t m i- 11 10 e -thb- press u pnollahed venr tduraoat uorxikg is f mooeb edimr proprietor ttturntar fbtxttxeja pvu8bixs socsm kexldobmomaumtllal church kill street acton out i p- fata paasa will be tent to rabaiberp tor j nor an ootttofeltinoej u noopid k6 piper discontinued till ill umn ara raid xw 0 option ol the publisher atnirotto ium casual ad vorttse- mants 8 cents per line for the fir inr twojmdl eut per line far aaohaubaa qncnl inscrtiau cash professional card 10 lines or lew moq per annum i square 12 lirroa ss00 per asramn payable in jo rrrfratht from date of insertion- anv special notice the object of which is ta promote the- pecuniary borwut of arrt- indivktral or company vo bo considered an advertise ment the number at lines reckoned bv tic apace occupiedmcred by a seals of jsohtkonpired cnxtttict axtws on jw tmm llilfeolura no year jiii i itrtereottunn one year win neotamat months ji cu halrilalrmonlni c oo arterealarunlr monlns ijrjn j cnlamnturee month sjcn hakeotamn inreemontha uoa quarter eotatnn three months 700 wlubentertdatlfaiudnicttarttdiecord- inttr tranu- dvectleme wa mnt be paid tnadaoee ctaw for ootrtmefaieerutemmu nt betntlieaffieeayta faan xt clays at ber- wle nserwrlll be it- a over ul uie roilowinc hp itooae editor proprietor this pjsppr irw raiontiatomp ruinrmt rtetv 2nrtklrc aacerutoiliiu ik xkw vultk erector vtt s loxtrr itb st c p s lie graduj- of trinity college item bcr of etueo of physicians aai sirgeon ofceand resilonce it the head nf fred- crirfc rjc acton m ifcgarviy xl a p s jce corner of mu1 acd frederick rtnxt f cra citation daily trout 8 to 10 cm andi s m i n m i urvevoil joux datis pro- jo rivcux lxai surveyor civi engineer an drxtrkttznvl of guclpli- is prqrod uiad t ell sarrrs ia acton and vicia s tjr t actoa tis be promptly attcssed to- cl vrexce a grisvtold teach- tc of piiap tcc tboruau hs znd pialta aclvoexl eaotmtical ctssi sescb- in sjtecaltjl lissoiis girec t tha res idence of papili if jreti ejered- teexs fc 00 per qiiirterof uiirteea lissoas one hif in crienrcc d gsznrctui t oct t d- jiatffesok attorney- at- v lit soidtaariciiicriicoscc next door to kilcshotei mjltaa ustre claakk b akkistek qiebec street gneih ea5cq or rtl e i wttiicwikultdimz 30rnce arcs ctoct fnnjxrrbt t ffissehvsge0egetouk ont btii rkit actca every wednes- itr sad v2l lesd ta all ciis pertaining tahssptofeisjao orders kftstmcgarriac drag store will reeeire prtmpfc aiteatioii renaf jtioderite tjfishee h edra jcnneer inn rounder xaflifiis- hachnfirtfevejt descriptioa made to order on the tartest cotico iid most reajonable terms repairing promptly t- tndad ta ljc keltsxeeet jlicenaed inctioneer for thecotinties of veffingson tit ttajfon orders left stiezz pklss office acton bri residejice in eadcfcirood will be jjnrtnptu j attended to i terms reafiofiilile patekts ffjedcyexnostfi epe- dmocslr cil properly secured in can- adi tne united states and scape fo- tent ptaranteti or na cnarge seni jar priiitsd instrcctitma aigency in qpexarijti tea tesrfc i sexet grist ottawa canada t ennifleriijg solicitor of e- t6ntoadrngntnftnr i agnerl prprietor taenetreocoits tted ap in firstclass style with new- faroi- torc- cosunercial trareller will find good aaccodnifidation snd jcprhmodfo simple booms- special attention paid iothe wsotc of tie travelling pabljc j3ar supphed with th best of ldqux an cigara- sood stafal- iej and attentive hostlers- xjdzaer exchange hotel acror jx xatcampbcil proprietor mr camp- belt late of the eossin hoacear tk statisnw takes pleasma in acnonncici td ihia many oii friends and patrons that- he iw recently parckased anrl tefitted tha royal ecdiaage jntfrn2ic4mo6 comfort- able style and if zjepared to aoxraiinpdao ill wha mfaror 1dm iii4he most corn- fortable manner choice vjfines iiiqoarb cigars acd cool nmiiaer drinis always m stock etl4 iacharge of an attentive -lioiar- the pafeanagejifihe naij6 is rv soectfolly solicited and no effort will v i tpared to give the tt beat attention- rtask for skks i arajrepared- to pay nigseacaali prcie far hidaa calukuivdedoba lainh fisd sheepsfcii deerercd at my tannery lace leather coa start jj on hand jamegxqo tumpjumpsi pumps v e adam mambjadtarer of anperior tteliacdcisteni pnnyw winch will be put in ot short notice eepairing promptly done jtarniture made jjed repaired- charger modwate- alaoiawtl fflodjaiid ef give him a call shop- oafredericl jitixeti ojtfttiu pc lowrya residence r- w7e adams i i ll j m el to loaa 11500 tp iota on srrtcirafarraebritr at 1 reiaonanle rate c iateret apply u hp term8tloo in advane hie ketjaiera sfaj of euiy lf u fluctuation and iu vati cvuceriit tl60 if not to paid volume vi no 14 aotoni 0nt tfiursdat september 30 1880 whole no 275 m wo mast have bread soutllaaipcoriaiontwj j ba e n1ckl1n bjlekes coxfectioxebs i ookvift maoc cfi uill stectts acros pqbthr ransomed by bequest cwm farb carried ait by mr a cotlc and that be bo i tiwlate mrt joha ftalkr durnj her a fw on hand a flxttc lass ifect uf beef poek utjxtolt saosage poultry and gnme in wnanon ic and tiolabyiricl nltenlioh to burtneaa ui feearea fnlr tliare of the latronacc of hie i pubue illheu prerioui to dth tlielut two reraea teenied to be epcctaly adapted toiierciiaeand iba oolc muca comfort in meditation upon thoin am i not lii rtainmed one a burning brand from satan won i beg to intinate that uiey aro prepared raprdy lumfic and rarreojiding xckllwuclced country with acirbra promptly alleoded to ia i b william fare very beat of bread w bcks cakes pastry a oonfeqtionery uevtdellrered at any time lo uy hare i a jriof be joel not abate a pain lie learaa trie yt to bear breafl delivebed while thanking those who have favored os with their patronage iailxe paei we accit a continuance of the saine and will xtdcrnflncrcostouiers- ice cream parujr we have now opened oar ice carut piclok and will always lw prtpxrod to supply pure ice crciam fruit drinks fruit tc ice crtam supplil by the quart if deaurwl a call solicitocl be xrckuk actnn vavctli 1j n0w lasaed auustlct am keepapar directory foc nassaaaw fcljmbe eta shinglemiiils peter saters aroablinitmnte mat be liax on hand at hli mluxin kaffsaaaveya formerly known aaoaryiiramuuaiaryeaoekof 1umber lath and s hinqle3 ofallktntia andouahtiea oheap no i sbingles 8150 per square bill stuff cot to teemrfbash ieter suers acton dee s ti i j order how lost ic8t0re01 1880 wfrhftv rwnur tujshcd a new dtftm of r ltenrc rr iirnftxl i aji j ii l nttiicjil slid i itnncia cure ithat rooll- clnejof kenoadbutj uciuiian i pliae-ie- ailiiraiacllirnitediiacauormiirrfaieeic ortw iue lara tue celebrated thuor iti thlc admirable e clt-arly- dfltaoastraws fr- m laitty j tirctler cutalanalaccno- tcueaetw w twrahpitily carcdrluioat haeruax xifc cf iuicrni tnedicinsor tacaeoittieknftr tnnumfna med of care at on- lmplc certain stul rttciaii hy mens c whlct evvtj sufferer na matter wifu iufxx duuiu ma m mircura hjnuetf fein3py prlvattely and radlcntlj- tverrrnuta sn 1 even nma la tu uud adrv- tue calrcrwell hcdlcal o al aisa su sew 1ork pnstotnce bojc u- oykthousaxd aypftfltpagev frij fire dollar formatioa oo mia slatiafjcs of amencaa newpaticrs- advettisers advertin aente editors twhticiics and the depirtracais of the government rely upon its eiatemctita as the only recognized axtthority rterrea the name of all newspapers and ather periodiciis it gists the politics religion claasf or dianctcrieti it give the days of issne it gives the editors name it gives the publishers name it gives the eixe of the paper it gives the subscription price it giwsthe date of establishment and the best obtainable information abocrt the circalation and several valuable tables and flat ccflaft7 revised annually and information brought down to thelatestdate sent to any address on receipt of the price address geo proweld tco pttuiahent ptewspaper advertising bureau 10 spruce st new toric t know rmmnacigodf my bed his loving arms tapportmy bead ltka john i lean apoa bis iirtaat and find intfiov a perfect tvl thin wolcoraa ilckucu vrclcorae pains since jems tivxi my iou1 suifaint 1 he trill receive ray parting breath and gnida me tkrauch the vile of death jetui my lord ray riglifeoutnea ko other wedding rube need i jahavahs eye no ipot can trace in it in it im tit to die thu robe alone can ufrfty giffl when deaths appaljinn hoar draws nigh if it is chriit for me to lire tis caitt indeed for no to die casada loh bakhc cqmpahy cbmwt ot samvs jlkd vts ttsi hakil t or 51 0atlsttrt pill eaffle- pasit4af81 ml ajtardj sjfsr jsd best security board of directors d b crrrsirncar e q president wx kzzxsesqit jotta waidle co bar- llntaa vlcepreidoac wtiosracbcrr lcjhaltlon hoototcenair ejanraun tuoicjis bcxcrarcn ksq kelsoa cor icinx ltxxv earfoa rronr ticicvaic eo hmutna efccftcrfotjc kq oalcvtie wx pkkcutjrjsf u aeoreetowa kkasmsrkfi c b slow amrkanaer ccuop ulilti rjanoiu kokyla vxuif frol- kate ta avu to tvu r iorrovftf aad on etwy ferntr lxauflsee open erery weefcfay from cm to 5 pm d dextek manacer jtnpuic 74m proveiwa konnewacftwntheaiomach wvttlvrhndkmhtyirftbealllijfclid kopfalttrsfcecptbtrt k3 tl createt noarlrhloe aoic aope tizcr ttrenrtbenerandcaritlrcouearln iaopbtcert it la irapcl61e to remain lont flet or on or bealtb where hup kilkrc are mm ttuy do ffop btera core ao roncnt b canfe ihev ctve aodrfltinn rteji bioododljjealtliycionofalhhearvan rf o muar wbat yoaf frtlinjafortiii mentia hop blttcra wilt odo yajood remember foi bitters nerer doea barmbattcodalwayanieenlloaall purify the blood cleanae the at maen and iwetea tae breatn allhhop ba- teoi qnlet nerrea and balmy aleeptn hop rfttocr so healtn with lnclive liver and ntfaary octant wluibattfopiilltera try bp loojk care aaid pain ielief for taleb 100 reward 1 we offer the abore reward to any person who will furniah na with iufscient eruenoe v convict the partiea who are aelline or oflering to lell oiher oila under our trade mark ou torine we are aole manalacturere tndpropnetoreoc the caatorinemachihe uut and erery barrel l branded cta- torine t0e0nt0 oil cohpiny ts snerboirie it toronla hy- for aale by ut hill acton jtsisoxs bet vrtieuhe widnw die luarried jan- ton carter she brought iiin na niouey at all only a auiall ntony farm in ncppit ttiat bad been hor fathers and two wild boya of ida end iwetre yi an growth jck arid jali weraiirdstijmlt for a stepfaluer to ralp and jason carter band hit hundi full naturally he waa a quiet gentle persiitcnt man in hi youtli he tan r o ana and for fifteen r ra he luul leeu a cauiraon tain thrill ofehotion boot jiini ben lilt baby daughter cume ibat bad uevrr tiouliltd that worn old heart in any emergency of jack and dan jiut then oelia wu a girl of coutie that madp it difforent jaaon when compared with hia pr- deeeaaor war aa mild and pleaaunt round llie house aa a aprtn day after a atbnny winter he became a useful ami projiinant uieiubcr ia the noppit church and nevsr wa haard to ulur a irofane or impiitieut word jack and dan lotrod him a healthy ixiya ioe aiiylbinif bat uiiachief and nieata and pdebe waa entirely happy trua thay were poor jaaon bad a few hundred dullara laid by but tire xbpjfit frm was too sterile to produce crops enough to aupport the family so he laid out bis little capital or part of it in a good breed of sheep which found abundant living among mulleins liitdhact and huckleberry buahes and proved iu due lima a piofiuue inrent- uient fur in thosr diy dogs the curse of jtew england were by no means ojui moo in the country there was no rei- non for keeping- tliein and farmers bid tconey aud mutlou iutead of hydro phobia and horrors tho wool sold well always and kepi the family in tock for jaaous wife could spin aud knit wilb wonderful ra pidity the lanilai lie had not room to raise were sent to hartfurd and aoldto the butcberi and now and then a fat old wether went to the meatraanacart tu the ahapa of juicy quarters bnt the glory of the flock war a big faced rani who terrified liiaurauding boys and mlradiug vagabude aud asked no better fan than co send soma- body heels over bead whenever he- had a chance jack and dan had brouglt him up from tlubhood tut he wna no longer a iamb aiid of bis painstaking education only oue trait staid by hiiu disunt and augry recollection of the rod that sailor which bad pretty well kei lad not bn spired in his early and the quiet ontand the persistenc into unewhtt stupid youth to the day of him ei thu time he had learned to mw deatl glk t aa a matter of co ne thoagh be fore wollt maj bm h albert college seirlethvle fhjr tffs gaxxxdb scroolt eeoeoasizro affords eicellent facnltie for elrcrrrz fvbm ttaparation or katricnlitiorr lit jawmedsne err asj drfor teachers sr aminations stndents alacf may attend the flourishing commercial college or aleian- dn coboge for ladies or the itnacal jmlnebjtsjsbjorjvrnel sel only 3 m par week terms opeo sept 9th 1880 jan gth 1881 and april mfc 1s8i for circulars sc address president j b lions j3 d 1 i juihi so selleiflle ontario xmtc irslsoiir oebwsons cobnees via wpajred wihrtvrf flthtewashlkg colour oa tne borwtwa fjtk cmbart tronr ossna a a r j orsee actocu the caxadiax nrthwest amoottiir joarnat derold 14 the 8attlemgnfadtcloptnmttofntnnliobai and tie horinwaat pobllibed by james weidmah j selilrk manfteba canada etea nnmberoriha caoaduo korihttteft will canialnililrtytwo pates bfrary dealr- awe mutteraoil will bo laud attbelaw aolicrtpllou price of one dollar 1 year in k impleopie will basenlon reotlptof nf- teeaonu laamps address aheswefujfarr selalrlx maaltobi canada an energetic honestman to open branch affice of the new magnet italephone co in this and sdjoinlag ujties small cash capital required ta snob a man this is on exmltone opening tot money making bntd- ness address with stamp owfoster 1 and 17 clark st chicago 111 quable8 jjamerofy vjii jdate6fciafltoaililj aientfortne 8eil qriita maqofactared 6ymssr vf bell f do paelpt orders lftihuwdenrilj freeze nkonrptat tention ror paruealara vevkvj dnoher sfde 3ite hima trial vumi i f smith sirpnjffaiatibm- bjr alaoorsvclaaatenera pnrpofe plowacllanax tbwnbtabtoeasent lhlef and vjbrrspflartootb barrow cemennlal kuiahorae be 0mi paainf ullla had been strictly brought up and went to church aud sundayschool always his father would baye ual the rovl bat he alsawu sparrci the trouble for both father and mother had died before jason came back aud wlea be focind hey had gone ha never went back to tolland but after begot tited of ua- going took to peddling notions ahoat the country and at lant married the widdw coe and settled down in noppit he had stopped swearing long ago for udder dear old father taylors teachings h5 bad been converted be tween hisjast two voyage and though profanity had become a habit with him he bad conquered it at last after years ofpatient endeavor and now was so gentlo and pleasant and pious that phebe coe thought tec last duft jvould bo ber beat days j he bad clone to know the widow coe from being an old shipmatfl with her brother john wires who had also left sefetring because iielhad injured itknee and became too iaoie to climb rigging- so he set up a suialt shop iu boston where ha sold tobacco twine and other odda and euda liat ba bad been married and had one sob called jeniaon the boy was about the age of widow coea youngest son fordier brother had married soon after she did and when jaaon jarfer began the pfddling busi ness john vvirei had told him to stop when ba went tbibagh to siren- ton and eee hfs sister the children were small and their father living when jason first saw thefflaha they burned fcb for tjyiclejas every epriug and fall wth delight for he always brbpgbf theui marbles itops candy strings and made 1 item bows and kites surewppr4tpfl byajljeart fipwh6n their poor druakcnfaiber diedstdtlle widow foefna tierself with out pishiiyiabe moved oyer to uippot tblivewltubei father and ihea h died too leavirifkr in jbe hsd te in wliicu liescratfihed it ithty farm frora jiving and she fuujhd herie if alone and helpleis eba listened iavokby tojaspp curteri proposal for he was- as tired of his wandering life as she wai of ber ionelinesjanii ninwetl him c jtfre borwpre judrfpplbew loved him as thaf never liireiitbeir- own on at hat luckless object and the boys often amused themselves by climb ing the pine rail fence and dangling a small switch iullin billytsightagaind a big post the result was sudden and severe to billy and be might bars seriously injured himself if daddy as the boys called jaoon bad not found them at this sport one day and strictly furbidden it cruelty to animals was one of the few thing that roused his ebcter and m ide him irajrannive one shinrner mrs carter received a letter from her brother taking her to take bis boy a few months hia wife was so feeble that she was going homo to her fatbeis with the baby and a young child and jeniaon could not go with her for want of room mr wires did riot want hiui in the city with him at a boarding house but was willing to pay hhf board in noppit so became jenison wires wasa sbarp oily bred boy with very little faith in anybodys goodness his father wai apushlng moneyniaking- profane man aud hia mother a meek cipher be himself at the age of fourteen could smoke and swear and talk sailor slant glibly for he had run anywhere lira carter was troubled and dis gusted to find such a boy on ber hands jason considered that god in his wis dom bad jsent the boy there for hia good and resolved to pray forhim aa for his own boys and set bfin as good art eziimpki as he tried to bet jack and dan add to deal with him as hu erpressed it with a view to bis eler sal salvation l theboya thought jenison was won derful he knew so much he had seen so niufeb he bad so miny tbingb j he bad such a pocket knife and such a swagger i but when bis first oath eauie oufctack and dad wej startled lookahete said jacv- dont jou let daddy hear no uch talk aj that hwtltani yoa itjjacloes and nq iutsiakeff heief f rmppfidid jenison i aint a boy lupaaljlswenrifj want to for sjvbf him he ainvsa pious himself j bet by what srjup put boasetfrnis aiaxfbmlt i iii though a car- tv outaa jifib iijjuocr d07s8j pirate ivo heard pa say ad i the boys wero shocked into momen tary silence but recoyered tbemieyes mod and if bo ever did he dont now added leaxonnble jck fns awfu- food hes a profeaior bo prays in uisetiu and he dont ever scold nor swear nor hothin 8carce ever be licks a fellow he did give du aud me on whaliu but he oughter hive thals a fact dh he told a thnnderin lioanl i backed him up i mil ye we soro for one spell after be- found it out well i know h used to swear oi iward ship ive heard pa tell suiriei- about him tliey called bim stili jase to be sure but when he got riled the fur flew ill bet my jack knife i can make bim swear inside of next week 111 bet my beail yon cant n- wrud dan i donl know as i want your bend for anyihing but ill bet you iny knife against that cake of mapla sugar you hxye got in the clcset thai ill set uncle jnsea swearing before uext weeks over the boys were so snre tlat nothing could make daidy swear aud so pleaw wib their first bet of anyimportaoce that they accedted he terms at once and jeuiaan began to cadgel bin brains for means of tripping up jason cartera tongue vnedayin tlyly let down the barn into a field of clover getting up lefore light to do it the two cows turned out of be barnyard to nip at the road- kido until dau and jack could drive them to pasture accepted the bait entered tlrj clover and rioted in its fragrant spheres half killing tbenuelves with greedy feeding jack fouiid them half an boar after his chores were done in the condition that results o cows from eating green clover and uncle jason worked over the poor creature all day wubout a woru of ijipatieuce though be aaid more than once u wish i knew who let ihnu bars jon id kinder iiks to say a word in season o him the pins were taken ont of the or yoke and- never found egg ahells strew ed the haymow whilo the family never could have any for heir own use he nests iieinjf alwys empty the grey cats tail was singed to bareness and her ears snipped but uncle jason never swore or lost his temper hia scythe snath disappeared but be borrowed another hia gnndafone was soaped the hty cutter broken hoes and rakes dis- ap ired when wanted and reappeared when useless his razor was lose and i hopelessly dolled when ho found it and a thoosund jtetty anoyances heaped oh him in rain he only aaid to his wife it dora beat all whats got inter things this week seems as if i nevec was so pestered ttaint in human natur for things to happen so some- liodvs ddinant i sartir feel to believe bnt i declare for it i cent sea into it a mite jack and dan began to triumph only one day more ot thewenk was available and jenison was put on his mctle and plans laid accordingly they had prayers always before breakfast the weather was warm and tbfi outer dooc open wida this morning and setting out just as his uncle laid down the bible under pretext of scaring the old ben away the boy ripened little side gate into he lot where he hai previously driven the old ram nod laying a train of siut to a big lump on the doorstep retreasad speedily to the kitchen and knelt down next to mr carter where he bad lelt bis chair billy had seen the tin pail in oeni- sons hand and knew it meant silt he followed lvelrainiirelj- tq the door and having begun to nibble the lump heard an earnest and acustomed voice near by and looked up into the kitchen laor j i i jason was praying earnestly and the rest had their eyea closed anl huarla ikjat all but jenison who waajwatcb iug biliy fiom nnder hy rni j as he aw the ram look in h jiieke p a abort switch from under biiohljr aud bel4 it threateningly oyer ovbr bis urjeie back pillr one leap across mfoie they oaild speik tbeiwatber us on bit knee again poorlng oat licit earnest humble oonlenaiofi of the in he had ruininided tnebt tearful iililion for pardon such heartfelt eon- ritiou for a lipse tlidt feined to liim readful after aany lijng years of rayer bftd atruggle that hard and bad as jriiisun wilel was be ccold not bew it it was tbariniiug point ill tha boys life he got up from bis knew and confe4td tbi whole thing fo hi uncle and aslced lli forgi renew an the other boys cried heartily v jaaon carter neyer forgot that day it was remembered with humility and thankfulness both for jeuisou told irs after that b laned to respect religion theh and there and thai is the irat step warj desiring and obtaining t jenison never claimed bis bet but vheu ha went home guffi dan his knife nr a remeiubnince and years altr hen dtmcon jon crter was dead ind gone bis stepaons recalled with iffction reverence and amusement ningled the only nntli tbey ever heanl bim speak and how it was brought bout by jenisons bet the value or esq a young man whoiw money didnt bold out as lung as the provincial fair topped into the f legrapb office yester day and sent a dispatch to his father in he interior to forward bim cash to raach home with when the receiving jlerk saw that the diapalclf rend to tubn blank esq be snggested that i saviug could be effected by erasing he eq well you may think so but i jonl replied tbesender wbon i ih at home i call hiru dad all day long but wheqjt comes down to black spd white youvs got 6 esquire him right up to the nines or walk borne by the dirt road dont yon dare leave ibat clt not with tb roads as muddy as they are now i in about an boor llie follow ing an swer was receiyed john blank q forwards yoa i10 and you can have more if yoa want it joqx blaxk esq didnt i 111 ye f- chuckled the young ntan as he read it tuada common enough when were all at borne and rushed to gat fall waeat in bat the minute bis back gts rested and a stranger oomea along ba weighs mora to tha ton than any esq on legs t ell ye yon dont know a man til ya have hoed cornwith bim i words of wisdom form iasood bat not foraoallly the eyea are the hands of furiosity he who sows derision reaps mock- ery great businesses turn on a liciu pin better kind friends than cold kind red the best throw upon the dice a throw them awajr think not of doing at nou lite do as you ought to do i however laborious the life of the gnjd it is less so than that of iho bnd v women do act their pirt when they do make their ordered booses know them i loyemalches are often formed by people who pay for a month of honey with a life of vinegar a guilty conscience islike a whirl pool drawing in all itself which would otherwise pass by tbo character and mind of the person who commends us shohld ba considered lefore we set value on hia esteem the finly disadvantage of an lioneat heart is credulity i friendxhift ia tb only rose without thorns in this world despair is tha offtpring of fear 1ot- uesa aud impatieuce he who strikes terror into others is himaidf in continual fear it is easier tor a mattto deacenilto earth ban mount to heaven vhoee are the best christians wba are mora careful to relunu tiaeanselvca than to ceaisuktibtlbra an isxchanga tiiiuka if a mams reli gion ia hvlbntluus on sunday atid obscure on week days one had better do business with him oa a caab imaia mi bchxaij dxlttbll each day iwagaa aavae war with my provoking bureau drawer i get one eoraar ialfcway oflt ana ia my tfin mphgarlf shout asdidthefatnoas jackoji hbrnbri when lol the other hateful oorutr atioks u if held with big oaih and all my etreiyrtli and courage fafl i tbruaf my nogera ia the cracks 1 tag until my face ia blaick j the door charged xincle jaaon m the ra donone avint pevorn the rear frjntbiui sprawling i j boy exclaimed inuniaon 1 jn bat ram 1 be rqard in a uy i p wd hiw rrfueaayrradmvknbwhirrjl ivojcfl of jtbuuier i bntcahnot move that drawer am iaestl the fjlpwa keep siadj oetoit ftjlka jack and din sprang tip i once t yj tome pitfnl imp o sin i a bureau draper arilhia i fifj rrarrbaukidto swearlike a buvan bay drovehf orttind 4ut thadapr but hnst dwu my bureau a