Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 31, 1880, p. 4

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i4ai v v toribsmsaasbs i mm zi i i if i ivet tt pass brood out iumfatr a wruofc which kill diuur oti lumj rather linjclliis shitty mus- lelit penl ixtilpata glrifa nxoltt the purest mind a tb utker4cd wind letltpsaal aoy valvar spals that lixa may iujcuiuqiuit reprice j ti tut nobler who lorgfce x w it lt i utulul echo aetnwrb 7 think vw otwh pri have errcu j ixtitpuxt pinoa arfr5 aioat p raj- tike lie dfrr druea jar jfccajirar ftttor aliuutd out m rwt iaj- ri lcuhcoipaul lit liicot pass it cf good jtavo tafcen ill let it list i oa lie kiad aud goalie ttilt tioie at hut uiakct all thiugi ilrxxlt fjet aa not rraivct bat wait and oar iriomyli triii be ercit let it 44 titpns pid year soger to depart let it pan ciy these homely words to heart let ii put fottxw anjtiie giddy throu tter la be wrouccd diss wrung berefw tiur tile eicery long j let it pass let it pass was it kar j ifyottll m u a minute 111 go as fir as bwtcas srith yoa yoa cee doll ctu- tiaaej- stick of ebiciilatc bat whores year cerwv v asked dolly ob here tiid dell oclv a cent to bo sore bat it will get only aae click i aixnrijnt hare tod rttolt ytra see i hid ta goto mrs wiltiaurv this muming sad whtf pat cc nv scalay dress i happen ed to pat my kiai ha ay pocket soil there arxa he nuney papa gave me saaday fcr the missionbur i had forgotten to pat it is ajidm proofof her tardxl ceil kaaicd cat the pencj- cad displayed it co her coai pantaa staanch lips curled disdaiafally a- tai i do idi xtujg is that vsacharifciighlhtf taka maaey ast beioaihg to vie to ipead far choardate i ilat dcaif what yoa meaa ita piine ke- ieh paan ym knar a7 rell it vaa yoora tc pat ia thjs niiasiaaboi aad pot ia mr gartoas memeydruef bat j2i ifi aoofhefpo acday anothsr sill not be tjus ant welij i cairic yoare nfslly partkpiaf 1 moat say poiy hickaaa 0 pr pil id poljhiis repeating her uayolsiri ray of spaafciofc w kaox rery well too wbaqlx nof take money ypor father had girea yoa for tcs ajd call it yoan to bay chocolate with then irhy buaajobarr iwsnayr vfcij i iiaf tbok- aocichov it aeesa ifffjtju agd pfil ralkd alocg by her friend tide dckvig tjz itcaea jroct her path at lie trent r ft isnt different ita ecactiy the aaaa for all i ean see well maybe joavt risfrt dell said trith a aigh ai any rate i rcnt spend ft if yon think i atfat ts ini tore at it and yoa till be taa traea yoa cocae to think aboat it aad the tko girls parted at the corner the- beat of friends aa naoal dolly had beet note carefully broagkt cp thin dell and raa cxed ujtf4fiig for beraelf bat be it said ti little ims cloajoent credit that after fhe did think more ebaat it she came to the coaelosioa that dolly said se aroold and now dtjl iroald as sooa take shoe pioney for candy aa that her father circs her for sandayjfcocl i at ho way hem4 i it ni jutt this tida of detroit tbat 1 lata en tared ttia car took a isat ami wrow hliauenjiott to tlvajftmlng pafr iw cttfefsro gluotof ciuie along and jlosifiied him otuuy on tlkukhbuualiat vvfilioljtffujtjugiiin he upud tlie itetenl on tin aim imt ttiuta rut no rcapoiim mid tha odicial had to spealc tickol sir tha uarttler looked arotrily mp froin uia pmicr aud said- t haiflfit any ijekal ifoooy iheamd tiio aoadwlor f rhaioutno money 1 v tficn foil muit jet off ahhu uaxt ilaliaa i vttlj3m iheaubmisiiic reaponia ami the conjiuftor passed ulornj the train itoppf1 at u10 ucrt sulioti utled kgaiii and vaa bawling along at thirty oiiiea an lour when the cout dtictor agaii caiac tliroogd und at tha traveller oa the saiae seat as uifore i jnld roll fo got oat of this car he said touiivbat kttiulj you did tdiil- whv didnt you do it t i did c aud uieij got in again i i did- 1 now look hereiaririeod i dont ant any more of thia nonaeoaa- g4t out or theear at thenext atation and stay out iaiilitat mi 4giv the louii stoikd and ajiu it ttrted and ajxin but in another osr tho cauductur found tho naif same tntveilet ascslui astt juuu uiorniug yon here nguiu f hp aicd yes didnt i twl yuu to get off thia train aud uy olti ko i did j xo yau told uie to get oat of that car and stay out tnud i did isoo my friend said tho conductor listen tojtte andttiind yon do just what i lellyou at the ue ilatiou get off this traiu audalay offi di just what i tell you or yuil will get into iro able agreed aaid the trareller and the conductor uasti en alaiu thtt tiaiu atoppett and start cd and again the traveller turned uji on the irain tlie cbnduclor was juu- rexdiing for tlia bell roj to atop the train aud eject him saiumarily when the irarcllorstired hia hand i obejed orders ha eaij j told me to do just at you ordered i got out and stayed out until yoa sail all aboard i then i got aboard fur i didnt want to get into trouble yoa fcnaw the conductor gtre hint his band and tt ra noticed chit later in lbs day taey ate together in the dining err and ate heartily unequalled success t the right house tfc month of may u 6y far lit mot mmomaii month w atkins ha v tad b t tojttllzl petttalnoe hteomnuoonf buiua in 1613 threiom for uohw ijitjjtj msmj lasobatoby i7w3dslnewyorkcity tuxmtfmxtcirt cdnnfteuonnlihinyoiw house in hamilton uemember that luaae lmnime itoiot are en king street east doe to uugluop street where the ww dauudowu xog 30 fc tfs i heuiw r th6mas a watkiivs b ha8lett l scott ft bownes tjioaw of tjottf ifeceesity hxx no law hat as ns common uainbec of lawyers thini more of thy unnumbered mercies than of the emfreckoztd ctossei nothing can constitute goad breeding that hag not good qatyre for its found ation he submit himself to be aeeti through a microscope who suffers hinj belt- to be caught ma paisioc i if you havej talents industry will strengthen theni if moderate abilities fndoatry will supply tha- deficiency as sins proceed they erer multiply like figures in arithmetic the last on the eft stands for mors than all that went before it eotor npau life aa yoa would wish to retire front it and spend time on earth aa yea would wish to spend eternity in heaven 1 i in sad trulb halfof oar forebodings about onr qeighbora are butour own viabes wiichsre are astlatnad to utter in my other form the only gratification a poretous nian jgirefji neigh borgia to let them aeetwt4le biuiaelf is nahetter for whit he hsa than they are rtie worthieafc people r most tn- 1 jared byalanderera u we usually find that to be the best fruit which the birds hafe been jking at urpiqblsswsi rfctocf oannot be gained oyer another man than jhii that when the injury bejan on his part for 9 lris4pes to begio on oori profanity nefar did any man the least good 2o man ii rioher happier pr vjaer for it it commends bo one to aoplety j it i diagnating to refiped people aid abominable to the good and ho naho whatever be ita paturaj ireaouroea abali anrriye the action of tboae dirinely appointed laws by whiib pgbloasneas is made to exalt it nation apd fdfl o bea reproach to mypeoj3 j i l k frind tlurf saeedd an ingenious fraud was recently oommittcxt upon a wealthy merchant residing in paris he ruceiced a letter informing him that the writer had escertained that a lor containing treasure was lutied in hit gardca and afiering to indicate tie exact spot if he would agree to divide the spoil the merchant was at first inclined to treat the matter as ahoar bat apoa rtcetring a second and mare pressing sitter hi- sent aa ai swer agreeiogto the proposal the next day he was waited upon by a gentleman of agreeable manners aud it was arranged that the search should be made at night in order to prevent theneiguboralalfcing the usx svery weighty one was daly unearthed and when taten iflto che house and opened wtt found to contain 8000 ifraucs 81600 in silver pieces of lire francs each the merchant much pleased at the result of the search at once banded over the half which be had promised to his informer who retntrked that it was rather a heavy lump to carry to tho railway elation diatant mloat a mil and that perhaps the merchant could oblige him with notes or gold instead this the merchant was very happy to do bat he regretted it bitterly the next morning ax he saw that the eve race pieces were all counterfeit competition wanfod a sombre faced man with long hair like a cerndoctor or a poet entered a country posr office one day last week and laid down a nickel and enquired tor two three cent stamps lie was informed that sir cents was necessary forthe purpose this is the economy of the country is it i in the country where i came from f always get two stamps for fire cents is this the only poatofljee in tcirar it it ah ha i that accounts for ft competition is what gives ufa to all business if you only had two or three postoffices here stamps would go down to 20 cents a dozen in no time its a woijder some enterprising capitalist done go into the postoffice business iwrejsnd bring prices downwhere tney ought to be then fishing and oil- fashioned copper out of his pocket aud laying it in the delivery window he adherftl bis stamp to a yellow envelope and vanuiiad tits a beautiful dream asp mom too yoang man says a qaaint writer if you are to he married your future wife if now living therefore pray for her aud while yon are about it dont forget to pray for her future hoi band for he needs pray tag for as much as she does a lady living sear baltimore who i very deaf stopped a milkman as ho taa passing the house the other day fad asked bim how muh he charged for a quart of milk and then had her mr trumpet to caich the reply he drew a quart of milk and emptied it into the trumpet and the result baa beep that he has to go three tnileg out ot his way to keep out of sight of the ladys son who sits on the porch with a abet gun jrajtlng for himtopaai nulakkotlx kk of acloli r etotuf cltt id vletnllv lliat ita ins juit upcuwiu liu uir ileiulie a welt ieerd slack ef dry goods groceries crockery classware and that he isprepsred to sell at the moat reasonable prices for 0 sh and would respectfully solicit a ehaie of their patronage cd uk mi mopucr takek is lxcuakgk kemember he xetv store mill st east acton b ha8lett actfin ileefslhjict unpl thh only weekly agricultural paper pbdrteo uta pubidsheo ik the dominion kow tx its secoxd volume walleled success iciwtiki improved focm 16 ptccs onlf oso dollar jpor vesr foil s kttsbers t kumberx ifootji 831 page cyearj j3s colnauis for one dollar voted itriccj- to arviltkrc eiortjcuiiutt pst dirr 1 tic apiiry haaaetatl am- erertji wruiainc a fan bath oat of tjooct tai in dn tit wectiy coaoeroal rfpccu lad ptias ire tixgxnacikiirfti thii pfper has mrt trili u uu ftisiif oc the rtcausry ol ciiii duriae the fcn cf cxzlllt oc he united sum a urpc tuz o bk icdpnctjcu vnicrt trc ca- cig eortopodeoce cc nlihie crjtje irarx weekly trcm itx nuar labacribcn ta nan scoot ia the uc ud bntiiit coiaaut in the vei sajiple copxes kilee fnatcd ud puboshed u the wdkad sbezm prtafr cghoae eaibiajimi 1m3 by n b colcqck propriety rfpae editor adjcac cakadiak parker dnto- it ttelad os palatable castor oil if prtpirctl k 1 fona perfect frimc 0 dj dnaudmcutkruiuvcpcnoot lnfaiunuictu tie wopmiaof the oil that product ia tud fh atipl rccuiurutd aot omlyaultv pleatuitfa u tctioo but molutdr unulai juid pbtumc lib prtaaiaeadf th naat uxi- ittftadcathintclncranliiadu t nrtnedy fr cot- tirtack coosipfooo ind til intntiiu dcnafis menu it k unequajied md fa detuned iq taruu puct of crude oil fid all drwlc pdli and jutb tlrct for talc vy all druftau ij cents fclwu ll doat till w ltt il r ftg fci modki at the post 0fscs store acton cnorce hotter cheese lard isjtoked heats cakned goods dairy salt tkbaasl and general family groceries lively sale board stables mill street aoton is where yoa can get firstclass tftigs at rea80kable rates good commeroial rigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of th town all parties indebted to his es tablishment are requested to pay up without further delay and tare costs ed mattliews proprietor bttuderc and house famishing hardware paiats oils and wiadffw glass kails all eiz9s wall paper front sets upwards j j0e2t kelagah c t hii for groceries if yoa want a tool and cheap article la toute hytsa jajta elicit or qhji- psrior sjrupe 1 spices 1 11 1 tobaccos of all kindi fresn avd slfejet hardware of all kinds paints and oils hinges and locks nails glass putty 8 alt bt the barrel all cheap for ca8h qo to- o t hills mill street aoto n o r g an s sewinc machines attention i attention ii enable harpers bainar pnt- terns fall salts only 85 cents straw ad ft ha asn boirrrrs doxx ovta pr au iht uf wi smxi mes e h pass vls hes to ik- foru be ladles ofacloa and vicinity tuat she has lately learnt the french mode of cutting apd fitting and la now prepared to give even frtiur batlifkuw than vonurlr waddlns and funeral flows u embalmed dresses and jackets cat and a perfect st qarantted al a rtaaobable price porbtyliah amfcbeap hau and bosiaie aarao to i yj ii fstswisiaiiiwuianelph robt craine acton is prepared local on persona nqolnna i either sewing machines or organs ttehas agencies fhou the ll best mnnaartarert in tbroaantry and win kbaracke tailjfiiclcn to porehaaen terms very reaaouable urueri left at bis resldooee or addressed to blra to acton p o win receive promptattentlon cbaine p- f tbass iu1x1 ttxe largest and most complete factory in tie dominica 140x1 00 highest honors ever awarded to any maker in tie world gi mdtil and dqaimta at kidcnnlal igucal and vqjomx at sijinvj australia gtjtgald sfolal at prtiniirial kcitiliiliui twhido fsthijhctl attard at industrial exhibition toronto i istg is77- 1879 we are now manufacturing square and upright je iaitos best in the market correspondence solicited bond for niustrated catalorue mailed free address dominion organ piano company vj bowldanvillb osttaeio wit o ftzz duuiunrt3rrrvout dtbiiityttc the bert emsdi 2h0w1t to han i 70000 ioekt8 eiti s0e bttts w9 9000000 bottles thtt syrup jpouusa varied prvpthlu i te sdaralte ibe prtrwltd i tw pmhnt tw imaclaeeas ia- urtru mmm wua w wewrt hfti iwil tto tuaark if tfcaaalell tn la wm stewartac mtttf tfirr miii lefca urmtmmtlm sffeig prerearfld it a apo ba tafrrtav lltieu wffon b kuifm it hrffiiltu tbebirela it partfim the ifloh ii frita the y rrnw flrvtnsu ii pmwhcm dumvu it kmorixh ttttrwihm 6 tattnmwfm it auric ctt thtt ot bod wd mknt mr itpiu ibe pern tt tbt tiki as4 lattscn sjelihy perspitoun rj i itqtnnezei ihohailtttlbcfpaaaintbt biped vticj ceoertt sadulyjjtiptiu ud u fuwfaf trf aj tfirimtj itill f hlltl i ttltl 1 m j i tbttotro no iptxitacmpsajed in it zmxtjkbbi tnd tt can bo taken by tjaioartdjiatbbotby da tgtd ad fatole trt emtyitxag fvjtd i mf- unlia i dirtetiitu xsish or 1a202 urnm mc3 os ryatt soitlb k read the voluntary testimonials of persons who have been cured by titf ate of the bl003 porjffer xcarei erysipelas mtkocest wellington ooontcan deib sia i was severely afflicted wilh errsipels for two year and a snort rial ol year indian blood syrup eflectually cured met 1 mus j axet andeksoh liver complaint v lit forest wellington colcan desk sl i hare haed jodr pau indian blood syrnp fcr uvei -otsn- plaint and hare receivedreat benrflt therefrom recommend ita use to all similarly afflicted nelson cai disease of the stomarh mt forest w9llicgtoncoonlcan daaa sir this ia to certify that yifor alaahle india blood syrarp cored me of cramps inihe stomach r wricojumiw best hedteliie 1 have ever tsed ltillllr i y are now showiitg nw black satins new black cashmeres new dress muslins few black buntings new millinery hats new white k blk plumes new fancy hosiery new corsets i new lace mitts new silk gloves 4 buttons new bordered cretdns new bretone laces i new parasols 7m stsw4et 60j to farmeilsr t h o s g- o w d y c ov manufacturers of the wammwimmm n i srisrckeiei t reaper and gowdys celebrated gang plow t chilled jointer plows cieneral purpose steel mould board plows mowers sokes pannlnn hills turnip seed drills lawn mowers c c l give us a call before purchasing elsewhere pbioes lo t fetjkr it it important to farmer to know lhat w have purchased the ettait of levi cattitt son and can furnish parts for and alto repair ant im plement manufactured by tliutfirm thxds qowdyca quelph oivt dea it sir 1 have used a great many medjeinea but a teller mediciiie han your indian blood syrup cannot ba made ll ia the best blood furifieever used peter wabbjsl consumption i windham center etik era 1 cannot find language to lullyeapreaa the praise which in grati lude 1 would utter for the bianeets 1 have received irom your excellent indian blood symp h has done wbai doctors could hot do or failed odo i was snfiering with oonscmpiion far long umcv besvy coagh fain m ctet shoulder and back- and your indian blood syrjjip has srprhed n perlrt miracle 1 would recommend all to gira it a trial wm cunxinuhajt dyspepsia djlimir blgioojtffit- eik r have md your remedy lor- idyjpeiisia and reoummet d it to all- i j mbs john fak1hisg- a valnable medlcicc sisr i have used your blood syrwt and found it a wonderful and valuable medicine mes betsey redfubu aylmer ont splendid ecmedy for dyspepsia sir 1 hare used your indian blood syrup and caused it to be used in several cases of drspepsja and found it to be a splendid remedy wv w wfiltk aylmer ont found as eecommended sin 1 have used your lndwn blood syrbplwdyapeipaiakndlouad it to be as recommended aylmer oht an agents testimony aylmer ont snu i have used and aojd ihelridlaa blood syrap and find it the besiwnj edjr in use jorbyspspaiaandaajtiblobd purifior j bheumatlsm j sit 1 have bieaubud with khea- i matism for agreatmaiivyears yonr indian bload byrdpyia the only c of many modlestumd me airy good i reoommendil to ajl 1 1 hiav cats chuhouc kenyoh glerfgliiry cuoht dyspepsia and iadlkesuaai l baypttfi indian blc sttip haa cured me ofdyapepaia and indigstf lion ith4a also eflootually cuiedi my wife cf affledlaeajit i- jrni joiptam coathajni oiii t he ail8tvfetoeatot a jjld agiaimf fir 1 -5- an eng xdacverytfl i known mavaloabl i furumrihroishouv i h ssrifessiss

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