fogmmm vni3inifrfyt i i i m 1 j a toctt of put a oow ttook of bpemfc tod km k dw atook ot tjomtis of tilt fetalis a tovr block ot brttn woitu and mottoes a oev stuck of silver od cooredcanilknl anew stock of kareopca and kota paper weimig sod bttuuuy presents the ireaaiid urgcsl utdrtmetit in town call iu atulww sigu ot the btwatch go hyuds jewellery sudtancy ioodi glow acton i morxtko jcsk l- ro nv xyo coryrr 3- cut out uiitues jrkipe strawberries haying in another wwt ikd joti jo to the 4pw show rwhl willuue first picnic lake place a big crop of raibctciea is pre dicted voar giirdciipoaa mar now n- ojure soow support a many plana ta th or clixrd here are llichted- queea and your btrotta hae been graded and turupiked s the new6tap maa am waiting for that aa basket ot itnvbcrrie a nfetrcalrect baa leo put ta at- the- west comer of mill and frederick six eyehalgood properties are offered far sale cheap ia ojr list of prpertiu toe j parties coirg away- from borce ssbold hate the feet pee3satlo their ajldrest j there are sixty students in at- tjyidaactatthegqeiphakricoltnrlcollecc ad niore are to sriva ill corresiocdej3c and adrealisft ata reqeiric immetliate attentiacshoald t received at this office not later tbaa iceadar j the champion say3 that mr mo etr of ehiadas will in all probability erect a factory for the niinafactare of ottcc yam and baiiiasui ildtoo we are of opiuion that if the men wha eoauniltei- tiie barjurv en friday night are cacjht the owners of the tten articles will razor row and fioctf tiie theres at the courtac revision of the township of esqnecnjr lietd in stewarttown en mondxy last abont so appeiis were pre sented- a urge naabec of tiese were withdrawn itr w r storeys new residence his b sodij and now present a clean and neit tppcirxnee mr storey expects to covp tto tiie new hooje abot the lit tf the acton fritpress ttlks about te atatiooery carctiiittee of tle c chcrch will ocr contcujpcrirv tell u wtixt ttsrk tke eosieiittee lave to do pcjsjrrftvk teirjraplc a typcgrahicil erructjjnjthec s- thers i j gordon bnnfttaf the ycv york herald j gcrjoa srown of- tie taremtaciii alx- qarilaa ifaarrinfthe qtxt ufjner lrfcich leadiiu to tcspect that the gordon press is becoming popjjar gudph uzrald thrtoch herelon the orxiii trcofc riilway traia of immigrxnes passed j on fcenday liilt for the weit- they tere boond for ptaces in western ontario and rtfie cnited stita three of lhe dfcoffaigceipll i rork tbanks are du to mra eli snyder for a very pretty bouquet for oar editorial table mrs snyder- has an eicel- lent fidwer garden and a preatdeal of ialor hai been expended on it to make it such lis present appearance however will no dnalt be imple reward for the labor bestow ed cpon it on friday last the tools and ma chinery of fl long who has been engaged in mannfaetnnnf sianid tin ood etc in tie plow factory dnnng thfipitsir months were so id to satisfy a landlords warrant r- j c allan porchased the machinery and the tools were tali in small lots to nnmerons pcrchasera i a melancholy affair took place afc ifarkdale aboafc nine oclock on tuesday erening en a dmnken broil aybun ma iiiiaed ajer fraser who it is ssid was not e jgigej in ihe affray rewired a blow from o w hqii stclanghlan from the effects of which he died thrtyminates afterwards frazer iv eafd to be resident tf erin v2- lae sad was a fisherman ws anderatand that a namber of ihe boys and ynn men of the town en deriook to enter a strawberry patch near he tillage last sunday and stripped the tinea of- the ripening fxnii- tins deeerras pnjiisfainent and no dimbt if this eoniact is repeated th matter will be placed in the hands of tht village acthorities bevare snrely boys- yon wodd not eieil the frnit when it can be purchased for twelve cents r perqnatt ferrnos j petition is beinj cfr- cnlatcd and receiving nnmerons signatnres praying the tillage coancfl to provide bylaw to prohibit catfie from rnanhigjit large on the pabtfc streets and highways of the nsjige at any hour of the day or night the pefitioa will likely be presented to the council at its next meeting and we have no donbt the request of the petition will be granted it requires no great effort to con- wince any sensible person of the folly of allowing cattle to roam at lare on the streets and highways and we trust that the naisanee will shortly be suppressed ia oar village ferwaalt ifr t j day bookieller of gnelph left last wees for a trip to the old country we had a call on jfpnday from bey t ivijkinson of fergus the tninifter whe- vfllsocceedeer b hobbs in the ifeth- oqtst cottrch here iljv wilkinson will copmeuc bu work oh this circuip ou sua- d july 4th i 9ir john kirklaod of st thomas pneached a good seruion in the ifethodiat ofjrch on sunday morning last hr kiridand i a college cbum of the editor of this journal and bis visit of a couple of days was pleasantly spent and many inci- dents which occurred during the college c we recalled to gemory turnip seed avboujanhx tti pant week wuol has taken a tumbla of four or fivicanl with prospects of it going still lower aasujtimoy tbtt quolpli ittrald ia peikiug of the oiecution of carrier the indian vvuaafurdeccr in brautford ou friday last aays as usual the murderer goes to heaven ak error the miltou avirtof iha 10th iust saia a lodge of the aoxj v wia tnrtiuitcd in acton utt week it may be that- this is corrtcti but now of our citixous ha ye heard anything about it yet imfroyeukkt the autiite labor which has boea done on the 3rd lino should be commended it has long been te quired and we are glad to notice that it has been well done by degrees the roads lead- ing into acton are being improved and all will soon bo in excellent condition manitoba we are glad to leany throuch ihefriehdjlhatmessrt arthur and aiigua cameron wbo left acton last year and made their homes in emerson maui toba that they are both succeeding well in their new home both are working at their trades and have plenty of work and good wages illegal meascresthe iaipectorof weights and measurea for uiis district made a raid upon the hamilton market on thurs day lastj and seized a number of unstamped consequently illegal cales and measures che dtlinqceuts will be prosecuted look out for him he is liable to come this way anytime the bakd staxd sinca our issue of but week the brass band have concluded to change the proposed location of the new bandnand and it is now in course of con- stmctioaoa the lot opposite mccanns cabinet factory on willow street not on power avenue as previously stated j we hope jto see it completed before sjiother issue j steccc et llgetklkg dacingtlfr thunder storm on thursday evening last st- georges church guelph was struck by lightning the fluid struck the iron wort onthe top of thepre first then descended entering the spire immediately above the slating it ehot downwards to the stone work and came thrombi the stonework just store theich of one of the windows base baulr the firet gaoic for the amateur championship of canada was play ed on uondayaftcrnoon between the staple leaf of guelph and the browns of fiar- ristsa the game throughout wis hotly contested and a great deal of excitemclt prevailed amoagtt the spectators the the terrace and kwn in front of jjiitchtnc and catching of both sides were cnaiijiy good the game resulted in favor of the ilaple leafs by a score of 4 to q foexacoinsg eclhse astrono mers have annoenced a total eclipse of the mfon oa the 2ad of thia month in this eclipse the mooa may disspikar completely from view ohsinations of snch eclipses live been very rare within the last 700 years there are records of ouly sir and in all of thetn it was observed that dnricg the eclipse nothing of the moan was eecn these eclipies hi txxrurrcd iu april may or june autost a frae on sfondsy night agnews hotel csrrowly escaped being de stroyed by the devouring clement fire oe of the members of the family- sat a ikhfed candle on the window sill and left the room for a few minutes it rpeedily ignited the window certains then the win dow frame caught fire and the fire was making fast progress when discovered several pails cf water prereatcd further damage dpottkedon friday evening best a little son of- mr john jfckec of parry harbor late of this villaeed eir years while trving to jemp from one boat into another fell into the water close to th gaelph lumber cctopanys rtcrehouse his brother with several other children were playing on tha other side of the storehouse but did cot see him tn give the alrm tn time when the body was discovered life was ertinct htheteal a matrimonial event which for some weeks past has been antici pated with much interest in hslton took place oa thursday evening en the occasion at the msrrisge of hiss mary jane alton with james e wickson of toronto the ceremonv took place at the residence of the brides father jreph alton of kelson and was attended by ap wards of i30gnestf- comprising residents of toronto gaelph hamilton london paris and county of haltoc aetistic wore throngh the kindness of ifr john chapman of the montreal hoase we had the pleasure few days ago of inspecting his collection of oil paintings- mr chapman has a large nam- berof subjects which he has executed in leisure hones during the part few years and his is the most varied collection of amateur oil paintings which we have heretofore had the privilege of examining mr chapman has secured a number o prizes for his work at various exhibitions the geoegetowk celebration the poster for the celebration in george town on dominion day is out pud the ap- pearsnee of the bill reflects ciedxfc on the abilities of the ffcrau office for getting out jjood work a big time is anticipated but ve think the committee ark rather guilty of fibbing when thsysay they will give 8300 n prises in counting up the prise list we can find only 114 to be given in prises snd in all probability a number if thegames will not take place which event nukes the amount still less btjeglaer on friday night or saturday morning barglars entered the shoe shop of mr w williams and barber sbopof mr jno wordeo of this yfflve and helped themselves to boots shoes and razors from the shoe shop they took eight pairs of boots and shoes which were made to order and to he called for cm saturday night mr warden the toosorial artist lost fifteen razors fire shaving brashes and two pair of scissors several of the razors belonged to customers as soon as the jjufglaries were discovered telegrams were tint to the authorities in all the surrounding towns and vil sgesto arrest any persons hanoga superfiuous onmber of boos and very fow ulilun loric now dont ncgllof your potalo patch slrawuirr fmlivals art nor talk ed of l g mattuews delivers iob cream and strawbctrici over dy zioii csiigregatioiiiil chureli is lo i od on salunuy 17th july wckiherprolu hv ymtctday jtodcnlo wind with fioo wtlior- rlook at our liat o iwil eitsto for iilcuicro any iw lomcthing ia it to ult you qit it pumbor o our citlsesa viiitd torouto on monday d tuuday nviilin7 themelvo ot the tioalo fe ia cyuooctiuii with forspaurul cireut ud meuiekc persons going to tha ocuntry or gcukle fur the lutntner months cui have the fiber bktsa milled to them the rue cf tu ceau per moalh pofttage prepaid kr oy length of time dusired the sidownllt on min st north opposite klcphctuooi bltcktmlth ihop tod oa klua troet south opposite rpoigbti hlicksiuith shop needs repairing badly the pupluira completely worn out nojlc8 worth amntion large stock of qrooeriesjustre- ceivoa at a w greens call and be convinced that he has the best atook ia town see prices below best slock of soaps iu town ic a v grut clieap cull store 7 bars of sew uomiaioa siap for 25 cts 6 ban ot liaadry soap for 2o cu 3 ure bars of v aicer soap cr 50 cu 12 cakes of toilet soap for 2 ct 12 h of ijooil sugar for one dol lar t a w greens cheap- cash store host stock of tea in acton just received at a- v greens cash store a quantity of butter wanted at a v griiscuh store three pides of grceatea for 50c each at a w grxrets cheap caih store b6t jdin teafn town for 50cts at a w greens cheap caah stjirc ilyrle knvy toliacco 18 oerls per pa at ai v grccaa cheap cash store ail kinds- of gcoceries sold cheap cor caah at a w greens cheap cask store and dot jon forirecjt continues i a unprecedented success hrisfie henderson fir r a crowded store sales increasing daily ramrslmt no information vai received xow abbot so turnip seed the dry goods trade of the lion for tbo spring of 1880 has this far been a grand suc cess eclipsing any former seasons business thus we attribute to two reaspns first a more prosperous condition for the people second tbo growing popularity of the lion as the pooplos dry goods house never waa our atock so fully assorted- never did ve offer suoh value never have we done such a large trade- grand milunery display on satubday 1 i tho moat siagnhlcant over made in oualph acton cheap dress goods clieap millinery cheap tweeds ducks 1 and shirtings best green and japan teas for 50c fbbsh mt just receiyeo i tin jmhalng nee lines hact jiiti corns io- hand hats from 75 cents to s25c at j fytes fixest snd cheapest millinery at jfontrwj hoube new prints cheap for cash at b hasletts new store lexve your orders for fes cream and strawberries st l g xlatthext if van want a nobby durable and caeap suit j fyles is the place to go chairs in endless variety at john turners in mrs secants clock acton feese bdvs fresh every dty ai ways good tn them at the xchuor bakery t give john tnrner call before goinf to uuelphor georgetown for fur niture choice- tweed and cheap suits- made lo owsfrcmuitiltenacrsuii co acton jrange and lvmons always m stock at h g matthews ice cream and fruit parlor daily expected at the post office store acton window glass assorted siies rs to 30u0 for genuine arctic soda ry the new soda fountain at the excelsior bakery be kkklia pure tee cream by tha dish or quart at l g matthews ice cream and fruit farioc if you want a cool refreshing drink try the new fountain at the excelsior caking b e xicklio choicest black tea only 75c if you want a really choice tea ask for it at christie uenderson cos fanners remember that plow castiiitfx of all kiudsare kept ou liaud at the free itew offlfe e w kikg silluseer the rush still contin ues iveff styles per express regularly to baud christie licudersoa k co a good account tieunlit up six iou j ears m bejiltldcn slctrietskaisufferitcolliltsjo j er er uiui f ltfjo aii ol winch was uiiied liymri bouteaf hap but txlafceabrnir wile who his uon- uerowit iifiscworfc for jt year kiccc- wituoutthe iosk ol a tlay and 1 want every body to know u tor their berr ac 1 ia ilx weeks bntler kv sirtlikeer and ililliriery goods new choice ano cheap noftncyprices lor ililliuery christie henderson co foa a gooa assortment of firet- elsss furniture go lo john turners furniture itore in itrs secords block acton gejlxi dikplay of new and fashion able millinery this week at the glasgow house acton-jhristie- henderson k coi trt dr morrows- german bal sam for colds coughs asthma bron- chilis croup whooping cough and tonsampuon jhportaxt to all coxceeked call on christie henderson co far really new neat and stylish killinery at bottom prices wool the upbeat price in cash will be paid for any quantity of good clean merchantable wool delivered at george tjw mcleod anderson co 12 yards ureas goods for 100 hew goods and just in season at christie fcfenderebtra cos acton where you get thefamoas 50 cent teay equal to telegraphy ft is not so many years ago whep- telegraphy was looked upan asacbimetja and prof asor morse as visionary we ajl fcnow no its wonders wore reccbtlv pharmacists scouie1 the idea lbatoaauv oil couu be made pleasant to the ufte bui messrs seott jk bowne wltn tlielr palaubla rastoroh hive sotvetl t e problem wblch la a feaclu meillelne ilniost eqial totliatot profesor uive ills not tne nahseoas cas- lor hi uf ocr childhoods days uls palatable and agreeable lo the toite price 25 cents new goods cretons black crliriiere genta whiteslnru oenla underclothing white laeecurtains a lot of silver and buttons gilt turnip seed new summer silks new parasols new buntings new organdies vew white skirts new kid gloves at 50c newlace mittens new hosier new lace goods new straw if ats new linen dusters new lustre coats new shirtings new hollands new summer tweeds new lace curtains nfcw taffllngs newtowelungs 500 pieces fancy j prints buy clarkes anclior spools i j d williasotf co drives jobs barqainsf in all lines of good ii rand opening tjaparalleled display of handflomeioodfl for the stoves at- 00 st at i hrvvials slctjfqp tbbluxp at the 5ot ofaoistore action cnoice butter cheese lard bmokedmeats canned goods dairy salt in bags and general familtgroceries bnllders and ilouse furnishing montreal house dry goods i j tweeds milineiy boots and shoes i j mens and boys ihiialts druds medicines 7arj lot of lite above una of goods on hand and mil be sold cheap chapm ans comer store actoa the new gerhard heintsman upright i i guelph begs to announce nls firanc qenenl exhibit of new bpinggood and exttnd a cordial inritation to every lady in acton and surrounding town and country to shut the fashionable west end clothing store in every deparmegtajargianil ttjoek will be whlhlwrt i a o bucham ftuhioiails wat end drcu ilanik and millinery ic jontfyk what is this everybody wonders bow it ia there is always such a rush to hills photogtaph gallsiy j for ph0togrhaphs this is all explained when you sea the qnality of ihework tha priet wjiy pay 6fl0 per dot fr cabinet purtraits w jnn ma get ihem jnat as good for sxbo per tfixtwhy pay vsottper dot for carudevuiss when yotnean get them for 150 all are invited to call and tee specimen and pricetfor themtelvt r aw hill photo p s all kinds of framing done a large as sortment f velvet and faucy goods very ceap furniture furniture r e hr s o n paiate oils window glass- 0aal0 sizes walltsiper from 5cts up wards j02etaa of best best jh thsdoikiok calt jjtd wiz it at m6ntreal j chapman pmf frhand clieap we hare now a full stock ol all kinds of plain fine and artistic furaiture i t new and faihionable fcr the spring trade upholstered good til special ty vt were awarded all tho orel prfaes on urjiolsttrod goods at aercanvsjswilwuoalaatsuawl would call apminl ntuntlan to ihu bmneb at thlr saasnu of the j r hew corerttifi uj all undsin stock and nrrl vlna dallj all orders wlllbe prompllyaiidixllfuily execmtsl- 8l- fatfurtlni sfrahhflaafi 1 it 7 lafactlon gcaranteed sicsafthc cailh etialetrio bloolri uppas wjodhaha 8l ftati sj0hn w0r8f0w t 60jwi busmj fcpm tblraarr furniture j j a good assortment of first lolaufurni- trre of erery descnp- tjon constintly on hand piceaajjov is giieiphsr geo town a tuix aoucrrm john pz10ht undemtajdilo and lliupmaj quisiies drtjiie at m6intptogbto ms