Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1880, p. 1

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-te- mt r acttm free press la published iit sly pimoobe editor proprietor ar ttti fact fawr r- psixtlxg pvgllsaixq mm street xtfatfjbnri traits the fucpuss wt be sent lb ptttrtsbers postage paid for f tlqq per an unni in advajxee f 150 tf not so paid ko paper discontinued till all uroirs arts paid crcpt ii ui option of uie publisher jutsrttfiixa raws cstil advertise- matilss ocnu pet line fortho first inscr- tiiuf and 2 oenu per line for eacli uubse- r qaccttnscrtioii cash professional cards i 10 lines or less jt00 per anattni 1 square 12 lines o00 per annum payable in 6 tnontiis ironi date of insertion any special j koiico the object of which is to pronioto j the peconiarv benefit of any individual or i company to be considered ah adrertise- menu the number of lines reckoned by i the spa occupied measured by scale of oftxtract elites oct colattj none rear ulfcolatn oae year 11 quarter coiama one rear ae eoiamit six martin half eiititaa sic month tiartreotanmsemantfis cue eniaaa tbree moatlts falf calamn lfcmontae garter column three months adreriisemntwtihoatiieetflc directions tilt be insertem till fartld an ichenerd accord- inclr transluicr advertise menu moit be paid n adranc cbaociir eontrtet idvcrtl cements must beta the offlce oy x moa moedars other wise they rm be itft over uu the loltowidc 1300 row j0 jottj 120 00 h p mxkjue killora proprietor tuffl udcd iaylfnadoattetgtp i clio rrrctl kamll t ojk kctpapcr ad- rerttiebcrstak8rnk8ilhcw idtectric oicxxctfliadetcclt ix new vgkk- m bcsiasssr gibserosr terms 100 in advance 27tc avttmwr x jfa owy ti tf fiwtwittjm ad ty frw cokwni 160 f no so paid volume vi no 6 acton ont thursday august 5 l880 whole no 267 t hi lowtly hb 3j c p s t j graduate of trinity college mem- ldrcf csiue of physicians and sareons ince and residence si the hesd cf frcd- erick st acton denoe conier of mill and ffederscfc streets consaitatioa daily from 8 to 10 a ra and 3 to gixrn- scccuyri it dj m c p s gradcet of victoria j college- kesi- omer of mill ani fpirl- tet s crtv0r johk pjlvis pko- s viscui land scrvejor ciril engineer and drafctknaa of gaelph is prepared to attcclto allsiirvejs hi acton ami vicin- ity orders left at j e megarvins drug store aqton srill be proatpdy attended to clarexce d griswold teach- cs of piano voice thcroagh bass and pisco and vocal elociition ciass teach- inz a specialty lessoni giren at the res- ilence of pnpili if preferred tttits ffi00 per quarter cf thirteen lessons one half in adrance address r craine or q iirrv 0 gniswold actc3ont c tabids billheads and circulars tf every description esecated netly at the actn fexe pexss gsee the best local paper of hahon co jd 1tathesok attorketat us solicitor in chancery ic osce next door to wallaces hotel ifiit03 a lister if clark barrister quebec street gaelph bclvca office suafcewt budlh hill street jlcub- aoltkx opex eteet fexdat jfisher v s geobgetuvv ontti viiit acton every wednef- t dj nd will attend to all calls pertaining to his professon- ordersleft at hcgarriiis drug store iciii receive prompt attention ternis moierate- f j tj-ftsher- f e mwtato bread so wrxwlasispocr ulso ur b e nicklin baklrh coxfectioxees corses ifan c- mill streets actok beg to intimate that they are prepared o j sappry the village and surrounding country with very- best of bread bcvs cakes pastet axd oonpeotionert bread delivered wliile thinking those who hive vorei ns with their pitroaae in the past tc sahcit a coatmaaiicc f the same and trill kclcoiue new casjaiti fosfsr ice cream parlor we have bow opened oar ice cueiji pxeloii end will always be prepared to supply pure ice cream firiit drin us fruit ice cream supplied by tho ac quirt if dtsirtd a call solicited aelon hay fib 150 b t e kicklin eaterinffln the church iras dim and silent with the hush uwre the prayer j only the lolcma trembliae of tho organ tttcrcd the air without the acct itill sunshine within the holy calm where priest and people waited for the fwclliug of the paltn slowly tho door iwunf open and a little lahy prl browaeyed with brown hair falling in many a wavy curl with soft chock flushing hotly shy an downward trown aud small hinds clasped before her stood in tho iitle alone stood hale abashed half frightened unknowing whereto go while like wmdrocked flower the form swayed to and fro j and tho changing color fluttered la tho little troubled face as from wile to side she wavered with mute imploring grace it was bat for i moment what wonder that e smiled by each a strange sweet picture from holy thought beguiled when up rose sone ouc softly and many an eye grew dim as through the tender silence he bore the child with him and i i wondered iqiing tho fcrmoa and tie prayer if when some time i enter the many mansions fair and stand abashed and drooping la the portals goldep glow our god will scad ia angel to shciv me where to co lerslioiii at at cook woula intimate to the people of acton mat ie has purchased the batcher bast ueas lately carrttiou by jlr r story and that he bait xlmaxpoa handanrtuciass tuctof i3eef pork iluttok saogape fish ic4c old dak akd the robber farmer henderson came iajfrom tho barnaae morning with his hands and and horesby strict attention to badness to r clothes wec and covered with mud his tenure a fair snare of tbe patrotuice of the kce red and his eyes flashing pcblic ice at delivered ataoy time to any partoi the town teitmkcash acallbolicired adam cook stf tttithesstreet licensed auctioneer fcr the counties of wellington and haltoa orders kft at the fecepcess 0ece acton cr at my residence in eocfcwood will be promptly attended to terms rtianahle patekt3 forixvektioks expe- rmotrsit and properiy seenred in can ada the united stitss and europe pa tent ftaranioed cr no charge send for printed icitrueticos agency in operation ter years heket grist ottawa- cacada- sfechanical eninecricg solicitors of pa ints and dranghtaraan dphcciok hotel actox eobt r agnew proprietor the new hotel is fitted up m firstclass style tith new furni- tare commercial travellers will find good scommsditioa and coinmodious sample rooms special attention piid to the wants of tije travelling pnbhc bar supplied with the best of liquors and cigars sood stabl ing and attentive hostlers royal exchange hotelacros as campbell proprietor hr camp- bell late cf the eoin house hear gtk station taies pleasure in announcing to his many old friends and patrons that he has recently purchased and refitted the roal exchange in the neatest and most comfsrt- abk style and is preparedto accommodate all who isy ffror in the most com fortable nanner7 cnoice wines liquors cigars and cool summer drinks always in tiock stable in charge of an attentive hostler- tae patronage of the public is re- vpectfally tfjitcited yi no effort will be fioared to giro the very best attention cixada lqam s ahkhc com pah savixgs baxk coekee of james axd vtkc sts sir per ccsflatcrcat paid oaibc- psite cf 1 ml upirds safest axd best security board of d1regtor3 d e catsknlk eqprefledt rx ceexs efi of john ttadle a ox bur- unfclon vice-preideni- i w kosebcrgit h d hamiloii kcgtt jtcekav eramihnn tfikas knxciiaen ekjxelson col jons lakd banan rrotjt dcst tq hmlilan ekcklnolit esq oatvitle wjc feecmas if u georcetown ksgeefnir d c b snow esq ilanacer cottoo mills pundxa sfoxcy to loan on real etau in xuvzk co tvit borrotcrrt and on eay tcrnu jb0iere open ererr weefcday from 9 anx to5pm d dexte hanager anf ii ir78 cm new boot shoe shop w willi aifs would respect fully idttdtta to the people at actoaand vicinity that he hi opened a soolghoekbopta the ouifulafeoppolte w hktoreysgiote worteoa mrll kteeet actok rxashf6abexks 7i am prepared to pay the highest cash lfce for hidfts calfeions deacons lamb ard sheep skins delivered at my tannery lace leather constanilt on hand jailes moore acrosr pu3ps i puifps ifohps w e kxtttc manufactnrer of superior vdl and cistern pumps which will be put in on short notice repairing promptly done tunxiture m and repaired- charges moderate also saws filed and eet give hinr rmtt shop on frederick street opposite dr lowrys readenee w e adahst m 05et to toaji 1 ljoo co loin on fintclm fnn kcnritt t i rtuoiiibk rite cc interest apply to hp m00ee at fsra pkbb office acton fuubleg cameeok main st actoa aeeafc or the bell orein taxnahetatei v xmn- vt beu co goei ordere left it hii rendenc will receive prompt at- teafioa far partiefllxc we id v oa otiter side grre iriai a triil chas cameeos deei0tlit7 aby one in wint of a suhttiatlij and tood ituncf i t boot or skoe eqoarfdotratoieate their orrferetbustapd zeiiizizs t special tr ad prciaptly attcdclt w wzlllmb acton 8et h ists 5000 customers wahted this week it tkc cesteal boot shoe store t0c cas eot bettee sqofs xo ssqes akd gtz bettbe bxsaaiss in acton than to go away from borne to mate yoor purcbaaec call at cbraiffe sotfs cctobire wjve h-hlson- oebwsons corkers u prepared to do all kind of whitewajshiitg colo ei sg oa tae cbortest notice and at reasonable j races flrlire tout qfnrfff at the raxx pbcss office acton p sciotung cleaned ben- orated vtsl xelox ned be shouti as lie entereo tin fcitclen theres iscd t here i am 1 cstina cheety voica in reply and in an iti wnt after bright strong toy of some sixteen years entered the old- fushigned country fcitclien from tho adjoining woodshed where he had been cutting potktoei for tho days jlantin du yon want anything v 1 want to tellynu this slid ilr henderson as ho waslred himself at the sink and rubbed his weather- beten face with the coarse towel uutil it wi3 even more red than before old dun most be killed juic seo the state i am in and all from that worthless old raical i wont have him aboat the tnnse another day hes good for nothing but- to mate trouble and he must be shot before night added the farmer wrathfully ned wis about to plead for hia pet wbep his little sister came into the room why papa what is the matter ahe cried rauning to him in astoniah- ment did you fall into the creelc f i might as well he replied half laughing old dan butted me into tbe wateringtrough there was a shout of laughter ftom both children in which their mother joined well jedediab eaid icra hen derson coming into the kitchen shak ing with mirth what could you have been thinking about to let an old ram most twenty years old knock you into the watering trough f but explained her husband he took me unawares i hud just filled one pai to carry to the barn and was stooping to dip the other when- the old rascal came at me like the wind and knocked me completely into the water he scampered i tell you before i could get out he knew he had done mischief anyhow bos got to be killed to day sure has only a nuisance and 111 shoot him when we come back from town if hes on the farm two hours later mr and mrs hen derson drove away to be absent from home until night as they rattled out of ha yard old dan suddenly ap peared clogs to the gate aid wagging his tail as if in derision gare utterance to i hoarse biaa aj the farmer turned shook his whip at the fellow and cried this is your last day my boy make the most of it ned and carrie were the only chil dren leaving carrie in the house alone after they had considered ahife whetherthere wig any way of averting old dans sad fate ned shouldered his hos and aiirhed off to his work plant iag potatoes with cronson the hired man in the back lot but the little girl of thirteen had no thought of- being afraid she bad the breakfast dishes to wash soma sweep ing to do and the dinner to get all before twelve oclock time fled the dishes stood ia shin- fng rowg open tire pantry shelves the broom had performed its work and carrie was preparing the vegetables to f be boiled when there came a faint knock at the door i supposing it to be on of the neighbors the little girl did not rise bat called oat come in j the door was slowly opened and t man stepped within 1 he wore a black coat buttoned to his chin and very thread bare his trousers too were black and very shiny and much too short for him on one toot was a boot while the other was- graced by a ragged i shoe h carried a battered silk hat in his hand hii face wasiong and solemn but quite red his eyes bleared his hands very dirty ind allogethar he wa a queer lodkiug visitor isyourma at home mini said he in a half whine as he glanced sharply arouuil the room no sir replied carrie woncjering why ha asked she has gone tfl un derbill did you wish to see herj oh no the man replied i only just asked out of poiteness yon know and he smiled tolauinly at tho little girl and winked one ey no 1 came on business with your pa par ticular urgent business spojei ihes around is he uotl no sir ho went to town with mother said crrie i now thati too had i exclaimed the visitor as he seated himself fand ive coined so far to see him but per haps your brother omistor would do as well i havent any sister ssid tie little hostess laughing and mj brothers over in the back lot hell b in by and by though if hell do well i dont hardly believe he i will after all said the man shaking his head j thoughtfully nd i cant wait today anyway i haint tho time- but im terribly hungry if i could id stay to dinner miss however under the circumstances perhspstou had better give me a light lanch before i go a piece of pie and a cup of tea and a little meat or something of that sort i j oh certainly only i cant give yon the meat far w hveat it in the house said carrie rising but i will find something and sle brought from the pantry a whole apple pie which shis placed before iro with a j knife and fork if you will help yoarstlf dl have the tea rakdy in three minutes all right my dear said the man seiring the knife and drawing the pie toward him i will act upon your advice the last time i took dinner with general grant he continued as he cut gteat piece and began to eat he said to me governor governor said he never disregard a ladys ad vice and l htve always remembered what be said and he chuckled mer rily and nodded his head at lh de licious looking pastry before him cirrie wondered a little at the table manners of tuo man who had dined mi in tho dust then he slowly arose liramngiaud groaning and without a glance at his enemy began to gather up his stolen spoils he had partly completed hia task when old dm who all this time had been watching tho proceedings from be neath his shaggy eyebiows shook hii long beard and with another tremens doui jbaaa dashed at him again and over he wont a second tira his treasures flying from his hands and now began a stiango buttle with erica of rago and pain th man recov ered his feet and turned upon the ram kicking and striking at him furiously while dan accujtouiod to such warfare from years of experience with the bays of the country side easily eluded him und in return butted lain to the earth again and again tbe spoons and cream pitcher were knocked kither and thither f the com batants struggled the iroad was trampled into something hko a race course the air was filled with very bad language very angry bais aud a grtafrcloud of dust but after rorae five minutes victory i declared itself upon the side of he sotting a hn mkestkb editor i see dot most effcrpody wrides someling for do bapeit now taya and i taut praps meppy i can do dot too fco i arides all apoud vat dauk place mil me lasht summer you know oder iif you dont know dan i dells you dot kattina dut is mein vrow und me ve keep some thickens for a long dime ago und von tay she salt to me sockery dot a meia uame vy dunt you put some of deiigs underjdot old plua hen ahick- nsl i diukssho vants tc site veil i salt raeppe i gues i yill so i itcked out rome uf de best aigs and dodk uqi oud to da parn fare de old hen make her nesht inje side of de haymow poud fire or six feed up now you see i nefervas ferry pig up and down hut i vas poody pig all de j vay round in de middle so i jcoodnt reach up dill i vent ucd got a parrel to slant on re i klinit ma on de parrel und van my head riaed up py de uesht dot old hen she gif me such a hick dot my nose runt all tofer my face mit plood and ven i r who vsa it- 3tbj via it prpke mino st ivsy ftj in mine sinlop eat all day dud in mint lower pad roll and play der cowa who vas it cei nine hoam aroaod and mit hi ihnoat torea ap the around- und nerar yet his lean tha bound i der hoga who vaa it comes into my lot umn my front atepi to aqnit und mit rao baa no puuoas cot f deroecm who vaa it van der month goes by urawi out der hank billi on dr ihly und at der gattlea vinkj one eye dat boundkeaper who dea allows dose tinas tc be to trouble honest mem fika ine und leafr oube yard withont tra dose ooaneil the tortutt bask the firmer with tha nalna ranks and with the gilded millionaire for he controls substantial banks and holds them in the aafest shares jais bonks are banks of loam and clayj his shares are plow shares in the mold the more they break the more they pay in dividends of green and gold on fact is worth a doion fictions i juck dot lasted old barrel he pteak und i quadruped and bruised and bleeding vent town tershlam mkollr i didnt with clothes in rags minus hat and tink i kood go inside parrel ufore shoes thrt vnninolia 4 i 1 i j t j r shoes the vanquished man aadavnly turned away and rah limping down the road leaving his antagonist in full possession of the field aud the stolen silver old din remained motionless gaxiog after his enemy until he disappeared around a distant corner in the road ben shaking the dust from his coarse wool he gave utterance to a low grum ble of satisfaction and wagging his tail returned to his dinner in front of the house half an hoar later as carrie washed dite sthuck i und ven but dere i vos und i fit so dita i fcoodntget me out efierway my fet vas pushed ray up under my arm- holes vea i found i via holler katrina katrina she koom und see me sthuck in de pairel up to my arm hales mit my face all plod and aigf py kjlly she just lay town on te bay uad laft uud laft till i got so mad i said vol you lay ders und laf like a olt volehl vy dond you koom pull me oudf und she sat up andsaid oh vine the coveted spoons and the bright little off your chin und pull your feat town pitcher and laid them carefully away dn she lait pack uud laft like she rco once more ahe told her brother the story and how the rubber was foiled and ned full of enthusiasm cried we will not kill old daa at all for i do not halieve that father would shoot him now for oae hundred dol lars r and the boy was right the old ram won more than he knew when he fought tha tramp and conquered him he won hia masters regard and a free happy life for the remainder of his days too much eran for man a dying the tenant of a house on crawford street who was always behind in his rent was some dayc since ordered to vacate and then he put his imagina- with graiitvbut he steeped his ta l la mv t fkvored it with rich cream and sugar and passed it to him i am hot much of a hind for tea said the man as he drained the dap but my doctor says that i must drink it for my digestion euined my diges tion while i was in the army you see and he winked solemnly by the way he continued picking up tha sil ver teaspoon from tho saucer have you iny more of these i they are as naat a pattern as i ever saw and odd too i should like to seo the test of the dozen iif ynu have then mother has only eleven said car rie in her innocence and she is very proud of them but i will show them w you then she brought the little box with the precious table silver eleven tea sjioons four tablespoons and an ancient cream jug and pluced them before her inquisitive visitor to admire he had finished his light lunch- tbst is the ph was demolished and the teapot empty as the little girl haai- ed hiui the treasures he arose took tiie box to the window examined its con tents with a critical eye for a moment and then as if in joyful surprise said i am right i theyare the very spooos the very same identical spoons that my friend lost when he was a boy i how lucky it is that i have found them at last with these words and a very low bow the rascal opened the door and slipped away with the spoons and sil ver cream pitcher down the path toward the gate foe an instant carrlsstopd motion less then rushing after him she shrieked give nie those spoons f they are my mothers spoons and yon are try ing to steal them 1 yon are a thief a thief i bring them back bring them back the man however paid so attentiott to th childs cries bnt ran rapidly down the path carrying the box in his arms ind the spoons and pifchar would have been lost forever if a new party had not appeared on the scene j old dan was quietly nibbling the grass near the gateway hearing bis little mistresss voice be looked up at the very instant that the tramp pissed wtat he saw about the man that cfia- tarbed bim i dont know but erect ing his tail with a hoarse baa a 1 he shot after him like a cannon ball i the manturned to receive him and defend himself but the raw struck him fairly in front and knocked him blf senwlesa flat on hia back scattering the silver in all directions ior an instant the fellow iiy sprawl- woild main in the house he first had his wife fall sick and thereby got a week then he was taken with the chills and got in four days mare than begot two days in which to huut another house and yesterday when an officer went there for the key he found tha man dying at least his wife said such was the csrspand she acted like one greatly distressedin mind thia is very sudden remarked the nonplussed officer very sudden sir he had just sf id to me that he would begin moving after dinner when h3 dropped to the floor and he has been lying ia a stupor ever since the doctor says he may never rally again w can i ae him t oh yes but please dont speak above a whisper she led the way to the bedroom there lay the unconscious man but somthuw he didnt look as a sick- niaa should and his breath had a strong smell of whiskey the officer felt of his pulse and made up his mind that it was a game to beat the couit he therefore began well mrs blank i congratulate yoa in a few mora hours you will be rid of him forever he is a great loifer and a hard drinker and but for this he would have died in utate prison the wife opened hereyes in aston ishment and the officer continued jcit ieaie word witfi the ander- taker as z go down any sort of a box will do or maybe theyll haul him out on the commons its of no con sequence what becomes of these old soakers you will be a happy woman when the old galoot goes np the spout at this point the dying man roae up tookacool suryey of the officer and quietly observed sir you are no gentleman j ko sir you are not i im no soaker or loafer and t want you to understand that im able to hive asdecent funeral as you can you can take your old house and go to bangs with it for all of me mary hand me my dothea and well ehow this vulgarian- that we can move out of this old shanty and into a residence in aboat forty raiuates in twenty minutes all their goods weie on the walk and the house locked up detrtit free press i like she root split herself more as efer mat as i vaa i taught to myself katrina she shbeak english booty gooc but i only sait mit my greatest avgniture ka trina viil you bull me oud dis parrel t und aha see dot i look booty red so she said of course i vill sockery den she lait me and deparre iowa oi- our side uud i dook hold de door sill und katrina she bull on de parrel but do first bull she raat i yelled don- ner und blitreu slop dot py tally dere is nails in de parrel sou see de nails ijwnt town ven 1 vent in but yen i koom out day schticks in me all de vay rount veil to make a short story long i told katrina to go uud dell naper hansman to pring a saw and saw me dis parrel off veil he koom und lie lice to shblit himself mit i if too but he roll me ofer and sa de parrel ali de way around of und i get up mit fulf a parrel round my vaist den katrina ahe aty sockery vait a little till i get a battern of dot new afuiskirt you hafou but i didut say a vortl i shoost got a knife oud und victle de hoops off uud scaling dot confjundet old parrel in dot yoot pile pimepy veb i koom in de house katrina she said so soft like sockery dond you goiu to put some the lato duke of wellington tn order ia prevent- the tide of intemper ance hen he was prime minister of england increased the number of ale and beer shops tho results were that the aorereign people became beastly drunk as the edinburgh bceiew de clared and the number had to be re duced hon e dmanafieldjiin the cin cinnati daily gjztue aays although beer with 5 per cent of alcohol drauk in moderation iuay be lees iujiiriods than whiskey with 50 per cent yet it u injurious and iu some respects pe culiarly injurious- a simple state ment of facts will show this 1 there is very little if any dure- beer and the materials with which it is adulterated are injurious 2 ber causes drunkenness as well as whiskey 3 there is no care to limit modera tion what is moderation in drinking beer a pint i a quart i a gallon f itow i dont propose id arque aucb questions with anybody but to aunmit fact which will enlighten borne of your readers at leastf and go to make up that human experience by which at last ali such questions will be settled 1 i put it iu evidence that i have seen a half dozen young men go out hay ale and get outright drank upon it there is one fact 2 i put in evidence some statistics iwhich are undeniahle in massachu setts- after the prohibition act they fell back on beer shops and thatde- pondeu on a vote i ill cit a case or two in- 1871 the city of tanntoa voted no beer the number of ar rests for drunkenness from may 1st to rwuiber 31st 18l was 290 in 1872 the city voted in favor of the sale of beer etc the number of arrests for d i unkehness from may 1st to de cember 31st 1872 was 492 beiu an increase over the previous year of 202 or about 70 per cent that will do for one example but hem is another in the great emergency of the boston fire every precaution against disorder and hot becahie- necessary an edict against beer and all intoxicating drinks was made tha chief of police- mr cavage says for the ten days pro ceeding th ordr the records show the whole number of anesta to be 1169 for the ten days in which the order was iu force the records show the whole number of arreata to be 675 that is only 60 percent of the former number that was ashoit time but a very instructive one j wgjing from the- winegrowing qouuflp of america california dr patterson says it is true we have not a very long chapter of experience aiga under da7oid den wiiamakiov ordrinking here but i sait in my deepest voice katnna of you ufler say dot to me again til get a pill from you- help me chiuifny gracious und l dell you sin didut- say dot any more veil mr editor ven i sthep oa a parrel now 1 dond sthep on it i git a pox werrv drboly yoarn soceerv kadahcut mfs of humanity a little eouplo are exhibiting their lilipution dimension in eastern eu rope who rival the tinrest of the race the male known as the marquis is 30 years old and weighs 19 pounds his mate a yoang woman of 22 weighs 13 pounds thy were both iiermau born and have for years been-exhibit- ing separately in different parts of europe hearing of each other through newspapor notices iheycoi responded and a matrimonial engagement was effected between them sinco then they have travelled in company and intend to set up housekeeping in their native land a man was riding a donkey across a sheep pasture when the animal came to a sheep drain he would not go over it so tha man rude liim a short distance turned him found and applied the whip thinking- of course that the donkey when going at the top of his speed would juiirp the drain before he iknaw it but not so when the donky got to the drain he stopped all of a sudden and the man went over mr neidya bead no boooer had he tducneo tie grenndthan he got up and looking the beast straight in he face he said verraweel pitched but then hoc are ye gaun tae getower ymelv t a cynical writer say take a aimpany of boys chasing butterflies put longtailed coata on the boys and turn the butterflies into dollars aad you have a beautiful panorama of the tion one day and starving it j next on being asked his reasons for so doing he replied och sure he meself lhat likes to have me bacon with a struke o fat and a strike o lane squally one after auilhac j it is written in very large characters which no one need mistake it does not take long to rear a crop of drunk ards nor does it demand a vejry labori ous research to find the records any of you can go in twa or threedays into any country town in the wise regions and yoa will meet more drunken men ia the streets than in san francisco with twouly times the population you will meet youug men of the first social position early in the afternoon babbling drunk and after awhile fighting drunk you will hear of and perhaps heat for yourself women yell ing in delirium tremens yoa will bo shown here a venerable father who en gaged in he business whoso bon be came a drunkard and committed suicide sni there a family disgraced by a daughter under the influence of wiue and you will find it hard ta discover any family in the business which has not lost its victim the notion of substituting wine for oraadj or whiskey is all a delusion an irishman who had a pig in lis possession was observed to adopt the constant practice of filling it to rtplettarning makes two feet for every a clergyman fa pittsburg lately married a lady tith whom he received the substantial dowry ofs10q0 ao4 a fair prospect for more son after ward while occupying the pulpit he gave out a hymn road tbe i first four stanzas and was reading the fifth forever let my grateful heart hia boundless graoe adore when he hesitated and exclaimed ahem the choir will omit tbe fiftk verse ad sat dowu the congrega tion attracted by his appacentconfusion read the remaining hues which givesteai thousand blessings now and bids me hope for mora 1- aiwats movmo a good printer in tbe fiee press office will set 8000 ems a lay or about 24 oqq letters the distance travailed- over uy the hand will average about one foot per letter going to the bmos i in which they are contained and of course re- letter he sets this would make a distance each day of 480u0jfaet era little more than nine uirlesj nud- in the course of a year leaving out sun dayi the hand of a printer travels 3000 miles

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