Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1880, p. 2

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jggfeptfei- v x ft v k r jaxii rack time t4kuk trainaleav acton as foiiovi ooing wt ktsht kspcess li05ani tirootn mail v 910am oay esprfei lpm knprcls 3allmitcd 55pui g3 pta aotxckast xieht kxpresa 410 a m flalt mixed aoi dy kepjost ihjjul western mail 440 p m loudon mixed 930 pm milb actov thee presk pilluhcd orery thursday uorntnk gl pr animni in advance gcian i to 3c ttikbmaip uiiucixa jews t issu corporation cowf one of the nicsl important problems far cm- village fathers to gta ilcs with collision of 8toomort tim mounter avrrtjitmrr irltich lft new yotk last friday preying lur stoninuliii and w companion llio nvtiuijtmi which lefl now yurk collided iff the connecticut uimr it a dctiaa fog about llft i in tin- foiuicr look lit and sunk in fuur fathoms of witter both vmvti ltrs forred their wssenrvrs lo llie oily o new york hicb arrive in nov vork ni ulls ihi morning u ia esiiuulcd that about 40 livns wita lost andkcke is that of coca rubnlng it lsrye ilhia the corporation w grant the aittject is somewhat of a difficult one mid ciue chich can baldly l diat viithso as to give satisfaction to all yet dcalt with sooner or later it nutetba imd a uuoibtr cf tlta rate payers hmingariirediit the conclusion that uqs is tbe proper time lave circulated a peiiliou playing that the cuuance be iruhihiud by the council rd will picscntit at the next meeting we ihiuk it xrill riadily he admitted that if it could ioesibly le prevented and re ibiafc it can it is very undisir aide to have cots running at linps t urge at any hour on tho principal streets cf the town in many places the yonng lives iatily planted as ireuifintose vhicb had become orna tnvtilf have bern and are being diitro3ed nbia the sidewalks in 1 many places are often in such a gltby condition that the puliicihave to leave item and take the streets if they have any regard for cleanliness it is a rcll knotrn fact in the hisuiy of our village that here has not a fctuon assed withoat gardens and firlds bins lireken into and valuable property drfiioycdfby cows that are illoaed to rtln ujb lare ou the streets and thqugli coniplaints have been made and rcime- tiffies ttnal damage alloarid tie nuis tree fur each ire term it has not in the lightest teen ahatol it is very evident thatif every person ilhiii the corpcrathra cxerciied hit right to jccepone oriaorc coara ahich ahillrbe- piteied daring the eiinitner inontha on- the pablic elreets there outd not be one tectk frart cf a eapply of food for tori hetd and as a cansiqapnee toer oaid eitber lave to itsrye or lire hj plraid- r with the limited number e hare already thie is fre qui ntly the case and as the fall ap- rroadeay the supply o grits ia the t trrets ebectnipg scare tlie vegfkibl gardens iiare tad to pupply the dfr discwncy kor there is no reason irhy sued a 6tate of things thaum exist and exefpt in cases of absolute charity it is a bugo itnpcsitioacrti jtbe piiuic ltwoalrf not lis difficult to show ihat the rajirity of the was now running at larje within the corporation are not the property of such as come under tha charity liiu and t her are not a few of tile poorer clssses in town who fire willinc to forego the gains that ure mipposcd to ante ftom keeping a cow uicaiue they are too honest to uso milk fiftfri p the exp of their neighbors garden pretonhttion on vcdady ovetnins ola init a larrc nmnur of ilia momben lud tdltcreatt of kaor church aclou metal the rijence of mr 11 llcuderton aud pcoccodcd lo the maute for tta v rrsuliag lo tkeir cstccmod pastor a pane of racney a a uilcea of ayprcciatioa and regard for him a minister of the linapel at xfr ciai croti iuuntlc to visit hivuativc laud anil remain for a few monltf icrcral of the lidici went to work rijbt heartily and raised root hufrienda of the ctuiikgilioua respectable aam of money tmouutinjli nearu t00 the better lo enable their pat- tor to take iu wide rane and avail him self of atiy opportuuky that would likely give him pleasure or improve ida hcalui uler the pefflcutitiou to which the ucv teutcmau made aliltitig reply a yerj pleasant cyeuiui was spent in singtug cou vertalion tc aud sftrwtsbiog vxr cam eron a aaftt voyage to old scotland tie party ecparatej obituary fiotu ttie june number of the cuiutdiau bcadlcr and stationer we clip the following retkcting tte late james iiarbei e of the- paptir uiills cjwrgt toan 6u lbs i9th of may one of our oldest and best paper makers was calhxl lo hit test at tho age u siity nine mlt j liiles lutuielt was a native ol atitiim iteund and criie to canada in 1s22 lu lc54- ho ented in con- junciou with hi brothtr their tiiai paper mill at georgetnwn in tle couuty of ffalton thia in it few yean ras tuliowm by a sectitid aud sitice then bi various extensions and addi tieup these mills have supplied the public with thousands of tons of ipi uf a quality well fchiwn tbrouhot thu province and ail continue to be carried nn by two of hu sons who have lung been asociaud witli him in the c auagemeut mrbaiurstood high in cjuimercttl citcltsaud u man was more respced hy the communiti among whoul he resided he hld several iuiwrtant locil tfsces and lib death is much regretted his tvif three tons and thrte daughters sur live him kaasagtiwojra- tarns fatiuere jin- busy ireparinj to eow their turnip seed statute tulor is now being pettonneil ia this township xasgaweya township council lave atqiealed ajaimt the county rab fui 1881 the appral will bo heard in ililtoa on the 18th iust in the absence of iter it fi mc pherson his pulpit has btefl occupied tlie list two sabbaths by liev il smith of knox college at the irceut couferenco of tin- methodiu church of canada kef d 1l mckenzie who his been ustor ol the ehencrr methodist cliurcb here durinehepast three yearv was apkinl ed i kilbride circuit rev ilr fuhei succeeds jlr mckrnrie a fcwdiyiigii5on nf mr ni6holak korrish of kasiigaweya vas passing through th woods en hik farm he tmiiivd a hawk bnvering around near hiiu thinking notliiug about ibe luatler he waijeed nn when all atonc end btfora he had time to make any defence the bird dived down and caught his hat in its claws and carried it nlifi when tlie bird got about the height of the trees it let the hat drop a day or two after uie young man succeeded in capturing twoi hawks in the hnuc place on of them no doubt iwing thv thief tly are targe bine hawks and have heeu sent to toronto to be stuftirj 1 the i orcps t 1 v f tlie piuus sliorferfi of may and the present month nhhough 60tnewlmt re- tarding tbesatclinghas hadlhe tendency toifry uiueliimprove theprosiicct of n nvemgecrop of fail wheat barley and oatf have a rigorous growth and t bcaltbly green color whickis almost a certain precursor ofagocd crop there has been too much rain fur ie pes crop generally there is only a iuniil area of this crop owing to the ravage of thj bug last year ltay is a vert heavy crop notwithstanding that clover was considerably winter killed tlie prciipeots for a heavy fruit crop are excellent we know of no fection in canada where the farmers have a greater cause for thankfulness than iri ttim viciaitj ji tj msdelity of the czir to hiiuiac- risge rows wag dee of tho sorrows that i lurried the uie unluppr empress to the grave and now tre learn hy cable tlwt- itis believeife will soon marry inprgaiaticaljytlip prinoe dulgdwsty by whom he has three childnu and yrho a liviojf with him at taatkoc paris green a young nian nnmed john smith auiut twenty- five veais of- nge a re hn t lewifton ic y was drowiud in the niagara uiver near queenston on sunday while bathing prince leopold and the prince lvaiue returned to quebio on saturday uioming the prince starts for eng land the bird week in jnly neri wednesday the party leave to go srbing s while the spanish warship culi tupauoiu wins entering the harhonr of santiagn de cuba on friday fier boiler erplodtd killing 20noisand wound ing 113 cf whlofi 8t were trocps being transported t on saturday a tnan numed watson euiployid at clarks ear milln marl borough was killed by the bmsling of the flywheel a part of it struck him and passed through his bcaly killing him instantly the bruce county councillors passed a resolution by a vote of 19 to ig to increase their pay from 2 per day to s3 thusnrreisin the annual cast ot their sessions about 600 the walker ton ktruld characterizes the council as tha fjrty thieves a most heart rcnditg accident occur red atth tiitercolotiisi r til war station on s itaidky by which john cuudin a hrakeiuati came to an untimely end while nncjiiplingnara condon was a young in m iifueteen years of nje and the oidy supfnirt of a widuwed inther his father was killed accidentally at st flaurie q en the inlertblonial kailwsy a few ininthk ago i paris green slelul noihjls a aood fell hat for 75 oontc al j fyto fitiau butler ind e at moul- roil ilpnss for arctic soja try l 0 madh ews iicw fuuuutn good valuu in so cent tea at b uasktls new store i ice cioum aud burkmeir drlukruv the liicciiior bakery 1 1 poittcls light 8ugar for f 100 al the montreal lloulo another lot of tho 12 lb sugar al hie pott officii store new shirtings cheap fur cash al b if ulotti new store sctthe similks and hnkea cheai at the loat ocioo store best lens and wignts n aclonal chapuisus montreal huuso- e jlondif siortaoct of crocker ci oil klalat tho post cffleo itoro for a grat class baby carriage go to john turuer iu urs secordt block rrtckiuj aud toy h urses and wag gout of all kinds al john turners acton go to dtt morrows for dickn blood purifier and indian blood syrup largest and last stock of dry flood boots and snues at montreal htust christies oatmeal milk and prairie biscuits at b cf- e kicklliis llakcry cocoa nuu datca maple sugar vo at i cr ifattliews fee cream and fruit parlor icccrctst ice cream by thequart buckets supplied re at the itscclaiur ilakcry b k e xicklin lliktko room parlor and bed room furniture at john turners in jlrs secordt block acton a snw lot of those lieautiful ladies and renta hiic hanikerchier at christie henderson i cos choice co cenl tea selling for 50 cents 7a cent tea for co ccats 80 ceal tc for 711 cents rbick 75 cent tea for go cents at moutreal house acton oo tfl tio ptt offleo etoro for tin coaina wtiita load scl ttta q raining colors aid ajl paiatort recittiaitei kiw tweeds a kolitiy tweed suit farflitxjat th ilasoir fouc christie uendersoa 4 co let us hare your orders tally l g matthews luw the larcest tarst assorted and finest litrorcd stock of candies ever crhitiltcil in acttin at his ice cream and fruit parlor tuose beautiful prints at the did prices blacks denims shirtings gray and white cottons all at the old nrices christie henderson t co vorj cannot fail lo be suited in sidcboirds rureaus bedsteads vlitt not cribs aal crailes at john tur ners in itrs secords block actoa luitcksr nisli for millinery and kantes styles unique prices low and ripht immentidisplay clurcvpcl are likewise kept in this show room in large variety cheap mcleod anderson co grey and white cottons ducks pcnin shirtincs c at the old prices thee cdt cetctiahtlasl dccuniajrand hed over to enable rs to pre tcat l-ar- cains during ile dog dajs carulic hcn- ticrsa l co marhle works wellinglnn mar ble works qacbcc sl iuelph ifeasn mcquillan 4 ifamiton propricton arc di rcct impirtcr of all kinds of marble and innite having a larce stock on hand purchad previoas u the late rise in pries of marble tney will eactinae to sell all kinds of monuments head stones man ilea in slate or vltrme at their csnaj low prices satisfaction guaranteed 4ltf the 5iammoth house is as bust- as nailers in tha ordered clothing department we haa lo get six new hands the reason why firstclass calling ihegarments made correct the- prcet low the nock funitnscand varied now is your time to icare your orders our dry goods stock is complete in every department stcleod anderson ifc co the grand ruth continues at christie henderson i cos acloa cheap oressctoodi cheap millinery cheajtee4s docks ami shrtiogs best urea t japan teta for 50 cents flesh lot just received drives jolia and barcamt in all liact of goods christie henderson a co kctncdy for hard times stop spendingso mrch on gne clothes rich roof and etyle buy good healthy food cheaper and betterclothing gel more real and subclintii things of lifa even- way and especially stop the fool lsb habit of running after expensive and ipiack doctors or using so much of the vile humbug mediciuethstdoesyou only harm and makes the proprietorsrich but put your trust in tho greatest of all simple pure remedies hop bitters that cure alwaysat a trifling cost rnd you will see tetter times an 1 good health try it once head of it in another column j as rurar as ettect follows cscsk so surelr wiltdisfaja eventually fasten it self upon a systaa ieficient in vilal energy if tonic me iication isnat resort ei to in tint the necessary tendency of a weak discharge of thfe functions of the body is to disorder its organs in rigoration prompt and thorough islhe only sdeguard no renotantof deplet ed physical energy no restorative of lost flesh aerva powerand cheerfulness has more clearly demonstraled its efficacy than northrop t lymans quinine wine in this preparation associated wilh the salaiaty medicines which forms its basis is pure sherry wine and certaia aromatic constituents which impart ari agreeable losla to tha article and give additional emphasis lo its effects in cases of general dsbility and- dyspepsia it is in- valuable and the desired eflect is in the vast majirity of cues remsrlsably prompt as well as decisive that good natural appetite which gives a refish for tha coarsest fare is insured by the use of tha quinine wine which also confers brain 60c thing and bodv refreah- injr bleep foyer and ague and bilious remittent lever aro diseases to the eradication of which it hi specially adapted but if should be used onlr in tha intervals between the saiiures the farreaching eflecu of a good tonic in all complain uinyolvine loss of physical energy are well understood by phrsi chins and the comprehensive iin8uenoe for good of this preparation upon the systemgiaisfartobearouttheprofession- al belief in he vaine of invigorants as pponents of disease be snre to ask for ihe quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman toronto sold by all druggists paris green t he 4 toetose the wonderful m ohnhocc son gtjeiialb seasons trade we offer for the balance of this moiitlj sjlks striped summer silks 4d ots wide colored silksfects heavycolored gros grain 85 ots t and a splendid range of i dress and mantle silks from 60 cents to 275 i buack oxte keep your -v- i te have just opened out a splendid lot of dress i3eetjviesrt s the finest wet of toronto caprices always rights on the- mm john hogg son the wide awake merchanti ghelph tdk csc sole rckrvjrsjc in acton on the ilth iust the wife of mr thus jlerrymair of a son elliott in eajaeaingi on the 12th itul the wife of tii euirttt eto of twins dalghters ircnialcre tux altai miller walucc la burgoyne on the 3rd int- by the rev c shaw at the residence of the bndas father ifr john ililler of st helens to ifiss barbara m daaslrler of jxr alex wallace of burgovne gaubirnt yormll fa wingham en the 4lh alt at the residence of the brides father by tbeliev w if bven mr sj v gall nutrrtateef the acais frtx rans now city editor of the ivn- ttiy utmoeral flint mich lo mist annie k dacghler of samuel vouiuij lsq of wiugham tok cttilve eluott in euesini on toe i3th last infint daughter of tiios elliott esq cncwsox at suetjty macon mistneri on the 1st ius after si protracted illneas thomas j crcwsooi fiarth son of the late morgan crcwson of crewsons corners awov bakklth white wheat i i 10 to i 2 treadwell i 10 to i 12 spring wheat glatjtw i 10 to i 12 kedchiir oats i peas barley eg pordnz batter diry picked batter rolls potitofis per bsg i 13 to i 15 0 37 to 0 3s 0 to 0 g7 0 55 to 0 go 0 os to 0 os 0 12 to 0 u 0 12 to 0 u 0 30 to 0 33 f sminr aacntroittirkkikirr reaper motnn also rrtciacpnern1iiarove p laws cf max ttirethlnc hitchlnrit xtmwofa chief and ylhratir prtnr 7ur harrftv cnlnniil knllcy honrn rk cllnmr fannlnf miun tho ccvorated iiror8oerf uruljftc all warrflnicdtnii cood wcrrfcever tinaia or no sole termircuooabtc alexfamith ugm i i j the greatest liemedy ever discovered qalntne it eotisfdred thejreiilct remedr fcaown bat re believe i has it eqtial idiot ll peer la le product of the cd fwh hcihlns da been dlcorfred lo equal cod llterou ax a batder nd t italner ottuie boiy inctininmptfoo nnl nil wwting- dis orders but u onfuinel i npiixcd by ka naaseoag propertleii ia geoiti emnlslon of pure co uter oil thin omctlon uenilcly ororromen1 combined wtih the hjpopho- phltei af lime nod to a a ii fa ttie most tula- abie remedyevrerdueoveted adjourned oouit of revision xlie court of revision foe the if anici- pklity ol the villao of aoton will hold its second ntihig for hearing and determining stppeals against tho assoss- r1mtcim80 to matthews ihaial aoton car motiday fho 2l8t june 1880 at eight oolocs p m all appeals against assessments mnst be filed in my omc on or bof bra friday june uth188q j e mcgarvin i vihagecletk clerks offioej may 13 so m jtotice to tlitsfissests xotice is hereby ptco that any person or persous found trcspassinic on my poetuises by either kihinf or shooting anlu prose- catcd acccrdinc to law 37tf dr u mohjiow 1 p irouoek i tkacncal nsiediussta i fs prepared la execute snythins in ms line in die best possible manner aud jin uc utest style jdonlhly castoraers special ratea a call ia solicittd j j p worded i truths hop bitters a mediclce a t ahrint cvtaivs i hop bacha hadrmke tad4uaa and tuk pahpft and ijcst mkpfcai vcalmtsor all vrax birruu tuv cure h all plkoifm of the htrniach botrru blood liver kdtiev and urijry jr- enik kirvouas filccflapw fnaie cimpaluuiad uraakecnct j 91000 iv gold wlu tse paid for a en i hey will nneare or he lorfranvlhlqclmpareorljut- oaifoaud fu tieni 1 asfe yonrdniffit forltop ruterf and frro bonier and try the liltieifc before yoaslep tafce no ocbcr tlieliop cojri curt and pain rduu tjie chgapiii surest and b4t i iioii nrcrasrrboo- i rochester xt anl toronto ont korsalc by alluraztlsta real estate agency i properties for sale ytxlact or actos f 1 oahatn street aodrcbool lttvnexl to cs hmlthiesidcnce fifth if aq acre with fetoae efoiie la pfeadd eouduloa stable andnbopdnitie premises iiird and eoawatcrweils tuic ludlspatable tetms reasonable no 2 on corner nfcaarch and john sis one lllth of an aere on the lot it a cood hoatre contalnlcgt rooms good cellar hard ater anaiuber of fruit trees ingo con dition eonveolentto charehea ichonla post office and railway sutjon terms of payment reasonable tufe indisputable if ajw a q aw eta i ko 2 at flellv cornerman lot 205th con west comer near two saw mill one acre on which la situated a good ston and dwell- inr stable aad driving shed 20x30 c terry a apple trees bearing the buildings are in good candltlea i will probably be a pct efficfl here la ashbrtume titlosodtetms cash apply to jt btu naisaaweya v esqcks1ko 1 2 lot23con in the township 3f esqoes- inff 100aorehtw qleired and ncder eaiava- l iqii balance good eeiar ancl black aib qqodfarm buildipya fences la tlie best con- dluun splendid orebatd of bearing trees ex cellent fruit goud spring water alt lire year round ilia ror ehy is t 1 uat ed about 2j milei from acton j nillofrom a flritelas grist rntlt convenient to school and cborcu title indisputable ttrms reaonabie ap- plyto jatne scdtt on the premises or at aoibn post office 1 f parties bavlnp bouse and lota in he vi laee or farms in the adjoining tdwnhtpi for ale will flml u to their lutrn t to have them idterted in tula uu no charge untesn tb property is told j hp moore j keai eiate agent tctwont spring tweeds springs suiliugs cbating trouserings in all the latest patterns and color pore material and made up lntht laiatj stylu at low prices ji 1 j also a large and select ttoofc of j s couprisinj full lires of press shirts and shir flng of all finds every doielty la ties collars braces gotten underolotnin brac33 silk linen and ambrio handkeromefe christies celebrated london hats at the east end clothing store scotts emulsion pure ood liver oil htpophosphites oflime akdsoda tiapreptriado combina the two hot nma tttr da for gmmmmptibncgfm j gtu ssfirotwla aheunatum tad duiiiii tfiix blood otw waatiac dlmaaesof ctaudram uoctoniyctsntaijttiiewtiav toduterc buur u w r oil in a form that h perfectly dbgdqnd ajcgpohc to tha blbtt dctiak utd tht the rvmedibi power of both are apyviixa ifc fxmbued food ua ia au the abort but much man rtatlgy ammilatad by tin nmem than fhua cod ijrer ofl and a better agent fa coricunc punjyrny the moo albiriiig uie tatitauonof tht throat ahay rewottia fipoiu- aod yirox to the wbole body honreaiiad palatahtt to tat wre aid aik fcr 8ou ftoawjsion forakbyaqdnggktiat upcr new furniture store m johisr ttjktasriee i l jb wishes to intimate to the citixens of acton and surrounding country thai h bai opened out a complete i stock pf eubotture if- of every description and is propared lo sell at uus very loweat pricea lor cash parties requiring any article not iu slock can be supplied on shortest possible notice i am also prepared to erect onshort notice i monuments and headstones vc of the best quality and in any design required at loirpricet in addition to the above 1 am prepared to do all kinds of euildi1tg plastering sc v i contracts mads and job work exeouaed at resmonable pricea a gall sohcited john turner a corner mul main ste aetpi always on hand fresh and gbodj at j b mcgaryins drug stb i- iu ecit ad

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