Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1880, p. 4

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m r the free acros thobat dm 1880 rowgfqtxs cq8ys jjeyw dpnir jt wotrm iiy to the bravs young heirfnnef with very few tricudv at bit side podt ti the light punt be it etarting tjotweiahed bf anfnrunatvide be fourety and build up m uo other ttuild wjiuy your piwpceta iwi air i aod though tome things way serve to die 1 hearten pnbtyrytxriivi nntrdupair tobauj weh isnat to build etckly sack handiwork proves bat tha wofit i foundations in deep so beginner dout purvhue your udder at lint een when your lurdaclliu leenu roofed name character honor nod ail tnoajjbpeacoendprospcrity flatter be waiohf olyour mrocture nay fait look sail to the landmark about yon eiptrieoce leaches the beat vhilc the yrecki on the ihore give oj warn- that eflme bare oot itooi veil the tot jthe pitfalls that vat u then an uiaar thetempters tie tempted panac po that never to sleep at your post lad b the very beat thing yodcaa do be prayerful b hopeful or ii dthe edfij foiher dw fitter wm gggg ii tha gathering 4afltttn f qellyiu tbe tack yard tiyonj man com buenljr in amuuah he ol rjb lit ichaetrtly tjithk girl wavwta quim tut awful ii this lyrbjge jn dbo tiivoerulo light at early evening the old uian imt figure ileallhily dmying near bia gut pled pan wall wed breath he wajta the onslaught the synngo sounds iti 1 j lamvfi this week 1 dreadful whs fry- nd ita f 4dly fttrtioi in tbt week oonieuta fly throngvjtb air liki a wild and mad avenger a yell that tore the atura robe of nijlt fairly knocked eve joyful for life ruej more homy uanill isll and the bright anchor hope knowl that god it a corf erw- o go on in the pathway o duty tread firm as life harden roc be and ihow by true courage yt ur manhood yvhilc treating you asrer dupair i perfectly awfo1 there waa once a little girl who had a aray cf saying aiful to ererythine she lived in an awful home oon awful street in an awful rillaw which wiu an awful- distance from any other puce and ahe waa awful jad of it in fact the wished it waa an awful sijlf fvticr she want to au awful tchoof and had an awful teacher who ace her awful leasees oat of awful book erery diyjhi cot 10 mrfn1 hungry that she atetnclr an awful tightiof food that the looked awful hiallhy et ihoali not be omitted that ahe ate awf4 fait her hat was ajrfcl taajl and her feet wna awfal lerge she went to an a vfnl efaarch and alwaya ot arful tlecpy becaote the awful preacher preached a a j tel jenc dry termona she took awful waxkt and when ahe got awfultired as the wax awful apt to do ahe aat down ander an aful tree to rttt sna waa an awful talker and tome of the peigbbofi thought her an awful firl she haa moved a treat many times but ahe now livaa awful nea acton vhoiaahe a ouid5 word in season an enclich cieyman aaya very ijwntly litfje boy in my pariah only air years of are wai at to fetch hit father runi a poidu honie he found hit parent drinjung with aoma other men one of whom isritcd the uiila fellow to take aoma bear firmly and at one tha little fellow replied so i cant fake that i belon to the band of hope the men looked atosa another but no batwaa found to repeat r temptation the man then aaid well if yoa wont take the beer here i a a pansy to buy tome bul li-yca- the boy took the peony aad aaid i thank you but i had rather not bay ballareyea i ahall pat it in the aringi bank the men looked at each other and for a few momenta wot entirely tilent at length on of thaorreae and gare utterance to hia feelings in- theae words u wjfj think the sooner we un the pledga and poi oar pennies in uie as vit bant tie better toe men immediately left the hooae each waa thp effect of the speech of a boy only air years old tha fat girl off its piano slool and curdled the old mans blood followed tb ditcbtrgs and when tha neighbors malted itij under the imprniioa that the oitnt l boom had bunt fight in tho noiglibotaood ttuy fouud the un fortuunla young man pawing madly arouud ou the grpuud and ecrtaniiag out awful mexican words urtihln to lietr whijn ilia old man itovfrcd over the acen with llie ayriiig in lui hattdv looking like an ijuiiuatid bgtiru e6aikl from an allegory syujwlhiing anua gore tha young man into tb honk ufter thair ownari ua4 stopped their uoattih with cottoq and it fiqiriivd ifanooiubiuetf ftjrl of the fat glil aiit eight fnftidl 0 bring him t nnd it was soma bcun ufur im siui able to inquire if tha metmr hd bt anybody el when it truck that pight naath tbe dkwnje bhada f a pypm tre wh4a tlnck brauchrg the tnif- ilitig moiinleina vainly troretliirte au od man tottetiujj fgnu rrfd u a sjiad- and sjuly viewed ticw made grave he bad just buried the syringe unequalled value in at the r1cht 0u8 im to band aueorllwool p wortt iltl rianurkfturera pr rlw watk y butdioma tjmbri waekif 9eurfi lolse itat ntanurafturera price 1an tertjw watkins itlm hufe ostrloh plutaei la all lit w 0 sb ttwfr oandsoma anibfo 9eurfi lol l t r aolor juit imported kich blitok oitlicli reatsten in l wek v till thin ck umycomprho xsw ihinia and ood ttua purnluire prlogeiaijjww jdln thl watkva eerthanlaoowtotof rulkojrdlea arrlrad hlivyk drtm upjosa 1 week olif ap nlwi ruief cord thli weak vry- handwma colormuc from 4nm china this weak a larga lot bt beaty outkr ckdfdi for tnan ad0loyi 0u iu wih monaa eductlonfur cash croniptona corsau ba an maildgly urge ale just tba j7j and we jtlotu 10 hugbion it oeiuentber tlie name u thomas c watkins ellmftltqy t onetblrd leu than ral alg h n bean bougbt at en im- ibe u1uuy huusk 8wd j2 king east filoae m wit vitauzwwoih the aatcaofifloar aflert at utti i itatudoiium dleaatmavadea toot umliilitmuuiiewinaulanu im will be aold ulorl6eeirofitlrtjnluorat price wui ur awio 0f rta wa xiitfqoafia ta ioai wniarwiiiooiietdoamnronsltoaptie infrojnuntotwaotynilnuua dibtwder ofthe kldnyii najldlaaaavellnalliatiun they aaentialoa bjeti r too milt w for iiawleertfaeav fotrbalml the beat ad wul be okl rybei 1 to band this farloua athtbeae week pmaduttowl afatrlubfauctiwthi tit fiotta cbun su of hamilton dec 28th 18sj a distinct and peculiar combination fellows compound syrup of hypflphosphites 1 tt conairt the tlrmenta essential to tha aaln4 i 332st d ergaiiisatiou the nxidisiug agenta and tonloa in eombtnarlon with the siraulstieg ngnt plioephoras wawdng the mnit cf ha lagalightlyalkallnijfiujd iidiknw4 14 iiijpouiouintsndylaubleforinof aiyrnp jhseirrlu aiwosaally risibie witvm twrntyfonr hotni aul are marked by rttar nlatloa of the appetite the dipttioo and sarimilatiau entiring dlrtctjw lntotlie aaculatioo j it tours the rerrea aid tausjrs siclti a htalthyaction of iha ejaotai neither diitnrbs the stomach nor irjuies toe lyttem 0dir prolonged ua and may 14 diaeontinued at aiiy time without inoonvtnicjee in a word it pmmii ths it jculaa t to aroun tha atrec gth the tonjoi to retain it and merit of a kih j c t fellows c0mpous0 syhup of hyp0phosphite8 lpiot in pkuuktmvt cuau cekomtun if faa r ikmtwli r i cmmin oaf lw ulall im or ur tmiuata hants i of h motlunr iumltn 1nuiett hands rl a very sad affair a bockknd young man nnlil quite recsntljv yraa ooarting a fat giri at the north end and proijretsed rery faroribly with flia entt ono evening last week ha dressed pp in bit best clothes care- fnljy cooibed hu hair and started out to make hia triweekly visit to bis fair pne who was waitinjin the parlor with food expectation ip her heart and a cold ui her bead- anperindnoed by the jtajtostinjf weather this was as yoa might say the prologue k tha tragedy jt appears moreover that tbe fat girls fajher who is irorth many thousand flolbifs in good sensible bonds anil as f consequence is an object of tbe young mans tnder regard had for several nigiils dccxiouk ixpxi tlxa victini of some nnknawn miscreant who bad raided on hie hen pen with disastrous effect gick of such foolisbntss he hsd prepared a ghastly retribution for the fowl- villains and to cbjj fni bud filled s tig garden syringa with tbiat i gal on of aneient beef brine seasoned with garjic and flavored with astafctida and w5 ivipg- in ambugh bebipi abor wherp he could aweeperery approach- kith hennery ba young man who iapretty well acquainted with tbe whole fatbily thought ho would surprise bis fr4 by entering the house qnexiectedly by the back way- this is the ailue- liour parental government scene in library gentlemen tnay wrilinji child entera ffatber giye uie a pacny havent got any dont bolbe me but father i want it something latrticular i tall yoq i havent ona about me i must have one yoa ptomised me one 1 did no snch thing i wont give yoa any more pennw yoa spend tto many ili all wrong i wjnr giro it to yoi so go away child tgin to whimper r think yon might give ni jost cne ita really masn ko go away i wont do it ao theres an endof it child cries ease coaxes father gets oat of patience pate its hand in bis pocket takes out a penny and throws it 0 the child thr take it and dont comer back again today child rmtlea looks shy goes oat con queror determined to renew the straggle in the afternoon with the ci- uinty of like retulf scene in be street two boys olay- tig slotier opens the door calli to one of them her own eon joe come into the honae instantly joes pays no attention joe doyou hear me i if yoa dont come 111 give you a good whipping joe smiles and continaes his play if is companion is alarmed for him and advises him to obey toaii catch it if yoa dont go joe oh no i wont she always ays so but never doe i aint afraid if other goes back into the house very ranch pat out and thinking her- self a martrr to bad children tbati the war parents show your children fry your cxampla that yoa are weak undecided and untruthful end they learn aptly enough 0 def pise your authority and to regard yonr word as nochinp tj tlfl lol ttcmmri ac kn t 04111 f lit btv watch depcad tat heakk urf tkrr 1 acb xtf6ho fcjt a pamkmxt perry davis son lawrence oaezllauestj m0jtbe1u subsoribe for the actoh free press jtanoloa aid allow lerer 10 tel mio ptojz2 the mood rrnfu mervj atidll tireas burooekaod rbiwefs the only medicine that gucceufally pnrifiea the blood acts upon the liver bowels skin and kidneys whqe at the same time it allays nervous irritation and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache rheumatism dropsylf errons and gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt rheum and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood i tbe best blood purifying tonic in the world aaaok battla lae i kuisj itthu acmt itthtt eslar lb ft rs frefwauh wane faw4er b a uii wn aad afiaaal dejtrorw d era la djurta cr adaka jmet ts omu or j be b- mrs rreraaaws raw 4eat brea txrf b enrjr take i 4y taay have 00 csaah fast 1 13 gou ftr fciafc fok l groceries vr a is tba hannery 5 is tbe old man and e the syringe i is the yodng man jigbtly turning to thoughts of ore as wl as the porher of the fince i jtiathd hooae itself ptiptsd bron and is the f irj nttipf by tw piano and ii all out i want to see the villain who wrote this article whore is the pro prietor of this paperl hes out 1 whetts the managing editor hirir oae wuere the city edilorf hes oat wheres the reporter ffosoat wheiyrein it rickety slmbnng jam i two panes of glass broken iyoure out hlan found on sidewalk and carried to hospital yerdict htruck by light ning fjtili they will do it tryoa want a rood and cheap article in tout 8701 rota suekprgu i powder te js ii suarb syrups spices and tobaoooe of all kinds fresh ahd uneet hardware of oil kindty baints and oils hikaes akd locks natls glass puttr 8alt br the barrel all cheap for ao to 0 t hills mill street ca8h acton broij itenk without salting sjt draws the juices in cooking it is dasirabie to keep these f n if possible cook over ahot fire f urning reqaently searing on both lides plooe on a platter salt and pepper to taste x- would rather vote for- a long- eared donkey than for you aaid an independent voter to if candidate 0 corns now yoa ooght not to ajlow yoorseli to be ao influenced by family tirs yespooded the candidate tbe voter fail been punlhig his head ever since to find put why the crowd laughed esn rgu rwas five to thirty drops of tnoifis eolsokio ul will cure com mon sore throat it never faila in croup it wlllca re a coueb or cold in tweneylfour to forty eight hours one bottle hsi cured broncbitii of eight years etaadiag receot cases are cured in three jo- tut days it has restored ui voicej wbereibe person had not snoken cbove a whisper lnfive ear as ii outward application in all cases of pain or lameness nothing like it haa ever been known one bottle will cure any case of lame back or cnck in the back for diseases of the spine and contraction of the iluscles it is unequal led in itheamatio or any other pain tbe 6rst application does you good it stops karfactae aod the pain of a burn in three minutes and ia altogether the chaaeit medicine ever oflered to the people the oleapest because it takes ia little to do yoa jood it is eompoed of lir of the best oils known and nothing but oils is worth its weight in gold why not bpy it today a b dai bccbiaa asistant postmaster arthabas- kaville p q writes thirteen years ago i wajj seized by a severe attack of rheumatiiiii in the bead rrom which i have neatly constantly aufiered after having used thomas eclectrio oil for nine dayi bathing tbe forehead thava been completely cured and haveonly nted half bottle this i can certify undep osthif jjda wlali- bev j j maliory wydmlngi jf tv wnteai dr tbomaa oleotro ou cured me of bronchitis in one week beware of imitations ask for dr tbomaa eoleotflboji jbee that the ignatare of 8 s thomu is on tbe wrapper and the names of northrop a iyman are blown in the battle and ouelph cloth hall onrhaliagi fur capt glpva and ifilli uderdoihiag shaw is ifustoy 1 ifercliint tailon rihflejaej johnstons isarsaparilla and for purlfylno the blood it has bemln use lor 2 nan aad has i proved to be ihetystnrenaratkmiauio rilletfor6ick hiicijilepahtw uvsb o0k- kfacdyb eteoses that tbbhe oil nacjrlivxb oojt- jiarsmplebosraeiu licrua 121x3 and all k j ernwtoni a disordered liver or an im- pnreblocd tnooaandsofonrbeatpoapla take it and give it to thdrekkrenfrfit- atctass pnsenbe it daily thow wao use it once reeonotcnalt to otacrs it is inadofttajyeltow cock hondu mboraaparfflawlalaerrr- danciiia basatea wtotin ookt wcatnown vahabtefiobta and seres it isstricurvegetabto and can- col tnrt tso jport oeucato coi it b cue c the i best mediclnei in da foreecujsttlcls a hts add hrau rospondble draitlata at one dolter fcr a qart bottle of six boaeaforuvedoaaa t v tbcaa who oanoot obtama bottle of thli medidne trootactr oraeristaar endnactwciaranawowijiaolirortt iq them f of an chargea ontama far atla la aelon by j r mooarfti prnigw obgaka nbwflbgalsr feom a flrstclaaa canadian maker for sale takko pnnis fcld by all medicine j tho joine snndwopl or flealera price 25 eta nubthbop bmallcjhnrohwewinaen the above very lvmaiftorohto ont proprieiori for for 0uh tymftfi tbepomfalon j t tafttiaatemv kotsrriwwlpywdi jmotvw80 tbe largest and most complete fajtory in tie dominion hozloo highest honors ever awarded to any maker in tli world vitaliaed buchuj rfva ejaseet immrdjau rel vtwedtbfb nj- mrokin atrlae eniteot ta ft7fertrt tula itmedy onrliaueatbr tb atb wltboeil joons or omaa h will ratlora b alioald ewllbktlt4 it- a okfcsaltvui riorbvaiiwii every otnar meanapruva nnsneceaafni1 7- to tiieaonartr wetraee orsmpw aebandtorainbliil loabelh v iio us dlarrlmea ilysentrrrveovaitrtitlon ii 4alla to tb lonctveoaeateft rruptlons ht elnr sa orruu a oid niiwid baahfiy m may urajiji tbaatueka idleaa aoi no medirt co prepared orlbliforpoaa dig aqnal lk of havdborj a4 vitatitzbl buchtjii juub vajw usam h baa made ma anew mao s or tiaydceka florbu naa i welfht flno ponnda my to weald not be without it fat money oor llttl boy la moeh better i i one dollar or another bolt i hod it as easy to take as mrik we have aom thirteen fettles tnbrwasjl aad shall want tore doxeii next pmajj uy mornineasonrufooe tnansatojei baouo wantotspaaeeonipelameto eonehidt any invalid or anflsrar afflleled wllai kltoey disorder who kill write roaaltntl plaint will be rntatedlronnsntyaa it h my mmt s meal deabm tot ideatrttolnvai m fata l i forms cf ulabetm and clv reflaf all inaes it fan are tro fropim6ei wrft m aoywsj and yoor ease wluianr immeuutatauentla caifiow i 1 i obaerra tbat lb slenainre or joe flay deck d laaeroaauisioctholaaeb buult print one dollar jbr jarweracd ottr eanti tor trial alaea jpoh bat1top twrtar sutdal aad diploma at centennial ts medal and difjoma at sydwy australia tgqold medal at provincial exhibition toronto jgllitjkai award at industrial inhibition torontu 1870 187 747ft we are now manufacturing square and upright piahos v best in the market correspondence solicited send for nxotraied catalogue mailed free- address dominion organ piano company bowmanvillb 0xtabi0 i b cbaijie acevt acton dry goods proclamation we commenced on wednesday 1st december a gratfd clearing sale of j- otjh 1kmkxse 6rjck of winter dry goods including la where you ess fet firstclass eigs at reasohabie r4tes m rt- good commercial eigqi an espress deli very wagon will meet each ezpreaa train and deliver goods any part of the town j all parties indebted t tils ewi tabliabment are rnaested to pay upej witbout further delay and tare coats e d 1st a t t e vje- prrip5i6torwl j i silk velvet dress good cvhmerea velveteens haatles shawls mantle cloths ulaler cloths hoeiery gloves ribbons laicea milhneryjptrimmed and uutrimuird cloths tweedtgenta furninhiiigaaud an immense stock of tajla linenstable napkins cotton k linen towelslice curtains sheetings we will also obef for safe at the same time a larfesstock of ladies furs- in muffs boas and caps i i this ii a splendid opportunity to lemre genuine birfain at less than resnlar prirea remember thii i no bumbug but a genuine clearing sale goods will be aold only for cash ko credit at our reduced rale wm stewart co tjrme wtsdham st qxeiip33li a0t02t harness tbitns fact0iy h abbess and trunk8jmada to order ur any itylergnj red on abort aoiioeajsd at reasonable prices repairing promptly attended to 1 r oitesoh the agtonifree best loclal pap13r in haltonxjo fwbhituhb a good aaaortment of first class fnrnb tnre of evefy descrip tion ijonstantty on band prices a low ss gualpb or george towq aoau sowcrro johh 9ei0ht unoertakino every dasoription of coffins caakobi nd all funeral re- quisttesralwayji kept inatec a hand some bbyttss icr oiabed at a low rate niiti l iaseirisut r sale aiboarll fftl stables a mill street actpal organs sewing machines m n bobf isjiropareo to oejiron persona regmruay either mm dim sewine bachlne or orguikj he h4s agenpjesfkomtj beatmanojaetoreralthtlweoentrj l will manatee aallajietioii to jmrehaaara- terms verj reaaoaael torjera left at mf raatdaaef or addreaaed to fatal to aetofft s wulraoatva prompt attention -j- m thoaawno wlaa outataantfrkalo tjscf lb m pleasant and fld5ts reoojrad we rorniah yoo wnartma uv i rilrfifwgt manvnaw workers wanted a ootelvj aremalrfbrwaeaaihtbaalqea 1 makaaamoehaatneiwand jnoai tajraa f u veity noom wools wldtor toworarfalstosawjmownioneyeia elmersooeyevaryda7 than can be audelna wiaek at any ordtaavj employnjenf thoeewrjo inrura atoncewlbg sada abort road tolortana addreaa ijj ili riir 11 uiuvsjg fcl hwbrnfnldeaonarki adraonr thawwhoajwi aocnebaneeaitmrin in bovaru i manymtn wmenboya an ejrls 1 1 tbruarkhttnlealrcnriilooairmia hlj all tbat you need freei r4mwae wllljattoretiiaaojtetsej- wasea v ibrnlab an eipenalveodtflvai earnoney very oapldlr drnta year waole ttroe vtftif j mgmwnarwi lumrnia antran i- i itl ni it-

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