Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1880, p. 3

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immm i j tm rfcuhk time taslfc jtrajnilcajrractona follows fc 1- uoivqwslst tntohto mail la express ktpresr jtttrntrcd 1 05im 9 10am 5 1111 l 645 imu qotm bast juut express i liam gaumuretl tm2am day express u 30 am western tniil 44gp m t ittdon mixed 9 3q p ia turt optuoa it ckc syaiu joortuut ml fwicy croedi 8tor k neir jtock of putter a ucr ttock of spectacle nd cases a ne slnek of coml of all kimls a ucir stock of ftetlia utwls ami mottoes a new stock of stbrcr and fotrd curd board anew ttock of 1 civciopea aud kate pari rcdlmj and birtbdaj present lhc bisfe and largest assorlnout in lou call ui aud see sign of the ki watch oca uads jewellery and fancv goods stow acton tttrfcuua mqrxim jocx 15 1880 towx axb oarxn the urle hanetu tin coumicac ed alranditice of ruspbemea nt thts iclclt the the roi awe ter registered 89 m toe slude w gnui rtr a il huitonaf wmler b virue nll preach m kuax cuutxh acxt scuvitr tue suntfav school aro rorkirg ufi ta full ttwugth the cotning picnic c fctclici luei qiuleacnmfcerof actoniim went to huailuui oq auoudar to attend tie 0xoe ceicbratiott there wis no 12th of jnly cele bratioa m tctou aud vexj icv orange rib t cs were to be cecii tattr is soou talk of hiring aa exersta tn buffalo by way of istara wboa civic uirfijr kvaru etfbadc itr torn bid lcticess to tciifitxin gutlph ycstcrou ft rejaaghs atav wca at tlia bottom of it iloh d w gtni 111 e of itilton sold tts pia of thdytwh breils iltiss rase nd amelia to ilrjalbuigtltiiocr ouwr forooa t pof t ce rtrs tn exel angr ped ts that tc hottest tpell by fir u vet to cotas tnat is whit oarprcacler a rt too xt totatoes nad gren vtetahl s ie ramjisut cbolcra mobus mhotpunni the m lihxe their gvicks r i tm tud are rezdv for eac e the cxiugreattun oi st ahuqv cbarcb actn acd ist- johns cfaprch uockarood each lotted hoi ijig a cnud harret honie and ltacert lafceptcuber air j c hill eattir o actua bfiss biduid ilr u ft hiij a u aur a ctoa parlor ore te tra laed w ta ihc lilon bind at ha nituiu uj ilou the rtreet and sidewalk cmimis- s lux udk the bmt cootained ia t or tsue f list week acd re the lad r lice 1 1 tns lealha a few plxxet require at- tectog tints a ubuai it ia tluinrlba atno ai ia tha pat tngur has adviflcel alottt one cent pec wuud amce pcctccxiac ume commcihed prrsovat tr wm kolon for- raertj a merchant tailor of milton t now doing httimcaa at 33 scott itrcet torouto aad loolt proapctoua ckamftou fall assises xb halloa fall anuct nu u opened at sliltna oa kfon- day september 20th ile hon chief jiu- uco of the common 1lois pruidin orr to telwesre mr qo ahn tormerir o the ruht kott milton left here etterdaf ovamtir for himiltou he inteodt vuitiug tcnceiee kaa tempehaxck sibxov rsr t l wilkmton will preich a teroioa retemni tag to tempkrancft legulatioa oa aud ireacng nextj in the ifcthodut church postmeo tha band concert irlnch scat to have uleu place on mandij ecamc nect uu been poatpaned and ill not utc place until ilaujij eveninr tuc 23 rd imt tnuvdta sioiut wo hid e hcavv thnoder atorni here on fnda afternoon ifailatouca fell u large a pyeoni eggi omtiderabte rjain vac flattened but wl lure heard of no aerjoat damage a srccess the social recently rirea bj mr john hantcr of esqueaing tie the benefit of sl paul a church kon al rat a grind saecesa in ccr benie of the word 71 w bcinu realized chautiiwa bfse ball a game of batetiall f ir the cbitnpionxhip of canada was played m gcclph on uondar between the actrrca of woodstoclc and the maple leaf of gceljih the game resetted m favor of the ltter bj score of sios to firjiers aa eicaitutiaa of nations neir binding maxhtne mil it circn on the farm ot r alex h lirorn near the tillage on friday afternoon arikrc interested ia thu biboraving m chine thoald attends aler t binltb ccnt tekpertvce meetisg m- tllos wclater of brantforj grand scribe of lie grnd lolgc of tha suit if tempeiance of oatino tiill addrecfi a meeting on the snb- of temperance it the temperance uall oa thurs isy euing 22tid imt ml are c ir dull innted to attenil mlsic teichfe mr curencc d gnwol 1 firroerlj of bhendeo n has talea np his abode in oar village and in tend to direct his attention to the teaching oi vocal and instrumental ma ic in a 1 tranche mr gnsarold is a graduate of batter mus csx college sfvr lort and nil no doubt prove himself an eilkient teacher tka young monof lha village pivo mr geo ifattkewa who loavoi for eng land thd morning a farewoll supper at anowa hotel on tuoidaj night hotleoi worth atttntlon mnohlae oil at post olci glow hats from 75 corns to 2 6c at j fyfoi xslt by the uiuel at llio post office store tsidcr a andtwon wo unmoid- j my detained from being present at the i ulaee t ucpe meeting h lut sunday m it mi col htllioerjr il will preach in that place next 8unday the itnuuut t lum and 6 pm a tery noat aud coavemonfc en- giuc hoacu haa been erected at the g t h station to rciilacc the one recently dcitro- edby fire the bmloimr u painted ith ire proof paiut aad roofod with gal aaued iroa if any pcruan in acton has a copy ufthe statutes of canada m their poicasiaa which docs not bcluinx to them we wottld be tluakful if they would cae it at thu office some oue borrowed oar copi a car or io ago aud never return ed it yhe xevt stkect it is cerj situ factory o koow tliit the aboreoae- tna btd been bnxlly settle cud the wol j of osjemuf the itrtet to the c r itatitm will be c immeoccd luioiedixtel it w ill ik atioe bruod ctrcet with sideajfc an feet wide aud gravel to be furmahed bj the c r coinpnii it my ic h iped that tins struct will creitfj erpediate baildms iu that psrt of the town cctiwi weslfvas feitale college wt have roc red froa the pnnatd the anuiil catal ue of the boe lustitutit a full irzzt cjlitfi refetnn to the coarse f etadj ales cxp ces and allfienenl laforraatiou i pivca tberc is also a lut of th oang ladies wh liae graduated at the college and ths decree conferred take pleas are ia nxammzxtaiap thtf mstttutton t those who intnd giving thur danhtert a thoroagh edacataxti on friday as 5fr hill acd mr a duabar of roclwood were nttina 10 a carnage ownel by the former geatlemxn opposite nelle bookstore gaelph some persoa opening an ntnbrellx fnghtnftd the harees and they atarfel down ft yndham hat i ctll a fitiulied ser monr said i lady to her haiiaai aa thev ieccltd tl ir ui froaichnrch ve was te tipi bat aoyua kna i thocg t it lceer woald be r tlerpwcre onlr the cxndidat oat of eertfo whe apl rot fr r eecond cisa certihcatefiiifiloa iiat week tnere art city ax candidates for the third class- t afanonajwee crnttjnjjthe mlwaj ecadinatiqa this weew we clp the following froji the elegit nc whig of last week vijterilasrjli- he conratchxte rer 4fr cook cp a his mrrug which inter e ttag ereat took place at- actoa onl oa taeauay the bnde will be welcomed to tue ci and maj she stars tht popalrity whfch her baband enjfiy- the kvc4 nuts that t peajile say that the ililtoti pleassre grounds je the area tor digncefnl jmd blacktnard prsc- tises m tje erettnz that it is a discracc to ifiltnu that chir- acierlett hoaaes shoald be seffered to exist in it fouling the yery air with theirpesti tutul breath and ntutrngthemursbrgf the yoan i we have received the firstnumber of ttut proyrrie a new paper publuhed in thaniesnlle oat it is an eight pit 40 column paper and u pabbabed ia the inferest of thameanlte and iarroaading cicntry it commencea its career with i good adrertuing patroosge and shonld meet with success meagre samoierville fc co are the publishers a mphasatarf supper wrk jfirea at elora on monday erenrag 51 inst m honor of mr w sayder statioa master wlw has been transferred to lhitidas hon chai cisxfce m f p occupied the chair aadjohn godfrav eeere of tlhe vil uge the vice chair the affair passed off verj kncceasfouy the shore paatleraaa u brother to mr ec snyder of thu village cuoada is gaining- cime as the home of athleticitni in rowing she is pre- eailnenfc in caledoniaa iports che u at the top la ucrotsse she teaches the ord andm the raorawnsibleformof pedestruui- tnthe is as eood a the- best this fact is ieihg recofinued and the xew tbrfc stui neneroaily says that cftodvs best is ufoxll the worlds best in the long ran the gathering of onngnen yoifngrfintons and tnie bine at hattiii- toq on monday was larger than at any previous feme in the history octbecttj lxlercmjnll fores from torootosaji j track and dam haxktssoa street mr kill mxnsffcd to stop the horses oppoite mc craes woolen factory forninatelr the cxjitlcma were none the worse oi their fast nde new cnxrcn we rro lufuntud that the members of st johns church ratckwood bave ia projection the bail bng of a new stone chnrch to replace the old one no iu nse at a vestry meeting on wedncaday evening last the following gen tlftnea were appointed as a committee to solicit jttbsenpjiians for the baimin fan i messrs bernard loiglit dann doclrsy sckett and bolton the church will cost abaci i0co of which 500 is now in the treasurr and 200 more has bea tabucrtbed rev w j pigotfc u tho clergimaa at roclwood advrcetoglels jattd few wordh gjrls and dont get mad go slow on get ting acquainted with every stranger that stops a day m town men are on the look oat for voting women to flirt with don t try to be the first to catch a commercial traveller or receive his company at your homes or go with iunr to social gatherings this claas of men mafca fan of yaa ta yonr fnends dont snub the yoang men yoa know to gain the momentary attention of strangers it jtevee pays you may mean all right hot an unjust public is sure to hint- many wicked things about yoa- many young ladies fall out of notice socially by being ruled by a desire to flirt with siring ers take the advice we offer and eee how much happier you will be when yon settle down in homes of your own coheeepotcevcs wfi solicit cot respondcace from erery qaarter any one may send as items of mtert dont hesi tate fhroah say fesr of lack ot ability or polish send it jn any shape and whenneoes aary we will correct it for the press there it alwsjj somethinj happening in yoar neighborhood which would be of interest to otters- eateriammeuts parties picotcs school events accidents et change of pro perty heavy crops arntals and departures births deaths and marriages all these are interesting letteri are also soicited on any subject of interest the ladies especi the coaaty of tork loodon and county of ally are invited to seud articles original or middlesex brafltiord and couaty of brant the counties of ehjm velhngfon grey eruce halton halt im and norfolk hel- iod lincoln monek oxford waterloo eel siowoe as well a tiyt east paints oils sefted all comoinnications shoald be wnoplazoly oa one side of the iheet and with writers name attached the name will be published or not at discretion of writer varnishes etc burglary iv ooelph between 3 aud i oclool on sunday morning the reaid- uce of maj or bleemau alerloa avenae vra entered bj burglars who secured about 15 they nett pud i visit to the house ot mr thomas steele and cut through hia clothes taking about 20 no c ue as jet wakted tenty young men sml ten half groa bova uho can wear their hats on the side of the r heads smole bad cigars chenr worse tobacco and cipcctorate aith pacision for twelve feet must be verj bold impudent vulvar and well vers ed in ubsecmtj also ready to make r ironlreal house so the siuitlik etkej and forks at the post ofllce store 1 1 kiiud lilil sugar for 00 at the montreal house auolliei lot of the is lb sugar at the post ofroo store leave jour orders for ica creiai and strawberries at lq matthews ir i on wuut a nolibv durahle and cneap suit j fytea 1 the lace to go fhlsic bias fresh evriy day al wait gw m tlta at the excelsior hakecj all kind of ghw and one fruit jar rum lag off cheap at a w greens cash store choice tweed and cheap sails made to order curuha- henderson co acton mavteil iltutdratelt 100 firkins of good eliow bultcr at a greens cash store orangea and lemons always in stock at l g mallhws ice cream and rult parlor daily expected at the post office store ctou winduwgias 7i9to30t0 for fienuine arctic 8oda try the new soda fouuuin at the excelsior 13akery b a e imcuiu i puni ico cream br the dish or quart at i g matthew s icoj cream and bruit parlor i if j on want a coot refreshing marla on passers bv especially ladies their business will i to stand around the nk trj the new rmntain at he excelsior uakiig li a l ricklta i church doors oa sundays and oil the rtrcct corners oa week daj a a few ara wanted tor mrs secorda cornt half a darca op postto the post office aud aboqt a dozen of the best 6pttters fnc the centre of the nu tatje the wmxintcr will be itatioaed by thu atitlantitfs at different places on mill and mam streets applications will be re ceived at box 8741g far the next ihtru days good sptttert and those who arc versed iu lornng preferred the lowctt o an application not neceuanh tcccpel a liberal sal ry will be pad fur competent ban di prroaaiu mrs thos chrutie ot wilkerton u visiting her actoa fnends mr t savth returned home fmi lhih school st lathanaej ou saturiuj mr m gordcn of water lwu huh sjiool la5 returned hcic for tjiailr a cat an mils esther warns nkce f lltv mr wukiosun ia risitiu her fncud at the piraonage mrs haofon of bowmanillc who ra been visiting her fnends la auoa efdfor home oa m udaj mr thnaias at oorc pnnapol of ctoa pbht schtki left 1 11 thmwlxv list uu a vli t among his fnends in y urk for a sjupe of weekc on morday lat mr j hn ftrf t rrok fo m rl of tli tillte nt u of the tirm i v irtbrjk tl sj u toronto male as a pcaraut cap mr w ii grant anil his nser mi jennie k grant left far q cbec nn mon day i ist- riie mtcud to tpud the nexs fe els una head ia iliat cit we hd a cdl from mr j p ulrn of brampton f rmerly o rjllajje ou at nrlaj hat mr 4jun lo iu hile ai lhi t an all bis old friends klh tiad to uect with him snaia a ljhgelecact mr a r davi for conic 3 ears a rfa q bujer on theguelph market left an saturday murning ft r au stralia to claim k handsome ieptcv left bun by a fnecd nazned htmmcind who died there in is7s- mr daviswas not relatetl to th testator butfonnedhisscqatintance while sailing on the isles and whn the utter went to tattralta in isgt he pressed mr davis to accoirpuij htm at his death he willed all his prsonil property sd money amoanticg to 19500 to a brother bring in iscocsin and ins real estate and stock compruinz 7 00 acres of land an 20000 thecp to mr davis the will pro vided for the parannt of the wonej at once bat the ocerser has to have thv benefits aitsmg from the estate for three tears cuacqqeatlj by this arrangement the property will not come mtn pisiessiou t mr dais till april iksi he will meet mr hammond brother xif decease at detroit and the two will proceed to australia by waj of ssu fruciscoiofetlicr the object mr daw has in eomg t pri eat is to make dual arrsaements for sccur inj the property surcury x iv a good felt hut for 75 cents at t fjfes ierpooi butter sttt at the post otbce store feesei butter and e at mont real hoi se for arctic soja cry l g matth ews new fountain r tce crenni and summer drinks af the ercelsor bakery grain cradles and cndltj sc thea at th- post office store scythe suihths and rales cheap at the pot office store l g matthews delvere ice cream and strawbernes every day best tens and sugars in actoa at captuana montreal houso- splflaiii assortment cf croer of all iinla at tho fast cfflco etora largest and best mock of dry gjoda boots and shoes t ilontceal house chbivries oatmeal milk and go to tho mkh ktore fap all kinds krocnries that it here ou willjjetthcm cheap and freh k vv green cnorcest black tea only 77ic if vou want a rell choice tea asfe for it at christie henderson coi farucrsrcuicmbcr hat plow castluesat alt kludsare kept on uaudattuctrccircsk office millivrrr the rush still cantm acs ne stjles per epftis wfttiiarl to liand chtvue llciidersoa l co window fasteners at the post 0 oice stje so the row adjikhtufc- firoom at a green s caih store firmest stock in toft u hu udwds of broc mt ta choose from milrieiu and millmery goods now cbo cq atiu cheip ko f tticy prices or milliner chntuo ffcudcrson co gi kd dikpli of new and fshion sblemillmpiy this week t the glasgow lou acton chris lie hendcrcon a co so to tin scat oficu stoa for th2 gaaujio wtiita load scl load grsiniac colors s4 all- pilntcrt hqjllitos tilpoetavt to all cocc sed gill oq christie menieifori a co for reallf new mat and stjluh milliner at bottom prices 12 yards drew good for 100 new oods an 1 ut in ecaso jat chnvie heudcr- 1 1 l i c acton wlicre j oa get the taxm as w ceat ts j l g mutthfttk hat tne inrge liest rwrtel and firest davortd stock tf can 1ts ever echitutel m acton at his lee creau an 1 i rait lirior chok e gf cent tea kehniy for 50 ccnt 75 cent tea far go cent 60 cent tea for 70 cents bhcfc 75 c nt tea far c5 cents at montreal hutae acton those tkatitiful pnnts at the olil prices dackf den ras thltdogs gray tna while cottons all at ihel oldunces chri5tie henderson l co the grwnd rush conlmnes at chfiatie hendersu cvs actoa cheap urtss goods cheap millincrj chep tweeibi ojctxaud hirtiugi beit jreea l jsnan teas for 5 ceuts freih lot just received dmes jolts and dreams in all fines of t tods christie hemleisoa d co the greatest ltemedy ever discovered qulilne iseonsltl rm thecreatet remedj fcnjn out we uelfee ill aitkeiiai n noi ll ptrr in hie product af ih c i tisti fmhiuc im imcu oxktxjwcd to equal cod 1 lvtr uii ics k doidor autl t stalur ocilie boiy ihctjiitumpt on nl til uastlnjr xi- unlcrv uu iu us fi nowlt mrmirtd by ik iiaus6ts propcrtlfs- iu srt k tmawton of tiirrtallicrolililkotjeuoii isentlo ly ovrimeru f cninnined witilleffyppiift- pklte aflinie and fcada it lb tuo njufcl vielu- ab e rem d eirtitmroejecl i surble wouks wellmcuin mar- lie works quclec st gaelh messrs dcqmlliu a kamiltoa propntrtors are di rcct ltiiportersi f all kinds of marble and granite having a ure stock on hand purchased pre ions to the late rue in pnes of marl li they will continue to tell all kin uof lc nuuien6 head stone mantles in mate or uirbto at their asoal low pnees batisfscti in guarautecd 41 tf a good account trtsnmit up mxlonsjeirsor beirldden tletncuskii uufertncrouhfftaw jer c r oatljcjo allf i winch wafcioniicd li ihrt baitioontohltterftnlveuby mi wne who hikdonherawhurarkfodajcaridrc klutrat uu ineol a day an j i want everj- wdj toknowltrorlhelrhorfru jo vtzikti iiatlcr v genu we coninim to do the ordered clothing trade ol this section of the country ft e lutre done thu season lie largest business erer doee the reason rhj thecoods are njht the price is right the cutting ik right the nramttig s right the making is nht we ht the body nead and pnekt t special redactions to nave inormpkba ttuffmto llie new prem sesj mclead aniprson df co grey and while coftnna dnoka penirae fahtrtmes 4c at tlw old pncds vhcq goods were ltoulht list deceuiler aud held owr to enable us to en lrcat lir gauis duriuu the do das chnttie hen derson a co equal to telegraphy ft is not so many years ago when velegraiihjffas looked upan aaaofumera and pitifsir morse as vlslonkry e a 1 fcnow noff its wonders mprj rcecuilj- i li rraactsuj jhcouted the idea umt aoroil could be made pleasant to the ttu but mers ro a bo wne wlm their talnubu laxtorou bve milved t e problem wlilch is a leal la mejidne ilmosc rqipl todito pminajwuitmb f es ncklin feo lnrillofoi hehltdhoodsrtays hsiaf bakery cocoa nuts dates m ipl strar kr at l g matthewa lc cream and fruit parlor icecreaic tce crgam by tiie qrmrt buckets suppbed free at the eicclsior bakery b t e tckbn a ew lot of those beautiful ladies and cents bilk handkerchief at chnelie hendarson 4 uoa new tweeds a nohliy tweed suit for 11200 at the glaa house christie hendersm i co let ui hare your ordera early rtays ihfilialulable and agseeooie to uie taste prwe j ccnte clearing sax the mairvntoth loins jeorpelorn bees w announce a cleannc ble which will continue to he middle of ajugust this ja hina ids eeauug sale as lie wint treduoe beir siocld before rnovini inlo ierr new premses nbont the jmiddle of august ooheardof unrkis will be gien in all kinds of dry goods mould ing dress goods cottons rnt rodlin ery mantles carpel readv made cloth log genla fornuhmg etc nowiyoor lime to make money ilcleod ander son i co montreal house grand rush continues dry goods tweeds milinery groceties boots and shoes mens and boys hiilltis drugs medicines g5tx larqt lot of oti alow hues of qaodt on hand and tctll u told cheap chapmans corner store acton the new gerhard heintzman upkight piano best i- tee doitivrot call ad see it at montreal house j chapman agenf preserving settles ik brass and granite iron ware 3rz7ie beff tn the uarlei at havills uill street actox szgv qf fee lkp gueloh cloth ha dunuas cotton suirtlnes harvard slilrlines french cambric shlrtinsg bint nntt brown denims twilled brown hacks utiu kenlacky jeans cliriie henderson co acton j oheap dress goods cheap millinery cheap tweeds ducks and shirtings best green and japan teas for 50c 1 frese cot just received xt ereryboy widera now it is there ia always such a rttah to sills photograph gallery for photogrhaphs tbis is all explained when you sea the quality of the work at tha pncen why pay 5 00 pr doz for cabinet portraits ben you oaa get them jnst as ool for 3 50 per diz whv pay 300 jior doz for carte de vistcs when you can get thein for 1 50 i all are mrded to call and tee sincimeiu and pneit for themtetm o w hill photo p s all khids of framing done a large as sortment f velvet and faucj goods very cheap o w hill tweeds by the yard nt very low prices hgf parlies buying cloth fiom us can get garment cut in a superior man r free of charge shaw mukton merchant taildrs of all kinds at j very kedson- able prices furniture k good assortment of first class ftirui lure of eery descrip tion conjuntl ou band prices ns low hs guelph or george- town a cau- 8uuot5tj john speight 1 drives jobs bargains in all lines of goods i ilkieilfe keatesaa co v french cambrics ok wetafsd u kekt utrt inst we shalx 0pek tor sale a mao mfi est racleor iov y ke- french and eojush onjbrtes in alt tie ntwna pntourtnafoltt dotujtftrnowso popurar hnr eayerlv sooehf uwr in all zaropawkt american centres of fasnlon aloiiaodsome bordered and mourning prints tnrreatrielr ladl r loofcnic or frsh bright eova most com o w trs on only hwe tn th nde fitrnnent shoeing- nw foodsoauy rteeiiition all other booses in tt rit nrc bosr irvine to wort off lue buunce or the season slock eommendable lo itaelf imt htdfothecdtomerf kearediermlneisna wiuiandinjthe very hot and oppressive wemtber to prosecou ourbain pseven during irhiiu gen r ui rerld as the dullen mn of the yer wltn pm energy mkj repectfullr warn nl oar eomix tllnrt tbalwe ahejl use every eflbrt la euu a itietrcnotaem lo the kjnl mnhle eat end iffrcub hrlebt eood will dr it if lovelj- lian isome nw iod will doit if l he best eoou foe luf money will do itj we are naandutfln ike trade aid eetpfs tin ladfea or ih eojrtu cui tasdle from ibe coonirj iadles fiom snrroanalthe to wni and illiffes cove direct to us we nsve the right goods and t re doloj the live trade of the elf 7 a o bucham ftamuiut itt end dnu mantle and jfifiuerv ettaituhaat ourlpi what is this baby carriages q hi w tf ui if you want a good stbng sf jush and durable baby carnage go 10 john worsfold co upper vtyndhau street ouelph they hate a urge stock and are almost giving them away ch i aoaxce 1 not be induced to bpend yonr money before seeing them sig of tiie chuk haaleton block uper wyndhamt ffmjiftj undertak everv deecrtptlori of coffina okrtwij and all fofielif w rjitiatea rfklj in arncl a some heaksat fcr uislicd ainkwnrtaj aravlkiaojji john speight i io s 1 willow stbebt acttfiw n- 1 istntferarj at mcg3rvin drug store acton 1

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