Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1880, p. 2

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m aoron ohuroh 01rotory vrtaotirtckimtcit orr i uiu prtu tulk w nl n 01s- sfuriamulustvieo tttdotr cuitrlreerilhf al simtt wualli aehl l l w- v tnwvvmlf k rm vtn me tlci talnmsy vmrriff rvm him- el is eild y mnloinm utvt uaiikiuwm faaiir htrsattlux hssvtea m uy tlese tntr at tt am ieiarri l iutmotiira aiuvmiciiiumrlej kasimllfcuxilal itsa a ta kavri rusisauu pastor cwncit or ruiv lmtruilv icvwmntf at sisj nm atiittacuul si m rkv a j iiiiitrrncututnit tviw- trund pm htill ii ipi imjor m tlnttujjr mf cuurdsy- ewuhiff- roscmx j ksvtftpira lreemncat tt mimj com vrstvtrtlneriulara pin frtnomsr kftsraciu osr netf- 11 irh odvnmfiia a vain st knrttvm is- prechtng at to an a m 4itltctll m ciriiouc c7itfeiafa irrrf if ojrvmv in irms- katte rvmrtttumaytoesciimmtliat 11 ax s-mlar- oolasrivt tnerv mit isy rkv tmxttci if vtict 1 lr the gallows execution of banritt at ten minute to tthl- ou friday itfintiuij ual uktips ueuiutl wba oti tlio jjivtjuir oil wiuooiirioud of she urn trier if the lale hwttlwjige brown icpisud lii crimean lirllg tim irmnpviwnia had been hiarottitlv iiiintcd and tlio oereiuany currld out illut any of hose oriilitr- hichr which ion often occur la to tettslfv the horror which mmt iioooa- sarily attend mi execution deaji was liuli and tiny the ruteiici m carried out in due form and tit m-a- caw of a coniidcrahla number of laoiir lttnteit passed the tdcht well ac- exiutini to his wish mpivased oh tin irevioits night ho irat cld st fi a it t then drosd in a kuit nf idick uril took kittfdilitr winn in his toilet at urrn oclock fthnt kilrt itiui sht- hn hi hiintui urtvisvot visitwl hint kxi iu ttiuo frttti tint inutr till hi efcution wiut wd in tlicir wcity tim tuktt tiikinuiiicil hit quiet com ikisurc np to tlifl lnt ntautnt tlfcunh iiik wrtlliutitkiuc to lie una ttccjiifrl death kk k kiiiiktinutit fl his ditfk itcmid lie would dio in ilin full hone if kauictiou at ii curly hour visitotr vrtth ucktx of kdtinviati wkticd lj the shcrtir tlitmuh ho outer pttff nd njijirocii thn titkuive front door if tli giuil itudf tlia visitorr rk soon t lley ki riici tirni catductl iiittt die ocl yti lwra the eliflold had imxmi ertrt lu iikco wick itguitikt t cstrn null of the pen the u- fottu fr ituutt five feet udow tlik tri nf tha ll the tri tking ltvndy ct to ra ivn the dooiiiej initn tlie lniglit of tlw dti wk fifteen left from k strong lienta over tha nntre iun tlie stout enrd which hd iien kjikiintcd u htfurm the deadly work shrilt jarvis ctme lit 731 nd hile ititiii2 tli time of i recution n- that the due iunu titd heer com- jdicd ith at the time the dkirn were chwed there werw jtliaut three wore ia the yiid all mraited in lireethles srhktis he arrival nf the prisoner and hia attehdrfa a short time afore eight oclock tt tremor t buum actttally ut felt hkwd through the throne in the yard aud a hurt smothered here they re n- the 86oft tet agtfattob tit nauncl the approach of the iko fiuithetl ery rharntay mnrainc gl for aaauai in advunoe vttrtst nv miikmxo jrtv j iksrt induetrtflt other idaoekarn laikinj alout them tr find the lsf means fur the stah katitikiit and elicouduement uf uiatiit factories and wr trust the spirit 4 rr terpris in the rtepayera of tlit iiiimi clpaltty lf iki tie alluirevl to din mtt war it tfi4 eatf iudication of atr are aintn becom in vijihle in the etst turkey it re ikirtrd a actively preparing to com mence hostilities with greece tnvis irtilleryand aiuunition are lieiti sen ut sdonica vtlo and hervhj or ders have teen telegraphed to the provinces that fecrnil tuust i collect i and forwarded to the teverul jeku jrtth all amilahla fjed the alun ians are beinj enccurnje tj prepare for resistance and are lieini supphtd with ani and nutitnitinn kamllfon j th scult act agitation in the city ot hamilton which has bten in pmjress during the patt few week tecnia to te- ntpidlv increasing in in- leustly and the city is now in the tirws if the conflict a iargp number tion j the sheriff and hs otsccra were the first the prisoner fulhtwed attend ed on either tiide he priesta rouditi white vestutenu thefiovernoc of the pto ind othirt fallowed clqsiy tlie poor cieatore who was the aoixeof thte xciteuient was of course the olijectof the gitie o alh he apjjeaied wle as h was ever since his incarceration hi hatr and ard were lung his faw of speaker from other parts are ep- without any expreoion of hrafadocio 1 hut still less did it betokeu aav fear or feiutness of lieart his erpressifin win sad and eirneat and as he lockxl eased in the work and are address ing immense audiences nearly every tveuinc sir e king dslds is the chamtiiou of the licensed victaallert aiociation wbib mr jveph gilsnp of iegerwlf and prut g e foster of fiedericfctoh x b seam to be th chief adrocates vllltft oomhoil the muulaliud amnbll of ha rll- kk ot acuiu met in thu council jhauther nil monday iiveuhiki cth il m prenetlt mk d limiuvratill keite in th chair tiai- w it suirey dr mcoaivin- 1 dj chfiatle and 0 8 tjiuilh counctlloin minutes of lut lutoliitjf rend and ooufirmed j tlin fiiurw cotmiultee lirnnghl in lh uliowiiik remrt und jeooiiiraetidid the payment of the aeverat accnunla he p misire ptiiitiii kndadvfillsluif 811 so 1 0 jjiiltermiti oousuhlei fees u date 27n peter mcijatlti mtulinjr klc vv warden shovel titlt mow 1870 tud 1880 8200 tohtlsl moved by w rstarer fcoondisd by u d chtislie tlnf thg ravirt ril finance coiuiditieejiut read br adopted and iai carried j i 0 uulrtau consuble sent in his tvcigtmikiu j moved by dr mcgarvin twnded by c 8 riuith that the ivaijiiatiu of d 0 roberison as coimalde he adoitel and lllat the keeve luake pro vision for the duties of juitam nuiil another is fotnially appointed by thia council carried the coiinuitttv on slredt and sid wilks to nhoui the lendiik fur street laui were referrad report that they have examined the said tenders and find that tlm tender of j c llrll is lowest and would recommend ilul the said tender of 1 for mcii uiup lm ac ixpted providikl the council see fit to have ttimu ml up this season moved hr or mvuarvin sxeonded liy w h storty that th reiort of couimiile on sireets and sidewalks be adopted cvrtinl moved by w starev seoonded by c s smith that tlw iteve jatd d mdiarrin he tt committee to confer with the muliiipality ot ksoiiesiug re- specting the equalirition of awessme at or the actou school diviaiuu cat rii itoved hy v h sorey seconded hy d l christie that the additional mm of 81 ir mouth be paidtu john jtcphee until the end of the year car ried council adjourned to meet on satur day 3it injt lilh fcuhjj joniuk in uontrosl ou the uth init nolllo wif of n jpruau litq or- icorty of jjiia village around npon the people- who bred assen irfed to eie usia the lost scn in bis earthly existence he seemed to realite the aaful position in which h found hitowrf he walked vith a firm step with his sims tightly pinioned to his of the act 5 by s itntit leather strap i i tnimediatidy on settinc foot on the i a pcur feature of the tra a l l t0 flotlii thatche chatclias or rather the miti uters of the churchea ore ranged m favor of the ac while the press ou both sides of politics art oppouxi to it nsrly everything that can bs said for and against prohibition has already found utterance but there is a view of fa- temperance question which we hre not jet seen presented a view we think that really places it in a true light if we iofc ahrcaa on the various activities of lite and tike in the history of induot ry fur the last tweuy years we wtu iua tha the circle of in- temperance hos heeueteadily narrcwed that the number of thuso wlio art- addicted to the rrcsxive ust of itituii luus has become ieevery year within ihti tplnre embraced by occupations of trtifcu tobeetea known to drink i now certain l4r to borne employ ments in evry walk tniife the boier man has n immeiuiunible advantage over him who drink imd as we ktuw that all casual wlrantagst teid to in crease powers of survival the k-rapei- ale arft living the iiileuiierate to th wal thus gradually hat surely briuu ing about the time when the sober wil pofteea and coutrtd he earth as a purely husmess consideration thsre is no way a youog man can begin tlc world with so much adva itsge ss hv being a teatotallcr wliatever talents he may possess are doubled id value thereby and the rewards of conduct are so immediate in early life that good habits ire strengthened and succors assured simple as this apiears it contains a ruth that millions have not yet learned to appreciate transmitted instincts imitation custom have still a very hard pressure on the will of whole masses of men bat if they were to consider the indubitable fact hat they must rerisji or give place to those who practice wlreatniint as a part of the business of life her would be leas slatr to arrive at the oinelusion here presented as the circle of sobriny widens it takes in all that is worth carinj for in this world those who persist in reiiaminf oulaids must ac cept the obndi of heir choice there iino alternalive did ipcfce to those on he grnnnd in dear firm voice occupying fully lire minutes in the delivery he main tained to the last that he had not en tered the glebe office with the iuten tion of shouting mr orge urown and reiiratelly afetmral that h was prepared jo meet his god he lament e1 that he event occurred by which a noble life had been sacrificed but stated that it had beeo occasioned by an oversight or careleaauesa on the iait of sir brown in ifrafpinglh revolver he prayed forgiveness from all had wronged at the close of hiifremuks which were delivered m t der ring ingtoice ac ten minutes to eight the hone man stepping to the lever drew the silt aud the loidy shot through to the end of the roiie when it hopad with 4 suddeirness and a horrible thud which nice heard can never he forcotten the limbs niovl convulfively fur a few iuut4s and then all was over- in twenty minutes the body was cut down and life beiug pronounced tjr titict the usual inquest wa held the jury returned a verdict of dishssitton of the neck bennett blamed liquor as the causa ot hia ciiuie and left a loiter to young men warning them against the intoxi- cilfngcitp largs fire at paris a fire recurred on saturday morning ahout three oclock in the large knitting mills of ciay ifc mcoisii aud iu less than two hours the whule building was consumed a good deal of the manu factured si well as gome of tha tin- manufactured good were saved but all tha henry machinery was destroyed the em wax caused by the accidental fallmg ofa lamp amongst the wool in the woolrooitt upwards of ninety bauds have been thrown ont of eiu ilayment the loss is about 38000 unsured in he following cumpauieg western 84000 mercantile 82000 waterloo mutual 2000 briish american it is supposed about 9000 lancashire 3000 scottish commer cial 5ctj other companies 3000 what t pleasant thing it must be to lie a prince the american custom house hich ordinarily is no respecter of persani bows down to prince lo- sjld oideri having been received fn in washington hat 1iis baggage is not to i subjected to the indignities df ex aminatioii when crossing the line oh happy prince you iikle know what agony of mind you hayo escaped gudpk ferajd paris green paris green i hanajawoja liama fwut or otea convrpsava mr gitgtt korris of kossacaweys met witfi a serious iccideac while driv ing home from guelph on monday aflcrtioon he had lft his buggy m ihe city for repairs having istrowed une until hi own shuubt l repired when he had procerded as for as the ktee kange hotel on the york koad the borrowed conveyance hroke down piichiug mr nurris very forcibly to the ground mr king of the rifle ranje hotel ot u to the aaiiance of he injured man who was in an attcon- scious condition he was carried iuto the faunae and reatorattvrs spplied which however did not hare auy it lacuuie elloct or a time towarda evening the sufferer recovered can- ciaasness and though heraneod great in from wounds in the head he was removed to his home the open meeting of prospect divis ion sjns of temiraiic came ottas t z anuu incittent on friday eyening iu the uniou ilall broofcvtlle the chair was occupied by w player e q d g w p thomas weiwter f brautf rd was present as previously intimated aud gnean eainest address full of facts in favor of thetetnperauce uijveuieut he spoke at sotue length on the scott act recomuieriding it to our supiort tlie attendance was gisld considering the busy season of the year aud the order was all that eiuld be deired which peaks tntuh ii fsvor of the teitiierauee sentiicetit o the vicinity tha lecture ws followed by a few reraatks frout mr fisher methodist miuiater declariig hat he res3nsihility of tht liccuse j system tested tis3n the electors of the country the meeting wis brought ia close with player by mr mcfherson prei lyteitau minister jju a dishonest merchant who had retiied fruiu husinese said ithsres nothing like teitling down i settled down and am comfortably off whereas if i had settled up i shouldnt have had a cent but some of his cteditois hearing of hia remark took proceedings which kin unsettled him a stkklr ju errecrrolowscijsi so surely will disease eventually fasten it self upon s system eeficieal n vital energy if tonic maiicalion is nat resort ed o in ime the necessary tendency oa weak discharge of he fuaciioiu of the body is o disorder it organs in vigoratioo prompt ana thorough is the only s degasrd no renorant of deplet ed physical energy no reiuirative of lost sesh nerve power and cheerfulness has more clearly demonstrated its jefficacy nan nor hrup ly rasas quinine wine n this preparation associated with the siluiaty medicines which forma iis hasia is pure sherry nine and certain aroma tio constituents which impart an sgfeeabla taste to the article and gives adrtitional emphasis in iu effeoif n dues of general dsbiliiy and dyspeiishvlt is in valuable and he desired effect is in be vast msjirity o ciset remiirksblj prompt as well as decisive that good natural sppedte which gives a relish for the coarsest fare is insured by he use of the quinine wine which slso confers brain soolhingand body refresh ing sleep feverand aja andbllloui remittent fever are diseas to the eradication of which it is specially adapted but it should be used onlr in the intervals between he leisure the farreaching efleas of a good tonic in nil complaints iniolvine loss of physical energy are well undemlood bjlphcsi cians and the comprehensive influence for good of this preparation upon he syiemgta-sfartobearoutlheprofesifon- al belief in the value of jnvigontnii u oppooentiol dlieise be sure to ask for he quinine wine prepared by northrop k lyman torojo sold by all druggists t- stoves stoves hicks oo of loudon england rtpoil au uvunlookej market this wock not to muah wltli ihoou snd oua u with foreign uiast fmpoited o kngllsh markets ai t ooukxpiouco rather morv has ixion lost fn prices thou wss gained w proviotu wwk avw uaahktk white wheat i 08 o 1 10 tniajwoji j i off to i 10 spring wheal wisgc i 08 to i 10 kjidchalt 0 9u to 0 osts if ii j 0 80 to 0 88 pomjjt 0 m o 0 08 uarlsy 0 i5 to 0 80 hggt 0 0tn0 10 flntwrdsiry pcsd 0 14 d 0 is hutttr roll 0 4 to 0i8 pjtsloer new per bosh 0 m tiio 9 b i gictra hxiskts fliqr white whcsl 1 off o i 10 iraidwl ltx to i 10 spring ulun oiuuow i i 08 to i 10 ked chatt 0 91 to 0 m osd 0 m lo 0 stf lut 0 64 to 0 68 barley 0 m o 0 go hozs iwr dec 0 09 to 0 10 liatlr rlairy packed 0 14 o 0 is baer rolls 1 14 tn 0 i piiaos uea- perhnih 0 50 a 0 60 albkrt college bellkville ovt tas gsakx49 scaaol rtanaaxiini affnrda eiccllent fscukfoa for ktscrm srcnief nroparition for afatricaution fn law xfedicine oc arts or for teachers kl aminstiogs students slso may slend he flouridiing commercial college or alcun- dra colkjo for ladies or the mimical cademj- average oiiense for toiuon in solid hrsnehes witli hoard room fuel ac only 310 par wock terms open sept 9th isso jan 6h lll and april it tir for circulars ac oddrosa preiidcntje xiqtm d il belleville ontario yotersust 80 utrxtrtratitv or titk vruiar cr ix ntc county op halatoit notice is hereby riven thst i have trans mitted ordcuvel to the persons mention ed in he bird and oath sections of the voters listari he copies required by said sccoous to bo so tralismitui or deliv ered of the list mode parsasnl ia said act of all persons appearing hv the last revised assessment roll of the said sftuacipahly to bo entitled ut vote in said ifuniapahty at ccuout for members of the legislative assemhlv and at ifuaicipsl eleclious and that said list wsa first posted up tt my office in acton a u the iglh day of july ik90 snd remains jiore fac inspection electors are called upon tn examine the said fist anil if any ommissions or sny otlier errocs ore found therein to take im mediate proetaidings to have the said errors oorroctcd tocooing to law j t t- ahvtv ribat clerk dated tt acton tht 19th dav of jnlv laho n otice cy wife caihanne hain left my bed and board i hereby notify til partiea that i shall not from this date be responsible fur any debts contracted by hcroa mv account thos sicsllllax kttsofliweya july 2ih 1s0 jt f ouslllioefcltuavge the ondtictil hat for tale riyili ex- oliaaa for tiirberor ptodaca t span of jexal warking hones l j bcoafs jjuiut class red bkick the saliscriber has now oa hand tbiut 7s00g firs class red brick whku he i pre pared aieuit uie till or dfirrr ss cheap as any man in he lituiuest kiln is ou let 2j coa 2 esqcksuiac icoowa as the elliott brick ysrds irao hexrv sf arlett propv holt artkxlv cimt oa ths prtmies lot x2 coa i eiaesiog oa the i7h inst a illy colt dark bay the owner will please pfove crjpcrty pay espeoses and take it awsy charlescaitekox jr akcnibtldriddell tlortltswif far scwiaejjuchiae and general repairs try the georgctoira koveltv works jrch riddell 22lf main st jeorgetowc a lex f shitb aocxt roa f itr kikbt rsxrcka hotrkr siki inttciaknerttlittrre flows climax threihlne achlnea minnesota chief and vlhrolorprlea tooth harrcwr centennial knlkj- horse rake cllmsa fsnnln- mills the eelsorated ttlsror esefrd dritl e alt warrantedtooveood wortevery tlrae or aa sale termsrcasooable alex f biirrn u4m i truths hop bitters a medicine not a drink coyraixs heps biektic haidrake daadellta ajtd thif foucht axd bsst mjujical ticalitttx of all otiiie blttsks they cure all nisesreof the btomsed towels blhotl uveri 10dhev and hridarv or- saos nerrvoojnest rlecmness female comjiuiliiu and drankenneis siooo rv gold will be paid tor a ea the j- will not care or help or rorjinrthlnff laipareflr injuri ous faand la tftem asa ynrinhfiktstfortton riders and frra oonlcrrtrra try tin bitters before roa sleep use no other theffop chltcttrc and path relief is lie cseqsfif fiiimt and bttt hoh nrrrsi co j r3chester if v and toronto ont for bale iylllnu1its a week in yonr own town and no capital risked ton can give yjbaanessa trial without ex- pense the bestopportanftj ever offered for those willing to work you should try nothing else until you see for yourself what yoii can do tt the business we offer- no room to explain here you can devote all your time or oply yonr spare time to the business- and make great pay for every horn that youworkv women make at much aa men send far special private terms and particulars which we mill free mtntfrtlontoomploin of hard timet while yon htve suoh i ohanoe address h ballet o portland maine r ohiap 2s king ob ihe say gtoosi at j c hills a larjstoctrfatlund of stoves suit itedetduiaitujaeturd 1 at ixtl quality ofhotktett fuuli and tkr matt hamltome stud in hi warlrf cook sto yes of all iuei al lie rery fotf prioi a irrll fhtud tvk of t i 3st w j rr h always os- kaxd az specialties rrrtf wiff u rxtcnud tm tht ilioriett aofive ooalo il a gvxi uacb of tupenor quality cfitxtp ooifz lsd sz8 fa t07a3sltxs keptemberliilh uts real estate aoenor properties for sale nrxaac or xrrox t on kutnutfcftniijrfffkkil jinfnfitlo ckkmth fifth i f n mctr wlch htae toim in ipfcodfd ebfxkuau hnuiodliuion ui tf rusc hiru kd pnftrtturwedn- tlllc tiuputbf tctrn rpkitinhl ki joncnroerfntnrch nd john rs aneflfti of in tre on ihe tot i a zoad iiodfp fontaltilrf t rnotntt cond eciur urrf ter niuaher nf fruit trtmin roori ein- sluirtn eonvrnl4utmeiirol chji pa i ofltmnt mllwur ilftllon tcrmiaf tytntui rauoraixiie tstlnthriaiim kavacavbta nos at rttirictjmcr u35 5ii n wrt rjrufr irar tira kiw rail- on -lcr- on irhich li i icuum eood utor nd dwell- ing fubtctudrfrlrltic bhd lux cherry fe cic irtt ixarttx tue belwins ftrt ir cki malltlcn vvfk prihiblr lw i flee lt re la k tiqrtlra tuleccot tcrm cam appu toitkaji naafnweja f fft2lcfloxmiliia nihipnf fuqajs inf 141 ncrr ffl c4rrl und at dr ctidlvn- tnt tialnnfe rood cedr qd bttclc u aodfkrrabildincifrje lu the beitcon- tklkintptfndldarcbirtlor bsjainj tire l- cplienc fruit pxxt tprtoe ncr kit the ytar rounitho i rorfortettoui mllt- frtim mite front a flnwlin er mill crnitu tit to tcuuoi tud cdnrcti tiu thdliwauliir trtn rfmiatit- ap- uria junif styitt oa the lttftnlm ar t actoa iotoflce e morose b s bqusst b wtttumaox i m parties htlrriank id lotk in tin vll- tc tmmik tn themejcitnttc inwiiphlt tur ralt wilt flurf tt ti their luut ut have them tutertad lu lunc ju xo cutre uaetk the pruptrtyuiiu h p moore keal ktatr agsnt actanont- the lion ojfert his hearty congraulations upon the eery prosperous harvest and ihfine tceaher thus far ah tending tlie gathering in this trill bring increased properity and put money into the pockets of a ti ihe lion expects a big season and as in former sea- sons is laying hims if out for the l jons fhare htr ordirs already plae d tcith briifh a ad canadian tnqnu- faclureis are viry extensive goods are already behiri- ning to arrive and our friends may rest auredof find ing everything at tlu lion th t tlwij may desire 1 case iveeds for our celebrated 1450 suits- 3 cases plain winceys 1 case fancy dress goods at loo 2 cases black fringes from 25c t 300 a yard 1 case dark prints 1 case solar spots and pompador cambrics 1 case embossed and mourning prints 1 case black caslxmere 2 bales tapostry carpets handsome at 62o l 2 pales- a fo 1 smesels carpets lovely goods 1 bale stai- carpets and bordering bich black satin in 5 different shades gx wi i friends pleace note oct slimmer etcck is beinsr redeceed to a minimdm and ws bhall open out a stock of fall goods that will startle the acmiralioa of friends and excite the jealousy of would ba rivals i j d williamson co spring jweeds spring tveeds suitiugs coating trouserings in all ho klest patterns and color- pnre material and made np in the latest aljles at low prices also a large and ielec stock of i ojemstts ftjerisbxjsrt3s couprisiiij- full liies oi press shird and fhirdngof all kindsevery novehy in ties collars braces gotten underclothing braces silk linen and ambric sandkorchie christies celebrated london hats at the east end clothing store 0 flte ctotst mr chapman of he montreal house acton is now receiving an iu- monse uev stock of fall dry goods afcn women and childrens boats shoes ie scotts emulsion pure cop li ver ofl htpophosphites of lime ah0 800a tbk preparattoa combcni ih two bat resedin ersr dbcovcred tor cemcanptiom cou md ckrvkio cot g ha bcrofmu hhfnnatum and diimmi of the blood garml do fctlitjr sad ill wuttlf dlm4ni of chtldrcm it not onlr coocum the vdl fcntnra tad h- bf ettcemed rirtaa of cod lira od in a form that k perfectly tattaosacdittepttble to th most delkatc tto but fa i wjodcrful oaie tad lifepriog propenka pf ihe hrpofikphaa to ipcorpor- lrithuliwmopotnoflchaursly bcreued rtyciua uiutenajif dnwidge the vttlr tapenoe trrtaa of thfc combined food and mediant ta all the abort it k not only better toleriit but much morc readily awnilited by the typcffl than plaia cod livcr ob xaa better nt fa fnry4inr and ptirifyiitxthe blooq allayinj the nttadoo of the uiroat tad lunci rotorinjf the impaired luncrioesana rmarairth and rieor to the vhoje body 1 1 rrwt and palatable to the taste never tepajuej dcpostl e and tak for stti kmvlsioii for talc by all dnjgjtai at ioo per bottik mi- i- t orfpoda- bctsrea how lost how restored te have recently pnhiished n netl edliiou of dr ralterwells tele brated essir on tue radical aua ptrinarlent core tsllhoat mell- clnelofkenousdtblltiy mentalan iphvle- al incaraeity impedltneuu of slarrlasei etc resulting from eaoesses aprlre in a sealed envelope only t cts oriwu poslesc siamrs too eslebraled author o this admlrablu ess- clearly demonstrates fr m tbirtr years loccessial prsetlee last alsrrnlnt con sequences may be radically cared witnoat the daaserous use or uilernl medlelnaor the aseoitlie knife polntiusost a mode of cure at one 1roplo certain and fffoclon by means cf vhlcu evorj snffererrno matter what uls ooudlilon may be may cure himse cheafityiirlvalely aud radically this lecture should be in thehanjs of every youth and every uioa in toe laud i address the cnlterweh medlinl o nassaqaweya l1tmbee shinglgimills peter a y e r 8 would intimate that h has on hand st hit mills in nassairawsya formerly snovn as cargurs mills a larte stock of lumber lath and 8hinqles of all kinds snd qaalliles qheap no 1 shingles jjhjjd per square bill stuff cot to order tbrmsca8h teteb sayerb acton dec ss 79 post office box sue 41 lm w tsrk paris qreiii always on haiid fresh and good 3001 15001 a momth cuaranteed 13 a day at home made by the industrious canllal not re- lulred we will start you ifen vmen boys and ftirls make monov faster tt work rorus ihan at tnj thins else the work is llkbland ploasunl and aehss anyone can go rlrhlal th- who ie wise who see this notieawill send ns their addre sat ocee snd see fjr themselves cosily ontflv snd terra me now la tin- time those aire idy si work umts p lise snms of money address truk a co aujusta miilne 3 p wouen rsactical iisibdiusub ia preptrcu to eiecute anything in hit line in the beat possible inauoer and in the ittett style monthly ouatomert tt tpeciol rttet a coll is solicited j p vtoupen to 8000 year or- n day i n your nwn loeolll no risk women jo at vrll si m n mtny make more than the amonnt or- fered above no one ran tail to make make money fast anfoneean dothework yoamakelrammctttolisli- hour by devotlnkonr evenings ard tutrt time 10 the basinets i loot is nothing in it the business nilhlns like it ihrmoday mtk ltg ever offered before bust nets pleasant nnd strict 1 honorable reader lf yon stntto ktio w all about te best paytr g business before tbe public indui your addrss and we will sen j 00 f11 partlenltrs and private terras free samples worn s also free yon eon then makeup yourmind for rorrtelf aov dnu ueornb 8tin8us c tortasncl maine jt organa new ofeganfkojt a firstolsss canadian maker for sal suitable for the home snndtytchool or bmallchnrch we will tell the above very low for cash for fall particalaas apply to h p moobe 1 faa puts orhct acton febll 1880 fl at j e mccarvins dru store i

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