Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1880, p. 4

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mmi i m- iu- st t ms i is 4 f s t sss z jsfotfvff tf0as cqbxsb hot weather jf oo tnl jit read bx itel l write tro hfit to cvsjh be ffllitt iwut ti lo hot in kllt via tat tti be mcwiliita bit hot to sicvp uw hot to wakfl ard fir twhimt to brea- or take too hot lorihiuk too hot la talk too ht to rks too hot to walk t tvio hft to kuitv or to rrcach too hot lo swm loo hot lo iwcli too hot vc maulle wtl ut gtuitr too kot tis lircain 01 nukinc hue t too hot to lattgh too hot to cry toojiol to live tea hot to die i too hot to whistle leo trot to sing aud oh i loo hot for ftuythipj a coutkn for bovb mltcall the incuts you can hotrcstly but ncrcc bcso limit ld wort favocas to do that which you kuou lo bo krosip t icy bs tuako crictvls with everybody rcuod or haul is poor usy to ikpu life ami often ickhtyuuogfcctutraf do rii viiiurqtnako yoar mark in the rorm do you wish to be wca then observe ttw follottfii rule t hold integrity sacred observe cool roturcrf- tndre trials patiently proiipt so dt ihitijjk mike evr niiiutaoc vieu uot lo discokneriuits tit ttr avi rif ht fear to do wrong vtch csiefuily over your pinions tight lifes battles bravely uiaufully consider well then decide positively sacrifice raoaey ralker thin principle use illcc ktsure tioe for improve- tecuu j i atlclm crrcfullv to the details of year t uctiuess bay and y cure men soneiises start cat fc lite wilit the idea that cpes success de- ptnuf on sharpecss aai coicanry they tciau it a qui is tdik iltfiys to r- the hirain no niittcr tv vr nt d cci ted owiioccs he carries hit po- hj lisi rospesity 11 ecryred this is s gret tnisuke eudnnng prosperity cmnot be ftandrd oa censing zzi diiioccsty the trictjsnd deceitful mta ii mr to flil victiin eoop or it lo the infiuecce which are forever workirg a3inst tiin his home ii osilt m the eini and it fonnihtltoa u ill be j r i 3 pye wsy yoacg people cin- tifc ive these trcths too much wicht tie fntrrc of thityccdf mn it sifo who cnn tvety phxse cf donhe doling rnd dishoccsty end tirt the foandition of his ireer in the ocdoric ucipka of- ever- lutic titln the pttzizzl fanrr relxtts tn itsunce of 1 efie boy froca the cocntry who hivie cocsa iiito possession of ft few thocsied uallirs visited tn cede in the city tn old cerwitrc to get his edrice sboct investing his cipiul in baticessi go bicfc t the coactry yencg msii tiie merchint jnd invest yoarctcney in hind bay turn settle dcwff7et it scd da ssde tcsxness t hive been in bnsines nearly forty yexr- and hxve accnhmuted afovtcne bet it has been doae bv feiifnl risks heavy responsibility constant toil and worrying amietief a dozen times t have xrxa on the yerge if 6krsptcy aad twice i have been sorely tempted to tike my own life- of teamen who cotnnieneed bcicest ere when i did only one besides tnyseii succeeded the reat all failed one after cnotcer some drxgijicg families topoverty tnd disgrace my advice fcep away front the eiry and it 1 deltsive bnuness aveaaes quel contentment oa a moderate competency in the conntry ia the best for- teoe l could wiah yon oim klna of plonlo mr cjiowjcr mm chovvder mid four liluechowdoni wtnt iff cji ilia ix earaioti to sugar inhuicl yofcimny it iwd brett lh ulk of t fajmiijr for woika rich rliild luut lien tnkfn in to llm liitlli room mid wmlird reauifd mvi iirtfikmtidiwiii lviclioiilmd ivwivcd twdyo uvltmk 011 ilin urt o iliivihi liiinsolfoi linxilf iftor ecx- titilrtlvmlli tin uwt kicli 3110 lidd vsii told ify liuum vvlmt 10 jropty if ull miv clttiiiklirll fvltsmcioiik enough to kklc kit thiit- iiikiiii or if lint imd tiiowa boy imit out of ids ahvriki 011 tint ttudtf vp fcts itt utt lii kvpty 1u1c iho stlllct cltulf up mm cliutv del cstllut fot fcilf nco mid said i ybtt cliiltltvit ay kttfcl ill icntioti lo wlmt i soy vuu cittii lutvii utiy iw cttm or leiuoiutdtj 01 jkkuum voll tvlllt tllll ul ttlltl tiotlll on the titwt von must tint side yom fktlitr fur ptfiutvs ytm iinrat not ketp talking to mo if hfiiry or vil tkiii usks tu go in idling or in guiui- tiling thty will gtt uiiiniti il itticy 01 jennie hits tiovvn ou ihu gru lhllll lilulsil tllmu the tiv tat in u eiilimn mv as tbo knit stottid out mr cliuulliii lutd out cro on the tuo linyn mid the itlur iipiintid doiiu the livtr airs chuwttr hod one eye 011 the ctvo girls ud tlm otiifi- lluilitig itt n boy vihu llitd imrtcst pika 10 w11 auii who wits trylttij lo get neat tkiu chuvr- dor lutd his tniud niado ui thut if oni- of iiik hoys atkmptetl to liud out what it ttttatuhout wits like or hinted iti fruits or rtfrtshuitnts or dtsitvd to iiiingla with other hoys ha would o liiui on the spot und air uliowjtr was fiillyditeruiuicd to lit lur piuciit 8 felt liio vity insunt oitliev tf llif girls forgot her dignity uud wrinkkil her ttillly torched jnss twq or throe luindied children roaiivd ou tho island pluyed tag picked up iiebliles climbed trees ain raced after gruwhuppeis hut chowder kit 011 a lug and talked jiolttics mrn ilioadtr wt on a camji tttiol and talked tf the jkior heathiti aiil the young chowileia bat on the edge- of a plaiik vtitt mid kept their mouths in proir pucker to teply yt maaiu 10 evety old gruhhoe who uikid if a ey were- having an uwftil goott time wiiii unv reiuraw uit evening rota hat had been lost not a button gone not i t tide ofstarcfi tuisiiag tiiy had that tftiio eoleoin p r aiid chowder and his wife h tciiir awful areutal diguity xot one hail even the united truce of a auiila when tewkboy timdiug at tho gmg plank honied out fferes a firnity whovo un off to bury their dead grandmother aiake way fur the mourners esests josh billiflgs ait marriage by awl mfatif joey get married if you lave a fair show dont stand ehrsericgoutle brdc but pitch rite in and stick yoar head airier sad the ehiver is over there aint no more trick in getting married than there is in eating peaauts menay a man lsk stood eauering on the tbore until the river ran out dont txpect to marry a angel them her all been picked tip long ego remember joe yo aiut a nainfjouraelf do not curry for bitty erclasirely hqty is lite ice awful slipety a thaws dredfl easy doixc ntjrry for aeither luv is tike a moticg store good for notiiing when tire fae gives out but let the mirtare be soiae hoty becouiinglv dressed with about s250 in her pocket a gad spoiler handy and neat in the trouse jrfeaty of good tense tuff con- stittitiou und uykir small feet itjlit text add to this sound teeth and a warw jsart this mixture wii keep in any ciintxte and will not evap tf the cart happens to be left pat the strength aint gone joe dont narry for pedigree unless it is hacked by bank nates a family with nothing hut jjcdigree genersilyaoks sense mrs garrisoa in the sanioirium rays i wonder how any woman who has ever kissed a clean man caa go fkrougli iho stdea of fcissing tobacco chewerj did yon erer see one suffer the lenaity xlnxis fccrw she does it zfere is a preliminary shnddjr then rt inhata her teeth hard holds her ureath andniakes a jittfe pigeoo dip at thetoul fips of the grinnim beast and thfn pala with horror flies lo the kitchen where if yon follow her roit wid find her disinfecting with scan and water areat you a ieot5e harsh- mra hi tar salve the her mr atkin son of aiua craig rephes to the inqniriea ahoatiisaalve nmd hy the o4 frith lady which is said to lie onkingsoch wondeffnl cures ia cases of open or ninning sores whether of k years or 30 days ftandtiif and no n itttr by what name tailed send prevetiflng sansfroks thn cahfe of tunsttoke tays the yavivuf ainertcin i an oyeiheuting if the blood which usually ls the re sult not so much of xpotuip to tbe un as to an insuthcient hrspiration many casis of sunstroke hapfn among laborers not exposed to the sun if a man whether iii tke sun or ic the tiad is exposed to a ttuirta of fcay 99 deg and does nut pcrrpiie frsely his blood hecotues ovcrhaud aud he is in great danger of being at tacked ly that kind of prostration which is called sunstroke because lrspiratioa is as it were a safety reive whch carriea off iuxrcuotio heat in fct the araoant of heat which as it were disatiposrs in the act of persfiiratidd is sometimes start ling when calculated in figures ac cording to the theocy of latent heat of vapors when a tnan ho feelr 01- presswf by heit ioi not drink raodeif ateiy cool water bat tikes reconrse to oeer or something worao he does not promote perspiration bat checks it water is always the very best drink for meti working in hot surroundings s little oataiti mixed in ithu become very popular and we advise to acidu late it slightly not with sulphuric or other mineral acids as we have seen recommended such acids check per spiration while vegetable acids pro mote it best of all is lemon juice cittic oc tartaric acids and if these ate not obtainable vinegar foe want ot hotter a lady engaged to be married and gatting sick of her bargain applied to a friead to help her untie the knot b foro ic was too late oh certain ly sho replied it is very easy to tin tie it now while it is oulf a beait knot a scertr as emcr fottvotvs ciuse so surely will disease eventually fasten it- self apon sjtem deficient in vital energy if tonic medication is not resort eti- to in time tue necessary tendency ora weak discharge of the functions of the body is to disorder ii organs in vigoration prompt and thorough is the only safeguard no renovant of deplet ed physical energy no restorative of lost fiesh nerve powernnd cheerfulness has more clearly demonstraledils efficacy than kotthrup elynians quinine wine fnthis preparation associated with ihe salutary medicines which forms its oasis is pure sherry wins and certain aromatic constituents which impart sn agreeable taste tolhesrticle and gives additional emphasis 0 lis effects ia cases of geaecsl dsbility snd dyspepsia it is in- taioable and the desired effect is in the vast majority of cisei remarkably prompt as ell as decisive that good natural appetite which gives a relish tor the coarsest fare is insured bf the ate of the qamine wine which also confers brain soothingandbody refresh ing sleep freyand ague and bilious remittent fever are diseufs to the eradication of which it is specially adapted bat it should he used onlr in the intervals between the seizures the farreachini esecis of a good tonic in all oofflpiainu involrine loss of physical energy are well understood by ph cians and ibeijomprehensive influence for good of this preparation upon the system goeifar to bear out theprofession- av belief in file value of invigoranls as opponents of dinease be jure to thomas 0 watkins of the right house hamil- ton away for europe mj dr cur johpjso iadoratony itrttolli o loivl4 tor citont erilmn trelsud anl the cortincl of euopo w atk tf hf bom nrklcp down h ockex er v ly 0 as lo run on he imiarnw pilosol iooils s11 hold at llm iuu1t illlusl although liissaak have been very greatly inuvanco or any olho horn so nitibortii- inrpe hat hi mhu ia mill veil rld it imohetcrythiig ihil tho le require in dry 00 u millmory mantle of a 1 kind r lhwl tidics drew lnilla khd lleiu hudercloillup ol nil kinds shin neck wear dress cood hlks 111 ahundnce jtournug gwl in alniot r rdlem vriety v rninun hliirliucsl uucks fjrulnis l ivkltgs piles of oelontief sheeiings i he largml stack of cirpels m i atriillon slacks of laco c urtain bre- ouius and lie goods or all kinds thohiigtm hock ladie gent misses and boy hosiery and gloves ever imported by the knur house m enormaus stook td dtble uamiks from sov to flj table kapkiu niriinen iron a tooc thomnd ol towels and r for house and bathing purple plain embroidered and prfumdiilknirtriunww loolblacklretanenarked down lo uitid j2k dllm oiftiu llul maikedd wn lo lk jlilluiv tuarked down blnck lacc shawlk marked dom to tpitncr puces kibboi mnrked down toiwll their value diva hoods marked dovn diets lilnmii gmatked down ro u lay wlks marked down tluplod tritnuinigr marked don frinls mirkoddown liees markesj dotvo aiahesl fiv frame fie ucol iacpets tni keddoau imm tft ab to llij mantles and ichus marked dowi and jul ol olhergoods are being marked flown by mr vwuisht wkilts wumiiiluulvardbahtsil kik kcmetnher tliere is no house in town named t c watkins the name ou my sign ti tiiwil ah vvuklsi and theixj is nil connection belwtdi tho kliiltf holjhk mid my other house in this cily come lo the enormous double stores nos snd 3 mxk stueiit east closo to uugluon hi wheic ihe verandah u down j 7w3dstnewyorkiiy r i i hamilton july istli ibso thomas c ayatkixs flour feed store i lawson bros cnau rr lnfirn the iople of aiti-riii- vtrtiitfyiuaituit v i tiim-n- ituuip mti ic- o flour and feetj store i ald kill ten rtuittimlly on hand a tttlukekef flouk of all rimisiwun family flour lluukwheat kluur unburn flour heals lorn ileal oaf mesl crashed iv heit ilri j shorts rino htii t choppiil peas chopicd ojis mixed cliopf jats iinii ten and all kinds of feed usual kept in a hralv stoio cgall co jthrrrol to mnj ixiri the rtuijr iu rjon of ariltrfit c4l r i rrfjtitiulli fliriiiii law30n bros actnn jin is iw- scott k bownes palatable castor oil the pfcpcrti cc tiw ci tht produce pairt ifid en erjrc4nctocjniiid t tnovdr wski iii preeminently the hnert um fine vc tiiaijwral m j t ii rer iraplatsrx it trs cnoiibct nodr tuiflfw i tn4pltjlv tve isii citjanic tnoun rj rctnjj- for c- irenccanijphiiji and lit irttttfail dcncjc- bji tt it csajiiijicil tnd it detiivjed ta ule th pucecf craje cil irti u dniz pfiumwl mi- tit a fr u liy til vrjiuu i csu u- k daallaunnil johhstoits isarsaparilla uts ksff w wmat and for purijj the blood it tas te- a in us t oc ji3 jears aal has i roiil la he ttlrtrntnrrcra lathe ttxeroreiti uiiliacutl ruslk wtiii eiyc oj hack livna cot- iarsrpqolesckteefacedvs- ruua lu and all dixascs that ci3lxrat liver or an fn- ectd thysasdaof crnrtcfe e it cd rive il to lheirchkvi i u teass prtc it dajy vjoa ho uc iiccccerrctrrjitto cl tsh onljflfebhjfjpiiilaralpipei pr1nte0 axd pubmsiied tn the dominion kovt ix jts second volume unparalleled success xerurf i-r- i form 16 pacc only cue- dollaf per yqelz foils x xustnrrs xumbcrt a month sz vrs a year 3315 connns for one dollar vrcroj cricl j o artcuuure harruux diir iatjlty uj apiiy v tivztzlc 4 ercrlnc pc-uisir- n t fra bo t cjlcf scrtari indr la vuy cclrrcj rqxrtt zsil prices tfc tkc cxinir nwts tilt pf t lu l 1 lli tarscl ihc yi2rrii crtd cxriz piit jc rtiijiurviij ta tl j o jycrail t tf ii cr lis lvie4 strt aliietujtjfitri pnrtcu krien ire cs- fxrj tii carrcs aizrzc ct x ruji cixt sixii in tie lis vxi lthuji cclaciii ia the v sajtpli copies itlee- j pfrtrxdira rumrfrtit vtcujstoa prist ncilouisc otibuicj im ijr k u colcocic prspriair vp rvie editor alcvt cucafjlan vkwyz drkxir ii ucaaat 0 hiri3l fou- tliludiuu toroilo auil b a llilclell lmaory svtolevalc- urints lives sale board stables groceries ifyot srant acoijandchfapsrllrle in tesse hrass jtpia slick or cti- pcrscr te a s ii suears syrups spices and tobaccos 01 nil jfcinds fkesh avd sweet hardware uf ill hmlf paixts axd oils hixges axd locks xails glass fc plttr tho largest ajjd most complete pactoiy ifttie doaiaioa 140si00 hiest honors ever awarded to any maker ia the world r ii tnuli util dieaait fnrr igtu ithtuma- tsm tiropsy- hrarl oimtaw blllousnesn vertoua itbilttytte the sest sei3s7 siqh tolfaal soooalbkjrtshatrsomjknctlsto 9000000 bottles tis syrup possesses ycncd prrtiut it ptlmaucm ihe prt7llifl lo ie lttt frtilrfa rootfrfi theatnrrb and afftrrrttrt foxj intftaliloo a dficlwjcr la prtr cnar wlrd oodloarlrc in fod lnilf kioamebr jf be roillrja ikra imxaedi ntflr nxtrr cailcg ile fertaeii bf fuwl u j l art apon bo tfrtir iincta upon tbt kmnrr it uenlailr h tiottcij it purtfit4 bo hlood j it qaleti flo a errjfoif srrttia- t pramitm dtervin noaribc fnrttpfaesaod tjticotrrfi it carrle cffthgvld bfej ond nmkm n xt opens tlporrs tf tto kia aod indaera iljaltbr peripjiica- j vamnvia czl bemtitzrj tic rrpcjoa iti tbc blocx jci rairits scrcjaljrfu tid 9 cuaoet of tfrin piusea id latizsj taor then ircoaplrlfji enaploycd 13 ii dacntettrfli tatl 1 cm bo uica tj- 1 e tzjti d ucaic bti- rr t7 the tvl mi tfciecarf skjj fan rtsrfj fa gt rsjcs c ui03 rnxr3 lo ris or shall bottles 55 reid ths vdlurttary testimonials of psrsoni who hivo boon cured bvlbi uta cf u10 clooj pu1if1er m zrrli nrl uphjim il cidmiil cg slnltl iil ihihmn it st n7r cstgou sid t pmvtiri llriuhuu 7rntn ti 7yw uktrd at lhdutrbd tuhilltioit tm- lfc 1st 187s we are now manufacturing square and upright 1 best in the market- correspondence solicited send for niustrated catelopue ilailed free address dominion organ piano company bowhanville oitabro mltl street u whore yon can sfttt c t cash by tke barrev all cheap for go to- hills sfiji street acton u uuw isu rcim j i v- u rule hj flslc stamp for reply the ralwwsciitly oiail the tjiiinine wine jreparid by al or he djminioii tie u statei ioit kortliroji lyniaa roronto 8oid by eorape i f ajlsinifttsu aoton get firstolass eigs atrea80ableratefc jooi ooameroial srigs an erpress delirpry wagon will meet cieh express traio and delirer goods to any part of the town i alt parties indebted co oils cs- tablistoeiit are requested o pay up without farther delay and sare edsta ed mattievs j proprietor organs akt3d sewfkc machines are nov swmm new black satins new black cashmeres new dress muslins few black buntings new millinery hats new white blk plumes- jsew fancy hosiery jtew corsets new lace mitts new silk gloves 4 buttons ne w bordered cretons j new bretone laces new parasols attention r attention 1 1 genuine llarpers bamap pat terns full suits only 35 eetils stkavs- asd feit hats akd bosscts bose ovc is iiu the unst stvlesj m pas ik foahicadosoraconandvlelnilv loatshohaslatcljlrornltlia kwncbiicocdr catancraud fitting j anl fs now- prepared to give even w dresses and jnckela eut and a nerfrct ct llarnntrd al a rensonalile rrfce j fjrklyllsh andcneapwu and botiacu hhsi tfpnw woeoreosssioire ooclrli rlfbt cra1ne actom la preparea tocat on persons renulnna- i otlber sewlnar mnclilncs or organs he has a0ekc1es f110m the be st mnaufnelnrera in thecoontry nnd will ktrararlre llrnctcn to pnrehasrni tvrmaverj- rrnsrimble orders left at his residence or nddrrkied tohlro lo aelo po will rcoiwjiwptiu bokaikc to pabmbbs thos gowdt co manafaoturers of the m mmm reaper and gowdys celebrated gang plow also cwlicd jointer plows general purpose steel mould board plows- mowers hakes rannlna jbruig turnip seed uriiii lawu hoivers c- c qiye us a call before purchasing elsewhere prices lo t lvfcr jtii important to farmers ho that ce a nrciw the plcuutiu mamtfartired by that jim tho gowdy co guelphjont cures eripclast ml forit wellington coont can deiu sir i wa b re rely offlcifd with ervltels frr to yeirs anrta miort rial o yoar indian blood syrup cfltciuslir cured me mks janet aki flrer complaint i mtfore de m- iiac- iiel our freat nillun iii od j nip or livei coir- ilainl ind hire reccive1 creit lemfit i tiierttrom 1 rccotntuiej its use lo nil similarly ftcled xelboxcahr disease of the slotnaru rt forfsi licgmn coljntcao deik sti tins is ocrlity that j uf aljaic fjjifin tluiud syruu cored me orcvruiv iht udjcll i tt a ccubiiw lct lledlcfuc t have evcrtscd lririlie xortojk co vnt dkaksihi i lare used a preil ninjr ue iuiie but a letter ncdciiie lin jour ludiilii tildou syrup eaiinoi le 1 liii- fi it the lcit iikou i urihei ever uet ptteuwardli cousuicpllon v windham cenler dead sin cannot hi d hnunge lo lull cjiies ile iriisc bhich in giiiii tude 1 ivouid utir6r ihe ienetilb i h leceived lrcin uur excellctit iudiau itlood syrup it haj doo wia doctors cculd nollo orfnile1 todo i tcas- suiterin with ccnsrmption fot- a long nine iieari- cough iain in cht tloullr and lick and our indian blood syrup hs worked a erlci airjiie iwuiild reccdiaituaall togiva italml w5l cclfxlsuhalt dysrepsia aylmer elgin co oh su i have med jour remedy lor dyemepsia and rec-nime- d it lo all kks john kak1h1ng a valuable jlcdlcire sir iliftve used your blood syrup and foond a a wonderful and valuable mdline mks betsey redfofed aylmer ont spleudid remedy for dyspepsia sr i hare ufed your indian blood syrup and caued it to be ifstkl in sererui coses of dyspepsia and found it li he a splendid ittnedy i ww fljti aylmer ont found as uceomniended sit 1 hve used your indian blood syrup tor dyspepsia and found it to he as recommended joan y gullet jp aylnitr ont i an ageucs testimony aylmer ont sr i hive used android he indian blood sjinp and find it he beat rem edy ia use lor dyspepsia and as a blood puiitier lewu bursa rheuninusm sin 1 hare been irouwed with kbeo mi listn for a preat many years your indian blood syrnpis theonly cde of many remedies tlal did ineariygood 1 recommend it to all mos gain cmsnoui kenyou glengarry co out dyspepsia aud indigestion biiiyour indian blood syrnp has cured me of dyspepsia and lhdiges tion it has also efleciually cuied my wife ol same disease i lrttlkrox jouxsojc ccathatn ont solo ooneral agents for canada nortaropa lylkmn so- si froatst vest toronto also agents for mother n0blt8 healing sfrup an english discovery wwch is weir jltnown m a vajnabie nnd effectire cloo4 turiiisr throughout the krld i il mrns

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