Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 15, 1880, p. 4

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i m 1-j- 5 f 3 1 t u k in ju fl i- tdmswqies fw a bird story c how till fa boyi mothert injrtlha tjtjjnc ntncmjr- liitirliktyivot two i j fust tuttnont tilt yonr twart iu your losctu twcltf and then the v knoall awt it futnittttcbimtcim kow vhcre the little bin comet from or icre ibc liluc birl pcs if iicv cototvd itb beautiful ilumago op mack at llic utug oc crowr it hi jroiec it it hoarse a b ravcu or clear as the rityjus of 1cuf t tnoh- not tm t tliis t atu turc uf a lilucltnltclii the moment yoti lliiitlc a uijnp tnckct the momem 70a do tiring lail are mimof aulku c baleful or leans wlitriakuct cr aiatr that mlant your sentence uc knelt and th vrhalft u mamma in a utiuutc ttitittjc bird tell jloi be in the dentin of a clocet p svttak nvlmy ecc uot a bwcte yfta may be all alone in the cellar vott tay be u the top uf the house yoo may be ta tho dark aad tho aitcmc oroct in the woods aum the tlclle xo matter wherever it tiau tkc little bird tciu aad the oclr ctuiciw to slop him a joat to be lire fc hit you say pare of yoar acta aud your faucic sure of yoar wort lai your play be honest tic brarc and i kindly be pcatlc and loving as well and uien yoa can laudi at the stone the httlc turd tell 1 how vp a situation ttricja be ready to ja an old halfhour or hoars fitcc when it wltijje an accntnmixla- iiaa and dcat sccra tomjte merit of it do ii fcaartiif tlorjgh uoc a ord be said ydartmployertu make a note of it hake joaraclf indifjwciiuc to him and he trill lose many of- the opposite kind before he will part with you these ycung mea ho nitch the clock to see the very iteocd their working facer is cp who ieace no matter 1 what ataie the wart oay l3 in at precisely uaiaatxat irlacajccluc tha ixcuunoant they can icfht their work and yet not get repravedtcirhojxtrkyish of their employer good itxjjjairxvc be the first to reccire notice fccic timex are dull thafc their errieet srfl cot required t tfcbher and lh dog vtt cinao roiyh fee the vcttcity of the fallowing aiqrjv neither can wre rtject it aa oiu nawocthyjbf credit we fcive heard to many instances of a dos eaacitr that we do uot kng where to draxt a line of diataoettoa betireea rhxt a brute can dot by mere iaaiinet and rbit u beyond initinet we heard th ttirr tim aui repre it as we heard it a dog rxs trained bx it maatrto co ercxy morning ta the batcher for meat far the family dinner he bore iu hie month a- basket with the money one day they rerolred an patting tiedoga rit ta thi teat tb butcher took the money hat ct- ua meat tfae dog iorizz the batcher alceni to other cnatomera and nesrfect him tried to attract hie attention by whining but alf ia rain he had to ct home the mister pretended to scold hio aad the poor dog mortified scd humiliated a incite ascjimed of himself the nett day he wect is ttaal but thii time he dr the money from his teeth ott a beach andput his piw on it to prevent his being- reheated as oh the former occmior the boicher o highly amnsed and hxst- eoed toplace the meat ia the basket he wac pinuc to take the price as neualwhen the dog airept the coney from the bench lata the bufcet vid ran away home with it a fruit daafers dtoka the- 4a4er day droit deer on karfcet treetiaieoadbr tte liberties uken- by the loafers with hit ware displayed at te dr placed a half gallon of cayenne pep- pert hi a baaket labelled them jkcw zeal- ad carritt acd hong it in a confpicaoca place in front of hia ktand tn t few min- ntea the nett door merchant cairn terad cp eoqnfred how trade wa dckd cp a xew zealand chtrrr placed it ia hix mocth and reddenly left to attend to a customer the eer pr belly nert ronnded to objerred that ihe famine newsfmm ireland was not ryencoaragii and ah it had bacd yeara dace he had eaten kew zealand cherry fkhatenpoahe ate one remarked thit tfc wmcnperfr wiped hii keeping eyt oa his- coat eleere tuppoied that iew zeal ad wageiine warmer erery year sruhd the dealer good morning and departed la- taeating the growing treakneea of hit in szn a chronic dte3 teat iiitm cxzne up took l maithtnl oflciamct cpaitrai them oct mh ut apprecation all over li fruit tiasti 1 pew 1 bacaiu tad i beach of erapex into his month to uie oat the tuie afcrmed tie deder that he would hare him phecoti for ieepinj green fruit nd went dojra atreet to the pomp ii lady with two chimren next appeared topped to admire the chrrrinj aaked if the djhtat jut taate of them ehe had never tep ao f before fipplied the children mi rjjjced awaf walied away with a fierr fau withseornand anger while the child rjj aefcop a howl thatbroaghtall the people the 4oon uviirdovi and drore all tin pokcettteaoff the atreet j thaa thefan went oa all the morning tha fruit dealer never lacghcd so mnch ia irhia4 the ocaqtiiata of the adjacent tod opp3te atoreaand i ikasl octinsll boya aooa learned whit waa op and watch ed toifinjr in a ringing cheer aa each new netui tried the therriea finally a aolema looking cooolrymsn lounged op enijnired iii price 0 them ere kewziilind cher iej tartpfiji ijifi pnt pat one in hia month wok it wrtagbmgare the dealer a lingering look of approach palled off hit coat and waded isjto him- when ha left the froitmanvith tendeociea to practical joket bad a ilnejeye a red hoae a purple face a pnuud wjilt and aereral buahela of irnit acattered among the iraall boyi wbiloa- ringing ratr flf laaghfer waa going op from tha cmjookera tsere ig in mm ehifher aim than lore of bappineea be can do without nappiiimt and instead thereof find b iwiji z 1 ortatty on uwyr jtr greeley mid partridge tbia ia mr dvtulow a v awoiucy qrcvjey uttered a abort giuut of recognidon but did not oven look around i ombarnuafed shrunk sway lo ouc cortit and took u cliair ho wtmt nrauud ibo rocm looking at lbs lickjtrk and whatnot altl ill about ire minutes when lita bicfc waa turned on mr- unci i thought in hd fuioueti nil iu ruiidculy without looking nl mc said ueui 1 sa youre uu attorney aie roil r wufeasod il i lute lawyera 1 he exclalmod em phatically i liat uwyiit thuy da mora uiibcbief than their hcada are worth i supposa they irb a timisaary ejil z suggested deiixytiue wholly unnecessary ha insisted will acknowledge iromoto good order menu to good gov c i tupposu you i said hm- they and rcmoru imped crauient f just the- contrary junt the contrary ho squeked in hii old falsetto they eiuta iisordec and they iiiu thu chief oftacks to good govermueiit ithought tho man wtca cutty per il ips you cm inform nia- 1 tuggtatcd how debts cjniid be coileeted willioit uwyerc 1 dont- want em collected dont want em collected ho kjueated it a lets b have hia property without ihtymcnt i doat see why c d h v aud all the rest of tho alphabet kbould be ctlhd on to seve aa a ulice o get it back no debt should b- olbeted by law ita luonetrous ut a man trust another tyan at lis own risk even a gatroler iays his uwu debts tka be uuc legally obliged to pay and calls them debtaof honor but men will put their property oul of their hand to previnttho legal collec tion of ieir grocery bills abolish all liws for the collection of debt and that would aboliih tudit of yba law yers goad riddinee i when scot meafs seat the latft duke of bucclench an one occasion ireletred riding on horseback and unattendtt ii eaia t iba toll gt the- toll sir gin yoo please his grace immeliately railed up and while searching for the needtijl to so just a demand he was acccited by the gatekeeper hare ye otiv word 0 the duke coming this way tho day sir t yes was the reply ho will be this way to day wilt he b in a coach an four or only a carriage and twa think re v in ail probability on horseback was the rrjoiuder in thatcise do you think he wad be offended gin i offered him back the cbange should be gie inn a sariwuce or a shilling to pay wi as hn passed i the dnfce stretcbed lorth his hand to receive be balance and with an arch aud knowing look replied try him friend try him and pocketed thecnjniera muttering to himself xot to be done in that way thomas 0 watkins of the right house hamil ton away for europe a dr curict johnson3 quiiunnd uco good of all kludi tho largest hook 01 ladioa gnnta miama and boy hoiioryndioea oror imported bv the rioirr howa in enormona stock of 1ublo oamaaka iron 20c to fjl tablo napklui all linen from 6 to 32c tbouaanda of towels acd towellings for house and bathing purpuiei plain embroidered and liriulodtibloauiujino covefiin jit tarltiy 72 inch piano cloths of good qualities snd at prices that cannot bo lea on in hamilton uobd black grenadine marked down 10 10 and 12 jc files ofbuntiaumnfktd down 0 loo millinery marked down black lice hhawli taarkod don to quartor jirlces bibbom marked down to half jrelrtajue drees uoods marked dntrn dreks trinimdgs marked dowii orodu ioy silka marked down buglod trimmlogi marked down frind marlceddoim lacus marked down tho bos t fiv frame brussels tai nets matked down from 145 to 1i2j mantles and fiohua marked down and lo or other goods are being marked dowpby llr wiuixk t wakki to niaiie a ukeaf jjeaklnu sale ltemembcr there la no house in town named t c w atkiss the narao on my sign is tiiomah 0 watklvh and hero ia no oouneotioabetircen the luhutiuouhb and any other boaae in bis cily ccme to iba eoormoaa double stores not 80 and 3j uisg hxiieev east olose to liagbson ti where the rentndah u doirn hamilton july tstli 1880 thomas c watkins flour feed stoeb i law son bros toi1j rfpeclfull inftirm ttie popio of aettui ani vicinity tuatt tier avcoiieu- i cd in tue ptetiilttr uijxmo dr mc- uarvins rciiiatnce a flour and feedstore ald wllllcepeoiutnnljouuanda luilsuclcot flock of all lixdsineladluk family flour buckwheat hour graham flour hex h s corn ileal oat ileal cracked u beat bran coarse shorts fine shorts chopped ieat chopped oiti slixed chort uits auu peas and all kinds of feed usually kept ia a tiritclasa store gtatl gkiz ddicfrtdio nsu pari of ihc village svon if untrml fta cull is rcxtfuly kiicilrd lawsom bros acton jan 15 iksju scohabownes wanfad a pension a woman recently applied to justice blair of oswego for a p nsion claim ing to be entitled to relief liecauae her brother was killed in the south dnring he war bat sh could not giro the number of the regiment nor the com pany to which he belonged sho went away to enquire but returning said she conldnt find ant anything well aaidthe justice sarcastically was your brother in the union or rebel army or dont you know v to his surprise she replied oh re 1 he was in the rebel army and was killel by the korthernere well said the judge do you think wo ore going to pay pensions to rektiyes of rebel eoldiers p i certainly said the woman why not t tou killed him why wouldnt you pay for the damage you done i gleams of sold a room finng with picture hi a room hung with thoughts it ia right to be contented with what wo have bnt never with what we are ha will bnd himself in a great mis take that either seeks for a friend in a palace or tries him it a least there is in every human coantenince either a biswry or a prophecy which mant sadden or at least soften eyery reflecting observer it does not requirti any genius or talent to find fault but to give credit where credit is due is indicative of a good heart and sound judgment to dread no eye and 1 suspect no tongue is the great preorgative of innocence an exceptional privilege granted only to invariable virtue truth is a naked and open daylight that doth not show the masks and mummeues of the world half so stately and daintily as candlelights a man should never be ashamed to own helhas been in the wroogf which is but saying in other words ihitfre is wiser today than he was yesterday lien are more intensely selfish than wooian there are inflnifefy more instances of devotion and of entire surrender of their own interests at the shrine of affection and duty in the annals of women thanof men it was a saying of the emperor marcus which may he mentioned with the highest approbation that he would notendure to live one day in the world if he did not believe it to he under the government of providence do all in your power to teachyonr children selfgovernment if a child ia passionate teach him by patient and gentle means to curb his temper if he is greedyj cultivate liberslity in him if he is selfish promote generosity j only feellyjgncolliiral paper printed axd published iic the dohixion kow ix its secossvolujfc unparalleled success i nead rmproted form r6 paget only one dollar for tear fob 5 mjmbers knmbcrs a month 31 pi ycar 3j35 cotomm for one dollar j diiri rotiry ihe apilo koaeiiold aad ercrphc peruiziac fna both oat of icon aad i a doors ia weefclt cosacrual report and price art the exuiaciiairf raceeat uus tuperhas met wvji ttii tiadaocthejtociiitrxcf cinid dcriache ruse jxtr cuoia cnriralcd ia the laoait oi jsursal- hx of caaaja or the ualiat sates alufcioitofabfeana praaieal wrften are en psii aad connpndence oa raloabie oatmr ippanwttfcir croa ti rsjar nifascrifacrx la kara fcciot in quz ems aad crioii cojoabo la die wac sahptecopieflfree prtased and pufcrfied u lie wccaad steam pttaa- kc hocac ctubuihrd ttcj by k b colcock propckitt r p page editor addnaa caxadiak farjcer drawer h wdland oaf litesrt sale board stables mill 8treetv aotom is where you can get firstclass rigs at reasonable rates flood commercial rigs an express delivery wagon will meet each efrpress iraia and deliyer goods to any part of thelown au parties indebted to this es tablishment are reueated to pay up without farther delay andsave costs ed mattlflws proprietor castor oil fa prepared in a form pafectly agrteable ta chj ihe ptopcrticc of le oil ikxt produce fuin and fru jvac are ctinitutci tnd u is rcodcrvd not oaif mild untplciojat ia iu ictioo liuc atoiuielr tuxclcv cad pikulic it k pteemineajy the finest ux- untnd cxtiurtie kaavaind u u remedy for coc lireuab coqhiiittiufl and all inintuul dcrasz- mcati ft ii uocqualltd iad if datind ta aittm puc of crude oil and iil dnnic pdli and purfa- lvat for ale brail dnmai at ij ccott a wt- cjv doacfautrric at the post 0faee store aotoiy i cnoici borter cheese lard smoked meats canned goods j dairy salt in bags and 7 general family groceries builders and house furnishing hardware paints oils and window glass nails all sizes wall paper from sets npwnrds john ifclaoalt i the largest and most complete faotory in tae dominion hosloo highest honors ever awarded fco any maker in tie world j4j medal and diplavvi at cucuniil tijgrmcdal and diijinna tl sydnfij australia ttgold medal at prhciiieial kdiwitiiu toronto jthightil award al udutlrial tuhiiilion toronto 1s70 1s77 1878 1s79 we are now manufacturing square and upright if i 3s q s v best in the market correspondence solicited sendforluastratedcatalofrue mailed free address dominion organ piano company bowman ville ontario laboratory 7w3dstnewyorkcitv ultxorasasraxr dueatctjfmr f c t eciill -fok- groceries lrxclwantacoclajiieheaparticu in totuag stcs jian slasi or qta- porct te as ii eurars syrups spices and tobaccos 0 all kinds fresh avd h1feiet hardware of all liudt paints and oils uinges and locks j nails glass k puttx 8alt by the barrel all cheap for ca8h go to- hills- mill street aoton 0 t wm stewart co are now showing new black satins new black cashmeres new ureas muslins few black buntings new millinery hats new white plumes new fancy hosiery new corsets new lace mitts new silk gloves 4 buttons new bordered cretons new bretone laces new parasols w stewae co ague tthntmi- otmi droptm heart ihttaa buloutntm jfervout dtuutytk itie best rmedt o0wn- to hail joooou13ts iutk solo swc 1170 9000000 bottles this syryp postages varied properties tc rtlwliu the trttmlia la r atma wbleb e0trts ibenatrh and mfrt tir 4 lnialacm a docteacr la prtprm nwe wsadvotf om fo4 laito tomarb if the medicine is ukra me0 ttelr anfrraonf uiirmesutl4orfm4 prereotol j ii met upon ifnrr if acu ftpom the kirforr it brfflt the bowu j it pnt1r he niod u qaleta bo err 8yrtt ix promote dlttltl jcndoriibm tifnihw oat it earrim ot be old b1m4 ami matv me it 9pet be porr of lie akin mad imiudm healthy perspfnuloa j it mntranxw the heniitmtj tafrt crfctoa tn tbt blood fci mentmserafbla txthpa aad stumor of akin dimo cod ui h tbeaa are so bptfifa etnpjoytd hi iti gad it caa t6 taken lj the moat dioczt um aped and foebitf care es ui refttrtd tm uiiaa t dirktwl p2ice of laece e07tia h rsm2 o tm somss rad ths voluntary testimonuujs ofprsois who hare ben cured by til us of the blood purirer care erysipelas lit forest wellington coont cai dear sib i was aeterelj affluaei wilh erysipelas for two year and a abort trial ol joar indian biooj s rap eflectuallj cured me mhs janet akdehswfr liver complain lit forest wellington coontcaij dsir su i hate used your greit indian blood kyrap for liter jon plaint and hare received greai benef itherefrom i recommend its uae to al similarly afflicted nelson cahbt disease of the stbmach iii forest wellington coonlcanj dka ki this is tocertiij that jonr valuable indian blood hyrnp curei i fl aie of cramps in ihe stomach iil w h cdrkowj best medicine i bare ever csed lynville norfolk co unt deik sib i have used a great man medicines but n teller medicine lliai yourfludlan blood syrnp cannot b mide ii is the best blood purifier eve ued w organs sewing machines atteiitiqa r attention 1 1 tienuiae narperg baiaarpnt- tcras full gaits only 35 cents bzenmr jikd feit hats axv bokkits doxi ovte cr atl ttti lxriat stylu me8 e h pass v78kes to irt- pqrhllha ladles of aclon and vlolnttr tttal she haa lately learnt lbs krcucbrnodcof catting- and fit tine and la now prepared to gle even sniux batisfactioa tlaa rormerly wtatlnini fumrnl ooirra tmbtlmej dreaaea arid xaclicts cut and a perfect at guaranteed at a reaaonable price for slvluh and cheap bala and bona eta flsruo to mrs lvh pais is hlueoraossqaarc qnelph robt craine acton la prepared to call on persons renunnr olther sewlnit machines or orsans he has agencies pkom the beat maewaeturera in the oonntrr and will guarantee lollufncltn to purchasers terms very reaaonable orders ln at bis residence or addreaoed vo litra to aoton p o will receive prompt attention bbam1j to parmers c o u thos aowdyv 1 mantjfactarers of the farmers choic petek wahdf consumption windham center ceak sib cannot find lanptage ttj fully exureas the praise which in grati tude i would utter lor the benefits have received jrom your ezcellen indian blood syrun it has dom what doctors could not door failed tbdof iwaa auferin with conaomption ibri long time heavy cough pain in chm shoulder and back and your india blood syrup bos worked a perrre miracle i wcuild recommend all to gin it a trial wm cunnlnuhaej dyspepsia aylmbr elgin co ont sir i hasre uied our remedy fd dyspepsia and recummerd itto all 3 j1ks john fakihiw t -and- gowtiys celebrated gang plow also- chilled jointer plows general purpose steel mould board plows bowers bakes rannlns mills turnip heed llrllls lawn mowers s c givo us a call before purchasing elgfivhere pricks lower than tvk i5f r ana alto repair an m- thosaowdy euelph0 ij k taluable medicine sis 1 hare used your blood syrnpj and found it wonderful and valuablcj medicine mbs betsey bedfobdi aylmer ont splendid remedy tor dyspepslaj sir 1 hare used yoar indian blood syrup nd caused it to lie used in several cases of dyspepsia snd found it to be a splendid remedy w w wflltk aylmer ont rouud as recommended sis 1 tare used your india blood syrnp for dyspepsia and lound it to be as recommended hl joanw giliet jp aylmer ont an asent8 testimony v taylmer ont sir i hateased una sold i be indian blood syrnp and find it the best rem edy ia use lor dyspepsia and as a blood purifier xt ikwisbiusa fihenmbtlsinv t hate been trotibled matism for greaswany yean your indian blood syrup is tle only on of many remedies that sdimeahy good ireoommendhtoall mrscath cbiaaolic kenjron glepgrrycoj0nt dyspepsia and indigestion i sir has tion wife oiume disease 1- lattlktoh joidtwjf cmthsjont bolf eaani i4tt0it for oaai nohtheopl no 81 trent st wyttttowttmr also agents for vx mother hdbirsheilrncsr aiibngltsh disooterjjwhioh khbwrvifaibliryncijdlebtjyxflio 1 pariber ihrpucntoat thiworbf y jrt

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