Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1880, p. 2

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tor vv his ii- tr 1 h s the free press tutjiudin uorfctltr dkc isfo mnutrtpnf matter as he liiia lovthd uitiuicipal cleo tioua dm a near the candidates for the vilage council fur tie coining year xegtn to come tollie front ud will lit all probability have a much livelier contest llati u ueu tin ctsft- fui aevem1 previous year coiisidemuv peculation as to whu will compote thr mr coiiucil is betid and utile group tc ciliteue w ftwjueiilly uiwei ved ou ida kllvru ii1 ui ilia vaiidua tliois of the village coutetting on the aul jecl and giving tboir individual uptniout at to tlie aieitls ordeuicii uf the various petsolia uanicd us probable culididau at the corning inuutcipsl elections the uloniiig ratepayers ire nieu ioned as suitable atididatet for uoiui tialioh eur- reeve mimts d d christier o 8 kiuilli v if stcitoy john speight aud dr mcgatvin for councillor messrs dr lowry m slight liubert wan en dr morrow samuel ilooic edward mckliu j b coatee tlioaiak mcoteaiul j as eiovcu there will 110 doubt be otter candidate ibau thtse already niemitcedly the time nouiiuatlou day arrives but this ix so far as w can learn the position of affair atpieseut as other caudi date are brought forward their natuej will be made kucwu to our readers it i not an ititfirquriit occurrence o hear raleptyers expeew themselves as dissatisfied with the mariner iu wliicl the pteit council were iuxttd wt think howevei- that the elation ws carried ou in a proier way and iu the uiauuec- prescribed by law iud if the ratepayers were cot satisfied with the rxudidates uomiuated they should have uocuinacej ocfecr aud ucaiended a poll the member of the present council will no doubt salitfactorilv exiuiu- any questions that may u- raiedcq theouuiing naiuiaatioa day th btlilor vhtlt villi o itptn mreulsmcs uf uitfnt rfivaiwon 1 all matters o jini- iu intend d hot new hutf u dai imetyvhwwror iajiom uf w corj tttlwllltnu 1 r i u jif board of education tle iftarci of trustees of acton school dieiaioo dec ia- the school hoase ou jtuoday eyeiin dtc 6th pursuant to adjoirnraeat 5teiutev ptesnt aletonu j siietijht chatnuan i eleidcrvan xi sjieighi s jdkre j liby and- a ibj minutes of last aieting read aad eonsrrued coaiuiunicatiaaa from ilissmcrcelur and miss grant accrpttu reenge ment f jr sad and uurjdeiulrtaiems from the iliuiiter of education tv- ferrinj to eiemptioa of tcachem nsi dence alsa ctrcjiiar iu reference t third c cetifinks were rejeired and read tlie finance committer presented their niatii reyjrc and recootrueudfi payment of thefoilowinj accouate thomas moore salary for kot dec less fioo half yearsapcrxuuuitioa sab- actiptioa f155 soss ifckellar sow itiigrmt z1m ifa hugbcs v2ju h f moore tales oa teachr reaitlence 2c0 illiltlf sagemnnnitintt scb i- 2ij totil tlm23 ybar commilte recacinjecd the b co isatie his cheque in caror of the treasurer fur the suui reqiiited to uay the iuie 31jred by d heudetson bffcondtd by sl speight that the report of the finance cymiuittee just read he adoit- ejl carried moved by s jloore seconded fay j leshy that the buarj adjuuiu to meet at the office of the secretary oa tuixtdj the 7tlt iuat at 730 oclock y m the board met ta the secretaiys office oh tuesday eeuiug aiuiurx ait present moved iry d henderson sfconded by oceikhy aud resolved tht the ulace for holding the uominatiaaaud election cf public school trustees for the ensuing year shl be ifatlhewa hall in the village of acton aud that henry p moore he and u hereby appointed eeturung officer to hold sgphnouiiuatioo and eiecuon aud that the chairman and returning officer give i notice of such lueitiug lorthrith car ried iioyedhr stnuel mooie seconded by mmight thaf the chairman b -nd- fltenjjy inntiueled to dekwit the tandi stt this boanl with h h kit tredge i banker of his villrga pru- vijlug that he can uialca a aatudiictory greniet u to oternt moved by d hendeison aecocidid by 8 moore that h p moore iieaad is hereby appointed to ulcs census of s children wiidia school age in acton school division ae requited by law aud hat he lie paid four dollars for ucli serviae cai ried board adjourned to meet on monday renniif jau 3rd 1880 1500 christmas the siren tamp ailae vduir of ik frttprru dkau sib i nutut gltt trier briefly to the above subject i wish lo say hint i did not take up the cutljd ill defiice of the coimciltmt in defeiioe of my own btiitnrsa imrntlut 1 showed plainly enough id my last letter but i was fully enliiled lo the itrveluaip dvertinuj and all this fuss and cluiur acaiust tuy scheme has so far ssi can awcium lieen coiiaed by cue pmon and that person is olio who is now ouy publicly idiowitig lh petty business jealousy which he hat ex eicied towards me ever sluce i slatted luisiuewt in acton and laltes this means lo liy and gel up an agitation iijprinm tue thfe nxh0h that ilia business men of acwu do not aant any ad- veriemeuts upou our public lauipt comes with very ioor grac iruut one who fikn o get his advertisement hikiu the glits has even been uegoiutf iag to secuiu the ajau of he street tulips whciton to advertise jutt thitik of the consistency of this my last letter showed very clearly that all had exactly the same clittice to secure the street lamp advertistiig lha i liad and uciute toni did not happen to thticfc o the plan they want to call it ai all this subsequent opioitioi may be attributed to a lack of huiiui enteqirisc and also isliawa a spirit uubtcouiiug any tine luisiqesx uian the htter in last weeks issue coulains several filse statemnu any lersoo however intelligent compaiing that ktter with miue which appeared two weeks ago will notict his and wilt also notice a very qucur jumble of rpilltttt aud a marked ulaeace of aryu- meat m last weeks letter which leads me to think that he writer did not have my letter before him at he lime be wrote but trusted too much to an incompetent ineuiorr i tmcr dated u erere itiutal that those wlo ugiied che lirat letter had leu miainlonued cgrding the style of lelleiin to be putnppa the gtasa what i staled was not falae hut perfectly true at not one of the tignere of lhal letter had uttn ihe trouble to ascertain what leof leltenng iinleuded lo use and gain i a not use ihe word coa- trtuucim io the seuse referred to io heir letkr bull nd it in ivcrj- appropriate plice tod tli term as pplied ru not loo rong or too forciue for the occasion the iitlle common sense shown by the writer of last wkvieter whtn he thiuk that a inuuicipat council must teed- rash into print la defend ilt act it too pipahe to need comment from me i feel flaileted by bavin the term pure guh applied to my defence of my tights as it it a cemmon occurrence nowadays for a person who finding his cause wcakeutng and himself enable to cope with his opponents ideas to attempt loput down the opposit argu ments as pure giuh snd i gnd a verj- triking eramulo of this in list weeks letter e siuce writing my last letter i bate hetn endeavoring to aicerlain he niblic opiuioa regardintf my scberut of adeertisibg and i find that the public feiug ia not unfavorable towards it especially upoa assuring hemseives that the light of the lamps will not iu any degree be obscured i do not wish io do anything against he wishes of the people hut i do not consider thut the jealoua ranlinjs of other bust- ress men at ail represents the voice of the people and i am sure that the dogin thenianger spirit shown by an acknowledged opponent of mine will not be appreciated by your readers thanking yon fur the courtesy shawa ine i remain yours truly j e mcoiivly acton 7th dtic 18s0 msbbbmatbbaaamamemsm notloaa worth attantlon ilest valut iu gksimlt a beoord f cva v hatifrofc tbiobbti to 3oc at jistyvtvi 41 acoi skitoi i it a seourd joot f y y citoics rail butter fpr 19 centi at cbnpnisnt fimili bulk qyltefi at thu llxool tlor uakury haidwsm of all kiudt at x sa- cord j gos lkdkh mspllis neweihiyloi at ohrisde liendenou co a good pelt hat fortfi txmut ti kyres oysters by the citt cr quart ot ibi excelsior bakery i hiee the new glass ball caslbr al a secoid j- cok thk best 60c blaclc cnahmere at christie hondetiori cot the bei 12j cent wiuoey at christie ueiidersou i coi if you unlit a nobby diimble and cnespiuil j fytet is lie place lo go the largest and ciicapenl ck n roots and shoes at christie uondcrsou acot suits and overload at axlremely low raes and uiada ia lateat syl be lure to call and tea thetn x tyfs autou tle biggest best and cheapest stock of bii tud shoes al chfitie headersoa coi llcuicuiber the ruiiuu wc tc- scolch english and cituidinn stutiufis in crwc variely st ths east end clothing store j kfe acloa maxtleu the neaetc styles in ladies clock matitlef cheap chae itiiec- tii of pxxts aud iricct reipclfally lequeac- ed iieiaeaibcr the ranuuc 5fe te- sold in 5 lb lull at 4jc slchriilie ticnjsnuu tto 10000 ibf of turkvs dncka gieie aud ciiickeiis wanted fur which cutrent market pricra will be paid- pick dry duiic scald christie henderson it co new mlutkeitr chriiitie lien- denoo fc co ill rccciva their new eil milliucry to a few days sad early uett week will wprtarci la ill onlctr tliaak- inj their many patrons for 4t favors they restiecttaliy saltciv iaspcctiua of iboir new fall gwals aliich ailj they believe be fonud very sttractiva sud very cheip lie member the famous 50c tea sold iu 5 lb lot st isrt mcquillan fc hamilton of he wellitktoo marlla worts cuclrih are noted for giving aatirfaclioc o thoe favor ing tliem with their onteri if ym need anytjunc in their line be sure and remember hein they do a very large bnsiness eon seqeently thev are able to girt better terms and keep lietter workmen than imallcr works scud to them fur articular zotesa i have seenred the agency fur wus nrwrompoand for djsperat slid llver rroable li eomesto mo under moft fktur- able ajiaricea belnt very hfthly endorsed and reeornuienjed its rooterful juioliyto tne ottrauve urbsns and tlie liver ireftas- nc toe dltsntelns jolets eorreetlnrlbe a id andearrj incocribirinrlucf of ttif kciraaeb and renjaufif uis liver eao be teted brse erjrfnt a simidc bottle widen sella at lo ets or lrf eifiil otuiee boll lea altscassw e ukiarrd genta we will sire yoar money by leaving yuur orders with ua wc have an immense stock lo chowxtfrom geulv futnishings in great variets immense pile of jvercoatt and ready made clothing cheapest goods in canada mammoth h ouse georgetowu iiclmi anderson it co bardocfc blood balers is ihe best blood farifier liret and kiley lietu lacor and keaioralirelotnc in the srorld- ilacts uiin the lirer the kidnersand he bowels curing sll manner of biliau complaints kidney- complaints and diseases of he blood ask your drug pst for burdock btojdbiers simple bottles 10 cents regular tiie 100 iok here we hive some of he chevpest dty goods iu the world 26 inch gray flannel for 2jq per yaid dress goods fur 10c original price 2li 12c 25c i5c 30c winceys for 5c 9c 10c worth double he price black and colored cashmerea- cotored dress silks blk diera silkic millinery shawls and ladies fur im ntense bargains mclscxl audcinou st co georgetown itsyards pectoral balsam is he most safe pieasantand perfect remedy known for all diseases of be throat nd lang it- cures coughs colds rronchktj asthma croup whooping cough snd all pectoral camplninla in be nioal speedy manner a few doses will relieve the mast troublesome cough in children or adults for sale by all dealers at 2i cents perbocde oiieistmas gb00eeies vii fi it k 1nardins iil rtmhitf of the pb g0q3j tk has just opened a fresh stock of groderies confectionery g suitable f0 ohhistmas plain qaestlons to the sduorofote free prtu deassie why should the houses kept ap fortha entertainment of tratel- leis be mo dangeroua to the morals of chcaa who frequent ihera thsn other necessary houses of -trade- 1 what uiakes- ibeui so i whr should tntoii eating drinks he deemed necessary in the rooms and bar roomt of our hbteiui when w can endure thecold and heat of our climate and mulittiidinoua callings n well and mach bettar with out them f why should we place snares and tm in the pathway of life and punish the unwary for falling into hem i there any christian charity in the soul of that man who for the sake of gratifying a base and unnatural lust for a glaaa of liquor now and then is giving bis countenance and support to a trade that rains thousands in our countiy for time and eternity 1 qubeist esqnetine dec 7th 1880 and new ryears wnsxenniseoarrsa deira the lungs ot those who hare died of tubercular consumption are found to be honey ooombed with little cells lull of pcrulent matter to ibis terrible condition the luns of any one may be brought who negleclsa cough or cold unfortunately many socalled cough remedies are in effective as well as impure containing ingredients absolutely prejudicial to ihe phjsical well being of those who use them there is however a source of renewed health and strength upon which persons barrassedand wealceced by lung and broochialaffections can depend wiih certainty we refer to northrop 4 lj mans emulainn of cod liver oil and he hypopbosphilea of lime and koda whicu it justly esteemed throughout the dominion for lis effectiveness snd purily the medical ficully have long recogniie1 he value of nurised oil ob tained from the cods liver in throat and lung affecdnns and he nypophot- phites are universallyprejcribed in rases of pntmonsry decline and general de bility in this preparstion the phos phorus which it contains phosphorus beingan important natural constituent of he physical oreanisni seises to supplystaminasnd vitality by enriching be blood while ihe lime arid soda are of incalculable service jn solidifyina and strengthening the bones this medicine not only counteracts pulmonary innim- inalion and arrests pbrslcal decline bat it a valuable remedy in scrofulous cases as a meant of checking and compensau ing foe the tremendous waste of bodily tissue caused by lung and ohest diseases of healing and soothing the irritated membrane of the breathing organs and of promoting the development ol pure rich blood this prepamion hat no equal t ii druggists sell it to select 8 ban of walkrr 8onp fjr 5o cfe tim helling foi 80c 75c iva wdling for6so luv tea telling for 36a 3 cans mnslafd for 25c 3 pounds curranls for 25c 1 1 pounds iht sugar fur 100 etc etc el our goods will give all customers satisfaction- t h hardinc ps christmas candies just tb hand cheap twsmogarvitfi drtj0gist acton ladies please read startling hit in the i v i dress goods trade h mmi i merry christmas bright new year great purchase in fine dress la boad la nov york to be sold at a utile ovtr half their price ve nave jnsl concluded tn immense purchase of what is beyond doubt tb lar est tlneatiand moat taahionable line of dieas gooda ever ottercel by tl dry goods trade of guelpb the loi comprises all the leading and fashiooabe shades in mom ie cloths casamsres aad oriental iroois silks to ms tcli tacb and every shade of the goods and commencing on wednesimy auvemhlk luiti tie shall oiler the whole lot al a ire w udoas reduction on 4b artusl cost of imjiorlslion i be goods areol a i ery line all w of lextuia 44inebes j side and mild tegalarly al jl perjnrd aod e ureeunbledlu offer i be wtiole lblv v 75j cenlt per nnl a likeporluniy tbuiiy really itegatat drea goods at that price of an inferior mtienil miy uol occur aain weluuld lie ladies loattll ihemtelve ol stiia grand ubtr it may interest our ljy friends to know how we are enabled oell ibese goals at s ueh a low price well the faetsare fbew they aie imported by n ifadmgchi- crtgo house for beir finest inde tbrough flretoblreumslsliceaibey were ccbk- pelvd lo unload before taking tbm out u bond tbey were fferorl for aar and in oontieciion wilha large toronco ami we bought the whold lot ourtoroto friends are selling hem fieely at 80 cenis per yard bat as thefnaptitvjwhieta iia i were compelled to nke ijpoch lirger thin cur oroinvvtranedenvinn we have decided to rreaiaatrind sensaiiou bj ofjriiig tbem at 751 cenis flityrieven and onehalf cents per yrd j we have ao msde special reduction fn our regular goods atwi on welnettttr noremler 10th we shall make the greatest offering of tress goods ever allenatl ed in guelph a- boys and cirls ladles aad ckatlomea 0jts d all take notice- thal otelng loj e ifcgarvln drujgitt acton haftity tin forged and moti varied ti xk of cltristmat and h etc year goodtinthit irl of ihe country luilalje for all clatte of iieojilcold and yriunj rica dud ioor 1 hact apiklnied hie etort to be my iiendqvurfert hcticrfvrth tchire j intend leeiriny all my prtiut dont i furgrf the imv cm and tee my itoci and hfj clioott what you would lite i am your old friend santa glaus the lloa has ho goods y ths uoai civos thabaifilns the lion fioas the twtjbf5l j d williamson co guel l splendid ulster overcoats made to order fob aoudtand deu lit 1ss0 f stoves stoves stotbs excellent lines of t beaver diagonal and tweed 0yerc0at1xgs j and a stock of hats and caps and gente undarwaraucnr i pasaod in the tido do not fair to see hayills stock of stoves taa casapest aad bost variety in tora fashionable tailoring 0 the snbscrii cr wiihes to annonnee to the people of acton and vicinitv hat he has open ed out in the promlaes lately occupied by l g matthews neat lo the post office a complete assortment ojckiibs and twzxns suitable lor he fall and win- tcr trade and is prepared to make them up in the latest styles and offers good inducements to caui costomara my stock consists of dlack and colored beavers diau02uls coatings and vestlkcj8 exglmshirisri scotch snd canadian tweeds which have been bought in the best marked for cash an early call is solicited satisfaction guaranteed e ie istexis03st new goods jstew goops b oaslett has ntsteicirrxdliaai stock or nritalpgoods -0omprisinq- preqch merinos cashmeres lustres colored and plain winbeys gents underclothing ladies undervests behin and fingering wools colored stocking goods and a ueoe issoetkest of fancy goods i all of frmcb he will tell obeapfor cast or trade rsf b ha8let1 from at j b mcgarvins drug cillatjtao east sud clothm j fyftts a crowded store o -the- fasfflonablewesteivtd i doifq the trade 1 dress departmentbusbqlg t onr kilournan tweeds onr harris tweeds our bildore tweeds our oamels hair tweeds our sootoh suitings our wool sergea are matntfloent andauraettaiy immense emnds to oqedv rrartmens iaulea may il look lo na witb ennfldenea fir lh rlstit rnacnrlnls the psnlnrulp wh end la bnrat ks lo lay bsor ila custouerattia nry ilet pmdneiions ot untlsh and l-oieisalocma- 3 ao bucham x q foihionalle wettend dress mantle and iliuinertj tabluhment quelpk a brilliant success 3- a i ga ft o im u two jwn awardsmiiii ftert silvim misdil and diploma on tjpholterad criocta and cabinet vt f we mm awarded the only siw medal ever offered for special uoellesoe to uphowaqri m la this depaitowl yn take th leadjod ohallenm oompetitidn ibttdered -wo- reotiw prompt attention insnwitiimooidially 1 jtjsraaatrsa wa wa- sign o uf ctaiv hadewt sloekru wysjel qiim store tslctdn fhiq tmm

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