Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1880, p. 1

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i y i t actfttt free press v ii published jbfir thursday uornikg t st if mookhi editor proprietor t u t pm lktta sqcsjf y kext door lo tletlndut clurcb iratstrwt acfrit 0ii tram the fan pans will be sent to subscribers pottage paid for 11 00 per an- bamiaajranoe 1150 it not so pud uo paper disoontinuod till all arrears an paid exmpt at the optaon of the publisher asttttonio rites oasaal adverbse- mentafiioentbpor line for the first insct- tionaad s cents pcrline for each subsc- qaentinsertioa cash professional cards 10 ones or leas 1400 per annum laqoaro 12 lines i j00 per annum payable in c months from date of insertion any special kotico the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or oompaay to be considered an advertise meat the number of lines rocknuod by the space occupied measured by a scale oi aohd konrcreh coxtaact eates one eol jm u one rear half eotaam one jtar qarttreotainnooe year one ectanm ilx maiulii llalfeolamo f ir mouuit ioartreoiumntrnftmthe ojeilunialhree mnctis jsv0 s vi oi oo sq 12 01 ajiu tuj oj adverlhwdwnu without cixwifie directions llj be lobcrtecl uuf ryt an i ehm j ncconl- intyv tranllrr rcrviwmnlt m nit be paid la advance chaoeea for contract advertisements musl be in the office or a m mnajuvs aluer wise the r will be li ft over lil uie iollawlcr half column thremmhs a airier column three months termsioo in advance tlic hetcqhlxra uap o busy life it fudualimiifiiid iu vatt concerns 160 if not ao paid volume vi no 3 aoton ont thursday- juit 15 1880 tte must have bread ss jay imlala poor usd so say in whole no 2tf4 b ea nicklin raklrs coxfectioxers coiuee ilus mill stkictx acrov beg to intimate that they arc prepared to supply the village and surrounding country with f0ef8f week a p moore klllor t proprietor arifc cli scrrlrr ad- wrttamcewgokjsryosxtfcrrc wnwlfclrc aiatxuaubcmvulctx ix et iolik- sfsixss pibcraxr tt slqkst ilb jicps gradual of trntv goutgc slem- ber of college of 2hymi and surgeons office end rvidcace at the head oi jt red enet st- actn tt itcgaeyiv 31 d- mx c p s u graduate of victos coile ei deoee earner of hill aai freder ci strwrta gonsultatzon daily from a to 10 a m and sfc760n1 x supverob j0hx davis pro- visciit lsrl surveyor cinl engineer and draughtsman of guelph is prepared to aucadtosllsurvevsm acton and vicm- jty orders left at i e sxcgirvns draf store acton wilibrpramptli attended to ctaeds boiheids and circulars ofeverv t desenpton eleccted neatly at the acton fsxn ptiss office the best lical paper oi halton co ed jd siathesok att0rsey-at- l solictor in chancery ac office- iieit door to wallaces hotj lliltaa r k listee h clark bareister i quebec street guelph kascsmcc ik oaakcwc bollilnr mil street ictoi wornac orn evlst feidits1 ti fisher v s- georgetotk out- will visit acton every wednes day and will attend to all calls pertiimns tohisprofwscn orlexskftafcmcgarvms drug store wis rccrregeemot attention terms moderate t 7 fisher trrif- hestsieeet licensed inctioneer far the covcrtes of wellington and haiton orders left hi the fexe pttsiofsce acton oratmr residence m itockwood will be promptly attendedfco pemrs ceasonshie 1 t n patekts forhrtektioss espe- nnanirsit and nrtjperly secured tn can ada the cnjted stlte and europe pa tent guaranteed or no charge send for posted tt ii agency in operat on ten years hexey geist ottawa canada knehameal engineering solicitors of pa- domxiox hotel actok robt agnew proprietor the new hotel is fitted up in firstclass style with new fumi- ture- commercial travellers will find good accommodation nd commodious sample booms specialattentoapsid to the wants cf the travelling public bar supplied with the bestof liquors and cigars sood stohl- tng andattentive-hostlers- rotal excbllkge hotel acres jaa campbell eropnetor ifx camp bell late of the rossm hoose neargtb- statfon taes pleasure in announefng to his many old friends and patrons that he has recently purchased and refitted the boyal eichange mths neatest and most comfort- ahle style and is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him m uz most com- faruhlf rnarmp- chucg wlucs zdquozi cigars and cool summer dnnks always in stock stable in charge of an attentive hostler the patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited no effort till be roared to gfre the very best attention o iss 0e eecs i am prepare to pay the highest cash price for hides calfskins deacons lamb and sheep siins delivered at my tannery im leather constantly on hand jaj1es itoore acrar tjomps bombsr pumps we aitrg manufacturer of superior well and cistern pumps which will be put in on ahocf notice repairing promptly done fnmftuze tnadw end repaired chargei moderate also saws filed and set gitehimacall shop on frederick street opposite dr lowrys residence 1 w e adams vties fo lois l500to loan on firstchrss farmsecuritr a reasonable rate of iaterest apply to h p mooee at fees pebs office acton a keaibjllu biddetl jl ezuicettvrx fotsewinflljichiae andjreusralrepairs ixj the geergetown xorelty works aece eiddell s2-tf- alain st georgetown nhutleti 4jamekon main st aotoa ispcttoi thebeii oreaa maaufactared by man w bel 4 co goelph orders wt it hi ren4esm will receive prompt at tention for particulars see adr on other id ffire him a trial ot- chali cameholf t- i ery best of bread nrxs cakes pastry axd confectionery t if bread delivered wliila thuikin tlioso wliohleavorci as vdh uilx patroaie m the pistt wo schct s continuance of the wjuo tud will wt iconic ucr casloaicrs ice creamparlqr wo hive now opened oilr lex ciiikpakior and ill larvk be prtjiojvd to sajtj 1 v pare ice qtim fruit dnnks fruit tic ico crvim kupiiliid h tho joirt if diired a gdll soictcl b lk xickun vclotvtdy ctb lis shoo adam cook domatio greetings as iiomccatd come hie married mitt hv met y vifft it dtxjr willi foad embrace and loviuc ki aud babys throat is sorel aud did yoa thmk to atop at brawn aud ret rat minbottt i ordered ycilcnlay aud dtar fwda boot are all worn out im glad yoa art an early joliu so tnucli i inias you dear vvi had a lttcr from maauma stafnwuilni to uvb1tcm how very gltd i ou look near john i knew that yoa would be the flours oat the- batter and you mast seudliotne some tea that plaraber has uca here aain if ou dont nay hill mte j aud mr pnndcnsut called in to say your rut was due freds troasors are ill cotton john ioa thoaght they were all moot oh that rrtnmds me tfat 5 our aia wis nhtjjped tody st school the roof has leaked and spoiled this rugt upon the oprcr hall j and sue mast go tht cirelew thing she let thcanirror fall today aa she ass moving the largest one dear jalinj of course it brake aud also hrokfl the burp it fell upon vht nukes you look to praromy io e ivle ifi jour thitit and wiw your fett andoulj tiunk u dxy jane lroke ojr cieecschauia piie 1 oh johul that hcrrid hamd word you do ut la c mer dear i with that i boohoo were dead youre cross as any bear woju intimate to the poop of aetnri tnftt i he ha purchased the bntckertnslftrsslrtey crri don by mx r trj nil that ne h ttlirtrron haotjacrslclass6lccfcr beef pork f muttosiesaga fish ac 4c and kort5atr1et attention to buttnew to eearew far ehtre of the tcitronc6 of tue blp x1e4x delivered atony time to any part of the town i tfrmfwu acallfcoucirtd adam cook itstf six 2cr cat latcrcst paii oalsfi- safest jxdbest security board of directors d b ouliljnlk e q president wx keiinseof jona wa die 4 ca ilar- llncion vrprefidfnt j w bccrnurgir h u uamtlton hugh stceitay esq hamilton ttrfxasklsckard e gol jocc ltjd barton itqht iicmav kq- tihrallton r eccnifiiolk fcj oatviile wkfucevak st ugeoreetowa hk3kifnx kd c b- know eqt iaaacef cotton illllki dondjis- j szotinf co loax ov real edau ul rnw co suit lorrouxrx and ca tasy urau jeafoffire opentery weefcday frcm 8 sum to 5 p-ta- d dextekf maiiaser lug iu ir7s 7fim cxsadjc loah bakkikc gqhpaky soixgs blxlu coaxnu ofjaxeti asd tn sres pzt jsa t t r h c t3 of study or work si take him all in all jticfc whs not such boy as one was he a hero chapter i jack hasbrunck was rather a com mon sort of boy hit light biown lair was generally veiy much tumbled up lia face wka jjain and freckled tcudjui botipst hazel eye did not sparkle or glow or do mi thing in particular but enable their owner to see he was fourteen years old etrong liealtby ud very fond of play and not bit f jnd new boot shoe shop w williams would bespect- kullvloumte to the people ol cton and lcinlt tiiat oe hs oieued a booaanoeliopialbetaitalfcoposttev ii blorejs gwve vsorfcs oa mrltr htiiecr actok any one in wantof a substantial and food ctunai boot or shoe s6oud not failtoleavetheirorteratlils stand esvalrine isjeelalttsaijteaiptly ittsndcl to w wililams- acton s pi iits 5000 customers wanted this week at the czjrrrair boot ishoe st0re roucax bur eettee sq0fs atep ssqes ajcd get bettrebabgitk in acioa than lo go way from home to mitkja your parc cail at 0eazne s0n cqtottltfs orbwsoits coenees istteparedlodoalllcindsor whitewashivc colorisg 00 tli e iborteit notice and at reasonable rates- tgf leave your ouners fl t the fkee pexss office acton p gciohiln cleaned een- orated would mtturally select for a hero jjcee hums was oa an isiind wmoiu maud we will call it ijing in the sltateuiuc hirer about forty miles from the aea all around the island which stretched its rocky length a mile along the western tide of the river rose grand highlands covered to the summit with the forrest pntnevaj between the western shore aud the island lay a broad salt marsh and be- ond the marsh for miles and miles spread out an almost trackless forest on the eastern aide bowed the river at this point half a mile vtdo and more than a hundred feet deep it was rather a wild spot for a home aad a rough place in hich to pass a winter but in summer it was larely beautiful and a fine place for ever kind of boy7sh sjort there were besides jacks family twp others livmg on the inland and in each was a boy about jacks kgi- joe ku filer was a little oldtr andn good deal smarter so everybody thought than jack charley grant was a year yoanger and a sort of boy servant to the two older boys who liked him and tj ranized over biin to their hearts con tent- the three lads genetnlly got oa together very pleasantly then was plenty for them to do they played at work when required and worked at play with all their might whenerer they coald get off from the drudgery of chores and working in the vineyards and nurseries oa the island they werr all good boatmen and could mil as steady a stroke and feather their oars as neatly as the best man oa the island they each bad a boat a staunch little craft made of cedar light and easy handled bat able to stand a hearr sea and many were the races the boys had up and down the river and across itj and in among the coves aud brights of the island shore when the wind swept downfrom the northwest and the tide was running oat it was tough wore palling up stream sometimes the boats would remain stock stilt for half an hour wheia the tide rushed arouhd aomejtittingpotnt and the boys would have to pull with might and main to keep from going tack instead of forward but itwas rare fun seeing it wasnt work and it made theit muscles like bowstrings for strength and suppleness there were other sports too fishing hunting swimming climbingthe moun tains on the mainland and splendid skating in winter and in the fall after he frosts had dona their duty as nnt burr openers there was a fine chance for cbestnutting on the upper part of the island which was ao rocky that it could not be cultivated was a aud o coursq trert gathered fa the seasoa 1 it was a pleasant morning lowari tha cud of october jackiand joe had been lounging about tiia dock for an hour or so watching tha rfvor oralt as they swept by inthe fresh brees aad talking boy talk uhont nothing ia par ticular proacndy charle came run ning dowu with a bug hullo fellers lets go ihpsttiutting all right 1 oouie on said joe tak ing the leadership aa usual aud off went the three a happy 4 larks in 1 few wimius they were up in ha great tices and aula weru ratiltng dowu like hailstones oa the tbick ctrpet of brown aad yellow leaves beneath tbom after giving each tree a tliotough shaking the boys came down to gatliec up the spoils and make tip division now it was pait of the unwritten constitution ihu cauimoa livr of the wiaoaa republic that when the three bojs went nutting together they should share the share alike this was fair enough becauso it could not be told which oue8hoak dowu the most and i he gathering was always thrown in as too small a matter to bo consid erea so tliej would gather up all ibey could find put them in a single heap and dtvida by handfuls this nude a pretty even division and nobody had just cause for complaint hut to day an ugly spirit of mif chief or jierversity sceiutd to have gut nuder master joes jacket when they had poured lnctr giossy treasures the common heap he begaa to make the division but every second time- around ho put two handfuls insteai of one into his own pile what are you doing there v asked jack with a slight touch of fierceness in hit toil im dividing said jo briefly you itnt doing it fair anyway added charley you shut up was joes emphatic rjmnder and charley dared say no more v now look a here 1 said jack get ting into a heat you cant come that game on us divide fair or you shant divide at all id like to know whos going to prevent me 1 joe wai getting uglier every minute what was merely a spirit of nnsclikf at tbe stariimd row iecouie hard vucvl purpose to le unfair m spite ot everything jack ju in pid to ins feet tha fire of liu heart bursting into a hut and fariout flame its a mean trick and youre a mean fellow to do it so tbew nov tbe two bqjs bad always beu good friends they bad bad their tiffs like otber boys but these were lituo affaiis and soon made up for the lads were really very fond of each other and could not bear to be at enmity long on the one side in act of outrageous iijchios oa the other an accusation that no boy of spirit especially if he deserved it could endure for a mo meet joe was on his feet now and with clenched fists and angry face shouted i say that agin if you dare 1 there was an instants pause poor little charley stoodby iu an agony of wonder and fear itl was not a pleasant scene to witness ia the pleasant woods ou that bright october day butjcngry passions spoil many a lovely day ia this fair world of ours i do dare to say it egain and you kaow its true 1 said jack with a hot flash on ins freckled face the words had scarcely pawed his lips whea joe stung to fury by the taunt sprang forward and planted a heavy blow in jacks face it was an ugly ieei the erst blow he had ever struck except in fan now if jack had been a hero he would probably have put himself ia fighting attitude and pitched in for a regular battle witlif his angry friend tbey would have had a furious fight and after mauling each other for some time and getting black eyes and dloody faces would have sliakea hands aad made up if he had been the kind of boy we read of sometimes but seldom meet he perhaps would have said with disanniug mildness and dignity joseph i am sorry if i have hurt your feelings and although you hava struck me i forgive you anl ask tobe forgiven iftrhapa eomethmg like that in spirit at least would havo been better on the whole than iiat jack did but jack was neither a physical nor a uiotul hero to any great extent he was afraid to fight joe who was bigger and stronger than he and be bad not tbe slightest inclination to niako up with him in any way h simply turned around without saying another word and walked rapidly away but hiaboyish heart was in n vyeyjumnk of apgry passion ill get even jvith him some way was the thought that surged through his breast as he tramp ed homeward through tho leafless woods and pisaod the vineyards and hotbouses and if any means of doing joe a serious injury bad occurred to him at the moment le would probably have jumped at it as a trout jumps at a tempting fly in august fortunately no such unhappy chance presented it self and jhck had time o cool off joe wai too proud to own up and jack too angry to have auything itr do with lum charley had a hard time of it betwoeu tbeni for ihey both wanted liira to be wib them and scolded and threatened to lick hiji if be went wilfi tbe other all the usual fall sports were ntglecfed october faded into november and the first week proved a cold ami ilormy one the fierce north weal winds came howling down the mountain side laahiig the river into loamy while cups and putting the bardy riier craftsmen lo their utmost skill to avoid aa npwtftfwfl pasa between the lills it wasadreury time and the boys felt as they had never felt before how tiresome tbe island m in heavy weather trrand old oliestnut trees from which r l r c l i 1 thick wood and among tbe prime cedars aad lwrt oaks w ere a few before being able to avenge the cruel ioault which be iiad bflffired cuaptktt ii one morning while the storm still raged charley came running over to jacks housn all breathleaa and excited joes aul sick be mod as soou as ba could cilch his breath the doctors come and they dont hink hell ever get well good mrs hasbrouck immediately went over to offer her ueighliotly serv ices and soon relumed for something needfuf jack eagerly watching for her inquired with an anxious heart what the troable was poor jon is very sicfc indeed he was taken last night with a fever and this morning is delirious may i go over to see him v ir ii i i tr u ii i j way and might calch he fever jack slunk away and went aimlessly out into the yard at cbatlejs first words all the anger had gone out of bur heart and a kind of awful dread had taken its place what if joe should die 1 what if that miserable scene ia tbe woous should lie his last v iew of the boy he liked to well 1 jack would have given anything in the world including his boat and bis six bladed jack knife if he could only see joe- for just one little minuti and make up before he died but day followed day in anxious suspense it was hard ti get the doctor over to the island for it was a good twomile row to the village aud the weather was so rough that it was a task for two stout men to pull the heavy boat ucros and when be came he could do little but look ut the bot face of the tossing boy and prescribe a dif- fertni medicine one night it was near tho crisis of the disease a sad accident happened tbe doctor had been thero during tbe day and left a medicine which be said must be given at intervals daring the night just after the evening had set ia with pitchy darkness rendered doubly black by the heary clouds which hung below tha sky mrs kiesler went to the cupboard to pour out another dose of the medicine inervoua from ttuxtety and long watching she took the bottle with an unsteady hand in au instant it had slipped through her finf rs and was dialled into a thousand pieces on tho li or here was a sad case indeed 1 all of poor joes medicine gone and no possible way of getting any more that nigbt tbe storm was uiunientarily incteasingin violenceand the anxious mother well knew that no one would dare to venture across the river in so furious a tempest tho ac cident wis soon known in all the homes aud many were the word ot svmuathy uttered but even the hardy boatman accustomed to rough weather shook bis head when the possibility of getting to the village was swken of taiut no use talkiu he said ye couldnt git acrost tuorn uuthin at all it ud be jea teuiptin providence to try it every one felt the force of old baxters words tor none doubted his courage or his skill as a boatman but to one listener the sad intellig ence of the mishap and the impossibility cf remedying it brought a hope and a desire which soou resolved themselves into action what wis the name of tke medicine mother v said jack quietlf mrs hasbrunck told him no one noticed when a minute later jack slipped out of the door with cap and overcoaitand bped into the darkness it was indeed a fearful nigbt the storm had risen to a gale the chill november rain poured down in torrents and tbe furious wind whistled and howled amid the leafless branches of the trass through the darkness jack could hear the iroar of the waves that were dashing against tbe rocks and us be neared the dock he could see the glimmer of their white crests with much difficulty be unfastened tbe painter of his staunch little boat and with a few sharp itrokes of the oars was out on the boiling river it was a serious task he had before him already he was wet to the skin by tha driving rain and every moment sbowors of salt spray dashed over him the cold wind benumbed his bare hands tough as they were so that be could bcarcely hold the oars again and again the waves knocked the bending oars from tho rowlocks and threatened to engulf him beneath their dreadful weight but jack did not feel a bjt afraid perhaps he did not realize tbe full extant of the danger be wan in possibly he thought jiiope he did that god was on the river aa wel as waves on galilee could care for the boy who was trying with a stout heart aud deleiunned will o do a nobledeed foi friendship hake at any rale he did not falter in liia purpose but struggled manfully on until by the sound of the breakers he knew he was near ho other side fortunately ho struck the sliote within a little cove sheltered by high locks and was able o land with out a great deal of trouble tbe alk to the village about a unle and a half was along the railway truck i a part of it across a long bridge on weu vsingle pwisirwariaid forpa-i- angers but wulking was pleasant after the tremendous effoit ot rowing and jack tcudged briskly forward cheered by the lights of the distant village and an occasional gleam from tbe flagmans boxes along the road in due time the village was leached the medicine procured and jack blarted on bis return with a light and eager heart m my inside pockit 1 and tainted dead away i they chtfctl him qniky to hie liotnfeand the medicine was taken to mr4ciew in the moriinf after a sound nifhts rest jack awoke as healthy jxys do tut well aa ever ud his first thought was for joe whether it was the medicine pro- ou red at so much rukoi kind nature lhat did it it u impoouble to my bot imbe morning th crisis of tbe fever hud passed und joe was on tho meocl in a day or two jack was permitted to soe him for a lew minutes mr kiesler had proudly told her boy what his fnend bad done for him and joe remembering sadly their last encounter in be wood was eager to tee dear jack once more but their meeting was dreadfully prosaic i jack said joei in athii faidt voice extending his poor weak hand it was awful good of yoa lo do that for me j jack grjspe3m hand warmly and looked a great deal but be only said o pshaw t isnt anything but from tbut time forth never were wo boys 6uch friends as joe aud jack i oood advice for everybody witt xeijsoiy busnpfihiay nucoukbegalucroa fordeveratdietle hoys koptnart but wulkingdon the road wilh tbe wind and up against the wind were two quite different things often jack was brought o a couilelo standstill and bin breath fairly bown awaj by the fmy of tbe gale and ou tl e long bridge be as several times obligid k cling to the plank with bis bauds lo save binself fioin beioe blown into ihe water at length however he got safely back lo his boal and aftei stopping a few momenta to rest launch wives lhe tosbifli but all this while what was happen ing on the island 1 for a time jacks absence was not noticed bui when tbe family were assembled forevemeg prayer luqniry began lo be made foi him no oua knew where be as of course and the exercise went on with out him then nine oclock runie and mcr hasbrouck growing somewhat worried went out lo look for his coat and hat both were gone 1 then there was a muster of tbe family forces the neighbors were inqniied of but thryknew nothing of him where could the boy be t the men went about calling througu tbe darkness nut no jack responded to lhjirshouts they searched ia ever nook and corner where he could be supposed ta be but ail in urn all t one- with a mothers instinct lira hasbrouck recalled jacks inquiry about the medicine could it be t yes that must be it with lantern in hand waiting for no one she ran to tbe dock jacks boat was gone 1 the mystery was solved but tbe pool mother heart sank within her as she looked out on tha stormy urer and remembered what the boatman had said but not a moojent was to be lost she hastened back to the house and ia a trice every window towards the river was lighted up and a large reflecting light was earned to the rock above the landing at least there should a nothing omitted that could help the poor lad find his way home if the hungry waves had spared liim just as jack struck oat into the nver he glauced behind bim and saw idujfkiut glimmer of tbe lights through ths pelting rain it put new life into his sturdy arms and the rushing waves and furious winds did not seem half so threatening aa before he knew tbey were watching and praying for him and he smiled lo think how glad the would all be when ha landed with the precious- medicine that was to save poor joes life but oh how lung it took xo row across i wind and tide were against bim now every pull on the oars seemed to require the utmost strength he could put on to it and after bis previous exertions the labor rapidly wore upon his energies until the poor lads courage betao to fall and the terrible fear caine rushing into bis uund that he might not be able to ree cb borne after all how cold it was how tired he fell and how numb his hands were getting tbe pleasant lights seemed farther offihan when be saw them first he was surely dnft ing away aud would soon be swallowed up with the life giving medicine b the surging piulesn river gradually his strokes became less and less vjgor- our his weary arms refused to do their office his head swam and before be could recover himself at oar had slipped from bis weakened grap but hark whathlbatt a shout clcae by and the sound of oar3 sum moning up all bis energies jact shout ed in reply there was an answer and he called again a- few moments anxious bnsuense and the great oak boat ruus alongside jack a almost sinking craft while old baxters stoat hands seized the exhausted boy and dragged him safely abqaid the brave old man moved by the mothers agony had veutuced out af the risk of his own life in the wild hope of encountering jack either on the river or on the further shore and providence had led bim to tie fulfillment of his hope just in the nick of time it was a hard row back but baxter was a mighty oarsmen aud bfa happy heart gave added power to his strong aims so that in no long time the doek wat safely reached and wasnt it a ad meeting when jack was lifted tom the tost and folded in his inflthois armsl hs jbjncveij under any circumtanoob assume a responsibility that yon can avoid consistently with your duty to yourselves and others 2 baso all your actions upon a prin ciple ofi right pieferre four integrity of character and ia doing this never reckon oa tbe cost 3 rmember that self interest is much more likely to waqi your judg ment than all other circumstances combined therefore look well to your duly when your interest is concerned i never make inoitey at the expense of your reputation 5 be neither lavish or niggardly of the two avoid the latter a mean can is universally despised but public favor is a stepping stone to preferment therefore generous feelings should be cultivated 6 say but litile think much and dp more leaw a balance my money is a friend ia need 8 avoid borrowing and lending 9 wine drinking and cigar smoking are bad habits they impair the health and pocket and lead to a waste of time 10 never relate your nil fortunes and neergrievuuver wiutt you cannot prevent 11 cultavalc promptness in deciding upon matters that come before you there are few oljjects more disagreeable than an undecided vacillating man consider thoughtfully but decide promptly 12 never break a business engage ment of any kind if it be possible to meet it let nothing cause you to be come careless of business etiquette integrity and piomptitnde 13 let truth and an unwavering faith in jod underlie all our motives and actione on the land jiud lhat he wbostuledlbe oould just whisper the jncdiciiief- tjl 5 cold cabbage george abrahams was extravagantly fond of coll cabbage and one day seeing that quite dishful was left after dinner asked his wife to save it for his salad at oiabt aboat midoulit george came home labor- inir under a fitrcas of heavy weather f eehng hungry and tluokinc of his tavonte cabbage he asked where it was his wif- replied la the pantry on the secood shelf down he went found tne cabbage gnt oat the oil mastard and rfaegar cat ap cabbare dressed it to the aeeaa taste and ate it all la the morning the wifo noticed the plate of cabbage where she had placed it tho day before and tomiog to hei deargeorrs immediately asked wby he did not eat the cabbage i did he said how did you like it c oh not very well it was tough and striaey bot here is tbo cabbags now where did da find any more 1 why oa tha second shelf where yoa told me a quick look m tbo shall by tbe wife and then a cry of agony why george you have eaten 20 worth of lacecollars and cuffs that i had pat in starch stringy cabbage indeed raising a weaver jojee was a tramp and inngry happening to pass one day in a vihge where the women were wailing he noticed the preparations for a funeral in hopes of getting something to cat uojee said to the relatives wcnld thou have the dead restored to life v then all the relatives said yes that would we place me said jojee tbe tranp in the room next the dead man bring ma good cheer so that 1 may propitiate the reanimating angels most ebecily put there a pot of the finest honey three loaves of the whitest bread and a flask of the purest oil tbjit the relilives did and jojee the tramp bid them retire jojee the tramp then ate hia appetite was satisfied then he uttered many shrieks and bowls the relatives wait ed longnd patiently at length jojee called in the people tell me then asked jojee what was tbe exact culling of tho deceased v a weaver was he by trade tbe relatives replied a weaver iied jojee thetnjmp the iioncy and bread and eil wasted had- he been a tinker a toilorj or a cobbler 1 might- have bronght the dead man to life hut a weaver 1 i netfer could d janytbing with weaver j well ininr said jqoigh of the- birch rod can jou deokoe a kiss t yen sir said the girl dropping a perplextdcourtsey i oau but libs t ri j

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