Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1880, p. 2

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y 9 raggtjr ll-a-vljl- j 11 uuaxlullillb 1 tih i 1 i i r if 1 i the free press finmoav motmxi ore ibso tp scott act tf the auhor or c hrurttanity had be frothl that 3 tt acl was needed il i to btntttppoiej tint in tuitit a ay he woul i hato inculcates that doctrine iibn no hero daun ao nd it aeeiih to n that those who impiously claim ihalcbriaitaialt won tuotr id m i i mattel of tins km i nte- doing dikhnci to the rougi under whose iwiuo tho are peking to effutfl ttieir tuils hamilton sitcialr tide author of chriilunity hrd u lieved that a compulsory vacunatto act was tiseded it it to be supposed tint in smith way he would lute in culcatcd tint doduitc fie lias no where done so and tt secrm to tit tlitt thew who nic such arguments as dcck the siclalor re very lard drtyca leiden jijrrier cost orrovalty thajtof royalty is well set forth in the telegrsplre uewsfiom loudon tito abutment tat nude and cius a decided aualiu in all circlis social and political that jlr glldsone h been requested by io qun lo apply to pstliatneul at us faiheotaing scs linn for a grant of 0003 to help the prince of wains pay uff such of his debts as are considered pressing and for an addition of 10000 a tur to t his roval highnesi allowance cio t 000 a year irrespective of th net revenues of the duly of coras all which amounted to nearly 70000 a yearl and of the princess 10000 ii is further staled hat sir gladstone aeclinist rfpecttilly lut firrati to comjly with the request alleging that if any ruch erxnc or tncreased allow ances were tequtred it should he made- hy the qrteen herself not asked frou live publ c pars w think ilr gad stones head is level coukidiiiui the way the job a let hut if j e mcq lnoas of an her renhin lot tut hear it auatliu mutter wl iclt wo ninh tatifer to it a clwisu ill ml ahtujcipal clclkt hjttrt ahtch inula it at dome of lho j1w mrjred thai letter would not have dom so if llvy had dot betii oiiainfortued regards td the sllo of talletiug he u jo u to pit on llio si fiij wo will lo u ferm him thatuvery man whoso name hi ntucbud ifi that louoi fully ohdoiacd ud chei fully mjned it vhcnpniiited to them and wlion h throw a out such i hint ho writes wlul he knnaii to he lalte lor i he tnu the troulili o converting ith auy of the inthhaa t lie will find it oj all krreo tcjaitlinj hat mutter and parttcnullj the ivav hi whicti the j ib wuh kt tlie cuuncil uitt mike no dcfetio- the know they lutu done rouif uud tlurtforo tiniain culcut hat our tillage tcuhe nut kiting the opituutt go hj he niiikl mfuun the jebpla of actou that jk xccgarv in is the luerehtnt refund to and ntakea such a nttarahlc attempt at di fending the enircil aud himself thit e put k lon as pure gush tho fartx in our latter vera ct foitl ium enough and pbo that we do not want nny advertsinjtnt on out public lumps and are nut theiuli lie -m- ill agree- tth ftllat o hav orritttn as tarj tbiv malttr we teuiain ou a ttc geo iitvdj j ciiantav a w cikcuv dr r mprhow j w maw a sccoro ctus t hut b haslttt acwn not- 30th 1ss0 we think the aliot esnljfcthan row liecn sufecwjjtly rentilated through oui cilumna auitfier alloaing a ttjdy o tie abore letr vto will positiuly div dma lo puliuh aurlhinj further ot tha enhjccl ed frcc pocas the biddalplt harder trials flia trial of the kidjiilph prtsontt is set for the ctth of january thii tll be the frtt cnuitnal cose in jresteru ontario in hicb a epccxal co niuioq ha been ordered lr tbe crowl aulucr fles and under ta circnmstnces bnt itj ia knorn of ihe mode of procedure by inijuinnf at head quarters it ijs been learned tlat the ltentenont governor possmthe lower to order a tpia5 trial whenever tt is deemed eliiedicrt xb order havm been issueda jjry tstuai atoned ia th npaal way etch ppeitlj ssmzs how tver is arrangfd accrltaj to thi cecessiues and nature of the cue anu in the peseot ictuae a panel of falh one luadred jurors a ill be kumnt inel uwinj ta the fact that the flection i jurors it ja t now in proreia through ont ila ratioua mnnicipilillec of tht connly and will not befomplettd until r tha 31tt of 0ecrmurit wosahiolutch inqoaulle to haee th ttlnl take plac wore the date giced in the ertnt of a diaagreetntnfc tbe case will real pre cjsely where it was before with the exception that thfcre will be stronger arguments for allowmj he putonert out on bail and a change if renui tint mi hal s baa been requiim to dlier hm ltctuio in uuilon ut mi i hi date folk ta coming down in rock- nonl a man pasting through hern a few euings ago with tjotd of pork diopjied owiof the pighfuim litrtlrigli mid on hfeouiinj awitnt of hit loir it tin tied lo gud it but some person ele nha hkfd pork as well il h did had appiupnaled it to iuuiaulf unci haiaince hem tnjujing olieup pmk foe it ban not been heard pf the illagera are in general ghid lint the niiow hat coaie for it has filled tip the halu inlh adotvalks whiih nould ollic r lae hitto hucu kfl opcu fot people to ntuuihli utcr clttlcv the cheap cash store groceries provisions haltov corxtt efs gcorcctowu a raw platform la bung laid at the grand trunk station herald trarellers eotuplam ercatjr of the lack of a comforuble waiting room at tlie juuction s irely tha two roada ojgh to be ahla to remedy this enl i uccali tue new itethodist eiiacofal chuicir of thii town was dedicated to the worsh p of god on sabbath lait despite the coldness of the wmkr qutt a iare congregation osseuibtd hertld hiltoq the heaty wind laat sjndar cannd quite a number of the con in knoi f hutch lc fei a lot tit eaitt j aytm a ang itrn was pked up off he tdewlk on situuuy mtht in a etui frozn condition dua intixtution cjraiucnt unnecessary chiripicn it a mattrg of the cemetery con p ny on tuesday erelingit waadictdtd t procure a charter of iticjqjoraiiod b fore buying any lane chamikon a cornsikiudaee is flojrishmg in he tnorgtown her dd from luumwra jf the icton and nunal bandaj alajut uuicai niuerf in which two hiltcu jiuiiqatis figure cltampwa there is troul la in acun crer on f the merchanta offering the euti of 50 cents per imp for the privilege of having his nama and business pained on the village street lamps it has roosed the green eyed monster twelve other merchants having signed their names to a protest and published it in the free pru kcict th eductjklule vrrthj 1 npel hu ejuntrt for ia free dikaajnojallriac rtofpvt iv murtst dxt not hm kivwlf ta ary vajretpotibuforus opiiwu of ut ccr rujkjrjiaiu tbe street camps ta u editor oftfc free prta dear sib a letter appeired in ast weeks free press over the sig nature of j e mcgarvin in ansvei to ona the week before from the nitchants of acton complaining ol tbe unjust and onesided action of the conncil in refarenia io putting a mr chantj livettxsamenfc on the 6treet if mrabont tobe erected in the village why he ihonld talro up the cudgi 1 to defend the council we cannot conceive as no reference was made reflecting on lira wbaterer oaly that we considered it a gmarfc dodge on his part we uamd tb council for tha favoritism ehown in not giring other meichants coflnca to tendarfortha game pnrilcge if it whs the intention to allow on adverliaement to he out on tha ptiblit limps sn nnpreoedenud thine which no on thought of j e mcg eayahat it ia at least contemptible on the prt ofthe originator of the said letter and hints at showing tlie real reason why it as penned which in plhlio dn not know we prsuiu chat j e iug- tbiuka it is because oco of us probably the oi iginato ol tho dofltimfnl did not get the chance to have bis adr on the arupa and we would say it ia a rcryi goid reoon oakvliie oakville can boast of a fire cctnpany and two engines standard it is our painful duty to announce the death of e w suith evj ho di4d on wednesday morning after a rcilonged iljneas of consempttcn standard 1500 christmas eoekwood sews j from our own eorretpohdenl mr geo hatgk has just returned fiom a hunting expedition to jlnkoka and we ieirn that ha has had excellent success in deer bunting the farm of tbe ate john mcintosh of erin which was offered for sale on tmraday 25th was purchased by mr wuir jago glova manuftcurar of thia v illage mr john moore proprietor of the rnckwood mti has just receitsd his new tnrbina water wheel and busn ea will be resauied as aoon as the wheel ts put in we were pleated on sabbath uat to see mfs r e neiaon formerly of this nllagepy a vmt to his friends here this visit though neceansrily short mnref us that he etili remembfrs his old fnends hero nud we ball always ho happy to aee him mr ft 8 balls of ihhr village de livered bis or ralher mr gongbv aoinewlut celebrated leclure at crew- sons corner on friday evening thu 26th to a small but wo are aure apprrciaihe audience w understand and hew years notlcos worth ahenflon rest value in bkatea it a hvcotd j- cos hats from 15 cents to 5 5c at j filei aeiiii skatif s225 at a st cold 4 coa citoicefush butter for 19 cemta it chajimtus firth gull 0 stars at tbe cxcd iur iiaktry hard warf of all kinds at a cord j ci e laimis n atvllef newest st let c clirtstie uendeoon a co a coju ielt hat fur 5 etuis at j kj cs otsin b the cm cr quatt at tha uialsior cikuy see the new glass ball castor al sc cord j- coa the but 50c llinct cnhnierp at chrittie lenderton lat lite uet 12j cn wincey at christie uendcrton co t if vou vnt a not l diilaie rtiul cneap suit j f lea is he j lace to ge tue iarcet ami ciieajkltt uk nt hjou and mioes at christie ucnderson k cos sjiu an ovircoats at extremely low rttes aud mvte ia utevl ilvte be tare to call aad see them i f it actcti tne llgg tft and cbeaiet ixccv of boou aud siioca at cuiie itejderwa l col reuicuitfer tue i atuuaa sa tea sikeb enjluh artf cn1ip uit at la crest ranetv it the hat a clothing store j ijt aclun cqiets carpets cirpela large toek fplen ild talue aleautirulcnirn cirpec for 30 worth 5te cilt an see lliem itcwod andpfoonico beoio tjirn mavtles the newest titles in ujtes co mantles cheap cl c tuiiec- ttuaof eott audpncrcjp ctfa i- tctieevv- ej iucieirbcr the ftfliiji 5r tea soi 1 1 j lb in i at 15c at chrutic ucdcnoc 4cu 10000 lh of ttirhorr dnckn geeee auo cntckena wanted fir which cjrrent market paces will be paid pick 43ryxont scald christie henderson go net miluverir christie hen dena 4 ci aill recede their cew fall millmcrr la a few davi and carle beit wcet wilt beprcparea tohlicrdcn thsdl- ui tl eir nun patron forjiait favors the nsjjcctfally solicit lmtcctioa nf lieir new fail tjondi wlicil wilt ihej behcte lie ftund vcrj attracliva and ter cheip re oeaiur ibe fmjui 50c tea sji m a lb lots at ut mcquillan hanilton of he wellington mirua vntti gaclph are noed forgiemi tit rfct on la tlitise faror- ing them with their arden if jouneed anvthmc in their ll be sure and rememler them thcj dj a very large bus cesa con ffequeatly thav sra aide ta gira ltter tsnnf and leep lelcr warlicea than sraajier worlc send to them for jarticjlira ko medicine a more jkltv popular thin hagynrd s pecioral balsam it is a posilue specific fur all diseases of the thtoal and lungs lea irt to contra uon it loosens he laugh phle miicoiu soothes utkadotiallavs f- mecoughfug nd lkatdleudatis bold by ail dealers at 21 cenj y bottle zoresa ihavc secured the agency for hilt new cam pound for eospeis s- and liver troubles te come to me i ndcr mot favtie- abto aosnce bclnc very hlihle endorse ac reeonmtnded lu wondcrfutffiultrto tne d cfitve orenk and tbe ileer ircrras- incln dlsolelncjaice correcting the arljs andearrjlnsoa impurities of tbe stomach and rcculatlog the liver can be tested by se en ln a kunrte tattle wi icn sells at in eta or lars elcet ounce dottles alia cents j e vteoarell burdock blood bitten it the best blood purifier liver and khiey reju iator and reaioralivelonlc in he world- tt acts uron he ltver the kidnet i and the bowels curing all manner otfiilious complaints kidney complaints and diseases of ihe blood ak your drug put for burdock blood bitters sample bottlea 10 cents regular sue 1 00 the mammoth honae georgetown offers the biggest drives in dress pooda and general ary goods erer offered lo tlie canadian public dres goods for ioo 12c and 15c original prices were 20c 25c and 37c wmcies remarkable bargains millinery jlsntles furs keadr made clodung uvercoau oidered clothing immense bargains ifcleod anderson 4 co mammoth ttousa hagyards pectoral balsam is he most safe pleasantand perfect remedy known for all diseases of the throat and lungs it curst coughs colds broochitis asthma croup whooping cough and all pectoral camplainls in the most the undersigned would inform tbe people of aoton and anrroonding country that- hs ha pnrslimed th oek and bwinem of mr a w green and it pieparad to iell at greatly reduced pucra and aolicita a cdntinuiinoe of the patiooagu hcrotoforo bcalowed nn the atore ubaajut rcctdred a ifrget stock ol new and choice groceries and provisions of every description teas a specialty tpecdy manner a few doses will relieve the most troublesome cough in children or adulls for sale by all dealers at 25 cents per botfle important aoukceiuvt me leod anderson co of georgetown beg lo announce that ihey have inoved into their new store right opposite the old aland unving enlarged facilities for doing business o shall moke a special exertion this fall to give the choicest ohenpeat and best goods ever ofleced to tbapabllo the hook is im mene varied and attractive and won derfully cheap our new siillinerv and mantle opened ont new clolht and clothing andallkfnda of new fall and tiner giods call ami see m and be hold one ol the most ma nihoent atoeks and atores in this part of tbe oonnty mcleod anderson co cards to select ojqive him a call t h harding m ladies please read startling hit in the i dross goods trafo- j e moaarvin drttggist actoif rt- f merry christmas bright new year 1 boys and girls ladles ad gentlemen qye dyif dll takb notice- raf mrinp la j e megnrcin drujguf acton haciuq thelargcfl and m6sl ranid ffocj rj chrlamat and veir yejft goods in thit pari of the country ititlahle for j all rfafs of pearle old ard vunj rich and jyoor i hare aicinled hit tiivt to le my iteadquartetl henceforth vrhert i intend keriinjall my present don i forget lit jan cml aid let my ttncl ard dioati tri al you trould like i am your old fnend santa claus cloudland dtc lit 1ss0 p greajt purchase in fine dress c0 r in bond in new tork to be ij old at a littler over half tjielr beplar price x i a i ft i j r ke have just concluded an immense purchase of what it beyond donbt tbe laray est finest and most fashionable line of drett goods ever ooerel by tha dry goods trade of guelph flie lot comprises all the leading v and fsshiooabe abodes in mom ie cloths 1 4 cisnmores and oriental broche silks to mnlch orich apd every shade of the goods and commencng on wedke3iia tvoveliueit oih we ilull ofler the whole lot at a tremendous retfuclionon i actual cost of imporlition ihegiodi oreo a verjhaeau wolleiture 44mt vrid and old reaulrlv5ill prrvard aod we are enabled lo offer tha whole lot i 15 j cents peresrd a like fportunitv to buy really thegant dress gobda t iti nce ofaa lufenor mitenvl may not ocour again wo unite he ladles io atollj themselves of this grand ofler ilmiy interest onrhdyfnendslo know how we are enabled lose tbesegoodtoil tuh a lo price vcell ibe fiets are these they are imported by a leadinfjtiu enco i oucef for their finest trade through stress oiclrcumttsncesibey werrciwj pel edlo unload b fore takinc thetri out ot bond tney were flvred formal and in cennecuoo with a large torontn 5rm we bought tbe wliotdlol ouixtib friefcds are setiog them fieely at 50 ceo s per ardbtit as thetxtottty whiebsu were cotnpe led to take is mujh hrger than cur ordtnsrv trade demands we havl decided to erjte a ennd seniaion b offering them at 751 cents flklsrkykjjia asdoneealfcexkperyrd t se have o made special reduction m our regular goods anh on wednesday nivemr 10th we shall make the greatest offerng of lreos goods ever auemni ed in cuelph l the lion bas the osoda tha lion gives the sarzalntn tha llea dmi tha traiall j jy williamson co guelph spl ndd ulster vebemt n 5i itoves istoves i stoyes made to oftder ipr 9 xceilexvt lines of beaver dugoxttl and tweed overcoatings- intlo stoekjof hals and caps and can undetwaro aatoif i psssad in the trade ji o call at the east end clothhtj stoi j yfg do not fail to see havills stock of stoves tho cheapest and best variety in town s a crowded store -thfci- fashionableewwesteen dulfg the trajeh fashionable tailorinc o the subscriber wiibes to announce to tho people of aoton and vicinity that he has open ed ont m the premises latelv oecupiedby l g matthews next to the post office l st complete assortment of cloths and twkxds smtablo for the fall and win ter trade and is prepared to make them up in tho latest styles and t offer good inducements to cash customers m stock consists of black and colored beavers diagonals coatings and vesiikas english irish scotch and canadian tweeds which have been bought in tha best uiaiketa for cosh an early call is solicited satisfaction guaranteed b b istelsoist new goods new goods- b daslktt has just eicdvid a lakoi rroci of hstw fall goods comprising french merinos cashmeres lustres colored antf plain winceys gents underclothing ladies undervests berlin and fingering wools colored stocking goods and a larob amofitmest of fanc7 goods all of which he will soil cheap for casa or trad haslett from at j b mcgarvins drug dress department rushing our kluournan tweeds our harris tweeds our isidore tweedat- our camels haor tweeds our scotch suitings our wool sergesttj are manrloeot andatlnet daly immense erondstn onr dreu deparimsnt- liltsn look to as wltn oinadenee fur th- rltii materlhla tee iyusaloual wwt eau fcstu to lay before its eastomera laa very latet prodnouons ot brtush and foteictrtovaps j a 0 bucham k fothionablt wat snd dreu mantle and millinery eitablishment gutlf- i ut brilliant succes1 to tears awards nine first pxee silter medax and diploma on uphobitenfd goqdi ndcltn we te awawed the only silver hedal- ever offered for epeoial txeellenee n t7jii in thia dep irtinant we take the lead and chollongo competition orrjire receive prompt attention intpeetion cordially invited f w0rsf0ldc0 sign y tite c7iai hwhetont block upper wynaham st dudpt store 111 t7s2 acton fine assortme

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