Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1880, p. 1

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th hi- acton free press timttfad vjsbt tffrsdarlmorntngt mm ffmrtetor mqvss kext door l hjjttwdut chnrch mil street acfoc 0 ttwcs the fnr puu will bo best to ubscribera postage pid or u00 per an urn in advance 150 if do to td ko ipct discontinued till afl arrears aw paid except u the option of ike publisher r abtxinstxa rircs caaal advortiae- taenu fi oeuta per line for tho first inser tion and cents per line for each subse- qacnt instruon ask protcaaioal cards 10 lines or less ft 00 per oamnu l square 12 line s 00 per ynnnm payable ux 6 months from dale oinserttoo- any special koum the object of which is to promote the pecnnioxy benefit of any individual or company to be coasalered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned b ihejbpace occupied measured by kale of itihd aonparcil cnstbjlcc kjltts one column one atar t w haifcalamaane year siqj qvartereoteiniioae 3 ear t one column six monloa 5qd- haircatann sir months so fti tlaartercolarnntixmoriuu 120o ci ae column three man hit 30 o hilf column thretsottthi ixoq aarter column three maauu t 03 adteruiemenuwuboawpecinc directions wltl be insertwluhrirowaiklcliarseqiccord- lartr tranxitarr dyertlemenls moat be paid tn advanae chuccei for contract advertisements must 6 in the office uj 9 a m oa unnjays ouicr- wu lhr will be left over uu tne taitowicc h j mxxjee kcijtorfc proprietor venisiss bonsai ouncu 123- be 1 i term8100 in advsnos vie neiainjkra map of buy life ill fluctuation and ill vmi conccrnf 150 if riftt to paid volume v no 61 acton ont thubisday june 17 1880 venusse borett0a sorted rctjhrrr ilixvrttrc em3ef ikhkw york- gvsixsss blbctqt t h loycrr m b if c p s u i graduate of xninty college ifem ixr of college of puyiicans and bacons gaiccsand reiuice at the head of fred cr ct st acton- x ircgirvcc u d sl c p s graduate of victoria cikc resi dence comer ef iiu and frederick sircctt coiiealuuoa isji cnmi s to 10 1 m sn j 3 to 6 d a qcrveyoe johk davis pro o nxcul lanj sttttcvi- civil engineer aad draaghtnrn cf gnuph s ptniftj to fcttecd to i1 sartcts in acton xsd man- ity orics left i j e itcgima t dni sle actac rdl be pmniptlr ittcodai taf ctakus b mivu tad circslirs of erj ticnpcica erecutti nellr t uw acfon ttz pcrtf qtps the best local paper of hilumco we must have bread bit imuiiis peer ud 1170 b e nicklin bakers coxfcotiokees coevee ilili c- llturstrisre actof bog to intimata that usejr are prepared to sapplj tha nlltgo and surrotmding ttumtry with very beat of bread buns tikes pastk1 axd confectionery bread deuvered wliile thanking those who hare favored oa with tlir patronage m the pat wc onct a continuance of the same and wul wdcume lew castomcrt i ice cream parlqb we hare uow opened our icr ceui ritlox anl will ttlvrajb be prepared to supply pum icecrcam fruit druks frnit 6g ico crtiin supplied b the tjuirt j cleared a call sihctod b e xickun etoc xcttr ftbt isso- j d atithesos attorxetit ltw sohcxtor in chancery ic office grow awu next door to wssacs hot illton a listee mtcljlek barrister quebec street guelph gkua mce ik uuhcmt kmltdluc hilt blrrec icut gsromtx arrx c feepxts tffisher v s georgetokk t ost- will visit acton every wednes day tni will attend to j1 calls pertaining tahprefesjaa ordereleftiimxgrvinc d 114 scre- will receive prompt attention terss moderate t j fisher tvttf- hescbtreet ljoeubed iuctioneflr for the gnas of wellington tnd hiltoii ordars idi at the fkee fiii5 office acton or at my residence in eccfcwood brill be prompt attended fro terms reaaonablfl patext3 toe dcvestiokszspe dmairsif tad propedy secured in cacs adx the united states end europe pa tct guaranteed or jo charge send for printed instructions agency in operataa tea yeia heset geist ottarsrt cnsas jfelgwt engfaee gohcj af pft- the teavelcless- life aad aooideitt iu co of hartford coaat wrwe cvcrilhlnc totlrnble in tie way of rjfeitnd occident iiuutjucc eaus ztot sccurit t7s5utieaed i ample d pit mtde wltb fie ft minion i1ocnimcnt or uio tecurlty or panadlan letter uulderc s oooonooo flour feed store i lawson bros wwld rwpcctfuuy inform tue peopto of aetna nact tlclmtytuattherlmvcojmu- edlatu9 preailket oppofclle lr mc- qrvtus residence flour and feed store and vlll kep knttantlion band a rull stock or flotjr of u likds ineladinfi family flour t barkirhat fluur graham flour meals com itsal oat ileal cracud ttheit bran coanfe short j ruia shorts chopped peas chopped jits iltied chopt jau and pets and all kinds of feed uiually kept ta a hmclass nora gfatl gooflz ddicrrcd to any part of the rilutijc at tuon ut orded ga call u mpcdfultfj ir heitrd lawsom bros acton jan i3iswtf tbb whole no 2e0 posrar pleasant words no matter liow the world may go- how dark lit ttidowt bo or whether juueviwoet rotct blow to glftddcu you and me there ak ay tim of dar our voicea may ta heard when c can pause bcaide tha wiy to aay a pieaunt word the little barefoot rut we tneet the maid whose lova waa in the icelec bor upou the ilroet and blind tnaa with bit cane whflu the rcceivd the humble mttey will feel their boeomi ittrred if ith uiecomoc valac light wo pw a pleaaant word and haru that now with aorrow ache beneath tome heavy blow ill from the ahadaai rue and break the tpcll of all thtir woe and feet that life hath sunshine new and tout 1 aa sweet ac btrda if o irat be httinue and true aud gxxc them pleasant words cuelph cl0jh hall will lindsay8 wife paid up cah capital 9s 077 7 3 51173437 12s6337 total libihtiet horptua to policy holdert ilaileo iuttuerts agent acton ont caxada lqak bamiahc company satxgs bak cocses or jaxes avd ikc cts ibiimiiiltolnr- siz pur csit interest paii oatdo- pesita ef 81 uh tjvardj sjfzjt skd best secvritt board of dtreotqrs db ccrirrolice president ux kkbs ei of latin wa die a caj bur- ungtoa icpidcnl j ksrnipciri u hamllaa k cgi kckkav esq hamlllnn tnix ccsc iijcnn fi xeuaa cic jont xjlkd barton nottr dcciax fei hmlltoa rfcchcnolx fcq oxtvlite wjcfeecvansc u georgetown hgeimv md c b ssow esq fitaaater cotton sfllls dunds jfvktf co loaa oa real elalt is wxnx to ttut borrthorre and on ky terras jeroflie opea every weekday from 9 franeh cambric shlrfa ohoic patterns in ix all colohs akd sices domdciok hotel actos eobt agnew propnetor the new hotel is fitted up in fixstclaae style wrth new fuxm- ture comniermal trateilers will find good accommodation afld oammodioua sample rooms special attention paid to the wants of the travelling puhlac bar supplied with the best of laatiori and ogata eoaietabl- in and trtfritt re gostlen rorad-escasse- hotel acros jaa campbell proprietor strcarnp- bd late of the roism house near gt r statun tajtea pleasure m annooncmg to his qact old fnendu and patrons that he ttb recently porchised and rented the royal exchange m the neatest a mosc comfort- acle style end is prepared tctaccooimodate all who may favor bitr m the most com- fortahle manner choce vyhies liquor cigars and cool summer dsls always in stock stable m charge of an attentive hostler the patronage of tha public is re spectfully solicited and no enorfc will be snared to give the verr best attention rt ash for seix i am prepared to pay the highest cub pnee for hides calijaos deacons lamb and sheep skins delivered a my tannery lace leather constantly on hand jalfes 5t00 acrox ang7ills7 0 detk manager underclothing is cottoli ifekito ltslc tlikeid cjtshueke silk shaw 1iurt0n siercbart tailors robt creech harness makei acton ont duhps pttilpsl puifpfi i t e adams manufacturer of superior wtee and csteni pumps which will be put m ott short notice repafemg promptly dojie furmture made and repaired cnarges moderate also saws filed and set give him a tfll shop oa frederick street opposite d lowrye residence w e adams ivr ovevto toak il500 to loan on nritlsfc cacm feenritr ataceuoaablaraienintret apply to e p mooeb at fan peeu office acton a ktubalu biddell o- ctcttw for sewing icachine ai general repairi try the georgefanra rtoreltr wbrka abcrt eiddellj j main st oeorgetoifi jtmitles cahekon main st acton aeentxerthabell onn nuuinfarfonsd t maura w bu 4 co ooelpk ordera mt at hu rendenee win reeeire prompt it- jajfloa nartaealarj iee adr so pther i iltvb him a triat n cha8 oajieaon co 7- jmta 5000 customers wanted this week at tttb cestkal shoe store boot ror cur aor eerrra qqqfs attd shoes ixrfcernrttrababoarjrs in actontaan to pi avay from borne to make four purctiaiea call at ceaine sons stoves stoves cheap coiqbixq oeewsoits corners a prepared to do alt ktnda of whitewashing coloring oa the ahorteit nottre anil at reasonable ratea jviate roar oboes at the rue fsras ooee aeton p 8itu ne cleatkd rea- oratcd wit selsox at j c hills a large stock of all hods of s to yes jvt tcteurdxnanvjadattd of uic lift quality of iroa71i next fault and uie utost haiuuamt stow in uic wirhtt cook stoyes of ixll sizes at uix eery loiscit prices a icfll sucted stock of tilstwabe always ox hand eatorxwtohna oassass voes asz spe0ia1xie3 and cil be aautid on lie dorktl notice a oat oil a goad itoci of tupenar qtaluy cfiiap oouz aits see or t0t7assi7ss j c hill september i6tn jdam cook vtoala intimate to4fce people of acton bat be hoxparchaied the bawher baineut8telr carried oa bur r btorr and hat be boa alvara on hand a nrttclasa stock of beef pork mutton sausage fish 4c tc and bopes byitrtel attention to batlneia to mcare a fair inara of tbe patronnt of the pnblle ms at delivered at any time to any part of tbe to tekmhca8h acauboucired adam cook ku and so will lindsay boa brought home a wire 1 will ladwj r my mpuicr uid down her knitting woifc and ttr4d nt oar visitor in ua- fiigned astaniahraent ik that a fact ilia doblra t she ootitiuued itb the eauio beddoad look f true dagost miss betty dabbt maiden lady of nncertaia age etiief vendor in gossip and dealer tn scandal hciaaale and retail for a certain picluretque viliagej on the abona of lake poncuartnda anfaatened her bonnet atringa put her foot on the fender and leaning back in our eaaieat chair turned a aatued face on mother and me icother still looked the surprise sba felt aud i ab welf i woald have died lefara i could have betrayed that the news ao cheerfully rciieuted arua a deathblow to me fur will lindsay and i had been almost betrothed we had been ac knovrlcdged lovers in the eyes of the ahulf milage fur many months yet he haa never declared himself only bj look and actions rather than words lud managed to convince me that he loved me and as soon as he was able to offer ma a home wcuid aak me to be hi wife i was the village school leacner poor of course and with mother de pendent on me it was small matter or wonder if i sometimes found diffi culties tn the way and the road of life seemed ofttimes hard aad thorny and kt uboat with woes i had built such a fairy castle with oar love wills and mine for a foun- 1 dation i bad been so wildly absurdly happy m his auspokeu affection it was very hard now to aee the castle tumble down like a card house and kaow that i had done that which hi so humbling to a proud ornan given my heart unasked wills plantation was about two miles from our cottage on tlie beach it was a fine place and yielded a good income bat unfortunately his elder hrother john a reckless fellow in whoso care it had been left until will siioutd attam his majority had encuni bered it with o heavy mortgage and then gone awty north leaving the place in wills possession hopelessly involved on johns arrival north ho had mar ried a wealthy lady and from that time all intercourse had ceased between the two brothers thy were the last of the l ndsay family and witl attnliutiug the es trangement to bo influence of hia brothers wife grew almost to hate the woman whom he had never seen in time the newi of johns death had reached him and then silence fell and he heard no more in the meantime the last payment on tbe mortgage was nearly ducj a largo sum of money and poor will had nothing with which to meet the demand knowing his financial strait for he dad kept nothing concealed from me nothing at least that pertained o business matters l nad not wondered wken 1 failed to nee him for ae era weeks for i knew that be was making one biet mighty effort to obtain the money and save his borne so i had waited patienrlj for bis coming and the news of his marriage had coma instead but the malicious old woman that had brought the nes should never know tbanstrnatioii it created i held my breath as her ferrit like eyes turned upon ai- i w gli d j that it was growing twilight so that she could not see my pallid face not waiting myteply but youd ought ter see the first t nog he bride hat not the mortgage on the plaoe is all clear ed off too fir mrs liatwy has money of her own some folks says thats all he married her for and i reckon its trne oh dear the wicked ncss of this woik in high places i 8hfl shook her iiead sagely with owl like gravity hon suddenly aross wall she said l haint but a minute to stay for i want to go round to harpers and wilkins and see ll theyre heard the news ill be rn again soon f this added and scarcely waiting for an adieu loved herself out as sooa as ihja was gone mother came to my wlr and took my cold hand in hers that old harpy ihe said with her kind ej es on my lace you muat not mind her daughter and uethaps the story isnt true not true mot ler f i cried why she seeqis tu kno r ail obout it and goes into details sufficient to convince the most skeptics and a rap at the c our interrupted me mother flew to own it judge of our astonishment whan the voioe of will lindsay fell upon our ears through the twilight that shrciuded the room good evemug sirs norton he said can i seej alice for a few mo- meats r he had come t ell mo of his mar- i would die befure i word that he had to my heart in- riae i felt tliatj icold iistea to say mother divined tuitively i think not this ning she answered a iittlo icoldly you must crease her mr iindiav she is indis posed too ill to sea me i heard hia voice cry eagerly i i wish so much to see nerl and so does mrs lindsay hs paused and i heard mothers voice in a freezing good night then she closed the door and returned to my side i lit the lamps drew the curtains we bad our evening meal and the evening passed very much aa usual but to me all the world had stopped just there a groat black door bad swung to between me and happiness for ever in the future kext morning came a letter directed to me inwills well jtnowiucliuugn- pby my bands did not tremble nor my face betray my inward torment as without breaking the seal i coolly en closed it in another envelope and superscnbetl it ith wills address then i pat on my hat took my books bade mother good ituoruing and went away to my daily duties at the little brown schoel houfe on the way i atopped at the post office and posted the letter aud so il iwas all over i believe i ceased to feel or care for anything my heart seemed all frozen over my soul hardened as i thought of the present the future i dared not contemplate all day long i went through the usual rwine asrone whose soul is far away school was dismissed and bowing my head upon my peak in the deserted school room i thought it all ov er the outlook was drearydreary i shrank from it the sound of horses hoofs aroused me and 1 raised my head to glance from the little window from my hide will lindsay was ruling rapidlf past his face pale and tern tha bouse lay midway between his planta- taaioa and our eoltage what if he were going therei bat i pat the thought away as absurd and returned to my gloomy musing at lost coming wilight warned me that i must hasten in tha direction of an awfal terror what if the woods on fitel i knew charged hia planta houievvurd i was soon ready and clhsiug tho3oor of the achocl house i paused on the rickety steps what was that 1 a dark misty- fog arising covering all the landscape the lindsay place entered my heait around there were that will had dis tion hands for the season and hero was doubtless no one there to fight the ifire then unless help came speedily hu home would be consumed perhaps life lost i turned eagerly impulsivfly to where my horse was feeding away in tlie thicket out of sighti in to minutes i was in the ssddle and dixiaslhead luinei in the direction of the banks of smoke dark ening and obscuring the evening sky ah at once i slopped short my heart paused in its mad beatings the poisonous thought i crept and crawled into my heart will was not there why need 1 trouble myself 1 there would be no one in danger save the woman who lad ooiuo between me and happiness only a moment i hesitated then i pushed the awful tejupution away from me and iiilloiiecl i wildly off as i neared the plantation i saw that my fears were well founded the entire forest at the rear of the bouse was wrapped in smoke nd flame soon the fire would approach the building then destiucjion was ineitable at that instant a i mall form of ebony blackness dashed cat from amid the shrubbery near the house and ran to- alice she eroalred with an attempt j wards me i saw th t it was little dot lyin on de sofa whoopin hollonn end amosf skeert to deaf and narf u man to go for anybody to help ns gtf into the house dot v i com manded im going over to jodge harpersa to get his men thank de lor f cried tha ebony huod damsel who could be very devout on occasions i then she vanished and i saw her no more but i knew without a doubt that miss bettys story was true then i ehirraped to dixie and we went off iks tbe wind i reached judge harpers panting and breathless he was sitting on the gallery as i dashed up to the gate judge i cned cant you send some of your men over to the lindnav placa4- the fire is out in the woods and it has approached so near the house that its bound to go in an hour if help does not couio and not a man on the l- gr mercyt cried the judge scrambling to his fea bless my blare of course of coarse wont voa come in miss aicot thank you no i cried please make haste or youll be oo late 1 in less time than it takes to write it half a dozen stalwart men anuei with rakes hoes and azes had started for the lindsay plac i shall never forget that ecene as longas live in the foreground the spacious white mansion with its wide galleries surroanded by flowers and shrubs a lovely sixjt and there be hind it rolling up nearer and nearer arose that awful wall of flame bringing dejth with evdry fcot of its ouwaro progress t fur two hours ha men worked man i fully bewildered by tha vivid picture before me i sat on my horse and watch ed them i forgot ha time the lateness of the hour everything but the afdl sight as the flames yielded to the strongnrms of the woikuisn and at last were near if subdued as t saw that the danger was oter i gathered up tha rein and prepared to return home something brushed before me and a hand grasped mine startled i turned to find myself in tho light of the dying fire face to face with will lindsay alice he eried eagerlr my home is saved and i must thank you for it how pale and wan he looked by no means mr lindsay t re turned coldly the fire would have been perceived by ooie one else un doubtedly no alice tbe inl blew be smoke in the direction of the school house had you not seen it i should not have known the danger until too late i had gone to try ouce more to obtain an interview with you alice your wife i began faluvringly mrs lindsay i shsuld imagine she would how sarcastic l fancied myself but i paused as wills clear ringing laugh fell on the quiet air mywifal is it possible that yoa too have heard that ridiculous tale i i thought you knew fnexrurh tv this time why alice the lady in ques tion poor thing 1 how she has been tcaudalized is my brother johns widow the woman whom i have so n ijastly accused and disliked after johns death she accidently discovered the difficulty in which he bad involved this plac and being very wealthy and wishing to remove the erroneous im i pression i had received from my mind she in company with her mother came here foond that her unknown brothei in law was quite disposed to be set right in his- misapprehension paid off that dreadful mortgage aa a wedding gift to me she said and is waiting patiently lor an opportunity to meet my bride when shall i present her alice r my heart beat madly it all seemed loo good to be true i put my baud in his i can you forgive me i whispered on one cjndition only responded will that yoti appoint thowoddiug day right here and so sitting there in the smoking j forest whence the fire had now do- parted i premised that in one month 1 should be will lindsays wife then he mounted his own horse and to gether we went home on my way home he told me how j my refusal to see him had bewildered and surpiiaed him then he had written asking me to be his wife bnd the lettar was returned unopened with a great effort he overcome his natural pride and resolve 1 to make one more attempt to see me and when i had watched him ride past the school house he was on bis way to our eoltage everything was arranged satisfactor ily mother was overjoyed to see our happiness and the wedding day dawn ed fair and lovely i found mrs john lindsay a very loyeble little woman and at oar wedding she was aside from the bride of course tbe centre of at traction while miss betty dobbs whom w all kaow him x the editor vrai litflng in mf atietna when a man laboring under cumer- ible apparent excitement walked ia with the paper in his hand read tbe a col mimibltcbock thiiks of inking an eastern jmrnvy soon may he enjoy a pleasant trip ia too wish of his many friends now tkr i said tie excite am 1 am col mumuechook and 1 tiara called to inquire by what authority yoo make this use of my name ia yoar paper i first timo i erer saw it rppfied the editor glancing at the item bat i mppose it b all right my local rr porter ia quite enterprising ia u pursuit of news but i never gave him permiauon to use my name in this matter pep dated the colouel very likely said tlieeditor but you are going east aint yoo t certainly and you havent any alijction t vonr friends wishing j on a pleaaan rip that is all right but i dont want my name in the paper and in tbe future you will oblige me by leaving it out of course said tbe editor if yoa dmre it and the colonel bowed himself stiffly out john said tho editor to his office boy follow that man and sea where he ijoes and come back and report jack did as he was itquested and shortly after he came back and report ed that col muniuccliock went to the counting room and bought twent five papers lncb after muikfug snme- tbms in them he ordered put in wnppors and was busy in directing them r tha world is chock full of col mumble chocks they profess to be highly indignant if th ir mimes appear in soma trifling itoui wonder how the reporter got hold of it and bluster about terribly yet they are btcretly delighted at seem their names in print ard invest heavily in papqr to send to friends tho only way to really effend them is not to mention them atall certainly wrho forth papers tlig is the advice we tender to numerous correspondents of the free press ho have of late asked their opinion on the subject of sending communications of uve happening m the neighborhood wo ire always glad to receive junta local news and every variety of reliable information whether happening in the village or in the wide district thi0ugh which the fees pbes circulates but in tbe words of a contemporary winch hit vhe nail on tbe bead we wonld say commnnicatiocs should be brief and i here are beveral rcasoni for this in the hist place newspaper space ia valaable tbe modern newrpaper is never troulded with lire old tinib com plaint of n romotrmnrlrrnil trp the editorsscalpel is constantly reeking from the sltughter of lire news matter and interesting miscellany short communicatiens are mneh more likely to find readers than long ones ore and unless they are to be read it is much better not to publish them mora entnbations can be presented where the articles are short than when thev are long and one man has as strong a claim upon tbe columns as another provided ho furnishes ai interesting matter a short article is usually more pithy and poined than a long one a subj should have maiy ramifica tions to demand more than half a column in a newspaper while all that can be saved evenfroni that limit np to a certain point is apt to be an improvement that prince of journal isfs he isle samuel bowles once j polpited fy a long editorial and gave aa his excuse lack of rime to write a short one he expressed an important truth in huusual epigrammatio way at archness i used to think will ai d you had some notions tf marryin j how is it that you let snother woman a furrinor too step iu 1 raw tsnkes i she added eagerly foj innately for ius- one of thonagro servants a favorite of mine ob miss ahear the gasped in affright dere aint a man on de plaoa head until the white plumes with which it was bedecked trembled furi ously as she bustled about assuring everybody that it had all turned out to put out de fire ilnd now missy is a just as the bad expected a oartful of kings an amusing incident ia related bya german correspondent as having occur red daring a recant imperial huntat hubertustock the honnds bad just been called off when tha emperor william feeling slightly unwell pro posed to return to the caatle on foot the king of saxouy and the grand duke mecklenberg aixomdnmed him but when the roval party were about if way to their destination tho emperor became fatigued and a peasant driving a cart in tbe direction of hubertustock happening to pass by they asked bim to give theiu a lift which he willingly did on their way however the giod mans curiosity being xcited by the appearance ot his pabaeo- gers bo said turning to one of them and who may you bel i am the grand duke mecklen berg oh indeed 1 returned tbe peasant with a wink and who may jou bet he inquired of the neit i i am the sing of saxony better and better ci led the carter and you accosting tlie other nember of the pirty i am lie emperor of germany 1 well then said the countryman in high humor x shall tell yoa who i am i am the shaa of persia and cajn hoax people as well as ynu but when he drove up to the castle of hnbertiisloek the honest fellow fonnd that of all the potentates in the cart he was tbe otfy ona whoso claim could not be substantiated v i luxury increases the luggage of life and thereby impedes the march turning over jho- acrip book came across the bad invited out of pure fun nodded baifjwellrks rfr picture of some chickens justoatw tlieir altell he examined the pictme carefully and then with a grave ragacious look slowly reuiaik- et thoy come out cos they waa nfraid of being boiled

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