Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1880, p. 4

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t i- t- h i ft i i f ii a i- pi sfcl j t r i i i jt f vovxg foiks cosxbk baby has acne to school the baby hat ffn to- school siimol vyiitt till the mother du with aeit a fill to liuluiu or lie ol tie aliuklhui hu tui she ktep herself licuy u day avlh the hittderuiji thing away i another 1akt to rill with lunch 4iiiuic aud the mother stands al the door to ice her baby mrvh away aud turns willi a tipa that is halt relief and half a something aktu la gtitf hc thinks o a xituc filiate morn vvjjtii the cmldrun out by oue y ill go moi their home out inlo the world tolwltle tlli life and oot even the lby jie ml to chr tun desolets unmr oftlin future year she nicks up garments here and there turoau dowu in careless haste and trie to tufuk ha- it would seym if twlhin were diliucest il the house were alwayr- ax ilill ax thit law coold she bear list kudiucst i fwo trajsoflookliiff a tilings two boys weut to bunt crapes one wat happy because they fouud grapes the other wat unhtppi- bqcause the crapes hid seedt in them two aieubxioeittraleaceot were aafcod how they wr re oue raid f am better today the either said i was worse yesterday 7 whcu it raiot one man aay thit trill puke niad auothct fbis wililaythe aojl i two children looting- throh coicrej jllaases one said the world i blue arid the other said it it bright- to boys citing their diunrr ee raid i wcchi rather have itfuttbiar elhcr thai this the other said this it better thaa nothiup a servant thinht a can s boose is princip ally kuhi- a cccst that it u principally parlor i aut forty that live aat one nun i iic rony that i have to die- aaya aa- atherj i am riarf aav etc liiai t i no trorsc l aia totry tayxaoather that it is voutuc one mm couu everythiaf that he haa a pin another coauta creqthiuf ciia that be rcciye a losa one sua spoilt a good rcaat by ihintinc of a hettcr rvuaat of another another one enjoyt a puor repst by caotsaicg it with pone at til one caa u thantfnl for hia bleasinca another i cioruts for his tnuftirtnucs one niia thicta he ii entitled to a halter workh antl u diaaatiitied leranae he haint got it aettier thinta hi u not jaatrj- ntzlleil u any and ii aatued wiihthir t one mas makes op hia accocct front hia truiu another irom hia aaaeta utile t little tf- ou w jjitiitliig liturt ity lulj ftrry day l oouunl ar jaitf lttivi 1 than jrour lucomi- 10 tint lliougli it lio little you are ooniluntlj accmuiilaiing upljjfowrngjjiclier every ja- 1 u cjutcut j v ffrj johcerp uionpf juu nra doing wtu are you giinmg knoriodgo oviry day t though il be liul by mt llm iggrrgalo of lbs ccuuuilnliofl wlielt no day ii peruiitkid to pau without adding aouiotliinj to the tock will b uqineiuj to yoartlf th wiwit awu who vorlivfdjid not becouu to in a minulti jiltla by litlla uever ouiilling to hntrn sooio tiling evon for niuglo dy lway coadiug dlwayi iludying a jiltlo bo iween iha liun at ruing up in lite morning mi laying down at night iliit i tha way to accuiuulattvti cull utoce houao o kaowkdge finally art you daily improving in daractexl ntot discuuragod beexusr a iillo by liul tin uoitinii fall uoit of lt lhy theaiwlvet vroutd wish to be it iasouielhing il i uuch if you kep goxl naolutioas hettcr to day than you itii imt year suivo to be perfect but do not become down- benrlcd o longiis you are appioacliiug nearer aud nearer to tha highsuuidunl at which you aim j little tiy ulllu fortunaa are accbuiu ialc4 utile by little knowledge ii gained utile by little chirtutcr and repulatiott are achieved nerlor wide tieifv itt flaoeel t ooly mo wll iorth 34o it enablet urn to tell very rife well i baa awwy lwnbt o a xuppr of inli e nd jdij er io nrtouf color jnt rvoelf mb a urae lot of mi it umtrntj olom afe olllr ing lv enable him to v11 mntle jmurai d uiw far wo feju r priom muiim nlulmbdm- 1ad genu underwear mke4r mdrlog oodi mx w order crpeu rum 10 to 16j at immnwwok m tafij jar tut ko member iho kwu f uousfii on ig t kut not 80 d ii one door wmi of liughtoo tt wtwwe ibe epttib it do itu ouno it a small boy on tobacco tobacco cwwt soeacthint lite cabove bat i never law none boilcl altltoazh i ae eaten boiled cawagawtth vinegar- ott it i fcav iseard men aay tiat cigarx that vai prea to them oa olection day for uothinwaacalieleavet tabaccjitorca are moatly ttej by wurdert iojona who stacda tt thenciracd try i fool litde loyc ly offence lieai a banch oiaari which it glaed into the iujciu hacd and it made of trood also da not like tobacco neither da i- x tried to smoke a aarooce iodit mad trc feel like cpwasaalta to- uccq was inveated by a mau named walter raleigh ythea the peoplv first aaw him amokic they thoch he was a steamboat they wat frightened my sitter kancy u a pil i d not know whetaer she likea tobacco cr not there it a yoan man named flroy a ho ctma to tee her i geae ah likes lcroy lie wat standing on the steps one nihy and be had a aprin hianoiothaad hesaid he didnt know ax ahewonldlixe it and she said leroy the yerfotne i very pleasant aod afreeahle bal next onnngwneo my hig hrothertom lighted hiapipe kaney said ont of the house yaa horrid cratare i the saiell pf tobacco malxs u ritk rules or ilofue education from yourchildicns eaiiieat infancy iuculcati ibe acoasilr of iuitaut otx-di- euce 1 j 0ailc firinnets with gealliiieas tt your children always adcruuu thai you mean what you eay i if you tell a jtttlt chidto da boiio thing show fciui how to drit aud dee iht it ii done always punish yourphildren for wil fully disobcyiug you bat never punuh them in anger kever let tliea perceive tlat they vet you or mate you lose your aolf cjoroiani i if they gtre way to petutaaso or ill tetiper jwait itiil ihey are calm and then enily reason with thein on the iaijiropriety of their contfuctj reucinber thai a little present pun ithment when uie occasion arise ia much mora effvetual lluratbe threaten ing of a greater punishment should the fault i renewed yuv st y ctttitcxi- fnirstiiug because thy cry for it on no acoouat altar lliotn to do at ono liinl what yoa have forbidden under the same circuaiuuces it an other teach them that the only tore and easy wayto appear good ir to be good accujtcni them to make theic litcle rectula- with perfect trull kerer allow of tale bearing- teach them tejfdenial j not self- indulgence of angry and resentful spirit boys uectl tuu if any people seem to f oret that character growc that it is not something to pot on rea4ynja4 with womanljood or michood but day by dav here a irttla grows witli the growth and strengtheat with the strength cntf crood or bad it becomes a coat pf mail lxik at a craa of bosiness prampt reliable cotucicotioaf yet clear v iicade4 and energetic wfacn do roaisnp- r h developed alf tboe qaaiitiet lei pa teg iiie way in which a iioy of teq years kta np in the moraiog works plays stsrfiet aodwtrwiif tlyou just what kind of a man he will make the boy who it late at meals sijd late at school sfand a joor chance of beinjr a prompt inan the boy who neglects his dnties be they erer so small andthcn eacnes himself by saying f forgot i didni think will never he a reliable man 4 the boy vrho fmds pltainre in the suffering octhings will never be a noble keneront iqudly mannered geutlenjan- aduh8filateookingtrampdroppid in bb a ilam street saloon the other piorping ft innch time anti anchored iili rsgs and forlon countenance just 6 tlm lunch couuttr and began talk- ng dh ttorex the hoys regarded mm with interest as they too peeked j sctho ilithfe fou look said one pf them to the new comer like the prodigal spfrv tytt ijajd this tramp weekly leesin inllithe hoga liay f and there con versntion ceased or at least it drifted gradnally intp a pew y phannt hprcnlntori fill in ve topatls bis lit of pbiloaophy n proponded by otb fiillipgb all thail itas about jjood or bad at ii rtife otir ood lulf weatfribit to par slrevdqej bur ba4tuf we phafge oyer topoinbodurt eja acltoiwfe words ql wisdom to changi and to ba better are two disvrent things proud hearts and lofty mounuinl are always bairen search othcni for thttr yirlues- and thyself for by vioei i one oaonot always be a hero bat one hh always be a rain vice altera the countenance of man and quickly destroy tte beauty of women yoa may be uncivil to a great man but mind yoa are respectful to a small man j let him who regret loss of time make proper use of that which is to come inhlfutur religion las perfected civilisation bu civilization hag atnjly rejaid th obligation there ia a relation to lie obserrad be tween the wordtarid iho mouth that pronounces them it is heaven upon earth to have mans mind- mora in charity rest- in providence and turn upon the poles of truth that sermon did m4 good said one friend to another after bearing an docjnent presoher we shall see was the replyr h burton conscutbca is a great ledger book ffj- which all our offences are written andrrejnaterad and which time revs lis to the sepse and feeling of the offendet rr strirly raoientofilt yontldairicj than your poffsri knowing ibgt gold and silfer were originally overed with dirt nptil avariee jx pmhiuori parted them j yonng man dont raise that first glass of spirit to yonr lips dash it to the ground anil crash it at yoa would ayenomou serpent or verily you will find at the last it bitetb like a serpent and stingelb iijfo an adder see w hassfoficmses 00 at nnluii iii t flfcromowi clbvaud- oonu at prieit to low that h mlllng 4ti mjiummi avwip cowt ll ny ito z s j3lv i ul 1 bni ibuflb id amtlm sun cottoq to tell at only loo whion it tbe mmwiiouirer irloe ll at tbt ul t l ii lonmisf io llurrookrc btfialied oottont kept in all jjutnmlim m ttrr low prirwi florrocks ll entuet mm io rn uorronitam beaotllul fln hlenchwl wlton wjw- v fzu jx- tiiiwn itaaabu blm to tell cnn fr vouau dgt ry ohmr he buva hese good ilinot from the nkert for oath down ritonam jlbwmtm wd id muaprilf ibelxattlielrmlll- h1il lkvle dnto il thtwurtit kail rrf hevy yani wide gnblud cotton t lie leutoao it it worth it nu bun to sell waqtuml ajwooj 1 1 eaabut blm to tell onarilm wj touobt id very cbf urn nob8trgetatajc pw mem vitauzid itnim byilt hothot nja4 ami jbrnari ortaui ta wimf- tie hlatorr wriiimleint ai pfoodar nunnl bbss gooos at liji it enables htm to sell a very su wool njckufor rohti at only ilol nortu 836 direct fruiii the british nitkrri this week al de gtddjd ovmss so tell very rley wi adnflmrrtflret of tbuf ixlwhajrdji ami rnaarjj organ la wit tie hutor wiitaaieibt a byoodanjervwrfa itiumojtetalbesisii ttmttttf lem inioma tha rsolikatieiras simejculhr tsrarlhbetmaaile un trial of a uarobofelitra t waur wllleodtumalkettiiatcw inftoa uo io twenty nlaatat r dtaflnjateif the salldltm4wrjeuullm the atawuimaiaea r too hi wheimflbejf orwl rer hamilton oct mill ls0 a distinct and peculiar combination fellows cohrcuiid syrup of hipophosphites tt eons- t he rvmntimsentlal u tbt animal cff lulcjj iio ciijjiug ignts aaa tunica la combination wilk tha liruvtlng c nt phupvoitw rfin th merit of bt- lag slightly alkaline aid is diiirne 1 11 1 couruknt sd paubl tona of a syrop ts effeett art uinally t trmy four hours an i rs marked by a ttim- ulatios of the ptlif thd lid aaiailatioa riilrriug ocuy into wt circaatim it tone iheirrvetiadauilis 1 1 it a hcflthyacuon ottbe tecretteai neitlier diwuths ilesonari iht iijurs l k raj udr rvorgid me and may bdis30ntiuuclatayluirijoatbjvvvncct j ja a word it p-i- hi ifntclaaf to arouse tho stteg the tonics to retabj it aa4 merit of a hi der e fellows cdmpoijsd synup of hyp0pko3ph1tes tplit ao rtfikaktkilr court j km ifmlttori ltil ftmmt i uf ik j ura i i vreo- i- t uf a fpiut l df imr yj tl c item r aaa ttl npiir imtrwi- jvrii i ai rw f lbe b w wluch eepem for heakh mjwavuuxj li fflrrjxi axf thfi roa a paishlst thom c wltkins haoltoy sbsoribe for the aoton free phe88 t perry- davi son lawrence cmi ik uc5t21u1 lhacyardsr4 sipsetctoral 1 batsam t br4rk urftllas oldlniraf u h coriot vfctn aucim tewt soti h- vl ctoria lfrllm i i 1 1 77xt cfflfspcinc j isease rio nev s hn potvfiuj for he penxuncol run uf ctnjiv iami torftlirwil aallwuomy 1kmplac breaefcuk a4 all lunji durtm i ctj pruticusr tetatoo ollffffi atltaalrtu uiprrio to all uhw eruuvn bt wiania aoj iuux in fei m suuocu of tnkft c t eciill -fok- groceries ifyoo want a good and cheap arlfcfc in 7oue zitn jpia buci o dus- povour t e a s ii- sugars syrups j spices i and tobacco ot all kinds j fresh ijfd sweet preserving settles -ik- haedwalte of all fcitult paiktsakdoils hinces akd riock najcs glass i pdttvi salt by the barbel all cheap for oo to o t hilis mill street cash acton brass and granite leok tare tstthc but ta fe mcrkci al hat ills mill street acton sgy qf tze ujfp lajas fcsarl ef 33ttoectt one of the seat jgyaia it u ft rpodflo in tbe core of al dlaeai f uie kldaotg btouuer vrostatic pt toa o be vmrr oana irritauon of i pnkcf tiieeiadjerbaniiogurtjc 1 nnmmatin- pf f hn xlhu yy pi hajjer i dropsy of lodncyi acid uiua blood f urjoe palo in iba rmpiort of uiebladiccr path in the badcurinary cajcnl jb bacal calculo renal qotic etefeeitoa 1 ot urfa9 froaneat lrinaiioti qnnl tq aut fsnns ltmltlity to rujn tho wn- tw paticulariv itjvsnrr artvmjpwl in uo it a r that rtcores tho urtno to its natural i color rtncvm i acd and bontfflir tm i the rtect of uw txcoajjto uu of j-loj- cities driofc t8eodtororctrjj leiddnkmg i tywhkstlwcfj j mhbbsibdeo oftiakia i jlenudr im u b mid cbaado pur salt in aclosb j e drmalsi hooar iiolo iu oboajf4 jfewcboahlfboji a nrstolasi canadian maker for salt buitemeto tbe hoibesundsyjsoboolor bmah cbnrcb wo will still tho above very ioworiah f fuujiartleulaai apply to ppimoobhj i pan paxks orncs actotpeb u 1880 v t mcorae oos fikst prize i t underclothing lambs wool morino aad peavy bibbel also childreiis dresses and j ladies underclothinc mtreitiint tailor outlpti the largest and most complete paotorjr iiv the dominioa 140100 highest honors ever awarded to any maker ia ttowopltt 1 p imtil and dijoma ai ctnieanial thilalal and dijjtima at sydnif a uetralla fstgod malal aijroeifiejal exhibition toronto rjlijlirtt uifard all lulutt rial echiltuion turonla 1876 1877 1878 1879 we are now manufacturing square and upright piaitos i best in the market correspondence solicited send for illustrated catalogue mailed free address dominion organ piano company dotwmakviijije uiviabiu b cbaine agext actok wm stewart oo invite the special attention oral whowint really first claaa dryfoodiat reasonable pricet to tbe immense took of na ooods in oar daeisgoodsdeparteinxr kantlkdktarrilenr uiluseuy dfitartilest lace hoslertsr and auive dfparttet buckand coljued velveteen d3parthent silk department siaavti dkprrmesr staple department wincey dkpartjdesf huormkg depahtuekt tablk linen departaient cloth and tweed department blatk cashmere depaktmext we have the largest stock of goods we have ever before offered p our aim is to offer inch value and choice as io make it an object for purchasers to call and sacure bargains i t pleasure of a viit toliciied wm stewart co gtztelzph jtmafflimdlllill orwlin aebat hadmiaaatum fa j um xlostotiaaaxj hatdook8 vitalized bucht will l almou inrntdlaca rftlfca outtrnaaauakveoilied toe aim rslrtlaa toeudb mr ibeeetreiiii ptalnia rirlraaniprlmkieal ktot tuu remedy nnrtraljest iprtwag taeldealal lolks feoal swa tss houm be wllfinotlt alkl ii mmttp joang or old aa h will rntoia vr oilier soanprii fo ui tiowam inn a sens and geurlde6llnjj io i jauudlea ai5 ieltoar luel iotc dlarrboea ilrmnareoaslstums nxfilii so us log eoedwuushka tbe wood aerofnla scurry ard atri enpnona bkmphcib fluid par and titaltby w easy i lb attack disease and ooate prepares ftwtnlscnfpom canaaaaji pi maydi vitalized rwar a site anewaaii naaa waar tl bat made bit j dr haydoesss caebb hi j weight flneempoanda uy rla woold not be wluvwt u maarj our little bey it rooehlbtutr cae dollar foranoiberboule i nod it as easy la tskeis mlf we have add thirteen bxille aad shsll want tbree doaea srl my motnlwatonyltgafieual bnebn waalottraeteompelrmeto any snralld or soffprtr aflllef ad ktdnry disorder who will write maatuti eonsisldi will dk irrtteo dnmsdly a ly ft is- my atost earnest dali tot ftkolhbrinavf ulabetn and ilroi ll iters l yoa aii tw poor opc wrlii vf anrw and yonr euse vim lanaojliseatleuilin amutian obserre that be uoilnreof jhsi it across tbnirelhof eaeb bolll prlwona dollar lor laige and bfty ca tor irtal ttsea jos hatdqce j7fiay acton harness tbtjns factory harness and trunksjnade to order id any style require4a short aotica tad at rtaaonable prloea repairing promptly attended to a i- r oruom the aqton free press bjsst local paper in ihalton co furniture a good assortment of first elssafifrnl tnra of evtiry desofi p tlqii eonjtantly hand prices aa low aaguelph or george town acaix soucrrxd m- rfohnitpnohtl undertakino brer description of odsm gbut nd all funeral re qullteijilwaykjt in suok a hand some pwamatjer tmkh j xiaohakti lliis sale boab1 i- ija stabler mill street ac la where joacan get 1 firstoltibs ri atbeasdkableratit good commercial an exjireat delirert waeon wius each express train andelisr goods any part of tbe towuff all parties indebted to twj tablithment are retueled io pajl withooi further delay and tare eoiaj edliatthet7 propriet or va3sj sewing machi robt baihe u prepared to can on persons m either i sewing itachlsiee or qiv- ajte has agencies prom- jul best manulsetorers in tbeeodaulj will coaneue katubiouoh to fanbaej terns tery reasonabis unlersjlatvap mldenee or addteaaedto him to acton i wmtaeatnpraaptamenuon t ft roointsentrreatothoiw- sw cwtalnoftwnftad inralsh yooitwrilblot lio a day i nsidaikcmigbada wuhoqvstaj from borne rr olrbt kortski atnsj dw workaim wanted aaom aniausklnkinnmaattb boslpea mamtonabatfiam abj yooscl cltnakensaiiiax pooneiwnoljj to work ms to asdni man moner t than oao ha madaln a week at any emoloytnrix ii otalaaaoii aafttjtwnnwvklqrtiait ad 1 flaxwrtrefopptrt 0 wiuiow ataacroii ttabt wstmal a yoor donrw win uwa aatatjofitka ioeiftsaaeeai soeheaaoeea remain- in porerly many aahwamen boys ana shi tn utrtabilnlbalrown kieauihe irfejytrwuitbjy ii ai

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