Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1880, p. 3

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lv1 qheislmisprlsbnts rtx f fci very cheap very cheap very the free press actox tnrmnar bee 2 isso vtt jdretlsesrsts r irt- i 1 be hcs ffhw i irau 3 h v- 1 a i nkt- i i i i- isf i 1 santa cuim j e mtgervia business change john spdbt j t inas new ym7go tiynda ltouce to debtors john speight grand concert rteeiwood starrs is hih brilliant sueees worsfom k coi tresert geo hynds guelph cloth ualtv-shaw- 4- burton proclamation wijtewatt k co christmas and hsw years a tpleadid lot ot taitable presents for tie ehildrea chrittniai cards 2cev year cards toys dolls vims books boot marks ill nljrtty ehep at geo eyxrs jewellery and fancy goods store actoa oat alavu-eiuppearuio- utufeal eourm o tic freeess aliui auauiiu tjpti i txfttitg or r3ertuukcsf rrvoioirr urzibtt ori3 ay ovaaexc ladder kv te izu cxiv at alxriucjjlckjj asd cxrycj at tfar rate gtt your uato ready outrillc bus organ tads fire com a nnv gimc an exchange urlla of a uoi outdoor amuicraout that wo hope pauy to tee become yory popular in acton during pt t i the winter tb new gtme it very tiniplo cbrurtmu tfareratki front sat- inasmuch aa it it played by one portoa and while it urdiy spuriout twenty ro ccut pieces are aaid to be ia circnlatioa wood pile grow small ia an amuingly short timer these dayt who are to b reave and coun cillors for 1ssi the raleryerasmtut an- a im at tffotdt u moch icicic u any it it tncr- pentiva it ta played vilh a tlict tloutan inch and a iiau io diameter and three or for feet oaj at oof end of the tticfc ft a flat white piece ot wood armed in lom inttaa- cea with theet iron the aidf walk ia the belt place upon whieh to play the game and the time early a the morning tbe dont neglect to clean off yoor ejariifa in the removal of tno- fro tidewaltt the coatuble ha hi eye oa loai md othor jotusy decstubtt hinct pit have aginaivired lurkert axa fajiecing for christ aacj baaiaen ii lirek aioca aleigbiog ctsu 1 the storw are patting aa their halidar attire our merchant all ajifar to be d ii tjirely boainrca now the bojs and girls enjnr them jelre coattiog oa the hiua tlxiut ioktc kowmanr klfaacri6ea5 rititna aipre te the potltioa of gornduor fr ncrt teir a iionre waa soli fn town vscr- day for tweutyfife ceats it ris a woodea oarftreeu praieated a lirrfr ap- tjearaattbc saturday themercacis were jcep leaf all dtp i tbedaya growahorter ani reach their thortt darationy while the errrtna are becoajic looter aad locker rr p h wilkinrou uengsged thit week cioria into the aew parsouxe jstt completed by mr tuomat uoore come to the free peek cffiai for tuiifar cardx a lot of new ttylef of type xad cards jait receired come aad tee the eampies according to jtoser oatcs we are to have brokea weather betweea now xsdxmat j oar dtiem bava no erens for ieuring towa thia year far the purchase rof jhrirtmia f reseat- a complete aaeottmect is arailahle at hos the a outingf mich on satnrday was well atteaded and the tportinee had sah jbod lock taat it dii not resalt pros able to th macagera ioere was a man in townyofts- day ttyinx ta sell rtcefpt for mating honey for tr ceata per poaad we imagine the loaey dd be rather thia eaiween tbre and four iodiw f sabw fell on taesdar aight and tlehhij is orw mach improved the farpiera are btizpnit in heary iloada no their elefghe ifeaara garret l smith aicbanco if potterthat they will hold ajthooting mack at kiekliatifnion chriatmat day osr tpoitamea will no doabt be xeady for te london adzertiurai moodaj tiji ecti ffjilih tad jfoorojuve dar- iaztfyi pt iven vmti held rerival er- rieetikxh methodist church bamtonin tiict macii tnurett hxt bea ukea x wood will acceifc a few corda of good iiirdwocjd or hemlock ia payment u ccucripuaiuj the pulwi rer t albert moore vtil d v pnlch ia the methbdifc church here oa tjuudawcreaiui aext the rtgufltr monuiij meetinir of the boxrl of education will u held in the school hottaa oo jmouday cveniaknexta stlesdld orrer we ftillgice the cuaouijt farmer aid the ffuuc piuss rota outr to the lit january 1s2 forl7i5 aluuicitloitttttirfiitre beiug tcecly talked o quite a nutaler el citums are cxiuzd xs iuuue caudidattu at lhe com- iu triccuua mcfcart sjctiit i son hire ujr uck- raltr rhcei coapbiid uxd iu rctaziiug order tht uew kheei iat rejtcr poutr than the oil oae the mil too afir se ins to appre ciate iu lexchaage tic iumiltca sfcetalyr it had oafy ibt ttemsia the local coioedj itit eck clipped iruai the sptxlatsr a fict ufcat ia a fact f tbat nsv lulscriberc caa teccre the tncr press the ut local faperia hijtu ceuuty froci aa actiljsautrr us is52 furoaedulkr dstexted xue fir-is- iu tafor oj criiitig a uat to the arthur junction iliiixay lrac ruted oa the ccxg time ly usclphitfii uit tridxy tad was defeated bv a aitjoritr of si i the iliekets th price of rsio rcdiis tlnrjat tie tiae s isrt veck barley is i few ceau lorcr bcin so to 80 ccata store tha aleihing becnae gooda ur qitiatity o riia hai tcea lrocht lo town- h s astoretsxnr a slbatli school ectertaicmeut coaiittiaj ofoiaiic by the chcrch choir dxxlfuex tad rfciu- tioaa by th children aad torijtmaa tre will be held iu tbe ucthudict chnrcl ttrc on chratxu ere avo bire repratejir dinod tlie atfeatiaa of the street aod sheiralfc enra- dtficioaeir ci tha bad ctat of the lidenilk aa ilaia ttrret there ire di2trott haje ia the sidewilfc hkh shoald be at aoce at- tecieil to a man would repair all the dialled pxicea oa the street ia a couple of days wasted dnrinc the pit wk posters hare been iiaced atatia that 1x1000 bcsheliofpeaainacitsand loc0oteiekpb poles ire wanti at the acioa etatioa ien g tfc el toltoo- wtat lh craiacnd mr a o uhelr the ieleph jkea this wiil circuute cocsideraue taahaao3g toe farmera iathis riciaityi to a complnniag iyt r we are aorrr yoa doat lite tha paper we paiih it cmjiy to pleueyos u hould aak yoa to come duiru to the office aid edit it only that if yoa did seme idiot might vrite aui tell yoa hasernech letter he coald da ithimk aad tht vocld aoooy a ccrroas prtoa like yoa kr the sidewalk aod thoo citizeas who iivoon comer iou havo already become adflpis dftctora gave him up h ttprmblo tbat mraoifrajisapandal work ami ciirwo by so ktnple a remedy f i aasure ou it in lno that lielientueij curtdqd villi tiotblnrbut hopiuweri and okt ton layinjnuii abator av aila upaod anliihe muitdm hitjayi irthat 1 to i will eo ton utiiufti aad set araa for poor oeorce 1 know iiota are good vellovr oil i ihft gml pain panacea magical in its power ovor pain and in- hmmatlon uourei liheuninlism and neuralgia lme baok and fcpinal attec- tioai contraction of cord and auiclef uwd xternaliy and fntarnaily jfor saieby all deilera s i termaals rer c k cee tt port colborae for meriy of st albaaa charch here was ia tawa yesterday jvr john holdjytie df gforsforn far- nerly oae of actaoi basiaea mea was ia onoahoad j mr olirer aaderson of wt jkertoa spent a few days thia week withluafrieada ia actatfaad riciaity kia aaaita speight who bat been wititioft friends ia markham iuiiof tie past areek retarned pmt oa satnrdaf- w are giajtoleanrthatilrcs smithy who had iris uj broken aboot two months ago is able ia be abont- again ho can wflkwith the aasistaace of cratches mitt eua starrett who has beeo teaching mmic ia this vicinity daring the past sum- tner haa yast completed a rery tneceasfol season aad left tar iter home h bolton last week oatfonday last ber x albert moore formerly of this joamsl arrived in acton from his fitld of labor london korti mr moore looks srell a a excellent health and intends to spend a reek ot v among hii jaany friends ia acton aad ricinify miss kelliei hayes also of london r jendiag a few dayi with her acton fiienda oaxlf and exam- cncecttcbixept the members of st johns chorch bockwood haye enrag ed the terticcs of several talented ladics aad eatiemea and parposa tiring a grand concert ia the town hall hockwood on wednesday evening 22nd test proceeds of concert to be applied to tha bciidiac fond of the charch now ia coarse of erec tion- fct okthz bells several persona were noticed oa the ttreefsdariagtbe week driving withoat bell on their horses there fa a law cocrpeliia porsoos nsig cntters sltzbs etc to hare hells attached these vehicles sbp sion so noiselessly that this is neeeuiry tojproride against accidertand neglect to obaarve the laraho jd bepan- ishei i j i a fciiiii word for the frei prws from oar i nbtcribers to their friends at this tiaie iroald prove more effective than if tpok- ea jifterlatheaeaaot whea many will have settled npon theirjonrnala for aaother yeac 3oeaklt friends for the faxr peisi if yoa cini i will find that dariag 1831 we tliall not disappoint any reasonable eipec tatiooa fike mokdxent on ifondiy itt w njrticed the teams of messrs mcqnillan k hamilton of the wellington marble works gaelpb passing through town hearilf laden with block of fine ranie ald other material and npon aaquiry we learned that the above tirm are erecting a ftmijj monoment in the vicinity of firamp tin for mr t griffin the above firm do a larje hnainess in this locality their excel lent work end low prices securing for them a rery lame repntat me j e meg-ar- nassjuiaitcya sews rom oar ovn corrapondait a large and btieceasful meeliig in for of be scott act wai held in school houre no 2 oa thursday evening the speskora were revs maara fialier and mcpieraori mr wm elliott caiilicllsvilo while attending bis horses in tie stable lust wednesday mceiveti such a revere cidk in the forehead hist it caused th tkln above tbe brow to fall down over theeyp dr winu put jfcveml etilciiea in tie wnuud and mr elliott ia now recovering it dickie hiitonville removed to walkercoh c n wedaeaday qf tbii week xsiiwe j a lias tost a very useful i citizen br bia removal ce the oytlera of uapuritiei eicil the secretions o a healthy action cleanse the blood and tone up the aeakened nerves with that matchless medicine burdock tflood bitters it cures ixrofuu liver aod kidney com plaints jaundice constipation dyspep sia headache ncrvoui and general debility and alt female complaints iivery deaer in medicine can supply you with buwoek blood sitters sample bo ties 10 cents tegular sise 100 tbsy all da iteverybody aset xea- berilolkiaillfllnetiandrtverrarrarc lo tne breattu at roar dmcrltt lor farapl pacaafcscta larce ilnttlcasi cetiis tae greatest sleastn a simple ire uxrmltks rcuiedr that rarrs every time and peevcou disease far tett tn bluod parruorcscli recaat fctiuy anrf liver active u tn- errata t blew ine evfrcjnfenxd cpn man hop iiiuert 1 tttat rcmeclr and is proprietor arc faelnr brtira bv tnontsndc vhn have bic laved unlcurvdbj it lll jxia trr it seo other eolnoan cmap that dire disease has lost its terrors to those who ireep iellow oil at hend vclloa- oil also cures wre jhroat qainsy congestion and lufitm mation of lac lungs kow is the of dieiei ask yosirdruggitt foreig- yards yellow uil zopesa from briril is caw come into caoilt illi a mill fnraallve actios asa wonder apodundfclcinc sirenjll and enerrr to the uljetttve arfaratas of the haman sioruech correcllncaiidliicrcaflnfftlicacldt iittroncranubliuiikanj carries en all urplcs bhe toas np tte liver tret toaud jlveklioo and speelr heiltli to cae 1jkpfuc iridlh nilllouk akt j e llcifsrvtn fora ten ceatsartple ootle and lest zorcst the neweonxrorudare eichloance liottlts t5 eru i plasterivcnub piritering hair for sale at the actoa cordovan tannery cius ksees ghrvat ulul makted wanted a good servant girj for general honso work apply immediately unwb stoket euraxt g1kl wanteii a servant girl wanted mast have good character apply atsice aiy 1 ii pans orricx acton qoal coalu j stovo coal dshrtredlo any jiart of the iowa apply to i bes jobart attheotr depot jtotici jaing to the rite in wheat and fionr bread will hereafterba told for 12ceafs per loaf cash or 13 cents if booked b e xfcelu- b oars for service the subscriber haa for sertice the scffblk hosr tint twik first prizo it the royal show iu enlind this y tar alk at toronto ham- iltaa and wherijeer ifcibftel thw bttr was imported by mr ja uiia this fall auo two scltlt boars which hare woa phxu at itvertl local showa this falh selliott 2uil lot 0 cflvs roialat- rpue o tt baubett suopi g h howard eaebir ie yon want aa easy snare as tkid aa barber ever gare jat call ou oie at my ialxin at room or eve or basy noon i conjb and carl the hair with graee to suit the contour of yoar faca come ooce and yoa will coma always shop opposite tie tore works actoa bffadforn ukt march y isso lit u with great pleasure that i ipeik a good word for your invaluable family medicine known s perry daviv pjtiti- killer i hive sold yoar pain killer for the last thirteen years ino used it mj self and nave always oanj it to b aa represented a real fciiierof pain ioarc trjly j f williams decggist gt see advertisement ia aufitlier coltirjin i itilsons wild cuerrr oreof tb most ttior lily r-iiartoraedf- clnfs dow in tuc by the ofndlan p bile ik sfiuotils cooipoaad tsrrcp ofiw cierry tnft kofcfss vti eh alfnds i us ofc ip c old coatif srneiiltf cmnp wrlicoptnc ojiigb lok of voice uad weatt lunpj u mos rf msrfcflijle oriciamliy prepared tniaot the demand or a good medlciiieof the kfio in the retnll store of the nroprif wrt- licsalflncroanedso rapidly atil bcarasa largely exteodc t that the manufaetnrera fell it vk only ntceaarj- io introduce ittiroofh the newsiapersoflh 4enantrrtoeatreitndopooiiktic nttfonrl care ft rffsae rf tne tctintnilnry orpns every leading dnujrist la western ouutio now fells it gtildonrf a parisian balm i o btiro euro for cracked haade cracked laps rough- aeai oftho sjtln ton proctoea anasoa- bnra it does not smart like glyccrtne arid is far more healing trr i t rat ouolc wnxrimbok lrf lv aa saga wey a on the 29ta alt the wife o da rid siljiimaoa eaqofjtdaoiihter the gttate boz in georgetown on ttfae wth of xoc kehecca aa wif of charles cjroe aged twentyfonr years and fix mootha tirji foe kale lot 23 con 3 in tbe township of eaque inj 100 acres go cleared and uoderculti- vation hajjxce rood cedar and llack ash good firm buildiujrt fences iu the bcttcou- dttion splendid orchard of ljlrioff trees ei cellent fruit pood sprint water ail the year round the property jhuted aoat 2j miles from actoo mile frotn a ilratclias fritt mill convenient ta school and church title indisputable terms reasonable ap ply oa the premises ot address james scott acton post offica concert the committee of man sgemenfc having en- giqcd the aoivicca of several ladies and gentlemen of acknowledged talent purpose giving a fursrcuss coxcetj on the evng of wednesday 22ad deo dc the- town hall rockwood the proceeds to be apphed ia aiding the building fund of st johaa chnrchia coarse of erectioa there doors open at 7 com mence at 8 adicssiox 25c children 15c c- j baaxiad sec t vt ksowus treas programmes at door lent uxniktmf white wheat 10 to i 12 treadwell od i 10 to i is spring wheat glasrcw ofd i 10 to i 15 bed chaff oats peas birley bye eggs per dor i butter dairy packed batter rolls potatoes newper bsgv dressed hogs 1 08 to 1 12 0 30 to 035 0 65 to 0 70 0 80 co o90 0 75 to 0 81 0 10too ii o ifi to d 20 0 18 to 0 20 0 40 to 0 5 6 50 to s oq ctelrh habretis jistif to800 rflonr white whfat ireadwll spring wheat glasgow red chaff oats peaa i barley ive eggs per dot butter daity packed butter rolls potatoeavnew per bath dressed ifoaa 0 90 to 108 0 90 to i 08 oss to 1 08 0i9o tol 05 0 28 to 031 0 to 070 076 to 0fxi to 73 to- 0 78 io 15 too 18 0 16 to 0 20 10j8 to 0 2fl 00 to0 5 60 to c 00 vins stock of fpfhaage iv bcslvess tbe undersigned hereby annonnces to the people of actoo aod sarroandina country that a change has been made ia the man agement of the wagon undertaking and furniture business heretofore carried on by myself my eon joseph speight hat been made a member- of the firm which wpi hereafter be known ar speight fc son i beg to thank my many customers for their patroaageduriag the past thirty years and solicit a continuance of the game john speight acton deo 1st 1880 as announced above a change has takn place hi the business referred to the new firm desire to state that they axe prepared to attend to the wants of customers in the wagoni tjndertakihg and furniture lines and giving their personal attention to the business will endeavor to satisfy the de mand of all we solicit your natronage speight 4 son acton dec 1st 1880 ijjbticb to 0ebtobs ia the old business ia being closed up i beg to notify all parties owing me ihattbcii acconnte are now made pat ana i require that all accounts whether book or note be settled by january lst i have triea the oredit system for thirty years and now conclude that- long oredit is bad for both debtor aad creditor and havedecided that hereafter business mast be conducted ot- shorter credit john speight aatoadeo let 188k xmas- amd new selling cheap an immense reduction in prices to clear out our stock- to make a change ws m selling heavy 50c factory flannel for 39e 25c wincey shirtinj for i8c 125 double fold coating for 95c 225 bearer forgl75 100 velvet wide for 70t fine 125 uce curtains for 1100 fine 35c cash mire for 25c heavy 50c dteaa qoodifor 25c fine 22c dress ooods for 15c etc etc etc in groceries 3 tin splendid tea for 100 find 30c coffee for 25c coin sarch 3 packsjea for 25c baking powder 3 paekajjea for 25c biscuits 3 lbs for 22c etc etc great reductions in mil linery oood boots l shoe bulling lower tliaa erer stvelfbst chapmans corner sioro actoit christie hetoeron co aotow this week show the contents of over- 60 oases of b0qts and shoes ston th seat ifkm j fte comlnisi aavtr exeeueat qkautyef ttui oli i tiirou7hl7 tortus fop 7 to tiu rtetatortrumj tttyvkity dnribluty ad oimjaoti liunxustft tyjaytoel atom la ta trada a ro ouportaalty u effeiei toi jroottrlaj- tat nuait- itt 7au aad vlaur tappiy pull lines op tweeds gray white and scarlet flannels can ton flannels white sheets filaaketa ladies mantles fine wool goods black cosiumjes costume cloth etc just in the weekly mail haa the largest circulation of any paper published ia the city of toronto or province of ontario the mail the hail is amarvel of journaltttlo soe- ces moyctc3nbttata3 acknowledged faauesttoaablj- abearl unqntucrbj a the neudof dimlnioajoarnallsm caxn- rix btxtniax btall tbe opposition apprtestv use its neadlne lis makeap lutrposrnrbj uslm- prenjonerrllilcjulont itln nel jopf ttaeulorlalenlnmnk ifltcojld b4 publish- edin uie lnltrsloflhicoontrrani not of a polllteal rwrty we sbuald be frail rrjoleed at us tucccutitcaiirartvksnayys thb wke tereat bait is aodonbtedlj at lb present male tbe leajn joninal in canada botn la enterprise aad abllltv as well rs in eirculatlottnnd poiulca laflaocs if aurax sjiasaaij largest tarcrst aa best the larmt and best newitpsper in tbo oomtaloa ottawa hxaau and takes tbe ladthb uah now lates tbe lead titrattohn tlfeks best kes deeldsdlr ke bell tar han is mttti decldeily tae best paper la caaada oanaia can bonxtof assooda paper ss ibe united states or boiland tnoajtacat araxdaaa paper the larreil and best diillv hswipaper pinlljbed fb canada il not on ta oontiaat ttiifoxsuro obsanvxa in the paper ot caaada apapar of nhoh cauatlti have rvason to ftsl croad waitbt oaann iclb canada j praise from kewyrk theilse growth oftbe toronto mara are smnar the marvels orjobrnalltm poonded niify elgut rvarsafo it is loduy unenalled in canada a uews- eatar ana surpassed by few journals fu tht rolled states lis pros pertly cannot beues- tiunedbiid it lau pleasure u sav it deserves luctloa in hioajjl tbe weekly mall will be sonttoany post office in canada or the united states or to any address ii qrcat britain for on year postage prepaid for oxx dowm or the daifj nali for sit dbtlars aldbe3s tilixitlall toronto int oticfi to debtobs fflfii all parties indebted to the undersigned are reijuested to settle their accounts by the 27th insti otherwise they will be placed n other hands for collection a w okeen acton nov 18thl88a i ung alwats habb a specialtt of 1 we are determined still to maintain the super- kxratyof this line winceys plain and fancy from 5 cents up remember their famous 50c tea i christie aendehson 00 fine arti goods charles w hill has a nits assoknaart or pictures an d fr4hes or ttia latrwr drtis rts vsbt cmar also in 8to0k8terobc0po starsoscople views mohob perf oratad r chronto plefur cord piertirtikalu olass all sizes motto frames complete for 20c fhofo geaphs thi latest city styles thkbesfaki cheapest ix thi icoustx t csaswsill teas x the meap grocery w p brown has just received a new stockoi droosries cxockoiyand qlasbsrare his as art excsllant and lave given great satisfaction tryjfhenl l j w tt a 8wbnin ijoto gossiv7ake3 i u soon lo be opened sajhlrery aollarju for uxktms pnunit -v- i4 calm n giye coodi bellvcrefl it 4s make ydursmpoiii u js the tillage m ioi in siaia uvt v wfi im

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