Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1880, p. 1

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rm vital tv ekfce i i i lh yay- tttlr una h lief u 5 rta ear ra4 m id cton s ji igs f iistt- ij op 3sis itop- fr roh p30 ooixif nerojf ws jpokttihm ifffiflf trorsdat m0rnlk sl f mooee e4hr proprietor boess next door i atataodisl church kill street xefwioat tt the pan pin wfflbe sent to subscribers pottage paid for 1100 per a- bum m advance 11w not s paid no paper discontinbed till all umh u paid except it the option of the publisher aertsttstya eixesi cesuaf allvertiae- tncntt i cents per use or the first inser tion mi 2 mud fet line for ottoa subse quent insertion cask professional cards 10 hector less ji00 per annuio i square i ides 1504 per annum payable in g tssalhs fromdate of insertion an y special ntttice the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or caapaav to be considered an advertise- meet tjte number of linea reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of tslid kospareu- caotractlars3 eeeflfroaoosar halteotumnflne rear- q aater column one rear c rnonl llalcealamh six month cfartrcrtliitunsirnioclttt criclanla threemonths kalfealamtriftremontht smarter cola tan tar months i atrertlsemetuttvtkieclfic directions wiubeltwuilf irbldantcharsrdacaocd orlv translttrr advertisements rami be paid tnadyanc criaqeecrartvrlrset adtfrtimtnenu mut oe in tbe office ev t a moa ifitvlars othe r- utacrwtaibe lift over u1 the lollowlnc te hp jc0ore tletoriproprtemr till d1dcp eur 1 faded a meat geo rv ooauactt att be m taru lji xk vo rk- vtottce the canada adtortimg centc it a ithorucd la receive adwtue- t05 ii w jv nea aocio mm roj jj- r tbmitfl00 in advane i7i neieipaperta ifapobuiy li iu fluctuation and u vati conetrm flbo if not to paid volume vi no 24 acton ont thursday december 91880 whole no 285 xt h klttredue banker cfqjv orfmbiqi qenebal bxaxwff flffs- lyfss transacted 1t0ts3 notes biaooqiited and intareat alloed oa deposits arktruiiscr the bank of hontwal we must hav8 bread so y inlui q5r tal to nr wt b e nicklin bakltrs confectioners coexut ilats t jiiiistutrts anpt menu for init paiier f aiei vrv bcrcuer manasc idirecycm xtt h lowrt il e- sl c f s h gnjaucoftnnity calltf sfcni- 3bcr of gijef fhysidasi and snitsoat 0uoaa acdca u ia iictl cf fred- wrier sw actaa- irkgakvcr if d ilc p s jjl gnalutejpf victorit coege- rsi- decss ccracr of icu kad freder ttreei cnhg dx3r frorc s to 10 t to tni sufi cm scrveroe qek iivis pro- ttxcul lici cxveyor ciril eciner at drsagtikexa of gailpc it prepcred to itteai ti all ttrxcts ia idoa ul vicin ity oriirt kii tt j e itcgcrtici dn start aefcat will be protc pdy ttea4ed to jil- 1qihes0k attorkerjlt tut6ohcitarinchxaceirttc office ccg doer to wqacev hobi hi tan i l eksxettt tocionc destisir gtargc- i listekil cliek baeelsteh quebec streetgtielpsi mrlr of nte in okbcwt batldlnx hiu ttrac icua florikr orxxe3er fmratt tt ilshek y geoegetowk gst tiuriaft acton ererr uednes- dar and till attend to all cilia pertaaiinf to hie frifcacfon ordsctjefe ai slegarrijis xmg srore ri2 receira prumpc attention tenns rcoierate- i tj flshek e et5cg- hficfcfnery of tery destpitca nstde o crdsr be tic sksztea ttxicc ans most teedsd to- tttil eejcsreeet f licensed a-actioneer- far tie coanties of wellirtaiiacdhaltaii ordcte ifttt the furr peees oce jlctoa ar ti my resiiejice ia acekra ariil be promrrtiy stteaded co tcrn reasocahe jp est ci1ss bauber i hitc sectired the sernces of ilr o if howard t tintclxfc barber who will- coa- dect tay buxintta for x feir eekt ao4 give erery itfcatioa o the want of tzusxmccs kindlr gfre fciai yaarpatfoiuse j p w0eden v m y patekxs f0kixfekti0ks espe- cmocclt and properly secured in can ada the united statea and europe- fa- test gnaraoieed or no charge send for printed ingfrrffirg agency in operation tenyean hexergeist ottawa canada ihaajdeixeeerinoiicitors of fa enfa and drangiiunun- tiomikiok hotel acxok eobt jl agnew propriefor xfce nev hotel ia fitted apin sntciaat atjje with new furni ture commercial eratellerl will find good accomiaodation f n conunodions sample homa special attentioopaid to the vanta of thetrateliingpabkc- baranppbedvitii thefcestof eiquors and cigars sood stabl ing ant attentive hostlers oiiige paixtttg uarijigajenedafaintshop in theprem- uesutely occupied by mr jamea mclam next door to kicklint bakery i am pre- wed to do carriage painting ign ritiagrf ererr description and vonld re- pectfolly licit tin patronage of the people of aaoaaoi yicinitr ames 8cott tcspsi e0mps1 pdmfs vt e adams mannfaetnrer of superior welland cistern fnzsps which will be put in on shortnotice bepairiog promptly done furniture maderaod xepaired charges moderate alsoeaws filed and et gite him a cl shop on frederick treet oppocite dr avowrys residence wb adams quxile sjameeobt wain st- aoton- aaeet for the bell orpan raannfactnred fcyttairs w belli co gaclph orders left at his reaidenet will receive prompt t tentioa for particulars see adr on other ide gi him spinal i cbmi cambsojt lt7iitxfr flour feed stosil law son bros i aawrpiruu5 inform the people of axutu osc vicialiy tat t icy uxvcap a- td tq tue iteame apposite dr mc- irvtac rwi4 flour and feed stare axd will teen roosuntlr an hand a mi nocicor ftock of all lixds including family flaur backwheit flour irsjum floor heals corn ileal ciat ileal cractf tt heatr bran coarse iihortf rineiiorli c4opped peas choppedonu slixed chops j oats and peas and ail kinds of feed uifuijly kept in a nrttelaja store 4gall gkxu ddivtrtdto any pari ef its tillage at loan at ordered ta call istttjxcsmly talieiied law80k bros actontanhisslf my grandmother she at the sge of eighty- three oat day in may was taken iu and died and alter she was dead the will of course war read ry s lawyer as we all stood by hit side j beg to intimate hat they are prepared to t 0 irether itwu found the bad left a ii ii huudted pounds the free press taonsoal moaxixr dec 9 18m posrsr grandmothers chair supply the village and torroundiug country with very best of bread bps cakes pastevakd confectionery bread delivered while thanking those who hare favored as with their patronage in the past we solicit a oontinnanoa of the tame and will welcome new enstomers ot8teu paklb in a few days we will have ins supply of the best brands of oystcrsand will serrccm in any style in connection with the bakery b t e kickldt acton kay ten iso lutctief shoo woalct tatlmate to b- peaplr of acton tbat s bu parctiitle batcher basuenlutair earrtmf en by ur a- cot and tbat be baa al vast- on band k hrtclasx ttufc uc beef p0rk i iluttoksacfsage poultry and gatcnt in leaaaan tfcc and tjofeihrtrict alteuoa o bailnaic to iccare a fair itttre of tb arjaaie of the piblic ileardeuverelatttnj- ume to any parloitbe uivn termkcajstt acalxsouclred xortin prompdr atonded la wlluamfirr to advertisers fisosqiraiafccg sslcct itifit cf xassl ebtsppn a it tvfccrftsw trio fpdx apicard nfioq a year aad icho ixcttz ft tgkss0f it in thti lui vrriles iovr jxjtct lal lift poidtkc btitcr tcut ir tslul iultlls qt18r 2t is act coc jntit list it is not l chop li2 ituca sosmt list tbaextsjocaiutfraciiyklwtthenapr tre when then mf of the piper ic rrlnted fclt tcettpc it is iueveiy inctaaee to ft wbei printed incxfitalfcukili j acton dee 25 7s iisttjeitlit pine tbc ltt t tbc- ptpafatfirra everj- tovn si4 uic crealxuoa i vcr- papr the rate bcharced foridrertmrcare barely ocfiftti ibepuisuresebrfare thfc prte for klnciektaterarjtfrnm stom the price frirnnelncb ode mititti in the entire i nassattaweta lttjvlbee shtnglemllls peter 8ayer3 voqldlnltmnte that be lias or baud at his mill fa koxsajtawf j a formerly known as carsiili mills a ltrce stock of luiybealathtaho shinqlss of ait kinds nd qualities oheap a i sliingles 50 per sqaare bill stuff cut to order termsc 8 h peteesavees fit is wis the refnior mte ot kw pprr fnrtbc anf zpaectlnd umearettsmtt tijc ift lnclafstsi tiewptpetcf whel 1st arelnei dxflv rfl4 ts weetcr tley nre loctrct tu jss disterent cliiiasd taicnk nf rblcii ffjare htaief apllik sss pac- o itrrsroo populatinandajcomiy kestfi farcaiv of lit rqi otlter infoniiailnn ad- dreaa geo p kiwfll4cxw wspracestkeir yprfc proverbs 4 can hertrtwhnwitilnmach bloody rreraodfcwneyfcafebealtbyand hop ktra fcecp them w thepeatekt noarirblrc rinlcanpe- ticr and caratireoa earth napbuiera it u impoi lbl taremald innerfcfc nr oat of health where hup caicrt ar oaed wby do hop bitter rare w ranctr c eaoxe cher ctre poi dlaeiatv rfeb bioodvtad bealuiy f etlanof all iheorxaox k fcallnoo rall ment it kop bltteia will odo yofood bemeniber itoa blttan nerer doe barm bat good afwaaaudooctloaany purtfythe bioodctetnietbe rtomach and creates the breath with sop blt- wn j qnlet narres and balmy ilp in sop xo health wttb inaetlte liver and ptlnary orpuit wltboathapiiuera tit p tfa cafe aadfala veiled portfebyalf drarclftf k totice to cceditokka in fhe goods of john iffc- nauglifon ixecaased pctiaant to chapter 107 of the bewied statute of odtxrio section z4 and of all other sutntea ia that behalf all creditor and other peraons u dug any clairac or dc- raiads ogxinat or npoa the ettate of john sfcxaaghtoa lite of thetovafldip of e- qaeaing in the caauty of hilton veaman jeceiaeil who died on or aboat the fifth day af fehraary ad 1650 are hereby repair ed to tend ia to duncan dewar of the town of milton one of the executor of the said john slckaaghtaii deceued oa or before th grit day of jaaaary oert their chria- tiaa and saraame and fnli particular and proof of their claims or demand upon the add catate and noticfii hereby pyen that the taid etrecutors will on or after tie taid first day of january next proceed to aitniaiater the jeatate and diitnbato the amu of the aaid john hckaaghton de ceased anionfj the persons entitled thereto i baring regard only ia the claim and de- maods of which the said ertcatort shall then ha ye notice da mix w camtbiix vxiiluk hakpshnti eccntorf ducajt nrwak dated ai uxllon ifiu xiath day of kovtmbcr jlb x8s0 maisthiooid how u08t how restored i vt have recentlrnnbliahed a new isi edition of dr calrerwells cefe- b isntedkesasr ou lu- radical and zmlh permanent cure trlumut medi cine of kervoodfbuity mental ant physic al ineaneef tyimpedlmenu of harrlaare etc resoltin fromezcess es tafrleinaseaiednvelopcontycta or two postege stamps tbe celebrated anthorllnjthls admirable essay dearly demonstrates ftrhi thirty yrarasoccesarnl pnetlce utatalarmlnecnn- seqaeoees may be radically cared wllnoat the danceroas ase aftatarum medicines or the nse ol the knife polnttngost a mode of core at once mmpieeeruioand eneeoa tqeans of which every sntteref tto ni alter what hlsjcondltlon may de tntyeure himself cneapiy privately and radically this lectors should be in ihehands o yeryyooiu and every man in the land saddrest the culrtrwell postofflcs bos ass btdieal co uitsll iwlt ptibhfobskiks i am prepared to pay the highest cash prcie for hides calfskihs deacons iamb and sheep skins delivered at my tannery leather constantly on hand the same unto my sister i declare j but when it came to mt the lawyer taid i she has left te yea tks eld arm ejuxir chotvt i and how they titterd how thy chaffed iiow tuv brother and aistv laughed when they heard tbe lawyer declare granny had only left to jne her old arm chair i thought it hardly fair atsiiaaidldm net care and in the evening took the chair away 1 the neighbors they me chaffed my brother at me laughed and taid it will be useful john some day when you settle down in life end some girl to be your wife youll find it rery handy i declare 1 ou a cold and frosty night when the fire it horning bright you can theu sit in the old armchair what of brother said came true for in a year or two strange to say i settled down ia married lift i i first a girl did court and then the ring i bought took her to church and when the was my wife the old girl and me were at happy at could be for when my work was over i declare i neer abroad would roam hut at night woald stay at home and be seated in my eld arm chair one night the chair fell down when i pickd it up 1 found l the seat had fallen out upon the floor and there to mf suiprise i saw before my ejes a lot of notes two f hoasand pounds or more when my brother heard of this the fellow i confess weut nearly mad with rage and fore bis hsir but only isagiicd at bitn then said uute f him jem dont you wish yen had the old arm chair 1 impriutiog a kiei upon her cheek re plied my dear girl i shall not enact the role of the obdurate parent in this matter nor thwart your hopes your happiness is tuy first whth and desire that i admire and esteem maurice dillon aaa oni have not to inforuiyotrf hut while i give no consent to anything like an engagement betwaen yoa nor even what might be termed love pas sages taking place trtill i do not say you nay my daughter 1 i will ettort no jirotntse frcm you hat trust to the good common sense d my girl to act with discretion in ibis affair till she heirs further from ine fou certainly may my deavfather reit assured eva wettcrland is fully aware of the propriety i cjndue demanded from her as the daughter of her father toward even the rasa who possesses her heart 1 and so the interview ended and whyihus we cannot lay save in hinting that colonel westerlsiid k b com ashling b ii 109lh regt of foot had arisen mm the raiifo kimtdf i chafleb it v imamnof axp disoearx the ship carpenters had nearly fin ished he cwo steamers which were to be launched on the morning of the quens birthday the atigtie parties and workmen about the inrrickf had nearly outnpleted the labors asiged them prefatory to the morning of the queens birthday 1 george henderson a i almost finish ed his new house and wss to take possession of it cm the rnoming of the queens birthday i slaurice dlloa had about expended the money iutrustcd to him and would have all his account ready for suh- missioo to the fay master general oa the mornintrof the queens birthday 1 age on receiving it in order to tew that ill was correct possibly this eves might have been hashed up hsd he been individually cognvint of the loss but the secret wss his do longer as fhe orderly clerk was also in possession of jjt to place himself in the power of this man a mere hireling was re volting und he could not do it ni agara beingso ntar the american lines desertion accompanied by the embezzle ment of money and stores had been of frequent occurrence this bad made the penalties for a crinie of this nature very severe snd the military authorities were determined to make a wry striking example of the next offender caught all this flashed through the mind o dillon in s moment he knew that colonel westerlasd had ever been to him kind aud conaideratt yet he knew he wss at the same lima inflexible in regard to anything touching discipline er the honor of the regiment tliis unfortunate blunder en the part of dillon touched both these points but his mind was quickly made up as to how hie should set firm in the consciousness of liis own innocence apart from the neglect inj rolvtd he immediately departed to make his report of the whole affair to colonel westerund after requesting the clerk to keep sileoce for the time being about the malr the interview with the colonel was a hrief though portentous one with a cold callous look he had listened to the recital given of fhe matter by dillon the loss of the five thousand jraunds did net affect him so much as the dereliction from the btrict path of duty oa the part of the officer in charge this to him was an almost uqpardon able crime as one ol the culuoels military sphorisms was that a blun there is no apology necessary fori dr is ai bad as a crime the herd this rapid sumeniing of events which disciplinarian at once took possession of d to have his bre 10 catflt famished free with fall in- trveuon for conducting- tbe moat profitable batines any one ran ea- t gage n tbe business is a easy to laro and oar tnrtractfonr are no simple and plain lnl anj- one can mate treat prtfita jrom the very start no one can lull wbi la wllllnplo wociv ttomon ere aa euceetsfnlaa men boys and glru can earn large fam many hnvo made at tbe ba1nei orcrone handred dollar in a single week nntulnc hire it over known before all who enxacf are surprised at the eae and rapidity with whlcbtherftre able hi mafce money you caq eneafe intbla boslneis during roan pare time at great profit yna do ntt nave to in vest capltalln l we take an tbe rlsktnow who need ready money sbonw- write to os at once ail furnished fee address true co augusta maine wanted an energetic honest man to open a branch office of the new ifagnet telephone co ia this and adjoining counties small cash capital required to such a man this fs an excellent opening for money making busi ness address with stamp gw foster 124 snd 127 clark st chicago iil 6450 for liscts 13 choice pieees of sheet mask aggregate valno 460 full sise best quality vocal and instrumental 8ent post paid fox 25c address at once to j c 8hattuck owpasa mich dfia the queers birthdatj oa a k of splkt kalis eeixo l storv or tzlfptitiojt tiui axd tltckrh it i w rrrrjfacaicx tn order to tltow the reader tht reasons for this warm sttachment ou the part of colonel wwterland for slaurice dilloa it will be necessary to retrace our step a trifle rtad mention the fact that may lave escaped he at tention of our reader namely tnat colonel wesuiriiiid was not in total ignorance of the condition of things between his daughter and maurice dil ion we have stated that for obvious reasons this secret was kept foe a while at such hut eva westerund was loo honotable s girl to continue to hide from her father a mailer of so motnect ous a character she had made a full eonfsratioa of her attachment for maur to hitu and showed her father plainly but still affectionately and truthfully that her future lisppiuoba and peace of mind rested contingent upon this attachment receiving bis ap provau thst this confession wss to colonel westerknd a surprise is a matter of considerable doubt knowing as he did the intimacy that hnd long existed between theso twoyoungpeople the distinctions of social condition did not weigh with him for much when placed side by side with the happiness of his loved child lie wss well aware knowing as he did the firm princi pies of honor and right tiiat ever actu ated eva that ihis wee so trtmsent elollition of fetliug on her part but simply the natural outeone of years growing wilt her growth till in her mature womanhood it had eutoiiaated in a fixed purpose wo will not here stop to argue the incongruity of conduct that could thus actuate this british officer having slj the- itejadiees of condition and cade to contend against the wishes of his child at fiist seems to be trifling and no aisuity for each other when we say that theysll bear strongly upon fhe denouement of mt story although thus unceremoniously jumbled together the money contained in the ten kegs tn all amounting to 50000 was in the form of english shillings for the better convenience of paying the men and circulation in the country it had been placed for safe keeping in the strong room of the department of which dilloa kept the key and as the money was required he had person ally overseen the opening of the various tejs till hut one keg coatainiaji5cxjo remained intact the contents of this would far more than meet all the re maining requiremeata of the commis sariat and dillon had left it untouched for some tiue thinking he might pos sibly be aide to da without breaking upon its contents this at ust it was found could not lie doae and a small amount being required 6c the mornitig of the 14th dillon accompanied by an ordnance clerk entered the strong room to take a sitfiictencf of funds to meet the demands a few well directed blows with a hatchet soon uu hooped and unbended the last remaining keg but to the great astonishment of tbe two men in place of the ttaual tissue paper in which the silver was packed nothing met their view but the full of the keg of great tpike naiu such at aro used iu ship bnildiug the two men stood gtring mute with astoaishmeat at this singular departure on the part of the keg of presumed coin from all the rules of militarry usage and discipline ill all at once ui horrible truth burst upon dillons otind with crashing force that the money was lost or stolen and he was responsible for it but when or where could this have taken pmee t not at the barrick dqiarttcent certainly where everything was so closely guarded the coin had come all the way from england in its present form but bad suffered tranship ment too or three times on the way so where to ioeat the loss was the great enigma ol the whole mysterious trans- in one brief glance tbe clear mind of dillon after tho first shook of surprise saw the exact seriousness of tbe situa tion in which ho was placed it was not so mud the loss ot toe money large though tie amount was that caused his greatsst distress tbat might i backed by the ieanings of nature within himself bat will simply ay that the j be through the aid of mepde replaced happiness of hit child was his first and james j60b aoiox xt parage ilampilaim only tboaght this was all expressed as he took her id his ansa at the eon- elusion of her washing avo we and hut the ortne that could opt be con doiied was the jiegleet dtlf on his part in which be had omjtted te pewrjwutnuaa each aefarate pack reast to the exclusion of all the more lenient feelings of the foster father held toward maurice and for the first time the latter found himsejf face to face with the bard judge where formerly was the kind indulgent friend 1 i certaiuly regret to hear this report from you sergeant major dillon showing as it does such extreme care lessness on your part and for which i cannot see the least shadow of excuse you will at once transfjr your duties to your next in chsrge in ihe ordnsnee department and theareporf yourself uudevarrest i shall call a calls court- martiil upon you and sir i skill catr out its finding to the extreme kier4 you are dismissed sir 1 the news quickly spread thatsotgt major dillon wag under arrest end in the gurd house but for what at first was not known bye and bye the story by some means leaked out thst a tremendous defalcation had been de tected in the ordnance accounts involv ing the loss of a large amount of money aud for inch maurice dillon was to be held accountable the news spred like wildfire and created a tremendous seasation in military circles almost without an exception sorrow was mthifested end sympathy front all grades of the service poured in upon maurice doselycoufin ed to fhe gusrd room although there were those who had foryeais wstched him with a prejudiced eye and who now it secret rejoiced in his presumed downtall still thuf were few aud had to keep their feelings to themselves among those who felt and sufcrc keenly for maurios was of course she who was most interested ia his wellfare eva westeiland the blow ml upon her at first with stunning effejt but irom which sbe quickly recovered to realize more fully the serious character of the accusation hh had no doubt of the thorough innocence of if au rice and a stem determiuatian to aid him in every manner possible at once took possession of her breast still she did not quite understand tbe grave nature of the error taat maariee had commit ted and knowing as she wu did the rigorous character of ber father where matters affecting the honor of tbe regiment or service win concerned she justly dreaded the result her first effort was with ber father to bitn the went and gathered the whole story that involved her lover in disgrace- disgrace tiat tinned with shame the honor of tbe rcgitnent the result of the interview with ber father left but little to hope for justice aoulil be ions aad no faroi shown and sbe leftber fathers lireltnoiiwilb but tittle encouragement ihit mauriee would pe able to paas unseated through the ordeal bo was called to undergo still sbe could carry com tort to kiui by her presence in tbe present hour d his trial and deaplte the gate of culoi eyes and the covert aniilee of the by tender aneyielud matrriee in ok guardroom and by herinapiring worua andihraye actions iilud fresh conntgn into his tiukiug hrarl and when she onsby left liim th whispered llojie darling shall save you yet 0 woman in our hours of tase uncertain coy and bsrd t please when pain or aoguish wrings the brow a uuuttaring angel thou i toieeotuimtd good hatches not certain of iu a story is going he rounds ol the ptpers of an american lady whese idest daughter hsd made cipive many willinfj hearts in paris of the numerous crowd of suitors who became rivals for her hand two were chosen favorites but between these bhe was unable to decide as their virtnes and fortunes wore so nearly balanced s she telegra bwl to her mamma learn what she should do her mother replied hold both till 1 conic j tben taking a younger daughter with her the ambitious mother repaired to faris where in s short lime through her skillful tiianagenieut tbe two daughters- were married to the wo favored suitors this is told as su incident illuatraliv i of ihe ingenuity and tact of american j mothers iu making brilluut forelgu 3hchea for theij- duugliums but u hot is the ultimate destiny of these daughters i are they happier ban their sisters and companions who marry at homef wc thiiwc not frequenrly their future liyrs turnout ui be only gilded niiewy ambitioa has dene the work which love only can do well and krjru hiuipoinlruenta and brokeo hearts ate the consequences why he got a uecchpt the following story is- told of a crafty lawyer subtle as a fox who livedj in halifax an indian of the h iaoii tribe named simon owed some meney tbe lawyer had waited long his patience at last gave out and threatened the indian with lawsuit process and execution the poor red man got ecared- and brought the niouey to his creditor tbe indian wailed exoecting the law yer would write a receipt what are y6u waiting for asked the lawjer receipt said the indian receipt said lb iflwyfrf a receipt what do you know about a receipt i can you understan i a receipt tell me the use- of one and i will give it to you thu i udiao looked at jjiot a moment and then replied i ma be me die me go te hebea me find fthe gate locked cue see the postal peter he say simoa what you want 1 me say want te get in he say you pay mr j dat money 1 what me do i ale hab do receipt hab to hunt all oher the other place to fiad you j i he got a receipt some blch men the following twenty men are ertv mated to be worth tbe tuui following their nasues william h tanderbilt 10000000v aator of iew york 75 0ac09 j gould rusaei sage fair of california flood of california mackieof california august brlmout james g bennett 3 jtilden edward claik 75000009 75000008 10000009 socooooa r60000oq 301000b sooeoo 2500000 25wjo08 keene of 2f ew yur k 20000000 peter cjoper 20tci00g0 senator jones- r00o8 solon humphreys 15000000 sidney dillon 15000000 oakes ames jr 15000000 perry h smith of ohieagal5io00oo0 pierre lo illaid 15000000 senator sharon 1100000 sevrji reasons for gwttlng i drunk thomas charlton hooted bis chre over tbe prisoners bar at ihe fifty- seventh street rvilice court and tugard- ed hs honor with a smile thomas you are charged- with being drunk said the court i cant deny it aaid thomas grinning from ear to ear you dont eecen to be very orry im happy your honnr aaid tbe prisoner giggling what excuse hsve yotrfor getting drunk ive get seven of em judge i seven excuses yea yer honor seven now i dont mind tell in ye all about it ya see ive got six buys in iny larmly tai u virgbt its a girjijitdgf thotoak got e

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