Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1880, p. 1

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tasdihsjasir mp m -t- r -gcheb- acton free press ts published pflr taunsdit xrorxma dff pjmoobh eiltor a proprietor a vn fan ikbr narrate pveusbtxg bqvsx next spot lo iteumllst ckorcu jim strati acoh out tnit the rut pisi tijl bo knit o aabaoribera pottage paid for 1100 per an- oua in advance 1150 if not to paid ko papardiscoatuied till all arrears an paid except at he option of the publisher attranro lutttt casual advertise- btentt s oenta porline for the first inaer- tion aailoente per line for each sulwo- qnent inirtruaa- cash trofsiinal cards 10 lines r less 5 00 per umnfi 1 square it linos m00 per annua payable in g taoauulremd of insertion anyispocial notice he object of which ia to promote the pecuniary benefit of lay individual or company to be considered an advertise- nent the atrmber of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid xoapircil cttxtftac bjlte3 ons eoluraa one xeax ftfrtj half column one year 5f year nioi tto column tit nootttt svno llalrenluainurninaths moi quarter eoluratistemortiits 12 co cte column three raouuis 2q01 half column trvrtmoathi 1200 i quarter column three months q adverueaienunrutioatioffic dlrecuanp i will be lofirtounilirblilanicliartdiicccinl- unrtr rrauslt iir ailvclniinu mnit be paid in advance chance for contract advertisements mos be in ihe office ayi a rafao jkcnotlajs other wise uaer win be lift over ul the otlawlnr- eet h p lfooee imlter 4 proprietor yolume vi np 2 this paper s jya at rtwrvu fc co xrsprxt ai- rtlaaivoiireaainnrcstvbrfi idtfnwr anatraflagrlieiaadgtcrltlx new vottk- 5 j btrsiass bzkcrosr xrr h lowur it biic ps txr of college of pnysieiana and kargeons osca acl residence at e head of fred- ericfc stl actonl ttf- itcgirvlk i d- jt c p s jj graduate of victoria c-uik-gv- iiu- dcace comer of if ill and frederick streets consiilzatun daily run s to 10 a m in j 1 3 to 6 o m sckvevoh tokx divis pro- trscui cmd szrveyjr civil erinecr e nd draaghtgn an o guelnh is prepared to utciiito all sirreyi ic irta aal ticiu- itr j orders left at iu itogirripc dre sfcare acion ir2 be praniptjy aiiciidej to ctieds bmhcai acdpimiilars of even descriptfea esecntcdaetly at the artan faic pcrss a5ce te best local raper af haitasgo x d kathesok attoitker-at- lsoiicitiriiiciia3certatc oace ceit door to waiisccs hotd ifilusa a ustee il cjlarebaseister quebec streef auelph rx5ca office u basthckt eiudlttf alii sintx actok- jrqrno orccrrccrftaxux3 t- j fisher v s georgetovy oat- rill visit actn every wtdnee- tday and vul attend to sm calls pertcining foliisprofeiiioa- ozders iefrct itcgarriav uni store will reccire prompt attention terms oisratcl t j fisher w heilstreet licensed axlctioneer for the canxirec of welliroa tad halm orders kft at tie feze pelles oiece acton or at my residence in eocfcwootl- will be ritomptiy ftsna to terms reasonahe i paiexts fok ektekxioxs exp- drrwcfiir tad properly secured in can- ada tbe xtnlted stoxef and europe- pa tent guaranteed or no charge send for prinifid instract agencr in operaiion ten jeare eeket grist otiswa canada rwwrr ppgfgwng soliciiors of pfir- r01oit02ih0reil actokrobt xaetr proprietor tlie cett hotel is fitted ap in firstclass style with ner fnrai- fcore- coaicjsircial trarellcrs will find good aooonmiodatian and comgiodioae sample booms- special attention paid to the tacts of the trarelliag pnhhc bar sapplied wtfh the bestof lifjoors and ggars bood stabl ing and attentive hostzers roral eschakge hotel acros 7ai campbell proprietor mr camp- tbell late of she eossfn house near gt- r station taftes pleasure in announcing to his many old friends and patrons that he has recently pnxchad and refitted the eojal exchange in the nested and most carnart- ahle style andififpreparedtoacccminodate all irho mir faror him in the eoost coni- fbrutle tipt7 er choice wines lienors cigara and cool romrger rrnvc alwayt in tocfc- tahlfi un charge of an attentiye jhostler the patronage of the pablic is re- spectfnlly solicited and no effort will be soared to gire the terr fcesfc atteiition sxisk oe beets i am prepared to pay the higsest cash price for hides calfgjfmg deacons lamb and sheep sfcms deevered at my taniry lace leather constantly on hand f moore axtdx pttosi ppatps pumps vt e h amff mannfacttirer cf cnperior well and curtenr pnrnps which will be pot in on abort notice bepairing promptly done furniture made and repaired charges moderate also saws sld and et- gire hfm a call shop ojz frederick street opposite dc lowryg residence w e adams 91500 to oaa ok fintchraa farm tecaritv t i reamnable rate of interest apply to j h fmoore at best pss office acfoa a bthrbalo riddell for serin lfacbice and general ref airs trf the georgetovu korclty worfc kcileiddell 22tt main sl georgetown qtlaeleh cajhrlkov main st acton- jieent fr tkebell organ mauiifacfured ft wt w beu co guelph ordera rt hu teaidettflii will eeire prompt at- for particnlara eerf adr on other gtre him atrial n cha cameaon i 1 fru terh8ioo inadvano 27 acif ifapofllwj ufa it fluctuation and u viut concern 160 if not so paid acton ont thursday july 8 1886 whole no 2ri3 we must have bread 8o 117 iwlnlj poor mliosay vn b l e nicklin jbvkfcus coxfectioxebs i coexeb mux muxstuicts act0s beg to intimate that they are prepared to rapply the village and surrounding country vritlt flour feed store i lawson bros voald rwpeclfuuy luitorm tfio poopla or actnuhfld vtctiutrtaatihcr iaveopea fxlln ibe trcuite oiplie dr wc- qantas reiidoc a flour and feed store and will ken raniitantlyonband a full hock or yery best of bread j flour of all hxds including bfs cakes pastry axd cohfeqtionery bread dexivered while thanldug- those who hive farored 05 with their patronage in the past we solicit a caatinuaiico of thiiune and will welcome ucw- customers ice cream parlor we have n6wornedoariceceniwfjrjsn anil will always bo prepared to snpply pan ice crciiu fruit drinks fruit c lea crtit m ilupplitta by tha qoart if desired a call solicited b t e xicktix acton ktij- eth 1530 the travelrbers ups aad accident ins co of qarirard co an write evrrjllilnc ctlrtlc in the way or uce and accident inuruec sas itst ssffiritj- tiqucatieacs atapie docktt rnitle uitt te unlnln ioer ratnt or ihe fccuruy ol otdlan lolicy uoiders paid np caii capital gooorti 10 irosi assets tlss 6tll total ubilitie 3 511734 3t surplus to policy holders 1jsg w337 1 jahes ilittheivs agent acton unt farnilj flour buckkheat hour ironim flour mealh com iteal oat ileal cracked wheit bran coarse bhorff kinc khqrle chopped pen choppeu oau mired chopi oat and peaa and ail kinds of feed usually kept in a urstclisa store all gwli ddhtrcd io any part vftke cittajc as sjod asantcrrd 3fa cult is roixct fully rolicitrxl lawson bros acton jan is issju pqef8p i dont do it i doat put on niri or fancy styles till your money says you may i dunt apeud yaor salary as it cornea and loreet tha raiuy dny uoot strut about in borrowed plumes kor clothes tor which you ovce j retnemlter that the lillys plaiu till its had time to grow coot think because your fithtrs rich i that you ill also bc i dont think because his stations high i the lanio will fall to thoa j dont scorn soma ueiguharsliainbliilad recause hisstaltous irta- uemeraber he may richer be jwhen hes hid time to grow dott eccr whip ycur baby boy till lies old euougli to irriauk dont pat him to lictaadinill otk itill ho can turn the crank dont try to air yoeir knowledge till yonre old enough ta kno- that potatoes dout anioaat co irach till theyre had time to grow canada toas jis rbrktoko cohpahy 1 sixixgs baxk cgsxs or jxkcs isn vise srs 2ix psr cant ictcrrt pallcaffifi- safest axd best security board of otwctors d b cirtstrnltt e qpreyfdfut wx icetins of jtiu kvdle co btrr- ilofclon vlrreititnt s w kasthcrgit it hamlkoa llvgli itccear esq flktttlltcia cst jitzie ltajfd binon hoirr iicttak kq furahtaa riccffcnalk buq oatrtu w fie ec ha jr if lgedrseiown ekcfcfti7 jtd c b ttsav esq fhanacer cbuon iirsj stoney to luax or rfal eate in turn to ctiw borratcrrt and on gaj tervie xmjte opea every weefciaj from m tapm d dexteec uabaser ane ii ir75 7j dundas cotton shtrf inas harvard siitrffnitk french cambric sutrtlnss bine and brown denims twlj led brown ii ucfck and eenlnckj jeans tweeds bj- flie yard at tery low prices tstpariics buying cloth from ms can get garments cut in a superior man- her free of cliarge jshaw iltjittok merchant tailors ewbooti skoesiiop vrr wrxxraiis cvould respect- v c fully iqtimxlc lo ttit- jieojii- oi actua tnd rlclulty iha1 ne tfs oieued a bootiktwje klaa tne rjaiuldfenyiitre w ffstjreis glove wortfijon hill srenct actox anyone in want of a substantia and tood fitting boot or shoe ihoxxid not fail lolearetfaelrorrferat bis stand eotiirire i special tr 84 prcaptlr attordci to w williams acton be pt u lira stoves i stoves cheap 5000 customers wanted this week at tbk ciarrbju- soot shoe store rocr cajc scr brrrea 8qqts xb ssqes axd aetbffrteabakgalts lu acton than to go away from oame to inaice yoar parcnaiet call t- oraine ss s01ts wmetewsmzmg wb ckkwsoits coenees la rreparcd to do all kinds of whitewashisc a coloeixc ou tne sbortest notice an at reasonable rate leate yonr oedehs at the vnez pnsag office acton i p s clothing cleaned ken- at j c hills x zcrtjc soxk of all lindt of sto yes jtut recaraf manvjaciurtd of tfie ccti quality of iron the fikst finuk and clif most itandsomc stove la tfic marht cook stoves of all dux at c eery totcest pricu a vxll tdeded stock of jmwats os kaxd syzmoviimta ass speoiaitiss and mil he azevltd ore the thortesi notice coal oil aod stock of tuptnot quality cliiap coms aot seejortourseltes rk i- j hill rteptember ktbict orated irnv selsox ajd aivr ooc3k wodlointlnjnte to the peoplpflt acton lnt ie has purchaed tbe butcher business lolely cnrrledan by mr b sfnry and hat be baa al ways on hand a firstcuiss slock uf beef pork i mutton sausage fish iefac and bores by strict attention to bnflnesalla recure a fnfr snare of ttie petronnee of tne pnblle heat delivered atftuy tisaeio anr partof tbelown j tebmkca8s acaliboliclred adam cook tt th romance of a dfshtowell kow happens it tom that too neyer married t aaked hnrr stan- hiie of his friend turn llrrediih an thtr tfto stnuteixd atonj hrnadttay out gne bering af rercoon beaufee i could ueyer snd a ramim who would have ma i auppose ana wered tom iauhingly ko um to tell ma hat old fellow replied ffarry grls are not so fool lull as to deciina taking a good looking uiiiijlika you villi plenty o money yet here you are neaily thirty years old and no more prospect of settling than you had ten year ago xo itl it were rue why the case ttverrdiffer- ent j a doctor jnafc atruggtiojf into practice is fcctrctdycoukldereji elegilde by the niatcli raakftig uiatniiia to aay nothing of theic worldlysfise daughters but they are all ready iacd eger to bmiw npon yrnrrnnd yothiuight ia well make your choicw tlixulc you answered tom still luglling when i fiud ayoungkdy wlio bu come- tti to ruy grandmothers staudard of domestic virtues i will invite her ti become mrs thomas jxereaith and what was your griiidraotliers peculiar doctrine on the subject p in quired harry 1 presume she had more than one said- tom but this she particularly impressed upon my mind always look at a womans diditowel she would remark with much solemnity no matter how well she pays the piano or sings or how many different kinds of languages sua can speaknever marry her uuleas you see that she uses soft dry towels aud plenty of thtiii wheajshe wifies her dishes i be sure that a cirl who uses soiled or wet dinh towels does not knowendugb to be the wife of an honest man harry laughed at ihh definition of houseiwifely knowledge but presently said in a serious lone there ia considerable truth in the old ladys ideas after all but i dont understand how in these dajs you can apply jtbe tests most young ladies that we know have perhaps never seen a dish towel now i think of it i promised to introduce- you to my cousins there are three of them all bright pretty girls though i think it doubtful whether they would fulfil your grandmothera requirements as a i wife still you may find themileasant ac quaintances aud it you like i will go there with you now areexl responded tom and the two frieurla soon fouud themselves in he parlor of airs beushaw harrys aunt j thayonng ladies were all at home and ai harry had said were bright pretty girls ida the eldest was a tail queenly brunette whose magnicent dark eyes and ahundant raven tresses seemed to compel universal admiration though she had a powerful riyal in adele the second daughter- whose delicate blonde beauty showed to fresh advantage beside her mors brilliant sister j the two were acknowledged belles in the circle and few who knew them era paused to give a seoind glance jat tbeir youuger sifter little violet as shy and shrinking as ber floial namesake she avoided the gay assemblages in which her aisicrs loved to shine and passed her hours pleasaqt ly and peaceiully with her books her music and her flowers slio wasiot prfseas when harry and his friend entered but when her cousin with whom sue seemed a great favorite ask ed expressly for her miss adele care lessly desired the servant to call her tom who was conversing withilda did not notice her entrance till aroused by harrys voice saying mr meredith let meintroduceyou to ray ooasin miss violet renshaw j and tnrniog quickly he was surpris ed at the sight of the tiny creature so unlito lier elder sisters there was nothing magnificent and little that could de strictly teruind beautiful ia the almost childish figure but some thing indescribably winning in the clear gray eyes and in the rich ches nut curls about the broad low forehead turn had little time for obativation however as ida anaadel claimed all hia attention while harry inouopoliied violet in a frank bmtheily way quite j uulike his more formal aud unceremoni ous manner with the elder sisters well what do you tbiuk of my three consiusf was hscrys natural question when ha and tom were once more on thn street i dm only express my admiration by saying that i winb it wore possible todivide myself into three separate individuals tlrutl might offer each of the fair enslauvers niy hanlaud heart replied tom with much solemuity what without ever wailing to discover whether their dish towels are improper otder t retorted his friend tom laughed i have a presentiment that i shall forget my revered grandmothers- i rice till it ialoo late when the iniportaol event ofmeeiinguiy fate shall arrive and then remeuilier it the rest of your life i suppose observed hurry on the principle of marryinij iu hasie and repenting at leisure wellthope my fair cousins will not be ike canse of such a catastrophe but i must leave you here as i have a patient in this home j aod he rannp the steps left to himself torn sauntered slow ly along thinking of the oung ladies whoniho had just seen it mutt be confessed that little violet occupied buta very siiislljiortion of his thoughts which were filled with ida and adele but 1 doubt if either of them ever tiir a dish towel was le concluding reflection as he reached his boarding house weeks passed on tom was devoted in his ullentions to the misses ben- shaw ranior had assigued hiji first to ida then to adele and waited with impatienca for the time when the en- gagemant should be publicly announc ed meanwhile every day bronght him good and excuse for him ta call at mrs riishas pleasant house a new poem the latest song an invita tion for adrive or a plan forsoma ex cursion of violet heaawlewlhan he did of the other rhrtetv though thev were very friendly and he treated her with the same orolhcrly frankness as harry one lovely june morning he pre seuted himself at mrs reuahaws at quiuvan early hour intending to iuvita the three siaters to pass the lieautiful summer day in a long couutry drive he noticed that there was some delay in answering his ring which was not usually the case with mis rcnalsawa i well trained servants bnt at leng h he beard a light footstep in the htli and iu another moment the dior was opened by violet she had a broom in her iand aud a dusting cap covered her bright curls but she bade him good morning with as much coidiality as usual and invited htm to enter mi- ding please alkml thidimttg room for i am sweepiug the mrlor secretly wnudering tom obeyed as he turned the handle of the dining room door there was a sudden rush a hasty bang of a door and a hurried exclamation of 0 violet how could you t and he found himself in the presence of the fair adele though for a moment he scarcely recognized ber in the sloyenly dressed girl with disshev- eled hair who stood by the breakfast table dabbling the cups undsaucers iu some greasy water end wiping them ou a towel which to say the least was very far from being spotlessly clean sue colored and with some confusion said ah good morning mr meredith so you have come to fiud us til at work tbisniorniug it happens that we have fornur three servants a brother and two sisters they received this morn- iug the news of thir mothers danger oda illness and mamma at once gave them all permission to go home we supposed we could get a woman who sometimes does extra work for us but she whs engaged for the day so we are obliged to to do the best we era our selves i assure you she continued with a little laugh which tom before bad often thought pretty and engaging butwhich now souuded false and af fected thut i aip by no means accus tomed to such work nor have i any desire to become so cannot you allow me to assist yon f asked toiu politely was- brought up on a firm and have often washed dishes and made myself generally useful about the kitchen you y exclaimed adele in such an astonished tone that tom could not forbear laughing i yes certainly why not t he in quired oh ijdont know only i thought you never did anything stammered adele then endeavoring to feel at easu she said yes if you will help please take this heavy kettle into the kitchen and set it on the btove tom seized the kettle and throwing open the door leading to lie kitchen and was crossing the loom towards the stove when bisprogregs as arrested by the sudden appearance of ida from a store room boynnd if ajdele looked slovenly and disheveled what- shall bi 811d of ida 7 an old dress dirty acd torn slippers run dowii at the heel aii burst out at the sides no collar oi ruffle very lilk hair instead of th magnificent tresses he had so often admired aud iihat there was haogint uocouibed about her face no woude tom stared in blank astonishment a heavy frown took the place of lh usul smile iih she curtly bid him coo morning to n muttered an apology for bia intrusion as lie deposited hi burden on the stove and turned to ri trace his steps just as violet entered ihe diuing room cjlie did notsee himi but addresiing ida said run asy now ihu dear snd dres irtifore the callers come for you 1 iiav already sent adele up stain nnd wil finish the disliea now that i hart- finished my sweeping you have been long enough about it 1 hope muttered ida ungniriiualy but neveitlieless availing herself of bei sisters offer with much alacrity here are the dish toaels violet she said exteliding several greasy blackened articles to the young girl tom had been meditating an t8cukv not an easy affair as tle siatera stood directly in his path- but it he word dish towels he involuntarily stopped aud glanced arouud no wonder my grandmother cau tioned me was tlieanilunugjit is the soiled towels aiet li is sight and he hastily approved the r of disgust which crosed violets face as she quickly laid item aside opsuing a drawer she tok frbui it a plentiful supply 6oft dry and clean ida olid adcla hud ooth disajipeared and tom yentnred to renewhis offer of assistance to violet who started little aa she for tha first time noticej his ptesence but she recovered her cuoiposurtfac once and quietly answer ed as jia deftly filled the dishpan with hot suds f no thank you mr meredith i shall do very well without assistance my sisters have not left much for me to do you had belter walk into the pirlor and theyiwill soon join you ni indeed said tom i will take myself out of the way with apologies for ray autiiqely intrusion unless you will really let me be of some service and believe rue lie added earnestly with an admiring glance at thej neat little figure tripping so lightly alioul the kitchen and mentally coolrasted her with her two sisters you will make me very happy by allowing me to help you o very well said viols smiling and blushing a little as she met his gate if yon are really so much in need ufeuipioyuientrt will try to pro vide yon with some suppose yon set these duties on the lower shelf of the closet us i wash theai then i can arrange them after they are all done tom obeyed and was rewarded by being allowed to carry a hod of coal froui the celltydo various other little erands during which time be was noticing the noutheis and despatch with which violet worked and was especially observant of the clean dr dish towels ahjdfifetikin wihwluct when done using theui she washed nod scalded them and hung them up lo dry he declinedttie invitation to dinner given by mm rsnshaw when she came and found him assisting violet and made his- way directly to harrys office t have made my choice at last hurry i hs announced it is one thafl would suit my grandmother might 1 enquire whs the fortunate damsel isl usked harry jaying dowu his book and now are you so suie ol your revered hpprovuf p tom told his mornings experience coticludiug with if she will oply accept m tshall be the itappitsnun alive and all owing to my dear old grandmothers advice i that particular night several days ago a man charged with stealing chickens was arraigned liefure aii arkansas circuit court the proof against him was pretty strong and when the prosecuting attorney arose lie showedexacily how the defendant lifted the chickens from the roost he described- the surroundings aud the excited haste of the prisoner until the charged man arose and said jedge i reckon youll jet mi say a few words no objection was express ed and the man continued jest set rae down guilty do yob plead guilty 1 i reckon id gist as well- this fellow is determined that i did steal the chickens an rulber than dispute his woid jfur he seeius to be a clever sort of a feller 1 11 let it go hia way the question ia did you steal the chickens no jedge i wns at prarmeetin on that night an can prove it but rather than make tile youngfeller feci bad ill lebim have his way you say you were at prayer u t- iag on that night j yesbir whatnigktr avhy on the night i stold lie chickens v ten roinutes after liisdeclaintion he wis vntenced wilw lieniteaitjiiry for two fears j yhy he drinks he drinks when he is very cold it lieatr his bliwl always and when hes hot a little glass knocks off tho steam he says he drinks when he hat etedgot fugoardahay tne oold bs wlienhe feels hes awful dry a glass is worth pare gold a drioka boeaam bia mrye are wesik hishcad fitolhoraehyr i t aud becsnic with rhcuuistism llis nerves are soinetimas shaky ite drinks because a bargidira made- fiurc of course td mske it and liecausu lie sonie cash paid and hard ws prest to take it j ho drinks well i shall tell you why i without anyjuses its jiut because be likesiit well tskesadd neer refoses and being afraid that such was thought makes all those escusaa six oclock six oclock i hoip sweet these vords sound lo the weary laborerwhen o beam the evening bells chiming hrough the town and kuowrthat he is jte at lato return lo wife aud little nes sx- oclock i how welcoine to the nit cf the tired sewing girl s aha leaves by ber work und hastens down flie narrow street and see the light diiaiiig from the window she knows so veil six oclock the wordsare dear to us fur they speik of a- release from labor of lociealiou aftertoil of calm godgiven rest 1 at last in the words of longfellow the day is dene and the darkness falls from the wings of night as a feather is wafted downward from an eaglo in its pight now the pen is laid down tfu anvil grows cold the workshop is deserted nd with cowper i lejotce thinking if the delights which erown this peace ful hour in many a happy home- now stir the fire andcloso the shutters fasti let fall tho curtains wheel taesofa round and while the bubbling andlondhissing urn throws np a steamy column and the enps that cheer but not inebriate wait onaach sokt usjvelcomewaflefiuevenidfijn ah yea i ew fiud so ranch joy rtf this iiiomeut in the great ejpful world that i seem to understand at last the eyerpatient watchfulness and be silent glory of the stars oh you who 6eekfor happiness yon will not find it in tho schools jf epicureans or of stoics you will not find it in the pursuit ofwaltb ib- ambition or in dreams yon will fana it onlj in umt labor which buys for i vou the precious pricelessprivilege of restl through the hours of the disty sun- glaring day there is nameless joy ia looking orward to the calm delicious eye and to the kiss of welcome which like an angels benediction will tben fall trpon the lipa it is this that sweetens labor to know that otir toil may brin g hanjiiufsa to hearts we love and itonr burdens grow heavy and our tasks are wearrl some thetaii cpmfoif in the jingling wirds otan old rhyme which tells us ee the day weary or be the day long at length it ringeth to even song howhfc keja his promuo save rae dcorand i will give yen a thousand dollars the doctor guye him a remedy that eased him and he cslled out keep at it doctor and ill give you a cbeck for five bundred tljilara in balf an hour he was able to sitnp andhe calmly remrrked doctor i feel like giring yon a fifty dollar bill wfin the doctor- was ready to g6 the sick inan was up and dressed anu as be followed the doctor to tha door he said t say doctor send in your bill the fimt of tlu nionth wliensix mouths had been gathered to times bosom the doctor sent in a bill amounting to five dollars he wis piessed to cut it down to three and after so doing he sued tc get it got judgment aud the patientputin a stay of executiun we know lets of deopla of the same hind a short timef back records a viiginia nevada newsiuper a green- looking couplu evidentlynewly married trailed at lie phonographic gallery of beuls and favaterhouae and wanted their pictures taken just as mr beals had his pjate ready tlie man called lrim aside anil said lie wanted to ask a favor i was told in carson you took the best pictures in the state now you tee salanilt got hitched down there last monday now lior folks go a deal on styln aud thaflive in the states they never saw me nnd if i send my mug eist they be detd agin me sure im it sight better than i look and when people come to know me they vole me a briefc 1tqw whut i want is to grt some good lookiu man to sit vith sal lor a picture will you standin sboa willin them trig side whiskers of yoiiis h catch era v ure and croute harmony yoa look like a solid eiauliiit and theyd take me foi a petty lareeny thief mr beals enjoyed the idea immensely anil mat with sal for the picture which doubtless by this time has carried hoy into the household of her easlun relatives 7- of the lata bishop ames tliefduow ing anecdota is related ijsritilotprtes aiding over a certain conference in lie west a member begun to tirade against the universities and education- thank ing qod that be had onven been corthpted by contact with sfrcouege aftaj pepeoedipx ibim for a few nun- ntes tirej bishop interrupted with the question bo i undersland tht tlio brother tjiatiks qod for bis ignornnoo f weh y was the baawer- yon can piititfhit way if you waatii wyll ill ihave to say said the bishop jm liis swael ibiisieal tones all ilmvj to eiy islit thsbi other am leal tolieilmiikturifor

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