Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1880, p. 3

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j v r jzr i jt jj fsimsm tt jrssjssjip ibs 2iiil vptntk run triiuitcavcvcuitrss fnllo uutsg wlir iiht etprcst vroato mail thull 5 m ua- btpretc u alt tailed kckt ktproaa gait raiwl tuv express- western tavl iadoa mucd going ka5t yauatii 5 15pnv giitu 94- a ut ofctu 930jum parses andipooket books a larce stock just opened dressing combs fine combs cir- culr combs back combs silver and colored cardboard berlin wools all nessr- call j and see at george eynds jewellery fancr goods store actod- ontario- tncfcsiu monkint- afflcsr 5 lim ttiwx axulcarsti advertise early tud stcuic thx rautrac the ltst irnlc at summer ha- cocttbwncctl tulke was no juvaciitag iu knox church on saudxy eat vunty of nk- fruit if you wxnt to b hex thy ia arm u cither tllc uwipli fiiv luicadrt acre nut oace cilleu tiardariagthe tnoqih of july bfuxblk bekrv ewfcltwuus atv vry prilir as present tl licit u the jesu nation p the youna udieft are titlfcinj cf pcttn uv x txaucrv picnic we thiuh it till i xtecceis a train 1txilgf grnun ira migrant i piised thrvagb actoa oa tlw tttxnd tnmt kilray fr the wet oa sao slay uight vvhcs lov books k lot of sli if will hnz nf tfc fur tiie tlxys and hcu he ihwts x lotuf apple he hasnt rutiril to axy alwct it there is a imtuen crop of lifxautitnicfat st helena it is esti mated that 15j boshek en yided there on ysuzlzj to yqcr friekos this is a good opy o thftuxpai- t jsetid t- ytar t fnetli yoa citi gel it re ay fui this uicg fur thrveeetrta qiarcklr services the ippuli quxrtery services wil te hed in- tin- mciirkii ctinrch ou lujay ucst tiit- screicnt df the lrds tipper kill jc xd- ciisuccred icuictcly ziifr thi iuuruin mil wnrnii hits n vciy vufttn rrte ia his jre lictimus tliey hate all iec fcjictel iato a cocked hat o t pcut mr y a weztlur knpiiet it lirjt as rciaiie is e kiug 1jj ia itatiatics ljfajk adecrliurr the daily mail the trni jjxug jlii tletenuidcd- to tecp ltcas ttii aar dxily jouruxi iu cauxda htsinn- nsl t uetc ireli xal heidiu t he mail his ufir is uxc x typvrijihicil juipetruji any duly ju the cauiiueut best vet ritcmr pue of ifi 1 g i i ire taeutioced thxt mr tutii mathv thityiilic hxd cru aevea feet hih w- thticcht that ciuid hardly he lcaien ult a euliacriter riteifrtoi llwille hxituuco t sxy tiwti mr yesmt cf thxt plice hxl it that tiuic ctiru eiht feet bihsinrirji jczrllc guoa iur hiluta oarcuduty kils eery tim the vaheofaacrotr elijj efirroxe re dfjari lo i very asefui iie creatures iu unite ajs thou itie it hi lett discuvtrd tlixi i he v are very fond of ciiiidxthletk seeitfi xal est theui with ech avidity thit hi jcxe pucei wher tilts rparrokx arnttueroa nut a nuletced ciai fand fa the thktledavu thxt ii wr plecttfcl tirre duut till them hoys the wjofm iltdd of fst thanixy cune to baud no tovlxy coruin of tldf veefc at aa creese fur it late xjjpexrxcce the lrtd tz we offer au apdy to those ho have piid their eub- icriptiaat hat deltcffuenu will pci bafe the ioodutxf to abide while ne are very eldtai lite with xa itaae of the feee peess xzid uever more than zn houc or to we be iieve ia cfbatiui ail ar aalracrjhcns alite it wxk itt acton in the pretty pardea of hsr father aadtiiiaia how ocr reporter owened them beneath the shady trer they cat he held her baid ehe held his hat i leld my iirxth xad hty rihc hxt they kissed i txv them do it he held that kisiing wis n crime she held her face dp erery time 1 held- tu peace aad wrote this rhjee vrkilttpxy thought novue kaew it peetti- good the milton netet noted for selfprta respecting ftif and it towa the following iteot appears m the iutusae what a mirthprarofciag thiog it t for the feu prcft to ask whea will actoahave itaciric holidxyt the iray theaeooaatry rilkzts do pat oa air t kow h milton wax a metropqlif kiiaitar to ljadoaetrgot new vja city e woald uat wooder at fo x renxrk lafc whea we sad by eraoiiaatioa of cenaaa itxtiiticsthat ililiaaa pojialxtioa ncmbera ooly 193 taore than actoa we tluafc the remark frotn oar bro of the seiet entirely uacailed for and woald saggeat to hint that he waald be profited by piyiaj more atteatioa toh ord baaiacss prrmhab mnt-s- raaana of braaiptoa is yiaitinp ltr a iim cusc fctytikh ud dui- aht oalty cmumu ut juhu spcigulc furuituns itore tuu utp ut x tand rclncu ycslirvlay vu aul so ccula quvta a utimwc took advdta of the chcxp cafy our ttikitka kte du to ur jihu sttxsl of silmoa city idaho fnmierly oj this village for codes of saa fraucisco cal paper baxd coxcear thlbjud will give anuthcr ot their popular tea crnt coueeru ia tu drill shed oa moaday evcuiu acxl doatfiiltoxucud anpit dr tnnpr gels lurougli it will le iu onlerior otoe membet at the other and more couvcrsatioaal ice to hiro a ball aud advertitc her lutcatioa to ro a muath kithoattpcakiqfj accioext mr k t andtrton an employee jt jaincs kloares licncry cut the top offtuo knofkla of llio second of hi left uahd on tuesday it vviy keep him from vrork a day or two tile5orairtgtoti flout mills own ed and dpcnlttd by mr jiun xickliu coutia to mestra b t e kicklin of this villxcc- ttcre dettroved by tire ou satacdiy laoruiug lost about 6000 ko ta- suranc dase ball a base bll match- will heplaycil ou the old bate hall sroaadaou friday afternoon between th employ ec of the cauida gloyc worts and mi jaiuta moores glove leather manufactory it nill au exciuocgame cocxxr model school the first term iu the oauty mtidel school will bepa on monday 3jth auiitt aud end oa satur day tu j3rd ocbcri- the closiug ei- ainiaatiiws in ill uin oujthuuy the jlt uctoler or friday kud october at th optiiiu id the coauty board of kcaciicers loit timilaylitst na mr john brtotntr irrller of clifford brvtherof mrs john speight tcxs driving to ltstowoll hia horsa itecxjua untaaitagahle and ran away throwing mr boomer oat of the bagg- by the fall mr booiatt hiid hu leg broken ntar thoeakle his ankle dislocated tnd rexivtslja n amber of sovere bruises mk mows 0te of gu nukes the folluting fu recast fr august and september aucutt will l tarui pro- tiably htcy in th ukelibooa retnxrhably dry sipteadr will iki miich hutter than ascxl wiih nearly an average of rain ard rainy days the thunderstorms ill iw ur uiiiliu severe in their cffec-l- wli will u a marked feature of the teuaa 5ell volr guals a fnrint cf zealand mich hxa refuted to sell his wheat fur three years pst bociuw he couidtrcl ifie price tooluw the propectof another are crp throughout the country friyht- ucd him iutoa tewlutiiu to toll but on i u i ir ft rvtn tlie raciry the wheat as ivlted to i niufttv and wonuy auil wtiytra rrfnfe1 to buy itf ii aay pfju it ft en hppcus to actox civic holiday arntngp- wuts are being made torhave the civic her friehda here mr fame kelly ofgneiph spet yester day with acton friends mtae hitzit weight of eocfcwnod spent few dirft tfaif week wait actoa f rieads we h a pleasant cad froni mt w 0 morse of rock wood kuncric on moa- dy we had aalj from rer c e lee of port pithorue- te of st allans hurch here ou friday hut mr fre4 h- smyth foreman of the frx vkzm tff left yeaterday morning for a trip tn byuweaa idastukx paints oils ddy for thia viiue uice place on the lh orjjthiust ancicariin to niacara rtus zn biiltjo by way of toronto ami icps lifce uatxrio is proped this aoum be a delightful trip and if it is dtcidetl to take it in the tiqketa will lie nxde gor for to or three days thus iviug pleuty of time to those who ih to iakc a xol trip full pzrticuurs tert keck tiin cathedral clock a feu- weeks since mr c w hill of the acton phcto stndio completed an ornamental bracket work clock which has received the udmirition ot all who jigve seen it the scroll work was cut out entirely of whito holly mr a e matthews agent of the iiontrcslteltraph company here after viewing it detnuiijed to bet it if iie and has eince finished oue whicui ima volumes for his skill as an trtifetic worbr in wood mr matthews did -not- restrict himstlf to one kind of wool bat his in the coiistmcticn of his clock a quantity of each of the following woods ash rofwood sycamore bnttonwood- white holly luck walnut mahigany battcmnt birdeye maple cnrieyjnaple inmwood aptilewood bjisswood pine cherrj- white oak rcd oak the dock is on eihihitiou at the post ofsce cakapa glove works the tor oatd cowtwrittrraftaof last week gxvi a jeugthy deacriptiua of the glove manufzclur- tag ettabiuhmeut if messrs w h story sou of thii village a sketch of the boaitjes froto the commencement to the present was given as well a a description of the differrnt processes to which thi glove are subjected during their manufacture the same as that which appeared in the columns of the fkee peeks- a year or two since frotn the article we tjlexu the following statistics it may cot be amiw to mention that while last year the whole of their fall trade barely reacted ioqco the orders xlreaiy in far fall gooda are over 25000 with a good prospect of reaching 75000 before the season closes the spring trade showed a similarly gratifying increase this establishment gives employment to upwards of oue hundred operatives and the pay list this year will foot up i5c0q to 20000 free puffs an exchange puts the caae very plainly in imaauuciag its departare from the eastern of giyiag tree pens to any person in the following when dry goods men give away paper collars grocers sugar hotel keepers beer nd lemonade stationers envelopes and uotc paper fruit dealers pears apples and peaches hea tauiistts work for nothing and churches go id for free pews and no collections when doctors attend patients just to fill in their time and railroads carry people tar the fan of the thing thee we shall place aar colarnnsit the disposal of the rreafc army of newspaoer killers and insert free puffs andladrertirfements by the doseus for yoar anclea and year coasins we do not publish the paper for oar health u some may thiuk and therefore from this tay oat we quit a hnstuesi that no ap preciative reader or dueat man would ask us to stick to this is about as icoeihle a view at the custom as any we have ever seen nt we eadorte the sentiment yarnis lies etc mojidav winiliutlilnmnivomsry u kuiancipauo day skveue acciukxt on wedtim- diy 2stu ult mr anluouy stovomou bbcksmith of hill viluo met with very iuiuxulccidct ua vu catl tn old mlv villi r cold oliitol whoa i tlivoc o stecl alxut throo juarton of an inch in length flew oil the aw and isutorod hii wrist lie at ouc went to dr tawrf who worked at it for two octhreo kourgritlioafc succeeding in flndunit the next day the dr went with tiittt itr stcplicuson to guclph and with tha aaaistance of dr keating the sliver was removed a urge opening was made in the flesh and the sliver was found between the bones of the forearm in the deep muscles icr ste- phensou experienced intenso painjbut th wound is heahng rapidly iud he orpects to bo at work again in a few days- suall cuaxog tbi complaint of the tvrcity of small change is very general throughout outirici almost overy business cisji hemic mach annoyed and put to treat ctoulilo to sccare sufneieui for the rccire- mcnu of his business 0ie cause of the tcjrcilf it undoahtedly the dcainsge out of the country to the border slates in any of tha citic alung the border more csnadiin and knglish silver coiue can be found thau in b city cf tha same site in canada the reason of this is simule oar domiuion coins ins at par there tha lngliih shilling at the same as here while canadians will not takeamerican silver coins save at a discount of 20 per cent that ii mc american piccct pass here for 20c and 50c pieces pass here or 40c this excludes american silver and whilewe lose our own we cet nothing to replace it occtpiis iolidav tlio 12th of ancust is guclphs civic holiday and the following is the oddfellows portion of the proctinunc at is0 a procession will be farmed iu front cf the city hall of the various lodges aud encampments in ontario in regalia headed by the band tiiey will proceed to the exhibition rounds the llicht worthy grsiul lodti being escorted by the uniformed patriarch of london and loderich ou arriving at the gnmntls the foilowiuc programme will l carried out biseliall ipatch between the dreadnaugbts nf h amiltou and the luviuciblcs of g uelph fat men a lttniile nc goasyouplease prir j10 4 sackrace ti and 2 mcut foot rioc 1 50 yards andj boys foot race 100 yanli 2 and 1 wheel barrow race 125 yards bliudmded mtudfi a tug ufwar between oddfellows rtiijiwr north and south of guclph in tha eveuiog the exhibition grounds will be illuminated with chinese lanterns and a promenade cmcert will bo given by the artillery j brigtde and i3h hittdlion bands also a grand display of firt works qanersl kiirys iltithwill wanm a eimm fire engine iiigus t ontario ba ik bill ra iu cilculutiiiu ut quebec- iron ore is arriving in port erutx fivm the suoadun uiidctf a brunch of inns bmk ii uboul o bo tkidblisiitnl iu tieuujn a inpr ikix uunuftctory is about to ho 6urlid iu fjudou etst work liut coinminced on the nvr iron awinjj btidge iu tivutou kingvtou hi a clfrgymxn who in ists on liug his muniapil tax litvi i man tut now mikt imillini at prk- i in to n il5xd nud to cost about iki0 tiuitt nr two school 15 ird kt piiucc an ins lstnliufj uch cuicu- ng juiisjiotiuu owon snind ixiectsto votl000 for iiip iiupiovmhnt of tlio harbor j srfard oily s0c0 it is riinioted tlott thi canada suiitltern is aliiut to purcdisa tlio credit vnllfy riilwuy aud crioud tbe iiue to s tuumus a new grain warehouro is to tie built in the western part of st tlomaa di xfisli formerly editor of the kingktou xcicg im befii cpiiiuud leitll offioer of kilickton jouaica at an annual iii v of x5u0 telling four tlmiisand five duudred dollars was voted in exeter licst ot to ikjuus woollnn mill tlie mijiiity was 119 only 11 voted agaiust the by law thectunln pcpkviciir in kouesing on saturday 3utulc thewifeof william perryinan of a son vloonc atcrewrons corners on the 28th ull the wife of joseph moore e of atou the ceive waltee in tcaesing ou the nd fnst jessie wife of mr john walter aged j years the funeral will leave the residence tv daytthursdav at one oclock aud proceed to the acton cemetery hicks co of london england report this week a very large supply of a merican cattle and with this another reduction in prices they also quote mutton at half a cent per lb lower axtox kiefcetft white wheat si 08 to i 10 tread well spring wheat glasgow eedchaff oats peas barley egg per dor butter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes new per bash notlees worth attontlon cuitlstlm teed wltm coooknilt cases soda fancy mixed teiuou ginger lints ou j mil uiicuila irvih at iuit ouice siora muchiue oil at post ofliop store hiti from 75 wuu to 16c t j fyias salt by the barrel ut tuu pull oulca otora ip you want nohhy durablf and cnoap suit i fylos la the puet to go fuesii ground mtmeul at the post office store fresic boks fresh overy day 1 ways good try them at ho excelsior bakery all kind of glul ind wone fruit jars running off cheap at a v jresus cash store tar tha u pound jugirit the post olfici ilore a cood felt hat for 75 coat it j fjfei liverpool buttr suit it the poit oflic store fur arctic sola try l q uiuh- ewi uew fountain rcc cisaat and summer driukj at the excelsior bakerj- rqniitr cradles and cradle scythes at the post office itoru scythes suaitks nd eakeg cheip at the pout office store 8pua4iiartaatof orsolmrycf ill wall ia tfis pci oflco um ckkikties jatuieul stilfc and prairie biscuits at li cy e niciliui bakery cocoa nuts dates minl sugar o- at l g matthews ice cream and fruit parlor icecreau ic cream by theqnirt backets supplied free at tha excelsior bakerv b t e xicklin fur the first peuche and lomafoest of the season go to lg matthsvrs ice crcaux parlor wasted ikuediatelt 100 firkins of good yellow butter at a v greens cash store unmjwc and lemons alwiyg in stock at lj g matthews ice cream and fruit parlor for firiuina arcticsod trj the new sku fuantain at the excelsior bakery b t e xictlin i purs ice creuru by th dish or quart at l g matthcwsico creaut and fruit parlor if yon want 1 cool relresliing drink trv the new founuixatthe excelsior liikingb t e kicklin babbit motut at post office store geixdstokes nd rollers at post ofiica store stocia boots stock just la hand old prices christie henderson 4 cos oo to the cash store fur all kinds groceries thst it where vou will get them cheap aud fresh a w green t farmers reiitenibfr tfint pidw canines of nil liindsare kept on uaud at the free l resit t o nice r w kixc window fostenera at the post ouicc store clirifttip hvudcrscm it co tell clnjtp witnef their fiimciis 50oent im sold elicnhvre at 60 to it cenls si the rew idjnsuliin hroom it a w greens cash store largest stock in to u hundreds of brooms ta choose from wlxiiok gl ss all silm 7x9 lo tdcfl at pint office store ghus cat to order free of charge harvest koiic scits gents tweed cuius 7 50f gents worsted suits clu tiio grandest bargains now oner- iug call at once christie hender son ct co 3e to tia post ofles star for tia croavdse wuta lasi eai l4 oninltig clors iri m piiatan kltiiitat choice sfl cent tei helling for 50 cents 75 cent to for go cents 60 cent tea for 7il cents bffievtjs ceut tcafor so cents at montreal house actoo a nic linglitraw stigur ceitainly cottainb more sweetening power than i refined of even brighter appearance tne best hmnd oi raw sugsr now offer ing isto be bad at curunie henderson it cos cheap i tha greatest hemadr ever discovered cjnlnine lseoiuiu rei lucrcatet remedr knoan out entlleve ltbasiueqoaiil not iu poct iu tne product of llie c ksu isnliii nas been utfccoverw to equal cod llrcr oil as a bnlder and s slain r oflhe tioly litocisamijtoo end all aung dis orders buclts nnfumeskls nipilrtu oy iu iaushts properties in krafts emaulan of iureciid liver oil ihlsomuon is nilrly ovemuaie and combined wlihinraj-fmipaas- puiteisor lime and iaaa it lh tne most vlu- abo rcnicdyeveruiecovthj xiahble works wellington xiar hie woas quebec st gaelph messrs mcqailun a haaiiltou ptoprietors are ili- rect importers of all kiuda of marble and granite having a large stock ou- baud purchased previous to tho late rise iu pries of marble they will continue to sell all kind of monuments head stones mantles in slate or marble at their usual low prices satisffctian enaranteed j 41 tf a good account c an slxfoug- yearenr bedrlddea sickness and suflorlnccoung saw jer er viullasailor which waslonill hyihre boll lesof hop bttterk uuceii b- my wire who his douc her own hwetork foraytarsiiico without the loss ol a day aud i want everr- body to know it for ihelr her lit jouxwtxics butler hv genta ws continue to do the ordered clotlung trade oi this section of the country ve hare none this season the largest business erer doee the reason why the goods are nfht the price is righl the cutting it right the triinmiug right ihemakiug is right we fit the body head and pocket special reductions lo sate moving tbe stuff in to the new premises mclead anderson co equal to telegraphy it is not so many rears ago when telegraphy was looked upnn asachimera and professor morse as- visionary i wa ad know now lis wonders more recently pharmacist scoated tlie idea tlint toslor oil could be made pleasiiit lo the inrle but messrs seat v uowar wfili their ialaulilr okar ou liire solved liaproldem wtilch is a teat in meufeliia vlmosi eqtil lo ilistot 0 14 to 0 18 0 30 to 0 0 ccelpb hakketl j2 71 to 3 00 flour white wheat triwdwell spring w glasgow bed chaff oats peas barley eggs per ioz butter daity packed butter rolls potatoes new per bush 1 os toll id i os to i i 10 0 ski to 0 9i 0 3g to 0 64 to 0 g8 0 45 tad 50 0 09 to 0 10 n u fv n i profe sor more ills not tne nauseous cas- n w n a ofonrchlldlioods days iurlalabe and airoeable to the lnt price a cenls cleariko sale the mjiniiuoth home georgetown hess lo announce i clearing sale sruicli will continue to ihe middle of august this i a bona 8de clearing sale as they want tj reduoe iheir slock before moving into their new premises about the middle of august unheard of bargains will be given in all kinds of dry goods inclin ing dress goods coi6us prints millin erymuntles oarieti ready made oloth- ing gents furnishings no now i your lime lo nuke money mcleod ander son 4 co i os to i 10 i 05 to 1 10 i 08 to 1 10 0 91 to 0 95 0 30 to 0 34 0 64 to 0 68 0 45 to 0 50 0 09 to 0 10 0 14 to 0 15 0 14 tofl ir 0 30 to 0 40 of all kinds at oo to the post ofilcd store acton for cheap hardware outflb waotoht 2srsarl8 la all s1260 r paint3 oils and j varnishes window glass- 7x9 to 30x40- choice smoked hams side meats j best teas sugars and general groceries at lowest prices 70sjt vextacult -the- grand lusfr continues christie preserving settles ik ie0n ware 274 bui in hit market at hayills uill street aqt0n slgjv of tee lx goelpli cloth ha dundns cotton shirtings harvard shirtings french cambric sniruncs bine nnd brown denims twilled browu uacki and kentucky jeans tweeds by the tardat tery tow -prices- jgtpiirtiet buying cloth from ut vau get ganuenu cut in tt sucier inati mr free of cliargt shawimukton mesodant tail0b3 very reason- i able prices acton co t cheap dress goods cheap millinery cheap tweeds ducks and shirtings best green and japan teas for 50c fresh ta3t just received drives jobs bargains in all lines qf goods l french cambrics ok wedkesdav kext utfc ixst we shall opes for sale amaor mfienrnaaeoiotijkefrtchandengiiili dnibrlci tn all tne luv pom- idoarauafohu dolilyennn iwjerlvboaclit mur in all european and a merlcan centrei offaahioo ajao baodicnie bordered and mourning prints in cwat triir idlm kkmit forfrtb rondi mnst oome icn ffew th nnlj hoaffl la the trade at rrtwnlhofng new goods fany icrrtiin all other hooai inum rltrartt mar trvlneto ortojtlhe bajanoe ortheieknaitoclc oommeodablo in luelf but bad or the cd tomern ua irtdknnlny1notwiihandlnfflh very hot and nprreamve wcather to rrosen oorbalncff een dakoir whit lsgenrly rerirlo an the dullci eaonof the yearwuu great aiiergy wd wspwlfnlly warn al oar comuion tbat ve lauom evry efltat l auucifl uielf cuitomarcto tbe puatuname wett end- ifrrpahhrcbttoivlnuidoit if lovly handwme nwrro1 will do uy jfllv be groin forth raoqcy wlu do we air bavdfo wi ihf trade aid kffpttu liii vf ih koftl cuy ladlcs frtnilhe connirr ladlts fiom 6urrounulu towna ai4 viuoff come oieect to t8 we taave the right goodf and a re doing the lire trade of the cly aobucham fajkhnabh ti end dnu mantle and itdlisun ettalluhmnl gitlflif chas -w- hill has a fine assortment of pictures a2td frames of latest designs very cheap al30 in st00z sterosoopss sterosoopic vieva mottoes pirforated or chromo pioture cord pioture nails olasa au sizes motto fahe5 complete foe 20 csttts photogiaphs latestcity styles the best andcheapest iu th com- xy v avriaill john worsfqld co mikufacttjrer akd dealers in all kinds of h m h e k e a ra chamber upholstered goods a specialty elegant dtvring tioom suites eseairtcteunber 8oites elegant dining boom furniture see our patent adjobj hhii cqmiort cnair bsstin tiiemnrict f sign of the chair hazletphblbck upper wrxduail street gueliph furniture x good ussorlmpnt of flittl olusn furni ture of evity descrip- unn oonstsntlf on hand prio its low an gtuellt of cieoru- towh a cxll souuio john spooht undertakino fivcrv dmerlpuon c affin osskdii iid hii funeral qliistlen lwy fcvpt iii iwekjbutov iine jauser fcr iiisjitsdjal tow rite j lf kuoiusix wilslsow pi rjbst aoton at mcgarvins drug store acton

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