Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 31, 1880, p. 1

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ify 1 ttpobluhed hri3pj ikooke eautort proprietor mp musm kcndooriojutnodlstcbttreh ifffl rref vl 0n traits the stattpaxasvul be seal to smbaeioftavotan mid tor u wit an pun in iimaoji24m0 if not paid no piper dikondma81a tmtn aienaid eioeptu the option etttepnuiaker awrwsnsisopms casual advmue- meets 8 cents per use tor the drat inser tion and 1 oaata per line for each eabae- oicn imertion- cah trofessianal cards loljriot leaacooperantram laqtun 13 lines jicq per annum payable in g months fria date of iuscnion cur special kolieo the objo of which is to promote the pecaaiarjr benefit of any individual or company ito be ooasiler- an advertise ment the number of lines rccaoued by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid jtaupareu cnxraxct kjltcs one eolamo one rear half calami nae rear qoariertottiitioaepeer rtae ealiibia tuaaaatat half eutasan six month quarter colarunfilr maauu cmeeofama ihrecmoolbc tlfcolumtttremoathi quarter column ttlree uonlhc scot svoo sdoj u00 soa txus qj attertitqetiuwuhmilneehlc directions srllt be lnwrtel uufdjwwad cqartl ecord- thror transiutrr stfrtlnieai most be paid in advance chaocea for contract advertlsentf nte most tie itt tnecfllfe qy 9 a tuoa itariiaj-attiec- ue lerwiu be left over lil the loitowlo weet e p sioore kulort proprietor tuis 01dcd lmrttuiir4cuielct0eap iiuothrcflkjwiih cuv wt4rt ac- trtificisifittl6inoestl whin- sirtkinc oostrulc c 1 load tcrll ik new votcfe- bcsrves sisscrosn ttt h lowrv jl b ircpb t a gridtut of trinity colie ilem- t borof ciliejecf pfit isttroas osce uid rcsidox at the head of frt-d- crici st acrai vr hcgarytv 5id m c p s- ix a gradate c- tiptorfs colligd rki- lnce csrosr at iliil zs1 frederick ttxtcts conaititon dxilr from 5 to 0 a i and slogitnl s nror j0h5 dayts fro i5 try rnaix linl sorvevor civil ecpnecr si dmccumsc of gacli is jmrpsrod ity orders iascr j itcgarriifs dmg jre icioa will bggranifftir stirrtficai to cx krdt bsbssss and circulars of ev j ftrt pcltt i tie hesi tecl paper o hdtag co jd yatitkfiqjc attorxer-at- ut saiicitar ic chtapeiy dc office cexf donr to wh hotel rilfcin 4 lister jl oask baekister quebec street guelpll bulscx met tm likken bcxltfljac filuistrcrt xctl dxt ti till lucud to 2 calls ptrtaicic tti praf essfon onjersieftiticgrrin6 ijrc stre wili receive prcmpc ftjsecfioa h tj fisher ixrrslhehsteeet licensed anctiosfler for the catnjx of vtehuigtaa uid hlfoa onlara left at the fkcc fexxc offis aascm or tay resitjeaoe fa iiacirkdod will lie tense reaorniile paiexts v ordtveimoks etpe- nrrw a7sxruij propedy stir6l ia cn- ta the unrted stite tnii europe pc- test ggjrmfeed or no cliarge send for priasd iastrurtfons aencr in operatiad teayeflrrs- hekrrgeist i rnourj- new ptopritar tos new hotel is fitted op m oxstclass style wilii new farni- tsre comiaercui tra rellers wiu rind gocd fc nm eammodlotts ssznple rooms special attention paid to tha wmtg of tke tra celling public bar bappiied wiili tliebetfof iiotaadsrs soodaabiu ing aad tmeiruve hostlara tihhiioo in advane the nwiixiixrla unpfifbifv ty fluctualiont and iu vail concern 160 if not o paid valutas v no 63 aotobrront thursday july 1 1880 whole no- 2ii2 w awst haye bread som7lnualioaria uyv b fc e nic klin bjlkkrs t coxfectiokers cotsre mjux i- if tusriuxts acros beg to intimate tliat they are prepared to supply the tillage and surrooadiej oonntry with j very beat of bread buss c1kes pastry akd confectionery bread deliyereo while thsnting those who hire farorod ns with their patrunsgo in the past we solicit a tttatinatrioo of the iiiue and will wcloanieuew custoicrfi- icecream parlor viv have now opened ocrlr cniu pinxrfe aciwiil always ik prtpr to sappiy pnro ice cream fruit drinks fruit lo ico crtiin hupjihtd by the quart if desired a call t bte nicklzn aclon uuy kh ijjso flour feed store r lawson bros woqurwpectfttlx ittfurmthe people of aelounqtlvlciimytustlbcyuaveomu ed in the prajie oppowte df me- oarvlac roalaenot ft flour an feed store and viu keep contxnljoa hand a nuitockof flock of all livdk indadio family floor buciicheat flour cirtham floor ttealitj corn tteal oat ileal cracted wheat bran coare khoru biii sborw chopped peis chopped jalt hired chopt jiu and pen and all icinda of feed usaitly kept in i hrtilai taro j5j4w xxh ddtcrrrd to any part of the vithtije a twu ae vrtkrrtl 52tx cil u niactfully talicitcd i lawson bros acton jan 15 lwmt pobtsr the teavellees life aad acoideht las co of ilartrord conn true ever tlitrc eflrible jn tte -aj- of fjfe nj accident iaxarnee 2lva lot sunritr tttesirtietd ample dooflc maie cttfl tbe lmlniqq aoernmvnt lor me eeartj- of ctuztllao poller uolden paid np cah capital 6co0ocj 00 grots assets iv c1h total lubflittee 3suuz torplns to policy holders ls6im337 1 jaiies itattheilfs agent acton ont guelph clotti ha tho jtound of life- i some are krring otne coromaofiing some aro tittiarsnmo arc itftodiii- kotne rtjiicink eoravafe ffriovia saoic eolatiug some rtliovink sjiae aro weepiug orae art uaghin soma arc tmnrtipfc soma ace qaafling fiaiae acccptincomo refatiaffj s jtue rt tlxrif ty lame ibtitiag some jmpeiuiij oaie pcftaaitiiij j sorno are uattcnuf loino degradiag soma are patteut are fdiutug i some are modetoan preeqiniiiier some are leaaing bdoie are farraif boqte are helpinesorue re liarmiug 8naie are roaotng abrae irt i riding some dcpiruog tome a bid ing 8oow are leadia eome are bringing some are crying lome are 11ngiicf some are hearing omcare inwichiorf some are learnings ooift aro wachiog same dudihunu eatne aiteciing stime awidaoui some oeglectiaf some are fewting oin uitajci some are rxtiug 6ime arc waiting j asorae arc loiinc come arc ttiuiiiu komc atoinuin some arc silent orae are kcwrinj gome are restive aorae are williog irae prctcrriug home are killing some areboauteous souiuare crioiliu some are cfcio uoio are finding some ere tillering come receiving j some aro fcidinr aatne rcvcskng some comaicndiug some are mewing some diememlkriii ttime new fnuniug some arc qufet ime dipatiug isorae coifutei and confuting stimc arfl marching some retiring some are restiu suie aspirini some enduring tome deridiug j some arc falling wjme arc riiing these arc enfiicicnt to recite since ail moils dceu are infinite soaa aad tbuir piri vluia come baia some 0 cut and some come in clhidi loax bakkihc cflmpamt cokste41 ot jjl1ces asd vi xc sts- hjsumiritok iir ptjr oflct lawrtrt pilicfi3t- posits of si si cpvards safest axd best security board of directors d b chcsnncje eqpreifat wjc kekss eq of intx a aadie co but- halloa vlrtppcwtnt j w ktrtfbrtastr i hamiuoa trrauaccekay esqhamtuon tikijcak krtxckxitn eq ocl jons ltakd bnan rtottr fjcsrxjr ko hmitoa wk freckajc if i geotxetown- hsattrrrty d c b kicor esq fiunacer couon milk icn- ifoue id loan or rkoi e4ate ia ax at to cau lcmtcm and en easy emu 1 unite open ererr weejcy from 8 xul to 5pm d dexteef manager dandas cotton sliirttnsf harvard slilrttocs french cambric stiirtlngs blue and crown denims twit led b r o wtt u ucjm tweeds aneiii8ts newbootl shoe shop br the tard at terr low prices 0parla butlag clrah from of can ge garmenu cut tit a e uycriur man- tier free of charge shaw murton merchant tailors tj otal exckaxge hotel icros lst licuxtfa proprietor hr cinw- tefi lale of the eossiii honse near g t e tik pleasure in annonncictolua eiiaf eiifrieiaand patrons that he has recently ptnhaaed and refitted the bora eichaagein the neatest and meet comfort able style cd ia prepared to accon2modxe as too may firor hmi in the moit com fortable cffi3fir choice wines liqnorh cigars iii cool simmer drinks always ih tsasl katie ia charge of an aentire hosfler the patronage ot the pnblic is re- tjtfndy solicited end no effort will be nand to gire e rert heet rjashzoeskks i am prepared to pir tie highest caalz nrwefor ay csksfcnj deacons damb and sheep smi deiiv 1 letthrfconstt at my tannery f- v en hand 11xzs jfooke aooi pmtpstnatps pumps wwifxtajfs rotjld eespect- pull lutimate to thei0e of acton n vicinity that oe has oieuetl bootatsooeriloplntne oollatnfcoppojlte w hatorejaaiote worts on mtu ktbit actox i cheap aitfeour in a dfftlnf room br kks uxki a desiisos continued from lattxcdc i oiensd tli door the flwlin g mack eyes of sia de lisle encontred ntino tllty etnilad aweetly si came fn and kentttckr jeans lijoy regally and brought tfaa per- fume of lilies or noma sweet aoalhern fljarer ili hiar ra i walchrd ber ns he arrnt culraly to it seat the very clitir eliae lid aatia yesterday i raclftd the bhimnjtrmg swell and fold of her rich tilfcen gar ments as they trembled willi eiery could not wonder that alio made the remark my face wa haggard my eyei looked sunken and the circles underneath were almost purple jly liair a8 not arranged with its uiua preoiaion and oltogeiher 1 looked more like a ghost than u loan i hate not been very well today i said but my only remody for ill- mas is wovt it occarred ts mo then that by miss te links look rue ins pected womans intuitions an so wonderful that i had quarreled with my wife the thought uervedjaa well mkungme i roused niysotffrqmltne depth of my depression by degrees i becatus chatty brilliant miu de lisle eyes ahoue like stars she had the vanity of woman of her class of mind and i was reckless and dnug t saw her sunt look on us with astouishqient us we rxchauged our rapid badinuge aud laughed at least i did with all the ulmtdon ofdeapair hut iien i had shown he beautiful hiss de lisle and her oeaiuifivd fussy dressy little aunt down auirs tveu oame ilia terrible renctioo my system was entirely utiatrung- and i fell don like one utterly helpless the day pissed as days will sunshine sifting gently into the wiuduws and playin uiott happy fces aud iaujhij eyes visitors calico with whom 1 ulfccd as a njttu in a dreui wtco knowing what i taid und yet forced to 1m -com- ptniinable ouceor twice i took jip uiy pen but i could not write in spinttion nilcd me utterly i lhiukto the hour of- my death 1 shall never auffcr iuain as t suffered that uiiseruble ttuie at length i could endure the wnny no hiuger to the ftther of elise to eliso herself i dared not to btit foriunntely t hd an engitgetnect uitli her cousin an euiuent surgeon in the city with whom i had sometimes studied the anatomy of the human frajie i had been promised an even tug a rare concession on his part for his lime was golden it may be i shall never have another opportunity i said to myself to morrow he may have learned all and then nrbaps he will despisw nia lie- aides i was hungry to look on tome- thing that she loved and iha had aiwajs been a pet with drlrtwrence and the two were more like biother and sister than couaids it was growing dark rapidly as i irft my studio feeling t i things eftta had laat4heir charm to me the gas was lighted whin i rang the doctors bell dr lawrence bad nbl yet come from the ciruers by which i understood ihe servant that hi was still at hut place of business cons queutly i weuded my way ihither motion mr ctrighton she wtd i think tau told me you needed but one more wishing that i was a fit subject for he killing idoctors skill rather than the living yes t answered- grxvely forget suffering man i was i found my friend any one ta want ota substantial and toad hulnt boot or short shoaia not ntilloleave their orrfer at bis stand ecpiiriiu s stseialtt aai preaptlt ltttzt60- w- wnvltams- 1 acton frpt uxa at j o hills a largz slock of all uu of sto ves jct rceavdmahufaeturtd of the uei quality of iron tlte faett fault and he mod lultuliquic stove hi tlic market 5000 customers wanted r at nie cestbat l soot s shoe store rh trsij nanafactair of superior yti ctem enmps which wie fepot m on shotfbofice ue promptly charga 0 also saws fihi and faklwiaj ehop on frederick we adamb jyphsf to ttoij bbuqqb ptw office actoc y wwaiiismt a i t te deorgefowa yr worfct f ascii- biddeuv att mei st a5toa ajtat r tie befl orjan taueaetared iy jtwart w beh tc order left at ais rijnu wiu recaira praapt at- uatiac yafaartitaujs s4r other tide oir bits a tttal ckaltcameaojr totr cxk boc nrrrra sqqtsfxo ssoss urn artbrrrrttbiiaadts 11 acton nun to go wy from home to nulce oar parcruei call at caxllire 5 s01ts whitbwh8bixg d cqlotttq cook stoves of all tizes u tlie eery laicttt price a vxll telttted ttvj of t x 1 w jn b e always os kakd eatsrsootenra fcosmrsbvosk aee bpsoialties and kill he executed on the sliorictt notice o o a ftoll a good luei of wptnor quality eliuxp c0s axtbs3s far 70 vas2ltz9 c hll september lawt5 xxrxx tstb1 xtaowr obewsoits ooenbes srreparedtodoajklndaof wb1tbwasuihg colowic oatljaboitnoueaniatraaatioabla rataa leare yoaroftsiss at tha rumtpaue ocoee acfcitk p seirtblatcuanea u 9n- ovoit4 r hew biher shop woasa fttlmste to the psople of aoton t bat be baa purchased tbe botcher bosloessletefr earrledon by mr r morr and hat he baa al wara on band a flratfoaa atoca of beefpobk mpiton sactsaoe fish ietc and borsbt atrtet assantlon to bnrinem to tofthatown- j adam cook ting my grxcious sniilo and courtly euse both of which she had praised aud can i possibly intrude upon yon to day instead of coming to morrow sum very dear friends have sent word by this evenings mail that they intend visiting- me and i haye not seen them for years it will be as well i said i wag wishing fur work just now it will tako me but a short timq to prepare ithen i will call my aunt she said t was to nngttttraxited nor allcw me i said and touched ths slken rope itesently came np a diminutive creature all skin and hone but dressed as elaborately as a faskionable girl of sirfeen who as i prepared my colors kept up aa nuaasing chatter what a beaatifulcrealnreyoarwifa is misi de lslusaid when at last i was nearly ready i wonder you do na laint her face in everything the words jarred upon me i had always been sensitive on that subject i know it ia lbs way with many mixta but i had been too worshipful of my darling i could nnt btr that ett-cy- body should gme upon that peerlrfa face that rude- glances should regard thosa tender eyes that bud so ofteu watched for my coaiiag jvo i had painted her picture but it was only chat i might feast my own senses upon the lovely counterfeit i very seldom paint mrtcreighton miss de lisle was my answer though heaven only krew what a great surge of agony swelled up to my throat as all the incidents of tha morning cime fresh before ins i dont hhiraa you said her aunt briskly it isnt well to make a pretty face too common theres haddleston i knew him in england sat to him fact in london lie had a very lovely wifs and by all account ha was not happy with her but she sorvf d beau lifalaga model and go where you would yoa saw her face or her hand or her head 8he was a yery dashy showy woman and i suppose liked notoriety pretty well or she would never have allowed it i admire your good sense mr creighlon pstroniz iugly thank you madamf i said rather stiffly for inwardly i riiedflud wished only for silence and ln deaperate wretfihejoesa of my own thought too aw n looking well mr oreighton was uui next jarring n tenoe that fell froan miss delrslea perfect lips at that moment i raiaed my eyes lo ft stood near by and i t f i in the diseecling room quietly reading by the light of ongaa burner it was an immense apartment and there were three tables and several coaches ranged ulang tha centra and sides of the room the place seemed ghastlier thauever hallo creighton i riqt well tonight eh old fellow 1 ifnrer was belter ia my life said i with assumed nonchalance sit down was his response been busy as a nailer oil day five bodies be mdda jn4 wltiyjhtf- aucommon lack and altogether exceptional sub jects it down 0 by theway im to give you the evening i wonder if youd miua it to stay here till i ran home to supper bvn to supper at j your hunae i suppose keep early hours there stay hereor couia with me i was in a desperate mood the dead were ray vbest companions then it steraed to me that light aud laughter and pleasant chat would drive ma mad better llieueathly room with the cold rigid faces of its occupants and tho rows oitistrumens beside mo illsstay here i said justvs youjiiease was his response and rising he haudail me the par sat down in the chair he had va cated and he left the room giving me aa he did so one or two curioae glances f fdt sure his professional eye saw something amirs in me liut 1 acted in- differeuce aud hoped i had been suc cessful enough to deceive him i heard the mastre front door tint to it lock et with a spring nobody cmldenur from tha outsia and i frit sure that none of the occupants beside myself would venture to leave unless the dead do walk i took np the adcertwr and despite my courageous resolve i felt a cold creeping through my bones and the rastliug of ihc paper- made me jump once 1 lifted my head and toot a bold survey of the premises every tabic contained a corpse with a white sheet thrown over it showing dimly the outlines ot what hail once been animated vigorous flesh and mood again i add reused myself- to tie news was there nothing besides murders and suicides or was my eye attraetud to such paragraphs by some unseen tgeocy t my glnnee was fired upon the paper but upon every hand i saw only corpses only the dead presently i dashed the paper downand turned boldly round with my back to the light i looted at mywatclitl wanted a quarter to eight the doctor j had been gore nearly an uur how strangely my fancy ployed with m1 surely that stalwart body yonder moved arid that other wa the hand lifted rdiit lie toapt heave j what i they should all riieli thought ill rise and dance togethorsmiling horrible ghastly smiles surrounding me-gib- bering at me horrors i one of theni was moving i slowly and yet with resolute quiet action the thing hall rostf looked rouad its stariug eyc- confrontod nie down i cried springing forward lie down youve no right to move and half fruulie with fmr and avtild mad ihrobhing in my brain i ran to waid him and grasped the object in my hands murder cried he thing hold your tongno uml lie dawn 1 screamed now utleilv beside myself as i lay across ha bodywilh all my might murder masfher whefe is yeesl shouted the figure- lustily kicking and struggling 1 keep down you infernal head man i cried again bestowing a setich of scientific blows over his head and iiif chest whei i loud hallo at the door brought me to my senses whats up t tiird tlui doctor coming forward wh mike lovfc thil i didet know you were here oe tle powers i jest laid dowij when i brought the itsi one in doctor deir and when id wuktd up cumef- felly he added uith a gestun of exlreuie contempt and begin poundiume bejad the doctor iaaghed till hecried hul i was scarce v free from my bewilriei- ment yet houih i knew emjugi gfve mike a dulur and presume be would hava taken another poupdiugfui tle katue price 1 oh its coining unusual thac kind of fright among men who are not used to these things isaid the doclor us 1 ajiologii d hut theres a curious case in one of the ropmahere a body s like your wife that if i hidittseeu her less than an liour ago 0 jourv eoing to b frightened again j i trembled with horror from head ux fool i felt myself growing white and chill i i assure you im not frightened 1 said with chattering teeth let me set the body he led the aay to a small room on the left of the pasiage there lie lifted a cloth and j heaven 1 i cried oul with a despairing cry there she lay whire and calm and beautifulhe rfat wu rapmiii j p up bi li toward her but tbe doctor caught me and held me back my love my life j t elise i have lost you forever andwiti this i dropped at the doctors feet like une dead when i returned toconsciousaeas the doctor was bending over me and i thought i heard the rustling of a dren i looked aroand oageily youre all right my ir ftlldw you must nut give way to youre aolious in this manner or i shall be having you oriluy tsnda for good said the doctor then i told my so y extenuating in nothing aud he heard me patiently his head turned from me it is a serious matter he said i always thought ejise a uiode woman in possession of ail the domestic virtues you cannot praise her too highly i cried interrupting iiim but iahis i have lost her foiever that beauti ful corpse was emblematical of her relatiou to me she m as one iwd and i shall never dare think of her but as dead i 0 we wont lose heart oyer it said the doctor thoightfally you have been shaken to day and you are not quite yoarself now i atlviseyou lo go home and sleep soundly to nigut to morrow if ypu wish it i will tike your case in baud and i think we can bnns matters round straight sleep 1 groaned rising yes sleep il it atisolutely essentia that you should restirad sleep here is a powder that will insure- you both take it before you retire i tbankcxl him and walked gloomily home i looked up to the wiudows off my room ours no longer aud won- dcredattiie bright light there slowly i ascended the stairs opened ihe door with a tremtiling hand and there in all tho radiancy of her beauty apparel ed in her wedding dress stood my wife myiieauitful hit queeoj all my heart utts quickly as i write now- as i remember the sweet smile that brightened her faco the timidweloonie in her eyes and half out stretched hands it is alt a dream i cried oomnnr wine up early la the morning just attbe peep of day stralnidg the milk ia the dairy turning it a awar sweeping the flepr in the kitchen making tbe bods uphtairs wafthintr the breakfast dislsei pussinf the parlor chain brusmni thn eraml from the paatfy hooting fcr egs in the barn clcaumg itie toriiipa fur dimitir spiaoihl tits atockiug yarn flprudiuk tha ttbitcuina linen duwn on tbe bcihea tuluw ranflacking every meadow where the red atraislrriea grow searching the filings for suoday cuuzaiug tbe saowy creun v itinsfii thi paila and ftraioer pown ioho running stream feeding th gtcsc fad urkeyi 4 makiu tho pampkiiriiics jogging tho little ooet cradle ilriviug aoy thctliea graco in every motion music ia every tooe beaaiy ia form and featnre thoasaada mifiht covet to own cheeks that rival sprto rosa teeth tho whitest of pearls r one of these coaatry losids is worth a score nf you city girls j r the samo old game tho otherafternoon ihetoout imiile- menls fixturefi o urtaknces and shutever rise belongs 10 ihe ganie of croquet were put in position orjawji up woodward avenne and as a young lady andj young man whd secuieil to be her lover tookiup the mallets to start tie ball a bonylooking old tramp halted and leaned onihe fence and got his month puckered op for sjtuethiog good the young man took tio first shot and before ihe- ball ceased rolling- the girls voice critd you didut knock fair youve ot to kjiock it over before eitherof them were half way iowa she had occasion lo reruirid hin lat he wasnt jilaytng itb person and that she could oveilook no jheatiu faa slo went under tbo last aich he felt conqielled to remark ihat her playing would rule her out if any club he ever henrd of ou llie ay iikcfc she i asked him why ho couijut be an honest man as well as h jockey and a falsiffer and be inquired why she didul write a set of rules to talh yjjjjheru-kofjjaviuz- its coining taint fare minutes off chuckledhlie trauias ho look a new grixa tile fence aud shaded his eyes with his bit dont you knock that ball away ihouwd 1 be girl a minute after yes i will dcuc you dare lo im playing according to the niles xo you areul youve cheated ill the wsyitbroogh 1 i never cheated once and now you are adding theenme of prejuiy sir i dare not entrust my future happiness to such a mac could never trust or believe in you kor i in you v then let us part forever as she hurled her mallet at a stone dog 80 we will he hissed as he flung his at her sleeping poodle she bowed and starundfor the house he raised bis bat and made lor an apnroachuig street car to get down town in time for the tuledo train thats all i wanted ioknow sighed the tramp as he iturnrdaway ive beehjout io thd woods for a law years pastjand i didnt know hut tber had lmentsoiue changes made iutb game otcroquet but i eee thut its tha same ou game olear tlirougl she lay on my -bosom- a featful wicktil dream t bat ihil is reality she whispered the reader devinea the plot and how i had beea punishid the doctor was of course in ber confidane and knew ail about our quarrel he arranged with my wife that ihe should siiuulau- death that was to test ray love and i would almost go througn the same anguish again for the transport of the reconciliation but that one lesson was enough wo have never quarreled since we shall never quarrel again ftiirekd an tho the humble man though siirroanded with tbe scorn and reproach of the wot id is still in peace for the stability ot his noacr reateth riot upon the world but upon qoil 1 r it is better to bo ont of debt than in jail a lawyer than a roustabout a christian than a sinner handsome than ungainly ambitious than indifferent a goxi man thin a bad one poor bat honest than rich and a thief j gay and ifveiy than a sanotimonions buieandmtltijiiket buried on the bilj top than in the bosom of the ocean a man tha a woman this is a- self evinint proposition and needs no demonstration 1 born rioh than lucky the saying to the contrary nctwiihstandiog all tbe chances are in favor of the former j blessed with a large family of clild- ren than to bo a rambling bachelor with no home ties- sober absolutely entirely ricul- ously sober rather limn half seaa over even at a royal banquet or a bearfight a suporjnteauent of the sabbath sbool than a dweller in the tents of t ungudly there ismore good in it if not so much fun meek atid lowly tluin kzin and int pesious yet the girls ukt ntore stock ia the latter kind of fish thau in the former strange as it may seem w m m j how he got put of his bet a ifowioh man lately went to the lis emalketandtuld the keeper tlit he would giye 700 for a reveuponna shad caught iu tlnaee waters supposukj that there was no probability that lue would ever be called opon to purchase ucu a fish because there was 4idt a porsibiiity that such a one wuuld be caught imagiue bia surprise two days after when he ras informed that the dah was ready for btutt ho went to the market wondering how he could iet out of the bargain he put the fish upon tbe scales arid found that it weighed just seven pounds andone ounce that ounce saved bini hia offer was for a soveupouad fish and he was safe x it is easier to snppresr the first desire tban tosatisfy all that fellow it j fosaettina bxsbzir at an oyen- ing party one lady was very bittar in refeniug to an absent aoquaintanea of bom she aaijivebemently that there was cot eneh anoihei for everything that was ubladyliko or unwoumnly susli my douii wliispered a friend lo lei you nrirtogeillngtoniibtf ili i l r 0ti v k

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