Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1880, p. 1

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5s -the- actcrnr free ff ess la published evert favbsdar jtosxixg editor proprietor at rac fata pasaa psire ppstisaixfi movss kextdoorlomeuiodlatchqrch ttiustnet- w acton onl txantthe fexi patss will be sent to aubscribers postage paid far 1100 per en- num in advance llsoif not eo pud ko fprdifoontinnedtaill arrears aw piid except at the option of the pnhlishcr annxnseta biaa cains advertise ments 8 cents per line far the first inser tion and cento per line for each aabsc- qncnt insertion cash professional cards u lines or less k00 por annum i square li lines s0a per annum pavabto in 0 months from date of insertion anv special kotcethe object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise- meat the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied racasnrod bv a scale of sciidltonpareii f costtact slaxxs onseolamuonejer ttam haireolumitoaesear jljj viaatter column one year soon one column monitts 00 ftelreolnmn six months job it natter eotomtistrmoriuu 1100 oieoolnma lure months am halfeolamnlaremontns ijnj quarter column three months rm msi e0e directions will be lrteduluarttdandchrtlaecord- tnay transttjrr aavertlmmeuut mutt be paid tn advance caeness tor contract advertisements must 6etnlbeoffleeojfamod mondays other- week u owlae a p moore kdttori proprietor this paper saosdoitfcitgwip aiaamamar be nwdeforlt ik kevtvotts bpsfasss fbctojir ttt h lowrr if b if c ps t e graduate of trinitv college sf em ber of college of physicknk and surgeons ofice and residence ai the head of fred- erici st acton wt ifcgarvdc h d 51 c p s lae graduate of victoria college resi dence comer of jfill and frederick streets consoharicn daily fruni s to li a in and sfosnm 5 term8ioo tn advanet the neunpajiera map 0 duty lift ill flueluationt and itt vatl concerni 160 if ritit to paid volume vi no 7 aoton ont thubsday auqpfft 12 1880 whole jpo 208 vauist lxave bread s ur iwlals poor uxi is ht w b ev nicklin bakers coxfectione corker ilwx fc mill streets actqs beg to intimites that they arc prepared to supply li5 viuago and sununding country with very best of bread bcxs cakes pastry axd confectionery bread delivered while thanking those who have favored ai with their- patronage in the- past we solicit fcgcmtiaaauoc of the sine tad will welcome new customers posrar sorceroh u da1s peo- riicui land burreyor civil engineer and draughtsman of guelph is prepared to aaenito all tarveys in acton sndvicia- wy orders left t j e itcgsrvics drag store actoa y be promptly attended to tulrexce d griswold teach- vraof piano voice tfcorongh bass and pianj and vocal elocatioa class teach ing a specialty lassaos given ct the res- idence of pupils if preferred trurs 600 per cuirter of thirteen lessons one half in xarrr- address r- craine or cr d geistcld acton out 1 r ge cream parlor 5s have now opened our ten creljc paelok and will always be prepared to supply pure ice cream frait drinks fmit ttc ice cream rapplied by the qaart if desired a cell solicited b t e kicklik aetoc itnj- 6ct iso doing thxouh the heather which way awyoa roin jenny t gflimi hroagli tha heather u doat yoa uunt then jennie laufe wa cottld tzo toecthec i through tlio heather by tha bura ilaag tha dlutnet of tadyfeca oer the trath amodg the ffraac shall wa go together uat deed iti kind of lonely jamia than wau ro toother and the uauvi chcekt wen pinker than tha bells of heather for tia lonely by onaa iclv and hays a tale to tell if yoalt listen jenny lau every word shall coma to paaa then she gave her hand to jamie and they went together up the aaony tilcat hilliide tnroafch the bella of hether oh i the haopy willinc feet oh i the whiipert law and tweet oh 1 the tale the lover tell up amoug the hcathir belle well might jenny answer softly comiac throoro the heather ri heres py hand and heart dear jamie j well aye walk together through the heather op the hill though theroad be god or ill though the fci be dark or clear we will walk together dear all the welkin heard tkfctn aiajpflf singing bath together j 0h the happy happyloahiink we came throagh the heather i oh lnvea saeet and shiuing path oer the hilt and oer the strath- by oar protnue and atir lili by oar sweet betrothal kiss riin or san or wind or weather hand la hand well walk together flew botcher shop a t a tv ok woulti intloimeto the petrl f aecnp hat ie hakparcntwd tbtf batrker basliiettflptelj carriititin by mrr tor- ind ihaihefwi ttibjpoq hand a crtlchlss sxtcfc ut beef p0rk iiurroy sausage cabfls boiheaauasd circulars of ereir i fish etc ta description executed neatlr si the kctan iesby tlrlct altentlon lo bnrfnes to face peess oisce the best local paper of halscaco d ilathesok attoeker-at- lttsoiicitqriceiiincerrttc office next door to wsliices hotel milton j listee 1l claee barfilster quebec street guelph bkjjtcfi office u haltucm baudlnc mil sanet actaa t0rnce opex nrax fzmix tj fisher v sge0bget0wn a ont will visit acton every wednes- dir- and wihatieud to all calls pertaiiiin to his profesaoa- orders left at ilcgarvins drag store crh receive aitetioii terms moderate i t 5 fisher j al heitstbleet lticensed axtctioneer- far the counties of wellington acd halfioa orders left lithe fexe pkees office acton or at my resifeiioe in eockwood will be prdinptfy attended to- c terms reasonible ju cmorsli scd properiy seenxed in can- scda the united elites and enrope tent naranfeed or eo charge send for printed instroctions- agency in operation 1 tea rears hekeygsesr ottawa canada- vf vti n tfi engineeringi solicitors of fa- entfi and draughtsman domxzqs hqtel actox robt agoew proprietor the new hirtef is tted np hi firstclass style with new furni ture commercial travellers will pnrf good aocommodatioii and commodious sample booms special attention paid to the wants of tha travelling pahlic b ar supphed with tiiabestofxiqaors and cigars sood stabl ing and attentivelhoatlers jk rotae eschakge hotel acros jas campbeilproprietor- 5r camp- faell late of the rossin house near g t r staojn takes pleasure in announcing to his many old friends and patrons that he has recently perch ased and refitted theroyal exchange in the neatest and most odfnfort- able tfcie and is prepared to accommodate awho may favor mm in the most com- tortahle manner choice wmec iiiojtors cjzfplrx nd coal snnicier jririlnt mlvrays in stock stable in charge of an attentive hostler the patronage of tha public is re spectfully solicited and no effort will be anared to give the verv besi attention fecaren fir saare or the patronxce of the pnblle meat delivered at any ume lo anr part of the town terhk cash acallsolicired- adail cook as- chalk your owm door canada loah b a hk1hc cohpaht sitixgs baxk coicree or jxjces isd vtxc sts hamil ton six foi cent interest pail oa co- posits of 1 ml cp7rdff safest axd best security board of directors d b ccisirncjc ero president rjt kcxss ek of job a watdie k co bnr- lingtoa vlfeprodent j w kasebrecir s d hamlltaa etcgh if citkr i- ramlitna tirnxas blxciiarn eiyelsan col jciek lakd barton noet ticktakeo hatrallton ricciiniioljc kfq oafcviu wit frcewik k l georceiown flsgnrmshd c b sxor esq ikanacer cotton hills dandxs ifooeif to loan oa rail ekale la tumx to suit hvttjtcrrs and ait onf terms jeoffice open every weekday from 9- anxto5pn3 d dextec manaffer auc- iu ik78- 76m new boot shoe shop rrr wrlltairs would respect- 0 fully lutimxlc u thi people or actan nod vlclaity that he has opened s boot shoe stop in tbe oallul n opposite w hhtoreys glove works on htlii breeet act05t any one tn want of a snbslantfal and ood fiuinp boot or shoe shoutd not fadtoleave their opterat tils stand sepaitin spsciajty izi piuartly attended to i w williams acton sept im 3- s t i rusk fobseiks lam prepared to par 4he highest cash price for hidfis caliakin deacons lamb and sheep skins deliveredat my tannery 1 lace leather ecastantlr on hanti james k00re actox pultps eusep61 pumps- w e adams nianiifttctnrer of snperior veil and cistern pomps winch wie be pat fa on short notice eepairing promptly done furniture made and repaired charge moderate- also taws filed and 1 et give hima call shop on frederick street oppositedr- dow resmence weadamff m obfev to toxs l50q to loan on firstolras fartn secnrittf a reasonable rate of interest apply to s hp mooeri at fezi peraj offieacfon a tex f smith a6e7t roa thje kfstt oeatee a movrcsf ausodmclauafieralpnrpofe plows climax tbreihtoe machine minnesota chief and ibrator sprlnir tooth harnnrs ceaten nlal htiltr horse since climax fasnlnr mill te eeloratd wisdot seed drill c all arranted to da aod sfortt every lime or no lt terms reasonable alexi f 8kith t4ot 5000 customers waited this week i jlt rax czxtkil soot shoe store toc cax bur usttzb 8qqfs axo smqes kxu a et bcttee bako atxs in acton than to go away from home to mate your purchases cajl at cqlqqixq w3mc ntsiiuson oebwsons ooenbes fa rrepared to do all kinds of htiitetvashijfe colo bums ontne shortest notlee and at reasonable rates cvleare yoarossess at lbs fkke press office acton p s clrtilnir cleaned ben- orated ira kpivsojri his pnoer name was jeremiau liar- deu lat ls had cot been in the yil- lage a veek iteforaeverybodr cajied hita jerry karden aud wiiltia six ajaaths ha was known as jerry 5iad- dler but why iluddlert who gave hiw that nam and why was tt given x tha giver is unknown for who ever knows ile giver of niclcnimes 1 bat the reason fur its being bestowed was tfiat jerry was- always uiutljltxt with drink ha was a very good shoemaker bttt ho stood no cuauc with george stevens a sober man and so drifted into ixrcauiing our cobbler jerrys one idea was lo get a job and having dune it to invest the rjroceeds in drink at his favorite beer shop the oram arms the cunteqtience was that jerry was seldom eobr had he not possessed an iron constitution two years of such a life must hare killed httu bat he dragged on working to day and idling tomorrow and dunk ing whenever drink conld be got and finally he drifted into debt his care at the oram arms was a large one and his cllka stood ap against hint like files of soldiers but jerry ignoted their eiistenoe paying i off a itttie now and then atid drinking mora sacb time increasing thearuy ot debt againtt bim tontil ona icvening mr eiclmrdrewitt the landlord of the aforesaid oram asms cried ualt i cant goon any longer jerry he said the hut sum i had from you was three shillings and you have paid nothing for a fortnight work is slack murmured jerry bat the harvest is coming on and then everybody will have their soling and heeling done and i shall ba able to pay you as perhaps so returned sir hewitt but you will have as muh as you can do to square off what is up there lock at them those marks a e a standing disgrace to any man zott ought to be ashamed of yourself jerry looked at ths accaning marks wnd really felt aghast at the lanfi list against htm xlre inner door of the bar was a regular blackbook and he trembled before it now when jerry first came to the oram arms the landlord was very polite and spoke as safely as you please to him no spider courteously entreating a fly to enter into his parlor could have been more oily tongued or smiled a more persuasive smile that is prexnming that spiders do smile which is just possible but when jerry gotinto the toils and had been well confined in the web mine host put on another face and tone if yoa drink he said you must expect to pay for it sly brewer would stand no nonsense from me and l must hsre my jnoney from yoa only oas pint pleaded jerry not half a pint replied the land lord go home and wort and pay your debts like a mac the entrance of a customer with ready money cut short the conversa- tion and jerry stood back a pace or two while the other was being served when that was done and the feeer drank and the stranger gone jerry made a final appeal ive been a good customer to yen mr ecwitt be said almost every penny ive earned tss come into soar till ive nigh lived on beer if living it can be called and my wife and chil dren have had to shift how they could for bread thais nothing to me said the landlord let me have one pint hav you the impudence to isk for it with that shameful lot of chalks staring you in the face t jerry did not reply bat he took a long and earnest look at the recording fils and drawing hit hand across his dry mouth harried out of the oram arms who is that youve been talking to richard t inquired mrs eewitt entering the bar from a room behind jerry muddler wh the reply ive stopped his drink till he pays up then he will go lo ihe green goose and get bis drink there said lire eewitt they wont trust him a penny returned her hncband with a grin hes tried it on and failed and so ive got him if he doesnt pay op il make him theres nothing to be got out of that house said lira rewitt shaking her head ive heard thats theres not a chair for them to sit down upon and jettys wiferclean and lidr as she managit lo keep herself looks more like a kkeleloa than t woman and as for the children ifu seen eui look quite ravenous at the dinners coming from the bakehouse thats jerrys lookout replied mr ewitt coolly if he cant afford it h shouldnt drink the subject was dtfitntrtaed andterry furuolteu in the noise aud bustle of the insual evening business about nine oclock jerrys wife to the astonish ment of both mr eewitt and his wife appeared in the bar but not as they supposed or drink my husband tells me she said that he hex a heavy score here how much iait t im almost too busy la tell yoa replid the landlord bat if its press ing i will reckon it tip it is pressing and l shall be very thankful if you will let trie know at once what it is returned the poor woman who wsa indeed wan and pale and almost justified the title of skel eton which mrs eewitt had given her j the undlord went through the chalks twice and finally announced that jgrrv was indebted to him lo the amount of two pound seventeen shil lings and fourpeuce halfpenny jerrys wife received the announcement with a look of quiet dirmayj thanked the landlord and left the house i aupiiose she is thinking of mak- ing an effort to pay it off said mr eewitt addretstng his better half snd i hope she will but i fancy it will bo a little too much for her i fur a whole week nothing wag seen or heard of jerry but at th end of that time his wife appeared and pat down five shillings on the counter will yoa please take that off the account sir she said and give me a receipt this was done with a gracious smile and- jtrrya wife departed mr eewitt announced jiia having hit the right nail on the held the wife of ha cbbjler w piking an effort to clear off her husbands debt at he end of another week a second five shillings was paid and then harvest came un jtnly a harvest tothe agri cultural laborer as at that time he gathers in clothes and whatever neces saries his j harvest money jarill enable lita to procure all the little trades men in the village were busy and even jerry waai reported to be fall handed but he du not come nearj the oram arms for drink on the i third week jerrys wife brought in ten shillings and oa the fourth week filteen to the great jy and satisfaction of mr eewitt whose joy however was alloyed by i the fear that he had lost a good customer ha resolved to look upj jerry as soon aa another instalment oc his ac count was ridid i nothing jrss brought for afprtnight and the landlord congratulated himself upon not having haaldy sought out his absent customer who till owed him over a pound but ths aptierrance of jerrys wife with the balance i had the effect of making hhn think otherwise there was no display in puttingdown the moneyit was quietly done but the lappy light in the womans iyes ss she took the recelptspoka more than mere words isnd sctions i have jbeen hasty with jerry said mr eewitt when another whole month nad elapsed witboat jerrys ap pearing he promised to pay me at harvest time and he did it bat i have offendod him odd tha green goose has caught hut custom go and see bim suggested his wife t i intendto do so hsre re me our toms boots they want a patch on the side and it will be ait excuse for my dropping in ujwn own thatisnr too uhieh rf jl for him seeing that yoa pf george stevens the beet of th workid mrs rewitt j i stevens worki better thin jerry replied her husband y p always trust him vtei d ilia work wjien it is promised but jury keeps the things for weeks together thats true but i hays uot p of boots that want new fronts and i can wait a week or two take tbarn ill take both said eichard eewitt nothing like baiting your hook well while yoa ara about it aimed for the ttconquest of jerry the landlord set forth in the morning that being a alack time when he could easily be spared from home outside were a couple of loafers with no moner and no credit who touched their bats to bim mr hewitt favored them with a nod of lofiy iudifftrenee jetiyi cottage wu inthe middle of the village jtanding back about fifty feet from the road and although its inside poverty had been wfcll knowu tile outside thanks to his fife looked quite as well as its neighbofs there fore mr eewitt was net in the least surprised to see it look bright and gay on thac beautiful autumn morning as he approached the door he heard the sound of jerrys hammer upon the lapatone and to bis utter amaze ment the voice of jerry carolling s cheerful ditty as unlike the cracked efforts he used occasionally to come out with in the taproom asthe tone of the thrush is to the hoarse note of the raven raising the latch the landlord of the otas arms peeped in 1 good mot sing jerry he esij ah is that you mr eewitt v re plied jerry looking up come in jerry looked wondrous clean and had even been she red that very morn ing his blue shirt looked clean too and he actually had a collar on mr eewitt was so overcome by ths change hat he stood still with the boots under his inn forgetting that they formal part of his uiisaioa you look very well jerry he said at last never felt better in ell my iif re plied jerry i wish sir i could aay the same of you yoa look fthilish ive ive got a bit of a cold re plied the other and ive been shut up with business lately trades been brisk but how is it we have act eeeu you well the fact is sir said jerry ihoughlfully rubbing his chin ive been busy working off your score bat it is done man said mr eewitt cheerfully- ihe door is quite clean ts far as you are concerned i am glad of thec others have got their share said the other facetiously but i think we could make room foi you if yoa look us up no thanky sir returned jerry ive had enough of chalking on other peoples doors and now i ckalxs on my own chalks on your own v yes sir have the goodness to tarn round and look behind you theres my door half full its a wise thing to keep accounts yourself said the undlord who hardly knew whit to think of it for mis takes will happen bar no mistakes can happen sir in terrupted jerry for i am the only party that keeps that account but who rusts you to do that t nobody 1 trust myself replied jerry the maiks that were on your door shewed what i did drink and them marks on mine show what i dont drink a little light hid got into the land- lands brain and he had a pretty good idea of what was kiniiug but he said nothing that night when you spoke to me about the chalks on the door being a standing disgrace to me was the night of my waking continued jerry no man could have lectured me better tban you did and i thank you for it from the bottom of my heart as i left your house i vowed to touch drink no more and i came home and told my wife so and we both joined in earnest prayer that i might have strength to keep my vow the next morning i went orer to george ste- vaosaod asked biui how l could fia about signing the pledge he helped ma like a man and it wis dine with his eyes wandering to and fro between jerry and the chalks upon the door the smszed lanjuutu remained silent jerry iwerit on my wife wanted to work herself to death to keep me be said but i said no you do what you can to keep the children until my debts are paid and then ill keep you and the children too so i went to work plying right and left and when all was paid off i began to do what i oaght to bsye dons years ago feed my wife and children 1 had enough and to spare and i would have spent some with you and many a the time ive been tempted to corue and im tempted still but when the feeling cornea over me i has a drink of water or a oup of tea- puts twopence into a box i has on purpore and scorei a chalk on the door all of them chalks are so many temptations and so many twopences saved mr eewitt wis utill unable o make any particular remark int be mur mured in a confused manner youve got a lot of them yea tasere is a urge family said jerry complacently and the more 1 looks atifaem be bettor i likes them there is not much standing disgrace aeout hat lotrcredit if anything oh yes yes returned tha land lord but dear nie thitf cold in my head is quite disfresainej you must have a large box for all your two peaces j when i gets six together i take them off to the postoffica replied jerry there is a hankjhere belter than any till tills give nothing out but bankr like that returns jou more than you puts in tjutil i began to keep my own chalks i had no idea how much your till awsjlowcu up you would not trust me for si pint but i can have my money outjof the bank whenever i want it j that is something said mr eewilt tartly it is everything to rrian who has a wife and children to knep replied jerry the beet of us hkva sicknest and trouble and rainy days and then it is a great thing to hare something to to fall back upon it is better to keep yourself than to go to the par- risk there is another jibing too about these chalks of mine yours went down before my wife and chil dren were fed mine go down after that is done and i think j my chalks are the better of the wo i so i says to all chalk your own door mr eewitt bad nothing to say ho could not dery and ho would not admit it but took refuge like other beaten men in flight with the loos under his arm he hastened home and pre- tented himself before his wife in a rather excited eondition j what is the matter richard f she asked i nothing particular be replied except bat jerry muddier hat joined the temperance lot and the seems so inn in it tfant i dont believe he will ever touch a drop again mr riclwrd eewitt of he oram arms eas ruzbt and jerry who bears the name of muddler no longer but is called by that to which hd is en titled viz that of marden baa net touched f drop of strong drink from the day of his reformation to this his door has been fijlei again and again with the score which ha records in hisjown favor and the beer he has not drank is everywhere atonnd him in a comfortable home a respectable amount in the savings bank and a goodly investment in a building society vtrbiun tai tapienti which being freely interpreted means a word to you my reader is sufficientrchalk your own door roses eoees indeed 1 said mr merritt with a dark frown on his countenance- a dollars worth of roses i never heard of such nonsense in my life what in the name of common sense do yoa want of rosea id like to know i aint there lota of wild onoa tjdwn in the swamp f t merritti stood crimson and confused beneath the lash of her fathers sneering- words she was a light pretiy girl of eighteen with bright brown eyes hair smooth and glossy as a chestnut rind and a com plexion of tbo purest pink and white i thought id like a few bowers in tha dooryard hesitated mary scarce ly venturing to lift her eyes from the floor flowers sarcastically echoed the father wouldnt you like a set of diamonds or a blackvelret gown i or a carriage and foorl if id known you was tuch a fine lidy id havu had the house newly furnished with red velvet cushions and a brussels carpet yoa mast have a deal of money to spare to go about ordering dollars worth of roses 1 its my own money father cried poor mary fairly stung to desperation 1 earned it wiih my own hands bind ing hoes at night after thedxys work was done and youre mine aint yon and all that belongs to yog t said jusiah merritt trimly an4 if jour able to earn any extrs money it ought to be handed oyer to me igiye me that letter with the dollar bill in it f cant i have any roses father i said mary with a sinking heart not on this here farm said mr merritt all the jspare money we can raise goes to payin interest on the old mortgage and keeping up buildings and fenexs a dollar aint tancb eye ing poor marys precious bill but a dollar will help along ftow go back to your milk skimming or your bread- making or whatever youre about and rf you want any roses nr posies go out into the fields after em he went out as he spoke banging the kitchendoor after bim and mary sat down and cried she was so tired of ths plantain weeda and running white clover in the dooryard she had so longed for a few bright spots of color there and the bad worked so hard to earn the tuoney that her father had so cooly oonfiacaled j osiah merritt kept uo servant and abe was the patient housemaid drudge so mary washed aod ironed baked and cleaned made cheese and butter raised a whole colony of young turkeys gaei and ohibkena and saended ber fathers shirt andatoekiags lietween times ivor tor ilea merritt had been 1 worked out of the world yean before add nothing nmsined of bar but a tender memory in marys heart and a crooked tombstone half buried iu weeda and briars iu the village churchyard nor did she venture to plead that one of the cobfiacatetl roaes bad been fur her mothers gravn i its too bid said joel harvey who from the back shed where be bad been sharpening his tickle had beard the whole altercation why didnt yoa lot the poor girl have ber roaes mr merrittt k because i font believe in enoonrag ing no such highflown notitus retort ed the farmer ilifflv yes but its my businaaa joel hajray not yours said mr merritt apd now if that- there scythes- ready well go bck lo the tonacre iot time is money and weve wasted eniugh of it fltetly ibis morning j old savage muttered jriel indig nantly to himoeif as ha folined his employer id just like to aarve bim out that i would i put him into a kettle of bciling water and fire np with greenbacks 1 money money money i i believe be thinks tbs world is made of money that evening when he brought in tho milkingpails he tlipped a little psicel into marys laod its a sucker from mothers big white rosebush said be maybe you can uiake it grow and i guest i can get you slips from squire aliernethya great red giant of battles that fairly makes your bead acho with iu eolof rijarys eyes brightened how good you are joe said aha father thiuks v iknow interrupted be yonng man contracting his brows he tbiukt you have no right to a pleasure or a luxury in the world that its jonr unlr busineaa to grind out money for him there are times said mary aadly i when i think i- cant stand it any longer if i knew of any place where they wanted a gill to help with the housework or youd avail yourself of it bey t sneered the hoarse voice of farjier merritt behind her a pretty serpent ire been a nourishing of in eay breast youll just stay at home mary merritt and do your duty as you ought at for you joel hsrvey clear out of this i heres your wages fur the month theres hired men enough lo be had i gutsa witboat having a fellow around who puis your own gal up to rebellious notions just aa you please mr merritt saidindependenl joel im suited if you are ive laid up a bit of manny and ivo an idea of investing ufor my self good bye mary mary burst into tears joel bad been her only friend but mr merritt frowned drkly at hen go and strain the milk giri said he here you to joel take your money and be gone and he flung it at bim aa if he bad been a- dog joel stopped to pick up the dollars that went rolling about the kitchen floor much obliged to you for your politeness mr merritt said he per- baps i may be able to return it some ky- to which the irate farmer returned no answer joel stool hesitatingly at the garden gale a minute before he left the pre mises i should like toeay just one word to mary he said to himself but perhaps id better not old merritt is in such a white rage that he would visit it upon her if t were furiber t offend him and i guess shi knows my heart and can trust me just for a while x month afterward joeiah merritt strode indignantly mtc the room where mary stood pale arid carewoni mixing up sponge for the morrows bread vhaty the matter father aba said matter enougb c roared merritt old pulke has sold that mortgage of mine and tie new man is going to fore close right off its a little ay endue to be sure but how is a man to laise air thousand dollars at thirty dava notice i i cant do it no more than if it wore sixty thousand but what are we to do fatberf mary asked with a troubled countea- anca well have to clear out thats afl said merritt sullenly you must get a situation or go into a factory and i shall have to lake a dacti with mor risons hands who is the man futber v tearfully asked mary i dont know ft didnt ask hes coming here to morrow with thauifaum the lawyer vrtinm lqcfc to biui thompson the lawyer arnved indue time and with bim came joe har vey mary eam ba i never could s you to aurry me white i was boruhleas but now darling i can ask youia stay on here in your old home ill kuild out a by wiudow on tba acuta end of the bitting room and put a new piazza along tbo front and a pump if the kitchen and ill hire a gm to da the rough work and ill try and show you dearest that a farmers life naeo not ucjcessarily be a life of drudg ery- but hisehsted mary feaer-r- he is welcome to a hpme here if he ebosee oid joel heartily and fll try and be a good eon to bin lor your sake mary but joeiah merritt declined taetay nor was honest joel very uiuch grieved at bis decision aim mary was aniedr married to the sew man and upon b wedding day a wbole wagon laud of rose huatiaa arrived white pink yellow and vivid scarier well plant wn right ent it tm front yard dearvaaid toe bridegroom for 1 itmaa jut i row thia tiaiehaaot- totb your ufoahau boauroaea-

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