Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1880, p. 3

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h- thempa nm fou christmas aid years pkeseits sign of the big watch geo jewellery and fancy goods store a great selection of beautiful and suitable presents for ckiustmas compri8inq- acton ont silw plated ttare 7ase tt- setts arapli and ptotograpl albums v handsome ola sarv china mtto cups toys dolls ita etc aad a wondorfdlseleotioa of christmas and ne7r7ear cards nstioe oeceiistcs books for ohildben geo hynds acton ont dootv forget to call no trouble to show you the goods 1 the free press actus thrnsiua- xov25 1ssu ciriitnis kevtjia ptmoats j wiuta0jkic4sa a bcwtiful stoci f cirlrtau kev tout cards a litffu svxi of ciristaw tots- a jrird asianrntat el soils a lrrtoe cf autograph aihim- pisojriji albums toilet seta tuobewtimcxiutivusigs- suttcrssiyossrttasfllaivm fc fori ioa spocas tnij sjooas cirutaw eooss for ta eiillma iailrtsef otaoi laa proseats toe itnri5 toinoatiosat ceoexcts jolleit fiaey foods stora artsa oat local and other jo runa larmeis sell voir grain now sfctting lis conunrueed on kick- jissrosl i -xe- years resotutious are now iex asgut fcif j v cutmits presents tor binuiug tohc ulhiaiit o bjh rkicr sid bread hare taken it liie iai tiiwcci curistjtis tbee the officer aad cicliei orifetmclhodut suadiy school of his fillip intend holding their anuni- unary cateruiujueut aud christmas tree on chrittmis eve bpsikess eotsitiok thoaa desir ous of otitaiuin i firttcliti holiness educa tion ihould itleud the ontario bnunus collare belleville tcrutsand particulars cm he hid by spplyii at this office acctoevt ou idoiiday last mr vm fixr butcher hid two of tee fingers bu iik tight hind bidl- cut ilh i piece of broken ilissthe coeds of the finders wens cut tod he iiis been unable o me his hand since uue gbjjx market during the past week there bis been s fcehcnl rise in the price of gnitt bitlcr his taken a ttit ijumpud it nor rotth 9vc to jfooind jht is now uocth 10 fou5 i a rreit ouintit- of gnitlit nor uinj boaght here aornea cold wave iesltrdnjs metcrtuioicil prolahiliucs predicu mother cud laip a fuilors r- solhci5tcri tad uder of- the dav sontheriy nds for rcuuiuder cumdv uexther with tad there it tu- othcr culd nive np the vveit ijtpuoruflvtsodierr v ie in f jrcied thit vcu peopicv mututl im- our iicrau ircgiisisjinhostscf 1 pwaut socjtty his bceji otjuiied i srs- f it ir tic c uac jick frost la mtmuiiced his de contire vort on the riudov juis bpsnre tid fiii that aic ot slippers in time for the curiitinis tree j eilcgsrrin has a vtrr com plete xtiotttneet oc chrisusss fireiciiu i see the clruurli cjxds isinaicijuimitlers are quiet inthis auclica nitii bx allii church uf thit viijue eutcrtaiuaieiis ire held saiuuc the cetihert of the tociety evcrjfcrtnight uc luderstitjctthst i vecy iccciful cieet- iii tckit iilace it the rttidehec of mr j iieun sniitii list evcaii ofc storv the qrrens birth- diy or i ke of spihe kils the tury cinckicej iu uidsy fcei vnrss kill ik foald by oiir rcsder to be s very interest- tie story t origirxl hvin ucver silurdiy nijhl wss uijzstdy i ultondy iu tho hold und vhatt eiuis qompato actott luirkdu with being quietly urivoculed by their tnose of tiuelph iwpcctive fiieudi saranl nw meu judicious idfertisisij ig lh key- lra njenttoned i likely to inn for riliiesx vtt hct rzniors is u wuu will l lejre sppesrcii iq nnnt rod u the eecoe ii elites ire htird t j h piicei at lvsra miiy nrhu reid it kill all chtag of lidvertisaienu tu u lci witl the mhoue points cen- tssire iairtioa thjld be hindel ns by j rfled iliiuiliat the uie it i iuzudd tiesdiy rcemins it tie ktett 1 on fsct led irill be rortn rel linj riliuy prrachers wf to impiee their hearf rs with th fact thit life is short t hzl firge it in their tdnzoaj z pnttrs vrtily uiltle errcs tntuls vc itiicd tine veitriit i ciihcp cev two hozsr lite ttic liesi winter jttilirie orcptor tieaiat coir iz fjhi3sali circle is riis fppte cjciil the rsz vis tcm t reestk- iieisieiaad kill the uxrris adcznct ot ist rwfc acrux base ir hj kiirtle formerly of sfc hill his jctt eiublnlci i liiiitidc hom iaoar villsgem tit tjrcfc ijlkti dppisite ajtiew hotel ca lliin s mr kitretfe irtu tnmsarttt ctncnl luk- approved nc mi ajinc inlcrfsl oa dc- i i rvitju kefereac tlie liint of mo rei i tie new baafc vill i freat coaycaicnas o tlje liaini raa of the villag- sutl- thty sbuam latrosiie it zed ajeit apcfmapcut tlic cild sxap tlirpe or fmir toac of uccsi mx veoiiorf kuveaitir bis uot bcea iwt enoukli t burn yet ttia joyoas jingle of the aietry merry sleighbell it oov hard wood wf wtllaccqit few corda ottgood hardwood or iwailwfc iu inymcat of sabscriptioat this uiaf be ludiaa suaicucr hue it will kqatrt t grest deal of ludkaaity to coaviocfl ioiac people tlit it it sjarroa are bacotuing very nu- tnerbiii here ttidr tnrry twitter it ver cheering these cold wiolcr dayi splexdid offer wc wiljgive ths canadian- farmer dud the fpox ppre frotn aow the lit jiauatf 1ss2 for 175 a shooting naatci will u held nt kirtlias mill ia uha villae o sa turd ay cocamenciug it oqc oclock tutteytgccje ducki aud cliickcac will b pt up the g t r ofiichil otr contiitn- ifgmr r j spictr awt feuptof tha ruid and other olscialf poised through actoa fur iloutrtal oq friday evcaiac auction stlfl bills printed neillr chezply ad on hort notice at thi ofitc tirtict favoriiig up with their ardcrt aill recti e s ret notice ol sijoia the f the hoasa plints eaitired severely by the froit ofl saturday aad sonday cighta we hear of severs caes when pkata cro frozen in the siei rxwai where a coal fire vrti laming all niht a lady friend twyf that leap year is rapidly ptssiiiir iad the wnuld lite to vee s few more wedrfios txk pltce in actua bfafe iu termiuatioa herajvice is girir tike time by the forelock gutlph mercury onoof thermau mcisce o ol the montreal tekrajjh co fuund x tea dulixr bill and ou hauiia it to the ouncr the latter offered the btyxgliu of beer for hia haaeaty the breadth of liberality- co uuci i lore egress tuiro caifvtv icevce fexjci tio less thxo lea electee cxrs of i 0 e3a fdl in tli liciniy ixt wetk 43iitattfforticisttncojna1 itwiieipal j ij saturday the viud vecrttifroia the a fact whitisx uctl that ii aibscriben esc secure thefucc pniss the xest lacil fscr ii hiton county froci cjwcbiiidicziry in ii2 fornae dolkr ceonjctowa fiesbyteriaa annirirbry services ou sunday 2oth kovmber eultrtaiu- ment on the ereuiug of jlondty lb herald a freight car containing ooda con- figied to giuutt tuoojpion of this tdc wxf broken tnxi iu the freight yni turuuto ud a lot of ruluable j g o la taktti herald the rate ot taxailon for artli rfhie thit year ii hen sred it i2 cniils c the dilar liz wosld aitoa -rate- j payers thiafc iftiey were obliged ta pay jacfc taxes 1- the texsons wotk or tdexsrm hts tocthtest tcf the iiiriiwc5t nd blew a cdj uith irrrezaing bitterstaf the cold bejine iatf oi sunilxv the th- ran meter i t ouci titne reicrding eereril degrees below zero it i diw however milder the james clik was bronht up before rtads re in gcod cfdcition aedwithafew messrs rqfitoa ftnd mckay j ps inches mire tzow woald ntate firtla r assiuit amn jd m iign wheue to bl if our mtdert woald lnow th beat aud chttpeat uaasea in wn they fhrjeld rtfer xo the advertisia xk3t elosci iedna ihit prijracr bat cicrans of tb fecc te3i taos who leire ttcie tiieyire coxfn to tia in dvcrtite ccnerally do the ltr luainc iatejizmlrera gar etreetaire lively with tietn ted the fses cf ocr merchxets ex- jacd attheir kgfcj mr 5icriiy lrf toronto lias pcrchiaed the 00 acrebloct of ptue in thia toirmisipfjxrnimc ajeciader stewart ako cf toronto fcr 2j6 md will bare a gacri cf nn biuy cettic ostcoace ticiber thrcrttil the winter f we have recetreo corpy of the tiadwme partrxitcf hon w ergtilatcne rea hy the publishers of tbexocdoa ad- ktiuer to thefr weekly aaucribenfor isso it it leaatifcl portcsit mblaefc xnd tint aad will no doubt be appreciated by tiiose receriaii aftarjraitingpaiiaqtljapoa mapy dilaiiry enbsaibers for a long tjoe e feel it to be oardaty to reaiinii them thafc oar fcnaare log per naam in adraacc or f l50 if not paid- some tubscribera have sate etjiaaatedoar patieoee bein behind fwtwo xnd era for three jeirt these refpectfcllj bet firmly reaested to pay flpifcoace sltd dling more thxn thote vuu do not cxn sjfata tj ell cheiptfr aad itel have luce pro5tr thui wlia cuuyt tffuni to adver tise can tave only in rre instances aud under erceptionil circa instances do a irge ii2inea xnd very seldom keep large freh and good ctocks kotlcc i the esthuof lot xo 23 in the 2nd cfiacetaina of esqneaicg co of hilton the prperty of charles john jjcfonxjd will be qffercd tar fale by public aactioa da ued- ncflrby the 1st dxy of december isso at l2 oclock naja oa the- market- sqaarej in- tftcityof gcelph labjecfc to a for 250000 for farther particulars ap ply to messes dent hodge t biristcec mitchell orifc m crmmils mr en kill of pent ic paying fait feodi in icion a ritit uinjiuinie secard of enilton is jnotinir hef acton frieodt we had a pleasant call from mr eoilboel wtt of gtn wonday last v z mr grahanj lawson afliife left here toreutf reesnontificb ontn4t oorninf jioke sttce aoiix it is difficnlt to predict sritft mnch certiinf- what will yet befall that ambitious village acton it seizes hold of every nsirfaaglfld notion and appropriates it to it0n benefit without regard to adaptability oreosfonithe latest departneeisin he riatter of street lamps- tt is now to b lijhtfd at nihfc by tfnty rtreet israps we cant et woyteeopi there caot fed their iray along the stteets ona dark mkhtthe same as vre have todo hire bat thsh m must remember that liiltoa aint proof neither it her coancil we couldnt wind patting car omncil affaiasf any other un ithe province in the hr vt frattorrfctt on tnday mon korridgetown srbeifaiiehas seiarcd a v food ailnstion n 1 k ifcgamv ho has beeoririt- j friends in orsogetille dnrtee past sa retarned jctoe ontawaffe mr john kelly has lebjiiploya om nwenl ttoreof kairc chrstie fleaoerion co of this riliaffefor mteral tenptt uix lot- xew ivrt oo xtesday 6onunj pefir6syeri and ite of kaaraea- ra arrited here from xeir tori oa sri- taticg on their ray home they t been risiting friends in the above 3tt t the past ireek or t0 t oils mtsmi biodesthr iiaz nothing they seem to rorfc by preeedeutfrv to follow- shd reperiliiue of policy jiifch has born folleinsdjresraftsr yearbtfonnrtcujncils- set vet posted on the rwiil nefir of f ha town ifmon xvi psrbaps actfra is proni at idfrate we hai a ooancil trjiichloola after the interests ot on r citi zens and makes inch iuiproreiiienu as can be afforded without too great a tti tin on tfaevillgeercheqner we are wvu-aatis- fiebt with tbe progress onr iittlt town is maktni and wejiaveeooceitenongh con- cjode that at so rr distaoj day it will eqaal several older towns in the coanty that vfve aoanrmteawth farnishes- eta monday litsl h was fiusd two dollar and costs fine and ailt weie isid uaau at a meeting of he directors of the ilfclanics institute hell on monday evtuiiifr it ku decided that in order to nmka thelibrary axgeneraily avail abla as lossible the sniscription to the library for the eccoiid member of a family whose head is already a meiuber shall be fifty cents and tbr third ttteatyfive cnfs per annum rctpeclively ilrram mil ion since lat issue one tsvo three fonr five ritjhotelfcecpere have refused the nzrs keia mrk rowe biiter of geo smith esq slipped and fell on the sidewalk on tiiesdiyistcniognd lirokeher ug new the anklerciamjitoq mr cajey ofthe 5rijanee caslxl preached in the methodist church here onsancjay oveninjr and lectured in the town hall on monday night cliam- pina an effort is being maflo reorganize the fiood templar todge in this town wonder if tha botelkeepersjiere have any objections to the mere there is no reaion wiy really good lvxee should not be in existence here nexa last year he rata of caution in this town waa is mills onxhedolhrr eren with thatrafe thw funds in he treasury were sometimes very lowonoe indeed hey fell to about 75 cents this yeac jie council levied a rate of 16 niillractr qakhiie tho propeller lakeqnlario look oa board 600 barrels of sppleit here on monday nigbt for montreal this it tjbe jatt trip the orddfio will make thit neaton blaiidard there ar ty great many rnmorsin circulation regarding the coniinz ntini- cinad flections in oslcville for the o miyotality there pre two candidates of all kinds at sassnsawcya nevtav from our otcti corrt4poadnc mr james- milues new taw millis almost completed and will ba running in n fesf days prospect division is adding to its rauks every week two neir members were initiated last eyetiing j the scott act question is being well ventilated in the touship meetings are held in alwrssscyery school house in the vicinity and irt wu attended mr wm mccauljiitjpectid young man about 18 years of ag and an adopted son of mrisiis burns died oil suuday evening lasr from the eflvci of the kick of a horse received in the alidoiun at a threshing at mr alex mrfhaila about 3 or i dya previoha bctn tmixvxe fire to thirty drops of luoitis lcllcrtia nilwili euro com mon sore tbraaw- if peer fails iu croup it will cu reacoiichor cow in tweneyfourlo fortyeight hours une bottle has cured brotrjiiiii of eight years swnding receuitmes are cured in three to tu days it has restored he voice where tbe fcrton had not spoken above a whisper n eve years as eu outward application m sllcaies of pain or lameness nothing like itbst ever been known one bottlo will cure any cae o lime back or crick in hs back for diseases of lhe spine and contraction of the ilusclea his unequal let in rheumatic or anyother pain the eist application does you good it stops tarache and he pain ot a bum- in three minutes and is altogether the cheapest medicine ever oflcred to the people the cheapest because it takes sa little todo you tood itiscompored of six of the beat ads known and nothing butoils tt worth its weight in gold why uotlbuy it to day a b des kccucs as istant postmaster arthabas karillo i wriles thirteen yean- aco- i was seized br a vwt rtnf kfacamatisia ia the heatt trnm which i hive neiilycortlanllr taffeied after having used itiomis eclectric oil for nine day ntbing he forehead have been completely cured and hre only used bulfa battle this 1 can certity unlcr oath if you wish tier j mittory of wyoming k y writes dr thomas eclectric oil cured rae of hroncbilis in one week rlewnro ot imitationsask for dr thomas eclectric oil see that the signature of s k taotf cs is on the wrapper- end the nun c of northrop a- iymtn are blown in the tottle and tsse xo othee fcvrld liy all medicine dealers price 23 cts ktlrtheop t lv1ias toronto ont proprietorr for the dominion ctxtedtclric selected and electrized tho greatest blesaln a simple inre harmls rndr that cares every lime and pr illte faj kecptic the fcuod pure imaelt recdlar ttjneys aiilltverjctive it tile erf atstbesa- ln4evrconfcrri uicn maa doff uitlara l thai rraeflv anil lis croprlelors arc uelns hlessed hr luouaui who luw rtv ave1 anil cured bi it will you irj it sc olher column yellow oil ipthft great pain panacea migical in its power orerpain and m- flauimation ll cures kheuaiilism sud neuralgia lame back and spinal affec tions contraction ot cords and iluscles uhd externally and internally for eale by all dealers doctor gars sim 0p ik itpfsible tliat mrtioifrar unpamla- wnrk an j curtil b fikfnje a remedy i assure ion it 1 true that te is entirely curi antl wtt lollitoff bal fcfop nlctcrr and otlj tea days ai bis dxtor cave him upand sit1 ho mustdi i hviiaday if lttat is ti i will co ton rnlnaie and tet kim for powf oecree i tnow nop are ood free the system of impurities excite the secretions to a healthy action cleanse the blood- and tone up the aeakened nerves with that matchless medicine burdock mood bitters it cures fccrolulk eiverand kidney com plaints jaundice conslipation dyspep sia headache kervous and oeneral debility and all female complvinta every dealer in medicine can supply you with burdock blood bitiers tiunple bottles 10 cents tegular site 100 i zopesa from brarit it now cone into canada ii i a mili portative acting- as a wonder uponj and tlvingstrength sndenerkj- to the uuesute apparatus oftba noman morn sen correcting aud increasing- tbe adds 1 is strongty anttiblldoursnu carries cftall arplus hiieu3ois up the wver e e foand dlffescion andsfjeedj- healti lotheliyspepllc and the ulllioas afc j e mcqsrvin fora ten ceot aarcplo bottle and tostzopesv the newcompojdd arge eight ouncebottles 76 cjnts celling cheap an immense reduction in prices to clear out our stock to make a change w ac sdliag heavy 50c factory flannel for 39c 25c wincey shirting for 18c 125 double fold coating for 95c 225 bearer for 176 100 vivet wide for 70c fine 125 lace curtains for 1100 fine 35c cash ui ere for 25c heavy 50c drew goods for 25c fine 22c dross uoodt for 15c etc etc eto ijst groceries 3 lbs splendid tea for l00 find 30c coffee for 25c coi n sarch 3 package for 25c baking powder 3 packages for 25c ciseailj 3 ibg for 22c etc etc dreat reductions ia mil- t linsxy oood boots a shoes selling lowerthan ever 7slxekijs ohapmaaa corner storo aotdn the wehklt ieau has the largest circulation of any paper published in the city of toronto or province of ontario the mail trajfatris a marvel of joarnallitlclne- cesi hoxttev n bltricta i ackkowlbdgfed raqaestlooahlr ahead unctmllonsblj a tlie ne id of domlnionjunrnalismcaaxv ffjciji sektisel btall tbe oppesicioa apprflves- we like its heading- ilamacnn ustyrcgrarbr itsleq- orefstoueverylirf ahonlllio ractxc k seutoillciiamns illtconld be publish ed in thelnttpstof thp country and not of a political ptrty we should bpgrauj rejoiced atlts scecess titcanxaaines kxwa the tie toroato hall is nrdonhtedlj- at the preaeniitmtheleaimsjonrnal in cinad bith in enlririe and ability as well as in circulation and pollilcailnfloencd halir ax njsltteaain laeoest fjirzett and best the largest and bel newfcppef in me domjnlcu ottawa htaajj and tabes be lead the mall now takes the lead arbatwio tun best bokdrhdedly lie bert tjrr mart is most decidedly ibe bst paper la canada oanaia can bctat of as good a paper as ihe united stales or englnod tnoxxaott sraxnifi hagyardi pectoral balsam is the mo safe pleasantand ierfec remedy known forall diseaies of the throatand lnpgs it ciirsi- coughs colds bronchitis asthma croup whoopjegtsough nnd alt pectoral caniplaints in the most speeiiy manner a lew doe will relieve the most troublesome cough in children- or sdulis for sale by rj tleillersj at 25 eeotsperboide t cmup that dire disease has lost is errors to those who keep vellow oil at hnj vejlow oil also cures jore rurost quihsey congestion and lnbarn- matldn ol thh lungs- 3p is the season to guaitl against sudden attacks of riiiienses ak your druggist for lisg- vardt xwiowou i- jt i very eeason- engln papek the lams asd best daily newspaper prnll bed fn canada ii iol on me continent rtilsokbuaa obsskvib 1 in rfce paper of canada a parer or which chqam na have rravou to feel frond- whxtbt cuboxicls panada praise frmfew tork the rise l growth o the tonoyro mail are among the marvels ofjoarnahtni kouujed ouja efglit yearsago it is toduy uiifqnailed in citnaduav s uews- pler and burpassed by few journalr id the united bute itirrosperiiycannoi beqnes- luned und it fa a pleasure u tav it deserves luutlca nyi ubttald tbe weekly hail will be sent to any pott office in canada or the united statet or to any address in great britain for one year pottage prepaid for on doixu or tbe daily mali for six uollurn a1dkes3 thshail toronto vtotice to debtoss ail parties indebted to the undersigned are requested to tettl their tcoounta hi the 27th insc otherwise they will be placed in other hands for cnlleotiuu a w gheen ac nov 18th js8q- t a able prices christie henderson co acton this rveksh07 the conm of ove1l- 60 oases of boots and shoes ttm tin st iuken ia t domlaloa tht very exwutat quility et omi food dm tea tiurrai ur teitoi for yw iht steeklfoc cttt- at vwiity curbllu7 a4 oooapswu is unvpuui ty urttnslt uw ia th tndi a mm dssortualty t sbtrti fcr jwearfa tot- nonu- lt tta uit wlanr lajply pull lines op tweeds gray white and scarlet flannel ca- ton flannels white sheets blankets ladies mantles pine wool goods black costumes costume cloth etc just in hnra alitatb bade a speiiaitt of a 2 jo- wihstqe we are determined still to maintain the super iority erf this line wlmceys-piaw- amd fahcy from 5 jcemt8 up remember their famous 50c tea christie hendebscn 00 fine art goods charles w hill hat a rm assoetmixt or pictures and frames or thi lat s8t dasiqira vsrt omt at also in 8t00k staraoaeopas staraeaeople vlawa motfoti parforatad or ohremo picrhira cord pieltira nails olaas all alza motto frames complete for 20c photogea f si tsi lateit cur sttlis thi best asd cheapest in the cocktt csjs w bill teas xn h the cheap grocery w p brown hu jait recfired new itooi of growrios crookery and glassware his ctas an excellent and bare give great satisfaction trytem i a sftikwd lot oi glaswleb coon to be opened end eryritabkfos chrktmu presentt gi ve him a jcall coodi delivered in the village 1 w p brown tuas at mcqarvins drug store acton

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