li tm 4hn ohurch pjrecry uktttrtlut cucrcit 1t vavax tn 1 1 in i r a t up vlk m trvt ltivu ci ciu rbcuuu rvtc iiva fuuliy ovruuiiufrkriu saiihutu fcivxiy tvct lug- v utvr i vimttiuoo cnnr rrrvicks vinntjy itu mlt tm nvur raruiaccrwcv jwjtaiumikuat ukvl noahsvjxtpmtor kkv a j ria ire iociwtli rrtrttmsttivl tjlitruuk u ti til anil fcui mvrtui vrawil wtiiiu ttaym at i pic krvtcrs wa itttlr k a maud ucrurtrtsr erworau otr nr korfa orcvntiii rnt viuk si svrx miu tsclths nl w am eluiditclioelai 1m tti cjituaict hoivtoks tn sunday liwfi mtntttrat h a ttt ti inat he on avi im ovct y mliy jcimt ft 03 lr08s ptit lifted every rbanday uaniiilr tt far altctum tn- advance invest av xicirsivo mcrsrm ito russias grain orop tt appears prkhe that ibcro will v a greater demand from ilia continent of europe fur ainenvtu grain than tiieie has ertr been ufiae cf rmmiy las luthcrto depended upon russiu liiiocteutirelr for certain grains mid tis year it stems likely that rhe will be campelltd to loitclsewheie incon sequence qf te partial failure of the riiisian crops the official reports ni the governors of tie grain districts of russia which have jmt been putilutied in ilieuict stiow ttt the cro will b far mow the average in ninny ot the more southern provinces lic grain las itdfvrel from dtought and from tic auaclk iitt very drstiuctive insects tiieii f re illuiost prcaluu- ttt rassit to many of ih northern districti th wcutjier has la too t tad tbt erop hiye tiifforwl la samraing th rciwrts friira thn forfy eighty pro- tiucrf from which rttiims hrve beca procured the wtfcititaitcrihit tin- otl dcticit of gaui uridtr ths average etpp trill coani- in chew provinces to bver aine million and a half of quarter tle total production being lesi than thit in 18ts ty over thirty nine tail- liocs and a ltlcof onaitcnf the crop t not teen so ttusll since 1st5 and otdy osca morp usaihr in 1671 has it been tittiu thepat dtdtde as eajail lis it istliayeirit ulxlitvcd there fore that uussit will not ba able to rrjnrt the csnui amount cc gtuin about forty udllionvof cjintrters and tupply ior owa kaafb jjttides ther oiltorn 8tf blndar on fluirtdiiy dtumiati ul r urge uiiiiiiki of ftium au otlwia vinilol tlls latllluf ml ahx utmwit llfllf lliv vilu to witin fs tlio cxbiliititioif tl f usbot uu w fuiidiiig hurri irr m ivfttk allllutlulrwinlfoktllrtllll llil lot btndinjf luo uuuufmttiren lima dto mi klclitu wlitvli titciti lieutid ttiis laclituctl was uadoii thniky iilid rim tlm giwitcat natia fciiirt4m llii fouowiiijj twtiuioiiua ill ttiotr c the uidciiind win inmut nt trial of llir uslonu sulf- lliiidk lurvealcr made by ailtttt it son branlfonl on thofaltu of alirr l dimwi eq near aewn and have tuiiult plusurc tu cxiaaing mir entin- ktlufuction ill ifrnid to the wuik per format by litis micliiiu tin- fact o b lug irblo la ut iiikor mij or hiiv on the etiuo lukchiuc whicluvor luiuritl miv be climikst tmist jitv tlie u liortio it ttviit ndvaiilvpt over ofiem litndcrs tlmt re cjndnwi to otifl it icricct or tbe other the aheitis are dltritxd at thovtillof lite driver iu iuit ad tightly jciftnl bitudlvs wliicli cannot be surpassed by baud liinding if cqilalw iu fact the work dune wus all that could ba disiixd and kiio lid 6itikfy lliu most eoptioitl thai llitj oalioru fundfc ut itcjaail- doabt ciinpleto kticcca wu would rcoai mcttd imcmling imchasers to pxiiruii ilcun fully bcfiro buytiuauy uthur liin- deror trapr jw kod e ti dur iimui rubt kaunaviin john uinutt janus liroan awt hull tins lerry- man the moore timothy li wmil- ley rult wativn a it vrilit jtdiu c allan ali kennedy chaa oiuterou julu wablie 1l sburtill v simrtill doiiw mclitin mdcoltu mvsatlghliu abx gonlon ilnatll grlmi johu xlccmnull u mcluiu alx it ciowu the fii iu nude 50 if these miichiucs lailyeur und this year ttiey base unttiifaclured 175 mveral of which hivt laxu aeut to the uutlhkest 8andlol in mroh 5 1880 metr ivrry iru k sou k uwronoe m0ilru1l i heg in enrllf hat frou lh great qunnlilr of jour eieelunl fain kilter old to uiyl onitomor h wolt m it liar incbeen ud cxienervily in in on rimlly and fww lh wporla of my cut toiueia ni rllatli experience ot my own houieiitild ilia lmfn killer hat be on round a great nllovlnlor of pniu or ilia eoniplaliili for which vou re com- mend u ptilloulttly in oold chills cougeillon or toppnge of oiroulallou crampi pajna hi ihejetoriuoh tuumnir and bowel coktplninlt oie throat ic applied exiernally t liaa beon found rity uefui for iprutbk brulaea rlmu tuatto raitia kglier ac uriiing trom tanthache ac 1 hnto heard lrom one of my cuttomois ihrie last fen daytof it being very uaeful by jiajthig a few diop in a little wnriu milk to reui tttn yoiiiti lamba nflor having beon ihofoughly chtded through youiu truly kdwakd taylorr 8sf fe adveiiieiueut in anuihtr coluum lfjmxk3 li7eh7 sale board stables attov haukita while wheat u05lotxi creadwcll spring v heal 0iigcvi irt chaff 0iu vciis birley kpr ptr 4a- uttur dairy licked 4tutcr rell loutoef ucv per bag drowning accidon a grail many precious lives are ot every aamrner in ctnada by drowning indeed tre may eayliundteds una ft hige percentega of those are due to boat aceidenu a party more or less ifcillful gt oat in e boat it is suddenly cpaet by a sqill the occupants cling to the bottom of the craft and are per haps picked np after a- while bui it often occurs that same of the dingers can txim ind they strike out for shore and- are almost infallibly dosvned trhite thee whorenrara are often saved would it not be better for the swimmer to wait till the last moment when the fcoat sinii and then try lis fortune by amitujiiuig i ttey shiutd hxva self jpoaseuiou enough to remoaibor that they can always try swimming in th last extremity md that a boat will coat bottom upwards for a bnget lime cthat ta generality of even the best swimmers can swiui with clothes and boots on the niiiiisteriil bill against drank eaead about to rjecoraired by he bulch staesgenentliinifstlienuuiber of public fiotnes re one per 500 l jitbitanf iatowna ef 50000 aool one per 400 in towns of 20000 one per 300 in towns of 10000aod one per 20 in all smalhr places it also for bids lhe supply of intoxjeantsto child rea under sixteen and imposes from one to eight days imprisonment for supplying intorieaalsto pers j ns already dfunk erenbeer drinking hollaud is becoming alive to the evils of intem perance and no doubt whatever legislation is carried will be enforced to the letter anumller of children died al ti a n srdining the week froni cholera it is proposed to foirn a coitipany to anpply stratford wituvwaler from the little lakea few fanners in ltilown8liip or am- eliaaburgh will have leas than 600 boabels of barlev jfra tjelong if the ownsliipof am eliaiiburg is said lb be lot years old and can thread la needle without using poctaoit8 p flnnr white whtfat tleadnu spinv wheal otifjow ndchall oitx teas lurky kiif per doc li itter daiiv uctctl kitt mlla vitatocjt nir perbafcfi i ik to i w 0 si la i xi pi td0 li 0 3 1 la 0 33 0 so to 0 85 0 60 to 0 51 0 os to a 10 u is to 0 17 0 is fa 0 ig 0 30 to 0 w uielttt uuutetf i 2 75 to s xi i 00 to 105 i 00 la i ai i 00 to i 03 0 w la 0 9 0 31 in 0 vi 0 50 to go 0 50 lo 0 55 0 os la 0 c9 0 ti t 0 17 0 tiu 0 ik 0 30 to 0 a ohopiar of dtafrasitnj ac- eldonfa a sal evnt iwppeoett about noon oa monday at stilfeoa fotut in tbo trowuing nf mi ritvrt wilfces of torontn iik outy son bertie and hi daughter tiorrneo mr wilkes ar- rived on salvrday afternoon and on stonily morning took renin nieiubcn of bis luinily out loatiui it seem hat mr wilkes had relumed iih the hcat and fcmie of his childirn bad pre pared o ufce a bath off he fein wheie the btilhini on oui tdde is ar ficly ftfe while ih tiildren wen- n the water mr willtea remaiaidih the boat which was latg and not eaiily managed two of them lis son anil dittiter appeaad ic lave gone oward hii a ben the boy celling int dep water saufc mr wilkes it is supposed seeing his son sinking auj being uuable lo reach him fom the boat leaied into the water to hii ittcne florence alsn got tnio deep water bat whether before or after her father itft the boat cannot be aicer utued at this rie ilrt wilfccs and other lady guests nf the hotel were sit ting close to the point and at onc- raiscd an alnu tliegeuilemeu were however al same distance biclc from the water and ssw nothing of the oc- carreece blore the ahcrru reache them ijtr wilkes his son and daujh ter had susk f r the tbiid itime tlift commnnily was sfooke1 on sunday by the tuicjtigenee that cipl sherwood of tle steamer norseman of whitby was deed ft was but siturday that his young wife who was drowned at charlotte on thurs day was buriej and it appears that the captain who war slaying at he residence of his faherinliw he rev john shaw president of the whilby young indies college being ranch prostrated witli griefliis brother-in- law dr siiaw prescribed qumine for his relief the prescription waa sent to whitfields drag store ard wa tbere made up a dose of six grains was administered at eight oclock aud early this morning alarming syioplows setting in further mcdicsl id was summoned but was of no avail the captain expired at seven oclock the remainder of the medicare in the boltle kts examined and an analysis proved ittobfl morphine instead of quinine it seems lhatthe dniggists clerk bv luistiifce gave the wrong medicine the distressing event ard all tho sad ctrcamstances surrounding it excise the liyeliest fiehngs of sympathy and re gret fur the afflicted families a son of donald gulhrio m p of gaelph was accidentally shot and wounded wit a full charge of gunshot ic the hip near rosscau on friday last the flesh covering as much as a mans hund wan all torn away ami the sight was sickening to look at the boy and his brother accompanied by several others were camping out the injured one and his brother were sitting iu the teu the elder one about o remove the cartridge from a gan while the younger oitefwns sitting two feet distant some incident decorred and the gtra was forthwith discharged the injured boy is about en years of age ilis father had left che camp the night foreacd was to return the next day he was telegraphed to await the arrival of his con at gravenhurst if the lad redoverf it will rnly be through the of medical treatmrnt lie was taken fiome to guelph on saturday night in a special car and carefnlly rempred from thestation lo his home on a stretcher he islnp ioihe presept time doingas well as could boerpocted ttohibalu bidpeix tctutttovrv for keivinc machine ank gcaral repairs try the tieorgetnwa xaveltt worts akcic eiudeix 22lf maitt st ceorgtlnwn 1p ohue rhacttcjll irtiirdnsazk u prepared to cstcale aaytviiijc iu hra line in the t kiwiblc aiticer and in- the ulcsl style monthly caitanert t special rate a call u loiicilcd j p woupek poltatrav cime ca lie premi lot 32 ecu i kqc5irg on the 17th iuit a illy- colt dark lay llie nweer will ilcaae- proe proprrly y ctpenmt and lake it away iharus camek0x jt miu6treet aoton u whre jou can gel firstclass rigs at rea80kable rates good commeroial rigs ah esjress delivc wagon a ill meet each esjiress irain nad deliver goods to any pul of the town all pnrdcalivilculed lo bin cz- tablubmenl are icqiiesied io pay up without further delay andiate cotu ed matthove proprietor stoves stoves ombap organs -awd- sewing machines at j a hills a rtmeslxl if all fmdtof 8t0 es ju ttaierdmailadurrd of the bait quality tf iron tic jinut finlih and thr moti handsottu slow latitc warlet cook stoves of all tak al tie very lomit prici a uxll tlultd itoct of tustwabe always os hakjx i sa7rzlovahx2tfl ft osdzhzd woes i ass specialties aiui altl it ukukj on lit tkoriat nollrt ooaloil a goad txt qf taperwr quaiujf ithtap oohe aot ssii for t07ft3sltss kpiember liun isa c hllt real estate aoency rium qfcthlxeh i dtire to hereby eede mv heirty thanks t elder a aoderau of iftmdlou cor lulindtici in iinunritly rclctnicc to a the iocket laxlc i loit ou melicay ruorciag hut a f mattflewa tcst ackired having opened i flint shopi in uiffnrem- ites lately ocuiicd hy ur james mclin nett dox lo xicklmi baker- i am prc- pred to do carriage paiutiiifi ard iia a riling of crcry deicription and weald re- rpeclfally solicit the iatrocate oc the iope of acton aal yidoili r v jasfes sojtt fx veatt6vrmmnlistixt iss1 ulvells v jjazateerofbritiatinorth america rhelarealafkt iotatltn- ly lie dvfrtpllbs ef ovet 5ij ctiea tmrncaea vtilarian th privloecs ortlr- tirtotiuekc ovascili lirunxwlcfc sewkkiiiuattl prince ejwarl llandjtanl- tnlia bnh c ilnmhia a i ihe xorlli ett rcrrllorlfsd oiuer ceotral lifncmatkn drawn lrtimoncalfnnrcefhk lotheiiarui r toealtvertentecof over lakea and itew potatoes are 1 per bushel io port age la prairie llr a palterson of south dumfries has in oat crop of sixty bushels to ihe acre a very rich sirike u leporlod in the deep shaft of the galling gold mine it ilannora j pcuse lost j 1 en monday evening- between the katug r nfcaud ur mcgarciua reaidence xtiray uotkskiu pumceiiquinitte ihrac one djllir litila a twentyfivc cent note and itome small ilrcr fialer will be rcwardeo hy luivhit it ai the fiuj fihk office it avaffoao river atauli r iticris tnwiit me proximity trtbc kaitroadklauoes aed sea ixiaeaailrvsr prrlolh tllfc tiwrui vlllneeste la ihimiveral proelneca t table iii u loand invaloablei nrd a neat ctarvi map of lb dominion ol canada keieihj- p acansnr nhltd by a corns ol wrllera sjlxerlic names respectlntli solicil aceuu wanted price 3 r ayaue os ddarry sous lovelf 4 sciy tabllihcit sfmiireal ancst ihau music hating heated in atfoa at a music teacher and mating music teaching my liuanca i icifh to rcjpccifnllj announce in the cailc of adoa alio are mvtically inclined and desire a borough under standing of the rudiments of music in ilictorreel reeding of the naksin all the different keys hy asfociating the fjllatite names of the notes icit the different degrees of musical pitch by hie tfa ivg system for choir social or concert useby going through a thorough singing sclidol course tchere piicli and lime are united- and understood and froni lial lo pie aesthetic choir culture for cliurck use vhicli is il stndi inter prclalion arul rendering of musical sense i am prepared io teach j a class of a few or many at reasonable terms by spending to or laee hours of thor ough drill and practice one evening tit each ueelcfor a term of thirteen weeks youri uupecifuily clarence d grtsw0lv to jent tho mbnafain hotel iihe village of spejtida o rent for aterra of years the property is in good condition firstuas btabling is htaitod leading to acton andhilton ffxecel n 50 acres of land s e j of let ic con 2 esqflesing on the property is a good frame house ahed barn and fits lca good water and splendid fences about 600 apple trees 200 bearing peach orchard well loaded this yier to rent for a term of years and on via a man who nndentandsthejcaltivai tion of fnut x varczl in- 100 acres lot h con 1 esqnesing 20 acres under cultivation good water the party who rente the place will bo allowed the timber on all land he clears ribch it i vhiage lot jn spoyside house and pac ha hall wood shed water convenient for forma and particulars aprtly to donald stewart speysidfipo all parties in- debted to j b mcqarvinarerre i- robt craihe aoton ilprflvlkjt wwiolrffsflf triirnf cdutrr sevrlnff unchtnes or oreans tx ifas aexcts kiioxi the r lcl ruiilufiicimrr in uircocnlrr ud wlliicairitfc allfiiti o irrlami rent v-rj- rtci0b cirr iffi nhl ttuicticc tt rmrri in d m to aclo po will ttccvu ptomptalieclltiii k ocaine rnyc- faeb wrttila ocltfctte othpploc attirtdift crrtfdoiftijrmrr a c t n thl lc tus bwajroa iwnd qrtltilaaii tttcfcof beef pork siuxtolf sausage poultry ami game in seaaaem ic and uorekbr flrtel nltenllfn la hnlnea in feearea fair siare lit hie atuitce of the pbue e k t delivered alary- time lo aaj parlor the town rekmkcasu acmxolllfrei usorninrrtomptly atvrded to williaufarr 7tf 5000 customers wanted this week ar tna cerrnaiv boot shoe store toccait ircr ircttmt sqqfs 40 shoes xd qctnktrkkkaiinihvs in acton than to go away from liome to moke yoar purchase cad it oraine s027s 100 reward we offer he abore reward to any person who will furnish us with sufficient evidence t convict the parties who are selling or oqering to sell ether oils under our trade hark cas- wrine we are sole manufacturers and proprietorsof he caslorine machine oils and every barrel la hrauded caa torrae toronto oil company is sherboorne bt toraala taf forsaleby u t- hilu aolon a week in your own town and no capital risked yon can give the business a trial withoat ex pense the best opportunity aver offered for those willing io work- you should try nothing else until you eeo for yonrseli what you can do al the business we oner jtoroomto explain hero you can devote ail your time jor only your sporo time to tho business and make great pay for every hour that you work women make as much as men send for special private terms and particulars whioh we mail free 95 outfit free dont complain of hard timos while you have such a chance addressh kallet o portland maiue niaarxes oahekox main st aoton agent for the bell oman manufactured byifiaars wbeucoouelph orders left at his rosideuoe willreceivo prompt at tention for particulars see adv oh other side give him a trial i chas cameron deo 10711 smr pibst class eed brick the subscriber baa now on hand about 76000 first rlaaa red briok which ie 1 pr- parcd to sell at the kin or deliver as cheap as any man in the business kiln is on lot sis con 2 gtqneaing known as th elliott brick yards y imo henry mablect propr quested to- call kin9 ot thb dbt 0cd r e ffdqfobo ffs sollbbt j b wttilbtmbfti j i williamson cb i prop erties for sale tnlaac or actott 1 on mti retndkctik m ttf xt lo c8jsmluiiliemcoet one firm ef ii hct wttbl eion hotim in r lea did conditlou tiuue an i ilioji on tle prrmi hard knd oft water reiln tidfliqdfspuuble tnui rvmwinaolcj sol 2 oaeornemcciiarch and john bl one odi of an acre on hie lot it a coed bottfeenoiainlnf 7 roomv food cellar bnl atarfi nuinber of fnill tro in fondcin itiuon choiu pot ofiky trwt failwayitatfon terms ot payment reua luibiei titffl iiddpolaotc lta5iaoavcta so 2 a u coruena ou lot 3 mb eon we it corner n oar tvo mw mill on ae on vhcb isiltoateda food tor and dcu- ine ubl0addrlr1tis kited x30 cherry t apple lre uearikf the dolwtnfa arc la go kt ciiultcn will riitfublybe a rt cfflceuerwtakiliortume tluecorltertni eaii appu tojt liit nafcfctw3a- 2 ro23con lla ucto drtitp of ewiae-s- icf i4lctew ceoarei and ordtt cuutrn loir fcautire jood cedr and black ab flood farm bumdiclerre lu the best con- ktiun kplienud ore b aril o beatnf trreav et- cedent fruit coodiirtoft alcr all thytrar round the j mrcrty litaatlmbql2i mue frura ictan j muc from a flmchus crit mill ctentnt to scliodl and charcb tiu fndlaouuble tcrmn leakonailc ar- lly to james scntt ou tbo itcmlsea or at aclodpoaiottce partleahavirouakiid iof tn iht vl- iar tnriuitr fut ka1 vlll find ft tu their lalcr t uibarsltm itnertcd utibfkttfi no cbirjc uofca te property imtoui h p moore keal esuie atenl aeton onl oohgbatulatjions the l10m ojferf his hearty congratulations upoti ihe very prosperous aarrf- and thejinr wqher thus far aur tending llie gathering in this will bring increased prosperity and put money into the pockets of all tnt 7 lie lion expects a dig seaton and as in jormer sea- sons is laying hjms if out jar tkc lions thare out- orders already pi acd with british and canadian manu facturers are vry extensive goods are alrealf begin ning to arrive and our fiiends maijrest assured of find- ing everything at tht lion tlut tliey may deike v 1 case teo is for our mle1irated14 0 suits 3 cases plain- winceys x v r 1 cass fancy dressqoods at loo 2 cases black fnngos from 26o ts c 00 a yardv 1 case dark prints 1 case solar spots and poxnpador cambrics 1 case embossed and mourning prints fi 1 case blaok casitinere 2 bales tapoatry carpets nandsome at 62o 2 pales a wo 1 brussels carpets lovely goods 1 bale staii carpets and bordering i rich black satin in s different shades friends please poteour summer etock is beiek rcdncetd to a minimnm emd vre shall open cut a btook of fall goods that wijl startle the admiration of tnends a excite the jealous of woo d be rivals j d williamson go e im- win ji i tm mi bb f mu jjr i jajwlek b tract ocpr- croat clearing sale jeook al the prices i wide english print 5c a yd good wincey 5c a yd dress goorls 6c a vd i good toweling 8c a yd r good tbwels 5c each wide lace 5c a yd i black luster i2c a yd black cashmere 25c a yd large coanlerpanes 95c each fine lace curtains 1 a pair i i womens prun gailars 60c a ptir boys heaty boota 9cc a pair i teas biigars tobaccos grocerias etc cheap in proportion at chapmans corner stow acton ont cures diarrheoft summer complaints sold- by all druggists dealers brv ntrewav wokh povf drb u a ar mre ami elected tatrncr r- worm la calldrro or adalla price s3 rl r i for llat mra fresalli nrvr nonnrnr iteg are prrfrrt la exerjeur itt brlftuaeisaad darabtuij ibev have aa eqaal price u eats per i pall hats fali hatsj j u s t r e c e i v e d at the east end clothing- store all the kewest sttles tk settle tliek hard ajs soft felt goods cheap and good f- cr iir xgxcd ili truths hop bttters a llediclne not a drink haps nucha mandrake nandella a1 best medical ttcalities of ajs otaeit bittehs thevicrke all dineafea or ihe stowh bowels blood liver kidnev and cridarvior- rliwlis eeimlo comnlalnta and drunkenness j 91000 is go v wlil be pamtor a rciervi irlil riotvure or del p or for anythlne m pme orirdurl- ousjfoundjpuura wvu ai yourdmculsl for hon bitters and rrto boour and iry tlie httera before jronalfep tgte no othnr thbop cinetmpdlnjleliis the cheapest surest and best tion rrrtbth mrd 6ov- j raohester nvi and toronto ont for bale by all uiuktsts a mofth knaranteed jia quired wowlumart youv men wimeu aud gins foraah afemm llghtand nleasant amlsucn at aoyons can to rlishl i those who n wise who see tlhla nouce will send nsthflraldrvvat os s r free now i urn ilme ihimairoady atwdrk i vk f money addreta trtjg qoj amsustu mne j n a s s ag a 37 b ti lxym3bgr shingujflllts peter syera would intimate bat be kaa bo naodjajbla mllslnnassawejaormmly kliisib- aacaiimmlhlatsstoekjryi j lu mber lath an d 8hlnqijii bfall kinds and quauuea -jpleaf- i v so 1 shlneles 130 per sqnaiwj sill stjoffcvt toolsaka i teemaoash 3 peter say aetcmdee8sts r a tosoooa yearortbll a day tn yrrar ownlor tio risk wpnjii wcilriimonnasy mora iban tbe atnoo feredbotanoek tail to make naka moueyfaxt jkale9j do the work yonmake fnim60ctatolft hour by devotlria your avenlnja ajvlaflarjv time to hie bnsloeaa it costs coutlst 1 7 i the bosinesa nothlnj like it mr money tnasj luj ever otrored lemresuliln4 xndalrlciu uonojablelteadarilyo- kuo all nbonl t beat paying boalnawl ihn pribticvband dayouraddra and wajw semi yon rill particulars ai pvata jt- rrtej aaaipies wor 5 also trte jwjrm tben ihakpqpyftormirkirrpr youraaat4ty dreat oeorjestisspn coh pohjbt main i iv k -j- i j jq aeo6mts wi6teienol pul