Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 31, 1880, p. 2

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smii aoton ohurch oirootory r i 7151- 1 ls- ti mrruoduv chcrcu or raan aadjj int ciiui-f- aftu iaoimi tnlf umioii rtiiily uuclt m otwui i rrtirvit nl im irmxtsctnftflh cs ltuti ttdaor r 1mb youuc- i vurir rival utclta frm ttetil4 nu uiv it uofts 1iuui ruisavrrrnv rvfrk mud- iuicmi tit ii nm 14 spat l ulh vriaou loiiimtiixiclx rtitr i so t til ukv ll k ljixcaus tartar cbtwu or iniasti hcknncsmuy trfutitj til tfcrjptn tuduaia tsctwit f m kkt u l rtaatr lucnmtjcil luittut mxnrick hrcnd jrtfcrmocal hum wul l ai kmitttu rtcitwl t 2 x p iu lrnj r mupf outucfjajbrfcltuinkuy cvxuluc m i p to hbviciwnttultftchlnctt u a maud fpn iawr tc iuctr lulir k 8 pm ketrqdi9t eltsocitile ow mtvttiru ivcariunxiwa vain c rvt k on prrveulueallkvu an tfthbatu selota nt 9xi rv m catholic krtcmfortu kmyltrcwi mumlnl to ctn ftinjaj8ovit i s pm every son ay ttkv tancttt ilalottuck cmi fm iftfcss rnfsstav ifaitmxn jriy i i6s0 a i m v i 1- s r j il i our sixth volume with this issue of ttie fttcc tress continences the sixth year of its t list tow and we ire luucli pleased to la- able to report that it was never it belter health- than at ptoseut every month since we have been connected with the journal new tiliscribers imvi- uraj ttdjcj to or list nuil ttltjiouij uietctcats hive not yet mu tneii tutfresrsiifficifntlr to n our xttrer- titiug coliimns us they cuuuli o nr hppf tn cat hut they c uginuiiig to reccgnit tl e neccsntty of iimiij priuterk inc- during the jwtt u- lave njj muay fnende hut e tt- not inj nertr eniecc to lie in tin- position that j1 uen will ejienk ri ii uf us la the course of lis journalistic kx rience every editor coiui iu cun 4p4 viuv nifw wu people with iluotttiitlly cn strdtij rtceitibiiities huse extrxtue tiotiatik slvayt run counter to the opinions of otliett on nr ftilject but dim in thft rrsvlve to jo whut in nlit nccotd in to the liht given to us we tiit ad to defend the right nnd enrose the wnjnf and iu hitevcr thpe evil prrsents itself in utir couituuiity our cjiluiuns rill ulirnys le orn to the public to denounce it in losiug the completed volume we enclose therewith many silent hut tangible evidences of the difficulties which sarrjund yonug jauinilijie career evidences of hard times not iing ilisrnt by eonie the pruiarr u ioojecal upon as 11 mythical hctog ciaue of living tiwa ironiisw rd his own pie noaseisink in iu- ordirate uppettle- for second clssssre- wood and in stouishin desire to cee everybody prosper hut htniself others tiere sre who act s if they thoroughly undntood uat the- iocl printer is recogniied shirer in their commercial nps and downs s luiiness njxn who has to mate s livinr by feediug the pahlic with news and a decided ueces sity in municiial iife sonic geccrally tha too much educated look down upon his efforts and thecurling lip betokens that they think they could micage a newfpaper 60 much better others new the printer is walking dictionary a lirrng aui flom- pound eioyclo ffijia complete injone volume who knows everything from the date on which the evening star fin i thed its iightto the age of eve ly young ster who plays upon the street a someimaginary lino between thfce two extremes will prohibly bo found oar true position in oar particular his tory we have found much pleasure in the hearty sngport and cheery words of many kind friends and we have als found thit oar hatnble efforts to muke of the fkee peess 1 live local per fcive been recognized if these hap- pier thoughts- have been counter balanced by the dark hours which come to 411 ivho enter the ranks of journalism without abundance or means then have we only shared tqese difficulties with onr camneent in ntny canadian town snd village tody finds the fsee peess we fondly believe iwel- crme visitor in many hundred houief a truthful instorian and an energetic coadjutorwith the social industrial aud commercial life of he town in which we lire we can only trust that in the yet unwritten pages of the volume we commence with- this isne no llot may call oat for erasure and that we tuay he tree fonnd true to the interests with which wa are intimately idenli fied the interests of this vicinity in every ref pf dominion day niiiiiiiiou dy is cttti uioiv on hmul ivitli its iuiiki round of picaf mis sud xilraclmuk thiitefli yeutu iio our akiplu celehruu 1 lio urlh of riti- fedjrated cmisdit iu 1 nioit loyal jiiynus nut enthusiastic luiuucr mid viiy year since the aiiuiveisuy ol ilmt ilorinus event has been the ticcrtstuu of general ivjniciug and merry- unkimj throughout the length and hteidth of our vast dominion there will be no exception- to thit rule to dar jdmy oicportttnltiet of pleasure and enjuymcut hi6iteiej the hanlantrtekett rice hanlaneara hit his disability may make a risce with trickett impossible lio ssiarts that the recent race was honorawy won by eiss and atfrilmtes his condition to overwork hanlaii appeared mtder despondent paris green 1 stock yeriut wheat railing the evidenca being laken beforn the ontario cuimuittton demonilralea a fuct to which ntimy farmers continue to shut their eyes vis thitt the day fur wheat growing is raiidly passing aray fioui the older portions of the province the soil being exhausted and that some other industiy tuurt tvplnce the pttluetioti of that grifu us a tuple ill euckud tha folly of stltlf gling icgaiust ftireign couiplitiou iuk liven of late ably proved it is now byuud doubt that the farmers of that country cnuttnt hold their own kgtiust the prolific wheat tielda cif the newly settled regions where crop nlter eroji leaiu fioui the ceneliiiis soil the tcbillt is tint elglisll fllueir kit hung advised by eatnuiuints and scii ntists to iv over vtheat growing at an estelttial and take to the raising of stock fur the vast critiab markets iu tliis uauch of industry it is rxctd they will be able tobold their own anl possibly do something more it appears that kucii advice is now spplicalle to the djer poriot of- ontario the mar- let forgocd uaf pork aud mutton will continue to increase and there are xodleitt metus for supplying it fur utht c crop tliau grain can ik- pioduced to advantage s4uud advicw to our farm era seeuts to ui tht tley should neiid less aud leas npan- whot and more and mure ukih the raising and iithhovement- of stock llutailuik timet it has ixseu ulliciallj anuuunced that the hon john beverly kohinnon lias been aptiointed tieutciiantgovenior of iniario iu the placa of hun d a macdonild wliose tern of office- expir ed some months ago the new cover nor lias fur nearly a cjnarter of a cen- tuiy been publicly identified with the conservative party but be has never been distinguished by- hia brilliant tilcnu baffling as the warm season advancec tnd ultilrig will furui a very detntlile rt- creation and et jnymeut to a rpat many it may be well to beoomtcend to the tecullection of tlmso who have not learned to saim a few plain directions which may ik found advantageous in prekrving life men are drowned by raising their arras above the water tire uubupyed weight nf which depnsse the head auimals have neither motion or ability one in a similtr tnaoner and therefore swim naturally when a man falls into deep water he will rise to the surface an ji will con tinue there if he doe not elevae ihb hantfs if he mqv his hand under watr in any way he pleases his head wilt rise so high as to allow full liberty to breathe and if hei will tije his legs as in the act of walking cr rather walking up stairs lis shoulders will riseabore the water the weight of the human body and the weight of the water difiir no itttw that th leant exertion in the droicr direction and laive all ptrscucn of mind is sufficient to uieet any immediate danger froui diowuing general news hull is bfing rapidly re built print uotiold starts for england the third week in july j haulan will take part in a regatta in london on july 8th tlie scott act it is sail will 1 submitted to the citizens of t the coming antuinn it has been decided to hold the knrthern exhibition at walkeitou on the stfi cth and 7tb of october the steamer soivniihalut of new itoik was burnt on slouday about 350 persons weieon board 30 to 50 of whoiii jerished a farmers earn ran away at dundas in june 2gth and sertouslv injured a copetown tuanrhamed horuyig by running over him thewalfcerton jailis empty at prr- sent bruce is of the largest counties in ilia province and never has uiaiiy prisoners intts jail at the trial of george riennelt at the toronto assizes on tuesday for shooting the late hon george brown h was sentenced to be hanged on the 23rd of july as exchange sayt a number of yaluahle horses have died in this section recently from suifeiting- tbe warm raius of the past month haye made the grass very rank aud juicy and the animals being turned into fields no- toubed by the scythe have eaten to such an extent nt to eauso distention and death uwuers of liorses should be wise m time and instead of allow ing thenj id roam at their own sweet will in fields of growing glass knee deep they should totber the amnals with just enough ropo to permit ibetu fo get square meal or jetthem sminpcr in fields which hav been cut paris green hllcial not1ch a oood fell flat for 75 cenli it j fas liverpool liwiter twit illlia post tltrics etoto f fresu uuttet itd eggt monu ivi house fur arclic soli try l g miuh- ow ucw iiuutain cool vatuu in 50 ceut to it b latlclts ucw luire icb cresai riidsumnior drinks it the erel4or bakery new shillings olieap for cash it b rulallf new store 8nrihjiv 8 iiths ind kakos clicili it ha lt office slow i 0 matthews delivers ha creim sud strawliciau every diy best less and sugars in acton at chiipunus slouliwl homa- splondii tiisitmont of orooiortrf ul slnii u tio ten tffleo ctoie go tii drmonows for dickv bliad purifier snd indian blood fcyrup laliacat and last stock of dry floods iboota and sliocs at muutreal house cimtrtles oatmeal xtilk and prairie biacuils at c j e kicklina llakery cucrut nuta dales maple sugar in at l o miuhewi ice crtsm and fruit prlor ictckeaic icngfcam by the quart luickcu iiplicd free at tun kiccljior bakery b t k kickliu a ntr lot of those beautiful ladies and penti silt handkerchiefa at christie henderson t gos choice co cent tea selling for 50 ecula 7 j cent tea ar co ccnti so uit tea for 70 ecuu rlsck 75ccat tcafgcgjccuu at mentrcal ilea actoa as to too pert offloo stow for tilt seatiae ttmts ui roi lata qriiaiac aolars isl ill piitgri 4ttiitos xew tveeds a nubhy tweed suit fur f 1100 at the flusav lloune chhttle henderson co let us hire your anjers eaily lf matlhews has the largest laut asirtcd and finct flavored ftoch ef iaiiilirt ever erhiliitasl ia actuu it his loe crcxni sad fruit itrlor grain ctadha and cradle scythes it the est olece slot ttue giand fytah continues at chtintic tcndenia i xit actio tlici press rtiaalt cheap ii illiacry chep tweols daclu aud sliirtiupt best ureen t japan tii for so centt fiesh int jtut received ilrires jol ind raririins tu all line af ntf christie hendctsoa co tha greatest ftemedy ever discovered quinine kam11rrt uecreatet remmy lenoan but kietjtutva it 1ia iu equal trnut lu per lu me ipouact of the c st ku sauliir ins uern ducovetvati eical crt ltvrr oil a a balmer aud c staliirr of hie lsy lucvuifcumflou alkt alt wiiaunc llls- omers bu its as fuinescis fopilrtd br li iiaasoiis iriisnl lu ke or tjualilsa of pare ad urer ou tills oljuun it iuir lr nveruin aul comhined with the if ppho- pkuetotumeaadlmiaalsinemos elu au remedy everdueovcted- at ensllrasenictfojowtcicss so surelf will difease erentuilly fasten it self upon i system deficient n iul enerpy if tonic molicauon is not retort ed to m time the neesary tendency ola wculc discharte of the functioiis of the body it to diordr iu organs in riorationpromit and thorouh it lh- only sdetruird norenrantof denlet et physical energy ua nstjrative ol lost usu nerve pawerind cheerfulness nil more clearly demonitraled lis efficacy than korthrop k lymans quinine wine in tnis preparation associated with ihe silutiry medicines which orms ill uasit is pare therry wine snd certain aromatic consiituentt which impart in speeablo taatetorhe atticle ind jiree additional emphasis lo iia efleotf in cases of general dibiliiy snd dyspei it it ia- valuable and tie desired efiect is in the cast msjirily of cues renurkibly promnt as wellss decisive tfait gne natural appetite which gives a relish far the coarsest fare is insured hy the use of the jumine wine jthich alia confers brain soottinj ind bodr refresh ing sleep fever and aeue md bilious remittent erer are diseases to the eradication of which it is specially adapted but it should be used onlv in the intervals between theseiiures the fsrroacfiing efiects nf a go tonic in all complaints inrolrinc loss of physical energy are well understood hy physi cians and tbecomprehentire influence tor good of this pieparalion upon the system gvs far to bear out unprofession al belief in the value of invigoraius s opponents of disease be sure to ask for the quinine wine prepared by kortlirop lyman toroalo sold by all druggist mortgage sale or rxiuiais i freehold property to be sold by- pv8lc iivcfiojr in nunmsnee of- tho power of sale con- it nod in aoertain morlnigc from the trus- uosoizidiicdngresational church at acton to tho voudora which will be produced at tho sale in ono parcel on saturday tha 8vnfanf h day of july ab 1880 at hilf put two of the clock in ii liter- noon by wrilluit ulmujtlcar aucliovtr at the ag new ootel a mi village of aoton la tho county at tfalton uia collowing vmivmeis ssti ssrarb being composed of lot namborlwo in block number aoveutoon fn tho said village of actou upon the promisoi it erected 1ib1ck ad stojfi ciuncii aua brick drltlae shad both buildings are in good repair ind tho property fs well fenced the vendors reserve lo themselves the right of one bidding in respect of tho safd sarocl terms of payment vpry hbcral a epasit of ten per oent of the purchase money must be paid si the time of sole when easy terms for ihe balance will be arranged for further particulars md con ditions of sale apply to charles davidsok esq guelto or to wih iieustueet esq roatwooo or ia jkd0s4ld hmiosald fe1ai vtxnors soucrroits t0r0kto dated june kth 18s0 wanted evk1iv man woman 4wt child wltiln tidy tulles in eemhootmlltt times lli util ifmeil llllbltlollml ihk -thftoreat- s td nnljrfrowl inhibition omlnr ooniui iuu mtnti whirl lti nvtrwbera ucuuotfiedg d o ui tha wontfar of tha wot i 15 thousand itairyflrltlnf to ee iha maresl can and faseluatina poffoimancn olmy trained elephants iosl imnartei mm the distant rndtes st e cot or avto t bs seen only- in tlis tnl- veriiilljadiilitedlitvriltcnied lirliltiillon in lie world slxtkenth tsxiiai touit tlk tuk keat ktiuriauuu kiloh will revisit nnd inhibit aiicruoou snd eienlnat guelph on tbe alttk htkttk snsw in fxbciuc on tbe jtth ult at tbe residence of the brides fstber by tbe itcv r knlibt of acton john uautcr esq of marlctt mich to heleu secuud daughter of james shaa- eq tiie cbavc wilsos in xsssagiweya on the 2uu ult mr george av wilson iged 60 years ptoorr in acton on the j7th nit will- ianj robert cldejt soa of rev w j pigntt aged 8 years ani 7 months tctov kajcilltk white wheat f035tolq0 treadwcll 0 95 to i 00 spring wheat gltsgcw 0 85 to 1 redcbiff i 13 to i 15 oats 1 35 to 0 3 peas 0 m to 0 68 barley 0 55 to 0 so ekgprdoa 0 09 to 0 10 butter dairy picked 0 12 to0 h batter rolls 0 12 to 0 m potatoes per bag 0 30 tmo 33 grip classifies the various paper published in toronto thus a bijsfamler stood on interested sixctalor ot one of the most graiuc incidents ho had ever witnessed ju tutor and country an iruh cana dian who had yisited most parts of the globe and whaie national ove nwdu iiiai prefer the ncic dominion desired to send a telegram to the christian guardian of bis children in ireland he wrote his message as if despair had hiid in ils grip it the same time enquiring the cost the reply lie receiyed shocked him the uandary times are too dull to enable ma to my so much lie said it willbo chenjier for me lo mail the miller and in tin meantime i shall llfral to the tribune of he people legarding your prices by alj means do so said llie clerk wbo stcod scniind at the deek and much good may it do you paris green realre8tate loenoy properties ipor sale 1 on uilrirulktiicuk jinf tirzt to cf hintiitiidt enr ftnbrf an crr wltu totie ttauc in iplcuuitf condituici bufatsantfihvxrou uie kcmffc 1 nnd nawtrirelav tkciuditpauljie tetmi rtainatjtc ko 20ttcofdfr uttd john s onefliut of an arre on ihe lot ik a zimi uou conlaloliifr roouiit toed crle hard klr a uutalmr of fniit tre u jood n- lltian murcnicntto churjli scljootjrxmt and fntajuiim terras of payment 1 rexanikbce tu liufpotcbe so 1 atucitacornenr 5u con 4vffcrornr ta uv mui oaa jusrj on vuellciuuedatkkxior and dwell- tut ftaiicatiddrrltjihi jkjxt celtr 4 apple trcpf mrirx tha uudlags arc la xk cmtlilett win prfbably tn a pot cfllec bete ta tlmrttrae tilt l term uiu appjto jt ki naajiwfn 2 1023 con xnaieto iiutilp df enqaea iqc mucrc8j clwrei and nidi r culuvu- 0rt 6iuti ktxxl tedir and black aalt cjqoirarnifjuudlnfitrencimfn fhe bct con- juitioipitndld orcliaid of ixatlitj tree 1 1- at fmli touut iiripa ir nil ine xr fstmnw 11tsismjssttylsi jufffsswatykhi mhj fmm tvcion tulle from a flnicliux giiat mill ocntanlent to tclioof ud enaroli tiup ndupacauc trfnc reaoiuifilr ajy lirio jamoc smtt ou ue iremucsf or 41 actoa tutioqicr a mtodonlaconiolion of 20 dlrttacttfi- ulhikouk o tnrd uy mi dnrlnff he ravfsc- iven year nnd now maumd lnu cnecnloa onldnillon n n ch inrei- mentoftva viuitm notarii fr a mlnrle cildv adistic mfkatkklk wui uvouxtaukn mdvtklw ikkatcih- cu iv pvvd hisah villi jou fawol1 mlkjulkfw tint finnedkia tkamc1 vl kxarir ktuowj tlie only exiiuuon ta the coru uiat everotcutd prlieahiitlnihoticf atid ac in tbe vi t- lccriaimia uiendjotrtlnir toirnatifi- for kale will lud it- to tncirlumt to uavf tttcm interted lu tttis lixi ka cbrga uuea tu properly ufcita h p moore heal euui arent aelonoul 7 kassaqaweta ltjmbeb shinglemills peter sayers would intimate ihat be has on hind at hil mills in sassacaweja ornierbv tcnawa is oarilua mills a urse slock of lumbefl lath and shfncles olallutnulandoailllus omeap xo t sltlneles 8u30 per square bill stuff cut to orqer termctcash peter savtrs aston dee zl tfl 15 perf riming eoplants fn addldnn o rerfnimirt tlrcrv hjenas ikitlneuiaon onidcr llclihrlpilbcd moose irual trouie f tntuicd kuiuona hor fiapirw rtirwuth pi re i uin- v6 dent tr- m errrj wben- jidthn kxltln aid hotiemola w emiei and jurlne wondir iertntiwian blpmpuaia heita- cer skibwrh trained llraffa arctic uni rirphaol baby umm cud m he rei ttortogulicuf aua dippudnjmc the miracje of oiectntary a humam beikc shot from a monster cannom king of he bjty oqm lji iiifi unprecedented success sa- vtii a crowded store sales increasing daily the dr goods trade of the tfonfor the sprinpof ir80 has ms far been i gnnim- cess eclipsing my fonner seaaohs business thus we sitribnttf o two reasons ltint moro prosperous condition for the ocopto second he growing popularity of the lion as the people dry ooods house did tb offer such large trade never waa our stook bo fully assorted never value never haire we done such crand millinery display on saturday tha moat magnificent evar mada in oualph 77 fulloictaj yciclint hare juk come to hand new new new new new new new new summer silks parasols huntings organdies white skirts kin gloves at 50c lage mittens hcjste1 v lace-go01js- new straw hats new linen dusters new lustre coats newshirt1nos new hollands new summer tweeds new lace curtains new f awjncs newtowelllngs 00 pieee fancy prints buy clarkes anchor spools jsjif j d williamson l co spring sprin twedgl- suitiirgs coating trouserings in all the aleit patlerni and colors pure material and made op in the latest stj lea at low juices also i large and select stock of qents fur it x sh i jstc 3 couprisine full liies ol dress shirts and whirling of all kinds etery dorelty in ties collars braces cotton underclothing braces silk linen and axnbrio handkeroiiefe christies celebrated london tfats at the east end clothing store frred abore no one ran tall to make make money fast anrouecan douieworfc voumafce frtira 50ctslo2 st boqr by devoting- your erealnss ard lire time uilheuuslncss- it coats nothina- lo iry the business ktlhlns like it for moner mak ing erer offered belnre fiutoeiia pleasant aiidstrlell uonotable readerifyon aantto tuo all about fi best pari cbaslnasbernre he nubile tna as youradtlrss and wa will tent yoa full particulars and private terms trse samples wori 5 also free joa eau then makpun rtiartntnd for yoeraeir ad- dri ueqeae stinsok c co portland maine j p wobuejf rnxctlcal nitrdrzsser u prepared to eiecute inylhing iu bis line ia tbe liest pssibleinauner sad ia the litest style monthly customers t special rates a call ia solicited j p wohden oegana kew organ fk01i a firstlass canadian maker for sale suitable for the home sundayschool or smallchurch wo will sell the above verv low for cash for full partlculaas apply to hp ifooke fazi puu omcr acton- feb 11 1680 jtotice to cow owners kotlce is hereby given to sll owners of cattle running at largo that iwillprosecuto according to law the owner of any animal found trespassing on my premises ohableb knees amontu iraaranteikl jj irdsjal home miule by the industrious oiplul not re quired j we will start yon men wiimen boys ind atrls nuke money faster at work for ns lhnnil any mint else the work i- llfht and pleasaul and man as anyone can ar riant al those wbn aie wl wno see this nouce wi ll send us their addre- s at acee inj see for themselves ossttly ontnt nixt terra me now is the lime those already it work fresh and good loadei tlttt rowrter hwmpi wuirilne thmaph iiacc and canpht by a latly lianptnc uad downward on the lofty trapfie ttju wonjt- rniovtng feat perform td at each -xhl- bluon by lona lojal the human etnnon ball apivanttcf of the only female h ion j in hlle ella zaila who crocus be ulli wire 00 foot atora tlio iiomu of the tiuli- encfl tliaifoljol atal vith her feet encuol lu iolu n rides tolod- pele over the high wlro i u niing uos biuotacked horua i grand pan tomime troupe i b oreit olovusiud 100 famoaa roriin actor only eihlhltlnn using- ha new anu oudorful electric liast reqairlnsa5ohorse high pressare et gins tn ltodaee ihe same uraud rreeqassalook acenfionh dally irotn the show kround uammotu putlllans holding ten thousand spectators the enure show transported on my awn three ureal nuwaytrnlui behold ihe monster free for ill street processus by this we prove thai the flreat korepsugh khow is tho greatest of allopat 8bos ll starts from the show sioundevery exhibition day betseel tbe boors ol 9 to jo clock it 11 admltsionmcents children undrr 9 years i5 els two exhibitions every day flrst ut second at 8 pm pavllloos open- one bour previous i n a excursion trains end reuneed rates ion all railroads on- the day of exhibition bee bills foe details roeepataa aj3ik lex f siitiiji aokmt roe thi klbbt rums motib aloarstclaaaraeralarpeslowscllmax tbreshlna micblnes dulnnehta cblef and vibrator bprlns tooth harrows centennial stalky horse rake gllmna fanning mills the eeleorated wlsror heed ilrlll ic all wnrranted to do sood work every lime or no ale termareasonable 1 alkx f 84hth 6m otice tl triispassetts notice is hereby given thit any person or persons found trespassing on- my premhwai by either fishing or shooting will he prose cuted icoordinc to lawi- 87- db il m6hr0w always on hand scotts emulsion pure cod jjver oil htpophosphxtes of xxmits andoda tlprcpaniiaaamtfcibstlm two bat nmea zrme o far oamtap tal v tar mi coij scrotalm rkvamatlam and dim cf the bl wmml d- htlttjr ud ail wmtlay dlaaea irf chudraa h mc only amok tb vtflkaova md tagk fycstotbynrtxm ft co lme oil bit farm oath perfeedy taatdai and accqatabk to tha meat t ttoaach mt m addatia tba wcoderful tonic and efetr propertia cf tbe hypcpheap at ated tlui uh naadial poven of both are luxvt ermjed fbyricxini batrtnaoy ackaowkdc tbtmt taparortfrtiaaatlijicoatusiacdtboda it t not fj better teaefata but mod more readfly fmilud by the irwon tksa pbua cod llregofllattdabetterayeatfci larichac tnd ptattfyinjr ihavblood allayfac bc krionoa ct tht ihrernt utd hatn i u the lgpeired fimct aadl rirttrcactii aad nrer to tbe wfcole body ltb nrtetud kalajiokto ummmterttepaattelto drtpotk be tan apd ajic for s v eaiilitoav ror aaie by fl drajjkn at xo per took wm stewart 8t co are mow srowwui r new black satins new black cashmeres new dress muslins t few black bunthigs new millinery hats new white blk plumes y new fancy hosieiry new corsets new la mitts new silk gloves 4 buttons neborred newbretonexjaqes newparaspte jh 1 t f j d mcqarvihs drug stom ri ss 7 ltty

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