant are used to litance xiajay refotmewj in fadiamtut the wcuaisamru cnac it atinthelobbiet anrtitiikildtfaat it touldbe napatrietic toalann fiipnbucj iaaaid to bus out bad if oar observatina howevrritoamctsnuy add that they in net the only ones who get at the wrong end of life res may hare a tendency tpoil tyouug man hat there are very few poor young men whs wouldnt ritk a trial ot that dangeroaa experiment and who would not like to find out practically jaat hor moch money it would take to spoil thsm a father who had a largr bank aocoont and who regretted the rapidity with which kt tcrttaa living once aaid to- him frank am not tatuficd with your lata hours rtnrnafter i propose to have tha hootc closed at tan oclock well father tit tifc reply v that will rait ma well enoagh i generally go out aboot nine and if yoa will have the hocaeppeahy aboat four in the marrin can get en very well tirxdinereiice between the valco of an articie ttich you want to teliand the irti- j de which yoawinttobay it very great if you want co aeil it yoa try to persuade the purchaser that it is the only one of tim kind in the world this it wu made expressly for youv and that immediately after it wu madjs ths pau was lest and the artist who ratrir ttm patfitrr diejj if you taut to bay on the other hand- you declarethat ruchj triatceabafncndat every ttreet cpratr ff they are tnade by ths niiilioei and in certain countries they are thrown away at sseletc ail thit ii called the policy of trade the qermxn c3nic papers have a rictnre of a hebrew youth astride of a horse thick the father ix anxious to dispose- of fco af customer who etude by and the boy wh6 it is lgnorance of the nature of the bargain lotus from hit saddle and thirpert to hit parent father shall i ride him to buy or chinatown wu exercised on yctterdty morning itter the funeral ceremonies of wong an sing the chjaesmsasalujit no tu shot dead by toastffitfiav ttc lrilicltuenwsttshfeti md lanntsyfbuah w exposeu lo the palilio fun under a this canopy erected in da- pohitaet mjtinditieujsiibcrauj edoneu wilh gut paper and peacock fea then while it the toot of the coffin on i second table a large quantity of celestial delicaciei worn spread oat which were to cccnipay damssuf lln of jest a mnjatnre imigs ot the chinese deity ipreidhlt hud benignly aver the feitt and there wax no lack at cudiet tnd punk a bud of prafestitnsl female moamert filled the air with erica and la- menuuont at neon t- chiness lud pat in an appearance lot tie cerimoniet for a while wore carried on by one maa oaly thit peiion dresiediikn ji oxdinary chi naman with tho exception of wearing a blackcloth turban t sodded with brut ornt mentr playing a pur of cymbals snd a bell chanting at tn acoimpaniment the great and good accii of the departed tie band began playing- as soon as he had fia iahed ud were joined by the bsarairi in a grand chorue the ftmalet buopiog their forehradt oa the oohucstoootj tae aere- moaiet on dupont street lasted iboat three hoart at the close cf the services the oaf- da tu placed in a hearse snd conveyed to the chtaste graveyard- the hearse j tat preoeded by a luck containing the chinese bud beaung bellt andgongf were saspended from the roof of the- oanisjr by ropes xaxt were soterslpaasengers filled with profetaionii nwurnint who were ar ty oi in whit uektv and with white buds about thair foreheads thsre were further a nnafcerof oarriaeet arsitiiniiig tedds a rsparter of tu cknuclt the friendt and relatives of the dsocasod whioh in turn were followed by the hearse the hearse and coffin wen u elegant it ths most celes tial taste scold wiatr and were looked upon by the heathen who drove is express wag goa immediately behind it with triumphant aattafaeaon rhe express waggon eoatsised first of all a whokrout pig as comfartable axr a number of ahtckent browned by the generous hestt ou the hikeoven a large bowl of rice adotea toiled eraheauamter of bot tles presumably sited with liquor alio cups sancerarhowls and ropstcstbesides the usotl lot of jott piper ttickx tnd can- diet when the procession had reached the outskirts o thccity it halted and the good things of thit life were tenderly transferred to one of the carriages with theexoeptiea of one pxr old hen whose mosgrc umbt gave promise of an allarthly jawdefying cocghnets one crab and three- little be wis of rice the big gong wu onttrang from the roofof the hack the pillow tbpc snd bandages remored from the moursert aad tha procession divided the smaller number of vehicles fallowing the hearse arrived hlntgfor maroliworlc at the graveyard o thatpjk wang tisg t iileoi tee ingenuity with thieb we devise tiie raeahs of dorhg what ws want to do is only equalled by the in with which we create objectianx against doing what we dont taht to do at one of the eatertamr mentx lately erreu in heidelberg a yoahg man presented himsfflf at the door but was chadehged by the cerbocet who watched there persnsm mrs were of no avails aid cerberos insisted that no one rcould enter uruesshe irw a student at fhetjniveisiy a bright thought strack the young man and he well sir i am myvelf a ttu dent so please let me in the doorkeeper looked at tarn tor a iiotnestand then asked and pray sic what areyoa ttudyfsg iton stt arshecl the ymrtb repued well sir if jbu must know im studying haw to get in sad tu beyond the reach of cbarus before he recovered from atfoo- tsnmet doirstlclifslus many phases tome of which are sad whueothers sre fanny a french lady those little child of a few months wu mifciaj itself very distinctly heardpiaunart of thehouaeud ttyiog t- fnve that its lungs were in good concli- tion iarquietly bo the sofa reading the last novei kehnabindwurilsetito despeas tiuhy the childs cries and said tsrtiy blanche how is itpossibls far yoa ti he then reading while that baby it rouafngtlie neoghboutlioodf it soemiquite besitltti for aught you imoit may nave half a do- sea pins sfickingintoita little body somehow it isi fav thaarywith every jau that 1 babyi never cries onless it in woiuu iu cuiouyrjsittwiueteryraotherkaattfat that i diminutjoa of riaway trsmo toom jtgeresmt loadest then u it merely k tend to psrslyxs trade shake the ckrrern mttoo itself aaitryingto oau generalit- jieiitioatothofsuanvit isinew iirryu tfit c vert laies br terit j ittoairtf fl lorgstost meet scd so forth kersrthelees u above sail there are com psrxti rely few aeeueotr in france the btata requires that two thirds of al the officers empfoyed an rail- wyhll bsvsbetttwuierssnii the habita of djaplioe to winch these men hire been trsntedmake thfimreejiyexcellemtaervxntt thoogh roniiheriddeo tt point which iof tea exasperstea ngsh pasaecgeit they do cot sleep overtheirdnty udthefr rigid es1 jroement of regolationr which are ooia tbjutious tendt cadoubtsdly toefiuta grat taring of hnmirt life french railway byliws ire all framed oa the nderstudine that ifreaehnuu cannot take can of rom- slf he mast be kept from leivingthe waitingroom beoce the proper time he cannot be treated- on a plaifum he must exhibit hix ticket so freaaently u to render it nnpoatible that hi should either tctrel in aogclaucirbecsjnrieewheretaanto hit rightful dettiailion ragtin the me- djarh t peel of frenchtraint ii mnh slower thu tliatrf the glihual4nnb pats ereiycompartmcntiricorcmnriication with the guards ran and lutly at the block eysiem is ererywheie ia force it recjairisis 1 realiy astonishing concurrence of untoward arcurastuces to produce ta accident that f cachyrvillbts seeras to isiti occurred owing to i fog vhioheaaed the xjintsmaa tomittsie thecyiloar ifasignalshdalso through the paiiic of i goinc who lost his head it iht momaht when he ihould hire timjwacrickeri on tha line towarnthe ad- fincing train from nusshief i a rorcjje clergynua who is deltf erihg a ocmrtec serinciis ot kble mcdtu u- nonneesleiwathoct tocuy the jlodel walker he ew not cobtanpitetiie in- trednctofl hisbnlpitpf tvhiinbi or of gcyonpis balintendlm tisll lis heireriaoont enoch trao- ftixedtiltooo tnis sort of thihgdriicltrfi bjsiurtr the mother ltn juidryraiscdber lustrous eyes from- the ifiwrbuigjiigeuct aaid iua sur tone why frsnodois i dont andenamd joht that it the nurse for f fray doat durtarti trie again j t h tfeatter aal seil3iis eurppei it woaldieem fiitlreland if fhe pply place abroad whins people art- in 1 distress- 1 ed courliuoa faamcddnit jrevajledj all bverearopa thntvfivr begin rung early- and lasting with coatmaed severity the effect oathe public health hu been trying the mortality rtports of allfhe large ciaj according to the kiiictl sacti sho r increase ia the annual death rtteoniti ttttkingatttntet bomeiu reached 8s tai 0 bef tbcaeand per year in kaput iaa lignlat ura hu been prevalent at fhe beslthresorts oa sad near the eivicra cold rains light scows tui danipdayt hive pre- vailed at rroeoaeosatulreceive4 in the weeklmfonpbrittmaf 60 rafitnts suf fering froaisevire frost bite in paris the applicatiottfor entrance to the hospitali in dec ember weracioofl aweetln exoees of the accommodations sikxk hu bees fright fully rivagerl by hanger udtyphrori u hat alto irelxndfat one ixtremity of tho conti sent arid tarksy at the other very receatfyisieome dispatch to the londoa saaifflj- eays the accouats front tens di livori itaplsr cohtirme to be ter rible- the population of seventeen com- manes aipaaaily sfsfcted mimhers 93i2 persons of this number 61340 hid been attackod by fever op to the 15th of decem ber tut this fever meaas- government aid u not eujfficiettf i i i i r tax itfa wjotcoau i hardly haternadsibetttroorobittitioacf blnndert thahfnnhaidpeoiagthat he hadi ivlyglotbss tjthh apocrrphita it iritk atypcernry la it vm y tho grsrodimr wsi eileotly adngiit for he is an inshmin snd was found pleasantly engaged feeding his pigs on chinese funeral chicken aa philosaphi- csl as any grivediggar heoever said a word bat a hit sptde pitched into the ground ait place indicated by a line u if howerepluticgirowiif poufccsud dug a gntre jart u njntly the ccini war drawn out of the hearse ud placed into the grave head firtt tho foot end being pruhed down with the spade xheo he spoke an for the first time c your brick t he said a brick one side of which wu in scribed riths uambor of characters wu produced aad with the epssle plaoad on the bead end of the coffin kfeaawhile two of the mourners had spread the feastst the foot of the grave tea was peered into the cape the chepsticts were placed by the aide of the riccbowlx aad the crab glowed like ihe setting euq others had been busy lighting penkaficks at he head of every grave in tha icclosare and when they reach- ed the lart ascl they ut three short and thick wtxeudtes each mourn er thereapori made three low salaams before tho grave and then the dishes were over- tamed snd the food left da the ground a bukitfal of piper pent and joisitictt weris ud the grave digger feflto and filled tho grave j the chinese with drew after having drank ihe coatenti of a bottle wnichhad been i part of the de cesseds fruv bat which they had taken care hot to leave on the ground half art hour afterward the hare in of the dead mon c of three mooneyed beaaties arrffs3iitthe piteyird ia a hack fteywtreaot admitted to the cem eterytjut tney touseobbahre among the uge brash wheremwererneddld clothes boofcspnnk redfsper s liirgejaithfaty of whit niay hive be5ncheeie of rornrpsaad sundry other in v ste thmgs when the fire witrbi hogfit toaien bowed lor with clasped hand swrsitimes and then departed without hivijgcsirevaioner took inthe direction where their former lord tnd muter will be varied uucu such time tt he sbrorpton of the ground shall have pat him ttt fit conditfoo tope eis to ttia faod of fas fathers i i aji impresarios erorihics eetgrarta1 iuarnleydetaila haw he wis persecuted by aaolle doke tnd duchess whoiasiited ab- on the man ireqoirnt srjfearanc4 of certairt siagert norby serenteed infiaential sub senbers signing around robin saavosauad ing an important changeful the cast- of in opera- that had heea aaooaacad for immedi- awrejprraenmtijn alady trpte toexprflt the dmatiifactioa of a roysl daooess with the existing srnngeinentf aa3ttiggtting the fnodictida of more attraefaye operas thahad been aanounoed in the prospeetasi stherwise tirgrfthworreipondeat it would be necesjirfjr snbfcribers to consider their pottaoaia regard fdfha next set- too for it is better to be withoot a box alto gether than to bo so ceufinaally diatppoiot- edjbyjfhe entirfsinnutits provided by ihi mahag gentienica toaid uwheitojmcejve money a hlihudv presaai hponihe maniger engagements iaj volfiai notorfly large ooyi patdiiastroos pecuniary consjoaaences j the indignant dll- uttauiir in the event ocrefaaal vowmg veo- geaoie againatthspfteafecandlhe exercise c illthetr powerarji umaejrca to pra- prloalyptnn rna the philadelphia ttlcinphl initaienieat of certain members of the eirpi tlji 1 vri ihsisfed 6s chsngss in tho perfotminoaj and annoaiwed their daplemareifthsdemadi wis not immediately met- clibrsea prcr testfld fgiinrt operas that they coniideted 1 bflkhoa oinncji wiat4 fseir chief sinierr- thrir other engagements pot- withstanding toippefrriinf concasrts la iddifios tiers arnrca hosts of inony- moni lettert of airice and denanaaiioq promising isgiohs of concealed enemies if steps were not taken or if a particular course wu nqtabtsdoasd tfatuxally mr camley fbahd the difficulty of complying with the demshdsofnll rabtrnhts quite insarmouiuble bot i wsveter able td stood if uniteu- those who hi vs tbtmseives adventured oil rimilar paths and in the midst of sll this embarrassment quarrels have to be settled with inflaential noblemaij beciaas their frienbuoi twbtn6itlrraues hart been refnieajrafctacexdrhbtbefagiri itrint evetang dress f atflhja nuterrxnajetttr h i gkxzsrtii mikes outfox uy ktht clack has ttrickea three forgetlal erf the faoithatcicoh were hot inteirudter more iliari eight hajidrritmft if tsrcaltiriitu dead from the nurteaa agrlcalturttt wce0nfrit1aalwovi mrfflfteaiy toft ona iore orgom green fboder will feed two cows throogu tlie aumtner fodder crops must be putin airly a mixture of oils and pfil u the lctoo fortrjcuttioa tooor4 ia ifwrrsilovar wliioh follow j tho rjer lie joim together will sown wpaiion two acrs th2 p h may be doubted but it is true tall growing leafy onto and tall peas yield 9 most fodder gu blacteye ifitv rowfdt pea grovn ia canada as- a field crop u the best for out use the seed being free from weevil eo a second crop tie earliest small canadi gray i pea may be sown the fodder is in tho best condition for cutting when tho peas are in full blucsm oaass lasds it is a mistake to sup poaa that oar climate fotbidav the lac- cess of permanent grass fdt meadows and pastures if tha right kind of- land u chosen law moist and fgll of rcgetabla matter and is kept weii tnannred and occasionally reseeded xscart hiyo porminept grass it wallas btjiiurcoantries bat it is necessary fo sow and encourage a number of kinds of grass those with creeping root being preferable if ia quality is good this subject ia worthy of study and experiment i- pobttb1 the early chick gets the early worm aid tho sooner begins to feed itself march ipullete are those which fill the egg baslcet in the winter time- therefore set jail tab broody hens tor which eggs can bo procured u soon as possible sad take great csreof the chinks which come in this month- a warm ran out of doors may bo made under a hotbod sash arrangwl between two coops and laid on boards set on their edges the frott oattdex iri selecting a spot far afroit garden chooao a warm place and as near the hauso as possible that it may ba both convenient for gathering and more se cure from trespassers the soil should be well drained deep mellow arid en riched with well rotted manure tha importance of a good selection of vari eties cannot bo too strongly insisted upon for a list of taoiesding- kinds of the various fruits see ths january number notes for others sea tha cata logue at dealers the sekoting ofi new sorts for the main reliance is not recommended let the bulk of tha planting be of old and thoroughly test ed varieties rather than of new and untried kinds fiistrea bo soon tut the ground is settled plant the trees shrubs etc that they may get an early start and be well established by tha time drouths come like ahiniajs much depends oh early growth buokbf3tbd akd rasebepsies atart very esdy- and it is best set them in the fall bnt very early in the spring will answer the canes produc ed this year will bear the fruit tha fol lowing season stsxwbtdtrns old beds are to ba ttncavered tho method of cultivat ing the vines inrows threa feet apart is how generally considered the most satisfactory gkajes every farmers family should have all the gripes they can eat from september to january it is not necessary to have large vine yard for this a few vines each of tha best sorts and propetty treated will give a great amount of fruit there ere hundreds of oatoffieway places where a vine may be set suchas along a fence or it may ba by the side of the shed or barn with good soil snd care in pruning satisfactory refarns miype expected jl story about v horse sir joseph quigg- tad his horse billy sem i rniik route iuker york city for tie boedea condensed kufc oompuy sir qelstbac baisosswraat tar aver lersii years and buly aoshore than three ifahy customers take mijfcttice or three trues 1 week truly traintarriiinsied with hose tha receive it every ttsy while kfrqmgg ir serving a custoraar billy pisses onto the- rnsidenot of ths next pitrbn creasing the street whenever ths schedule retrains he seems ta da this at a favour forria partner kct long sgo ifr qaigg lost ht reckouisc on i customer iardicdotgai street he or dered the horse to stop it tha dcaroa tues day f leaniaiilpssiosttentiaq to the acastv icnosring- that wednssdiy was the regular day for serving the family mr qaigg yuked billy byths check rain nd farced him to step the man of the house came oat and wnerkad that it wu act his usuaf day far i receiving hiaiuppry but u the measure wst filled end the millc wu ready for delivery he would take it and sir qaigg might pus him by on the follow sngmoranrg 1 qn wennetdiy morningbillymikhedua to the hoass slid stopped his friend jo seph fallowed along the sidswalk ud order ed him oa the nortc related to obey the order toasing his head ia a manner that in dicated that he thought his friend was la- hnsriowamior a mistake therenpou mr quigr spring into tld waggon ud wu forced to seventy luh billy before tie horse stlrtad the head of the fiauly inter fered tai pretested against ths cruel treat ment of the dumb animal mr qaigg told him to atfead to nis owai bosiasss ti gantleaaa r so by tintiagtht office bf the compsuiyud entering a oompliint the resultwu thit biuygot thsbsturof his frisnd jossphi for mr qaigg tit discharged todthenorsavureaaiii in the service bf thecampany i tfi matter wutet tight tome weeks sf- torwsrd i udsfr qnigg in again employ ed tin two friends got along quite smooth- iy for sorns tlme wheaiha horse igain got joseph into trouble hs wu orooingohul totstnetvwhilemrqaigg m semngt custcmerbeumd itim on nearingn livery stihls i wsggou approached the hone from u ocraosltihiectioa its oocupant wanted billy w pimitdmitothalaftwhtomv him u oppocrtmitrto driver into the stable biuy howeverr insisted oacuaiajto the rightu tha law dirscts a couuion oc carrad ud the uvery stibla waggon wit broken th- owaert icompluned to ths mpaaymr ftuims explinition shw- everpedwithilly weufmowaa fwhosttn honoured by in- trsswncejof wsles it sjtatioujto haghendea hive not tcrnpled to affirm that their host is failing u maoh mental- u he is known to be phytfeslly lord beacjns- bildls said to be far from the bun he wi sfsa a year igo ud lifejtthis oonntrjje i dsicribed u poitottotuy sr sjd pompooily dojl thkwiyisifiwspsrk has re parts wan corjsptctiotil jjy iheir av lord besconsfleld ilu said spoke 1 m ud when htoid veitars- i-fe- mirk it partook mors of ths nature of i thinly disguised platitude than of those brilliant epigrams which ased to drop spon taneously mm hit ups whenever ho opened his month taken all ronnd the haghendea visit wu rather a failure h b h is fond cf high play tad lord beaconaneldf flea ft aaid to nave grown ludicrously long when his roysl gnest proposed sovereign points tt whist a fondness for cards prevails jimong the royal family i am told but they do not all lose their money so griqefully as does tha heir- apparent the duke o edinburghs mean- nets has pissed intj a proverb udhii done far more to fflaks him nnpopaur thu the act of hit marrying a bassiao wife he gets so sartge at losing that he is i source of immense fan to those with whom heplsyt i theard a good weqanthettlcited story apropos ot this weak side of the dnket char acter a year or m ago hit royal wgbaeu had aeoomplnlecf some ladies to the theatre or opera itt remember righflyit wis the criterion after theperforniiooe the party adjoarsmtasupper the waiters pi sourse recognfiedft e h ud expected a- haad- soais gniniryi after ths rrjfreshmenu had been psrtaksn ot tha dais- called fsrua bill the half dosen lackeys nsw round mors ex- pectiat thu ever tha wishedfor doca- mentwu produced handtd to the duke on a silver safrer in the orthodox fashion and found to tmoant to 9 us fuhu roysl fcighneu threw down a 10 flirflsy say ing st the urns time with tharoytl air of a maa who it giving away i imall fortune wiltfahs keep the ohfngjah udthe disgusted waiters who had looked for half a sovereign apiece had to caaunt themselves with the munificent sum of about fifty cents among sii of hem i i the standard fire ioaurance company being a rtamiltrm inatiotina sranotce with pleasure its oceiaaedsgfloeff from its report of j 1173 nor before as wi take the fnliowingji dazing the rear the company reedtod ia preauana 68 657 an increase of 21000 overita premium income for the previous year its loss oa the basinets for uts amosntadtn 124900 or about mi per cent of the prsmitms received the excess ofi premiums over losses fer tho yesr amounted to 000 and ths excess of m- eome over total eorpsnditnw for the same period amooatad to 2503313 from the detailed list cf losses psid b6 averaging nearly pci fnreyery threa basinesi diyt d the year tas oompahyv patrons seem to be well ditribatai threughoot the province of ontario to whichits operaliocii are con fined and from the many plsaaint utters it hu recefyjedfrom cfsimeiits reutiveta the satisfactory payment oil thsir i losses the suudan has evidently teeared u eavi- able poiiljoa ia the coofideoce of the puhhc the aontinnoat success j of thit cotnpany sia its oryaaitifaou and the ability with which itsaffiirt an mantled warrant at is predicting fcr it s very proroinent positioa among as- firs huuraoca companies of the hminiou from the iosurance experience and bu on ess ability cf those to whose muigensent the varied inranoce interests of thu city in intrusted ws aoafideaily predict that hamilton ill shortly if it his not already becoms the hartford of cauda etmim hgmmf ictf lfisq- ho xjrns ta being slcfc elegtric ibeit institution estabtighsd187 electrocurative appliances rewett a5jj curz- spfcialiflomplalfltk lfflrrouaness litbt kmaer hung throat and qhest- oompliinti incipient farajysu tind ooiuumtioii general debilitr qout shetitrutim beuralriar bron- i caitiff aflthmt ad miuqr otfier i forms of blcknfltt sckowit e dv8irnjjiird dv jar ttarilfan mt dr ditii of oaloituisti oiherirai mm nfwmf r tin wifih vblot ihcj- triad to nin to core uit i im ftinktul iy yaf tppltvim hitfl eaijtlf rm irtxl tb ptla i rmotnfmad til tuenn lo trj- them- toantrulr pztii djinir eheumatiam and neuralgia btadthaa txjlnrj tu 14 brjn of tsc btr fvr ju oc mml listeria f zlktridtj nor kntivn to be of neh tsjaafatiltapirtidcefof frh rellsf of eiwmuc trd ffnnlcic ibk1m tmott efasmrf-ilrj- res lu- efi4 jtdttiimtfcomjiau c b hill k v v cmrordi f uce i general itsefuinew ichilttr djufiif ihittfpufd ajruilcri frlih mukti tnccm or ihirir jtirt io itt can of iiutmctiu kind la fan ihl hiimin bxlr u i cxkinjc btiurj ltd txtcvtts tutu facet at hj mart o tiraiim1 0rnfttcriiibyaicttiximxiii o ti oqireut wbfcfi ttim canurd gaurkiic bodj- wtr reratita ciaorxittiramauumvtmjcntiutbiartruniiauilf imort heuuly rtcamzand iheia 0 drttlc bit b mlt tai fabt u bf ut in bat tai tfmptm fotm of ipplytajr ekccridtf wllhia cirnilw wia teatimbiiulj frw- pxajf o fqvuol ito uhargq for conanltation- a ttormni no 4 queea street east toronto kb electrbstaij sodgulpkottai vspiurbsths 03 uie prtmtfes for udlos lad rentlerceu tarjaasrbrsttaaffiioiflpttatuatsjsk reisooswe priw aj bctrai for sale cdfalysmeold ctirotifl cards or jo ftral kotto tith ksmaidoa itx x v 1000 acre improved farm ou imtnoamt br minlmsa- hrim- 1echi buld votko kulloba lai office u klaff fcttttowvtdn1artoi l r for l srst- sale firstclass wf sixty aoketj vowniwp of normiaby rtth- the il bell organ f tttaiti triad bntldlaj i nqmmpviioti hmc or nrimp fonr nilnft witida nx tauet lams eny addrt sheep mark8- igbntswj 8t- eirttorbcto fjuaranree litw dohicii dj- to jflod werpttc cutm- qn y pc -8ciinlfmuposrpixtit- ivr qllstee jujecfcrckixgf cohpikt torwpt ogutsu- bu y only saklttf- powder jtibstrciasa iilpeqyed r j 6uta far tuii khi twiafr o rart jl iulis tu kinr ttxtet but torosto tsoooo to locait 7jxrcgat x vfttli till ii john lcabrs jcintrl tu jfood ke john lcabtt mmal toronto artificial limb fl pgrpikril tpltfttp bsaile ui chesp firrt miti st prartoeiil tgrifmnrnsjfcttapgfteifioa- otsaaotiiiaroar- ios ntied t eluucsod ibiuoe lffa- iddrws j f doax soy prsftg oct livincwatefih aaccr bevrw 10 wbtboar twiui- tocam htsfl xsvpaw cwoisttiffftof op8 urod ntcr smi or citttiuvr mjnrvfrs jtirr gt ha ryr bees anp tom iotll x ai sbr mj erraisr of aoisrr ssppliesfornil a4iric t- ktohuturjxbjclliricobcrasolit ay- ssyaaaf paper yaiiiaie lite in the oaaadlinatr jas maeriiim this mthitne c fgetltaq prlrtfi dvenfncr milit fetorisciartaslpahic ullt hqests eic- csu sad exunise the mtcliae at oprnljoa t josep phillips sol auaifteuer plumber fld jxttw 179 day streefy wc totonlo sad fardzeuiifbiid ptue cxcj tke oetrctaf pqs for inutears prinu fromt tttnsxii price irosi h outsts frm hit its pearl rcsiuxkt from tea toluq cube fsea at any i tirnc uodcnaian s mr avre seotf iwiuaatnladliacof oatfil jatso 10 els jforpiaiprilet bdw a p aoood- ieesiacst wes toeonlo- ifo person can use uosctrxs gkxitjlk svacp without getting iiumediata relierl and cure we hare the first ciaepf coaght golds or conaumptioa or say disease of the throat ordajgs yet toihir from thit his not been cured we hive distributed every year for three yeiri over 040000 sample bottles by druggists in as parts of the united state kooraerfnianfactanref medicines ever give their preparations such a test as this qo toj your druggist and getaiottlafor s eeati and try it two doses will relieve you sample bottles 10 cento each f- 1 tribtesr the new powder for whiten- ing the teeth stimalatitg the mouth and pu rifying the breath j tbe brigatest neatest most perfect tenet gifcextsmt ask your gfprteabflji 35 eeiti fjidais fsadyonrlfetsi0lta cows fat cattle calras sheip pigs tad fowls fwrj ftitrtc md cckls fxi sold every whare if ore asanas wanted manufactory n john 8t cvfiiasiltaii aetch sua is asvsv ow in is sxes sf a poor ftrt bat s pallid ooestsaaiieej wealciwter drr stoi slnfrwsnecpalstrshllbi stsht of ah beute ssurtjcslnviirna rtmsttiimat tiusm tstssasdrsiwa wcfktf ess vittona saekn aad on vrvl us met ikdufaa lac alsetms of lbs smnersefc tortale irj- ill dealers t i per pot tle mllburttberrtltpariotitrjrltars fotgeifs underwear in fine scotch lad canadian goods at prides tsjlow as the low est go be send to codpeti grest american shlrffsctoryi 109 yohge t toronto umis frtirix btsvtv puasbi anatett11iarmiejplelnr6fii testifb to bs arartu tat nur tsllov ou fur aatware ipnuet- tloa a relieruix psia from sprsuts brlises nsras kooalgjsvstaarliiccdltsnislfaad ssed it is tortimflrfortiittlo parpote qdoe4it6obtf aac of the mast ejbesctcas sad iootmoa umediec tbit x bwrcf toenrtrarfi i whflltakielatsiellt aflxkw oen flrsnti toar bound tie world jfntast tolling book now offend j exclasirs territory par farina address at ence oberhaliier t co berlin i touw1udo r estjsnfs roetorsl aalsxra tusji lis irritalloe of trie mtrensttombrsoe llw bioaehlal tbecandths laflgs sod rlllbe foond exbbedlnly rslaabls in deerbiteuenirmsadslldlsesssoluia ceesf it efobtaaurallais i uesllax mo rsataves baarse teas diffleolt brawiuir and wfu prove vslnsbls u eueotastbjnactoapwbbpfor cqarb tad dls- esoksot ou throat snd taiijs lesanf fo corisnmp- uocu- futsslebf all dealers pfeca outs 3r untie j- i -v- tax hyrftaksvjrisesadbfsumkingto- bacco nla stcodstie imtforjvrsrtcix yesis and daring that time it his lest aa friends tnd gained scores of thocaandf this length ened orperienca shows that it isno mere passing fashion which his gained ft the sp- proral of tha pubbo bat its superiority in the estentiil qaalittarwaicn mats s first cists tobsccoi i i orfpeaabtamuraroeraplimttatiiedfket eaoie of earbntyare percent of sechlbaisdissia btllaai- sess isdkastloo skk aiaiacbe ootuniima ir- romprosuitiorpitsineasof fhejhsad iptlpltido- of the burtana other rdstrettrdr srmptonis tlmdsperaoreoatampuvttbmis bo rtnudr to good m vklont hjpcpiosphiws for sale by slil sealers l- r as unexpected eleiuarbiwcived bat aaresponsive ftironi t solglsito tee yoh cousin charley andso kind of yoa to drop ial nowyopilliti epflplaothotirt with frandmimma wont yoa ijast to impse er while arthur snd take v stroli in- tha garden aad be caraful speak la hjd as you can fsheivsrfwryideaff acor dear i vv ladies dsieini kai etpntifljpyifcuii cthjjiroiniiciitaui rtrrrt suxoromd- isuijti wocarwi ofotppuoiuaa spodiuts tjisajlseir pi women foftny i tad ftddtcn dr emtivt hj jsiqwe t pbjt aaanncttrar i ixifftarebstrowalo silrer and nicila plat ing in carriage ox ottaar ijrorfc knives folks spoons castings etc rsplttsd to orseil ktuhuim iso allbest sttrcrrarruiiodi w mjll10kami oo s si s3 tuid s3 svdeiudx sxu xcroalo gold tlie folkviaeii what mr hag0e uy iboat the bhiii n organ to esdur eq araat for zelt ctihid orjat it itootrcet dcii 8rx t diaqaju pjjaent faz ike jkty ctblast qtfult putihxuid trim too i ra ii not bat mt tint im laitramea u of ttntr tad autillf wjlcfa i did not lappoae armbto en bdz co- aawd ia gumd itnj taa part ridi ad dftep im tlatt rtfncu thai eia be prodacji bf ooinbtaiidii of urn mopti at dtmrmfag i keasrcbdu h oo ix ta be towirrmtalsitadonttieir macccu in derljoin ths murrftftan to met in txtaacuif ntuuiefxla ihe aiirumeat joa hire teat me l wuliaf ihaa uf ff tal rsnraaeritfrd iilfiv t r3za fcari tnlr orattskl mttfugtr karrainu biatirf cunidx exirwisqjtr kniml ind diplomi tt protia- dtlzsbmsaa 1371 eaait6lsurcrjcailvii sxplook tt oeswa- niii 1- btwrfrod ratsniti304l ifodi tod dtp j an it 8jdney 4aanii 1577 etkclrrxi oalr em4 for prtbar orcvo ii pro- rfadi exhibltioa m wtj ts- un baeatrsdoelrlfwlilfot pariaar orriaf tt aoscrtal etaiwiioo tjruti guelphr o atjtio 1st eachplug of rite myrtle navy is harked tb in bronze letters none other gemine- dlamonds 1 tkz o u 1 axd the imprq76ddlamonddthekatilfri cmecat s vh eat tr tnd tuy iitffdir lon trumiiiypchcf utrlfl tiij rodi qeysua ninn- utltrdoii by bmhff fc-co-i- st ithartaes od aold by the hardware trads ery- wblrb tlrx m ther we ii ntita tho lsvnco tobtbi urfstnliatr siptated chtmnjoa echpaa is fiort iil tladf uid ksutefoc facijraiiist urt iew lui- provfad chimrjon- j ii osi thotjsmlltf stock tbli jtut mmcui sdtlzni- klio bbm crdt 4c rktorr odiitrr hwaa ko ilq ft 112 efca- moadftvwtwroatail zdwdswtlbt ta tie oaxalaid i iruaelavirttitttl bj fiewdixlontco- slnnctilne xi tlarmrhefci of vet send la qnottcni i thenars wumtitttl ttsintansts dtnaman sinoaftittiaie hofawthe frisadf uy rvi tha xoat 4 jw ialtesfaitbfllf w jrj trasto tothamaoory atlis fiulyimayw iwuuitgpohrlto stmt my fommoo 8iudyixoaptaav u hsppyaiaaiynia about ten tar people of ivondoa i tho iaismjjul daily n c flf twf wtoti56c013 tk solavonig iffatr hestoeeb q tid bale in wtwli tmllj- oi fefyfort ponesed aeiuicr from tttslr tixui rtvr flruf idrirq vie f otttt ytart hu acxmplua4 icaat fuu tttttr ben dofie byanf dvrfied rrmedia f tm ceniuryj for ilmonujm- ii ut kia-st- t taioito tto boanpluwrt oaat aa kum hitjramorsjd w kbtialc d ptoam tai u t rirotiffl hurdrbsttiotj bow iadsjuwtiwd wnoictifcrnortiutpitl4ii3 irfjw tfejtoaailo i oakada gkhm akhnt lqa s ajvinss qoy pdpipiut2 to aaw lax0m ttdrctibpaaf ttjadt moatf la ill iuts of outarfa on mflrt titoanjilia tenni l04ks may bk repaid 1 on ilia biakdur faad ijilem vhlcb it ihe bcwttiua tferflb rtabd titxat radrmption ot debt oc umd oa lxed ad tnodarite rue of idioroit bcinf clisujrad oa u unpil piincimj -ftliiformtibasapj- to tho comraotit ijtppit- m j herbert uabqs jjiniger omflitv compuyr btrlldlnr toronto st tgrtmto hurrah formanitobai the 3rd excarhiott train for manitoba j yiujixsr ox wfidnesday 3irtmarclv 80 tut pwtiirikri tpptx enciqg 2 eeal itatvo kaxttosa iaill office 64kinq8t- east toronto taimniers t0ssuib-0b- hewyoli soho foundry steam engines boilers saw jmiimtirlihillfr- fitted thbodohootl i shaftiiier hangers pulley a c also tie latest tmnrored 0tb ai 3e stxzb jnim esplanade streat- tornto tor0stp -rnh- tatrtrmtl 5 tlrrtrtorsasv rbahei chspo 4 uvds jorrert leta a sshd fotwtoli- ua jljsxtistsibttsrgoti seikif krw price osi paikrifis pibij kj25 rm address attxillafiy jptjbijsinhq oo t0r0st0 ost r i phtarielu r vtease 8ekd for ludtniattd ca lyph alexander nrpoanau juoj vajroracrrjim vjf gpotiujnei tniaieo ohropo mottoes bay street iotloxtqr i -i-

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