Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 31, 1880, p. 3

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wkw fraa 3 r- sit 4 ii r likiuftttltt ttxl tiihlr traintlaave aetonti ollowi uolvu wtir sight ripreaa lmsm totoalo mail 10am day express ttipm express s 11 pm tsaitmtttxl tkfopm aoika last sickt express qalt rainsl r 410 am am day etprett 1180 a m western mail 40put london nixed i 930 p oi jut optam u too hrnai jiwuiry ai jhaey good store a mt stock of panes a new stock of spectacles and eases a new stock of combs of all kind a new stock of hstliu wools aod mottoes a new stock of silver and colored cardboard ai stock of ftrelopea and note paper woddiug and birthday preseute ihe- best andilargcst assortment in town call in and ten sign of tie uur watch geci hyadt jewellery and fahcv goodt store aetna tnirrinaj morxiso leve 171850 roirkv axd cqrytl fdutninionday haying has coniuienceli where will you spend the hoti- dar refreshing- showers on sunday land jtondsy rhaying has commeucedr it is a good crop here the bova are having their haircut a la sing simr roekwood academy has beta closed fur vacation z the teeeut showers have improved tie appearance of all tie crops the acton brass band will appear in a few days in a new uniform to day is tht thirteenth birthday of jlitt canada oar fair dominion cherries are ripening there trill be a very small crop in this vicinity retueniber the strawberry festi tti in the methodist church tonhjht tha cjiauiphu and avv ecli spottedt fall pt azjvffcicat list kwl rrretarn tickets good fur todsy sili be- issued between all stations ou the 1 g t it at single fare the appearance of the village cemetery woald be much improved it the long grass between the plots vis cat the of august has been named as the civic holiday in toronto avoen is actons holiday to be observed lastowe towu council lave decid ad to allow a diacount of live per cent on ail uxes paid into the pabhc treasury prior to the hat of october theelrect and sidewalk coojuiis eumeri haye had the thistles and iceeds- on the public itreet cat dcto the tret tn aoa- moce presentable l alt agricalturul paragrpher re marks that hoe-cp- deferred miketirthe want a ooa crop ut potatoes everytliugm natate tndalgw in taammat the ligh phtys tie wind whutlet the thander rolls the snuar flies the mavea leap and the 6cldx senile even the bods shoos and the rivere run fa hat does the printer live oaf tvhy my child beciose i heard yoajay yon hadnt ptid for yonr paper for sir yeart and still yoa take it vtsitora to kagra that yer ili find blessed relief in the fact that haofcncn and hotel stage drivirs are not alloaed to yell and worry the iifeoat of a traveller as formerly t a traia of twelve care of sunday school scholars from shakespeare and bidea paaaed throagh here on satardsy niornicg for toronto and scarbora heichts they were accompanied by the uellesley braf uaha if the persons who atofe the locks off the doorof oneof theboatfioosesatkick iiaa lake will call at thisonie they can hae the keys a repetition of this behavior will not paaa to qoietly their names are known ah accident occntrtj on the t s f e e three miletwest of ssrgeat kiaas oa satarday try which two passea gssearaert thrown down an embsniaunt among the isjared waa frank yheehutd oftnnibeqriue canada who waa hart on theoaek it i oar aad doty thai week to j chronicle the death of one of the children of ster w j phjott locambeat of st wbaas charch here the little kellow was attacked with diphtheric on wedneodayi isik jane and died on sanda last to prevent contagion the faaenl was held oa snaday evening at g30 oclock ihgott aod umilj hare tie sympathy of the com- manity in their loss kjoo treat yonr cuenmber right- fy itwilldothe aamr bf yoo shave it into thin theea and sprinkle it gberally withsitit after sfandule an hoar or two tnra it over ut the dish and let it remain in the ice box over nigbt squeeze it oat in the napkin before dinner the next dsy and it will fhea be ready lor saladie treatment and can henarfaksa off in large qaantitiei riti no ffl reaaltsa hateter ttbereareinenwho cake an editors pperjatto help it along teey dont care for the paperydont read anything but f ppe bat they take the home paper j ot because the editor it a pretty good ol a fallow the trooble if that these aaseona uvidaalj hardly ever pay for the pper and a last the oelnded editor finds hey are joat helping him along to poor hodse aod ithaie wouli need helpfng a long am before they would do tnm any food then sadly hi dropir a d b in wdieit oppoafte bisir saiae sad the a- of tiree or fcar yean helping siter which they go about abasing fmaaals iir ciias cook of kingston formerly of actia is visiting hi fritnds here itev t l wilkinson the near pastor of the methrxlist church with his family ar rived oa tuesday ficvv e holilia and t a uoore of acton and t hi ifinisou oi stewarttouu left here oa tueidxyifor their different ap pointments mr lea c stnyti vbo his been iu -at- telanccat the high school st catharines for the past tirte innuthsj returned houiii tu satcrday ereninc last mr win snyder of klon spent a few lays last werk sritb his friomls iu acton and viiinitv mr snyder lias lea tcul of the li etiliray at elira fr the past tea years aiid is nb removed to cliuloa hia for hjssfeeij an ungrateful follow and predict turnip seed ttolil of slrttfohlt iiilvc beca lakity cagagf ed ia ihipuii ice frum tlicir ice huucs licit daritifi ilic it ucefc likcwueat aboul as tamidsouic- licld of ruc4t w cii li acca iu ills vicin ity may be vicwijd at idc iiroscut time ou tlie fi rut ol mr amjlrew scott ou the 4th hue ksqucaiu fahueiisaian exclumgtj givca the follottiuii advice to fanned t u whcucvtr ywu ate rtutaui to igti mxintrict hya slrndcorj foe a uccfauclcd imiicuvctucut be wre to ppeo h out to iu uli icuith read both aidcaot it carvfully fold it ap judici- oaaly ttiqru it to him firmly and tell tim to go west bat dout put yoot name tiu ko ucvct e tkcipikxt ftrcoa simday even ly lut tli tvlana utgrn waa niied and it vat found uiit tin mas ia prowaa iu the builaiur occuiiidd jlymr john tunier in mtt sccoid block a coal oil lamp had ba ovcrtunjcd by one of thvciuldrea ud the oil iuitcd vcilk the furtiitarc floorind carpcu a few paik of tatcr qaeached the luniea dajuig uomitiai iicxtc a yundny scliool picnic will be held in mckcaxiea gtvre oppoeite the coaicatuual churih cta hrchhill on tuctday 6th iutt to comntace at oue oclock addrcss are ecpcctedfroailtcvt caiworth iirritto lk mctatyrc haile- ton ind sliiiacr piitor of the church suitable fftaies wilt b provided a collcc- tioa will be taken up in aid if the sunday schtwl librxrj- all e invited the cow br- law from the fol lovridf item clipped from the gkasiplm va uudcmttad tlat miltoa also has tiisscd it bykc prohibitioj cxttle frota ruumuj at urie a number jf copies of the new bylaw rclitioc to the preveution of cattle etc rrtquiiip at large have been printed at tbis office for distributioo and caa bo ob- taiued from mr f j joa towa tflurk gcelpii civic houpu luspi-ob- auo tbit cludph civic holiday ufll ukc phce oatae 12th of august at that time the grind lodgti of ojdlvlloirs will be iu aisaioa there and the city lodges propose giving a ind demonttntioa the pro- liraiaino will iccluie sl- picnic attbe ecbilu tioa ground proctiinn of uidfellnks in wrhich a number of lands cftmutic will take frcrrelt oa scnouy iaat farcxell mnnons kcpc preached id the ifethodiat chnrcb here by r tubiiooritla themorciutfantl lltv k ilobus i the eveniu tohaecoiiirrei timis a the above miuiiur intended to leave hero for their new fields at ialwr otr tuesibiy tzirriiirt the ncotltcrb of the tjwiics aid sifety prepared s fircell tta tntt the metnefnd friendi aisembled in the buement of the church to epend a social evtfaidg and tc lid farewell to the pastor rev xirhull as kell as his wife and iir moore te wxs 6rst eerved and afterwards mr john speight wx xppointd cbair the choir tan aa aatheoi and then the cfaiirmaa called upoa mr- a e matthews to rcid the fnuowiofi address to mr hobtts from tlie members of the ladies aid society ucr bncrnr ce ifcers we ihe memliers of the ladies aid society of the methodist church actoa take this opportunity of erprcuing ouj rfret at the removal of von and your esteemed jrife frrnns and w are ct rtain tbit we will never tecure the services of two ho will work more faithfully and anweincrnv tazn yuu tkiiirtrivc csrae dart cluudj have crusedyour pith daring yonr lalwrs here for which joa have hnd the pravcrs and sympathies of maoy of the member as miauter anil people wehaye cacac for gratitude to the great htad cf the church for the saashiue of his hive and goodness tans we xanst ever bear a mind that it requires loth the calm sudtfie ftonn to bring forth fnrit aud for this and this alone we know yoa are isborinri and in ae time yoo- shall reap if yoa faint not we lieiieve we speak the feelings of all preseut when we say that m connection with this social tea and gathering we upum likewhaye madft joc the reapieat if a mare rajuableloken of oar rejard but the pressnre of the times pfeveot however yoa carry with yoa oar very lest wishes and we trust fcrveat prayers for your- best iatereafcin all thintnand may the work of the lord prosper more and mote in your hioda we hope you may find vonr new field of ltlwr a pleasant one nnd the hearts of the people prepared to reire yoa and be hearty coworkers with yoa in the maater rmeyard although absent from oa we willevcr ba pleased not only to hear from yoa bat also to hear of the prosperity- ct your church and family our prayers with youk will often meet at the throne of grace for each other wishing heavens richesfbkszing may ever rest npoayonaud yoara we remain yaura ia christ jks- james mattitewk on behalf of the ladiw aid societv mr hobbs made a roitablc reply in very feeling terms wishing the church every success in tutare and craving the prayers of the people oa hiibwa behalf afterlhe choir had apia nnr rf chat cook of kton was called on and made a short lddsess he was happy to meet so many of tils old friendscorapanioasandachool- matef fiflf referred to the iepiratinff of thertorfrtjnithacoagrcgatioa tpofce of the work of the miniitry snd called to memory the time when mr moore and him- sellwfrf ichoolmate ev yeara at the public school in acton and the many intervening changer the chotr again pave a piece of- mnai and mr t albert moore made uw imuhle remark furring to the work he waa just entering to his home and friends here and asking that lb nvght be remembered at throne of grace afr the choir and congregation jofocd in singing shall we gather afc- the rives rev mr cook pronooccedthe leaedicifoflan the fflmtinjt yas dismis f cjlrnip seed tlio jreat forepaugu show will ctaibit iu guilph on wcdnoidiy toe itfh iiut swadv frederick curlia er omployod it the goady agricultural woiki fiuolpli had iheuitfuclnu of gelling lit loft hand caught in a ihapiug machine on saturday the first and third lingers and the thumb were badly torn tlielhird fiur being al most severed from the baud tlio bund sud isuow an estib- tishedfsct iir j adams kiudiy gave per- luiisiun to bavc it erected on the loulh west ccirncr of his block and it is lioir compla led tluc silusuou is about at uoir to th centra of the village aa any available site and all ourcitiieua will now have ccjial privilege accidekt on tucwjay last a bay of mr e of this village was driv iug a foarycacold horio bebuging to idr adam cookalongthethliuc uoat uallina- fsd at a rapid pac whsu a cow suddenly appeared ou the road and the horse run asainst it with full force thu hone vat- iuleruallr injured and lied in a few hours andlhaboy spraiued hit wrist but it other- wiiealltouui tha cow escaped injury rohbeiiv on mouday last mr jv rcuuett ol the rostra house was robbed of fifty dallsrs the money was takou from a bureau which was in oue of the bedroom the bureau drawer had been locked and the lock was pickad a travelling rope snd traijcra actor occupied the room during monday and left by the nino oclock train that evening and aasnicioa naturally points toward him as he was the only person known to have been iu the room during the diy bb a picxia the members of the brabcmcas bcucvolent assyciation held their annual picnic in the pleasure grounds miltoa oa saturday list kimsyor smith formally opened the groault for the seasou snd delivered an appropriate address ath letic frames were indulged in and a pleasant day was fpent in reference to the picnic the cw says tlie only objectionable featuxj ot an othenviie thoroachly wtll mtntgcl aud cujoyahle affair was that bo ties df brandy or wbistev acrc given as prites ia sumo of the competitions the wevnieo the weather of the past few weeks snd indeed wc may say of ibejiast kir months has lieea wonderfully chxnteaue ati iiajnenre amount of rsin has fallen showers more or less heavy oc curring nearly every day the weather is alteraitclv hot and cold but there u no frost as a cousquence of the abundant supply oi rain the garden are looking splen did potatoet are well up and some of them in the village are iff bloom other garden roots and vegetables are looking uell the cropc have been slightly affect ed but sa yet no serious damsge his been done the grand procession and great show of forepaugh the ejimra n y gavth of ust week thus alludes to funpatibs ijitttt fchow which is to tiuilph july hlh forepxiigbs show the very- biggest thing oa wlietk it cui- t was sevti notlcot worth ahintlon slachido oil ut post bffice store aquauvity ot slono jars al aw crceat- hats froat 75 cfiiti lo 25c ut j pyleii salt by the barrel at llio post office store tlnest aud clieanest millinery at montreal house slonel3tlcirjiokaaniichurns at a w ireens- nevv prints cheai fur cash at b baaletis oewstots scythes suuiths rakos and polks st the post office slort 11 xutds light 8ugr for f 100 at the montreal iloum anotber ot of the 12 lb sugar at the tost office store leave your orders foe ica cream snd strawberrict at l fj matthews if you want a nobby dnrable and cneap suit j fyleyli the place to go a w green of hie ooih store has a good stock of hay rakes call andaeo theni faesn btxs fresh every day al wayt good try thtm at tha excelsior bakary ronoice tvpfdaolcvtp suits mtde to order- chrislio henderson i co acton r oranges and lemons always slock tt l g llallhows ica cream and fruit parlor daily exneced at the post office store acton window glass saaorted sites 7r9 to 30r0 fur fjeniiino arctic soda try the new soda fountain at the excelsior bakers b t e xicklin pure- ice cream by the dish or huirt at l g matthews ice cream and h ruit parlar if you want a cool refreshing driuk try the new fountain at the excelsior btkiig b e kieklin choicest buck tea only 75c if you want a really choice tea nak for it at christie lienderson fc coi farmers rcancmbertftat plow castiucs of all klnfcare kept oa uaad at the free press olbce it w kisu miuixekv the rush still contin ues jnew styles per express rcularly to hand christie henderson a co wiaior ftcuero- at ha post office store a aaod acooukt tosuralc up six lane years or ixslnrljrfen ctiiokandsuu er ecr itithxallal which vks looped hyihrt noltiesaf hap iu iter talceii by my wife who has uouuerown utjuseworcforayenrstoce wllliuut urn los ol a dar anj i wan every body lo know it rortfcelrnercu joux wsik butltr kv acaukikv and millinery good nevr choice ana cheap- no fancy prices lor millinery christie henderson co giuxd display of new and futhion- able millinery this week at theoliugcw house acton christie henderson coi trt dr hurraws german kal montreal house dry goods tweeds safe -thiej- qontinubs i sum for colds coaghs asthma bron- exhibit at chili roup vvhoopinj cough and ionturap in t those beautiful prints at the od prices fucks denims shirtingt gray i ckiitivatwi foiepaugba riot and white co i tons all at th ofd urices t m eajeruatvc ilu catiati btu i abo v wak in elaiira hot saying too niicli lo affirm lhat not even tnti uioat sicc sful fourth of july ever drw oat io mtiy or at 1 ast more poopbj than were on the streets in the forenoon to tee the pind procession wisuer park on llain stiect was llleraliy alive with i ople heoicolly braving the boiling heat for the sake of seeing the pro cession as it went by ever fiince tbo diya when we all were young has tbo fiious parade lieeu an attraction that not oven tho elder years cau withstand and oil as wvll as young turn out to ece the sights with as much exciting enibusiasin as if the like or no ap- satisfsction fuarauiced ironch to it had never been seen bvfori j grills wn continue tmorrvlxt to ali coxcekxed cll on christie henderson co for renlly new neat and stylish afillinery at bottom prices 12 yards ureas goods for f 100 xcw goods and jott in season at christie rleudersou tcos acton where yon get the famous 50 cent taa marble orks 7eiiingtnn mar ble works quebec st guclph messrs mcqnillan ffainiltoo proprietors are di rect itiwrtera of all kinds of marble aod granite having a iarc stock oa hand purchased previous to the late rise in pries of marble they will- coctinue losell ali kiudsof monumcula head stones mantlet in slate or marbla at their usual low prices tltf to do the the piuceif ion was- tally a triump i ordered clothing trade of ihus section of hal mrcb or as neat a riuuiplul thocouniry vo have done ibis season the largest business ever doee the march ss tho yiciissitudes of the high- way would pvrmit the gildd and ponderous chariots uvawi nirttl ana eii ilt borses of eleven eleihtuta ihe tlexm piano special reductions t5 save moving the reason why the 0odt are right the i auua ana j pnce is rigflli ouu j il6 iby hitj i trimming ditht ihe nakmiu right ies uio hoop we hi the boclir flfsuv hna poe that jiuyed sinill we gather at tne kiter uhd otbrr religious aud secular tuuei j the cauieu and diminutive ponies the african lion bleeping on tbe top of a mammoth chariot attended by a inera girl the lonj hue of wild beasts of the furest and the strange aid nire fowls of the air all comprised it grand procession march highly credit- ble even to the gigantic minded forepaugh but gmnd as was the outride ehow it wns not nil on tho outside nor the half by any meanf the largest audience that ever assembl ed under a canvas in eliiir i was present in the afttnitxra wbila in the evening the attend nice was much larger many country people weie in the city coming from long distances theperiormances cavegreat satisfaction all going offdecorouxlyunl smoothly without going into details we may smm up hy saying that the most wonderful feat was the appearance of the eleven elephants which were ex hibited by adam forepaugh jr the degree of perfection lo- which this young msn has trained these monsters is simply wondeiful by a simple word hardly audible outside the ring the elephants iuiilicilly did bis every bid ding thfl crowning act being the pyramid o elephsnls with the master oa the summit lions iiyals ejection rout the monster cannon cause i many to hold their breath before it tras done hut tby breathed easier nfter loyal landed upon the trapeze great is foiepatyb hicks co of liadon england report beef arid mutton markets better this week the english iipdik have greatly fallen off causing an advance in the pries ofjbtatea and canadian cttule george wiodsor a mcgillvray far rner sigced what lie thought to be an bgreetnentfdr sit agency fora patent itnife sharponerlut which rfwwards tamed ont to be a note of band for a coneiderable amoant stuffinto the new premises mclead anderson ifc co r grey and white cottons docks denims sbirtincs 4o at the old prices these goods were bought last uecemliersnd held over to enable us to give great bar gains duriue the doj dayt christie hen derson co ecilml to telegraphy it is not so many years ago when telegraphy was looked upan asachimera and pratvssor itorse as visionary we ail enow no- its wonders ifnru reeenllr phirmaciets scooted trie idea mat iajctortiii couu be mkde pleasinl to tlie tnfte but messrs catt bowne willi their palatable cattarolt tuve nolvclt e problni vnleu is a ieit iu meillclne almost cqial totlmtot prole sofhone itlsnatthe nauseonscss- tor ill ococrcblldlkjodsdayk it is palatable and agreeable to the taste frlce f5 cents new goods cretous bluck crhmeres gents white shirts gents uuderebaititrff whitti lice curtatna a lot of silver and buttons gili groceries boots and shoes mens and boys hhats drtjqs t medicines jgta largi lot bflhe qhoce una of qoodt on itand aud trill be told cheap chapmans corse store acton the new t corhard heiatzaan upeight piano best is the dowxioi call axtj sxe rr at montreal house 4 chapman afnt christie if henderson co acton cheaip dress qoods cheap millinery cneap tweeds ducks and shirtings best green and japan teas for 50c fbe8h fx3t just receiced for the rvxr two mqwtes stoves at cost ha ills stgff op tbs laxp cleariko sale the mammoth house georgetojvn bets lo announce a clearing sale svhicli will continue lo the middle of august this it tf- bona fide clearing sale as ibey want to reduoe their stock before moving inlo their new premises about the midrlje of august unheard of bargaitiswill be given in all kinds of dry goods inculd- iog drew goods cottonf prints millia ery inantles carpels ready mode cloth ing genta furnishings pic- kotf is your time to make money jicleod ander son t co remedy for hard times stoptspendingsomrcnon fine clothes rich foolnhd stylo buy good healthy food cheaper acd better clothing get more real and substantial things of life every way and especially stop the fool isli habit of runningflfter expensive and quuok doclontor usingjw aiaon if the vile humbug medicinetnntdqesyou only halm and makes tbejirftprielors rich but put your trust in tne greatest of ali simple pare veniedieslbop bitters that curei always at ainsing oost nud vou will see better limes bod health try it once bead of it w another ooianiu i truths hop bitters t a kediclae not a urinltf cataors oopct bacha kuniirakc dandelion lsd nk pukest axd best medicax ciualrrtes vv all otheh bitteks they cure ail pueares of the stomach bowcu blood liver kldnev and rtrtdhrj or jauk servoaneu flecnlnem femala cumpfetuutiaddruaktsimeic 81000 in gold will be palcrararaeiejvuinolcare or tialprorforanyuiinijfmpareorlrittrl- qus aland la tiem ak your lruelt for hop bluettt and frtt bonfcr and try ute btueik bafore youhlfep tafce na other tjie flop cougkcuft pud pabn relufu ihe cheapest surest and best hok urttersmfg co- rocberier nynd torooui ont for rftla by amuragguu- drites jobs bargains in all lines of goods grand opening unparalleled display of hanisomelqoods o buoham gttelph begs to annoanee hit rnnd general exhibit of ken spring goods and extendi a cordial invitation to every lady in acton and surrounding towns and country lo visit the fashionable west end clothing store in every department a urge and magnisceo t stock will be exhibited t a u buuham faaloaailt wat etui dreu uantli aad itiwxiwni ettmiameia hteipk i what is this everybody yronders how it ia there ia always such a rnah to hills photograph p- for photogrhiphs j this is all explained when you sea the quality of the work at the nrioesv why pay 600 per duz for cabinet portraits when you can getthetn just as good for 350 per dor why pay 300 pec dot for ciirir de vide when von can get them far 8150 all are inciltd to call and tee specimens ifnd price for themselves a hitt fhoto ps all kinds of framing done a large as sortment f velvet aadfaucy goods very cheap c whill baby carriages m o n h t o m p a week in torrr own town and no capital risked 1 76n oan gh e the bnstneas a trial without ex pense the best opportunity ever offered for those willing to work yon should try nothing else until yon see for yonrseli what yon can do at the business vie offer no room to explain here you devote all your time or only your spare time to ths business and make great pay for every hour that yon work women make as mnohas men bend tot special private terms and particulars which we mall tres i outfit free dont oomplain of hard timet while yon have such a ohanoe address h liaijietooportlanamalne ii yon want a good strong stylish and dnrahlebaby damage go to john worsipld gq upper wyndhau street guelphv- they have a large stock and ara almost giving them away cash u itomee 1m no be induced to spend your money before seeing thsxn sitiv of the chaik hatleton block upper wyndhamstoueipo undeiitakino turnip seed ofest qualities fresh and cheap furniture a good assortment of first olass furni ture of every dasoriu- tlon conitsntly on hand prices as low asqaelpb or george- town i 1 a iiu sbiicrrrp john speight kvorjjfiwcjrfpjlcfn of coffins catkeu andiirvatictl re quisites alwtystept jn tvcv ifcahd- 8ome hkabae rcr- aished tte low ribs rtiiir ikasosabll llhjiil xctlal40ftts aotoljl at mcarinirug strelim- r- 1 ir

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