Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1880, p. 1

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m acton free press published evert tspilsdarmohxrxg sl je mooee editr proprietor 1 ax h rk irkm qvss nettdaariometbealltlcbarcb itoi street j acton oal tt hie fsxr tstss will be lent to ubcriler postage paid jot h00 per au- tam in dvaee f 150 if not o paid no piper discontinued til ill arrcara are paid clccpt it uii option ot the puliliibot istttrtslvo furs casual- advertise ments cents per line forfce first inser- tion ud 2 cnu per line far each subse quent inscrtiou cash professional curd- 10 line or less 1100 per annum i square 12 lines fsooer annum nayajiloia g vacatis from dale of insertion any special katie the object of which is to promote h fwcuniary bcuest of any individual or company lo be considered an advertise- nient the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a ecalc of 60k konpareu coxtkict sates- out cfllum n on rear ff alt column one- year- 1- t lartereotamaohefear tine cotutdn fix fflomut ftairenlamnlxntaatic iaaalercolumntlxronlat v rctlutnn three months jj staueolamnlrtcvmoniht ajaartercolatna three thanlat siw uh sloo eaoi iso tsrl t0 atretttwmentr wtrfftvlfriecllle direction ltt beleertedallfbuiantctiiirctilacorf- tortr transitory advertisements mmt tie paldvtn advance chantefr contract adrcruserar nip most ieitttheoflw oy ok moa finiay0clier- lt tatytrl be left orecul the tallowing terms loo in mvone tlit keu4papera uap of buy lift ii fluctuation and it- kut concent flbo if not o paid volume vi no 22 t aqtqu ont tbprsdaiy novembeb25 1880 flour feed law son bros we mast ha7o bread so 147 iroliadj poor tad to lay vu h- p stoore tijlfor proprietor th18 mper jyoi tote the carda advertinng a agvticy jvo 23 kint wt tut tutttv nthoriomt to receive- adv-rtis- jnedli fur titrt paper ttwvbcreiter mawjcr toiltl rpcimij tnfim tlr people of aciiu and vicinity i iiat tlicy nave uu- premise opi qarrlas rwlaeaoe a flour and feed store i andvtll teeff ecrastjrnllr on band a mil btocb o flo ie of all linds including family flour kuckvcheit floar grabam flour h e a v s we lowev ilb 35pg xradaate of trinity coliepe itera- ccieeje d phy aicians and urgeon officeiad residence at the head of frod rci st anton cora meil flit ileal cracked uheit bran coitrie fcborts tine short cuoiikl teai chapped uats jttxef chopr oxtjt nnd ieas and all kinii of feed usually kept in ahrt tclasa store fipml goals mictrrtl to any part of he cifaje at titan us ordered a call is ret peel fully talicitfd uvirson bros acton jn i vlssju b e nicklin blktrs covfecriovees cokxer mais i mill stiutrra acroy bcgo intinijiic hat tlioy am prepared lo supply the village and surrounding country with very best of bread bms c1kes pastev axd oonpeotionery bread deuvereo whilfj thanking thoaa who luve fatorod us kith their patronage in the post we solicit coaliuajuico at the aine iiil will welcome new custojnem otkter parlor in a few days we will have in repply of the best brands cf oysters and will serve them in anrrtyle in concoction with tho liakcry u 4 e kicklry actaeuirguls3 whole no- 283 the free press tnomdai mobsixf nov mi 1880 postsi 1 j graduate of victoria college now ready iisned aaast 1st p s uei- diccc cocner of icih mi frederick streets canstaiutioc diilr roni to io a m airl american icewspaper directory crveyon jo uk djlyis pro- oo f i zi dranghtniaefgaelph is prcpircj j to attend to all krrgys in actaa abd vicin ity orders left at e itcgitrin dru store actatl will bcgroiaptly attenled la j d ilithesokjittornetat ixtr solicitor in chuvixry ic oisce ext door to tallices hoiejialajrl piliticiiiit ted he nprtdcntm- oftie x listee sl cljlrk bjleiu5tek tiovornment reiy vpon its rtatcacnts as tvxlftk a gtjoz tvlttxu ukkteousakd akd firt pages price hre dollars this frorfc is the rcconiks soarecof in- 100111403 03 tile stitistica of americsji uewrrpsrrs advekitcrs cdrcrtifing events editors iewbutctief shop vtotli lntlmie tatlie penult of actan ihax ie lirsparcutkdilie iiufkrhatuttxlptaiy crrlint by mf- a c fc an that lie kx alracn land a grucuu tticfcuf beef- pork 3xurruk sausage poaltrr arvl gme in senuun ic ami hopetijirtrt attention to baftnaa to ccarf a fair stiitre of the palrooece of the i obitr keardeuvtredatacj time lo anj- 1 parlor tue io term cash acallsoliclfeu torcrk prompt j alicnlc4 to william farr rtr let them laugh and play partnte when you bearyourchildrta laugh and thout m child iili sot do not let the not annoy you even though yoa hifrtawd l i tl are houn in every lifetime when vrf feel coafmed i kaaw by the hurry and the wprry oc ufatf uogliag wybolow i have heard the broken heartaiga bantinr from a mather brcaat at iheceared am- prq cqcloaure where littla childrcu reat silent wu her lofty maation bayith ihoulc no more were there kot a iiuh or km awakeaed ker lone heart fiom dep despair i once the told me that their noiiet almoit crazed her aching head while the 1 had a wed every frolic oy the huihtng word ilid laid kowj ih cried could i hat heat them bounding aroaad in merry plec could their voice hreafcithu rtiune what a mercy it would be j alotlieri let your cliildrcn frolic let them run and jump arid play bear their aowea do not check them ra a utera and paery way j oh le glad that in the hurry of life wort for wood and dell oct andfpalace comes tweet noitcx tcllmfi that each child is wcil a quebec street gaelph scutck office xa hattiewt batw tut still strirc actaa- torrke ars eveer fci2te the only rcconiied authority il fives ihe name of all ntvrspapers and tther perkcica it givcs tho politics religion class ar il gives tlie diys of ifue it gives theejitrf ncnl tl fisher r s georgetown it ffiv slhe pnlisher name out will visit aeron every welnea- i it give- the size of the paper day and wiu ittcilio zli ciis jpertsinidg i it fives he eiibscript3 price to his profei or orirenjkfttt sicgarrinf it give tve dre of ctsljishmcnt and drs store vzlh tsceivt prarapt altestioa i the best obtainable infomiitio iont the terr maaertie- t i fisher e w kxkg g vnllr f tg ce02ge0w itacjiinery of everrdesrription made to order sl the shortest nt-tic- and mot i reasonahle ferns bepiirlng proiaptly a- ieaded so cirraliticn siid several valnaue titles and ckisctiocf rensfd aiinnilly rnd information brought dovor to the intent ilite sein to 3v addrcx on receipt of the pric- address geo p rowell i g pnmihhfn xespatrer advertising bureau 10 snruce st kcw torfc i to advertisers xttilhezsrileet j lticeaed auctioneer- az the gsttntfes of wellington and halton orders left at tiiefgcgpges ooe actorti ir ai mr reshence in acion will 1e promptly- attended to terms reason able 030 p0w2c03 nassacjaweya ltjmbee sc i sklnglrmllls peter bayers trcul i intimate that be lia on band at his mill in sasirea formerlr kiiorn- aacarfil tulluauniektoct of lumber lathano sh1nqles of all klnts andoualltiea cheap xo i slitncles si50 per sgnare bill stuff cct to order termsoash petee savers acton dec zj1v reveaibranoe by many of the old time rordenu of lie grand old military poit niagara till writer thoiigli but a boy at the time distinctly reeubecta be furore of excitement caused i the arreet anj rial by eountmartidl oftlie young oldier tfjireaeuted in our hero whewaa the victim of a combination of incidents aod bluadera nearly pror ing hu rjiiu thus if tua writer throwh abottt uia hiatoty othecirciim stances the garb of romance he will surety bnardond when it is borne in tniod that this etory it eemi militart and that he locality where the inci- doati about to be related ure iroeumed a have taken place i the igitimale field for the drango ind marvelouj in canadian history bat not with the tomaalic associa tion grouptd about classic old niagara do we deal but simply with a very momentous episode id the military career of sergeant jiujor dilljn of the 109tb and how nearly his life was forever dishonored on the parad ground at butlers barracks in the year of grace 181 maurice dillon was ss iris name implies of iriaji rxuactioo and might with tverv truth i ba termed a soldier of fortune he iu the child of the regiment in the broad meaning of the word being by one of those terrible devastating plagues in india left an otphan in one nicbt when both of his parent weresmitten down aria hnrri edly consigned tj the ombtbe bright little fellow has thrown upon the tender mercies of the world at an ago when he could hardly appreciate bis loaa had the tool fortune to enlist the sympathies of uilonel wcaterland commanding the regiment who caused tie boy to be placed at school aud when large enough had him enlisted in the same regiment is a drummer in which ihis father had served faithfully and beavely as a british soldier tat ovrxrcnr urrnodccixa thi xcrots j colooti vesrund was u a father srgcant jforbea 1 to the men compriaing tha gallant present sir i rrplied the sargeanr 109th and while a strict disciplinarian bringing hia baud to tha salute was nu martinet although himself srgeaut yott will take a file of comparalieely a young man at that the queens birthoat on a keg of split haii beisa i stort of texptattox trial axd trickptt er i w rmkiciucx chaprer l helpless condition of ilia baby girl had doubtless bad much effect in softening the heart of the colonel toward the nrpban but six years the ieiior of his eva how his may vwtnafteri not but the two cuftdren in childhood were in separable playmates maurice acting as bearer to lillle eva till the stein dsmanda of the service separated them vet ever for the little drummer boy marching at the head f the regiment eva had a smile or a nod as she rode on her little pony by he side of her father at the time v introduce her to the reader she had deyeiojied into beanti ful english maiden with nothing o the dalryoiple girl style about her she sat her horn with an exquisite ease and rtce that is inherited not learned and many will readily recog nize the dlble girl in these rough outlines as sbg appeared on he com mons o niagara mounted on her raignificcnt chestnut hone hor indoor accompluhmenls ware numerous in painting embroidery and music she ixcalled all serving to show her to every advantage bofora he host of admirers who bowed at the shrine of bar beauty and yet the music that pleased her moat and pos sibly her military hearers at least was nnt be rapitl inanctus of the french or italian school of so called classic art the english folksongs the iriuoipbs oc the soldier or the ballads o the every day life love and dying of ibe humanity about her were to her of farj more ralue than lie choicest gems of opeia in the eventide she might be heard in wolfes why soldiers whv ihduld we be melan cliolv boys when oar business is to die or the plaintire recitative how lostjhovy restored tiritci hilar v prrnnient care jpiatst cliss bleb ec i hate mcured the sectices of mr g h howard a nratkiit birber who wihcia- iactbcf ucxineac fura icwaeeea and jrive very atieatioa to tle wants of caclemen kiadlj gltc hiai yoarpalrnnijre pw02dek pitextsroiilkvektioxs exbe- dtnacnr acd properir kcored in can- ada the rjnitad states aid europe pa- teat nanafeed or no eiarger send for printed instnetfons aencyin cpexatiaii lea years hexaraeiet ottawa cacada hechanicalengiheering solicsora of pa- ienla and drangntsman d03d5jok hoxel actok eobt anew- nroprieior the aeirsotelie tfedup inrnrsfcclaea style with new frnf- ture commercial travellers will find good accommodation and conunodiona sample rooms jgpeciai attintionpaid to tbe wants fit the traveilmg puibc- bar supplied tvitb thebest of riquors and ggars soodetabl lug and attentive hostlers itlssetiohcij list it is h honest list tnecjtimzoptai met liwhat the owners arc- tvlien tile nxtueocifae rupee k rriuttd lu full tcctyie it uiaaterrlratance lliu- wneu printed locaprtalililktlift ojcly tcpt luuie itace the ilc give tlie popataunno every town and tle cirenlalloa ol very piper the rales charted forrdverttdrghre barely oieflftlt the natjilfihers schexlale the price foitnilemateeracssf6m gjtosw tlie price frirone inch one tnvvllx in he enure llftif tc thereffnlarntefcoflhe pper for the ucme eretce and lime are 9ft8elt the list includes est newspaper not which lsx- are lkced oailt and 6s wtxtlt they are located lu jaa different ctu and towusl o which h are hate caplxahc 3s3 placet of rrerees popalatlon and 46 county kea tat for cony qc ltfct and older ittfortoakon ad- dre oeop kotchlltcxl iospracesl kew vorlc we bttre reee ntly pt iiched anew edlilon t ur calrertreir cele tti rauical cud wlthdut raedl- phjkle- ere rcrm ctnc-jorkerrcri-drhllu- ltetulan i ph jicvirtwonracrnjmiviinrerflinecuorilarrtate a jiar ahdicli iii rtni fjti nf it in rekiiitiuefromtxceuct catx iui rritsx lirr ser lisal lui fui me ullcr ut vnr til- ill tie other adtcrtiaifig 164 men aud proceed to the stenmboat land ing today where you will find ten kegs of tpeci which a ill arrive on the steamer traatit from toronto eh oftheae fcega conlaina f5000 in silver for the laynent of the troopa heie lu garrison so be careful forbes that you make no tilunderr von will see the specie stored in the ordinance vkuiis and then report to me i i shall carefully discharge the duty sir replied the sergeant who with a partinj salute to the officer departed on his mission the scene of our story together with riir time his aim its ever to make bis men as comfortable as circumstances would init he above all lelieved in the education of the soldier iu seme thing more than the mere routine of drill and gnard mounting hence the school and regimenlal library wart by him deemed of equal tmpottance with parade or field exeicise i the result of this system waa that the men composing the 109 rh were not only good soldisn but well in formed men punishment was a thing of rare neenrrenoe and drunkenesa vaa in short the 109th was a rletnaealedenvelopeaal7 6iclc or vo iwtrci f urapc theofllthrnted uhor pn thlf admirable ekay cjcarly demooklratefi fr in thirlr y orsuccrffiinl pr cliee tlat alarming cnn- feqaences may he radically cared without the dauieran fife of lnlernl medlelusor lire nfeatlhe icnlfe palatine ojt a mode of 6nre at ancemple ctrutlo nd jteetaal by meant f trhteu evrry inflerer no mailer what hlicondltion tnxy ne may cure hlm4u cheaply pritatlely and radically thlk lecture should be in the hania of cveryyontli and every man in the land address tlie cnlrenrcu hedlcal co aas st new- tarlc fostofflcs box5a establislied 35 years m nakeiage paistixc having opened a faint shop itr the prem- iaesiatalr occupied by afr amea mclam next door to kicklina bakery i am pre- pared to do carriage painting and tigs writing of everraeseription and wonld re- specif oily solicit the patronage of the people of a etoo and vicinity james scott uhp8 pi rapi 8 pumps e adams suanfacfarer of superior well and cistern pomps which will bo put in on short notice- eepalring promptly done furniture made and repaired charge moderate also aawa sad and t give aim a eal shop on frederick atreet oppoaitedr lejrrya residence weadams jqaukfs cameeov main st aotott atentcnrthe 6eil orzan maanfacfured tijr jfwra vp bell ft co ouelph order left at hit reaideaco will receive prompt at- teatioa for pirticuliri tte adv on other de- give bin a trial chas camkaaif tipit2ii weekly spectwtqrv alarge ei6dt tist fapeb -0slt- perrj year per year w- one of the largest and best weeklies in canada i balan0e op 1880 free agents receive 25 cents for every teady subscriber any party sending ns ture snbscrfbera will receive a com- post paid of the parmers account book worth one dollar in pbice of the nsnalcommissolr send post card for sample copy of opr weekly which is sent free the only paper is canada that pubkahes a draught column address- spictatorraihtiucco sfainhlwioal i-i- rubh foe skins i sin prepared to pay be highest cash prcie for hides calfsbns ijeaconsvlamb and sheep skins delivered at my tannery rjace leather constantly on hand proverbs rtooneeaa he ftcfcwhit he stomach bloodlivtrflndkltinwyiftteueftuuyttno hop bitter keep them fo tbi9 breaut nourtrhlnir onlcanre- tirer itrenrthenerand curative on curlh fmpiibmeni itlf rapclble to remain loncntefc or oat of beaithf where hop bitters are oaed wbr co hop btttera cure o rauca- beanie there va iod dire rt ion rich bioodaad ueatuyacitoaotall he art an c rall mentu hopbttteia flflu udoyojool remember hnabttlert never doea hann faatfooa al wa yt and con tlnaaur- parirtbe bfoodcfeaawtdectvimaeti and airtiften tn breatltnith hap blt- ura qntelrierrei knd balmy iteep in hop mltere- ko health with inetlv6 liver and urtnoryorjana wltboottfop btuaii try nop ronfh care and pain relief foraale byall drafjfitf wanted an energetic honest man to open a branch office of the newmagnet telephone co in thissjuf adjoining counties small cash capital reqoired to such a man this is an excellent opening for money making busi hess address with stamp gw foster 125 and 127 clack st chicago iu let f bmito aonrar rovrtm krmmilrm llowmt alionrbtclatjesneralurnoe plows climax threjhlng miiclilmn ihaciota chief and the actors therein is ilaced in pror- imity to tha old historic town of ni agara situalej near tho mouth of the riyer of the same name where the utter discharges its raters into lake ontario it is unnecessary to tell the readers of canadian proclivities lhat the town of niagara is filled with material for not only the embryo novelist but for the more mature writer in the field of fiction abounding as it does with scenes and incidents of thrilling interest one of the least of which fcrtus the text for the following narrative the officer whohad pvon ths above ordera was maurice dillon staff ser geant major in h b k 109th reg of foot at that time forming part of the garrison at niagara with it were several dotachmenta from other regi ments occupying tha various military stations of 1ort miasissanga butlers aud the bed batricks together with old fort gaorge for all of these maurice dillon being an excellent ac countant acted as quarter master and pay master which two offices wen combind with that of bit position as staff sergeant major of hia own regi ment and explains his command to his subordinatu relative to the specie for the payment of the foraa then in gar rison many of the readers of this sketch will well remember the inoident to which it owes ita blrtbvand which in the year 181 caused considerable atit in both civil and military circles about niagara and althongn in the presto t recital of the lulairwe use fictitious names dates and actors and dree tho simple facts in the ptrmcti is of romance luresauik jincuiucn iiiuhi vmei ouu i vibnrtorbprlnit tooth hirrwcenujnnla1 i still the memory of tie uobaiaw rror hnllry horse balfe climax pannlnj mill j the celebrated fvlanor sel drill ic alt ol judgment nearly destroying the warraniodto do good work ever- time or no j il e sale termsjtsasonahle ames jfoqbe actok a alex f smith j character and future prospects of allaavvounffwldier will lit held ia 4 crack regiment in the true sense of tbe word with a record for bravery in the field second to none shown in he medals on the breasts of the officers and men and ha names of glorious victories masoned ott the tattered colors of the regiment fully establishing the fact that the 109th were no rails sons tn such a school young dillon had grown to manhood the very beak ideal of a loidur hia luniformally good conduct had well rewarded colonel weaterfield for bis kindness shown the boy aud without any undue partiality maurice dillon bad passed from step to step till at tbe time we wrote he at tht age of twenty six held the highest noncommissioned position in the er vice that of sergeant major on his breast shone more than one medal given for bravery in the field for tie regiment had seen severe service in india cliina and the cape in short as a man and a soldier the handsome young non commissioned officer war tha admired of all admirers and the pride of his comrades while the whisper gradually gathered weight that ser geant major dillon would yt bucorne i commiesiousd officer among bose who noted with inter est tbe career of the young soldier was eva weeterland the only daughter of the colonel of the regiment she from early childhood had watched admired and finally in iter mature girlhood had learned in secret to love the gallant youngjnofeyeof the regiment herself a totdiera child she bad iaauibed the thoughts and ideas associated with a life in geld and camp with the ex ception of a few years spent at school in england he bad passed br ijfe janiheoee to kindly imagine the ruqonlii while we poor souls in the valleys lie xcver mind tiiem general wolfe did cry my ads of honor qld england jihaluiain the day such as these with moores melodies or motherwell s scottish songs were her favorites thus educated and associated is it any wonder that eva westerland at she budded into womanhood fouud her heart filled with the image of the play mate of her early years 1 and while the imperious demands of strict convention alism placed an impassable barrierto any acknowledgement on her pari of the fact still lore who laughs at the objocions of caste or condition had deeply implanted a dart in the too susceptible bosom of our heroine and she laved with all ths ardour of ovure fostered beneath the fructifying skies of au eastern tone the triumphs of maurice dillon were her triumphs i the glory ol hia honors she in secret shared and the otherwise haughty and imperious girl bowed in happy submission to theselfconcioua act that in this her foster brother she beheld her true ideal of a man and a lover 1 1 with maurice dillon the case was much the same he had for years borne imprinted upon his souls tablets the imago of era westerlarid still was she not his colonels daughter t were they not separated by social dis tinctions and even military etiquette is wide apart as the poles i tea i but yet she was to him tbe grvat objective point in his career as a soldier i aa the angel of his destiny her image seemed to beacon him on to deeds of heroic daring and while his position as a htimble eoldier would say fain would i clilnb but 1 fear to fail the man within him could still in the face of all those apparently insnr mountabl obstacles listen to m sweet whieperinga of hope i that promised him as his cetruid in some future day the handcf eta wtfiterlandl no doubt til his will sound ieono clastic tn the reader who insists upon tbe necessity fot maintaining the social condition of life intact but si ia this veraciousjcimnilation ol faita it is not tbo writers intention to embody many love passages nor give special rctona for their pourrence thvwfujittdottbt lets to the great disgast of more than one young jady reader the svritor would sua rrrarura the teasw ami iti mental rtrts of tbe fcclsia the case and ant tle owigipg and courteous ove jilsodh bctwgel it tuaid of liigb degree and t bauillejsuldivawkiii vide pjnaforr it hi ing tufbcient fur uiir prieae to know that lbs yoaig soldier nod iu mf ove iinileritoxd each other thoroughly and that each had acknowledged a refjionsive attach ment for the rtbor i this although bus brusquely hi jiorted to the mtavr waa kipt for tbe time iteingas aheriiened acret between themselves hut really found dissolution of eva wtsterluhds refusal of so iunv eligible offrrs of nihinage iriiiginj upon her much leaznig butlutage from tbe grialed old warrior hi r father ho langwugiy declared that bis eva was fully detci mined- to remain an old maid i to bt continued how to pay cbnnpfa debit v riiereare two ways lo put a church debt one it for the congregation to subscribe the money at li6 cost of soma self sacrigce and pay the debt as people pay any debt the other ay is to devise varioui iseans to grlsstne body else ijy the debt or to help pay it 0ndr this tatter head comet baztars coowrii aud numerous enter- tainments of oue sort and another we have very little faith in this second way of paying a eburdh debt not to peis of the gimhliiig and cheating lhat bare cbaracurizd many such eutertaiumenta and brought indellible disgrace upon the cliurclis conoenoetj in them it is too costly a way df paying a debl tbe method is dewrrib- ed by a frealyterian elder us fulloas now brethren let us git up a supper and eat ourselves ilclu buy youi fuud then givett to thecbtucb tben p buy it back tgaiu tiitnint it trp and then your church debt ia paid this is afxir u muling up of the whole thing for evry dollar of che alebt the church pays two dollars by taking this roundabout course and that too without reckoning ttre tune aud labor given to managing the entertainments aa worth anyihiug the hoe of getting help from oitsiders is eurratry delusive in nine casea out of ten the money will he found to bve coma mainly front- the pcckels of the tum- gregation merely as a nitrtter of dollars and cents ihtnvfor imtling all raoral considerations lo one moje the cheafeat wy to ry a church debt is io fray it out sndotit and have done with il a church that takes this the french were landed on mountains high t ak na pntation with the regiment astha companion of her father her mother bad died in india of the ansae plague thai had left maurice dilluu an orphan mod the evertfae nocidontal meeting theteal- 1 taltngcoerfessier- the bashful sshidenly ieeponue and all the wtt of the enri its j as t so 1 cant see how men will make fools of themselves oter oliiica ob served col shaker as he overtook bis friend judge smith on bis way ltd dinner yesterday nor i either replied the lodge i dont think mucliuf a man who cannot discuss polities unbiased and with tbe earn calmness he could ajeak ol a sale of real estate you an a democrat and i am a republican i think i am right and youthink you are a little pleasant dikcussion is h right but when it comes to hying uiad and getting exeited i tbinkamau iaaa idiot just my idea judge by the way what do you tbink of uutt oarfieki letter on the chinese question t i think its a base forgery do you why i think its a settler on him boah 1 he never wrote it but there is his owu handwriting to proyei it v prove nothing i tell yon it is one of he contemptible duitjes your party is noed for cunteniptilje dodges i id like lo see a more conteuupiibie dodge than your colonising indiana tho way yoa did mereroolouizd a viter therel see- heje judge smith do yom uke me for a blind man who cant read v demanded tbe colonel as his chin begun to shake atid do you think im antiriotl demauded the judge as qb jniw fed is the face i say that letter is a turpi j j add r see it isnt itutr itumti tbeyated tiiey- glared at acn other then tliecelenel erossed the street in the fuad to get away from slich a ihn and tlie judgdcrsssed a vacant lot ibtlier tihaa ve pa the same- street witbf1sianr ivmi in tfcecomarunit or htraighlforwar2- neas and- honor that- ia aluveall prion and a most effieieut in i ji iu its religions woik still if a church prefers to pay twodollars for one and to throw away precious time aud strength pro vided it will allow no dishonesty in its entertainments we can see ie vital objection to heir taking this course if a oewphkjr should contain all tbe things that all its i teasers wanvit to print it would have to be bigger tajirbi a btdspreai if itlioldlwitivill that each of ite reem deea not wis eouutan w go ft arn a ijto bjahkl mjs t w

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