Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1880, p. 2

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f i- attbn otturch uiroctrjk iictbootit enccu of cak4d ilimctisunds imlnmer 10j k m tad in vn claksvt kfur thufututf scrrloe kadsui cauriaeeututki6pm uatibtiu tebuul kt jn frajermtllli nkrtftil- w tftdkunuy krvttljt s pm yo-ma- fptev u islsi llvia uikteelkia friday lrilla kav lltluaot ruia j i frdimtlux i starrckuudaj lrc m j at u am knwlpta tuel0aetmoulrameuiatcli ttlt fn4rlotulmboki6v btbktinrctkulal he tbl tti0 8 luhtaox pastor costousutioxal vkkytcsumika imcmuf t fi30 ffi mlh ftcu ttrl ktu fnjcr utuug u wlivntttk kl i la cictatof iheukb ttkttfcs-iwuodtj- tfiaculnc tt wo pni prvillsuunmispni rev vj itaott incumbent juriit kiittcsisunlrraeblotkl linuiil tpu kbhui hotiiul mtiipm irtyar tttlutoa ruuf kqdtuuttdir ktetuturs illpa i dtsotlt rkavtctt rllajarfwicmnc kl it a tu and pra trtermccunk fimajas pnx ketiiomsr irnuoral ose nule knot sf cfciyorulwa ott jbtdia st tftitxtri utitkt rreuutatlo km lolui school si wo tra cttucua oacaifcsiala retforcfcrparariox ok lireoa starlets fuortu emudarje etch month ai u km bandar sfaal kt- pot every fcundkv krv tatrrt lutfqktcck rttile aorolv rle peek pauuucd erery taartdty jdoruing 1 trer annum ta advance- tncktttx iloucua arm t isstf th rational currency question gl i thia isartuijcct we approach wills cdraidertble healtaacr ard one with wliicb we ktenotthorouedirr acquainted what wufc bwhfc charter eip lj hahies bold up to the mlilic rx u k perfect iulstitule and the mighty cpuesttous of national banks 4 fist tuotiey suit irredeemable paper spoken f glibly ts the stale of the wttbei or the iriis1 of griiat people lit- ntallj ocrvom kt tkfe result ni ive rflvct rpco etie country there cxq l aiauult eitkeslbkt ejio aioat grahl ikv to 0roleaiilte tie g rrtt olpasjt jmrtioa iito bk j csjoafdrulile iiuoaatof it at otir enjdit knd rkttlinfc tc oar pockets this is b phkte of it ffp nil ti undortupd ts cms which uoor nerulity hs sriggleil to reh kiid reuliia iit oae hbape or lha otipr eer kitide the iiirtb of oar muu raw it it by fir the most iaiicrual ntcaltc mttter ia the t cbnomy both of mtioas md iudirijuiln ttit eijuft the kltrauoaof mnolcind the oru oref bat with ill its intensity of inttt to thn world in genend how few of the grcxt ika of people under kttnd the ecidice of ensaci the uwi by which it is coreraei md the great kpparent uijiteries controlling iu mighty ofierktioaic these are number of retsant arged cnx nation ditctused by tbeidrocitrt of jcktional currency thst x xitiobal curreccy oudbe t greatbeutht to i lie country arid just is tneny pat forth by the iljri money meti showing tlutt the iae of euclt a currency by the gorcrnment would l igiiost thr interesli of the country nux without venturing an opinion iu the meantime we thiufc that whaterrr rnay be the r r j r ii- i a murdorou auuk on th hen 0org biowit the criminal promptly arrested ou thursday aflomofia lakln sir qwirga liixiftu of the turotito globs vwk killing iu ku offiw k yoiiujj lufit itiuied iiiciikt who had liecu jisclmitj from the ollice ulefcj ilid tvquiatwl mk biowu u klgu ncerlifieate u lu liiikbilky kwi clmikclei mr drawn said tlache khuuld apply ui tha head of the dupartuient fur lie certificalo k he a uol vatf ut cht icuglliutkit vrvlml bifutiei replied that tha head of llm ilppiiloicut would uot give it o him beimel prtkseif the paper lion ntr bowu who cotitiuuej la refuax when burnet began fuiiibliuj apiiareut ly at hia piaiul iwcket wbntupou it paued thtuttu mr bruwua mind as ho hiunellwiid that the wretch might ufutmltiittg to shuot ttie lie gut the pistol ou atul then mr btowu jmbbcil him by the wrist and lutnvd bis hand downwards h hi d it the weapon cocked before be was bcilol and he at once pulled tho trigger but the ninzzle beinjr turned downwards the ball rtrucfc kir biown ou ttiu ouler aidti o thvleftthilitakiugaklautingdiiictioii and escaping about four iuhci below and toward the back of tio lejj mr browa thcivupoa cluscd with hi isiliut am they o ouuidi the door ill strujailiug he iuhed bcnuei kniiist the glass putitiuu of tlie waitingtooni at the sam time calling fur help by tiia thuo the alurui haa b ta gtveu in the ofljeeaud a iuiuukm of empluyeea ruthiiifj dowu tiie man was seized aud quickly disarmed ai d attested tim bullet dropped to the floor after it pasied ihtough mr biownv ug and was found hire on lite caqiet iu his imoiu medittl examiua tion ptoved that the wound was not of a serious nature ant iho ilou gentle- man is mending rapidly on thursday evening another utttr ilerout atuicfc was made in the globe office- a youiig tuau feeder of a pres came into tlie phas rooiti amokitig c iiie end was otdeted either to cese sriokiiit or leave tbotootu tfebecatne iusotent and threatened tha supetinten dent seiug this the mail clerk jnmped in aud hit hiut the fecdet then seized monkey wtetich and struck the clerk oier tho head inflicting a kevere wound tfiztztsfrtzczzsgses a mlxdqut10ki arulktkkl1 cue of iultrmkftfve aud oao which hkk gteatly cicrciiod tho myh of the ueiehbor- liood occarnd at oriuiivdlo fa the patties ia th ckakkr aauied uuttlh kad sndr mr smith wu widaaer 60 jtari old mid hkk soil 24 jta old xrr suvdor vrh k jridow 2 years old and hat kdkukhtcfsl yorold old mr smith tiu now nijrrikd mrs suvdct djuslikr tod old mh suydor liu mirricd tht yoaugcr buiitit supoio thalttcbof thole couples should i haro s ton tad daughter what would tho ruutiuiiiliip w holnjcu tha parotitt aud children of both fkiuiliot whi can soke tho abava ulliuj lbs daers o ftiklioaship csiitiag be twcea ths parties tltarkateteotihcltahtbd8llow is ockinu xutwilhsuadiog the fsct that the just sctiim of iisrliauteut will prcrcct tha aauilal raid o american cuivu sliaas wq ihktl uot suttorfor kmutoutonu ia that hue t use dominion can bout of a tent attaiuraeul of its own tid oae which u ia a wty sakirior to aavthtug aeor arrtn- iicd iv rcfr to iulltnsa t himiltout iroat leadoa isaeeafald ooafodoration which it toon fi pitch its clcctricdyhtad aulicro duauutice of lit orct day k d da willow given mtttitimc prepare to ice the uuly ecnaina electric lieht an etc- bibitiou iu canada and which is a splendid aadmrpnsinr show slane sir john scotts tattling stud of pcrforraine broncho hones prof keif smiths wonderfully educated dogs csusdat prime fivnritc jully johuny priadle l korbrs utoaiehiug free suckpe ucensfaa ifuaipty dutunty iu til its utrilatmauc jiiry the grett liotucts ei kiao eddie and a host of other mist urillitnt gymnsttic celtfbrilies the price nf adnuisioo to this superulivcand varied cauibiuatioa bein but 3o cealt fur adults ted vi cents for children making it the cheapest at well ta the best of thoat itt niiircover msniccd in perton ly iu proprie ion and ran oikin the hiejiott poiuu of diictpliae tad iutetrity matiajaweya fm from our ova tumtikadtitt iai tilers continue to dtsfiose ef their wheat at fair price acton aud ruck vuod being tfio favorite marketa ah examinntion will bo held in mtv blacklocka ichool ku 8 oil tcidav next the public are cordially invited to attend mr john burdeulectttredin muflvt 3izfl- ifv tha donnelly massacre there are thirty four witnesses summoned for the donnelly ruatstcie caso at tlio comiug middlesex atsiw at the court huusy the opinion is x- pnaed that the venue will not be changed mrs kennedy of bidduh mother of john kennedy and initlierin law of win donnelly died on tlmndiy john kennedy u one of the prisoners dinged with the djanelly uusfacrc the news was conveyed to him iu his ll rnd hs manifested great giicf tho old kdvs death is fcid to have teen ciitcb hastened by the trsgrdy ia riisurdly caso of btalicinnt injury to nroikrty occurred in bidlulph ou siturdjy night it apjieurs thst win donnelly lent hi brother robert hu iiorse and bugcy to go over to the kennedy bornetexd in relamoa to tlif- death of mrs kennedy win dunuellyv iotherindaw robert donnelly left the bugzy toioe d from the hiuse whtkt he weut in and upon his return found that the rig bad ncen hroken to piece it seems as if the trouble in bidjulph are not yet oyer halfan acstza result ufthe moyement it is aoteetionj ti spring assit were held fxirlr open for inquiry am careful milton on jtonlay last mr bust cueideraticn in tee i morrison presiding one criminal msp was tried an ins dvency caso of i concealing gkjdt was adjourned to the iseesions on the civil docket were j two seductiou csh one ejcluietit cate ituid one on kpotuiiijiirr note ltnle the csitt agticultnral woiks of scott seduction tsultdin arerdict guepbwhieh recently msjed iuto the of s600 for the puintitf w liidlw hutida ui thomas gowdy andare now known as the gawdy agrictituril works ijegin to show be ercellem a millinery spprontics apply kt onco 4 christie hendtrioti k co aolon utnods good rjcrvont girl apply im- liioditxelv to drf d heujortoo n oiij all parties arc lioriby forbiddko to in- gotikta a jolut dole otijhftoi dtawdiuroh 1681 by qeatge aud agnot murray in fivor of wiuikra porryraait at no vsloo list beoa racoivod for llieiiotoknd payment hta hou itonpedl oeorqe mukrav 1 1 iv vvoltdetf rrihiekl irtikbntasm it imptred to kkocute tojthlng in hit lint in tha kit possible- uttuuef sud ia the itloitttyls jioalhly autoiort ipkoikl rtloi- a call is solicited j p woltdex kjotiot to tetspassetls kolfceiis htruby givsu thst key parson or persons found respaaatug on my premises will he proieculcd according lu ikr 37tf dkk mukkow pnx rvttextiov all pirlift owing the undersigned for rretd etc are hereby rvquciudto call sad kettle thoir kccoaau iaiuiedistefy lf b 4 e kick uk oaafph agricultural fmpte titant works list tuty everiiuc t suljct the grave and the gay to u fait audience a lectaro was givcn iu lirookvilb ou wednesday evening lait by mr imn olmoristoan advocating soitie of the views of the plymouth biethivii proajiect division s of tbro kyill meet every fctday cveoiu and bv interesting meliugs aeekly tiiire aro goid prosacu of iiietcasieg iu their ranks tne term or which the singing elaas under the leadttehip of mr buck ol guelpb expired last thursiar evening a marked titiiroteuient la shown in the singers mr w a mcrntyre of winnipeg mauitoba late of nioivgaweya vvho recently secured a first cusacerlirictte has succeeded in obtaiuiag a tituatiou iu one of thn winnipeg schools at k saliry of ffiuo per annum lie uoc enjoys excellent hmlih john bather of nastagaweya who haibceu preieiruig fur uixtiiculatiuu in tmdiciue ia the collegiate institute gait returned homo ou monday butt for vacation and intends etitciiu triuity mediol college tonmtu at tho oieniug of the besaion a public examination was given in mr james collma school its hceliuii no 5 oa fndty last there was a eood attendance of parents and friends at well a the ttachers of the lieiglbof hood the icholare acquitted them slv in a manner creditable to tiicir teacher effect of the new manageiuenl th iff of workmen is now full there leiog forty men busily employed and etery department of the large worts is being run- to its utmost capacity the machinery of this eitensire nianttfac turitig esablibment is all new and ot the hat ktttefn and cmhiitcet ever known labor kaving macliirie by which the coat of mauuficlure 2cti bt rcdocexl iu any degree the workmen are all tliiroojhty experieuctd men and turn out the best pusmbie work tin- ertttbtishment iff a tuost complete one andevery article ofte hundreds uwyf iu th mahllfactorei of tfio several ccrupticaled macnices is manufactured on the promise friut tlie riw tniieriah therts treat present no leak thm oio- buudred and fifty rers in course of couurnctiun most of thes arc what ik known as the farthers ciioice the whole work present a uty scene aiul to their ccuipicteuern aud efscieiicy are iqusl to tfie besc oftlie kind in tin province we are glad to learn that he proxjiectx for xue futuis are ao good sad wo earnestly hojei bt afich liahialie iiuliutryaa this to guelpb will iiac tionz and protperou caeer and we fiilltnt theiuwre of paicoqage mr -callivjo- wlioae outbuildingk krer bitnied down tjysoma fire fiend in biddoiphlnjt weekiii perfectly jure no douik lly twin did it i mr cohh lata of lom now of kansas in writing to a friend expreswii wm- fongfngs fora meal cf canada pottttoei soinev of the fnlits ot libo and a tittle of korth middlesex beet kiid oiuuor 0 how be lungs for the good of j ttutex he once had chirii gruel for fircakfakt com bread for dinuer coni iuiku for snrier go toj b mcg- of hamilton for be plaintiff and thomas riliertkan q c for the defendant slcleod v barber wduo tion reistiltfdin a verdict of 500 for the piriif w liidlaw for the plaintiff aud thoi robertson q c for tlie defendant kenedy for hard times stop spending io rarchon fine clothes rich ro5i nod style bur oad healthy rood cheaper and better clothing get more real and tubfunliat thiugs of life every way and especiilly stop the fool- ish hait of running after expensive and quaclc doctors or using so much f the vile uutuliug medictnethatdoes you only harm and make tlie proprietors rich but put jour trust in tlie greatest of all 6imple pure remedies hop hitters thai curei alwaysat a trifling cost und you will see letter times tin good haaitn fry it once kjad of it m another colunia corrissiondence tne editor while trumnc tnonen his co- urank fnr ih fridenwonfirull mutun f pin lie lfilr rtf e nt ru htniw1 in uny rtny rewnilu c f r tde opinion a tls enj- rckionrftn cnrre inint are reniukerf lobe ififf tovrlteueiuatit1 m on fid- of th i r pi nor only all ttittr matt bo c- fmji io b tin name ufi hdir-k- of tti rictnnt neccwrllr fit fiabllcitlon but 3tatnevuaciicnolc0ckliltit mr benaets charge ta t elittr of the free prt dcar sir dunns the pat fw woetft sir bnilfit hits liern clmrinp me witi inforniin on iiitii ol aewr hauor dfur hour on skturiny 21kt fyu imt i iitfthy positively deav hiving preferred the clurgft t tiu yours rtapctfiilly d c robeereox eliunn hue 6j1ci one of iiis pubect for 100000 eight cmxnrex at a birth on the 2nd of august rn tiraatlif bcidlcv- ot trtmhull- county ohio trarefiirth to elghtchildrn three lovr wl fitoprlff tuaykrhnh hvtnjj fend hmftiiyliut qiiiut rmdu- 3n brxd m vis nirried six yrk kgo to ennier luivcrj wha veigdad two hnndced nod bwyftntythreft pounds on ttift day of his rnirriasp she had given hirth to two pain of twins and now fiht mare mufcirnt twelre children in fira yenre mrs bntdlee wb i nplpr her mother and fiicher both wc twins and hrr grandmother thentothep office jwirs af iukcmdmtatfi lxntci arvins drugstore a ucui1uu biuoeliv a ceoetetkwk for sewinr mscliine and geoeral repairs try the giorjjctowri vovelty works 1 arch- riddeixt aitf mttn st georgktown w l t7 im b ej r c 8hincltmill8 piirp if thimn would intlmsta teat htim bn hacd at ms mills n ndiiwjwrjk rormorbxnowu kiiarsimsjbillslaiitiuttiof lumbcrjlath and shinqlit of all kinds aud oualliln 1 ohiap s 1 shlrjgie 130 per square bill stuff cut to 0dib tbkm8 peteksayers aktondao 3 tl shop a 1 x ad atsrt oooki ohgak a keworgak frolf a lrscbim csusdkn maker foe sajo saitablo for the home sundayschool or small church vfe vrill sell the above very lowforckih fordullparliculaaa apply to h p ifoore fixe prxu orrtcr acton fchml 15m w e waikted i tint to cmiiloy few good ganvaucrs tnii t rtiittihk- men cter 5 ycn vt go preferred kmptuymcnt pcrmncnt l capable tncu bat lew thin f40 per diy audexpciicef u you min bmiutu cuclac zc lump for pamphlet tircuurt etc to jjw simpson i po hot 500 0n roand ont tttesfrlzer tttiv txt fnctlw lrft ui junafacarr u prcurd t mxku to order asitcl croni bciij pnqi or toy tiling in that liuff oa tlic ihortett notice sttisfactirn pntrxutd j chire rcaaih orders uka tt jthtf ruijctica t rt edr itoore cnmtr fttdtritk md church st 38tf sirs a frazer married and unmarrud it tcachcc va lltfi secssrs of lips aru llavr do vnqy them 5f pvi iaid in rtccipc of so cx h tc fc montreal rmuskisc cx3mpafr fit st junes st plrtaiphat haarcftl crer mw tht cbarf ftlculc it ittl vrkotmxkk trade marc v tlierenc- uix kcmcdr an ntiflunr cm rnrkma wcaicremhper malorroc im- liur j cirfafi tuxait that t ttate turi ormfrarrj urlrwl i tuur- pkm tnue itrclc itniktroc vmddrrcnmliik old ft mimanycrficr lhfcomfciijk caclirlnnruty orcutinjnirttcirnl a prririaturegnip twnll ptrtinr in onr l ampmet ulli w- ilct-lritot- nd ir lijt mttli erry e ttirtf- tp icf ncileli- o d i y all itru eltftl i ptmpfckrf o rlr ickcf for s nrrylmmswtit fre bi ma ion receipt o the m iiy hrdu ifh c tijkceav wcnrccxeca- faro a a oat cam sold in enn br all rirtrcuijc i rt fvrrr whfrelq ctada and the rmiil stalet by rii wfiolcttflt5bd rtu ilrrelcttittll would latlaik w tbf poplf of actnrt hit i hai purebhdtiebttlfikr buiartilruf ftirrldan byur- rsumt ii b be ba aluoa huida flrtuu ittfcof beef pqrk mltitok sausage fisff feaici andofmbtfilrtdt atntfon a baitic to iccurua fnirjioire of the ilran of tl4 o bf merdfluroredtttnjr cimf w aar pattottb town 1 tenifkcaaa acalltolicifeu adam co0kl st a fortae azxr two jxqatjzs st hear what lion savs great cash i r discount sale 1 si a ha 0 v e s t cost at vills sigi qf rae lax atiominion boot shoe store ivel sol x street actok foau intlrn t to tie peopta of acloa knit i nolnkc-uitj- llivllij are oow recclvuirtuetrfrlckiil ct ot i raealtik ejistox kutenaw in acton on 31st ult by the bev it hobbs it the rusidenco of tbo brides father it r j t easton biker to liar daughter of ir williamson kim thaw all of this village- ifooke ilukkko in xataagawcs on the 2cth ult by the rev k hobbs tt thcrefcideuce of the brides father joseph moore fq of eratnasa to olit-e-dtqh- ter of ilr vin plummer kntsatweya toe gexve anans in urayton en the 29th ult mr louis adsmr ccd 70 yers black iu enrtnota on the 25th march the beloved wife of elder jttnej black tgad 71 years white wheat i 24 to- 1 2g treadwcll i 22 to i 25 spriug wheat gltsgcw i 2l to 1 u red chaff oats peas barley eg per dor batter dairy picked batter rolls potatoes per bag applee per lag sheepskins hides per cwt woodv par losd flay per ton straw oer load wool dressed hotrs 1 19 to 1 21 0 3i to 0 3- 0 so to 0 co 0 50 to 0 so 0 12 to 0 15 0 id to 0 is 0 20 to 0 21 0 5 to 0 50 0 go to 0 so n so to a 75 4 m to 7 00 3 50 to a oo 7 00 to 8 00 3 00 to 4 00 0 iu to 0 20 5 so to 5 50 gdelm hihkfrrs 75 to 3 00 floar white wheat ireadwelf spring wheat olsigow lied chaff oata poas- barley kggs per dor batter daily packed butrr rolls 1 33 to i 28 i 2s to i 29 i 25 to i 27 i 19 to i 21 0 37 to 0 38 0 co to 0 c5 0 50 to 0 co 0 09 to 0 10 0 16too 18 0 15 to 0 is for garden field truths hopbftters a iemclcc nt n urnt covtaiya t- bpt cacfaa ftuhscuvn arsh- tlk vlh est axu tst utotcal cicattrrtcs vf allttulk ulttuu t hey ccre all nirot elf tlie kuinirtri botrclp lilood utvar ktmicvt alii uruuryor- cas xervkinn slecrliicar fcoiuie cujnplauiiusiiiil urunkcuacfe si000 iv gold will be raid for a cx thy rlll nnt circ or fteljnorfjf knylulncitatrcorlt jutl- oa toaiid la uetn ask yaar jruiftut foe top etlt aod tnf bailer and try tlie bltieit befure yaaeuep take ni otber th itop cough jure and pain rdvfu fy cktapcti surest and bat for siie by all uraxcictt boots toiinj t and shoos which klil be utxa i to eoout of an aiortmetit sprioi iu if torul quilitr uili sttj ol liajiuiacuto oct hrt- toacf tit acioa monday 5th of januaiy 1880 w conunacd grand clearing sale ofour extennra stock ot kedylladk clotuljij we bold an immense stock- of mens ss boyb suite fine coats overooats olstera and boys knickerbockers etc- et- of onr tra manufacture the stock is in firstclaes shape antfte oifer to oar customer moet desirable cjaes of goods great reductions price throushout the entire utoct haye brn made nd eacn article is mthted ihysin sfuret besides ill this we ihall allow a discount of 20 per cent cm ttery gumenl purchued we offer overcoalu tt 500 and 20 per cent off for cash i bodyooila 400 and jo per cent tff for csijh j j meni tweed patua 175 ud 20 ier cent off for sash bu suits 500 and 20 pti cent eff for cash boys paou 62 centf and 20 per cent off for eub 20 per cent on every garment am ve show one of the largest stocks of readymade qjrjqthia in tu country f each article ir marked in plain figures and no tkosd price vuubc made under uny eoueideradou atlcjcllnug itel paid for ai iiwe of purcliwt vill not lit dilated the diicount chich ii only cfercljonilriei cash hulksus avail yvurrclcaofjkiiyrand opportunity to buy clothing atnch an imutcius ditcauat came ai ohce while the stuck is complete j d williamson co wwmf mm ir everything sold cheay for cash one of the largest cheapest and best assorted stock of in the county- at j christies polbrated londoa hats atj itfes furniture vill ace lots for sale by auction in iht ftourlililat iod entcrpnric villsajeof aotoit tiohm meooll esq has instructed the undersignecl to tell by public auclioo on saturday april 17 1880 the following aesinhle bulding lots situated near the j t e stajtion in the village of acton ris lots 17 is 19 20 21 35333738394546 47484950515253 67 68aad69i ia james touags surrey theelol nre well adspfed for eilher hardening or building sites heing situ ated in the most desirable parts of the village as nearly u suitable lots tor buildiug purposes outside of this block hinrahcea recently bought up this sale aflordi the oulj ofjince of seouring da itrable property at a fair price the rapid growth pflhe village is a sure in dex to the rapidjejse in priceof suitable lota honey invested in this way can- not fail tofayalsrge profit torme of alo 20 percent cash and balancn sedirrcd by mortgngk aale to bontmarce nt 1 oclock sharp r ffza iimn auctioneer acton pr liua- and flower seeds a good assortment of erst class furni ture of every descrip tion constmtlr on hand prices as low custom work s repairia j gueiph or aeor in ourcnrtomand kepairing depart ment we are prepared to execute ktl order entrusted to ui in a most talit- factory manner kothiogbjit the beat tnalirisd astd in too shop a call solicited zeaney soa acton kareh tb 1880 houses lots ik the villags of actm t 1 trft folmwikg fanrattisx aw rox utx aeent free press building acton town a cxll soucxrm johnlapeioht- tirxk i usoxjtlijt johzst speight vyallov street acton undertak1ho hvefv descnption of offins csketa and all fubjenil re quisites alwdya kept in tek i hand some beaese fcr- uished at a low rate magnificent stdck or j 1 ii- the fashronabke west end f bound to do the trade onr hbtmiqcent stock his season will carry trery thing before iu m ladies 0p actcn we have been indus- f ttork work preparing for the spring trade and r are ever showing m the various departments a hlndsome stock j of- new spring goods to which we sohcit your inspection jl o btj qh ji fathimable wat end drtu ilnnlle end milliner ettabluhmtnt outlph i 2 one llilrd of ah acre with fram h hobse in rood enoajtlra tllle indisputable ita mttate rxasplon i 8 un biwr street oppoiite dr arorrowa ooeailhoranaereon wnleli is an re ellent rouzhctst hons wdti splendid iur and rood elitern and well yoona orehsrd oc orsrlaaa rmtt irccs katy lettns ofpaj- ment 1 xaasagiweta i onlolls eon 6 ffssvajaweys 31 aorev toed land uwclllnf honse an blacksmith iuoi e7erytnl nj lu eood condlton a better ehance could net be had all balldlnas andj fences la eacelleiilcnndltou p i ksqustrflrswiask rari nriraae eskueretucdercallleauonloacres a beanllta work or 100 laeb one colore maple bnsu teres limestone quarrlendrk klower plate and ua tlluairtle i twmht soi f- 1pm f btrliwna inaoretiards on ilia fun hoke eart irarl aid prloenrscedskfd how trnj it and partirarof bain sua stables ic una all lor a klve cent stamp iuel i l cujneed theiie erman f trujlsu or fel viok8 llluatrated floral guide la slso a brick jrard oi the larm lnvol work- lnorder tle propertj lsabuii or n mile from eorponitlon llmtu or he vt or vctnnannbonsmllrsfrdm rjtksutlok terms onappllcallou to i tiu office parties bavins houses and lota in tha vii lase or larms in thennjoinlne townships for jale will and h to their luier hae efa interled in this list rfo chirje unies trs property l sold ln h p moore j htalesnte a tetonon he has the best vickv seifius ijr the bat in tbo world fiv ckkts tur poicxe wtl bcii- thj ftoaia clciikifuttghowlot tha klower and vtbeubl uardpti 15 pagcf aitolorej pjaie andoianx bndrj ensravug knr 50 cent in rncr rvfr- iloiic eieraoicloiii inqkrmatoreniiub1 vlcks uilrated momhly miinxfflc82 payta cvtoree putun tv wynnmbtraid scohfebownes ff copies far 5ii0 rtvcimtn nutn ntfor locenir 5umlcopuifor s cu five copies for 5ii0 rtvcimtn nihnbert addreui jaahvi yickrochcku nt castor oil prebired u a ferat pwiectly agreeable t6 cb5j drcn4oamtsensitivejcfstl inhsmsnofaetoi thejkpertiof the oil that produce pais andjtk 1 fiof me iiraiaated it is kodcrvd not only w and pleasant ia its action but tsofdrdhr taatdcai and palaubls it h prtcmmcnuy thenoest bup live aad catbartk knovn and ai remdoy for cot tlyencty cccstipnion aad ait lnteuinll dcnaf t taeno it is uocqualledl and b dotined to ate t place of erode oa and all dreswc ptlh and purgv tirca for tale by all drogittai ijceotsalwv ik peot dl1 to try u 1 assortment ic town try them i

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