Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 8, 1880, p. 4

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mim a is ft i m ir 3 v iff ft b 14 l k-i- 1u- 3 tpww ipvxjrs cojtxas our daily- reckoning if yvn ait down at set na jjad fcoont the acta that yon kav done i audoeualiug slid om setfdcuyidr not one word that osscd the hurl of liim wits heard ooa alauc moti liuct that tell like kurllun litre it trail r then you may cuuul that day hll tpeut bat if through all tire livelong day ua chwtvd uo heart- by yea or nay lfuiriwrh it all youve notluttc douc tliet yoa can trace that bruuhl tha luufliutc to ouc face ku act migt uiall that helped suuc fuil add nothing cosl then wait that day as aorsc tltautoat olven in loyv a little rid aloulicvcn ycart old- died a philadelphia a fear or lao ao when the doctor laid her tint she cuuld not lite she bade her mother icnd for the usur of the church andavc him her little sayings otitkeiid there wort- fojur dollars and a t w cetiu tate thew said the chrid am baqd a church for rxxir ramnle ioor people taiod who tit iu bact scata iu our cliurvh they aituc oat pay any thiug i tut ail the cats u uc frue the clergyman took lite turtey my child he said toleuiitly itiittxll be doue with god mp whcu liie child m dead he placed her little bank and the pittance it coutaiued ou i the pulpit and loli her oncfh tears vrtre fa every eye oue wealthy inin if tor au- other catue furirard with their offering children cantc- toiucti also and the yoit with their mile a veet octcoaco theeocapletedchcrch wadyfor its pwc occupants dedicated to the service rf that god ha rilled that the widuarr- mite and the poor littio childs offering should noffxipof their errand a somewhat similar ease occurred in mil- waukee cia a fraoc woman dying in an lattnaaf under the chaise of the good doc tor passavaat ia pittaburg gave to hint a golden dollar i hare alaxys tried ta give soraetliios jto those poorer than myself she said when i am ia gire thia ml cttarity ad giva it x coaaihle in atilrankce my old hoine f j a year pasaedj and ooetor faaaavant still kept the ccih vhen he vat called to hilvaakee to establish an infirmary similar tc his ore the story of the dollar vac told and aaakened sympathy sauscricuona poured in and the sahacribers vith one voice agreed that the great bailding when nkh td ahoald bear the name of the poor vidor kdoely ao good vord u sjshen in vain we aar aot ax ia these cascf be aucto have the tchoea ideiprcad bet tiod hears thorn cowards i heard a story aboat txo yoacg ciea srho came to ce tork city from liie cottatr on a tint they tent to the same boarding- doeae to star and took a room tcether well rhen they came to go to bed each felt ashamed to gt doini on his kneea first before his rompaninn so they sat watching eachothe isfaot toeapreaa the situation ia one srocd they were both coward yrj oardatbattustone of them mastered up a little courage and vith burning lihubesaa if he were aboct to ao some thiag rroag and wicked he sank down bn hit kntt to say his prayers aa soon as tl aecondaaw that he also knelt and then aiter they had saiiltheirprayet each wait ed for the other tyi get up vhea they afiaf manage to get up one said to the other i am really gjbbd to aeehat yos ksdt t wxa afraid of yon itall said the other and i wu afraid at yon ck it taroed out that both were jhriatiaoa and yet were afraid of aaeh other von smile at that bat how many timer have yon done the aame thing perhaps not in that- way belt iht aaou thing ul eflect t henceforth then be not aahamed bat let erery one knew yoa arehia 61taina of oold unmenjed indeed ho wl 0 haa nn friottd bold inougli a hilut out tiu faults calumny would very oon atatte and itiu itwlf if no ohu took it inottl ijuve it lodging tnw who blow the coai of otliera liilu m njit to ihvk ikuiiiitlc flylti thcif u ucis sou wluil 1 aai not soo what my full or wius ia n vcty old rnhd ixllvitt at itir in iiioat mualijt of fifo tlt coll- kciousmsk uc iuiioamico is our beat aliielj and our lirail accmitj all is liullovv wlnto ha lioart braiit not a iwrt ktdall ia in lnuil where iimciiilu is not its ritidtf advonily is thu lrial of irtuciiiu without jit it uta itaidly kuoffb whether he is doarat or not as malarious uir may endanger a jocil coitatiluliou so hjul oomiduibus ouilaiior a fiodd cliatmcter to ivjuico iu the liifiiuess of others is to inke it out owti to irodace il is to uiuko it uioio liiu out- own tukii ittrutf rtrw of liio bo croud that you imvn wmt iu the worlda liuay 14th utitt do it well itnd honntubly rccvish coutiudictiou about trifles is litiitly uiure vexatious ulan a gener oua oijoattion whete uialterii oftiiipoitp ancexre iuvolveil uijlt habit is like the channel which dictates tht course in which thurirri hall liuvv iini w hich roa dicicr atid leckl with each year it you wish eitccvas ia life nrnke tcrsvcritace your umotu friend tj terieuce your wiw couufcellr caution our elder brother uxd hojio your sjuardiau genius auyhudy csn soil the reputation of an individual lutweyer pure and and chaste by utteriru a sufjiicion that his enemies will ixdicvtrtaid his friendf never hear of to bo iikjipy the rwiwons must u cheerful ami gay uut gloomy and melancholy a propensity to hope nd joy is real rtchea oua to firaui borrow rial porerty pruiso no ajan too iilieiullr lx fofj hia face nor censare hliu toj uviahly behind his back the one savuure of flattery the other of malice and both are rtfireheasible many cf us are ct to attribute a bad uiutire to a good action hut lew of uf when ode lnu been guilty o bad action eyer think of atributtug a good motive to it no man ana lilt hiiiadf share the world unlis he takes h id of soniething higher thau the world ho cauiot liit hiuiself uuks he giais something higher than himself the sntcst way to make ourselves agreeable to others is by seeming to think them so if we apfear fully sentible of their good qualities they wilt not cuuijilalu of the want of hew in as hovrerer early ia the morniuj yaa seek tha gate of acotme you find it already 0ieq ani however dei the midnight hour when yaa find yourself tn the sudden aruu of death the winged prayer can bring an iitatanf sariour near une9ualled- sugoess at the right house h svmiil to 23 tho month of sjsy v by far lha mmt lunuful mnnth watklns h orrr hd 111 lnormo on his sales m euornious and junlsrunmng farslieadof ny oorreijoiillug tuoiuli since ho couuienoed business in 1843 the rensooi for such on imuiome rush of customers to these inrge double slows are waikmib long experience in the butlness enables him to know nhere to obtain the vory best vnlue to bo bad la europe the uiitcd suie and cnnadrt his sysleoi or paying euh for nricm thfn ninny of the whilosale houses while his large tniinufaeturing business enables lilm tobujr more large- thd brqubkskv sdoytwl a credit systei lauoh it is surpristog tho quantity of carpets linollums end oil cloths tbnl he been mid already largo before and the sales hst been exceedingly large tti nes enables him lo sell tutiin fsr below regular prlres the logs hare gone oil at a rapid rule the slook being nearlj lulro at the very ohoapest nites remember there l no house in iinmuion naiuou i connecdou with any other house in uamllton ifemomber that these immense stores aro en king street ent clone to lluausou street where tue reran- dull u down o 30 oi lii i mv thomas c watkiks tadprtoby 7w3dsnewyorkcity- lata ft i uirr l42x 01 ttmmxtcjtt m m what will tou say then while hope a yotrngsandaich islander sraa in thia country he speat an evening in a company where an infidel lawyer tried to pnrritr hint with dieal qaestions at length the native said i am a poordieithea bay it is not struge that my blunders in english shozld amuse yoo lint tooa there will be a larger meeting tharx thi we chali all be there they will ask wall oneaieation namely do yon lore the lord jesus christ iow air i think i cart say yes what villyau say sir f when he had stopped ail present were ailea at length the lawyerssid that as theeveuing was far gone they had better conclude it with prayer and proposed that the natire shoajd pray he did so and as be poarrd oaf hia heart to god the lawyer oald not conceal hit- feelings tiara start ed from his eyes and he sobbed aloud all present wept too- and when thay separated the words what will yoa 6ay sir i fol lowed the lawyer home and did not leave sum tiltthey hronght him to the saviour rules of summer tie first rule which the summer ghonld lead us to obserro is that of do ing orerythtng liberally locomotion should be reduced to t mmioiutn happy is he rrho from all the fret and turmoil and worry of life has learned the lesson of talcing the shady wju of the streei aay more of wkunj streets of which both dea are shad thrice twppf u be who when he advances in the morniuj to his daily wort can maintain a certain deliberationlceeping guard over bis pace and neyer for a moment forgetting that there is a warm ad a cool way of doing eventhing a little care makes a deal of diffetence whoever starts out furiously may put hjmsaif into a fsrer beyond the cura- tir poffec of toe of juleps or of fang there is a method for the season if we can only maintain it the whola mat ter amoanu to no more than that we mnat ufce good care of ourselves and be aunplj aensible b haslett wtourd axkoukcetothe c1ti tt zeshor aetwi aui vrtnttv tlmi be lusjiislotx ueu lit blsnftw rtemtsesa welt selected k or dry ccods grccerie8 crocklry cussware and that he isprepsred o sell at he most reakiuablc prices for o h snd would recpectfully solicit at hate of their patronage coutiiy produce taken in hxvlunqe remember he jitw store mill st east aclon b haslett acton ne sth jm 8c0n k bownes palatable castofl oil is p la s form pcrfecdjr if rcesllt lo ciul- drtosaaidmtiaujiirprk3st lahtmiuiulietun ihe pcopenles of u oa uuu produee ptia im pi- faf arc eliminated and ills rcodf d not aaljr mfld sjpumani la iu cuoa but tlxajuiclr uulelets 11 ud pslslilile itfspreaiikiiuvliienaeslujdi to snd esuunfe louwa sod u s kmedr for co urenat cotaiipsuoa sod 11 lolntiiuu denar- dnti it h uacqiallcd ud b dauicd to tile too place of erode nl slid 11 dnajc pills nd piifa- uvcs for uic ty oil drufitf si ij ceots a iwt tk doatfiiluiuril a correspondent asks what is the btst method of feeding cattle iu winter f dont etsctiy know ode man migtit irefer to take the or in his lap and feed him with a spoon others would bring him into thedtmug room and let him ait at the tblewtth iho old folks tastes differ iu matters of this kind slightly sarcastic was the clergyman who pained and addressed a man com ing into the church after the sermon had began with the remark glad to see you sir come in always jlad to see those hers late who cant come early- and deexlfldlc aaltvp was the man thus addressed in the presence of an astonished congregation as he responded thank you would you fayor me with the text v that man is my thorn in the flesh exclaimed an exasperated youug christ ian whea some careless dday on the port of a fellowworker had caused unusual trouble ilake him it means of grace then iraa the cheerful help ful answer most of us in home at business life are daily pricked by the habitual carelessness ill temper or sel fishness of some sssoctate tue christ ian philosopher teaches that the very existence of these buffeting thorns points thm out as means of grace tos he was a bapflsf a zealous congregationalist during a visit among baptist friends in pitta burp accepted the invitation of the superintendent to be present at the sunday school and take a class of little ones just sent np from the infant department the lesson mtrodueed john the disciple of our lord as older heads cave often confounded him with that john who catne preaching in the wilderness the teacher felt anxious to bring out his personality yery clear ly sashesskd by what name do you know this johnr john the evangelist john the eevektor john the beloved answer ed the eager voices why was he called the belored f she continued becauso jesas lored him the best why did he lore him bestf said our friend imagine her discomfiture when a eweet race lisped tea he waa a baptist ho wonder the wind i w in a dentist office came down and caught a cat ly the tail while he wat out and fourteen people who would htve waited for hii return on going upthe stairs and hearing the cats voice dcided to go home and stand the aio of the- toothache tez only weekly agnculturaj paper fuxted axd published ik the dojtinion kow ik its secoxd voluke unparalleled successl k v od tmprored form- 16 ptes only ono dollar per 7atr for 5 hchbers kumben a uoath sjtpaes tyearj jji5 colomas for one dollir diiry poiat lie apiiiy ucuxtul z ercryifciac pguaiag lo firm uxlt oct of ooci im ia tf oore itx wectir ccgfflsaxui repocu tad prices trt tmioaijc tbc atntxiltarf noces tlik taper bai met wilk it the bjit o the rtocxuuy oi xria dariap he ctt jxir ttmdi usrinfcd ia the aij- a joanuj ca c ciii or the united state a luxe tus of alita tad prutical writen en ea czgd md co odcace of t njsiijfc utar ijrpcirt weekir trooi its nuar arriberx la karm fcjcj ia the ejjt tnd bruitii cfttumu ia the vow 8jubpu coflxa free priated tad published it tic wcsxod stcua pria os house cgabjjtbfrf imj lr kbcorxockpropcfcc rppagee4iwc addtrrn cakadiak farjstxr driver it uelhad oat at the fost office store acton choice hotter cheese laud sucked meats canned goods dairy salt in bags and general family groceries builders and house furnlshinj hardware paints oils and window glass nails all sizes the largest and most complete factory in tie dominion 146x100 highest hionors ter awarded to any ittaker in tne worli wall paper from 5ct8 uprrnrds josk kelaffait c t hill -fok- groceries if yoa vent coed tod cliep aruele tn jouz htflflu jipta euck or qua- id sale board 8 t a bl e 8 mill street aoton is where you can get firstolass eigs atbea30kable rates goodcommeroial brigs an express delivery wagon ivillmeet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town au parties indebted to tuig es tablishment are requested to pay up without farther delay and save costs ed smattaewcv prowietor ii swars syrups spices and tobaccos of ail kinds teegltalfd swe1et hardware of all lindi paints and oils hinges and locks nails glass fc puttr cash 8alt fir the barrel atl cheap for j go to- 0 t hills 1 mill street aotort tlldiil and diploma axtnlcnnii tsrifcdal and dqjfamh at sijuri a mrttla guld medal at pfticluclal edtiliutoit 7jruiio fsfrltjiiffi aicard at ladiuirial exhibition toronto 1876 1s77 1878 1879 we are now manufacturing square and upright pianos best in the market correspondence solicited send for illustrated cataloruo mailed free address dominion organ piano company bowmanvtlle ontario j fntrs- 1ffiu bheuma tiim droptg istwrl ihttiut buloutnttsjrcrvoutdtbiluyttc thabestssmzdy diown to hnl joooo loan am mid tact it 9000000 bottlea tlu sjpvp fottua varied propaa jt sdsuusm 0a prtraust la fw fain tvfcldi etsftrta skat ssarrh sta4 linr rtk f94 irtwsrla a d4elrarlal e wind aed f tbt fo4 ivlcw i a if i mratclv h takes liunfl anrr rirrarla tkeferseotaajeffool ravtssast it mra tpn ism ilrrr ii acta stsua ike klaarra ii besralasaa tba bawets it tartaf iho blaaa il qaleu ike artaaagrsteaa ii presaafva dtaratlra is haarfabra himctkean aajtbttfaracaa il oarrlra off ike om blaa4 w saakn arw il epeaa tke pern rf uua akia aa4 wsiw uaaltki prraplraiiaa itnabaezea tbisbcttditarttslblorpatadaralbs i blood macs eeaeratei scrkau lijaiirisi sua al xosbdct of skm dessea and tsieraal btuncra tbtn ar no spirits employed in iu oarmjasara sad u eso bo tsfcen irtjotaastdascxtababiarbj cia sirei aad fasija cmrg 91 wmg rrftirrd i as ulin trdtrwetttrit psice or u2qe ronsss inoe arras on sum sonus sc read the voluntary testimonials of penons who rare been cured by thi use of the blood purifier tares erysipelas aft korest wellington cofiit an dsm sib i was srverely afsieted wilh errsipebs fir two years and snort trial oi your indian blood syrup eflectually cured me i mbs janet amdehstin llrer complaint lft foresl wellington coonfcan iaaa kw i hare nsed jrrrrir treat indian blood syrnp liei uom- plaint and hare rereireil greajt lnrflt therefrom i recommenj hi use to all i if wm stewart co are now showing new black satins new black cashmeres new dress muslins few black buntings new millinery hats- new white blk plumes new fancy hosiery new corsets new lace mitts new silk gloves 4 buttons new bordered cretons new bretone laces new parasols wm sts7taet co similarly afflicted nelsok cahr disease of tiie stomac h mt forrst wellicetrni coonlcao daaa sir this is tocertily ihatyor raluable indian blood syrnp cured m of tramprhrtiir sumach tf iicurbow best sfcdtclne i hnre et hai lyunhexorrolk co onl daaasia 1 have usrd a great many- medrine bf a better medicine ihan v jrour lndiaii blood syrnp cannot ba made il is the beat blood ruritiereter used petek warbel iss couuniption windham center daaa sra 1 cannot sod inrigoage to lully eipteas the praise which in grati tude 1 would utter lor the benefits i have redeited from jour excellent indian itlood syrup it has done what doctors could not do or failed to do tsg i was sufiering with consrmption for a u long time heart congo pain inchrsy ffl shouldrr and backhand your indian blood sy t rciracle 1 would recommrna all to giro food syrup has worked a perfect it a trial vmcunsinuham dysajcpsia organs -abtrxj- sewing machines attention r attention i genuine harpers bazaar pat terns full salts only 25 cents straw ahd felt hats axd boskets dotrj ovra nr itc thi larssr snrtzs me8 e h pass rtishes to ik- korm toe ladles or acton and vicinity tuatslie haa lately learnt the krencb mode of cattintr and flttlufr and fs now prepared to give even umtor satisfaction tia tormoay wodalnf and fanrai fioweisembaltnetl dresses and jackets cut and a perfect fit biiaranteed at a reasonable price for stylish and cheap hats and bouacis mbs e h p i bioeotxesjijnare qaelpb acton robt craine is prepared to call on persons roqairmr itber sewlntr machines or organs he has agen01e8 pkou the best roaoufaetarers in tbeooantry and will guarantee satisfaction to purchasers terms very renaoiiable orders left at his residence or addressed to him to acton p 0 will recolvo prctu pi attention bcbaine u topabmers thos gowdt go makufactltrers of the reaper akd- gowdys celebrated gang low- alsor v- chilled jointer plows general pnrpose steel soald board plows mowers hakes fanning mills tnrulp seed wrilu lawn sowers c c give us a call before puroiasing elsewhere pbi0e8 lower than livtle it u important yo farmers to know that at haw purchased tie estate of litti cotritf ty son and can furnish parts- for and also repair anji tik- plementt manufactured by that firm r thos- qowdy co i guelph oat- aylmer eljih co ont sik i hare utedcyour remedy lor dyspapaia and recomme d it lo all 1 mrs john farihino a tuinable vedlclde sia i have used yoar filoodsymp i and found it a wonderful ami valuable vits medicine mbs retsey bedffjbd aylmer tint 1 splendid remedy for dyspepsia sis 1 hare used your indian blood syrup aod causeot it to be used in several cases of ispepsia and round it to be a splendid remedy w w whitk aylmer ont m fonnd as recommended sii 1 hve used youfindib blood syrnp lor dyspepsia sod found it to be as recommended joan w gilletv jp aylmer ont in agents testimony aylmer ottt sib i have used and sold the indian blood syrnp arirtdod it the beat rem- edy in use lor dyspepsia and as a blood purifier lbwisbwbt rheumatism st i have beeatroublrd withbheu matism for a great many rears- your indian blood sjrupvtbe only one of many reniedlea that did me any good i recommend it to all uaa cxth caishow kenyon glengarry co ont dyspepsia and indigestion sib your indian blood syrnp haa oured me of dyspepsia and indigs- uon it has also eflectually ouied nr wife ot aame disease littletos joiraaoi ccatham otjw sols cf extsral ageits nr oaaaa noethropi lyhan o tfftoiit wrvmj xbrtattt also agents f mother hobu8 heihc stdllp an bngliah diaooverywhioh is well i known j valnahte apdjenaif 1 ptjribw tbroujhootthe world hi atsaasa3saaaaaaasa3aaaaai w i v i i z w

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