Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1880, p. 2

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r tiwn 3su w- t awn ohurch directory mrw jltt ctlt rcit or fxvatt t rtiti x t- itlulu ita ante itajk m misv m cua nftrmotiu- ntc iniot r i d t eattj iu ro i unlit mlfiut m w rftvpftikijtuc tctac- w u cr til ik 8 1 cr ijuk- stlurlnyrvfi itur 7 iv m him ft wt cri i ivbl f b m u- l u itkliku ittattr tugmrrsktxv hrim b oirfftjt i iwp in m tl un lutip t uirlf rranutmuicdlmelvilr r mic tut vm staiiatucikatil i 31 ma kh d uvkeuvlntitur muu or evrumi hiuuutcuiu rwaetilaf at ttt pat sk wta hctiud ulrm kkv vv j riaort lucombc it luvmr p tu citmitu cuol t c g t tt tai htspid dbclkjk kracspnauvl reumneat tt tiro and i pni l pai uktuoiiht insoofat kcuvt ijf tveulickt 1q o tu gutxuu jal m v m ckwim t rtientwah c m ultc totttft esair iu8e cwtftit xrmt evtr mto tat jot an fi ijvcss pv i shed cvurj rhurtda uarctnk fjt far annum trt advance tlultb t t minor that llin cauadiau leant of rifleuieu wis ctvtthmt out o the kolapuro cup by n etraitgcuitnt ult lu tuu wtm wcio flnigiiij the mints li it diftiuill lo lalirvu llut llnlislnutu cuim lend thetiisitves o hi base an act and ll la to bu iiojk it that an iiic5lisiuti tll tear llitli stirl lul lo l batiafictory that in- uuigaiun uiual bo thorough aud tui- ml tut ikirxiav morse act tt 5 tsi art exfatlnj ewtl ttnc are laws m our mutate books which uuko it t ennte for fcnpent of wiw c bonio alio run ore lo oanf about their pj raises atij nr ono gtv itj itq ir to minor is hrl rjailijr of a arrtons oltao and iwlde to line or i u pnsjamrat ko it is a fttct tlwt utuwteactel ttpoa itiwr ucox arc ri fn quetittit at lore of piiblic house ami tnmt tl ufs 6ti o alfc up t3 tu iwr with all tbe bomns of an old leper met call for their glass of grot wc know that some fcefre of patihc hoas wilt not ccnnletknee thu iotttrtng or frrqiif nting of rtte roatus abaat tlietr pcemlsw and will unier ro circa ustancea altos idem to have ua there tv tin aiuiual lueeting of iba ginutluu ptfss akhocialmu ukta placu xu tor otila o uj after lh buwneaa of the meetiug has becu transacted tho tmetu- tra of llp awoculian will pad oh tbt ir auuuttl cxcuraiou tlia route choaeti for tlitt yrara inp i bj nur tlwrn riilvnf to colliucwood ant iln n- b ixwt lo fort william and duluth all ijoitita of iuu rl oa the ionic will uj msitwi the partj ll letura iime oa siturjaj hth int tina praaitaci to be one cf tlia iiiosi enjorable excimjns eter mada bj tht pie asioeution lutoncaung dniit otitis n it so particular shorter credit tii foilowng rriract from a recnt cticultt iaul ti i ctj wbaetj drt jooji luist to is customers if worthv ofctniting sail jcidcrcticulatioa tke pxrstat teadeccj cf btustneii on boch dec of tile atlantic is toward abetter terms or credit anj we woald re tfullr arge ayoa otir fnends tu tl i c- uiitrj the grwt uupjrtarce of their ntkng a more m tie same direction jjva nomler of good iirresta wilt erer iieraaeuitr tetme the tctniss of the cuuuttr 6o lua as tlia ij stem pre ail ef aa easj pvinj of tltt ta farmere win pena theproceej oc litac crops oa in provemelti to their fatcas or ira j eiuoi aad allow ttttir ttoce tills to xrataio acpoui tha daj la gout i ait when a gymer r qmred- a ffars tha royal party rit royal ifiifhnea pnnee fopold irmed m qnulwc tn nite for england on fuday ei ailing al li kcu tram and waa uitt at ili dejkit hi col dt iiitu iii ttutttl llijltnffcjc umktlwtir procetitwt n ictttl the iclic cht doihir- ami ks convoed on lioaidthe p tiikitn wlere h at once ndivd to hu state room hu royal ixighneu u full vtrv we l hit rottu hijbnect pnncr iinise went on boarrf the poknesian on sat urday wotainf bhj aaaaeeonipanted to ll e wharf by a piard of hoaor and a toral salute was fiiwl at tha atctraer left he harbor ihf puh ntaan sailed at fl 30 an nfarnaflonal exhlblffon propoa4 cor tqrosm on turfday evening ut cimmnni catioot wejc laid before the board cf directors rf the luduatrul exhibitioc amocuion of toronto irom mr e r s inson and the secretary if tln auk tralian exhibition lo i hdiatytl lourtt this ear btooung to hate the txhthtta therr lrooht to toronto and leixhlbited ta canncctlou wilh tle totoaio exhihtti m next year tiu- board weru in altmoaa m their detirr lo hita tbft australian exnttjtts here uxt year provided they could secare ihe coorralion of thf ontario and dotuinien goeruoientaaiid that of the city cimrcil a comruittee waa ap pointed to consider tlie anttcr and r i port at a meeting ta be i eld in a few dars at which the city counc i is tn ued to be present if thta project it earned oat he exhibition will lilelj bo held fer two eiailt befur tk annual fall exhibition tt wih be a worlds fair and exhibits froui all tijtrta of the vroild will probably bj sowo hassagaweya feint rrftlit tor hu omutiri r auj lo fi f mripetfef tut lima noir a but m many cases to u vf ed many cases to dirert the fnntts that should be used fir the payment of each atitclrs into uttier exendituresr for which the means fcate not yet boea earned tso eiatlag ptiyaferan tt dr tanler taceteda in abilaintcg from food ontit suirday at uoott htf forty day of entire alitmesea from food will be cunpteted he is n dene octjoxcxf aad aayo- if any are not ealuad ke if put m a few days over se forlyi it is possible that he will village oounelk the muiiiclpil cmncil of ins i ilage dint in thii coin ell cbaiiibei on situi lt eumnit july 3lal pillmint to i tj mrihiii lit miuiuw linatiil mi 1 lltndimi ride in llm chair viiwu n mcoiinm w ii stole h saudi kin d u chuatie minutes uf list liimituur ixnd nud could tucd 5lil cd by w ii store r aeeonded by c 8 smith thctihe lirpoil orcerli lieati uf niunin luiddit d lliidnioii ud n miqanui dcutriiitno an qilaliod bum of avkmum nt of aclou school dniaioa be rtciived aud read carrtfd tlia report was then rwd moet in w h hiotej- seconded ly c 8 smith tlml ik ijnoaiiou of 10 be pkid lo john tiuiitl eq for kvepiug jius ller all inrjid since the 2ltli mkv and cxieiiaes ciuneeied ith hiaconvijaiioi to hoxptul cu rled mnetlb k mcqarnn seconded bj c s siuttli llittliife iw ikkted a introduce a bylaw o ralil and diter- mine- au tqualtal jiasiaof akseiaiiient of acton scliool duuinii and lut and liy k be uw read a gmt time ctr ued mote t br c s smilh seconded bv n tcotmu that b law xo ki rallfi an determine aueqiulind bitsi if atsefameiitof acton school diyision lie now real a aecond uuie and that the council lhn no into a onmitioa of tho lmle ou the same cirtled moled tir d d liriid seconded lie w h store that tie nporl of ihe couiiuttleu of tho nhole on ur la ko to ratify and ileu riunte u equal i d immk o axeuntent of atton school diimtui i oancurnct in and hit sail ll law be now red a hud time ad pad and that the jutl of i he curpoi alien btr attached thereto carried on motion ihe cmntrl adjiurnd o meet at die call of the rreie bcuictly for llnrd jtiiuei slop pending so mrch on line elothef rich foojnndilyte bur good beallh rood cheaper ntd beller ehuhliijii ie more real anil subikmlal things or lift er wajf slid epeclhyiiiop ihe foo lib habit of running after exjrnslte ani ipitolt dnctora or using so mtieli i f hie vlln hursbug ieicineihal does you only harm and nuke ihe prnprleior rich hut put tour iuki in the giealesl of nil simple pure remtd cs hop hitters that cure i nlwuvint a lulling oot und you will see dollar times an i good healib fly it oiioe ltjad of il tu soother ooluniu itum the nsm geoige icoamh w inserted instead of joshni kornsh am pleased to ear that ilr kornsh ut getting a ec the jc adent nicely there hi been quite t stir up laudy between ilr rambler corres pondent for the aei and jlr ilcg for the ciiuiiou it is to be hope d that the two correspondeots will be better fneads thaa ever after they come ta it caderataacjbg- a meeting of tha direjrs of he agricultural siciey was held in he union hall last thursdays evening pert of tl e business was lo decide where the show should be held this fall after a short tdscnssina it was thonibt beat lo hold if at brooktille the drill shed lirg considered in too after all be aur by lis great fasting feat a add sotcetbirir to the gereral poor a condition to show am thing in stoct if scientific knowledge the scient 2c fact wli ch hu will doubtless be eiuued to prove nt that water po rej or turn louriihing aid titalij m preperties thjsi haa li theito been suppoaed ewdeafy nler eoatatna some themic i proprties fieretefcre nndiieoveicd whicfc are ckpalle of ex citing an euormona snsfaiiiing power th dufitrrr of these rircnes la cold vaxex will famish an abundance of argaanat t lh sdvoeates of total auiueoce loaplwi and tt very likely that tbey wiu atiliffi tlem to advantage at a- cunvestion held m tbronla last week by the advocate of a national correnc to sehct a candidate lr hat riding mr a y wnght editor of the cammouicealth was chosen without opjxiion j hr wright ac cepted the nomination the platform of the cutrenoy 1 ague provides for a national oiirrenoy do inipor alien of english naftier at govern ment ex pense no ohinese iilor no land monopoliea no grant of land by gov ernoient to coiujames a protective tariff raw material tn be admitted free a graduated income ax the uiorrgigce lo pay taxea to th amount of hu claim sm jqhx jfcdovild has decided to remain in england for another month paris green we hare had the u hum in hnt townthip iatelv to the jov of boh cooseriatuex and ri former on ac coitnt of the thrasmng of the fall nheat we do not attribute tins to the woikicg of the li p but would here remark that the hum a seldom boai d eo sooi in the season be fore thfe n p came in force the crop la sot turning out ax a ell as was at one time expected ned board of education the board of tinstees of acton school division met in the school house on monday evening 2nd mat pursuant to adjoumnienr members present john speight in the chair msssrs sumner moore michael speight and alexandsi iaxby misatei of list meeting read and confirmed acommnuiciidon from mr r latie respecting tb share of jjiislafnre grant due to live school for the halt ear ending june 30th 1880 the coiuunttee ou finance presented heir sixth report and recommended payment of the following accounts j c hill eavetrough on teachers residence 89 72 george wilds paint ing fence 11 00 total 16 72 and mat the chairman laeiin bis cheque in iavor of he treasurer for amount of said accounts moved fry a lasby seconded by m speight that reirt of finance com aiitinfl be adopted carried moved by s mojre seconded bym speight that this board adjourn to meet on monday 6h september gained txanoral kewe the average piow of phophae a the prearul time delivers a sbipj itg nta u 1150 per ton playing ith tire caufed the denth t f lietle ruha ilackiltiou of pnr arthurs ijincingou the 20h of juli mr rheof ihe o t r freight deitrtmenr baa la en t xattiimui lite iiroaed btauch imti into the own of oahawa in the vicimly of dnipliellord tins caaon here wtrns seventeen agenu for reajarsand mowers aud tacntj thue tattiet buitr the amencaa ship tlirxthrr coal ladtn waa wncked on ciabruu aef twelve miles from xannuo b c on the utbof july tbe cotton facorr being i uilt a bantford is 175 fetl long 7s feet wide and including iuauatd ioof will bo gl fevt hllh tlie ruthven woollen luilu manu factured 750 yarda of doth ut week the moat goods bude lu ana week fot 0 r ten veals dunng utc htayi storm on sundai ttth insl hail fell to tho deih of set en uche in some purta of the count of durhaji on moudty a vindslonu did a great deal of damage in iiudui townsi ij in the wsy of bliwmg down fence sheds and standing cro during the cree windsinu at ot tawa ou montfaj whiluticarj ralu fell in the eisi m poruja ot the city none fell tn the west end j the reward for the capture of k nei the murderer of coaiabfi- ifornn uaa been increaiwki by tka ouurto juveramtnt to 85q tbe fiax crop in he reighborhood of belmont ont is an excelhnt one orer 300 acres being sown tha mills will start running this week it ta said lhat her riyat if ighnesa ha pnucesa louise will return lo can ad lu about three inonllut perhaps sooner rf her health permits the officers of the 6glh pnncas louise fusiliers have imported irom kew york a new set of instruments for their band at a oott of 8300 ihe hull fire relief fund is to be wound up this week paris green etxctua rr thomas eroelstor ee iretric oil worth ten times it weight in gokll pain cannot slay where it is used it tbe cheapest medicine ever made one doje cures common soe throat one bottle has cured bronchi tis tifrr cenls worth has cuted so old standing cough it positively cores catarrh asthma and croup fitly cents worth has cured crick in tbe back and the same quantity lime bock ofeitht year standing tt a following are ex tracts from a few of he many letters that have been received from different paru of canada which we think should be sumcient to satisfy the most skep tical j collard of rparla jot wnfes send tneatx doion ot thomas clecns oil bare sotd all i had from rouand want more now id cures are raly wonderful vm mconire of franklin wntes i hare sold all uie agent ieftit acls like a charm it was slow at first bul lakes splendidly now h cole ot lona writes please forward six down dr thomas kcleclrio oil i sm nearly oul nolhtng equals it 1 bedford thamesvrlle wr k send meat once a further supply ol ecleclrtc oil i hareonlyone bottle left i never saw anything sell so well and give such general satisfaction 1 thompson woodford urifes send me same more ecleotrlo oil i have sold entirely oat nothing lakes like it miller k held ulverton p q wnl the eolectric lh1 ta getting a great reputation here and is daily called for send us a further supply without delay battaei of imitations ask for dr thomas ecleolrio oil bee that he signature of li n fhcmai 1a on ibe whijer and tho names of northrop it uraan are clown in the bottle and mke no other bold by all medicine dealers price 2i cents dukthkup st lyuah loronto proprietors for the dominion kote etltctne selected and electrised paris jgreen stoves stoves 0hiap albert college belxkvixle ojit ritat gaaxxsb scaooi isokoaxleell affords aicallonl foctiltica for elrmre bnuia propamlion for mafncalatiou in law medicine or artx or tor teachers ex simjiauoin studoatx alao maj attend tlia dournhing cornmrraal ollogo or aloxan dra vloo for kdios or tho musical acadcm arcrg exjense for tuition in solid branches with board room foci c only floo jut vck terms open sent oth 1880 jan cth 1881 and aprd ii lsel for circulars tc addroas rreaidtnl j ll jci si d d belicmllo ontario votersjust 80 mtxtapxurt or tux vilugs er aotonsr iv tiic ooltntt op haltton voficc t borobi pv en ttat i have rana- imtled ortlclveutl to the persons meat on cd in tlie bird and fouh aectioua of lie voters lst act the oojaca reqmrod bj said sections to be so i ran arm fed or dehv crcd ot tbe bt made ptrsjaut to aaid ct of all persona appearing by he trust revised aswssnical kou f the and stuincipahly to ik catitiodejvftciii sail ifarucipsjit si lkctioas ftr memliera o je oinslatiie asembli and a vojuapal llecuons and that said ut uaa firvt liostod up at mv olicc in tton on the icti dsv of jul- 1830 ltd leaiain- thre for mspcckn tiectrra are- called upon lo eiammc be said lit and if ani onnniaaona or an other crrorsore found tbercn to ale un meojatc prwcwtinjs a have tie said crron oorrectcd soeardinff to taw jt itofl4lvtjr vuare cjerfc dated at cton his 19th dar of july 1880 pjotue j its wife cuxannc uannjj left nv bed sud boal i herb llou all rti that i slitdl not fcra this dale be responsible for am defjts ccutracted b heron mi acoount ttfyx slcvlllak vasairiva jolj 2utb irso 3t i pquslllortlxchlmae the onjentijraed bat for sale or will er chauie for isrbtr oc poju a ipau ofood wtitln b ries tf j rctkr ptust class red bictxk tl e tul5nlir iiaa nor on hind about 75000 dn uat ted brick when lie u pre id ui aell ai tbe klla t r dluar aa clcap aa anj man in tbe baiiaos kiln la oa i ii coo i kiuc u kaowu aa tha hlbott lnck yinlt i mo itesuy t trlctt propr at j c hills a lrgt soel oo tuida of sto k1 jiut itcttvdtnanttjacturtdqftfu uit quality if iron tlifneil fiauh and thr mvii hainliomi slort m utc marlrl cook stoyes qf all il4 ai lae very faxeeit pricf a wftt rftrttrt utyk of a i nsr w a r e always 0 uaxd eavareochnra i tcqzssssvrosx abb srzoultizs and till it zutvtett an at liorint aoixe oajlxt oil a poaof doci qf ntpenor qvaluy diatp oome aot bss or t07r92lvzs u we nilla kpmbr litli i8t9 real estate aoenot properties for sale village or actov i oa usiitikreechiiif kch mi ijlntnexi to c fi smils c tojter cue flfili f ru cr with fctoli hoiu lu peoifi coifdftioa tnlilcnaf ihop on un irtnf ilrj rd naaterwe li title faiiipat te m- kn t ootmriicfifcftarch und john fit one dili of an rre on ige lot if tt r hoare cetiininltig t roarof txxl cfur imrd hlra auibtr of frail trie ta ifoxi c n dlilon erinvcnlnuaciiqriirim ictiotilf pu t otbefl rd fftllwanutu n terraiof ajtni re nmible tu nddpaiaofe kaaaciairera ko 1 at flell coraer on fo 20 uh cor rh ofnrnr tro aw mllk one acr on vlifefi ufliaa ed n toodnnr nn t du inr ubland drttitij ihed vx30 ctirtr tt af pie mm beirtif the biliairj rc ih good enula will pnrhbtj be a rot ioict urr tn kiharcum ttuejcv tennv caia a t ivy nikifrcj oaimiva s fxfflcon sla thflto trmtp jfliniu inr lddftcret- h cri nd aider cal ivp- tlct haltne eod ced r and buck ah goodfttno b dnrtenre lo ibe bei con- it oa ipfrndtd oi chard of t it j- in c ex cumt frull rxi aprtof witer nil ui rtar todnd it roroj ihaaefab uljimuei- frt m rvcty it mild from x flmlas kil milt ccnreftuot to kboot arid cl urxfi tit ingmoumulc ttrtas teuk n ir ap ki to jarai smtt oa tbe remises or at actaa ioft otee e saofoan e 8 boclsbt b wiuidjtsof j 0 williamson i co guelph qoxt atbar va on the prtmnea lot 32 con i nsqoenog oa the i7li last a uij colt dark bay tbe owner aill please proe property pay erpenaea aud take it away cfurles c uiuiok jb partlea harlnrl ooaeaai d iota in hie ml lae r at on fit i e jotrli iotrtilui t for sa e win oui li tone no tr uobaieititn tiirrletl lo ho us so eittfe tin et le properly la sol 1 h p moore kealfnae aieneuin oi t qqiisrgibatultxqiesrs the lion ojjetshs heat ty congraulatwnt upon ihe very prosperous harvest and tlufine icea iter thus far at- tending lie i gatliertng ra this will bring mcrased pro perity arid put money into the pockets of al tie tlie lion tzpects a fog seawn and as in farmer sea sons tt laying htms if cut for the ljoivs thare oiir orders already plac d teith british and anadtan manu- acluras are viry extensive goods are alrea y begin ning to a and our nende may rest assured of find- wgcveryllvng at tht lion th t tlmtj may desire 1 case threads for our celebrated 51450 suits 3 case3 plain wiaceye r 1 case fancy dress goods at 101 2 cases slack fringes from 25c t s300 a yard lcase dark prxnfst 1 case solar spots and pcmpador cambrics 1 case embossed and mourning prints 1 case black casnmexe l 2 bales tapoatry carpets handscme at 62o 2 pales a vo 1 brussels carpets lovely goods 1 bale stai- caroets and bordering rich blaok satin in 5 different shades fnends please note cur eumner etoefc is beice re duces d to a minimum and we sball open cut a stock of fallgooda that will startle the actxureton of fxienct rd ezcite tte jealcuty of would ba nvais t ji d ttilliaisox co spnag tweeds spring hvdeds akcuiuilo riooell i ctsctttott corscwiar lschine and general repairs try the georgetown xoielfy works 1 akcti riddlllv 22 fc mata st ceorgtown rilurlei ciuekov ifaxa st acton aeat bx- tbe kil organ roaaaractored b 11mra vv beiitiulerji wcrs left at hu reaijeuo wit recetie sroue at- tenioo loraa1teulars see idr oa other ude give hut 1 trial s 1 chas caireaov dec t072tta 4 lfcl f hhltir oaxrroatitc anr uaxrcieawowrr titao rtchicfneraliurpoepiowaclluix tlireithlne mkedfnta wlnnesola cltfef and lhnitirsdnic tootn itarrrwcoieniiui snlfcf hors r ke cumaa ranalnf mula the celeoralej msrtir seed lirlll ae all warranted lodt rood orfccierj lltns or no sate terntfreasoaable alex f smith tau wanted a energetic honoat toad to open n brunch cc of tha nov ifjignot telephone co in this nr5 adjoining counties smajl cash eapctai retnretl io sack uiaq this is in exceucntopetunfor mooey mianxbaai nese addrcaa with stamp g w foster 125 and 127 clsxk bt chicago iii truths hop bitters a medicine not a drtak covtapcs tfopa baeba kasdrajie isabdellk axo tirk purtttavd bwit hvilcal etlautltsor alt otusr bltteba they cire alt dlseares of ha slwnacli liowels blood llvsr kldnevaand urltlsrjr or- sats kervounaa sleofhieaf leioale coraplalots and urankenne ss 8foo iv gold will bs paldforaoae hey will oot cure or help orforaoythlnielrflparaorltjurc- oasfuuotf in tiient aak yourtrnf1st for hon bills rs and rr no kr and try the btlleis betore rou si t p ftiko no other the hop oough care and pain adei ihe cteapat surest and but hon hrrrshs slrn do rochester 5 y aodtoroatooal cor gale br all urutsfals a week m your oratoxs and no capital naked xon can give iii ithebtramessa trial without ei- penae ttiebeetopportuaisjrever offered for those svuunfj to work you should try nothing else until too tee for yourself what yon can do at the busmeas we offer no room to explain here tou can devote all your tune or only your spare tune to the bttuoeea and make ffreas pay for every hour that yon work women make as ranoh at men send for special private terms and particulars whfch we mail free 5 outfit free don t complain of bard times while voa have snob a ohanee address h hallet o port maine always on hand stiitiugs coating trouserings in a i the alest atlerus and ciln pure roilenal and nude up in the latest stjlea il lowirices lo s large and selec stock of geistts ftjehishiiqgs couprume full li ea ol press bhirts and hirtingof all kinds every novelty in ties collars braces gotten underclothing braces silk linen and l ambnc handkorchiefa christies celebrated london eats at the east end clothing store o ifitie act02st ur chapman of the montreal housei acton is now receiving an im manse new stock of fall dry goods ilea women tad children boots sieer ic scotts emulsion pure cod liver oil hypoposphites of lime and soda this prepanuon combaes tbt tvo bat irmedm er dtscorend for cvanmpttob cu nd cfcrttafc cigtu serofnu lunmtun and dihan of the blood aamnud- buitjr iddiuavaiua dimmi of chlldra itaotoojy tjootamljbe yu kaovn aad lticlt- ijattmtd rtrtuesofcod lircr oil ra afonotlulk perfectly tastele and acceptable t9 th9cstdefiat ttomacii bat fn addfaai um wonderful tome and idcfirmf wppena of the hypopoapbltei aatncoifar- ated uitiiiermtdialpowefjofbotlialirxil7 tacnased fhynoam tmirtiwiy a fresh and good wrxnsvnrtaaoftfaiicoalxaed faod and mtdtcac ta alt tha above dteaxx lib not bat tooch toon readily taramilaiyd by the ivwtri than plua cod lircroivaad a b and puniymc the blood llliyaij tbe rntmoo cf th throm sad luttrt fesicirnif the firraf ctrettfth and nror lathe whole bodr it if ivect aad palatable bj tha taste a ortpoib- be wre and ask fist scoui kmnlaloit for sala by au draoim at wlertswwmaly f better tsirntecc ag cat fa eanthaw jepaiatoa t io pet bottle 3cisrhoo3d how lost how restored jssfc we have reeectlt pnblished anew fb edliloo or p mirerweit t cel laiabl braird eaaay ou toe radical und i i it permanent- care without mcdl- ctuejof vonoadtbirlty met ulan j pble- arincapaoiy iraediinenu oruuitlage etc reaaltlrjff from ezaeaei ta tn r ajed envelope only 6 eta or two loslrge aumjs tne ralebrnled aoibor jn this admtrablu ewaj clearly demoontrates fnm ihiiu ar aeceaol pructice t iatalarmin-ono- nequeticoi raa be mdicamy eared without tbe dftnjteroas ufa criiueram medlcla sor tho use of the knife po tm tf oat a mode t cureatonccrlmple certain hi dciteclua b means tf n bfcii ery snitenr no matter what hli condition mti tn mycure hlmsef cbcapiy prlvalel aud radlea ly thla lecture ahoold be in the hania oi eviry yoath and every man la the land addreai na8saaweta shinglejuills peter 8ayer8 wtnlil intimate that be lias on hand at tala mlllxtn vaasasuwefa rormerur kcowa aa carsllla mills a large slook or lumber lath and shingles i orallklddsandonjiuues i oheap so 1 shingles skao ner sqnure bill stuff cut to 0rde1 tbbmsoash pbtbb ruvess the post onlce box ajta cnlverwell hcdlcal co si lan st sew trk acton dec 2i a movtit snaranteed ju t home matie hy the it tu capital oot r we will slarl vntl vu womon b vs and girls ratka mcue taster at uork iprna than at aojiilnt el e the work la llantanu p eaaant andiuetiaaanjone car go uim who see ihla nouea win en tl na their atldre a at otee ami aeorrlhemselve- cwilj c in i and icrros me vouihilme thoseahm aiwiik tnl y adlress tiluji co ausustu mali e toteooaa year oris tots a day i n your own foealtiy no risk women io at wrll its mn many make more than the amoqqi of fend above nooneesb tall to make mke money ntst any one can dothewurk youmakefromsocts lofxah hour bi devoilna yonr eventnga ard spare lima ttuhe business il costs nothing to try lhabi alness n thins ukeitlhnitonry sask- lr ever orrered belore romneas pleaaaot xbdsirloil bonoiabia readerltyon anttb kiiowajlabomt ebesopnyi g baalrnet before tho public snd oa your aldvaa and a will se jou fill partleulars and private terms traf sample wort i aba trte 0 can thejn makeup yoorroind jsv vol rsalf ad tlrifreeorlb stinbos co portland maine 1 p woaipn iltoula new organ fhou a p n r llrstckss canadian maker tor tale practical hair diussfh salable for the home smrfayichool or is prepared to oiecate anything in bis one smallthurcb we will tell thetbove very in the best possible mauner aud in the lowitoroaah for fiiuntreultilhiplyto latest style ilouthly customers si special ii p iloojte rates a call ia solicited i fais phiss ornrjl j p v qltpex aotpn feb 11 1ss0 1 at j b mcgarvinls drug store mstfa

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