Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1880, p. 4

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im- 1- ropaff qlx8 comkm boytmaka men when ym an trareed urcblii v jmmijw wistful n the ttreat 1pitr j l snsejist troonta dirty tace tod jar red fee t paw not hj the child unheeding smile upon hlui mitt me when het grown old bll not forget it foe recueofber boyt malta mea iftva yoa never seen s gnuuuirt t with shis evot aglow with joy btity to miun turae actpfkiwuitaa-r- something said to hint a lv 1 or relatesnmc slight or rjotdnett with a tot altclouded vlvea fteralled some heart twlfauithtlett tnrcaicubtr boys utalte wee t let us iry i add tome pleisare to lire lift of every ho t for each child uwli tendcrlatewtfc ta ill sorrow and itt joy call yoar ixys home liy iu bctghlnest they avnuuhc hoaiehold whef it it ijitltu ffitli gntindmm they tvoidihe hoaiehold whea rltiiyritli ntindntt foryeoicmberboyt make man sirattrawlthree thousand taree hundred and tifty dollars worth of new adjouruad judgt jetko ttki thai toy will gat along la the wormaudho will la truthful man whoa he growt up lie i masibtejknowt that hew rt lawt to punith perjaritt in to it wurld ionic before satan geti a chtneett theuiv a york koouty athar who hu 6ft gwwrtup daughlm hat nod tha county k cttiint hat hit residence haa been uacu u a courlhoaie or he pstt two yean a khyma ior children if all the h were tine lea wtiatayrsaucathatwoqldtiftl and it alt the ircctwtni oualrte what a great ce hit weald be i and if i ilia stct were cue are what a grtst axe that would be j aud if all the men were one man what a grcatmin he would bo 1 and if the gnul mau look the great ate and cat down the grail tree and let it all into the great ana what a splish splash hat would be silks received at the right i house this jweee piles of new block and eolorejtisjik imported this season which are full y n cheap a last autumn nice black hilkslfromsdc to 3 hruideoiiie flm gntiu silks from 70c un an immeiike loof tlresn gootlshuve arrired in british ami ereuch fubricm just see he nice gray itintres f r only 12lc the french de begea wiiriiave ngrat rim this year an enormous stock of ihesc good just arrived n the right house the black cashmeres black luilmt black paramattaa black kunol cord buok liiimilieai black oobourgt black crop tclolbs aod an imiueoit variety of black eodi imported for be ktain hopsc tblaieuacn ai cheap tw ubnardtof 0000 ynrdi of netr prinu aro opfded up already he palterrji are beautiful bo quality good and tho pricei loir ranging from tic to 20c tbo ahirt fctorj be h1ui1 1 tiuutu li ttill carrind on extenilrely a flnt bloai cutter bariag been brought up from ilontreal irullemtnt and hoya ililrli uet bbtri nrd icurli and ladlea aiid taluea undertrare of all kinds are made in the terr neweat itylei at be try ohmpstj rateand warraiitid to fit tell and wear wolf au eoormoui ilook uf all kinai of lodlot entletneoi girn and boya undenrarolcept on band cailitonlly at tuch low prioea and cf mob good and durable qualltiet ut ha cauaed an enormous iaareate in tliia branch of watilss trtde ueirfleman can gi bamuouie goo i lilting well made abirta ftom 2i o wj leu thon tboy baf to pafor liuiilar goidaoliewber tlpmo monlhi wafklnsuwkea up orer 40 doicn of ilitrti uall and order your underclothing at be rluliriiuusfi j npa 30 and 32 jemg btreet east hamilton close to hughson street kaatikonafarca5i870 i thomas c watkins hamilton a dr clark oohn80ns indian blood syrup ladobatorfy 7w3dstjewyorkcity unorraoi ott 4 f hrrtctl without shoe about ticcatjjcxrt 140 s tnh- yoaajc tfellow niaica jtaaoa fittiie wild of uie ceut 5iouqtttat m vveit virguii tade op hi miad to be amcl bat yoa htveaot gean j rttnotulnt- 4 hit riaj ct t hice tiro htnu a mta x girth tto hiadt ae to ecrxtdi foe hinitelf tlxe other foe hit vife be tsjd oatoiyof th wxaidtflff fjoluudtt ip- peklia tirhoucait uk1 trktr bat barefooted this u hardly tweat uit the clergy mux t will lead yoa pir of thoet ko tfi johuioa whea i eta baj- hoe i will wearithea ot hefotev 4nd hi ttocxt opto beaurru tdthout tnhnaght of hit feet the taie tfordy directnea thoxediuelf a hit fuurc coane whii he hd no money to py far hedtdvithaul lit hired hiauelf to txnuer for t fuxt rock with the aaev hettred he bought s con pit of tcrtt of timber- uiid uid a pair of theep baiittatwlf l havtad teatto tohc oijl hit crwuid hit heeptacreajed u tiraecflet by e bought mere then he dld off the cheaper ixod cad iavested ta soathdmca tad freoch ilcno bit neichbart tried by turn raiting caxtic horiet or rire thtr attenuoa to expckacaul firming johiuoa having oce foaad out thxt theeprtiticytti hi iittrict brought hind- m prutit itccfc to it he hxd thxt thrtrdaeas ttt teeinj the bet uy and tht dodgjtd penutcace ia allowing it which tre the element of tucccst n stocfc-ouyert- ftx tho ewtera mxrfcet foaad tjut juhttsoai ficcccsacere the finest isd his mattoa the iwmest rajthe chest hffnever tlfojredf their repautiaa to uil the ead of vhcti coantf is ttt the sua irho tnxrried bsrcfooced is now worth y isrgeprcfptrtyi the ttorr n a suoialelr true one iid msy pdints mors fur hordes of tioat sble- bodied men tha dranktaslof rwfafmed xotlonf sjjo- i yattng mxa went home ute he hid been hi the hsbit of joing home ute wl the fxtherbegxa to mitnut thst he hid rone sstrsy he toid hix rife jo go to bed sndjitniissed the serrsatt sad nd herosld dfc up t3i hie f home- the boy cameiome drcnt tad the father in hit anger care him t pmh into the street lad told him nerer to enter hishonte iqfa the door he went into the parlor and sat down snd begn to think well i may le to blame fotihat haft eondact after all f hare nerer prayed for him i bare never warned him of the tltiiff- ersof tle world and the reealt of hi reflections rat that he gat on his orercoat nifcat stxrifci out ta cnd fct boy 7b4rtt he met he asked eager ly hire you ieea my boy v sa 6a he went till he met another hare you t seen anything of my too i he ran from one to another sh that eight but not until tho morning did be find jim he took him home and kept him ill he raa tober then he said sly r boy want yott to brgireme ire ncverrayed far vou ire oerer lifted dp my heart t god for yoa t ire been the mean of leading you sstrsy xnd i want yourforgireness the bay rat cooched and what was the result t within twentyfour hocrs that boabecama a coa- rert and cire np tlie cnp sfoodf da icwcll u i lis ik da welt htterer yon do a job lighted beeatue ik it apessreotly enimportant lesda o hahftnal neglect d that men degenerate inaeatibly into bad workmen training the hand and eye ta do vork well feada isdiridaalf to form correct hahita in other retpeeta and a sood workman it in moat caaee a good citizen ko one need bope to- riae above hit present titnation who annert tnuil thinga to patt hy animprored or who oeglecu metaphorically apeakinb co pick np a cent becaaae it it not a dollar some of the wiaeat iawmakert the heat atateamen the mott gifted artists the most rnercifal jadjget the most ingeniooa iflc cainicf roae from the great mata arinlof a oertain lawyeraooght to humil iate him pnbiicly by saying yoa blacked iny fatteri boots aoel sea replied ihe jawyec nnahaahed and idid it well jknd vcaote of hit habit of doing tren jnean thingt well he roaegreater take heart all who toil alt youths in humble titrations all ia adverse pirenm- stances and those who labor qnappreciated if it be put to wax thread war it well if only d catbolu make good ooet or to how the bellows keep he iron hot it it f attention to bnaneaa teat lifts th feet higher hp 01 the ladder l timer gowsi time every eof is u rld for nt all to have aud hold every titafe it a gem set in cifea fair diadem every aoar a dittnond bright to be trcaaared urtaright every any 1 prccioat mine and itt rtchea may be thine every kw a cf utter fair seven pcxru utth retting rare every tsexta s ripeniac field what will be its lout cek yield j every yrr the harvett time in each country aud each clime ertry tary binds the yctrt girnered fruit of juys and tears 7 0mri of oqw art acticei tool neyergrowa rusty chooaa aucb ilrajurcs u recreate much and colt littie there is alwayi roatd lor a man of force and he mates toom for tiwiiiy as thrashing eriatatrc the wneat frooi the chaff so doxa affliction purify virtue and honeatr if we try o think more of others than do uf ourselves we thill seldom bare a jrierance the heart- hat ix stoncst awake to the sowers is always srtt co be toadied by the thortui a fired idea is like the iron rod which the tciilptors put ta tho jutuet it impale aid luitairu there ia no man so frirndlcsa but that he can cud a friend sincere enough to ciniru disagreeable trutbi bootc lifco proverbs receive their chief value front the strup aodmteem of tgtthruugh which they have passed the outumri it an emblem of faith it suringa from earth to hearca the arch jaymboliiet slercy it dcicendt from jhfavea to carta there it aa mnch greztcetc of mind in theowning of a good turn at itt ihe doing or it and we muatnomgjre force a requital out of seaaoa than be wautiug in it j- wisdom end truth the nsvpring of the sky are taituortal but cunning and decvption the metoors of the earth after glittering for a moment muat para iwty some men and women errjeit iroaedfate reeajnition and even ray if ither do something for the public ood such men aod warnea lack the true ipiriruulvill soon drop from the rank of wotkere for public benefit ff the christian graces are like pehhnie the niote iiiyare pressed the aweeter they smell like stars that thine brightest in tha dark like trees which the more theyj are shaken the deeper rtot bey take and he moce frail they fcejir the accumtilitjoa of wealth is fauow ed i by aa of care and by an appetite for more he who seeks or much will ever be in want of much it is bestwtth him to whom providence hat given that which isl sufficien though every superfluity be withheld an illustration of the precociorisnest of the rising generation was made hy little five year old uauisel at one of th faahiouablecbnrcbes in this city on sunday morning about the middle of the sermon this little one took np a prayer book abd handed it to a hand some young msn who sat in the pew in front remarking aa she leaned over the nun itt the nightgown aays for yoa to bo good and read tl e bock t- r t t i r ale enew what he was abont there was little teiryaarold fellow on ha witness tund iu a sr loeit eoart re- eedtly after be hadlien sworn the judge asked him if beamlentoodthe meahiiig of he oath he had just taken v yes air replied the boy it maiit that i am to tail nothing hot the troth what is tlie f nuisicooo t for tiiose who awear fojfejr aakeci the judge they acvsrvestcd and locked up therepir lafciouiueal hit ffoaor for he ii etpected the nsnal 8andajtohoot istauik do yoa wish to gather rlash a acquire an tppeie to enjoy a regu- iar habit of body to obtain refreshing sleep to teel and know thai every fibre and itrneof yoartystemis being braced and renovated i if so commence at once and use thequinine wine prepared by northrop a lyman of toronto and in a short time you will feel the whole system invigorated snd strengthened it is i wellknown ftc bat quinine hat been acknowledged by the medical faculty for many years as the bett appe tiier aod tonic icnoxn and torgenerat debility bit ccmbinatioawill be found tuperior lo all other preparations and combined rut it is with fine sherry wine ant choice aromatic it is nude tn agreeable andjpleatant inrigoracor to he whole system th properties of quinine are a abrifugei tonic and anli penodicv fcmill dotef frequendy re pealed strengthen the rulse increase mutcular orcej and invigorate he one ol the nerve jsyslem the peculiar operadou of jilt medicine ingeneral debililv acd as inn appedier bat ande- igone longand close obterraiion and m u believedft w jll never fail if properly and judicionily administered unless other diseases preiomlbate of a dfleren ciutrpeter persona of weafc constiiu lottruay lak iijvifboutieieaidinl- cuv aa it ttrepgthena the stomach and digestive orgajit and seldom require more ban one or two bottles to efiect a decided benefit ssit oonta iris nothing injirlout to 6emot delicate oonndtn lion eemempcr to uk for tna quinine wine prepared by northrop b lyman t fit w rou hnre full value for soj b haslett wo0ln axkouxceto the citi 7fns of acton aud tletnltv thai he uut juxiopntatu uls unwnierutses a wed electee itk af dry ccods croceries crockery glassware and hat be is prepared to sell at the mott rettuniiblt prlcas for c sh and would repctfuly solicit a share of their patronage country produce tacsxix ixvhasue eemcmber ue ktfl store mtll st east aotorx b haslett xfton n ssih ir amkei course mammae school tku school ufrt fa following attvanfaoti r ut havraiotcatiosr every year candidates from thlsithool are pasting the eiarfllnatiobtofrfae iaw rtciefy council of yiiysltlant ahd fcr- poiitl untrlculitiag into the different universities with few or no re jscliont 2a teaossas in 187t 1878 tnd 1879 nearly all the stutiena competing made met satisfac tory eirtalnati nt and the school it now prepaied by its enlarged ttstl logiva the mot tborouglt riiidiag to candidates for certlficitet ol all grades 3rd comkescxai pipl01ias tbetdvanlagei include not only the complete pnntical curriculum of the celebrated eatlmin college at fougb- keepsie ti v precisely as uogbl at that college but givet the furfher i vantages ot drammar uistory composi tion elocution or be langutgea it required a no additional expesie t0itiok ificaatffflat icuary trinity j iiwihics llielc la wedrt irfvunwd flljc fmfc7 lili rlmary tja if jo jit noattd ui woohs nil be had in betldlnc or orij ttti so icr ecfc 5 weakt commercial training forjsooo oj4 sjji ectna iseudcl forparlleularaarptr to 1 10 jirrr dd phn tretleat or mk uaih oa commerelal katicr ct biill -foe- groceries livesy sale board stables ixvoq wantarood acd cheap article lee tksistki juan suctaxaia engirt sjtufis spices and tobaccost 0 all kinds fresh ivo sweet mill street is where yoa can aoton get pirstclass higs at reasonable rates good commerclaliuigs an erprest delivery wagon will meet each express train and delirer goodt any part cf the town all parties indebted to this es tablishment nre requeited io pay up without further delay and sate costs ed lxatthevte proprietor hardware i of ailiirdt paints akd olts hinges and tj3cks nails glass puttt y salt by the barrel ail cheap for ta8h i do to- c t hills i scu street aoto n organs 3ewinc machines ony weekly igricultural paper prtsted axd pdblisked tit the dominiok kow ix its secoxd volume unparalleled success i keflrand improred form 16 page oaly ono dollar per yen foat 5x n1dmbei15 nombers irooth 83 pages a year 332s columns for one dollar vrowtl crtajy lo arfccjunr norticalwre s- a dairy poultry the apairr hocseisll am ererytiunj peruiaiac to a finn both 1 ootoldixmtandfadocrc iy wetsdy oramercial reports aai prices art fcriiaaijle the exuxonflaary tueeeas this paper has met with tt tfie baadiar the ytouunrr of ciaada dtrrinc the pst rax candy unrirald ta the annals 01 fexinut- ua ofcfxczdx or th- uoital stiles a iiryeitaff of able snd pucuekl writcrx are en- htcd sad correspodcace ot a raluable oatnrt xppcirttctirfn3ni its nuny- yuhsrrben inkcca scotia in the eaic snd britisa coiamhu in the west craine acton it prapared to call on rersons requlrtnr 1 either sample cofiea fllee pnata tad puhtrihed at the wchand steata print nz lioose esubiiicri wj ly v p page nahor k c0lc0 ajcral caxafalak farmeit drawer ii- weoaa oat efcwlnsr machines or origans m will i toronto and satisfied iut yourrnoney acpirvud ailiudicirfdealert i 4 id by 0 b morrow attention i attention ii sennlne harnerg bazaar pnt tern fall gul only 85 cents stsaw akd felt hats axd boxsets dass oyraixalctoe lartsrstvlq mps ah pass rtishejtto is fokm the iaiesoraclonandviclntiv wat she has istely learnt the kreiiohmcdoor cnuing nnd fltllutr and is now preriared lo tlve even crntter etitfsvetio una formorljr wetfolnirnnd frtnral floweiacmhqlmru dresses ondjaelcci cut pnoa perfect fl tnranteed- fttji renronaute jrtce kor rljllsh andchetp bais and boiiseu mb8khpna ut aorseaauire cjuotph e has aoekcies fe0m the best raaaursctarers in thecoantry and roaraniro taltsfkelon to rurrhtsers terms verrs rensonah omers left at hi rcsldsncenrhddressfd tohlra to acton po wlltreootvil praniptattentlou i h jraikk jew boot shoe shop w williams vould eespect- irulfvluumle o li peoiile of actln and vlolnltv ihatne hjs orered ivolbrioktoptnlhe nailun tv kkioreytgiove worts on sirr1 btkxst acroir anyonlnwanlnfa subilaniltl snd ood flttlna boot obshoe thou a not ftiluiieavelhetrorierb tli is stand retiring specialty uil promptly attended te i aelorisepcjisrt- t ix ttie largest and most complete factoty in tie dominion 140zl0ftr higadest honors ver awarded to any maker in tie world tshll akd diploma at crnfamial ctjfcdal and eipmnsi at byieij australia fgtuold medal id prncineial kxiilillon toronto jffuiuhcl uicard at iittiuirial toronto 1s7s 1877 ist8 1879 we are tiow manufacturing square and upright v rianos best in the market correspondence solicit send for niastrated gatalokne mailed free address dominions organ company bomamvillej ontahio- sprin o 1880 gehtsieelsbats i i we have openedjont onr second snppljjof jenls fell hats they are the corbel t ylet and tha cheapest goodsferer brought inio tie ciiy of quelih1 cuttomers save 50c to i frampricesjisualr charged in other ttoret i suits bom 14 fjarcinadian ant sotchtweeisuiurrom sh aa usnal are up to the jimet in the new mtcturet and ooljringt- in fiuith and tlyle and low- neaa of price we take he lead i skhanikercniefs scarfs ties shirts i braced jspoks acosfpletetssortmexf nil a cheap line ortwksds lor botijwar from 35c splendid valae i i also slot of rjntearable tweeds cheap- i spring goods dally arriving wm sfew1r co f geelph mmm o rf o brrboro- o oo o 3o o o o ce- o o o c or 6 isoj pai nnuoj 15c pai kunser i for sale by ali books llsrs ndmto f eeckeciptorphlxsblptvlji4uiljlle tv tv jivjbl toronto w x p nt c il eymma ppejcodijyer oil hypophosphites of lime ahd soda jrnfli hh htdititiiderfullonleaiid ijmm iwrdei c- i- tied that the maedu poren of both sre laitalv tocrbed pfcfiicum md medidoela all the above um mperfor rimes df thb comtsoed food bat much mors re and porftylns the its of ihehrpotiliosphliel so rncorar imimivejiaj j sdmowledtt lit nirr kjcbr ttotowj br u rnttef uaalls codurer oh sed aerlsis wautylivlhetrrliorthettmaadjurttrisuauata w vltor 10 ihe hole body unttttfthuuujnkmamsiisi nasi tusxt ivap7vfaxrrw dtseamt freer bulousnm jtervous dtbuuyttt thabfijtsemeltknowljtoliaiil r fo ioerrshiti sou sups uj 9000000 bottles tu fynipfouata roritdtobet tt stlsnltr ik fytrmuoe la tvf rtailrn ralelievprt th aim shi msj roa bn stlrose a thkfmcr wtjtyxlm tatm wii mat rwirrltv f ik iw tumju it ibe mrtjlrin is ubvu lasmtu itlr rirr cailaaj lb onoestsulm of ft t prevefecl ii aru tttma lite yfvrr ilsws fbe klrfaere it kecwtatr she bwci ilplrtgc lbbld jl qletsibe ervfftnzrfsttws jt prasmln tmsreavm i kmjurlbr mnmbn rnnt istt it eatrrte off the old bim4 w make mm itmrtwtom watntt tl skis tuh tmtmmmt oeakky frrvptnutep tt assarisea ambcncr7tttrtortjatorihilht blrod wiiei eenerstete3tanrau7wpeb asd a0 ejsaaer of v disease and hiatus baaiacti tbst aro no aptelts ampioyed m sis msuur and it cm be tabs brtbaostdottibibtortv iu ssl and tmbla tin imjjtciic rmjmtru u i- sfawfl i0 dtrtctiei p21cb op ub32 loitcrs hoc nma gs sir all bottles ar read th voluntary testimonials of persons who hire been cured by th use of the blood fnmifter cnreti erysipelas- mt koresr wellington co jnt can dsjb sia i wti severely afflicted with erysipelas for two years and a snort trial ol your indiao blood syrup eflecdnlly cured me mrs janet amdeksojc liver complaint lit forest wellington cpontcur dtaa ru i hate sned jonr great indian blood syrtip for liver cooi- plaint and have received great benefit therefrom- i recommend its rue to all similarly afflicted nelson cass disease of the slomaclt mt forttt wellington co dtut gut f this it oetrlily halyoor valuable indian blood syrnp cured ma of cramps in the stomach w ri cuhbow 1 best hediclne 1 onteerer used lynville sorfolk co ont dsaa sia i have used a great many medicin but n better medicine than your indian blood syrnp cannpt be made 1 is the best blood purifier ever used r peter wabdel consumption windham centef mer tint i1 1 tl t j- dtr sra i cannot cod language to fully express the praise which in grati tude 1 would utter lor i be benefits i have leceived irom your excellent indian blood syrup it bas done what doctors could not door failed todo 1 was suffering with consumption fora long time heavy coogh pain in chest shoulder and bdk and yoar indian blood symp baa worked a perfect miracle 1 would recommend all to give it a trial- wji cunmnuham i djy epsia ttyimsristginqrr ont fir i have uied your remedy lor dyapepaia and rectjnmei d it to all v jirs johk faeihinq a valuable hedlelte sir 1 haveused your blood sjtbp and found it a wonderful and raluable medicine mrs betsey redfobd aylmeront splendid remedy for dyspepsia sis l bare used your indian blood sjtup and caused it xo be used in several catea of dyspepsia aid found it to be a splendid remedy w w white aylmer onl jfonud as eecommended sis 1 have used your indian blood syruplordyspepsiaand found it to be as recommended j jomn w uillkt jp t fyl an aeeiits testimony aylmer pat art i hare tied and sold the indian blood syrup and find it the beat rem edy in use lor dyspepsia and aa blood purifier t ism bicaa kheumatisra 8ii 1 bare been troubled wth kbeor matism for a great man years- xottr indinu blood syrupu be only one of many remedies that did me any good 1 recommend h to all mss cata cbisboii kenyou glengarry co ont dyspepsia and indttrestiont by6ur indian bloptl sryup has cured me of dyspepsia and indiges tion it has also esecluslly oaied my wife ol same disease lrrtlsto joiorjo coatbtm ont seuoriaenl agtati for ouurdtj noethropalymajt ne aitroat st est toronto alfoapenlifdr r mother nobtra heaumc syfidf ap english diseovery widely jiwellj j kpowniiaa valuable and ertecjiltt blow fijrim ihrougljputiie wottj q tjl x iu piibiiiitmiiiat

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