tsfi f iviri 1 11 r r- i ni v- r ilsir pm vi thepfiee s 3 i fi i tuiksda vkirmm- soy ts 18si muurlal btes l1 f tdie montreal telegraph contpany tern oiiened an tllirt at aw out ie unilertttid that iht ontario l3jjijatirtfiu by called for llu dirat vcslinsdn oftsssiiy immediately aler the uiuuiuipal elnstioiu thio farmers of iteuuii think uf pat j ronising toronto jit ibe toll galea au tilt roads lending- tula hamilton are 1 jiemijtukllo jmuauuo ia existence itttiie international regatta oa the thame on saturday lycock- loot t iritk row eucntid iiosmer tjifrd ernd smith fouttn haiiuii did net i josrapet j- the recent ferrilta storms oa the lakes through wlijfch i mimw of valuable lirot wtre lost hire created denud for iha ealablithinettt of lift- saviny slaliane oa our uko shores this it i watt which lh department of iftnne could develop attention fo with goodpurpose 1 i til sr r ta uv r vhilt trivftny fo hutjiumtu irkuive rfiimwmtfar matter op0r tic iatcui dt nol md kinurlt u any imjt rtkiiiuirtfi oplnlom if kit cor- njiimdtnu the street lnmpi lower bates of interest circulars burn been issued by ill the leading bauts snnaiincirtir tj their customers that hereafter inly three per mat interest wilt hi allowed ou deposit and oa currerltaccoiinta on interest would be allowed the hunts in com pelled to adopt this stand in conse quence ot th abundance of capital and the difficulty ot finding jirogtabli ia- yestnieut for it among the jianfca that have adopted this cmirta tie tit montreal merchants commerce do minion erititb federal- imperial ted ethers tue week ot prajer the foilowinj programme has been is sued by lbcerngeiicai alliamce f r the week affrayer jiu 2nd to sth 1ssi it it mjgeited tint thit oa sthbtth jwiasrr 2nd wrmoni lie prasched from the text- jesui chfiit the nine j-er- terdur todiy and furerer jmarj 3rd the genera topic is iriise and thantssiribg for nil hfsings january th hnoiijiatioa and confesaiou far pmonil and nation tl tins jvntuiy sth prayer for the church of christ that it niay he fruitful wjd anitcd janaar 6ji pnjar fcctii roaog nod their inslracujre for parenta colleges sibbilh sohoau jnuirj 7th prayer for ail miost and rulers for unireoutl libertj- for lue cesatioa ci wars janaarjstli prayer for chriitian mu- rions and all engaged in promoting them ttwscau act petridub some peopware eiercisei over the scott act pstitlont there need he no uneasiness ahoujt- the jtiaister of justice in oltaira fa goto through the malterand compakng the pexttipniritt the olijections of the opponent it will take time but ire are eatsfied if we get fairpuy the petitiea u1 be all right of cbnrse it ia not pteaaanfr to have delays lint in fighting fori groat reform like this we cannot erpectto have things all our ova viy neithar uit advisable that we should the harder are have to fight to get the 1 scott act the more e will appreciate it when we get rt and the stronger will jb the determination to enforce it- and upon its proper euforcement really depends the value of thi act i ithe siiggestfou in the timet that we will have to commence anew with oar petftiaain conaeqnence of tht delav is siuipjr absnpl ue jiar ay co all interested whether for or against that there will be no let up to this matter we willproceed steadily and to ac aditjr at a fk pnu uwit sif lking the niercliinl to- fermd to in lx cotiimuuicittion in the frke pumsof last woak relative to the bom aiibject f feel it my duly to correct a falsa iuipmaioti which the citutriiimcaittan was undoubtedly in tended t3 niaka upon tho mind of the public the wrilw o that letter wy that the action f the council iu thi matter was unjust and ancidd i kow mr editor tliefaat ihkt the street lamps ware to be erected was known to allof your rtaders for nearly thiim months bciora the last meeting of council and every business man in acton had ills same chutica to miko the offer for the street lamp advertising that thdbut nol one ol hem over mado the auggestton to any member o ha council which is conclusive eridoikm hat no one but tnytelolhought af the idea for where is the business man whn conceiving a good idea ly which to increase his business who will not it otioe try to put the idea into practice now should the action of the council laksn after every one had the same chance to make the offer i made to the council be called unjust or one sided t evsry enterprising business msn in existence knows that special or i should say novel advertising is what takes the eye of the public and is the secret of success to a great many and wen i to lay a special plan of ad veitismg before you would you be jkstifkd iu showing it loother business men until i had made use of itt lou wilt say decidedly not therefore l claim that the council were perfectu justifiable in nol laying mi plan of advetliseincnt before ihe other business oieu of acton and askinj for leudirf such a course would have been mott unjuat to me there are soma mer chants who naver think of celling up novel advertisements bat are perfectly willing nayanxioos to allow nioix- eaterprising pergoas to formulate uew ideas and then pounce upon- them and try to m ko use of- them themselves if wssible th question of obitmeliag th lifiht u raised i claiut hat the light will not be affected by my advertisement tht council mada epeciil proviiioa to prevent this hut the writer of that wcarrgaj in praaflattht to foor reader with the rest of the motion already quoted the claase reads thu presuming that tie sample of od- tertising is not of a character to obscure the light and the whole affair was ifcia the hands of a committee cbn- jisttcgofi messrs henderson storey and chrutie tlo other member present declining to have anything to do or say it the matter kow if any of those whe signed that letter had taken the trouble to find out the style of lettering which i intended to put on the gliss i am sure they would never have placed thsir name to such a letter and 1 defy any person to provs that the sample stipulated for by the council which samplehas been prepared ac cording to a suggestion made by mr storey and which is now in my poaaeesioq will m any degree obstruct or obscure the light and i am sure that the great niajorily of the people of acton will not object to a neat and attractijft sign especially when it will not ohscure the light and also adds a goodly sum to the village exchequer sir editor i will not occupjany more of yonr space save by remarking that the slur cast upon the members of the council by the opinion expressed in that letter that if the offer had been made by eome dry goods house it would not hive been accepted so readily is to say ihe least contemntible and is a fittine emblem i of tfa spirit of the originator of that worthy document and should i again revert to this sub ject i will show the real reason why the lettej- was panned cnd which i as surely is pugiilde und just ae soon as the petitions for hamilton went fccdw is not known to the majority of worth and hulton are settlsd astisfc torily the vote will be brought on as la tlie suggestion that the matter u to be abandoned it is perfect non sense the temperance people have been delemiaecl from tna rery first to carry this thing through and they know flat public opinion is improving in their ikvnr every dayand they are as strongly decermintd as any men ean possibly be tobripg ihis question to a vote oc the rate payers and iai soon ss theyeaa do so sad they ftel satfs6ed thst the result will be that the act will he carried in tlat three municipali ties of hamilton wentrorth and kiltoilffamiftoii lender they all do it everybody uses tea- hen to teauulrtheeeth aiiarttefractaree fo va lireaili atkyoardruigsti ox iimptr pse lnrte bottle si ee j kmegarvins notices worth amehtlon bekl valuu in fijtatm at a slooid i i cos haw from t6ocau o 26c at j fylai acnit skstpi 8225 at a sooord d- cot choice fteahbtitter for lfloonu at cbapramii fresh bulk oyileriat ho exoel siof baltury i hardware odiill kinds at a- be- cord j coa laium ntantles newest styles at christie ijonderon i co a aooo ielt lit for 5 cents at fyfoi oyseri by ilia cm or quart si th exceluiur uakery tjeo hu new glass dall castor el a sccord 4 fo- the best 50c bhicfc cashmero at christie henderson cos the best 12j cent wincoy at christie liendortou s coi if you want a nobby durable snd cneapsuit j ryfes is the place lo go ttte imgest and cheapest klick nf bgou and shoes at christie uonderron cos suits and overcoats at extremely lnw rates aud mide iu lateat styles be sure to call ud sea them j fytff actoa the biggest ixst and olirapcsl ttck ot bkiu and slioca at tlfanilic ceodenou t cos leaieinbcr the tamaia me tm scotch english snd cinsdian suitinct ia crest varicjy at th kait tud clutliincilore j pyfe actuu curpets carpets caniela large loclc ipleiiuld value a beautiful ruion caipet for zjc worthj jjc call and see them ilcieod a nceran t to george town maxtles the neweut alylcs in ladies cloth mantlet cheip clotc iuipec- titia of coods and pricet rcspctf c ly tequett- el ueineailicr tlio fimout 50c tei soll iu 5 lb lots at oc at chriatie ttruclersou i cc 10000 it of turkavs ducks cleete and chickens wutel fur which current market prices will be laid pick drydout soald cbritliel tlendarson i co i kew siilukettir clirinlie hen jcmoo k co will receive their new fall millinery in a few days and early otit weefc will beprcpared to till erdett thlqk iit their miuy wtrcat forpat urrf tdey reapeatiully laiicit iiupectuiu ntithcir aew fall gikxis whieb will tliey liicve c foacd vcr attnctiva acd very cheap re- recrabec the faoiaut 50c tea sold in a lb lou at cwi sfcquilian it hamilton of the wellington itsrhe works ciielph are doted for givinc latirfactioa ty tbewe nvar- ioj tdeai with their order tf yoc need aaytbmjr ia tbeir line be tare scd rumembcr tbettt they da a very urge buf inesa con qacatlythcvare able to give iicttertermi and keep belter workmea tliaa fraaller works send to tbcci for narticuurr kq medicine it more jutlv popular bsnelapjaniv pectoral iialsain t it a potitire specific fur all dueaes of the throat atd lungs leaiine to contump- tion it loosen the tough phlegm or macoustiothesirrilalioaallats trouble- arrne cangliing ttnf beats dtmcsecc tona sold by all dealers at 2s cents per bouio zotesaihavc lecared the apency for thlt neweotnpoend for dr peftls- tod llrer troahles iteomct tome under mt favar- able autriee belce rerj- ufjhlr endoned and rccornmcaltcd iu wonierfat tthctirto tee otcestlve orcsnt aod tbe live r ircrrai- tnc toe diiaolvtnf juicer co rrectlnc the aett aodcarrjlocotr imparttlc ot llie gtomceb and retuaunc toe ltver ean be tttd br ie- curtn- a sample bottle whtctt tellt at lo ett ortarje eijul ounce tfettlct attieeait- eltejarvlt burdock blood bitters it the best blood purifier liver and kiiey regu iator and kesioraliretonie in the world- it acts upon the liver the kidneys and the bowelt curing all manner of eiiiou complaints kidney- complaints and diseaeea cf the blood ak your drug mst for burdock blood bitten sample bottle locenulreguur tiie jt00 the mammoth house georgetown often thebijrgest drives in dreaa poods snd general urr goods erer offered to the canadian public dress goods for i0 i2c and i5c onginal prices were 20c 25e snd 37c wincies remarkable bargains millinery uantlesfurs heady itade clothing uvercoutt ordered clothing immeaie bargains ifcleod anderson k co ilammoth houfa aksookcelttxt jfn leod- anderson co of georgetown ber to announce ttiat they have moved into their newttore right opposite the old stand having enlarged facilities for doing businest we shall make a special rrertion this fall lo give the choicest cheapest and best goods ever offered to the public the hock is im mense varied and attractive and won derfully cheap ournew uillinery and sfantles opened out kew clotht and clothing and all kinds of new fall and winter good callnndsee ut and be hold one of the most marnificent stocks and stores in this part of tha county ifcleod anderson t co the cheap cash store mm of the grobeftles t provisions the signers i remain yours truly j el ilcgirvik acton 22cd nov 1880 murderous- attack- a shooting aftnivoccarred at glen williams near georgetown on tuesday lastwkich nearly resulted diaastroaidy ayoangmianamed hujh mcllnrchy while treating his mother in an untie- coming manner waginlerferd with by arch cooper and mcllnrchy threat enedto shoot him a abort time afterward at coopeie iasfanee con stable james kodeaii attempted to arieet mcxiurchy when the alter sent ballet whistting within n inch of his esr a short chase ecsdtd when sfcmarehy fired another shot the bullet sgain passing aoeonifortahly close to the constables ear after another short run the constable- succeed ed in knocking bis man over with a root he picked up white rnnning- snd soon hsd him safely handcuffed mc- miitohjr lens sent for trial epizootic po- the linderslgnod would inform the people of acton tod sorroandlog coitnlry tlisi he but purchued the itiok and buiidess of mr a y oreen stid is pteparwl tojwrll at retly reduood prices and solicit eontiousooe of the nttronar heretofore bestowed on the store hohatjutt reoelved large slock oi new and choice groceries and provisions of evejry description teas a specialty cgive him a call t h harding fashionable tailorinc tho tabucriler wiih lo announce lo the people of acton and vicinity bat tha has open ed out in the promises lately occupied by 1 c matthews next to ihe post office a complete assortment oi cuvus andtwixra snitable for tha fallaod win- 1 j ler trade and is prepared lo make them up in the latest stylet and offers good inducement to cash customer m stock consists of black and coloked beavers diauok als coarikgsand vesiikus ekglisii ikisu scotch and canadiak tweeds which have been bought in the best maiketa for oath an early call is solicited satisfaction guaranteed ladies please read startling hit in the dress oqte radej e hu usten feonsr new goods new goods b dastktt hasjcsrwcsivina ueotsrocx 0 wew fxil goods comprisixc freach merinos cashmeres lustres colored ana plain winceys gents underclothing ladies undervests berlin and fingering wools coloredstocmng goods and a larct assobtuext ot i p a1t0t goods all ofwhich he will tall cheap fofcaaa or irida kha8letn wllsoaj wild cherry ore of the mott thamaghlj r- liable mcdl- etbes now in oteby the csatdun public it vluons comround hvirp of wild cterrj- the saceesfr wucbaltends in ue ir eue of cotdf coasts briinchltle croup wbroptne coacb boss of votce and 7eae lunsi ii mofitrcmrlcahle tlrftlnallr irejiared lo meet the demand foragoodtnedlciueor he tlna in the retail tloreofthfi proprietors lis sate increased to rapdljfludbeeam larfelj exlendet nat the maiiutaetnrerff fell tt was only- nceeatary- lolnlrodnceftlfiroush the aewsjaneranfiae enantrvtentreluadopllonat benstlonrt care fur dlseoae cf the rearlratorj orgnnc every leading- dnuslst in western ontario now tells it j aulboarf s fortslaii balm it sure euro for crooked ejands cracked lips bonrh neat of ton ekia tan vreoktet ana bun- born it does not smart like giyoerinfl and la mr more healing tiylt tbf cbsdle ifasilss in aetna oh 2ith intt wife of mr peter llaealat of a daoghter mclxx rn acton ra the slat initthe wife of mr jaues melam of a ton jttxox in e6quesing ou the 20th lost the wife cf mr robt niton of a ton the 4ltak kticncis 8cott in mount foreit i on tht 17th intt at the residence of iht hridot father by rev d fraaer m a mr jeata kateautu of orangeviua to termatha a b eldest danchur of mr james colt kexsidv fdowsll in parry sonud on thurtday ath intt by bev h mosely at the reiideoce of tbe hridvi father mr tlinrau konnedv nf parry harbor for inerly nf this village to eltaheth a d daughter of frauk unwell esq ders for horses rr h kirtrerwe banker x gekerjll bakktklf busi ness transacted hohet l0aksd os ap2207tc s0tz3 kotaa discounted and interest allowed ott deposits frtxaaxa the bank of montreal s ervakt virl wakteb wanted a good sarrsiit girl for general house work apply immediatcjv krt w h etoket ehvavt tikl h anted a servant girl wanted mast have good character apply at once it eafcr paass ornct acton otick owinj to tbe ri in wheat and door bread will hereafter bt sold for 12 ccau per loaf caab or 13 cents if boolced b e xicklix qoalscoalj1 store coal dehrertd lo any part of the iowa apuly to bexiobart at the gtr depot paeji fob sale lot 23 con 3 in the township of eaqqea iag 100 acres go cleared snd under culti vation balance tfood cedar and black ath good farm hnildingt jericea in the best con dition tpleudid orchard of bearing trees ex cellent fruit good iprjng water all the year round the property ia titusted aboot 2 miles from acton mile from a firstclats grist mill convenient to schoolsud church title indisputable termt reasonable ap ply on the premises or address- james scott acton post office act makkltl white- wheat 1 10 to 1 12 treadwell od 1 10 to i 15 spring wheat glasgow old i 10 to 1 15 kedchaff 1 to to 1 ib oatt 0 30 to 0 35 peat 0 65 to 0 70 barley 0 90 to i 00 kyi 0 75 to 0 il kgg per doz- 0 10 to 0 11 butter dairy packed 0 1g to 0 20 butter rolls 0 is to 0 20 potatoes new per iiag 0 40 to 0 45 dressed hogs i 5 50 to 6 00 gveltl mabeet8 flour waiuw-hs-t- iresdwell spring wheat glasgow redchaff ii oau peat barley live eggs per dot batter dally packed butter roll potatoes new per both dretned hoes 12 75 to too 0 90 to i 08 0 90 to 1 os 0 95 to l 08 0 90 to i 05 0 28 to 0 31 0 65 to 0 70 0 63 to 0 80 0 73 to 0 78 0 15 to 0 18 0 is to 0 20 018 to ft 20 0 to to 0 is 5 50 to s 00 are sure preven- iotlcf to crtditoes in tht goods of john me naaghton docoatod panatnt to chipur 107 of the reviicd sutulei of oauria section w ad of ill other sulatex in i hit bebjf u crtdilors and other penom hiridauir chiqu or dt- ouodf tgiiait or apoa he etuu of joha sfcssscgdloc lil of ibo tocqihijf of e- qniag ia tht coaatjr of htuloa veotnia deceied who died on or iboat tht fifth dr of ftbrnry ao 1880 in htnuj repair ed to lead ia to duncan bewr of tha tava f mikoo on of the executon of the uid john nfcxtiashtoa diceud oa or befora th firtt iy of jiaoirj iitxt heir chri- liia knd sareamtt tnd fall particular and prtwfi of their dumi or defflanda upon the uid eatate aod nouc ia hereby given hatthe said ewcaton will oa or after the uid grit day of jaaaar next proceed to ajtmnuter the eatate and ditrtliae tlve anu of tha aaid john mcnaaghtoo de ceased anion ff the peraooa entitled thereto ha ring regard only to the cjaimi and de tain da of which the aid kxecutora ahaii thenhave notice daiil y cauntu 1 wiluak hampshijix i execntom dcycjjr tltvail 1 dated a milton thu xintk day cf xopember ad 1ss0 catflt famued me with iiil ln- irttlnni loronodoriufrtbc xnext profitable brtfinem any oot n i-o- ctue in tue bualneu l o t iearn and our in tract on- are so tlmptt and l lain that tor cne can make ateat pnfif irom the vpry aurl 5u ne can lait h fa wllhnf to wort wvmtntre aaoeeiafaaj men boyt and jlrl ran earn larre in ma- mao t hnve made al the buudeaaovtr one hundred do i ian in a ntnele wpk nmbina jlke terer knovn before all who enmff are larprtaed at lb cam and rapidity wild whlcn thejr are able to make moner yon ean eneace inlhla boalntnadatinfroaritpaxe time at frat rroflt yon do not uave to p- veateapital in u we takealltberlak tboae tho need ready money ilonld write tooaat once all ftirniahetl fee addreaa tkci a co am uata maine great purchase ii fine dress in bund in nev yoirk to be sold at a little orer dalf their beeolar price v bate juit eoneludsd an immene parohate of irbai it boyond donbt the itrf est bnetl and moat fashionable line of dreti goods seer offere1 by i dry goodt trad ofguclj the lot fompries all the leading and ikthiooabie thadet in mom ie clothts cashmeres and oriental brocha silks to mstoli ach and erory ahid of the goodt and commencing oowednsiay koveuhek loth itenhll otter ihe tb le lot at a rtemenjous retlucliun on ibe actosl cost of importllion the juodt areota ery fio al w q ttxture 44incbs wide andoldregnljrlyatl per ynrd and we are enabled to ofter tbe whole lot at 751cenu per yard a like opportunity lo buy really irgunt dreaool t u pnoe of an inferior material my not occur again we intite the ladies lo nail ibemwirei of this grand ofler ii may inferetl oar jdy friendt to know how we are enabled ioaell these goodt at toeh a low price weil ihe ficta are these they are imported hy a leading chi- cazo home for their finest rade through tresso elrcomttaocesihey were com pelled to onload bfore lakinr tbem out otbond tbey were buffered foraale and in cenueciion witha large toronto srnt we bought ibe wbold leu lurtoroto friendt are telling them fieely at 80 cenia per yani bjtas tbeoutdilj whiebwe were compelled lo lake is muh 1irger than curordtnirr trade ilbidinda ire bare decidi to craila a er4nd tonsatioa by offering lbemat75tceqia firtytieveh axdoxehalfcevraperyrd we bar lo made facial reduction in our regular godt a on wednwday koteml 10th we shall make the greatest oflenig of crest hoods ereralteuptl ed in guelph r m tha lion has tho goods v tho lion oivss tha bargains tha lion- dots tha trad jel williamsqncog nelph- splewdjd ulster ovefidts r madetoordeii for excellent lines of be ave it jdiag0nal and tweed overcoatings y and a stook of hats and caps and cants undarwara unsun- passad in tha trada i ioall at the east end olotsika stpas j fyfes 10 a crowded store -the- fashionable westekd doifgthe trade rpoe o k uaebeb shop s h howaed eaajaa if yon waat an easy thare at xood aa barber ever gae jutt call on me at my saloon at morn or are or busy noon i comb and carl the hair with to suit tbe contour of yonr come once and you will cone always shop opposite tie glore works acton grace face toars fou service i tht subscriber hat for tardea the snffoli boar that took firtt prise at the royal show in england this year also tt toronto ham ilton and whertrer exhibited thii boar waa imported by mr jat lliiu thit fall alto two 8offo1k boars whioh hae won prise at atveral local thowa thit fall s elliott 2l3t lot 2 eon s eseneting jj45q fob 8s ctb is ohoioe pieces of sheet hnstcaggregate value hjx full aire beet quality toeal and xnstrdmantal sent post paid for ise address at once to i o shatttjck owosaamioh tjs ko postage stampt taien plastering oa1r plastering hair for sale at the actoa oordoran tannery chas kkees tative and cure jdress department kushestg onr kilonrnan tweeds our harris tweejds our eiidore tweeds our omels hair tweeds our sootoh suitings our wool serges areuaxnltleantandattnctdaliy immenne eroudtto onr drett department ladles mar look lo at wltneonudenee mr ihrlctu materials the fnlon7le t edo it bonbd to lajr beore iu costomen lbs very latait pradnctlont oi brluth and foieifn looms- ao bucham y i famonable wett end drtu maniu and millinery edauuhmcnl qufyh m i john wobspoili co 5 manufacturers and dealers ik all lnd3 0 0 i hi 0 upholstered goodt a tpaeialty elegant drawing room8otte blegsal t soitet elegant dining boom pnmiture bee our patent aa nstable solid oi chair best in tho market sign of the chair hazletons upper wyxltfam ptbeet vvlpit get thern in tirne at his drug st dr a